Purple Vase

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[Music] hi hey welcome back the other day to wife hands me this it says on a vase she found something stuffed all these sticks in it from out in the yard I think they may be walnut I mean she pulled them off from under the walnut tree or off the walnut tree and she's cut them down and stuck them in here so what I think I'm going to do is take it over there and cut these off flush for this and then it oh you can see the green thing over there that's the lid for this so if I cut it off flush way I could pour the resume and put that lid on hold everything down like it's supposed to keep it in there anyways and then she wants a color to a lightly tinted but she kind of wants a hourglass type shape to it not so much about least we'll see what we do let's get started okay so she wants purple anything red and blue make purple ray not sure how much this isn't really that bad give that a drop I'm gonna give this a drop there might be more purple than I wanted we'll see yeah I'm gonna need more so I think I'll probably mix up some clear and then that down a bit mmm kind of purple maybe just look dirt cuz it's in there can you see what I'm doing dad's about to make a mess mmm that's kind of purple you know that got me to about here I'm just not really gonna work is it what I got wanted tea is so this is a luminite slope and I use illuminate glue which is all over me as you can see in red hopefully to make purple and I need to get it into pressure pipe so that uh you know because it's gonna set up on me okay out to pressure pot I knew when I did this that I was gonna have to cut this off this my mold is basically just you know herbage anyways they're number twos if you can see it so it shouldn't stick to it and I knew based on the rim that I'm gonna have to cut it off when I poured it there's purple that may be a problem done in there [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so what I think I'm gonna do it's been a while since I worked on this I have a really good plate on it back here and I'm not worried about it coming off I'm worried about hollowing this out so I think I'm gonna drill down as far as I can go to a certain point with a smaller and go with the biggest one I have the Forstner bits and then I'd be able to put it in the chuck this way but after I hollow it out what we'll see where it goes from there but I think because I have a good bite on it now I'm worried about if I put a mortise in the bottom of this it flying off while I try to hollow it cuz that's a long reach in there that's kind of why it's been on hold because I wasn't quite sure how to do it and then I I need to do some filling in these up here is the the center's are all rotten and Hollow and fallen out for now I think I'm going to drill a hole in it maybe I'll go all the way down through it I will see you as I go [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so I don't have the capability to reach down in here safely I'm not comfortable with it I can get all this so I'm gonna take this off and put a mortise in here so I can hold on it again I got a lot to fix it here this whole rotten wood the coarser the cores are gone so there this was all gone so I need to fix all that but I want to get this rounded over and get the mortise in the bottom that way I can hold on to it and work from the other side and I don't have this ugly mess on the back to figure out how to get off [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay so I'm gonna hold it in place here and I'll just stabilize it I need to clean this up and then probably treat these all with CA and that I've done all this and Yorkshire grit the micro-fine that old tree oh and then I sprayed it with lacquer I first cleaned off the oils in that but I had to get that done because I won't be able to touch this after I messed with the inside of here so so I'm gonna try to clean that up and maybe give this a little bit more shape it's pretty close here but I'm okay there [Music] [Music] okay well I'm gonna fill these all up with some CA and get that all set up come back when that's done okay so since I don't have any way to support this I'm just gonna make it really easy I only need to taper dub out here I'm just gonna kind of roll this over and take all the cuts nice and easy and finish it when I'm done with all that I'm just gonna mix up some clear resin after I saying this as good as I can and then just let the resin run down and fill the bottom and hopefully it looks good [Music] [Music] this is gonna take forever [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so what I got is a free catalyzed lacquer sup dries pretty quick this is a furniture-grade lacquer that I used when I was doing kitchen cabinets I had to thin it down an order for it to go through the little a little spray gun so it's just thin down with lacquer it's a dry sand I'm just gonna do the outside of it and maybe in here and tomorrow well not for you guys but tomorrow I will mix up some lacquer or not like her but resin just a little bit so that I can seal the rest of this down in here and I'll just paint it around this and let it run down the bottom settle on the bottom of this little flat sealed about them hopefully that's the plan right now I'm gonna spray this let it let it set and it don't really have to do a whole bunch superfine Sandy sponge just gotta knock the glaze off of it so Mexico fits saying it should look like glass oh yeah I'm gonna run the speed down to 100 rpms as low as I can get it because it doesn't come out of here real heavy and you want it to go on wet so we don't have any overspray but not run yeah I will attend rye and stand it up and put another coat on okay so for what I forgot to tell you was this is a two-part lacquer you got a sanding sealer also I'm not using the sealer on this because I have some leftovers from the the four nugget video that I could not put back into the gallon because I mixed a mica powder in it give it a gold flake when I did that project so I'm just trying to burn that up I was right at the moment you know I get equal parts and if I put it back then they got mica powder in it and all the good stuff but right now you can still kind of see the scratches that's the idea for the sanding sealer is you sand it out so the scratches are gone you fill them and then you lay this top coat on it but I'm just kind of using this as a top coat but that's what we have right at the moment I'm pretty happy with it it didn't come off the lathe that's a bonus what I need to sand it I did spray all the way up inside there just to try and seal the wood so that I didn't have any air bubbles when I do put the lacquer in so Ain tend to fill that whole mess down there would I set it straight up and just keep bringing that the resin up and until that's all covers up to about this rim here oops you're too close up to about the rim here just let it run back down hopefully I can get a even coat all the way down looking at the part in that camera I'm happy with it I can see through it I couldn't I didn't have the correct tools to go far enough in there there's a little bit of gold flake in there I can see it see it sparkly I tried to stay out of it I just didn't have long enough tools I could get all the way to the bottom but I was coming up on that on the tool handle and it was just it was too too far of a reach for me so I didn't go that far I did a little bit a little bit into here I just didn't want to go that far didn't feel comfortable with it and it probably wasn't safe to begin with so I'll go back over to the other camera here because this is pretty dry and then I'll give this a quick saying and we'll spray some more okay in their trucks anyway this I can't I got one who's got a 45 Oh thinking what the hell is he doing I'm gonna struggle on what finishes lacquer finish works the best this stuff I know how to use I know I did use the Yorkshire grit and the microfiber on here and it didn't clean it with denatured alcohol after that to get in kind of oily residues or anything off that may have been left behind for that so that my lacquer sticks I don't really want to do in here too much and we'll go around to this stuff melts right back into itself so I only intend to do like the rim well it'll go further in the Napa and yeah mm-hmm y'all get it hang on I got perform surgery okay surgery complete overspray you see how they go there you have it it's purple I would have liked to have gone into here but like I said I don't have the tools long enough to reach in there I haven't actually see in there see I didn't I didn't do the resin yet y'all get the idea I'm just gonna mix it up and let it run down the sides and smooth everything out and fill that bottom in nice and flat and pretty much seal it so that it will hold water but there you go put a little bit of sparkles on it turned out better than I thought it was I was a little worried about doing that in there getting this here I feel like it said like button if you haven't subscribed and you're just joining me go ahead and hit the subscribe button a little purple I guess that's a blood base I don't know maybe was too big for blood base but it's per face I'll finish this up and I just like I said I don't think y'all only watch that there you go I'll put pictures up yeah thanks for watching we'll see you next week [Music] you
Channel: The Pohl Barn Productions
Views: 425,327
Rating: 4.8941255 out of 5
Keywords: woodturning, resin art, wood and resin, vase turning, hybrid, hybrid turning, sticks and resin, mitten made
Id: ErhrbVX3FPI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 48sec (1428 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 22 2018
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