GREAT CHEAP Cars That Make You Look RICH!

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are you tired of going on your tinder date and getting laughed at as you stepped out of your clapped out camry do you wish you drove something that commanded respect that made you look like you make more than minimum wage well good news it is that time again and i know what you're already thinking cheap cars that make you look rich here comes a list of a bunch of really crappy cars you should never buy well this time it's different this is cheap great cars that make you look rich we're not talking about broken down maseratis that you can't afford to maintain these are properly good cars that make you look like you spent way more money on them than you did so without further ado i'm the squid this is ideal cars we talk about cheap cars that make you look great or cheap cars that run forever or cheap cars that don't run forever so you should subscribe down below for more of this content and get ready strap in like brad does with the clicks and let's go [Music] these days we all seem to be doing a bunch more online shopping and that's where today's sponsor honey comes into play it's the free internet browser extension that scours the internet for promotional codes to give you discounts wherever you like to shop and it is so easy to install with just two clicks and you'll be able to use it on one of its 30 000 supported websites it just pops up at checkout and asks you to apply coupons it's really that simple to save money seriously it starts searching for coupon codes automatically and works on all types of websites and all you gotta do is hit accept and it'll save you money everything from auto part websites gaming websites tech websites literally anything so if you have a computer honey needs to be on it just go to ideal media or just click the link down in the description and be sure to download it because we have it on all our computers here at ideal and thank you honey for sponsoring today's video now back to the show every time i think about a car that makes you look rich i think of a big bad mercedes [Music] and what's the biggest baddest mercedes it's an s-class of course i mean if you have to choose one brand that just represents luxury you gotta go with mercedes they're all hitter no quitter no one else combines sophistication technology and performance quite the way that mercedes does mercedes-benz is an icon in the luxury car market they have been at this game for longer than pretty much anybody i mean they made some of the very first cars to ever exist and they've pretty much perfected it at this point in particular the s-class benz is constantly the bar set by the company for others to try and follow in their wake more often than not any kind of like modern high-end luxury feature you find in your car came from a mercedes s-class things like standard air conditioning power assisted steering even seat belts can trace their routes back to the s-class it's for all of these reasons that the s-class makes our list i mean any generation of s-class is the pinnacle of land yachts and even other car guys will recognize that you have something special in your hands so without a doubt pretty much number one with a bullet of a car that makes you look rich is an s-class and specifically a cheap one that makes you look rich is the w-220 you see back in 2005 when the w-220 was being made mercedes-benz was really focused on comfort as opposed to today where it's a lot of tire smoke and performance so this generation s-class is perfect for those that want to just cruise around in luxury and maybe impress the good-looking person in the passenger seat now to get yourself the cheapest w220s class you're going to be looking at the s350 which comes standard with a 3.7 liter v6 which you know isn't a big bad baby v8 or v12 or anything it's not supercharged but it has plenty of power to get this land yacht moving and this is all about looking rich not about going fast so what you're getting the peak of luxury the peak of technology the peak of performance from 2005 all for under 10 000 bucks and sometimes a lot less like this one we found for six thousand dollars meaning that the s-class is pretty much impossible to beat when it comes to something cheap that makes you look rich as hey real quick do you wear clothes do you like cool clothes that has cars on it check out ideal media's clothing store up here and this little button up here that's probably there unless you're watching with adblock on and then we don't get paid we're gonna go broke and you've ruined us you've ruined my life i can't feed my cat thanks anyway check out our shirts but some of you some of you are a little more american you want something that says i'm rich but i appreciate domestic manufacture well for you the mercedes of america is basically cadillac cadillac's been in the luxury game for a long time nearly as long as mercedes their lineup over decades has really defined luxury here in america even now they're still making strides and even more recently than that 2005 s-class we just talked about the 2013 cadillac ats continues to nail the luxury line i mean the ats was purpose built to take people who loved their german cars back into the seats of an american-made car you know a proper classic american car well maybe one that's missing a little bit of something namely a v8 under the hood but again this video is about looking rich not driving really fast and sadly the cadillac ats came standard with this moderately respectable four-cylinder under the hood which you know sounds a little underpowered it sounds a little underwhelming but you know what nobody that sees you pull up is gonna know all they're gonna know is that your cadillac ats definitely looks the part and also it's not a total piece of crap when the cadillac ats first came out the reviews actually praised it the interior quality is great driving position is very comfortable and seeing how cadillac designed it to take on the germans it really handled well compared to others in its class it kind of actually punched above its weight so sure other cadillac heads might know that the ats is the entry level into the brand but most average people aren't gonna know that when you pull up in it all they're gonna know is it's gorgeous it has great modern lines it's got a freaking shiny cadillac badge on the grill and it definitely looks like it cost more than eight thousand dollars which is what we were able to find one for which is just an insane value for a car made in the last 10 years that looks like that and has that much heritage i think you really got to consider the cadillac brand when you're looking at used cars now if you can get past all that old man golf course stigma now okay a four-cylinder powered american sedan might not be what you're looking for you want something that actually might be a little fun to drive and from a brand that has a little more respect and history than cadillac well good news you can get yourself a modern day porsche for a great price just uh it's not the 996 anymore brad already made a video about it it ruined the market for them they're going up in value so it ain't no 911. now typically porsches are expensive cars that make you look rich but thankfully there is one model still in the lineup that caught the depreciation bug pretty hard meaning it might be in your price range and we're talking about the porsche cayman this is the mid-engine porsche that is pretty typically overshadowed by its big brother the 911 with the 911 being the de facto sports car that everyone goes for but the cayman actually has some of its own advantages over the 911. it's smaller meaning it's easier to park and a little more nimble it's mid-engined instead of rear engine that means it's actually a lot more fun on a back road and the biggest thing it has over a 911 is it's cheaper depreciation is a pretty weird animal but thankfully it's got its teeth sunk into the cayman meaning that yes the caiman is the poor man's 911 but if you're watching this video and you're like me you are a poor man or woman and you want a 911 but you can't afford them thankfully the cayman is there to serve our needs and the reason it's on this list is it's got a porsche badge on the trunk and that pretty much makes you look rich no matter what's underneath it but again i can't emphasize this enough the the cayman's not on here just because it's a cheap porsche it's performance is astounding track days back road bombs canyon runs are all great things to do in a caiman now specifically we're gonna be talking about the caymans made around the 2007 model year and this is when the cayman really started to hit its stride so you're getting a good car the 2.7 liter flat 6 that powers this pumps out 245 horsepower which is more than enough to make this car a hell of a lot of fun to drive now all of this does come at a cost this is going to be a little more pricey than the cars we've already talked about you're looking around 20 grand for a used cayman of this type right now but there's good news you could maybe get it for a little less if you learn to buy a car like a pro using brad's ideal car strategies up here either way even at that price you're getting a fantastic car for the money now so far every car on this list comes from a company with a long history of luxury and performance maybe it's time we took a look at something that's got a little less skin in the game but still should definitely be on your list we're talking about a car from the brand that's fun to drive on sunday hyundai and their genesis g80 now the g80 is often called the poor man's mercedes-benz which again you're watching a video about cheap cars that make you look rich you want a poor man's benz but we think the g80 actually stands out a little bit on its own has a little bit of its own voice sure genesis hasn't been in the scene for nearly as long as any of the other brands mentioned on this list but those of us in the tuning culture know that the genesis coupe was an absolute revolution in cheap performance cars it was a relatively cheap v6 rear wheel drive manual coupe that rivaled the 350z out of the gate but genesis just wasn't going to limit itself to performance cards they wanted to get into the luxury game and they've done a pretty good job at it so far the genesis brand has actually adopted a lot of german designers and engineers into its stable meaning that the g80 actually is a little bit german now the g80 is the flagship for the genesis brand and if you're talking about a car that makes you look rich flagship is always a great place to start and has everything you would want in a powerful luxury sedan it's got a respectably powered v6 sending power to rear wheels or all wheels and even the base model comes with 311 horsepower there's a 311 joke in there somewhere but the color of my energy is all wrong today i can't really think of it anyway that's not too shabby for something that's essentially a hyundai underneath so performance wise it hits the mark now the interior the interior of the genesis g80 is pure luxury with leather and wood covering every surface and the gt we're talking about is only a few years old so it still holds up the g80 really showed what genesis and hyundai were capable of and for that reason the genesis g80 definitely earned a spot on this list it is just pure luxury from a brand that no one quite expected and its modern aesthetic and its big style and its grandiose interior will make you feel like a million bucks pretty much no matter where you drive it but you won't have spent a million bucks because this genesis g80 from 2017 is only 15 000 bucks throw some nice wheels on there with all the money you saved and you've got a really fantastic looking luxury sedan just make sure when everyone asks you what it is don't say a hyundai say a genesis that'll at least make him think that it's not a budget korean car now those of us in the know know that nothing says that you have a boatload of money and a giant 401k and maybe some employees underneath you than driving a volvo wagon see that volvo station running over there i mean seriously drive around any extremely expensive part of any part of the world and you're going to see some old volvo station wagons in the driveways and i know what you're thinking a boxy volvo wagon should definitely not be on a luxury car list but to the untrained a volvo could definitely look like a luxury brand when it's out on the streets i mean volvo doesn't exactly have the luxury history for a long time there they were basically making rolling refrigerators with some really fun performance models thrown in the mix but in the past decade or so volvo's really been stepping it up in terms of luxury i mean if you look at volvo's lineup today there's no way you're saying volvo is a poor man's brand sure volvo has a very understated design language but i actually find that to make them actually look more luxurious they're not trying that hard i mean in the rich man's watch game some of the most simplest design rolexes are the most sought after or so i'm told i can't even afford a casio now other than their understated looks volvos are known for being super utilitarian and the xc70 is no exception with all-wheel drive and a little bit of a ride height raise the xc70 will get you through any kind of terrain or weather and maybe even get you through some soft roading now horsepower and speed aren't exactly the xc70s forte but with how comfortable the cabin of an xc70 is you won't be complaining about the slightly longer commute time the interior is really the main appeal of the volvo despite what it looks like on the outside when you get your friends inside they're gonna think you've spent buku bucks on this one of my favorite features of the volvo xc70 is the waterfall console design with a nice little gap underneath for storage it's subtle it's lovely and even though this car is pretty old it looks fantastic even today and it definitely looks better than all that ikea furniture that i can't even pronounce but even from the outside the volvo xc70 does look the part for how old this is it does still look pretty contemporary and that understated design language means that it's kind of timeless it's not flashy it's not trying to be anything it doesn't have a bunch of wings and weird lines that make it look dated five years after it comes out any volvo station wagon is kind of timeless by its design as most great expensive things are but thanks to market prices the xc70 ain't that expensive we found a 2008 model for under 7 000 bucks meaning that for the spare change in your back seat you can own a car that says to the world that i am not rich i'm wealthy all right we've been around the world i think it's time we bring it back stateside sure cadillac is the best known american luxury car brand but there is another don't fast forward i know you're going to but don't fast forward we're going to talk about lincoln and the lincoln mkz yes i know lincoln might not be your first choice when it comes to shopping for a used luxury car but hear us out i think that the lincoln mkz has a lot of things about it that make it a perfect blend of performance luxury and value fit for this list the mkz is a sleek modern take on the classic lincoln design language that they've perfected over the years it's a pretty big stylish luxury car that is pretty much the criteria for this whole list so what else do i have to say to get your butt into a lincoln how about an optional 3.7 liter v6 paired with the fact that underneath the mkz is a bunch of ford fusion underpinnings meaning that the mkz actually has a pretty good blend of comfort and performance and style but once again like my mother always says it's not about what's on the outside it's about what's on the inside which is what mothers say to ugly people so once again i'm going to talk about the interior of a car as a qualifier for this list the interior of the mkz is really well designed and modern even by today's standards step inside the lincoln mkc and you're gonna notice two things one hey it's really nice in here and two where's the shifter yeah there's no shifter in there which some of you might think is terrible but honestly aesthetically i think it looks really sick bonus the seeds can come both heated and cooled so your little butt cheeks can be the perfect temperature anytime you want and butt cheek health is what i'm all about here at ideal cars and those seats can even be massage chairs how can you say no to massage chairs which means that yes it can be pretty hard to convince your friends to get into your freaking old man lincoln but once they get inside there's no denying that they are gonna feel like a million bucks and they might think that you've been doing pretty good lately financially even though no one's been doing good lately financially and with prices of one that's like not even a decade old being under 10 000 bucks i actually think the lincoln mkz is kind of a steal so you know get your old man pants on and maybe invest in some golf clubs because you're buying a lincoln all right maybe you don't want to try to convince your friends to get in your old man sedan lincoln maybe you don't even have any friends well then you might be thinking you need a little roadster and sadly the miata does not make you look rich one roadster that does though is the often forgotten bmw z4 i mean who can say no to having the wind in their hair especially if you have a lot of hair i need a haircut while also swimming around in leather and fanciness no one says no to that that's who and that's why the bmw z4 has earned a spot on this list the z4 continues the long tradition of making z cars for bmw top down cruising the coast with all the ultimate driving machine experience you can handle bmw is really good at combining luxury and performance in all of their cars but specifically the z series of cars has really been knocking out of the park ever since the first z1 hit the roads in 1989 the z4 makes our list because it balances newness with affordability i know a lot of you are probably thinking of the z3 but to be honest those just don't make anybody look rich anymore the z4 still has a contemporary design that stands up today the z4 packs the same inline six cylinder engine as most of the other good bmws and under that hood are 255 prancing little german ponies but a horsepower number isn't really what makes a z4 special it's the power delivery that inline 6 is legendarily smooth i owned a 3 series with the same engine it's fantastic so whether you're tracking the car or just sunday driving it that z4 is going to lay down power smoother than barry white and that smoothness also translates to the exterior styling with swoops and bulges covering the z4 from front to back the z4 is actually a pretty good head turner and that's why you're considering the cars on this list right you want people to look at you and think you're rich what you don't want them to know is that you only spent 7 500 bucks to get your butt into the seat of this 2007 z4 alright it's time for the last car on this list and we think we should go out with a real bang we're throwing down the hammer on this one and we're going full-blown a-m-g i know what you're already thinking there's no amg that's affordable and luxurious that comes onto this list well you're wrong commenter there is actually an amg you can't afford and drive around today all the luxury and style and performance to smoke anyone that thinks they can take you on at a red light the 2004 e55 amg has it all wrapped up neatly in a bow for you the compressor v8 under the hood packs 469 horsepower all sent to the rear wheels this is proper german meanwhile it's not just some fast car it's a mercedes-benz it's a freaking amg it's luxurious as hell inside you'll be drowning in a sea of leather and wood and luxury and smells of old men that have driven the car for years bring your neck brace though because you're gonna break your neck with how fast this freaking thing is it's intimidating but still refined and luxurious but it's also super practical because it's a freaking sedan that means you can take your kids with you as you burn rubber and go through expensive tires put on a nice suit a fake rolex and you're gonna look like a millionaire getting out of this thing regular people are gonna go mercedes that's expensive car guys are gonna go amg that's expensive and your tinder date well they're gonna be looking at that back seat and admiring how much room there is back there now a 2004 e55 amg is still going to run you around 20 grand right now but that's just an insane value for a 450 horsepower flagship mercedes sedan that will make you look like a bazillionaire 20 grand is really not that much to spend for all that and that makes the e55 amg maybe one of the best values on the used market today not even just for this list but just as a car so there you have it that is our list of cars that are much cheaper than they look that aren't total piles of crap like we usually talk about in these videos which car did you like the most or which car would you include on this list or what are you up to in life type whatever you want down below but no matter what you do make sure you like the video subscribe to ideal cars hit the little bell because we're gonna keep bringing you content like this like every other day for free and that my friends is living the ideal lifestyle i'm that way
Channel: Ideal Cars
Views: 634,534
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cool inexpensive cars, cheapest cars to look rich, cheap cars rich, how to look rich, cheap cars that look good, cheap cars that look expensive, rich cars, cars for rich people, cheap cars that make you look rich, inexpensive cars that make you look rich, cheap cars that look expensive under 5k, cheap cars, inexpensive cars that look expensive, cars that make you look rich, cheapest luxury cars, best inexpensive cars, cars that make you look rich but are cheap
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 2sec (1202 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 23 2021
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