Great Alaskan Mystery (1944) | Complete Serial - All 13 Chapters | Milburn Stone

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[Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] hey what's the idea you can't kind of plane straight up she'll out every time i know bob i just thought i'd try rip stop well you stick a straight fly miss miller until you've had more hours you know i have a good mind not to send your paper suit for your license but i pulled out of the spin didn't i i did remember everything you told me well sure but you barely made it oh bob i've got to have that license today i've just got to i see you've already told your father now you must make good okay one reason bob do i get the license [Music] how far away shall i hold the receiver dr miller halfway across the room dr house we'll shorten the distance and hope for better results my pilot's license don't you remember i wanted to have it today to surprise jail of course i've forgotten i'm sorry oh i'm the one who should be sorry i keep bursting in on something important oh that's all right are you and doctor how school rider here dad mind if i watch until gym comes certainly not my dear certainly not i must be jim turn it off well i was i have a medical discharge medical discharge father don't you remember i told you jim was wounded iguada canal flying for the marines who invited for bravery too of course of course oh i beg your pardon doctor this is jim hudson jim dr house dad's assistant hello how do you do it jim is the son of one of my best friends oh roland bill hudson owner of the famous gunsight mine the last minute but what are you working on sir we're attempting to transmit physical substance by light wave we almost have it but so far we've been unable to hit upon an element strong enough or powerful enough to counteract the pull of gravity well that's amazing and i call it the performance well would you mind very much certified if i stayed and watched you work not at all you wouldn't stand over there thank you sir [Music] well it's always the same the energy isn't strong enough we almost have it and it slips from our grasp it only find the proper element proper atomic combination i've tried everything i don't know where to go from here well could it be possible doctor that the substance you're looking for is in mineral form naturally radium is mineral and that has energy but not the particular type i need well that's what i meant what radium no not exactly it's it's something pop wrote me about when i was on guadalcanal now he hasn't told anyone else about it because he thinks he's got a great discovery well what is it well i can only tell you that you remember old grit pops foreman well he was digging in number three shaft one day last spring and he came across this mysterious substance whatever it is and and he hit it with his pig and it knocked him down astounding could you arrange to have a sample sent to us it may be just what we need well it sounds like it'll be a little too dangerous for shipment why don't you go north with jim dad even though there's nothing to it you'll have a nice vacation you need a rest well how about that doctor well if the story is true i feel it's our duty do you have a place where you could work well yes you remember pop's lab it's about as big as this excellent when can we start i won't rest until i can find out what this is all about well transportation is the big problem how much of this equipment you have to take all this apparatus is necessary if i'm the office suggestion there's a steamship leaving from here in two days and the captain is a very good friend of mine well then that's fine you arrange the transportation and i'll help dr miller get things together [Music] just got word from headquarters we're going through with everything the way i wanted it but i've told you the real secret of the invention is only known to miller i thought you said you could figure this paratroop out if you could take it apart and examine it yes i'm sure i could [Music] why don't we sail i don't know i must be waiting on somebody i'll give them guys five more minutes boston if they ain't here then we'll sound bye sir hi doc sorry to have missed you asleep and i was busy ashore captain glider i would like you to meet dr miller and mr hudson hello oh here they are sir castle of this gangplank we're showing off we better check with the cursor and see where our cabin is yeah any sign of that fog lifting no captain i think we ought to lay two until it does this is the season for icebergs no we're too far south for birds keep her steady as she goes i am married nervous after house those two men who came aboard i wonder who they are they really keep to themselves don't they only time they come out of that cabin is to walk the dog you worried about in times like these the important nature of our work i'm suspicious of everyone i think i take a walking deck [Music] he's really jumpy isn't he he i haven't noticed how will you know dr house he was well recommended what are you sure one is never sure of anything at least of all of men but don't worry the real secret of the paratron is known only to me you're not as absent-minded as you seem to be are you though keep them abroad there's no telling who or what they might be if miller and hudson were murdered crudely what do you mean ain't you ever heard of an accident when will this accident happen as soon as we get further north out of the sea lane you're happy now scientists customers tell them happy oh captain i advise you to check on those women and find out who they are as i know they're just two guys named grey and dumb are you sure the american secret agent are not catching up with you you know this ship has a bad reputation ever since those two miners have appeared overbought last month i'll keep an eye on them see what you can find out too [Music] and we've been passing high schools all evening captains and that means icebergs all right later morning [Music] carry your pigeons ah they won't hurt you [Music] i thought it was strange the captain has carrier pigeons on board and is keeping it a secret i don't know carrier pigeons are a respectable hobby maybe so but we were wondering why greeter doesn't send his messages by radio probably part of his hobby that seemed kind of strange though doesn't it i don't understand it well i wouldn't give it a thought but gentlemen i'm tired i think i take a little walk around the deck and then go to bed well i thought you'd like to know yeah well thanks don done discovered the pigeons he saw you send a message i'm sure now that he is an american agent you go back to your cabin i'll handle [Music] this [Music] all right you're done holly captain i like to have a little top of this i don't mind sure all right we're alone back here let's speak right up and tell me what you're doing on board my ship i'm going up north anything wrong with that ever since you came on board you've been snooping around you got some to hide captain like maybe uh carrier pigeons listen you tell me who you are sitting on the engine room we're proceeding at five knots posing i'm captain you can't move with them icebergs out there i'm given the orders here [Music] i've looked everywhere for done i tell you there's something wrong with this boat oh sit down take it easy he'll show up oh he's most latchy with the captain no i was on the bridge the boson says there's no one with the captain the captain had better be told captain should see him this minute the ship must be searched from top to bottom [Music] done well i leave him over the side milan hudson already suspect something then they missed them they'll caught an investigation what's the difference it means we've got to work right now now go below and send milligrain hudson up to me oh not that way you know a better way yes and this is dissolved in water it uses a deadly gas won't you see it no it's colorless and odorless now if you could manage to lock them up in here leave that to me send them out [Music] i wouldn't be too hasting accusing the captain mr gray's a friend of dr house you know the captain would like to see a gentleman actually he's very much concerned ah you'll get some action does he want me to yes doctor a metaphor teen i believe so in view of the fact that there's a passenger missing from my ship i'm gonna hold you free until i get to the bottom of this clever eye to captain we don't know anything about it where it's all ridiculous gentlemen make yourselves comfortable until i get back [Music] we're locked in what is this a frame up [Music] got the paratron yes i also found his notes that's the secret of the peloton as among them iceberg dead ahead we're going to crash let's get out of [Music] he here an iceberg that last 15 minutes get the paratrooper on those notes and come back here and wait [Music] hello [Music] hey i'm going away [Music] [Music] house if your gas didn't finish off dr miller and his meddlesome friend hudson that crash sure did there's always a chance that they're still alive greater when that tub fills with water she'll slide off the ice and there'll be nothing left but a memory what direction is land uh jewish raw men are you all right dr miller yes fine for that degree hey can you get out of there for us here hey there i never expected to see you fellas again what happened we had an iceberg where's your cat he got off with part of the crew and the only boat that wasn't stove in he tried to kill us well that's right in his life well come on let's get out of here this tub won't float forever give me a hand here boys what's this shark wave radio we may need it come on [Music] looks like this is it gentlemen oh no we're not dead yet this is a pretty big bird we hit we can float around on here for days no you're talking let's go oh wait a minute better round up all the food and equipment we can carry she's starting to slide off the ice go search the galley for food see what you can find i have some fur clothing and arctic gear in my cabin go get it we better see what's left in our cabin my parents are my notes [Music] nothing could be alive in there poor dr house he's a fine scientist looks like the finish of the paratron too yes i'll have to start all over you sorry doc good thing i'm just a tender foot businessman otherwise i wouldn't have been sucker enough to buy all this equipment we haven't got time to put those furs on now gray here's the grub good heal it over doctor would you take care of the radio yes sir let's get this one look get a hold of that all right nobody's ever flown beyond this point well i'll take that chance some of them may be marooned on icebergs my father perhaps so more well looks like all we can do is try to make sure on one of these flows or the ice will melt from under us we haven't got a chance without a boat well we gotta try we can't stay here this flow's about ready to crack the pieces we'll never make it we'd better make it look we head for that big iceberg right over there [Music] here boy him parky here boy party's done for the bear's got his scent no no he's not a goner yet give me that ski here and parky here boy [Music] looks like a village all right probably eskimos so we are safe at last pretty close anyway all right man start rowing my well this looks like the most sheltered spot on the bird let's make camp here i wish i had gone down with the ship it would have been quicker that way up gray as long as we got that radio we got a good chance let's unload [Music] mr chief this whole lover could only speak english but sure be in luck please speak em you bet that's fine look chief let's get right down to cases you know a town called bankhead you bet him way far away over big snow big ice big long time get there oh that's fine you give us sled dogs and men a plenty slag 20 dogs you back no man do you think we could do it without guides captain looks like we'll have to we'll navigate by compass let's have him him oh yeah [Music] in cost pretty big you bet well come on man dig up shut that thing off it's been going on for three days i tell you i can't stand it i know it's tough great but as long as these batteries last it's their only hope it's better than listening to the silence it's the only way we're drifting steadily out to the open sea reaching shore is no longer possible [Music] breaking up that means the thaw is here from now on it's gonna melt pretty fast you mean this iceberg too sooner or later it'll melt and turn over food food hmm hey jim graves gone well we better find him i'll tell him what he'll do my [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow he's pretty good oh no you don't don't be a full time too [Music] late [Music] look complete hey [Music] let's contact him radio [Music] listen fella don't land go for help don't land go for help [Music] don't try to land do not try to land try to find an eskimo village train northeast along the base of that big bridge got it i understand be careful now [Music] i hope your daughter finds that eskimo village if there's one there she'll find it [Music] returning over another piece like that breaks off we're gunners oh i hope those eskimos have speedboats [Music] out there men on iceberg [Music] oh you understand yes my father two other men could you send someone out to get them all you bet plenty cost lady oh we'll pay anything but hurry with all that down together [Music] oh [Music] this is it she's cracking up [Music] so [Music] returning over he's like that breaks off we're gunners oh i hope those eskimos have speedboats this is it she's cracking up [Music] ah [Music] [Music] the eskimos are picking up the others where's my father i put him in a kayak head for the village [Music] one well anyway we didn't lose a paratran men to their deaths and you feel nothing how about the briefcase with those notes it's gone you think you can figure out the platform without them i don't know perhaps well anyway we can't cross the glacier without dog and sled we better go back to the eskimo village so there we were maroon and the iceberg because you came along with the eskimos just in time too just like an angel of mercy you know what i can't figure out is what was going on on board that boat what happened to dunn why why was that poison gas loose in the cabin you get out of those wet things and get some sleep before you take pneumonia don't worry about me i used to go swimming with icebergs every morning before reveling yeah he's a tough guy nothing ever happens to him [Music] hey what's up is he all right yeah just plumb exhausted need some sleep well cetera did you get some yourself yes miss i'll go check on dad again yes [Music] you walk long time come back same place we're starting out again in the morning with a new outfit all we want now is some grub and a place to sleep more white men come you go see look all we want what did you say more white man come from iceberg in house there do you think it could be it's impossible lady ladies white lady come flying air like bird eskimo going kai ah never mind never mind all that shows where they are i shall [Music] [Music] captain glad to see you got off the rack wilson i thought i'd pick up everybody that was alive how did you do it it's a long cold story captain who's that jim hudson anybody else get off with you yeah dr miller he's in the cabin next door with his daughter who his daughter she came buying a plane and picked us up off the berg you want to speak to him no let it go until morning you better get some sleep i see where do i sleep chief i'd like to get some shut eye if we had not lost dr miller's notes it would have been different but now that we found him alive he must be kept alive and the others people have to dispose of them distasteful but necessary what are you so touchy about that's my department ain't it what's worrying me is this time it won't seem so accidental we must impress the chief of the fact that his tribe will be blamed if the white authorities ever found out huh then better get to work but that's the moment captain trust me disguise forget it they'll all be dead by morning except doc we're taking him with us you see that once before and they're still alive it's better if they continue to think that i'm dead you mastermind sure ain't taken any chances are you silent a picture [Music] so what do you want i couldn't sleep captain i've been worrying about how we're all going to get out of here figurine might as well talk it over now sure sure a couple of things bothering me about you how do you mean that just how much do you know about jim hudson and doc miller a couple of nice guys for us i know what are you getting that captain yes they're murderous they killed down and tossed his body overboard are you sure i'm telling you and i've got a bunch of criminals and i'm saying to it that they're brought to justice what i want to know is whose side are you on i only have one choice that's the side of law and order now you're talking buckle what are your plans well i'll handle the doctor he'll take care of the girl who are you oh he's just one of the boys look badly burned down the engine room how can you handle jim hudson yourself oh sure sure well this is what you do he's a desperate criminal and if things go wrong and he puts up a [Music] fight [Music] what's the idea tell me one thing and tell me the truth what do you know about the done murder murder done i don't know anything about it and you know it captain greeter arrived a little while ago with one of the crew they say that you and the dark are criminals we've been through a lot together and i have my doubts why should greater want to accuse us have anything to do with a box about that high and that long with the doc's name on it the paratron what never mind now where's greeter he's in his hut he's gonna grab the duck as soon as i tell him i put you away [Music] this will take care of him [Music] better tie them up [Music] yeah it's the paratron all right hey what is that thing it's a secret invention of dr miller's you don't know it boson but you did your country a great service when you didn't slip my throat i feed you with the right kind of a guy and i figured that skunk on the floor there was not but law and order keep dialing oh well hey that's pretty heavy isn't it no i'm warmed up now yeah no forward say where did you learn all those fancy tricks huh all from the commandos huh [Music] you know the way i figured some higher ups tipped greater off over that shortwave radio about the paratron after we came on board and they were trying to get rid of us some perfect condition and you think greater and his men are in the pair someone higher up i'm sure of it what do you intend doing with the prisoners oh the chief will keep them here i can send the marshal up from bank had to bring him in i'd give a great deal to know who the ringleaders are so would i we'll find out though we won't stop what we do well how will you arrange supposed to leave you oh the boats will now grow but dog sled you and the doctor can take the paratron with you on the plane now we'll meet in bank head and i'll arrange transportation from there well we got to get an early start so we better get some sleep that's a bright idea jim good night jim good night come on that's right gunsight mine [Music] gun sight mine bill hudson speaking hiya pop this is jim i'm a bank head oh i might have known they couldn't drowned you jim gee it's good to hear you you stuck miller all right when you gonna get up here doc miller and ruth are right here with me and we're coming up as soon as we can get transportation why don't you call brock he can fix anything i'll call brock right away goodbye pop be seeing you [Music] get me mr brock and saskatch that's right [Music] oh mr jim hudson is on long distance do you wish to speak to me mr brock jim hudson you bet i know hello jim my boy well this is a surprise it's great to know you're still alive after that tragic shipwreck is anyone else saved oh yes dr miller the ship's captain three members of the crew by the way captain greeter and a pal of his turned out to be would-be murderers well that's terrible certainly i'll have the marshall guerrero after that village and place him under arrest where are you now well that's what i called you about i'm in banquet trying to get home i was wondering if you could arrange to put me in a party of three aboard that evening transport plane out of here i think so much baggage i see these two large wooden cases well i'm arranging not [Music] one of my men will leave transport plane number three at point m 54 pick him up and take him to your headquarters got that make it good you were lucky to get transportation like this with such short notice no trouble at all this mr brock's a good friend of dads and a big shot up here too he just about runs things up in this part of the country hold it everybody don't anyone turn around put your hands behind your heads everybody [Music] hudson bring me that case you're guarding so carefully [Music] sounded like a shotgun you're dead better take over i'll go have a look [Music] somebody help me open this door the plane's flying wild so [Music] somebody help me open this door the plane's flying wild [Music] get this fella out of here helpful take care of him [Music] flight street airport flight free to airport come in saskatchewan airport hello airport okay to land we're coming in stand by with crash wagon a doctor with two wounded men aboard [Music] how are they they'll have to fly again now one of them was seriously injured all right cool hudson hello mac what happened ask ms miller i've got some checking up today sure go ahead talking go ahead we put kruger on the transport without any trouble he'll get miller's invention and bail out his order right i've notified brandon to pick him up [Music] i'd like to see mr brock he's busy just now would you care to wait yes i'll wait namely jim hudson oh mr hudson i'm sure mr brock will want to see you there's a mr jim hudson here to see you send me man you may go in now thank you what i can't understand is how the masked man got on that plane i can't imagine i'll have the airlines people make a thorough investigation it might lead to something but i'm sure the crew's in the clear what do you suppose the masked man was after i have reason to believe it was some valuable apparatus dr miller has with him but what puzzles me is how the masked man learned of it yes that is a mystery captain greeter couldn't have planned it even if he escaped from the eskimo village he couldn't have gotten through the civilization in oh time the way i notified the martial to go down and arrest me there's your ass all five remember brock's orders boys act like respectable officers of the law if the eskimos gives any trouble we let them have it [Music] well i guess all we can do for the moment is sit tight i have a hunch the mystery man will be popping up again it's too bad but war always seems to bring an increase in lawlessness i've been thinking of calling the meeting to discuss local defense not a bad idea [Music] greetings to you chief i'm the marshall i've come for the prisoners where are they batman's in-house i saw he's bad man guys go now yeah i'll get rid of your guards hagel this is swell when i heard the plane i thought it was a real marshal brock's too smart to let that happen this is dr house yeah you're to keep undercover i'll drop you off in bankhead and you'd better put these on how are you feeling these days no it effects from your wounds oh if you aches and pains now then when it rains like an old man with rheumatism well give my regards to your father thanks i'll do that we're going up the mine the first thing in the morning goodbye sir goodbye and goodbye i'm glad to see you hello i feel how i am don't tell me this is rude this is ruth oh pop i want you to meet a pal of mine mr higgins just call him bosun he's a handy little man i have around too well besides something i agree with you do you like to fight no i don't like to fight that's why i like to get it over with in a hurry come on inside give me the lowdown i stopped in town long enough to thank mr brock then we came on up here that's about all there is to it about all well it's not exactly what i'd call a dull trip it burns me up that's what it does what does mr husband the fact that i missed all the fun makes my story about hijackers sound kind of sick hi jacket been having trouble bill oh little the past few days lost a couple of loads of pay dirt that's kind of funny you've never had any trouble like that before every pot no i wonder if that could tie in with the people who've been after you doc is it possible they already know about this ore you came up here to experiment with it's possible though i for one don't intend wasting time and idle speculation what i want is a look at that energized quartz you have around here bill we'll show it to you right now that's exactly where old grit found the quartz he says there's a whole pocket of the stuff jim put off that light and watch it glow that's amazing [Music] oh here's grit now folks this is great hartman all right hi folks boston grad hello hello how are you rick's the one who discovered the quartz oh you tell you all about it yeah watch out doc don't touch that stuff it'll knock you for a loop that's the way i found it i was in here digging for payload one day and all of a sudden my pick struck something that had not been cleaned across this tunnel for 20 feet i landed right about you hurt huh oh as i was saying i landed just about right here hey look at this pig it melted the end right off well that is really amazing [Music] not that way it'll kick you the same as it did me if you have a go at a little bit of the time it will kick you near it yeah i'll kill you well see what i mean here doc use my club thank you [Music] i can feel the heat as a sensation like an electric current what's the verdict doc i don't know it doesn't come under any of the known classifications well then it's a discovery absolutely but what about the paratron do you think it'll make it work i have a feeling it may well the only way to find out is to try i'm certain the quartz contains a mineral form of energy that is akin to it throws off a strong atomic energy there's a no way gaseous more you might see like a power wave all right jim would you please hold the receiver and stand over there while the rest of you stand back [Music] that's it doc you carried it [Music] look yes yes it's there with enough of this energized quartz perhaps in concentrated form we may be able to send it for miles bill do you think you could start mining this for me right away why not i may need tons of it who knows what energy a ton may contain if concentrated into a pound this may be the basic secret of atomic energy if it were not for this lack of energy the paraton would work successfully then you feel that with the mineral they've discovered at the hearts of mine the doctor may have an answer to his problem yes it's my opinion for that reason if because dr miller is the only person who knows a real secret i insist that he must be kept alive at least until he completes the experiment hmm maybe you're right perhaps we'd better let all bill hudson alone for a while throw them off the center yes i think it would be much wiser i'll get in touch with brandon call him off and what is supposed to have happened to me you're supposed to be dead you better lie low for a while brandon no this is kites now let me speak to brandon he's not here our man at the hudson mines tipped this off there were two truckloads of that pay dirt coming down so brandon went out to get it who gave him the orders you did boys and brandon thought there might be some of that high-voltage rock on them trucks that was last week you idiot now you get out and stop brandon before he reaches rooks too late for us they're due to be coming down now good luck to you jim get it through don't worry pop we will and you see twisted he doesn't take any chances you know me miss i hate trouble [Music] that's good man now get out of sight [Music] looks like this is it bolton we're gonna stop her no oh [Music] something's wrong [Music] any worse yeah i think that's very i'll never make this curve ahead we better jump [Music] getting this worse busted i'll never make this curve ahead we better jump take some men to stop that truck from coming down [Music] looks like hudson's truck is out of control [Music] oh [Music] after the horse where's the fight the fight it's all over how's your head yeah head's all right oh the wound poor one wound on your head there good thing it hit me in the head otherwise it will hurt let's see what's wrong with the truck did you get any of the hijackers i think i did one was it damaged a broken steering knuckle load some of this high grade on the other truck we'll go on into saskatchewan what's the matter with you you tired house are you sure that hudson didn't recognize you at the eskimo village oh i'm certain he thinks i was lost in the shipwreck well you've got to keep out aside from now on we concentrate on dr miller and his invention and the doctor must be brought to me alive this must be done in such a way that no suspicion will be cast on me you understand yes of course i'll send you out to brandon's place there you'll be close to the hudson mine in case you need brock speaking all right keep in touch i knew we shouldn't have stuck our necks out brandon bundled that hijacking job and hudson got through you're coming here to see me do you think he suspects cosmo i've protected myself very carefully my importance to our work requires that yes of course [Music] yes if we didn't hear [Music] all right send him in hello jim hello glad to see you all right sit down how are things going at the mine that's a good hijackers again but i got that shipment through to your stamp now you know i can't understand this outbreak of lawlessness though it always seems to be more prevalent in war times mr brock i have to have another truck there's an old one of yours at the mill i could sure use if you'd sell it i'd like to accommodate you jim but trucks are hard to get nowadays when will you need it right away a lot of new machinery came in including the stuff we have to have for the song that we planned i'd like to get it up to the mind at night i guess this is the one you mean isn't it gmq yes that's it you can have it how much [Music] i'll take it i'll write your checkpoint right now no all right why don't you go back by where the deep close road i thought that road was closed mr brock no the road commissioners have fixed it up are you is it quite alive well it certainly is a lot closer that way i think i'll use it tonight there you are and i certainly appreciate it not at all jim very glad to help you any man can make a comeback the way you did after being wounded in the service deserves all the breaks he can get hey and if you need any help loading your stuff just let me know i'll do that thanks a lot mr brock no doubt [Music] i thought you were laying off the heart's not fit i am that is anything violent but if jim hudson should meet with a fatal accident on his way back to the mine that'd be too bad wouldn't it [Music] yeah are you sure i can buy all this equipment in fast cash certainly you're going to look jim up anyway he'll show you where to go i mean if he got there safely nah he made it all right well i'm on my way dad all right i'll drive cathly bye goodbye don't call it i forgot something [Music] i forgot to tell you about the first aid kit it's the only doctor we have here and the station wagon is our only ambulance you want me to take it over yes when you get to town buy whatever it means now is there anything else mr hudson is i probably think of it when you get back bye bye [Music] i don't care how long it takes we've got to find pete before somebody else does and identifies him now we'll go back up the road toward the mine spread out a little and keep your eyes peeled [Music] put him onto his horse this man is in a serious condition you can't move until i finish dressing his wounds you act like you know what you're doing thank you i've done this before isn't that car from a gunsight mine is it are you miss miller i might be you sure put out a lot of information don't you not my job no then what is your job right now to care for the wounded that's fine we've got some more of them bring her along boys why don't you put the injured man in the station i'll decide what to do put her on a horse and blindfold her you don't have to force me if they're wounded i'll go willingly noble aren't you no i'm not noble i'm doing this for a reason you'd never understand [Music] that man will help you i'll need some alcohol to dress this man's wounds that's a good idea i could use a little snort myself i want it for sterilizing you mean you're gonna waste good liquor get it okay [Music] you're too smart to try to get away from here aren't you really and i thought you were too smart to try to hold me here we'll see the art hp the art hb i'm nhb young hudson gave us a slip again chief but i think we from now on don't try anything till you hear from me i'm sorry chief by the way we've got miller's daughter here what why are all this stupid things couldn't help it she found pete and could identify him well the only thing to do now is to get rid of her and get this set up for tonight jim hudson will be coming up deep gulch road where are those men going to a bridge party fridge party yeah and your friend hudson's gonna be dummy how's he doing oh fine uh he'll wake up pretty soon and be hungry i'm hungry right now how's about a little food for all of us can you get some sure i'll go out the cook shack and make some sandwiches i'll get busy [Music] when we hit the deep couch road we'll stretch out the half-mile intervals okay your truck ready to roll all set let's go [Music] we'll cut the cables on this side [Music] it looks good you know what you're a nice looking girl and beings were the only ones in camp tonight we might as well enjoy ourselves uh what were these men doing when they were shot prospecting for gold jim hudson you ain't so dumb neither is jim hudson he'll wipe you all out before he's through why after the night he won't even be able to wipe his own chin oh you're referring to that bridge party he's going to have you catch on click help yourself may i sure i like a guy who can handle all you'll be surprised well here's to you here's hoping [Music] that's good enough the weight of the truck will do the rest that's the truck all right rock sold it to him today not a bad deal huh [Music] well then we got to catch him what's up where did you come from is there a bridge near here jim said something about one well that's it hurry we've got to stop him going as fast as this truck will go so [Music] we'll cut the cables on this side [Music] that's good enough the weight of the truck will do the rest you two go down to the edge of the gulch when the truck crashes through make sure hudson doesn't get out of the wreck listen what's that layla we see who it is [Music] it's cow the miller girl got away what i met kurt she was looking for stupid fool she'll have the law on us and lead him right to the hideout scatter and comb the neighborhood we've got to find her wait here comes hudson better take care of him first [Music] see anything moving not a thing here comes another truck you better check on it [Music] it's red gets drunk down the road give me that right [Music] i'm all right just a couple of scratches burns me up is losing that load of machinery what are you doing here well a band of men stopped me when i was on my way to town but jim they did something to this bridge hey what did you say well i heard him talking about it when i was in the cabin they fixed the bridge so it would crash so that's still all right come on [Music] this right over there on the top of that bank [Music] those are some of our boys once i just got here follow me can't take your chance on a gunfight get back to your horses [Music] the firing stopped and sound like they beat it ruth do you think you can find that cabin again i don't think so all i remember was running through the dark i reached the road by accident they went through the woods on the other side you want to go after them no we couldn't find them now anyway motion see what you can salvage in that wreck come on ruth you now take this other truck and go to town have a talk with the marshall [Music] now look brandon i can explain about that girl [Music] discipline that's good to see absolutely essential to a strong organization brad yeah i was expecting you brock said that you were to hide out here that your work started after we picked up dr miller's invention yes that's right glad to have you with us now if you'll excuse me [Music] vr to hb vr to hb come in vr hudson and the girl both got away yes i know all about your blundering hudson just told me he's sending the marshall out with a party that locates your cabin if things get too hot we'll clear out and leave the place looking like a regular ranch well if we wake fast that won't be necessary now i want miller's invention and i want it tonight before hudson and the girl reach the mine now get busy okay g tell the boys to get ready we're going after the real thing tonight [Music] get set for a pleasant surprise dr house you'll have that paratron in a couple of hours [Music] i worked so hard since i was old enough to know better are you sure you know what you're doing jack if i did bill i wouldn't need to steal plate and science will must allow from this calculation [Music] [Music] i've loaded the paradigm with a terrific charge of atomic power concentrated from that quartz last time we experimented you'll remember the lightweight carried metallic dust tonight we'll see if the beam will carry an object as large as one of these pellets because the wave is of unusual and untested strength i'm using the steel plate well if you've told me that before i just said go ahead and blow out the old dang wall what's the matter great getting too old to take it oh listen who's talking you may know where the lab building is hush says that's where we'd find dr miller's invention i'll get going cover them don't shoot unless you have to and if you have to don't miss ordinarily one of you men hold a receiver but now i can't take a chance on letting anyone come within range of the light wave [Music] well everything's ready should we try go ahead i'm on needles and pins better rip watch [Music] what was that looks like that's the thing we came for it's around the cabin don't stand here get going not me didn't you see what happened nothing led to them guys but a pop of smoke no sir i'll take your choice [Music] bill we better wait here this may be another attempt to steal a paradigm [Music] we couldn't identify those men everything on them was destroyed oh that's too bad i was in hopes there'd be some sort of a clue i still think they're just a gang of outlaws oh it's bigger than that pop this gang's international they'd give anything in the world for doc's invention i don't get it doc is in there brooding because his invention turned out to be a death ray instead of a instead of what it's supposed to be he sure is peculiar no no not peculiar civilized well whatever it is i don't understand he's got something that's worth millions and he's sore about it what are you going to do with all that gear you brought up from saskatchewan well that's the equipment i brought to start up the old shaft again you still think you can reach the vein of courts from the lower level i'm sure of it after all that book learning he got in college and you're still doubting him pop you know why i know there's quartz in that lower level is because grits rheumatism acts up when he gets close to it rheumatism i had an ache in my life no when do you expect to get that hoist in i'll have it running tomorrow doesn't seem to be anything for me to do around here i'd just as well go fishing you might go back to the lab and cheer up the doctor and all i'm good for these days is to give advice let's give the boys a hand but you didn't know those men were out there it's not your fault after working for years to benefit humanity i end up with a terrible weapon of destruction well you're wrong like that let's look at it this way if it is a weapon of destruction it's also a weapon of defense jim is refitting an old shed that runs a thousand feet into the ground maybe let's see [Music] come on back let's put our cards on the table and face the facts think for a minute what this invention will mean to the country i only knew what it was don't worry you will a shaft of light it can crush a rock burn a man into a puff of smoke gun is a harmless toy compared to this think of it i've got troubles of my own to think of how to get that ray machine without losing any more men how to get it quick enough to satisfy brock last night why did you take it then the boys got afraid it scared the fight out of them i was just talking to our man up at the mine he said they're fixing up that shaft we put out a commission so what thought you'd like to know you have told me they were all dead hey kurt let me talk to him our men looked all through that area well all i can say marshall is what i told you before miss miller figures the hideout's about halfway between here and the bride the record it's a pretty rugged country the only person i know living in there is a trapper named curse norm vaguely i stopped there once while i was hunting maybe i'll have a talk with him i think i will my main trouble is i ain't got enough men to make a real search can you spare any sorry but i can't we're sure to help ourselves well i'll do what i can i'll have the chief send another deputy up here thanks marshall and stick on the job and you run them down will you well you told me to let you know when this is all set down in the shaft well are we yep let's go that works as slick as a whistle all set for the blast the bottom drift all set i left it over i couldn't have done better myself i couldn't have done better myself he says why you couldn't find the right place to set off a firecracker set that box of explosives on the heist now the breaks ain't you ever going to learn when i fix something that's fixed right i've been taking his back tall for 20 years someday i'm gonna get and fire him yeah i know men down there bolton they've been through drilling for 10 minutes now we'll soon find out of that theory of yours about the vein of quartz is correct it's not a theory it's a fact you're going down the rancher let's go take it easy i won't expect that new cribbing no brit did a good job in here considering the time [Music] of the shaft happened to get rekt well we figured some of dad's old enemies were trying to break him and take over the mine now it looks like there's a little more to it than that [Music] hey we snapped the cable hey we gotta get those explosies out of here [Music] so [Music] you know gret did a good job in here considering the time [Music] of the shaft happened to get wrecked well we figured some of dad's old enemies were trying to break him and take over the mind now it looks like there's a little more to it than that [Music] vr calling hb vr calling hb hello chief i want to report that right about this time jim hudson and his pal and a box of high explosives ought to be breaking records for going down a mine shaft [Music] we gotta get those explosions out of [Music] here [Music] take our space [Music] girl [Music] how do you feel how do you feel bad stop playing you'll be all right what happened i don't know i was letting the horse down nice and easy and all of a sudden i felt the roof cave you know when i came to i heard this big explosion down in the shaft it's a signal they're alive they want to come up okay jim i'll hand you up to the jiffy hey brett where's grit it's not like you to be careless what happened well as near as i can remember somebody sneaked up and cracked me on the head there's only one answer to that somebody working right here at the mine pop i'll call them in together we'll get at the bottom of this right now oh no not that way we got to be smart we got to work from the inside like they do what rya's knee is all our work is gone for nothing how bad was the damage the cribbing in the lower drift is all caved in we're fresh out of lumber too our bradshaw's boy's still cutting that timber on the upland leaves yes don't you think i better have a run up there tomorrow and talk with him good idea how would you like a nice trip into the lumber country tomorrow or would i how would you like a nice trip into the lumber company oh come on [Music] you want to wait here ruth sure i'll only be with brad shaw humility i see right that was our man at the hudson mine he said the deputy marshal is on his way here to have a talk with you let him come him and me are old buddies i'll buy him a drink and send them packing that's the idea i'll leave one of the boys here just in case the marshall gets too nosy you and the rest of the men will have to clear out for a while that interfere with us not a bit as soon as the marshall's gone we can all come back wherever you be during this time i also found out that jim hudson's in the upland timber country i thought i'd mosey up there maybe do a little honey [Music] i gotta hand it to you doc once you start something you sure don't give up i hope you don't mean that as a compliment a matter of fact it would take much more courage for me to stop working with me this will become an obsession i neglect my friends i lose track of time hi youtube hello hello thanks so soon yeah did you see bradshaw yeah pop the best i could do was buy the timber standing we'll have to cut it and haul it ourselves oh what in well brad joy isn't using his trucks at night and he said we could use a man is the price all right i think so it allows for the time we'll put in cutting and hauling well finally i'll leave here with a crew before sunup in the morning may i go with you again sure if you think you can get up early now marty he's wow [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] remember i've got to get my first aid get both unturned badly no just a hand without it they tried to make friends with the field mouse and she didn't [Music] foreign [Music] so [Music] [Music] hey [Music] [Music] jim jim roof what's the matter how does it feel all right i'm sorry ruth i shouldn't have brought you never mind that there was a man up there trying to shoot you my that was no accident i'll say it wasn't let's get back to the car here comes the marshall don't be too quick with that gun you better get in that room why hello there marshall come right on in it's good to see you i haven't seen you in a month or sunday's longer than that i reckon mr kurt's longer than that would you have a little drink to warm up oh thanks i'm on duty on duty way up here in this lonesome neck of the woods yep seems there's a bunch of hijacking outlaws hiding out around here i was thinking maybe you'd seen something you'd like to tell the law about nope ain't seen nothing even the four-footed skunk gas up here this season well just all i'd ask oh if you uh see anything mr kurtz let me know i sure will marshall what was that those dang rats this place is polluted with them always knocking something over i wish i could get rid of them you're trying to catch that rat have a smoke on me thanks i will so long marshall is that a close call i'll say not please do he's available killer i'll see you tonight tell dad the boss and i are bringing down the first load feel all right bye now bye [Music] so [Music] all right come back give me that truck [Music] what do you know a couple of high finders just scrub bill and got away with our pickup truck what better road [Music] all right [Music] why the crazy fool i've gotta hit him no no try a passing oh i can't do it [Music] so [Music] so the man who tried to shoot jim today was one of the masked men i saw before i'm sure i'll take some into the truck with me have a look along the road jim's coming down what do you know a couple of high fighters just left bill got away with our pickup truck that cinches it they're after jim have three of the men go with me ruth you come along too you need her oh i can't stay here dad if something should happen to gym or both tonight [Music] why the crazy fool i've gotta hit him no no try to pass him oh i can't do it you better jump [Music] [Music] oh jim jim well come on stop yelling get in here say this thing's full of floors oh come on let's get a look at that truck why are you hurting where's the truck right at the bottom of the hill the low get away from you not exactly well we were doing all right the truck pulled up right in front of us in the middle of the road was it our pickup truck well we didn't have time to stop and look yeah let's see it [Music] [Music] i got young hudson good work brandon i thought that'd make you happy house how did you do it i'll tell you the story later first we're paying a visit to the gunsight mine down and get rid of that truck i've been using take him out come on [Music] two of you men get the watchmen work fast but keep quiet you fellas come with me you two house [Music] [Music] there's nothing to be done about the truck it shouldn't be hard for the men to get the timber out of there we can get to it easier from the lower level [Music] [Music] that's it [Music] so [Music] i wonder where everybody is i'll probably sleep where we ought to be well that doesn't account for the watchmen well here he is somebody's knocked him out boston take care of it i wonder dad's all right they've stolen the paratron [Music] put it down here but carefully nothing must suffer the least damage this might be the most important discovery of our time how soon can you set it up you have it working depends on whether you have arts i took everything from the laboratory i thought with your value after the best i can but jim i tell you i was right here all the time i don't see how this is terrible a weapon of such terrific power in the hands of those men but they wouldn't hesitate to use it on anything or anybody i know i know but don't worry about it doc will get it back from now on nothing else matters till we do if you need any help sing out i'll go tell brock we finally made it the art hp yard hb come in hb come in brandon well chief we made it everything worked out according to plan good what about the periton we've got the paratron here at the ranch dr house is putting it together now and we'll be able to cover every bit of territory within a radius of 100 miles you do the piloting i'll do the observing i think that's an excellent plan perhaps but why tomorrow night well if they can put the paratron together they'll certainly want to use it and if they do we'll be able to see that light for 50 miles what i want to know is where are you going to get the plane i'll go in town tomorrow and ask mr brock so far he's been able to give us anything we've wanted i hope it works [Music] how much was a thing like that course doc i don't know it's hard to say a million dollars perhaps a million dollars [Applause] i told you to keep your hands off do you think you can operate it that flandering food hasn't damaged it well i guess it's all right here this is the energized quartz dr miller came north for it is a secret of the periton's miraculous power let's see you make it work doc try it out on that tree up on the hill there [Music] that's hot stuff doc what makes it take apparently some form of atomic energy i should like to have seen dr miller's face when he realized what he had created i'd like to see him when he realized it was gone what do you think brock is going to do with it probably send it abroad as soon as possible no you can't hide a thing like this i hope he doesn't take it away from me too soon such a long time has passed since i've worked in it yes there's mr jim hudson jim hudson send him in hello hudson hello mr brock sit down thank you how're things going that's a good could you help me rent a plane well i'll try almost anything will do is just for some local flying well i don't want to appear unduly curious but if i had more of an idea what you wanted for it's no secret i want to find dr miller's paratron paratron yes you know his invention you've heard me speak of it oh yeah of course don't tell me it's gone that's right it is well do you seem so concerned is it that important it's extremely important that machine in the hands of the wrong people could be a terribly destructive weapon well but didn't you say that its commercial use was to convey substance through space it was until dr miller developed it far beyond that point but what about the flames hello give me seven five two hello paul this is brock talking say can you rent me a small plane for local flying yes yeah that's right wait a minute you got an old two-seater biplane they used as a trainer well that'll be fine asking if it has landing lights does it have landing lights yeah we'll have it serviced and ready to fly jim hudson will pick it up thanks a lot mr brock i hate to be always calling on you oh don't mention it glad to be at heaven i'll go right down and get it i want to get started tonight before these cover too much territory goodbye goodbye thanks again [Music] now is your chance to test the destructive power of the paratron tonight okay we'll be waiting for him and this time don't depart his death until you're sure of it right anything else no [Music] when you hit 10 000 cut your motor and blind in a wide spiral hear that plane there's one up there lefty hudson it'll be a simple thing to find out bring that gadget on the rocks over there just a flash oh i see you think they're experimenting that's the idea [Music] so [Music] try it again i just saw a beam of light i'm sure it's the paratron [Music] he's seen it he's cut his motor what's that building down there [Music] that ought to be the old kurtz ranch [Music] did the light come from there no further over the hill [Music] [Applause] there it is [Music] that mountain cuts off the view of the [Music] fireworks [Music] there he is [Music] there it is [Music] that mountain cuts off the view of the fireworks [Music] [Applause] wow [Music] take this machine back to the cabin you're anxious to tell brock about the big game we have backed aren't you no no you can tell them if you want to i'm tired of being proved a liar you don't think hudson lives with that i believe he's dead when i've had the pleasure of burying him i'm going to find the spot where that plane crashed come with me [Music] i'm sorry ruth if i thought this would happen i certainly wouldn't have brought you alone no now none of that i'd rather be here with you than back that's the mind wondering you're a great pal now look here's what i want you to do take this compass and head to east it ought to bring you out on the old mine road what about you i'm going back to where the plane crashed i think whoever turned that ray on us will come snooping around all right jim oh yes take this i won't need it goodbye now good luck [Music] they're done for let's get back to the cabin [Music] so [Applause] [Music] i didn't get close enough for those two fellas to recognize and the only thing i'm sure of is that kurtz's cameron is the hideout and i'm for sending the marshall up there and arresting the whole bunch of them oh it wouldn't work then why not he's right bob if the paratron's in that cabin you couldn't get a hundred men within a mile of the place you know what it did to the plane it's not like you two to sit back and take it without a fight what's on your mind very simple we know the outlaws have a spy right here at the mine oh i've been working on that i've got two suspects myself wait a minute pop wait live finish with him first we're going to feed him a little wrong information for a change follow this closely we're going to spread the information around that we think the paratron's at the old poket mine and that we intend to go up there this afternoon but instead of doing that how many men's you get five men's all we can spare they're in the truck iphone the marshall he's sending a deputy and cement over to poke it right away that ought to do it please stand him [Music] you boys stick around you hear from us come on boson have you told brock if they're getting their pellet on ready for shipping yeah but i've got work to do before we move it out brock verified the tip we got on hudson being at the poke at mine boys and i are riding up to take a look we ought to be back with nightfall [Music] what's next boss we're gonna stick around wait wait for what for those outlaws to move far enough away so they can't hear the gunfire gunfire but gunfire hours hours sure we're going to the cabin and see if the paratron's in there now look while we're waiting you go back to the truck and bring the rest of those men up here okay boss i've got the men staked out just like you said boss you tell them to make a lot of noise they'll make more noise than a division of infantry all right let's go all right we're surrounded don't fire your pool they ain't going to get me without a fight for fighting [Music] either there's nobody in that cabin always kill them all there's anybody in there they're cagier than i am but i'm going down and have a look huh coming up [Music] now here's the plan for action when the outlaws get here you two men will be laying low over here on the right you two men you stay here and cover me oh let me go jim no no you're too big a target if you see anything moving be sure and hit it so [Music] stand just inside this door i'm gonna take a look in the other room watch dr house help me get him untied well i know him he was on the ship with us oh mr hutz you have finally come i'm so grateful so thankful never mind that now doc you take it easy while we look around search the rest of the cabin see what you can find [Music] oh thank you you're wondering how i've come here aren't you well yes sorry remember when we were on that ship i went to see the captain about that murder i don't understand why but he had me locked in the hole and then the ship ran into the iceberg i remember nothing anymore nothing until one day i regained my senses and i was in the hands of these terrible men things they have made me do you you can't imagine i'm so glad you have come i couldn't find it anywhere jim oh dr miller's paratron's been stolen we thought perhaps it was here yes i know with a gun in my back they made me work it well you were the one who tried to burn me up last night he touched me he forced me take him back to the gun side see that he gets plenty of hot food and rest come on doc thank you thank you [Music] doctor do you know where the parenthood is now no it's out there somewhere whenever they take me from here i am blindfolded i'll go on up to poke at mine the deputies probably grab those outlaws by now i'd be able to get some information out of them [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so we beat him to it all right let's take it out remember orders if anything goes wrong [Music] drop your guns you're under arrest [Music] now [Music] work your way back to the horses [Music] so [Music] holy get those masks down [Music] get rid of those rifles this mountain [Music] this mountain [Music] so and then [Music] the lucky thing i came along in time to plug hudson i'll bring him back to curtis place but be careful buttons men may have taken over [Music] happened to you everything okay things have been happening so fast around here i don't know where's house that's what i mean jim hudson is out that came up here shooting i wanted to fight it out but house made me hide in the chimney where's the paratron in the chimney you know what when hudson and his outfit moved in here house acted like he was an old friend of theirs and went along home with him i don't get it [Music] what do you think made house rat on us like that for shut up vr to hb vr to hb come in brandon the pokemon deal was a frame up hudson came here instead but everything turned out all right i ran into him on the way back we headed out and i shot him off a cliff good what about the paratron they didn't get it by the way house pulled a fast woman over on their side looks like he's trying to save his skin maybe he's smaller than you'll give him credit for and take on them you'd better clear out of there right away where we go go to the pokemon after what happened today no one will ever suspect so [Music] hijackers shot me i i fell off the ledge in the river that's what you get for running away without me half thing slower and you wouldn't have been here come on let's go home here create the radio too okay you ain't gonna take all them explosives and ammunition are you why not why this don't even make a dent in what's left down there let me take a look guess you had more of that stuff than you thought you had huh certainly can't move an arsenal like this today you gonna leave it here as is yeah until later you sure you got all the parts of the paratron or packed and on its way well we gotta get moving before some of hudson's outfit comes snooping around again right [Music] really how is he i'm all right bob oh playing fossil to catch a little sleep eh no i was just thinking of poke at mine how'd the deputy come out up there not so good the trap backfired longer the deputy shot four of the outlaws but none of them lived to tell nothing about the others well that's all right we know where the hideout is anyway what time is it 20 after 10. well i gotta get out of here please no i gotta get back to that hideout before those outlaws leave and remove that evidence you need rest yes try to keep him quiet at least until morning i don't think you can keep him down longer than that you will notice here how i've broken down the atomic structure of the energized courts of course this is my own conception of the structure later facts may prove me wrong oh i see a working hypothesis exactly are you tired oh no no please go on i had another version of the same problem that was here someplace you're too silly well it takes a lot of time to bring dr house up to date on the development of the peripheral dr miller has made such great strides since you're in the mood to talk sharp i better be going no wait a minute bill don't go i won't ask you advice about something where it is dr house is very doubtful about our chances of getting back to stolen periton he suggested that we start working on another what do you think that's entirely up to you well i hate to keep them posing i don't want to hear any more talk like that you stay here as long as you want and do what you want thank you bill how's jim oh he'll be all right in the morning at least i hope so because he'll want to go to the kurtz ranch to look around whether he's well or not you lost the vet just like i figured you lost a bet jim one you said we couldn't reach the crypto courts from the lower level and we went and did it's getting bigger all the time too just like big streaks of lightning and i do mean lightning i've got to see this with my own eyes this is right up your alley i'll get you you leave him alone we'll tell him in the morning there she is boys but there's enough courts there to charge a hundred paratrooms if used properly that could make a country the most powerful in the world you know the quartz on the lower level might be even stronger i wonder if grid has got a specimen of a chat i'll go and see so rox wants to see you assess catch tomorrow okay running that jim hudson will be at the kurtz ranch in the morning okay doctor do you want to help [Music] did you get him i don't know what you see somebody was snooping around the lab you told me to shoot even if it was one of our own boys that's right go check the bunkhouse and see if everyone is there you've got the paratron what do you think they were after now dr miller they're after me you i know it i feel it they want me and they won't dress until they get me ah now don't you worry doctor i'll assign a man to dodger day and night thank you mr hudson thank you get everything yeah [Music] our man got the message through the house and he sent one back jim hudson will be up here in the morning jim hudson i thought you said you shot him and he fell in the river did you say in the morning yes give me a hammer and wrecking bar okay while you're at it bring me the tool chest the detonators and wire [Music] [Music] you sure that booby trap's gonna work they hate to be in hudson's shoes when they touch this step finest keepers huh whoever finds this is not the case oh harry this morning dr house that's fine thank you oh mr hudson excuse me but i would like to ask you to do me a favor you see i'm so badly made of clothes and other necessities i was wondering if you could give me the lord of her car for the aquarium town why sure i'll send a couple of the boys with you though after what happened last night you need protection thank you very much i'll tell you what i'll give you a letter of introduction to mr brock he can fix you up with anything you want thank you very very much [Music] all right you two fellas take yourselves out around the house and make sure nobody surprises [Music] i don't know what you're going in there for but since they've cleaned everything out you can't teleport and they have left a clue around someplace [Music] look around you see anything sing out [Music] uh-oh trap door i'll let this lead to those tunnels dr house was talking about let's take a look there we are this is one reason i wanted to come back i think we're getting someplace all the modern conveniences should we take a look sure you better stay here be careful careful why do you think the place is haunted just like a regular seller to me so that's the opening to a tunnel i think let's see what's in there i can't see a thing go ask ruth to bring the flashlight from the car home is rude jim wants a flashlight for current jetta please all right dawson [Music] jim yeah over here your eyes will get used to this dark in a minute looks like they're hardened sugar samples of ore looks like kurt must be doing a little prospecting on the side you know i'd like to have a look at those walls let's get these sacks out of here they may be just a blind no no from there what are you trying to do block us in here throw them all the way on that's it [Music] hey look at this some wood paneling this might be an entrance i might go someplace i'm gonna go get an [Music] axe [Music] brandon calling hb brandon calling hb come in brandon i'm reporting from the poke at mine we've got the paratron here without a hitch are you sure you left nothing important to the kites ranch i took everything chief that is everything except about a ton of high explosives well suppose the hudson outfit finds that that's the idea when they do they'll never know what hit him i rigged up a booby trap on the bottom step in the tunnel whoever comes down those stairs will blow himself in the whole house to kingdom come [Music] which is like a regular seller to me awesome [Music] [Applause] [Music] we don't need it it's just a wood crabbing there's nothing behind it let's take a look at this wall over here [Music] get these out of here [Music] are you hurt get this sack off of me no not that one listen off of my neck [Music] damn you all right yes are you sure hey you know what saved us jim uh what this side tunnel shut off the blast doctor hoff to see you send him in well i was afraid you wouldn't make it that simple did anyone see you come in here possibly as a matter of fact hudson station wagon is outside waiting for me with two men in it what a letter of introduction for mr hudson he said you could get me anything i wanted another introduction from hudson that's a good one sends you right in perfectly legitimate visit just like one of the family did you have a pleasant weekend pleasant and interesting particularly when they found a vein of the inner dance quartz large enough to supply all we need oh why wasn't i told this before you better hurry up and take those outlaws why are you worried about me no but pretty soon you won't have any more space left for bruises then what'll i do for first day practice oh jim jim there's a couple of photos riding down the trail uh-huh just as i thought they're checking up on their booby trap i want to catch at least one of my life now look here's what we'll do [Music] hold it [Music] get off that horse [Music] what'd you get the other one i winged him but he wouldn't fall off his horse there's something wrong with this gun yeah i was afraid of that well i got this one anyway we sure did we'll see if he can find his horse [Music] i've got enough financial claims against the gunsight mine to give me the legal right to put in a bid once we get the hudson's out of the way good are you sure jim hudson knows the book we're using certainly well that offers an interesting possibility what do you mean could you get him to listen to anonymous tonight at 12 o'clock but he may recognize your voice i don't see never mind that do you think you could do it i can try all right tonight tomorrow night any night about 12 o'clock now you better do your shopping and get back to the gun side and get right to me just as soon as you know all right one of your men hurt no no one of the outlaws i got him this morning i hope we can get some information out of him is he badly injured no bones broken he may be hurt internally i don't understand it i couldn't hit him that hard do you mind doctor not at all i'll go get some smelling sauce and see if we can bring him too these teams have a concussion possibly a fracture i believe it should be taken at the hospital in town i had my way i'd turn him over to the marshal i don't believe in covering crooks i'll bring the station wagon around front you telephone the hospital and make the arrangement [Music] you got to get me out of this you must act quickly yes take this you might make use of it [Music] just have word from the chief says you're not to use a short wave and immortally here from house [Music] i believe our patient is regaining consciousness we'll take it easy fella my head my head oh you'll be all right do you think you can answer some questions you might try tell me where's your gang hiding out no well who's your leader no you'll have to talk sooner or later you might as well tell me now he was muttering something about short waves as if he had to listen for something at a certain time really huh i wonder were you supposed to listen to a shortwave broadcast oh leave me alone tell me that one thing and i won't bother you anymore shortwave midnight midnight help me get him out of the car [Music] how is he he's all right he's a little bit restless [Music] please [Music] foreign so jim jim there he is [Music] so of all this stupid imagine me falling for a trick like that i remember the fractured skull he's doing all right you're telling me well there's only one way we can get back to the mind you mean [Music] you know there's one thing i can't figure out the night tonight yes where'd he get it [Music] hq digby calling phq come in phq hurry hurry four pack horses got that okay go ahead tomorrow that's the abandoned miner joining pogue move the boxes you will find at the bottom of the old shaft designated spot on the coast you got that okay take me off take me off hey you don't suppose that parrot that parrot thing could be in those boxes here well i don't know but it's worth a try what do you say pop we want to get there before they do let's get going we ought to arrive a little after dawn [Music] so oh jim marley shaft i haven't been up here in 20 years don't look like no one else has neither the paratron's down there they've done a good job of hiding it get those boards over there i'm going down take a look [Music] that crabbing's pretty rotten better put on a safety rope we'll need it to pull up the paratron anyway are you going down too i'm just as nosy as you are give me that crowbar there you are i'll let them get all the way down the shaft hey there we are pop i've got to hand it to your son for some smart figurine come on let's get it out of here wait a minute pop that doesn't feel right [Music] rocks [Music] how's that for the perfect accident [Music] so [Music] hey there we are pop i've got to hand it to your son for some smart figuring come on let's get it out of here [Music] hey wait a minute that doesn't feel right [Music] well we can't stand here let's start digging them out it's tough morton we couldn't reach him now [Music] coming both no first i'm gonna find the gang that did this and wipe them out it must be around here someplace why are any of you going with me yeah we're with you all right you two take that side come on with me [Music] hey the lucky thing that old cribbing wasn't strong enough to hold that dirt you still got the spare play play [Music] [Music] that might be a drift of the old pokemon yeah well anyway it's got to come out somewhere [Music] must be more of these guys around i'll go ahead and take a look see if the paratron's into those boxes so [Music] that's fine now what we have to do is get past the habit as an outlaws down there about a hundred feet hey where's that guard don't worry about him he's all tied up and tucked away good you ready and we have to shoot our way out man with one gun i wish [Music] we're in for it now torches i'm worried about we've got plenty of ammunition anyway bob here you better stock up look at those crazy pools leaving torches so we could see them better crazy are they i mean crazy [Music] it's like shooting black cats in a dark alley i'll see [Applause] well you saw [Music] i figured we'd never look for him up here back and get the others we gotta get those squares out of here take the one over there and i'll get this one over here [Applause] [Music] back there get it off we'll hold them [Music] off [Music] so [Applause] they're running away let's get them [Music] come in vr i know all about your blundering we can't stay here hudson will come back and forth and wipe us out hudson won't be there because you're going to get him fresh i don't follow you listen you'll be standing by gunsight mind with your men at the proper time house will turn the prayer turn on the mind in the confusion your man will go in and finish the job [Music] well i reached the end of my role i can't work under these conditions by almost fighting murder where are you going doctor see i'm going to make arrangements to take the parathon back to seattle at once please doctor don't ask him hey i made up my mind a message come in from brock turn the paratron on the mine buildings destroy everything you can and be sure you get the hudson so what about me brandon is standing by the explosion and fire will be his signal to attack i could do it right now they are in the [Music] house [Music] i'm afraid now it'd be a bad time to move the paratron why i can't promise anything i just have a feeling things are coming to a climax and when they do what will happen to the paratron to all my work we'll have to take that chance just hope to strike before they do and i still say we ought to go back to poker with the marshall and his men and wipe them out and i still say they're not gonna sit there waiting for us so you think your plan will work i'm sure it's only a matter of days maybe hours [Music] relax boys nothing yet this is your doctor yes i'm very busy you don't drama and i am about to conduct an experiment so if you'll excuse me oh sure go right ahead don't mind my watch to you dr miller's in another nervous state too much excitement huh if you please [Music] i i'm sorry you scared you didn't i followed water cough not too fooled these are chemicals alone or you blew us all out yeah well i i guess i'll be going thank you very much oh you're welcome hello [Music] all right why is it loaded what are we doing we are about to measure the speed of the life beam oh oh yes i have been making preparations i see what did mr hudson say to you leaving well we'll wait a few days and see what develops personal angles were sure that radio message that fooled us into going to the abandoned mine was obviously a trap and secondly that outlaw who told us of the radio was prompted to do so while he was right here because naturally he didn't figure on being captured at the hideout so it was an inside job he got it from one of our men none of the miners was in the house pop nobody had a chance to talk to him said jim the boys are taking the cream of that hot course out right now i thought you'd like to see it you bet that quartz is another reason why the doctor ought to stick around yes yes i will [Music] i don't think i should go down jim dad worries me well your part is all right we'll only be gone about 20 minutes come on all right [Applause] there you go [Music] we will direct the beam through the window against the hill and measure the speed that way no that you won't get the distance stuff then besides it is too dangerous i suggest we take the paddle on outside and direct the beam into the sky that can do no harm you're quite right it's very thought or something i'll get a couple of boys to help us [Music] yeah the course seems to be getting stronger the deeper we go what are we stopping here for i want to show you the difference in the course of this top level you're not getting the stuff out fast enough put them in on a double ship do we get a bonus you're getting too much overtime already oh my ham you'll get your bonus my belief the array will reach 20 000 feet now we'll see [Music] there's the beam [Music] standby men any minute now [Music] fifteen thousand give it more juice we're depending on you to get the ore out i'll get it out [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] better get set as soon as the paratron blasts the mind that's when we attack [Music] there's the beam stand by men any minute now [Music] fifteen thousand give it more juice we're depending on you to get the ore out i'll get it out okay bob my what are we stopping here for i want to show you the difference in the course of this top level you're not getting the stuff out fast enough put them in on a double shift should we get a bonus you're getting too much overtime already don't mind him you'll get your bonus follow me quick we've got to get that fire under control come on grit i wonder if dad's all right [Music] [Music] [Music] oh what happened i don't exactly know it was so quick i heard the shots fired and then somebody hit me from behind and i came to the shaft house was inflamed and dr miller was lying beside me unconscious so i brought him in here yeah we better get him upstairs [Music] well here's your guy there's a gun he used one of your own trusted men too castle boston are you sure well i saw it with my own eyes and just left me the man who attacked dr miller and myself come on sit back and make yourself comfortable now tell us all about it might as well talk kessel who's behind this who sent you here who's paying you come on start singing before i work on you again [Music] why'd you do that he wanted to kill me i lost my head i'm all confused i don't know anymore what i'm doing [Music] pop there's your man that's been working from the inside well it's about time kessel why looks like house did his stuff this ought to be easy [Music] huh it's them high binders again come on man [Music] get a couple of items [Music] you must take it inside [Music] i'll leave it where it [Music] i thought it was this is going to be easy i had a hunch house would bungaloos [Music] deal thanks bob yeah that's the last of this game i hope so but we better make sure well boys the smokes are on me that's your own cigarettes and get back to work what do you think this is a birthday party i'm sorry you weren't letting me use a parathon on them that's too bad maybe you better go outside and see if they got them all [Music] there are members of this gang still around sooner or later they'll be back i agree with you doc i think you should take the peritron return to the states and ask an accompany the doctor of course certainly not the house well fine i'll load the paratron on the station wagon and get things ready for thank you jim you know dad for your sake i'm glad you're gone but it's gonna be awful quiet around here want to relieve him immediately you have to drive me to town with a peritone dr miller is following the other car all right check and see if we got everything [Music] sorry to have kept a gentleman waiting see you later boson stop the car [Music] put that thing away you could kill a guy with that stop this car [Music] get out [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what happened to you you were supposed to go on into town well he pulled a gun on me well it wasn't quite according to plan was it you know that might work out even better did you know we're following him i don't think he suspects of things well get in did you have to come straight to my office after that showdown at the mine where should i have gone never mind the thing now is to get you and that perichon out of town fast before the hudson's come looking for it so this is what i spent all those weeks trying to get is it let's have a look at it [Music] you stupid imbecile he went into brock's office i can't understand it who's so strange about that well i don't see how brock could be involved he's the most respected man in town did you expect him to be wearing a stormtrooper's uniform harley but we got to be sure look ruth brock's secretary knows me but she doesn't know you why don't you go in there and ask her if dr house is with brock will you do that why not [Music] i came into town with dr house he told me the meeting here i see well he's in with mr brock just now shall i tell him you're here oh no don't bother i i have some shopping to do anyway i'll drop back later thank you yes you know i was looking for doctor house how do you know did you tell a house was here yes i want to go just now well it becomes clearer every minute you walked into a beautiful little trap that's what are we to do fun and in his men are shut up never left but us deputy marshall's office please how did you call the muscle you're mad hello marshall this is brock speaking there's a troublemaker on his way here to annoy me i'd like to have you take care of him for me you will thank you i guess that'll take care of thousands i don't see how they've suffered serious losses lately trucks buildings planes they've become involved with a dangerous maniac named miller who has an infernal machine killing and destroying with it they're the most i believe that in this town people believe what i tell them and do what i say well he isn't the first big shot who's a fascist at heart there's one sure way of finding out come on boson [Music] we should be leaving town not sitting here waiting to leave town now would be the worst possible thing we could do i want to see problems he's in conference now you'll have to wait i've waited long enough hold on jim what's got into you i want to see brock yeah that's what he told me maybe you better come with us and simmer down i'm not going with anybody till i see brock oh hello jim glad to see you there's your man marshall that one of course he came in here and tried to sell me an invention he'd stolen from dr miller in the hudson's i got wise and arranged this little meeting no you don't believe him do you not quite i think you must have had a pretty good reason to believe that mr brock would even be interested or just the other day your own father sent this man to me with a letter of introduction traitor shot is too easy for him in my country he would have suffered for this card take him out of here and lock him up what's it all about why don't somebody tell me something this man's a spy what he's in the face of the enemy so is brock and his whole gang you'll find out about it soon enough one get him out of [Music] here no i'm not angry i'm i'm just peeved because you didn't tell me you were suspicious of house oh so you're the one woman in the world who can keep a cigarette huh i am what for instance the date i've set for our wedding for instance take your hands off me a big lug suppose the marshall told you to hold me as a material witness material yeah i don't know anything about the witness but if you ask me babe you're certainly good material you
Channel: Classic Hollywood Movies
Views: 77,095
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Full Movie, TV Show, TV Series, Movie, Trailer, Movie Trailer, Classic Hollywood Movie, Great Alaskan Mystery Movie, Great Alaskan Mystery Full Movie, Great Alaskan Mystery 1944 Full Movie, action movie, adventure movie, action adventure movie, drama movie, movie about war, Milburn Stone, Marjorie Weaver, Edgar Kennedy
Id: kYPxi5ciwpY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 223min 51sec (13431 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 31 2021
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