Fragmented Choke Cherry Bowl and Resin

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[Music] that's a lot of the pressure pot as you can see down in there right down there at the bottom anyways there is obviously some moisture or something in this the everything everything is holding moisture right now with the humidity all the rain we've had and I did run it in in the cooker for a while trying to dry it out some but we'll see if we get it out that was gonna be the bottom side of my bowl so if it's only right there it's not a big deal if it's not I'll report again and that make you watch it I went with copper the copper color should be a little translucent by the time I get done with it but huh the copper color ring was to go with this tree was fell with about everything we have an Arsenal somehow it got this hole about yay big all the way through it it wasn't actually the target but it was back behind a target when we were sighting in and then it just became the target after it had a a hole all the way through it it was at a choke cherry tree and what I'm hoping for is to find some of those projectiles in the bowl hopefully I know there's some minute I seen I'm gonna cut it but that doesn't mean they're gonna be where I turned and it doesn't appear it's gonna come out of this bucket and I swore this was a number two which is HDPE and then I can't find it you see where it's melted it sucked it right in I might not even be able to get it off of here if you look at I can see it's you engage for you to see it it's bowed right here so you get the profile in there see it right right here it's like I don't know if I can get it out of there without cutting it apart I was hoping I wouldn't have to cut well boy you're quite sure all sudden having issues with this ok couldn't get it out of last one either all right well I'm gonna try to get this out of here ok so I got it out things didn't go as planned had to cut it off apparently that was the number 9 and then uh number 2 I don't know what I was thinking so I had to cut it in order to get it loose uh it it doesn't look bad just doesn't go far this will give me I'm not sure maybe a bit of gold rim and it was pretty tight down in here except for where it came up but I can get my profile on all that out of it dig this out it's glue my worm screw in there and hopefully this looks pretty good I'm not positive what its gonna look like okay so mounted up on my worm screw cow stuck up for support it's a little out of balance 4050 right now or thousand 20 a little bit of vibration I'm gonna try to smooth it out so I'm getting sped up negative rake since you won't quit getting covered in this [Applause] [Music] and I found a chariot which is good I'm still neither rim this only needs to come down a little shape it put a foot and of course you know the warders I can't not wear it it's making it difficult to see yeah it's like trying to see through this real [Music] [Music] [Laughter] really loud in it alright so hopefully I can squeeze pull barn in over here and not be in the resin hope it's deep enough should be I'm gonna get to sanded up and I'll come back in after I do all the majority of the sanding like I always do you know with the sanding sealer cuz I'd feel it's a little a little fuzzy right there but for the most part I'm happy with that so far it was a little itty-bitty piece so I'm not gonna get a very big bowl out of it I was hoping to find some of the the lead or the rounds in it and I did I found one here not sure which one it is well I'm hoping there's a couple more in it but you never know and it does kind of look like it's fragmented it blew apart it's kind of cool so hopefully this is a little more translucent when I when I turn it from the inside let me get to that point and pull burn and we'll come back in after that Oh today is just going so great guys so anyways I put coal barn in the bottom of this and well as you see it's not there it I don't know if it's too much resin in the monks there but like it burned it wouldn't burn it just melt away so I'm not quite sure how to go about putting it in there I have to go in a house to finally in fine line sharpies and see if I can write it in maybe before I mean in somehow seal it without smearing it let it dry something so the second coat of sanding sealer we're going to scuff it up and then run okay so since there is so much resident here I'm gonna run a second one not push on it quite so hard just more of a buffing with it now since uh the beard over there by sixteen lots to tell everybody I have this special stuff well he's not wrong not sure if it's available yet step 2 looks something like that and it's designed for the resident anyways we'll give it a go like I said I do not know if it's in the go-ahead stage yet over there a tax or not I have it to test it out show you all what it'll do i standed 3:20 I used the axe twice I was getting a really nice finish with just the axe twice the abrasive pace and then going over it with restoring polish which is what I'm gonna do here and then probably go to shine juice because you know it's just how I roll and I'm running 2020 right now and I'm just kind of buffing and have enough on there yeah see keeps grabbing no I did and not a whole lot of pressure I'm just gonna buff it with this stuff you need a lot of pressure take it off then we take off the other stuff buff it off and so there we are at the moment and although it is really shiny you know I'm gonna put shine juice on it anyways because the wood isn't really shiny as to the residence it stuff works really well on the resin and it not it doesn't work bad on the wood but you got two different shines there so I'm gonna hit it with restoring paste now give me the coat of wax basically and then probably hit it with the shine juice cuz you know like I said that's how I roll like there's chunks of wood sticking out here there there there it just doesn't have quite the same shine as the resin does so I'm gonna hit it with shine juice so everything's even and I'll be back when I'm ready to do that yep okay I changed my mind I'm not doing it I'm just gonna flip it over and we're off out the face shield on I should probably put it down and so I'm trying to get away from using these but that was a bit chippy probably filled it so far off and it's bouncing too bad it's too hard to control it so I'm gonna try to use this until I get to there somewhere probably there don't matter uh-huh there wasn't a whole lot of wood in here it just it was a it was a mess you see right there right I was hoping that would be like how here in the edge there's a bullet maybe I'll find some out there in the edge [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] when I was hoping more to get more of that but that's what I ended up with it's a little thick on the bottom but I think I don't want to push it any further because I kind of want those to stay you know how it goes we're gonna stand it up and go from there I think I'm pretty flat it's kind of tough down in but I can make me go away [Music] Oh what you think just trying to let you see through it but lights a little too much oh you looked pretty cool um I'm gonna go with no it is not food safe at the moment even though I put wax on it carnuba wax it's still moving that letter around so I wouldn't think that this was food safe I would consider this more decorative than anything but it is really cool-looking I was hoping it would be translucent like it is see through it so all right well let me get it off here and we'll get over there and talk about it get you a closer look all right so first off I got some stickers from Carlin hunt and the coyote wood workshop yeah the coyote wood shop all the glasses need to be replaced anyway Cortland sent me some wood on wood blanks unfortunately Cortland they're a little too wet still so I don't know where they're at they're in the other room I think I'm gonna let them dry before I get to him but we'll get your stickers up he's also good sent me a card with his information on it out put that in the description below I don't believe he has a YouTube channel so but he's got the Facebook page and Etsy store and all I get something I believe so anyways Cortland we're gonna stick you right over here just above Healey there you go and put the other one on the pressure pot probably alright so Mike all dusty again so my little bullet Bowl there y'all [Music] get up here so you see it now for whatever reason I couldn't get it the iron in the rain into this so I didn't put Paul Martin in it I'm not sure why maybe the the resin was too prominent in there maybe I don't know I filed more bullets in here than what's remaining I left this bottom it's probably 3/4 of an inch thick right in there somewhere because I didn't want to lose those so I loved him but there's a couple inside and person one of them goes all the way through that one does want to talk to her then it came out somewhat translucent which is what I was hoping for this is chokecherry the tree wasn't the target but it was back behind the target and it ended up with a hole in it so it became a target weight yeah it took a lot of a lot of a lot of target practice to bring this tree down if I had to guess most of what I found in here with 9-millimeters this guy here I believe is probably a 357 magnum weights mushroomed out and maybe two to three s because they're kind of small the rest of them are fragmented kind of small I used a copper colored mica powder and that's what I got it and it was quick I've been drying this for a while and actually was down for a year it's been cut up over in here somewhere outside in in the shop but this little piece has been floating around in the shop for better part over you I still cooked it I still had some moisture but like I knew I was gonna turn that away so I didn't even care about it just that one little spot I don't know why I couldn't get it out of that bucket I wouldn't come on bucket anyways a thumbs up or thumbs down I put courtland's information down here thanks again for the it's pecan and Texas Mesquite I believe for those blanks Courtland and you should have my sticker by now and again there's my little Bowl the two-to-one total bull arisen that slow set epoxy resin with just a copper colored mica powder in it and chokecherry yeah I'll put some pictures up at the end and we'll see you all next week [Music]
Channel: The Pohl Barn Productions
Views: 115,786
Rating: 4.9216418 out of 5
Keywords: total boat, jamestown distributors, resin art, hybrid art, bowl turning, wood working, wood turning, wood worker, wood turner, michigan turner, maker, michigan maker, michigan wood turner, starbond, Ack's abrasive paste, nova galaxi dvr, mitten made, wood and resin
Id: wAtc8mO6QvA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 55sec (1495 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 27 2019
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