Green flower bowl

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[Music] okay so I have an order for the flaming flower bowl then I wanted to redo the video anyways pretty much I just have equal sections and measuring Center and then drawing my lines and then centering off of those again hey they're not going to be perfect because I'm not perfect but it's gonna be roughly close and then just connect the dots basically I don't remember if I even went that many on the last one huh then I got a determine we need it I gotta allow for true in this up so we're gonna be in here somewhere and I think I went with an inch and that left me enough room in between them so whatever that distance is plus a 1/2 inch on them and this is going to be my Center for my Forstner bit that I'm gonna drill on not the flame looked to that bowl was totally hit or miss did not intend that I wanted it to be something like a flame yellow at the bottom and red atop the swirls and all that is something that happens not something I most readily recreate if it happens again is an awesome happy mistake you know I don't know if that's gonna happen again on this or not I'm gonna be using different colors I'm gonna go with a green and a blue but uh let me let me get this laid out and like I said I'm gonna probably put enough room to true that up whatever 1/2 inches from that and this is where my my holes are gonna go all the way around so to speak and then I just drilled them as far as I could get them to go down in there with with a drill press so in the first one when I did this had a lot of problems with porosity I don't want to put a resin in here because I probably throw off the color so you shellac and this is warm it's been in the easy-bake oven over there for an hour at 250 degrees so it's nice and warm and I'm hoping the shellac I'll sit up and cure it relatively quickly but I just want to coat this inside to keep any any air and what-have-you from the the inside of the wood from being in my project because I think I tried to fix that thing three or four different times I'm gonna seal this one first about equal parts I just kind of mixed it all in this one before happened here so I'm using the luma dust right blue I think it's Jim Holt stream interference blue from the luma dust to give it the changing color Sparkle hopefully anyway we got a botanical we got a luma dust green okay so uh not enough found a worm screw brought the tail stock up and I'm just gonna try to true this up a little bit and then I'll start working on the shape and everything like it sits yeah that looks just friggin awesome about throw this one in crash I didn't even get risen in it I don't understand I just don't understand that is not gonna fire yeah that I didn't have moisture in it they're just I can see the cracks all the way up through this side now this one here comes all the way up this one I don't know what to do with this I think this one is in no good I'm good at the train game okay so after a rough couple days here trying to fix this drilled it out and report it has still got some issues I'm not quite sure what it is maybe it was the shellac that's only thing I think I pretty much tried to patch them up I think I can fix what's left a little bit more shaping on the bowl here get this a little bit lower and then down in and I'll go around and touch these all up best I can so five minute epoxy and some color and get this side down flipped it over I still got to do the bottom here but that's what I'm gonna do right now is shape this up a little bit hopefully I can get this to turn out and I've only got a little bit to touch up which I think that's what I'm going to end up with obviously here and there we're gonna need to be fixed with will z okay so five minute epoxy will alumalite flow in it just to catch these little holes and I got to work fast to plug these into there and let them set up and get it turned out okay so sanding sealer put two coats on sanding in between so I'll bet y'all think you know what's next and wrong alright I was asked if I'd try to axe abrasive sanding paste okay sure I'll try it from what I understand use it just like the grit stuff so I'm going to put too much out here and doesn't smell off y'all used Tripoli vit that stuff stinks didn't start off on low speed and working our way up apparently just like Yorkshire grid they feel it being all grabby and stuff [Music] you didn't miss much by the here was I only gone up to 750 rpm and then it says you get a new piece and buff it on doesn't really look that bad visits all right well then also that a Polish restoring peace so we'll give that a try maybe I should have read the instructions first who needs instructions anyways ah this stuff there is beeswax canoe packs I will put links for ex website in there and it's kind of tacked over there this is kind of like using the enhanced machine stuff alright well let me go read the dumb instructions here cuz you know I'm the guy I don't read instructions where those four and make sure how this is supposed to go actually looks phenomenal at the moment if it looks a little greasy so I'm not sure if I can let it dry or and then buff it off or what alright so what if says to actually do is to start off kind of like the other one slower until you don't have any more on this at a higher speed as you're bumping it off then at that point if you're using it for food as this is food safe stop at that point or if you want a different finish on it a friction polish at some sorts you know shine juice it looks pretty good to me of course I'm probably gonna put a friction polish on it anyways that's how I roll like I said I put all those links into the description below yeah let's get onto that friction polish maybe I don't know does look pretty good oh yeah yeah maybe I'll leave it and I'll leave it I just like friction polish but maybe I'll leave them stupid here [Music] how are you guys supposed to see with all this stuff on your face over there see better now let's try again I'm getting there we've got our pics now well I got to make some repairs and then come back and finish that up and get this sanded and finished up doesn't look too bad good actually a fixed time big what you do right there I get for using that carbide cutter okay so second coat of sealer [Music] there you go kind of like that stuff I'll put links in the description below for that and where to get it yeah we'll get this off here and call it a day all right so there you have it all my problems and everything there's full barn on the bottom this ones ambrosia maple I forgot what it was I wasn't real happy with how it turned out I don't it's not I know you can see the color separation but it's it's not not really what I think was wanted and I didn't like all even though I could fix them like hearing this one here you see where I fixed it I don't really care for that so I made another one yeah I this one's out of the Bolton box over cuz that's what I had I had some issue doing this one also same thing in here not quite as bad but I did but the color separation is better in this one except for the bleed out was worse which I don't really care for but it looks it looks good too well it looks better than that one in my opinion pull bar in the bottom of this one also this finish this acts restoring pace that's what's on top anyways I really like it I'm not a fan of the satin finish but it looks nice and it's supposed to be food safe so both of these are done in that they're they're abrasive paste works pretty much the same I mean it works just the same and I'll put links in the description below for ex website in there somewhere it'll be down there along with everything else so step back here look I got to see the difference over side-by-side one's a little smaller so there you go if you liked it give it a thumbs up if you don't give it a thumbs down I don't know if these are gonna be in the Etsy store in that I made a replacement in case young that you didn't like the first one I already sent her a picture of it and she said she wonder we can see the other one so I don't know we'll see maybe one or the other might be in there maybe not them will be in there Adam give it a thumbs up give it a thumbs down oh sure if you want um you know I run into problems that's all there is to it it happens go if you're looking for that kind of stuff go over there down in the description down here check out axe I believe that this is a kit you get them both for one price it slipped out and they're shipping it pretty quick yeah we'll see you all next Tuesday in the next Friday [Music]
Channel: The Pohl Barn Productions
Views: 247,674
Rating: 4.9227614 out of 5
Keywords: total boat, jamestown distributors, wood turning, wood working, bowl turning, hybrid turning, wood and epoxy, epoxy resin, michigan maker, mitten made, maker, nova galaxi dvr, resin art, ack's abrasive paste, hybrid bowl
Id: iAmoRNYaUz8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 29sec (1169 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 04 2019
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