Griffin plays EVEN MORE Animal Crossing: New Horizons!

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I literally canโ€™t get enough of Griffin playing AC. I donโ€™t have a Switch, so Iโ€™m living vicariously.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 6 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/skreeth ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 25 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Praise the sun

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/phayes87 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 25 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
[Music] hey everybody welcome back to Griffin plays Animal Crossing it's not a very good name for what it is I'm doing here but it's very accurate and I'm gonna play some animal crossing new horizons been playing it for well basically constantly since it came out and I thought I'd give you a little tour of my island I already did a couple couple of my chores but uh I figured hey may as well update you on my journey my experience it's been very floral this journey and this experience yeah I hope you all are doing okay today let me know how it's sounding let me know how it's looking sounding got my eye on the chat and I'll show you where my house is at just unlocked a new room it's a bit sparse I've got the good sounds of kaykai adventure going on I learned how to do emotions from a dragon got my ship in a bottle over there my little bed set up and here's my little podcasting studio I don't have a computer yet hey why can't I get in that chair there we go there we go art imitates life I'm always on my old timey typewriter making the podcasts okay good my rear room used to be my turnip storage unit but I cashed out my turnips yesterday big props to Alex who had 328 Belle's per turnip an absolutely wild profit that I turned so now this is kind of just my you know my toilet zone but there's also a coffee grinder and a microwave so it's just all my needs are kind of catered to in this one room I got this incredible wallpaper from Sahara you can see the clouds moving in the background that's rad I wish I had a better place to put it than just my turlet but I'm gonna leave that microwave running so I will not have a house to come back to this is yes this is the third stream I did one on opening night over on my twitch page this is the second one I've done here on YouTube in here I've got just sort of my own little private theme here just very exciting you stare directly into the light you see the face of God which is good yeah so that's my house right now I've got a little kitty cat corner but no kitty cat because the kitty cats are villagers in this one I've got this white closet to check out my other looks I'm wearing a custom bean shirt that I made for bean Porte the island where I reside sometimes I'll rock the flannel get that look going in fact I'm going to wear the flannel now because I've got uh you know I've got trees to chop I guess I could put on my I found out that I can look basically exactly like Tom Cruise in Top Gun I guess the new Top Gun just given the grayish hair colour but I'm gonna go with my you know my working grandpa look I'll go no hat we don't need no hat I love this feature by the way it's a it's a real gamechanger it makes me actually want to you know make my clothes look good every day so yeah I went a little flower wild I was trying to work on hybrids but without a whole lot of attention or care so I just kind of slapped down flowers in a checkerboard pattern also it makes them way easier to water I've got a couple not too many this was I think I did this yesterday so you know we've gotten a couple new ones got sable oh this has been a I got this from the balloon gods it's a real hit but I'm gonna turn it off to save electricity I've actually gotten two of those from the balloon gods so they really want me to go with that aesthetic for my Island I have another sort of custom design project that I worked on is for well there's Pizza hat it's not very good though I'm gonna take that off I think that was just to satisfy some sort of nook miles requirement because I'm such a sucker for those I just kind of planted a bunch of trees all willy-nilly and wasn't sure actually what was what like if I wanted to be a little bit more deliberate about where I want my trees and had just recently shaken them so I don't know what fruits on them so yes I went through and if I see fruit on a tree now I label it with one of my custom designs I'm very happy with these I made these myself these were not QR codes these were hand hand drawn the peaches appropriately but like I'm really really happy with how they turned out I know yeah well I was there's no way to get like the kind of stubbly stubble that I attempt to have in real life but if you look very closely I gave myself a little that little red dot that's a hemangioma I think that I have on my real face so I thought you know as long as we're mirroring no no logos for the coconut trees though I know it's in those so these used to be two tents that I place right next to each other on the beach I thought was pretty cute and then they turn into houses and now I don't like the look of it anymore but you can see I'm trying to put together a little residential district over here on the side and got it oh that's Drago if you watch the Drago if you watched the stream I did on release day you will remember that I asked trigger to move here wait I don't think I have anything to give him do you want my net enjoy pal yep okay most of the time they just kind of give me money this is the first time I've actually gotten an on money item in return well yep I mean okay Thank You Drago it's a little unseasonal but really into it we got its Mabel visiting today is her second visit I don't know when she's gonna put down roots oh and yes most notably my resident services tent is undergoing a renovation into these Ghost Trick glasses but I've already bought some stuff from her today yes so unfortunately I can't access anything in there I managed to pay off a house upgrade last night so I got that going for me so a little pocket camp bonus sign that's my hot item today pansy wreaths well I'm not gonna not gonna be making those I have not really taken advantage of the hot item yet so nope I I've been making most of my money off bugs which is weird because most of the time in past games I would do fish but like for whatever reason right now there's like a lot of very valuable bugs just kind of scampering about especially at nighttime I cannot tell you most of my house upgrades have been paid for solely by manface stink bugs which is fun to say here's another one of my villagers my most recent addition here Yunus oh that's not true actually I got a new one yesterday we'll see how they're settling in God got me a freckles what's this Jam I like my little um deaths Trading luggage pack that I have for all the wood I've been shopping yo freckles freckles has eyes placement like a hammerhead shark I've caught many tarantulas yes I learned the trick launch day was quite rough for me let's see we got a bridge that's cool I don't think I was able to show off the higher tiers of my island oh there's the gong that we use to summon the serpent but we mustn't touch the gong the gong is there for the in days and it's important that we don't touch it because the serpent if we bother it when it's not necessary ooh the serpent does not care for that so we're gonna leave Ann alone I've already done my what I call shovel work for the day of uh getting all my mining done getting all my fossils up usually try to take care of that first thing you can see I've got some little fencing solutions so that when I do my mining you can kind of just stick me in the corner oh pro tip from me to you I had a couple days there where I went through every tree in my island and chopped all the wood off of it and that was quite tedious and took like over an hour and now I just kind of do maybe the first level of of trees like the ground floor level of trees oh here's a project that I started I think yesterday or the day before I found a nook miles like ticket random island that was just full of apples which is not my native fruit so I took it and I've been planting this sort of wild orchard I don't know if these are actually gonna grow or not I hope so but they're weirdly growing at like different rates which I did not know that that could happen boy and now I'm looking at this it's gonna be kind of hard to come harvest time may be kind of difficult to actually get what I need out of there but the money all the money is so right these glasses were a gift from Russ fresh dick I sent him a threatening letter and he sent me brown line glasses it's basically like an hour later because he's a real sweetheart just pick up them shells I have a great great mini Nook miles at this point but cannot spend them because it is under construction today I've not been time traveling for those asking I do not understand the logic of doing that considering like I don't want to play this game less over the coming you know days weeks whatever so may as well savor it here's a little setup I had because I was tired of having to like run back to make fish bait every time I dug up a clam so I did some fishing off the dock I think I have all the March fish except for the there's like a rare string fish that you can get up on the top level that I have been trying to get for a day now and no luck oh yeah we can check out the museum I don't think I had that available I got to get these clams though I see them I see them shooting their clam juice I can't not and grab them feel like it's gonna take me a lot of clams a lot of clams are gonna have to be sacrificed for project string fish nope never mind project string fish is gonna be on home here's a little fishing corner I have set up happy with that sit down here just with my buds sometimes grab a cold one I can probably extinguish that oh no that would have been nice to catch that's a very expensive bug oh well you can't catch them all man I forget what I was doing oh I need a shovel found this garbage can it's pretty all right yeah I just kind of have little dead drops of tools all over the dang place let's see a shovel is I think this is right no shovel is hardwood hardwood and metal I think so I need trying to memorize that stuff is a real kind of a pain I don't really love where I put my bridge I'm going to be I'm gonna be probably moving that or tearing it down once I my hope is that the resident services update that's happening right now is going to allow me to sort of get a little bit Wilder with my with my like actual infrastructure of the city I'm gonna go sell some stuff I might utilize this nook miles ticket I bought one oh fast crafting if you jam on that a button I don't know if it actually goes faster if the animation just like speeds up yeah the great hair color isn't exactly right but like it's not that far off I think my my barber would tell you that it's not not quite as off as you might think shells man shall sell for a lot yep gosh I'm about to hit that lemon no big deal I don't mean to flex like that I just can't get in the abd right now I need these Manila clams later I'm just gonna drop them can I drop them nope I can only release them you know what I'm gonna release something because I want to know what that looks like what do they do they just kind of vanish interesting okay let's go on a trip I've done a little bit of furniture customization but like I kind of actually just like the aesthetic of that room it's kind of what I had going on in new leaf where I just like my living room was pretty like I don't know not not too wild I like the nook miles tickets it's like rolling the dice because sometimes you get a fiend island that has like all tarantulas or a bunch of apple trees I'll tell you what though I have not gotten a new villager on one of these islands in a few days now I think it's just because I have to like build more houses before I can oh [ย __ย ] Wow bamboo okay that is great yeah so this is a themed island this is bamboo town that's fantastic I don't have any bamboo yet so I'm gonna get those shoots oh man I hope there's coconuts that I can eat to like dig up some of these bad boys wholesale yeah this is my first bamboo island man what are the chances I don't think anybody actually knows the chances I don't think there's I think there's a lot of things we don't know about the nook island roulette I don't let those weeds that was an accident any more bamboo let me see if I can even I don't know if I can dig up bamboo I had wild bamboo at my house that was like real rough you shake bamboo I guess you can and bamboo if you have it in your house boy howdy I hope you like bamboo cuz it's not going anywhere oops see ya fantastic I'm gonna have to do that to speed up my bamboo game I don't know where I'm gonna put this stuff though I like to be orderly about it maybe I get that little private island zone I can turn into like a little bamboo sanctuary that's why I put the fences down around each Rock so I don't have to dig the two holes each time it's another little pro tip you have like a limited amount of time to mine once you start mining so you want to kind of brace yourself if you can nope it goes a mole cricket you're gonna tell me he hit the trees I mean like with my axe oh I don't think I owe I don't think I brought an axe I mean I guess I can go by one I haven't had to do this before I'm usually better prepared Oh 100 miles is nothing I found a couple gold nuggets and I sold them because I needed money and now I regret that because if you need them to like make gold tools I'm gonna lose it yeah okay always there multiple kinds of bamboo yeah seems like I'm not worried about the holes this time nope I thought I could do it [Music] yeah I figured I mean oh I figured you needed gold nuggets to make old tools but you know I'm going to be playing this game for a while so I assume I will get more at some point nope yeah you like you have to have that that back support if you want to get all eight pieces of resources all right let's get as much coconut powers you possibly can I really like this loop of like going to these islands to look for like certain resources especially like early on in the game when you don't have that much the like economy of this of New Horizons is actually like pretty great alright now you all get to sit here and watch me eat six coconuts if you have a stack of ten fruit you can eat all ten at a time I wish they would just let you eat all in a pile am I am I missing something it seems like there should be a way to increase the number right where it says I grabbed one there should be a way to like change that number right like so you can grab half the stack or grab you know what I mean okay all right let's get some trace we got some trees and they will chop the rests then we can head home are there any flowers I want to grab here I don't think so I've been getting enough mild stuff let's let's scope it out hey okay any big boys No yeah I wish they had grayish brownish hair but let me take what I get damnit scared off another one of those orchid mantises they're worth like they're worth a couple couple jeez I think alright I don't think this is particularly entertaining so I'm gonna head back maybe I'll grab some some of these hybrid flowers on my way yes and that's a big boy oh yeah I usually try and check the fish because sometimes the islands will be like shark themed that's a big that's a big fella huh yeah it's a big that's a big ol boy wow if this is an oarfish themed island I'm going to drop everything else I have and just stock up on those long fellas no okay what is that I've gotten pretty good at learning the sizes I want to say that's maybe a DAB it's I wish you know there are lots of skills in life I don't have I wish I could trade this one for something else that was the serpent he doesn't he doesn't like being pulled in but it sometimes I have to assert my dominance and scoop up one more flower and then hit the road is the airplane green because I have a green airport [Music] yep I know all the fish shadows that's not true I know most of them that I think let's see which other ones I can noscope well my inventory is full actually so let's scope out a good spot for here's the problem I have the reason I started labeling my trees is I'm gonna have to start chopping some of them down just because like there is no room really anywhere to start planting stuff maybe the maybe the second level would be a good spot to start start building some bamboo groves drop some of this stuff off I need a new album I'm not actually a big fan of kaykai adventure but it's it's the only thing that's on the radio I think I have a metal accent yeah bamboo grows out of control just so you know okay I will try to be thoughtful about how much I plant then this is what I like love about this game is I didn't really have a plan for this stream and I rarely like have a plan starting out any particular day but then I'll find some bamboo and it's like oh why don't I start a little when I start a little bamboo patch who's my favorite villager I mean Drago did give me this shirt still a fan of sprocket although I've been to two other islands where sprocket was at and he did not remember me which was heartbreaking later man I like these pine trees but I guess I can always buy more that was apparently a look mild Chivo you love my backpack you can make it I don't I don't think it's a particularly like I think you get the pattern for it from from Tom Nook at some point this tree has a wasp nest in it I can sense it watch this now how cool would that have been though that's not soothsaying that's just like straight paranoia do I have QR codes for the fruit labels I don't think so I don't think you can't just like make those from your phone right can you you can custom own oh yeah I don't know how to make that I think once I get maybe the new building I can put those out there which I'll be happy to do I love the designer in this game actually it's a bummer you can't use the touchscreen for it but like it did not take me that long at all to make those and I am NOT an especially artistic person what day am I on I mean just the day that like I played it for the first time Thursday night so this is day 7 technically oh wait where am I going I was doing a job let's give this a little bit of a birth from the river so that I don't chop bamboo directly into on the roaring rapids I'll spread these out a little bit more cuz something tells me they're gonna they're gonna run wild like not like a little chaos from time to time like the Joker my personal hero the Joker that dudes always up to no good even if this does spread beyond my control hopefully I will have contained it on this little this little cliffside oh I forgot I have those little shoots also are those like seeds for the bamboo or like how does that work you don't need to dig the plant oh okay I didn't know that but I can't just plant one of these right I can eat them okay I'm gonna hang on to those I like to hang on to like the consumables just so I have like a little bit of a little bit of everything on hand at all times I like to have offerings for my pals that's swing by you can use them for crafting yeah I thought yeah I'm I'm kind of cautious about stuff like that [Music] do I have an overall design vision I'm working towards nan yeah I mean the only sort of thing is I would love to have like a residential row just to kind of keep the rest of the island open for whatever else like that's the only thing that I know there's going to be a lot of so I'd like there to be some Sun level of order I'm selling this oarfish it's like worth like 15,000 bells just something wild like that maybe 10,000 I have some flowers planted up here I can kind of hmm I really need more flowers at this point yeah I may just drop these somewhere I'm throwing off my whole system here but I just want to be rid of them so yeah at night I just like literally walk up and down this catching everyman face stinkbug I can find each one's a thousand bells sometimes you get those monarch butterflies that's like four thousand bells you are swimming in it look I can kind of see under the what they're doing in there looks like we got some paint if you place the oarfish it's like a big pool yeah I know I don't want to be like Ross rustic if you haven't been to his Twitter to see his wall of bugs it's incredible listen bugs and fish belong in one of two places Timmy and Tommy's pockets or the museum oh did I say string fish I meant oarfish this is going to put me over the bail limit probably oh maybe not yeah no I promise I'm not x right if I was time-traveling I wouldn't have stopped on today the day where the resident services building is not currently in operation I'm very excited for tomorrow because I do believe Isabella's gonna be showing up I did finally get that tarantula I've gotten a few let's go inside I already have the chemistry set that Timmy and Tommy are selling just not out anywhere let me see if I can find that tarantula not sure where he resides wonder what's gonna go here what's a big bug I actually haven't fully explored this place yet there's my man face stinkbug the backbone of the economy oh my god I wonder if this is where Timmy and Tommy puts them so chill man what a ball is that a can that I caught oh there's a pill bug chilling in it oh yeah there is what's up now bud oh man it's so great out here I can go wherever I want to and do whatever I want to and not be bitten except by your many many brothers and sisters oh this is cute oh my god man this is rad yeah I have not seen this room I think I did like a lap around the fish town back worm I don't like the noise it makes let's go let's go to fish we'll wrap up with the fossil part oh yeah I got me a sturgeon I think that's also a goes away at the end of March fish so try and get yourself a sturgeon oh wow this must be for I don't know can you catch a whale Jesus either see I love aquariums like most of the time whenever we go on tour to a city that has an aquarium and we're traveling with the kiddos we will bring them to the aquarium because it's so I am vibing so hard well then I think that sardines or anchovies big boy tuna this is my favorite room so far hear your footsteps like echo through the chamber and such a like hugely satisfying way oh man look at dad come on I think there's one more room over here maybe fish football fish something I really like actually about the critter what does it called critter pedia is it has that little owl symbol if you've got the thing in your Museum which is great because a new leaf like I occasionally would sell things without donating them first and then I would have like no idea like which things if I wanted to complete my Museum like which things I actually you know needed oh that's cool and very scary and gross areas man face stink bug oh it shows you the like when you can catch them so let me I can like double check my yeah see Sturgeon goes away at the end of the month and come back till September and is I guess available all day at the river mouth - wow that is really neat once you I don't think this has been in the game before like this like pro tip all right let's go to fossils I don't think I'm missing a room I did not go in this story though oh yeah this is new oh yeah I'll walk through Aquarian that is a mate this is so good let's see I want to fill this bad boy up that's why I need to get that and string fish before the end of the month those stairs make me wonder if there's going to be a second floor to the museum I think that happened in new leaf this is I've not yeah I've not even been down here once which might uncle Soros so many people try to correct me it's not Dunkel Soros its dung Colossus that clearly says Dunkel Soros y'all I know how to read I went to school and everything yes in Atlanta we went to the aquarium as well as the world of coke I was disappointed by the lack of coca-cola at the aquarium that's a big bony bird I guess I need to finish them before it'll give me the full scoop have I finished any dinos nope got a lot of Dino chunks though all that ones closed Guana Don oh this is two different ones love me an ankylosaurus need to get that tail though that club wait wait a minute did I just gotta go got a dip back in real quick I know I'll go I'll go back in that room that room is neat but okay that's what I thought I saw ya let's contemplate that for a second and we're done step on the blue dots are there blue dots back in that room sorry where's the blue dots oh wow that's pretty sweet yeah thanks for the shoutout I love the like evolutionary traces that these lines are charting oh yeah I think Russ told me about this because each each one ends with a certain thing and then right next to monkey it's me so can I follow that line all the way back to like see where my aunt ll that would be kind of difficult to do that's so cool alright let's head back outside what else should I be doing I don't know that there's a whole lot to do I need to get all my wood off the trees but that's not gonna be especially fun to watch sweet sleepy boy go see if somebody's gates are open what could I do need the water might yeah let's just do some chores I'm try and read the chat while I do mine get my get my daily bread I wish there was a tools tab [Music] oh the one that night lets you change outfits I saw that in like a trailer but I haven't seen hide nor hair of it since I've been playing this backpack is called log pack and I'm almost certain it's a DIY recipe you can see yeah it's a DIY recipe I forget where I got it but I think I just you know what actually if you walk in let me see if I can wait do I just have that's just called leaf I think that's just like a sprig of something that you can have sticking out of your mouth if you see somebody's I don't know if this works 100% of the time oh my god sprocket singing ah man there we go did you just clap for your own singing sprocket god you're so good okay so you're smoking the chimney and every time that's happened in the past yep they're working on something and if you talk to them while they're working on something a dark wooden mosaic wall and then they'll just give it to you yeah I don't know how many times a day you can do this but that is how I've gotten a lot of my DIY recipes that's a jam what is this oh wait actually have to use the recipe card that's kind of cool yeah I like that hi anybody else home yeah I think that chimney impasse games had just meant that they were home not necessarily that they were working but like most of the time when I dip in they are working on something yeah freckles ain't Crafton oh wow that was like a context sensitive come tell me about this potted plant freckles where's your clothes [Music] fantastic [Music] what time is it I will probably be wrapping up here we're rounding about an hour and there's not a whole lot else to do you know what I do kinda want to jam with him hold up where's my accurate no I get rid of it am I just not seeing it by alphabetical we can find it yeah where's I don't know where my ocker did I sell it weird okay well I guess we'll make a new one I know there's other instruments that you can hold I must have given it to somebody I do not remember I don't think it breaks god I saw the funniest video that somebody posted of them going to their friend's island and waiting til they started fishing and then just like jamming on an ocarina and on a tambourine just like right next to them I still get so anxious when I'm fishing like I jumped the gun like a third of the time that I'm fishing and just like press it right away you still go on sprocket there you go all right let me get on the tempo oh no I don't want to talk to you I want to jam with you I want to jam with you I can't play while doing that that's a bummer [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] I'm asking Justin if he'll open up his gates so I can go visit hey did you hear Mabel did you hear I see if anyone's got the gates boy I wish this were quicker oh we got a few folks let's see mmm I'll think Justin's got his gates open no okay I'll wait here patiently oh here's another pro tip this one's been a real game-changer something something that is music something musical that'll vibe how about this graduation just like that just like that Justin's not answering I think he's ashamed maybe next time I can keep streaming all right I think I probably gonna wrap it up now thank you all for watching I plan on doing this again I don't know if it's gonna be a weekly thing or whatever our schedule is a little weird right now but whenever I have time I would love to dip back in and show you how things are shaping up so thank you all for watching and take care of yourselves stay home I'll see you soon bye
Channel: The McElroy Family
Views: 270,636
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: _chRj2C_jlM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 23sec (3863 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 25 2020
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