woodturning - Butterfly hexagon bowl
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Channel: Thomas Anton Geurts
Views: 1,700,100
Rating: 4.7248898 out of 5
Keywords: Woodturning, woodworking, butterfly
Id: 3k6cOtV-IF0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 27sec (2367 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 23 2015
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Holy freaking spinning clamps of broken arms, Batman...
accidental ASMR
This is a very interesting piece but if he'd spent just a little more time on it, it could truly have been magnificent (not saying anything about the woodworker as, perhaps, he knows that and he wasn't trying for perfection). There are ways he could have either matched the grain or made the grain direction part of the bowl, as it is, for me at least, the random direction of the grain of each piece took away from the wow factor. Also, the inside edges of the bowl (the holes) seemed a little unfinished and rough. Still, it's prettier than anything I've done so I'm not trying to throw stones. :)
Okay, so I get that it's supposed to be a decorative piece (and it is very pretty), and you could still even put fruit or something in it if you wanted, but I still have a sort of spiritual objection to a bowl with a bunch of tiny holes in it.
It's for show only, not for actual use? I'm pretty sure he never filled in the gaps.
This is a magnificent piece of art that I would be proud to display!
@ approximately 28:00. Tighten everything up and it would be a bad ass cutting board.