The Adventures of Captain Marvel

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Adventures of Captain Marvel (1941)

Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Sci-Fi [USA:Passed, 3 h 36 min]
Tom Tyler, Frank Coghlan Jr., William 'Billy' Benedict, Louise Currie
Directors: John English, William Witney

IMDb rating: ★★★★★★★★☆☆ 7.6/10 (768 votes)

On a scientific expedition to Siam young Billy Batson is given the ability to change himself into the super-powered Captain Marvel by the wizard Shazam, who tells him his powers will last only as long as the Golden Scorpion idol is threatened. Finding the idol, the scientists realize it could be the most powerful weapon in the world and remove the lenses that energize it, distributing them among themselves so that no one would be able to use the idol by himself. Back in the US, Billy Batson, as Captain Marvel, wages a battle against an evil, hooded figure, the Scorpion, who hopes to accumulate all five lenses, thereby gaining control of the super-powerful weapon. (IMDb)

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] what's that mr. Howell I don't know Billy let's find out what do you make of that symbol Malcolm I don't know how does it mean anything to you tell shitali the men of the hills are gathering this simple says that the white men are to be driven from the battery of two minutes lieutenant [Music] close the stockade gate man the machine guns yes sir once escaped take your places man the guy [Music] come on Betty this may be serious [Music] [Music] [Music] what causes mr. tag the legend Tuan no white man shall desecrate the valley of tomes that is not the true legend when there's desecration Scorpio will erupt see for yourself there is no eruption you have spilled blood without reason return to your people and counsel them to a way to sign from Scorpio show be as you say Tuan the true legend must not be violated the white man must live there is a curse which says that any white man that enters the valley of torm shall die he's coming back it looks as if tell shitali was successful I hope so [Music] as they attack over who are they what do they want we do not be attacked again if we stop our work in the tombs and depart but are these days and permits are in order the chief warns but no permit will protect us from the curse of the scorpion if we enter the inner tool the only reason I financed this expedition was to examine the contents of that tomb surely you're not gonna be stopped by a native curse it's superstitious nonsense that's what everybody said about the curse of King Tut's tomb but a lot of them died we'll handle this Billie will open the tomb at once we strike camp in the morning and be well on our way before there is any further danger from the natives wetsuits you tell Jo dolly I wish our danger came only from the natives you don't take this curse to the Scorpion seriously believe me gentlemen there is a curse of the scorpion nonsense will be seeing ghosts next let's get to it when you uncle I'll get these specimens back to camp we'll be glad to [Music] [Music] why there's an inscription here can you translate it totally yes I can translate it [Music] it says that for proposes behind this stone remain hidden from the eyes of mankind for all time by the secret of the scorpion dynasty must lie beyond this wall perhaps it would be wise not to learn what that secret is that's ridiculous well I think mr. Taos or Talia's right Lazar robbing a grave right now afraid really no sir I just want to pry it anybody's secrets I'll go into these passes to remove that pottery for you but I don't want any part of this very well [Music] Beauty Batson is the wisest one among us I think I shall follow his example if I may be excused yes did you like [Music] look the scorpion why it's not a tomb at all [Music] what on earth is it oh that's hard to say are they the lenders of a sort they're probably a few quarts of some kind well if this is the dreaded secret of this Scorpion dynasty it seems to be quite harmless now [Music] sunlight seems to have something to do with it why these lenses are adjustable yeah bring them all into focus [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I am Shan my name is all is known to me your name is Billy Batson you did not pry into the secret of the scorpion that is why I am here where did you come from part of the past my son down through the ages to guard the secret of the scorpion you've been alive all these years but you call life return to me when your friends die only to the to mother scorpion what they meant no harm then they should obey the inscription on the tomb a harm has been done it is your duty to see that the curse of the scorpion is not visited upon innocent people my duty yes so long as the golden scorpion may fall into the hands of selfish men it is the duty of Captain Marvel to protect the innocent from its evil use but who is Captain Marvel you are my son all that is necessary is to repeat my name Shezan by its repetition you will become Captain Marvel to take on the virtues you see recorded there the wisdom of Solomon the strength of Hercules the stamina of Atlas the power of Zeus the great courage of Achilles and the speed of mercury you must never call upon this power except in the service of right to do so would bring the scorpions curse upon your own head and now my son repeat my name and return to the rescue of your Shazaam [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh sure Malcolm you alright huh yes there's a concussion from the explosion what cost him that device me [Music] quick call the others we've got to get Lange and Fisher up to camp you'll bring the Scorpion take care of the scroll Bentley it is set forth here that a certain arrangement of the lenses will transmute any substance placed in front of the base lens to pure gold that's impossible czars like rubbish domain we can soon find out show us how to arrange the lenses there Billy bring me is several stones it placed them on the ground [Music] is step back please [Music] [Applause] platers gold the purest I've ever seen only the sun's rays is needed to create it if we only knew the formula for making those lenses what difference does that make we've got these gentlemen do you realize that this golden scorpion makes us the richest and most powerful group in the world too rich and too powerful are you suggesting that we destroy the scorpion think of its scientific value I am thinking of that what are you propose that the lenses be distributed among us then another take the scorpion itself and in that way the device could never be used without the consent of all four what about the sprawl the scorpion is useless without it i suggest that billy batson be entrusted with the scroll nobody so young how and this is of such vast importance nevertheless Billy is probably the only one among us who can't translate it but mr. Howell I with I think mr. hollows plan is excellent counter Charlie will you disassemble the lenses please mr. Fisher mr. carlyle mr. Bentley dr. Liang mr. Malcolm and Billy this is for you to God see that you guard it well it contains a precious and a dangerous secret don't worry Choucha Tali I'll guard it well said young fellow I'm sure you will see that your personal belonging to pack tonight we start to load at 4 o'clock in the morning and start for the base camp at daylight [Music] [Music] it's the signal thank you sir there's evil in the air tonight yes sir you know I feel the same way [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we all seem Restless tonight for good reason [Music] [Applause] night good night mr. ha one who invites the curse of the golden scorpion does well to protect himself good night [Applause] [Music] I'm the scroll bring it and return to ramen bar [Music] gomen of the hills lore the legend rocks about you Judith by Scorpio the guardian of the valley of poems the hands of alien White's desecrate our holy places Scorpio will give the sign to war [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes yes what is it but Billy what's up mr. Howells been murdered but it yes sir the centuries been knife sir rod octoman sake the camp yes sir where is home in our tent Radio the British troops at Fort Moulton tell them we need immediate aid yes sir [Music] ma em6 - for calling part Moulton Malcolm archaeological expedition on six - for calling Fort Walton port Moulton come in Emmy we need immediate aid we are attacked by natives this afternoon and two of our men have been killed here tonight stand by a me s socket chop over that now from expedition in the valley of tomb sir they're standing by ask their exact position and tell them I'll send a troop immediately orderly must have your exact location [Music] Colonel Hudson says the troops are well on their way Thank You Billy one of my favorite reports movement and roxxor of them to keep a sharp lookout lieutenant [Music] do you honestly believe that the volcano has anything to do with the scorpion that's the legend the natives were regarded as a sign of war I don't believe there's a native within 10 miles of here [Music] look [Music] [Music] English troops are coming they've got a cannon take mana customer Kaelin ambush [Music] stand much more of this you can only get across the court get that [Music] get the car ready trying to get through to the troops [Music] boy [Music] get out behind the back it's better protected from the gunfire what about You Billy I'll be all right [Music] they will try to cross the gorge send men ahead of them and dynamite the bridge would you like to hurry [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] why it's Billy and Betty with whitey or how earnest did you three and I'll tell you about that later mr. Malcolm we better get away from here yes go ahead for Fort motive you can rest there better hide I wanna rest I'll get back to the United States employ when we get there well I have a story to broadcast [Music] the expedition reached the ship without further difficulty all the scientists are enthusiastic over their discoveries and they're very thankful to be back in this country again out of reach of the scorpion the discovery is referring to concerns the five lenses that fit into the golden scorpion you see before you with the lenses in place the sun's rays can be utilized to change inert material into powerful explosives and to turn base metals into gold whoever controls this device will have paws such as men have dreamed of since the beginning of time that's my job to get the lenses all right tell me who's got them and I'll get to work [Music] and it won't be so easy Barnett the lenses were divided among the scientists who have hidden them carefully but you are one of these men that's gonna help us naturally we're holding a meeting at Malcolm's home today I want you to see that Henry Carlyle does not arrive at that meeting his lens is the first point of attack mr. Malcolm mr. Carl has been delayed he expects to be in about ten minutes Thank You Betty [Music] [Music] all right mr. carlyle keep driving straight ahead [Music] what do you want of me the Scorpion wants your lands don't think I'd ever let him get it to you yes I think you will [Music] those electric guys are throwing a beam which will knock out anyone who gets between them and at the same time wait I'll show you [Music] [Music] [Applause] now unless you change your mind we'll give you a personal demonstration all right all right I'll tell you it's in a safe at my home I don't remember the combination but this wallet has it written down I'll follow him now y'all write her a note all right [Music] and unless you follow these instructions the scorpion's men will carry out their threat against me this note is signed by henry carlisle scorpy in this country and we're all in danger we should call the police by all means this is an emergency Carlisle's life is in danger do you know where Carlisle's lens is Miss Wallace yes but I promise never to tell anyone you needn't tell anyone Betty the question is should you get the lens and delivered as a note instructs you to or should we turn this matter over to the authorities what do you think lang I say send the lens and save Carlyle Fisher send miss Wallace with the lens badly it's the only way Tasha Talley send the lens very well you have until midnight to get the lens and delivered a note said you must go to the Elm Street bridge alone are you willing to do that for mr. Carlyle yes if you'll all keep in touch with me by telephone I'll let you know as soon as Betty reports Betty I have an idea now you won't need to take any chances cuz I'll see that everything goes alright [Music] [Music] okay it's clear [Music] [Music] you're sad why teacher let's go [Music] we found when he leaves [Applause] get your hands up both of you all right go ahead what's this they were watching you Cowen search them [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] keep away from me aren't you pal here have it [Music] [Applause] [Music] what happened they try to trap us but I got away with the lens this box is empty we'll have another talk of mr. carlyle come on so talk to trick or say I know I wrote the note asking Betty to get the lens for you she didn't get it you better figure out a better way to persuade her I don't know what else I can do no well think and think fast we'll help you and figure out some way to get that lens you'll go under the knife we'll go back to the girl ourselves well I can't I don't know what more I can do draw I'm in [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] bro I'm in [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on [Music] Carlisle love this carpet I think I think I know who he is [Music] hello Billy where have you been well I got tied up in a special broadcast did I think of importance come up sorta I'm going to get mr. Carlyle's lens from his oak mountain lodge it's in his safe he gave me the combination are you going alone yes why should you go mr. Malcolm the others think the Scorpion is watching their movements but feel he'd never suspect me I'm not so sure about that he seems to know every move that's made around here I've already said I would go you better take my car why what has a two-way radio on if anything goes wrong you can talk directly to my office now keep it tuned into that wavelength alright Billy if it'll make you feel better [Music] you may as well come into I'll shoot Ali use mr. Malcolm still here no he left about an hour ago thank you I'll stop by this evening oh just a minute why don't you try his club you might find him there I love whitey Betty's leaving Malcolm's in my car I want you to follow her I'd be glad to Billie I'll be tired up here for a few minutes old well in that case pick her up at Elmen fourth I'll stall her for a while okay I won't let her get out of my sight okay whitey [Music] [Music] my friends think they can keep me from getting Karl's lens they do not realize the power of the Scorpion Carlisle's lens shall soon rest here the others will follow in turn a dynasty of a scorpion will have again and I shall rule right here in the ancient chaga town where is this lands how do you plan to get it a lens in a safe at both Mountain Lodge Malcolm Secretary has the combination and will be leaving soon to get it this is what you must do at once [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] drive up into that truck [Music] [Music] get going [Music] [Music] looks like your boyfriend lost track of you all right hand over that combination I don't know what you mean never mind the chatter I want the combination of Carlile's safe give me that bag this is it what are you gonna do with me just said tack you'll know soon enough [Music] I got the combination Martin and him to clip would roll you can't get away with this the police will soon know back me stories come here using their truck spot good moon at my storage company [Music] I don't think the police will hear about this [Music] that'll keep you from getting into any trouble [Music] you [Music] tie down a little lady [Music] [Music] Edd's Rock Mountain Road [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] mani-pedi how did you get here well never mind that we got more important things to worry about those men they got the combination car all safe oh that's bad if I can get to the lodge ahead of my plane let me go with you Oh after what you've been through you need a rest I'll drop you off at Malcolm's on the way to the airport I'll go get the car Billy's on his way to the airport now gentlemen you have heard my Secretary's story it's startling proof that we are menaced by a master criminal well that's true but as long as Batson gets there ahead of them we have nothing to worry about surely with Carlisle's lens in our hands is scorpion as helpless I wouldn't be too sure did you say Billy was taking his own plane yes why mere curiosity well since we can't do anything to Billy returns there's no use waiting any longer I agree good night good night good night that'll be all for you tonight 13 good night mr. Malcolm Hey [Music] brennon mr. Scott Brandon speaking listen Kathleen Batson is on his way to get his plane you know about that atmospheric exploded yes so I've got it right here and here's what I want you to do with it put it in his plane and set it for 8 o'clock with a one-minute fuse [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] who's calling please [Applause] [Music] yellow hello whitey yeah what is it Betty [Music] what and the Scorpion is that a bomb with a one-minute few to start birthing at 8 o'clock you must warn him yeah sure baby right away I'll get right on it for BL coming to RM 4 B I'll calming to REM please come in Billy Batson [Music] this is for BL calling to REM calling to REM please come in Billy Batson this is for BL Carly too I am calling to REM please come in Billy Batson why doesn't that guy answer this is 4pl calling to Aria please come in Billy Batson there's a bomb or exploding you're playing one minute past 8:00 [Music] please come in Billy Batson please come in this is 4pl calling - Arya please come in Billy bet [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is for BL Kali to REM calling - I am please come in Billy Batson why doesn't that guy answer [Music] [Music] please come in Billy Batson please come in this is 4pl call me - Arya please come in Billy batts and there's a bomb wired to explode and you're playing one minute past 8:00 [Music] [Music] well as Carlisle's lands good no difficulty getting it in no everything worked out just you had planned I need three more lenses to complete the solar atom smasher that is accomplished I'll be able to create unlimited wealth and have a weapon which will make me in mul knurl getting the remaining lenses should be easy now that Billy Batson is out of the way but Batson isn't there but he was in that plane pocket IVA scaped I don't know but I overheard bet he talked to him this morning he said he was rescued by Captain Marvel we must attend to him at once and this time not even Captain Marvel can save him I don't know how I can arrange there was to be a meeting in Malcolm's house today and Batson will be there since I have the confidence of the others probably simple for me to have Batson sent to any place that we made afternoon gentlemen I thought you were gonna prevent the scorpion from getting Carlisle's lens well I'm sorry mr. Fisher I tried to Billy did all he could mr. Fisher and you might remember that his efforts are also for your benefit my benefit please let's not lose our tempers yes gentlemen we mustn't get rattled howl and kalila both dead and each of us can look forward to the same violent end as long as the Scorpion remains unknown and at large you're quite right but the problem still remains what are we going to do destroy the remaining lenses and deprive the world of the most revolutionary device in history I can never agree to that I'm sorry to be so late but I believe I've made an important discovery the sign of the Scorpion where did you get it at Carlisle's I was going through his study in the hope of finding a clue and found this on the floor what do you make of it lying I know only one man in this country who might have such a collection is Chandler the oriental curio dealer if Chandler has such a collection the Scorpion must have got this from him but suppose this channel is working for the Scorpion in that case if one of us goes to a shop to investigate lonely put him on his guard Billy could go no one would suspect him that's fine with me I'll go right now I wanted to go downtown mr. Malcolm if you don't need me anymore I certainly Betty run along where you headed for Betty I got the license number of that truck the scorpions men were in yesterday I walked around the motor vehicle department to find out who the owner is good you get all the dope you can and we'll talk it over when I get back from chance [Music] that was close wonder if that was deliberate wait here [Music] [Music] I'm beginning to wonder about him me too but we'll have to wait till we get divided with these clues [Music] [Music] Chandler yeah you startled me our again the pattern what can I do fine you recognize this what subtly ready together I found it could you sell it to never my collection is intact this must be an imitation are you sure well to end all doubts suppose we go down to the vault check through the collection all right [Music] [Music] [Applause] time up and get lock him in the ball I'll pump on it if you said you already got him [Music] mr. Carter yes what is it I understand that you rented a truck recently license number six W seven to one yes can you tell me who rented it that's what I'd like to know truck hasn't come back yet and the driver gave me a phony name oh I see well thank you very much [Music] [Music] Maude upstairs [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] how'd you break out counting as well we got that Batson kid for sure this time he's locked up in channels bought what are they going to do with you bond that's going down there to take care of them I'll see if he's there now someone's on the extension [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] my hot sister you're not leaving just yet [Music] take her upstairs I'll get a hold of the scorpion and see what he wants to do with her [Music] hello Chan work bats somethings about [Music] hello yes you got coming in play about it yes [Music] oh you better take care of her there yeah make it look like an accident my men just captured the Wallace girl looks like a lucky day for the scorpion the day isn't over yet [Music] where's miss Wallace where's miss Wallace doc packed morale all right all right I'll tell you at the end Street garage near 4th Avenue keep an eye out well how did he do it our next says we got to get rid of her and make it look like an accident if that's a paint remover give a look for that loaded in the car and kind of loose down the ramps that'll go [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] even I [Music] how did you do it Barnett says we've got to get rid of her and make it look like a next I've got some paint remover give her a whiff of that motor in the car kind of loose down the ramps that'll do it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] scorpions men they're up there on the top floor it's Captain Marvel that won't do any good there better get out of here [Music] it's a fix Captain Marvel untie [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] who is a scorpion talk or I'll I'll talk I'll tell you anything well he isn't here who is a scorpion I don't know I've never seen him you take your orders from him don't you don't you yes but I he always wears a mask you've heard him talk yes you could recognize his voice couldn't you I think so alright I can use you come on [Music] I'm sorry about interrupting the meeting mr. Malcolm but I have something very important to say to you every time we have a meeting the Scorpion and his men know all our plans it does seem that way it is that way the last time we met town shitali showed us a miniature which he said he found dr. lime said it might have come from the shop of Chan Lau in Chinatown the chan laos shop i was attacked by the scorpions men and i wouldn't be here right now if Captain Marvel hadn't rescued me you'll all this is very disturbing but do you think you should discuss it in the presence of an outsider this man happens to be one of the Scorpions man one of you gentlemen should know [Music] do you mean to imply that the Scorpion is here yes right here in this room [Music] this man's only seen the Scorpion masked but he knows his voice he can identify it young man are you serious sod rageous utterly ridiculous all right Owens you've heard them all speak now is one of them the scorpion [Music] I don't know but you said you could recognize the scorpions voice donate them sound like them [Music] I can't I thought I could but I can't [Music] you've only succeeded in in something assault billing and making a fool of yourself by quite agreement all right Fisher all the clumsy glove I'm terribly sorry mr. Malcolm I really thought don't let it bother you village only don't be so impulsive next time I'll see that the whole thing is smoothed over before the next meeting thanks mr. Malcolm go on you what are you going to do with this man since he won't tell us who the Scorpion there's only one thing left to do and I notify the police wait a minute don't call the cops I'll tell you where I saw the scorpion all right I'm listening he has a hideout in the old Harrison mine where is this mine can we get there today sure it's back in the Hills I'll tell you where it is tell me where it is you're gonna show me where it is I'll call you whenever I get some information [Music] [Music] everything ready we got your message and work fast is the trap working alright just tested can't miss good young Batson will never know what hit him but what about Captain Marvel he seems to appear everytime Batson's in trouble don't worry about it I also have plans for our friend Captain Marvel but the power of these lenses I can turn the inside of his mountain into molten rock no one not even Captain Marvel can survive that is how my plan will be carried out [Music] that's it over there [Music] keep walking Owens don't make any breaks [Music] [Music] what's the matter I don't like this hi go ahead [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] Shazam [Music] so you're the Skorpion expected to find me here didn't you yes but I don't believe you expected me in the country I'm prepared to receive you properly I've waited a long time for this opportunity and I'm gonna find out who you are right now I'm sorry to disappoint you but you won't learn my identity now or ever they were fairly trapped my friend there are several hundred feet of solid rock all around you and if you try to escape they'll find not solid rock but molten rock focus the beam directly into the mouth of the tunnel [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] focus the beam directly into the mouth of the time [Music] [Music] [Music] that's the end of Captain Marvel [Music] [Applause] [Music] now that captain marvel is out of our way we have no difficulty in getting the rest of the lenses it'd be essentially only knew where they were I expect to find that out very soon furthermore after the meeting this afternoon no one will ever suspect that I was one of the Malcom expedition when the lenses were found in the tomb of the Scott [Music] Cham [Music] it's a message from the scorpion operator can you trace that call [Music] person speaking for the Scorpion hung up it couldn't be traced what was the message is it a tune on shortwave band 16 at 4 o'clock well it's almost that now she didn't get that band whitey [Music] this is the scorpion speaking to the members of the Malcolm scientific expedition I am now reporting that I've obtained all the lenses I seek but one hour lenses he must have rifle I am warning all the members of that group to try in no way to recover the lenses or to interfere with me in obtaining the last one it will mean death I can hardly believe it [Music] the Scorpion must have stolen all those lenses from where they were hidden currently mine was the only lens he wasn't able to get his fans I suggest we check Zaman the places where we get our lenses and search for clues a good idea that started once [Music] [Music] I sure wish Billy I'd show up so do I boy am I glad you got here or mr. Malcolm and the others I thought there was a meeting scheduled today well I was we had a radio message in the Skorpion saying that he had all the lenses but one and mr. Fisher mr. Bentley rushed away to see the scorpion left any clues I don't understand it I'm sure the Scorpion is one of this group there must be a trick of some kind no but I don't see why you would I get it the Scorpion sent that message to the men addressed right to the place their lenses were hidden you mean the lenses might not have been stolen exactly that was a trick to make them reveal the hiding places I'm writing we've got to get moving I'm heading for Bentley's new drive over to warn Fisher I'll meet you there later so long Eddie [Music] [Music] good afternoon mr. Bedley not known [Music] [Music] my tie [Music] that lens must be here [Music] I've got it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] mr. Bentley mr. Bentley mr. Bentley [Music] they got mr. Bentley's lambs [Music] [Applause] [Music] whereas mr. Bentley he he went out he didn't say where he was going I know he trusts you see that he gets his lens when he returns I've got to get to mr. Fisher's yes sir [Music] might as well tell me where your lens is hidden Fisher what reason have you to believe it's on these premises it's up this this is the place you rush for when you heard I had the lenses you wish to see if I left any clues well I'll show you watch over there the wall panel to move [Music] get it [Music] kappa device fishing so that kind of get that lens for me if anyone else is killed it's going to be you [Music] drop that gun [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] buddy [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what happened to me say how did you Fisher is dead and the lens is gone it was a scorpion that's the second Lindsey story what are we gonna do to stop him nothing right now you must help Malcolm and the others to take some drastic action to protect the rest of the lenses come on okay and when Captain Marvel got there Fisher was dead we certainly need Captain Marvel's help more than ever now oddly enough he always seems to know when and where the scorpion will strike next that's how he saved my lens where did he get his information how did you know that Fisher was in danger why what Billy told me Batson how did he know why when he heard about the message that the Scorpion broadcast to your meeting how did he learn that well well I guess Betty must have told him our meetings must be held in strict confidence our lives depend upon it and Miss Wallace should be made to understand this you are right Tasha tally I shall warn Betty not to repeat of things she hears at these meetings but have had Bentley's lens too if it hadn't been for Captain Marvel I believe I found a way to take care of him at the meeting today I learned that Betty Wallace has been talking too much it was her information that brought Captain Marvel the fissures we can use her to lure him into a trap what kind of a trap would ever hold him I have in mind a destructive force that no living being could withstand for Miss Wallace and tell her that certainly I'll bring him right down broadcasting studio watch Billy's notes for his next program I thought Billy was gonna pick him up himself must have changed his plans do you want me to go with you no mr. Malcolm wants you to stay here [Music] now I gotta play nursemaid to a telephone all afternoon [Music] take it easy you've got a date with a scorpion lady get in oh hi whitey where's Betty well the studio full and asked her to bring your notes didn't you know about it no I just come over to get them myself we're saying you don't suppose that was a phony message do you no no but I'm gonna follow her you stay here I'll call you later [Music] [Music] that was a smart trick [Music] come on we'll have to find those keys you'll come along too and hell [Music] [Music] ketchup [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] where's miss Wallace I I don't know I said where's miss Wallace she she ran into the woods that way [Music] look along the edge of the lake I'll try down here [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you'll be safe enough now I'm sure I will thanks to you but how did you happen to get here just an opportunist Billy Batson thought you might have been led into a trap Billy Batson does he know how to get in touch with you yes I keep my radio receiver tuned to a 16 wavelength a broadcast on that wave will always reach me thanks I feel much safer now [Music] [Music] move over sister [Music] although the driving now and billy batson also knows the wavelength that will contact Captain Marvel hmm very interesting you'll have to get bets n' and take him along with the girl to the shack on the bombing range right we come back here and call Captain Marvel oh he might be suspicious unless the girl goes install a broadcasting set in the shack she can operate it but suppose she doesn't call him I think she will bring her in [Music] there's no need to be frightened miss Wallace yet that is if I have your cooperation that you'll never have my help perhaps you'd better listen for us you can save yourself and your friend Batson are you hit that with this action you forfeit your life go ahead with our plans pick Batson up at his office and get both of them out of the shack at once right over [Music] [Music] here he comes [Music] Barnett Barnett this is the Scorpion the plane is taken off and will drop the demolition bombs on the shack in a few minutes leave the shack immediately [Music] come on that plane will be over in no time [Music] Billy I'm gonna call Captain Marvel he can get us out of here [Music] [Music] : Captain Marvel : Captain Marvel if Betty wall is speaking Billy and I are tied up in a shack on the bombing range please help us [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Linette Linette is the scorpion the plane is taken off and will drop the demolition bombs on the shack in a few minutes leave the shack immediately come on that plane will be over in no time Billy I'm going to call Captain Marvel he can get us out of here [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Betty Betty you alright I got loose just in time this is dangerous business Betty for your own good you better give up your job I can't quit now Billy I've got a real clue to the scorpion how's that and they took me to the scorpion I shot at him I injured his hand right but when if the scorpions one of the scientists will spot on with the meeting tomorrow come on we got a lot of hiking to do [Music] and Captain Marvel got the girl out I'll remove Captain Marvel in due time yeah but how when I complete this atom smasher I'll have a weapon and not even he can with then but I must have those other lenses and filly Batson continually interferes with me today and Batson will be there I count on you to take care of him I've got one trick that never misses but how about your hand will that give you away don't worry about it I've taken care of that [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] everybody here yes they're all here you got some paper ready is this how to do the trick I hope so for a gentleman here's a statement from the museum guarantees the authenticity of the specimens we brought back from Siam they want each others to sign it the usual formality [Music] [Music] [Music] they let you waters up telephone oh thank you pardon me nice timing Betty well who is it it's dr. lang doctor delay it's hard to believe what are you going to do now search his house if he is the scorpion then the golden scorpion and the lenses ought to be there but dr. lang keeps a guard on the gate day and night is that Lange's hat and coat yes why if I were these and take his car no but I can get by those guards dr. Layton he won't release time I had to take his car and keep him here as long as you can [Music] oh that must be lying it's his car let's go [Music] how do you want it set so she'll blow on the speedometer hits 50 Oh dr. Liang are you leaving so soon oh yes I have some very important work to attend to I'm terribly sorry but your car isn't here Billy had to borrow it what do you mean well whitey was supposed to pick him up but he didn't get here in time yeah I kind of got tied up but I'll be glad to take you anyplace you want to go dr. Liang never mind I'll call a cab oh it's no trouble at all alright then but I must get to my home immediately it's a pleasure yeah well come on you're ready all set let's get out of here [Music] [Music] hello dr. Liang hello [Music] it's billy batson we've gotta stop [Applause] [Music] put up your hands and keep them high searching [Music] what are we doing in there come on [Music] faster than a hurry I don't like to drive over 50 miles an hour dr. Liang let me drive [Music] I'll step it up a bit [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we'll be back soon [Music] yes dr. Liang when I saw your wound of hand I knew you were the scorpion what do you mean scorpion was wounded in the hand yesterday sis you're the only suspect with a bandaged hand I can explain that perhaps you can also explain where the scorpions men attacked me when I came in here of course I can but it's not safe up Everly let's go into the house I'd be glad to I'd planned on searching your house anyway I have no objections come on [Music] won't you make yourselves comfortable gentlemen that's an it's sick while the cold in here lieutenant the fairness and give us plenty of heat yes [Music] I can believe the story of your injury dr. lang but how do you explain the scorpions men being here after me scorpion wants my lens perhaps but she came so sleepy I can't [Music] Benson I must leave it once scorpions men may be here any moment these chaps wouldn't allow me to leave so I have a gas I understand sir what do you wish to do with them imagine why you'll be alright scorpions men fine Billy they'll kill him so I have to take it to a safer place come inside help me to get him into the car [Music] [Music] Plus look look [Music] come on we've got a catch [Music] [Applause] [Music] put that away we've got to get Lange alive [Music] [Music] can't you go any faster running off the road [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] put that away we're gonna get laying alive [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh Barnett this is Peter Lange's place dr. Liang just drove out was billy batson they took the Mill Valley Road no Valley Road all right I'll hit him off [Music] no Valley Road [Music] you're going running off the room [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] there's been an accident so I see we hurt no but my my companion he's unconscious I'll be glad to take him along too our orders were to get Lange asked orphan we'll be glad to get Benson to [Music] now if you you'll take me to weigh know where to take you get in what do you mean I said get in [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] scorpion yes dr. lay the scorpion the pleasure to see you here please be seated early bachelors with him so I brought him along splendid where's Betsy downstairs under guard he's unconscious I'll attend to him when I finished with dr. lang what he wanted me your lens to help complete the golden scorpion atom smasher something I I'll never give you I think I can change your mind about it prepare to loosen dr. Lang's tongue [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you wouldn't talk not going yes yes anything you wish really simple [Music] where's your lens in my library there's a painting behind the painting there's as a safe write down the combination [Music] [Music] get the lens from laying safe at once yes sir wait something should be done with Betsy Jo I made it take care of him no that's a pleasure I'm reserving for myself I'll have him brought up [Music] Oh what are you going to do with me nothing until I know your lens is where you say it is he hasn't come to yet we'll get some water and bring him out of it [Music] captain Marvin yes now I learned who you really are and that gun of yours isn't going to stop me but I think it will dr. Liang will die if you come one step closer [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] mr. Malcolm secretary speaking who Oh dr. Lai let me talk to Malcolm mr. Mao comes out of town scorpions men are after my lens can I give any assistant [Music] the safe in your library yes that's right snail called behind a painting combination is our 24 [Music] [Music] my buddy repeat that combination to me and then back to our 11 I'll start at once how Betty something I must warn you about it trapped in there [Music] you will to scorpion [Music] [Applause] [Music] when that is safer going to my house why blends am i safe but the death trap saver [Music] Pete they're gonna be busy inside understand for sure lock up the gates and keep other side [Music] this must be it this is it open up those panels [Music] here's the combination right 24 [Music] [Applause] [Music] I am [Music] Betty Betty [Music] [Music] [Music] fix everything just away you found it [Music] and here's the combination but he talked about some danger a matter of life or death he said I think I know what he meant it was a man with a gun as you drove oh really where is he he's been well taken care of let's go get that lens [Music] he settles in the alcohol didn't he yes behind the people this is it read the combination to me right 24 left 18 right 9 left 16 right seven let him here's the last number the right 11 [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and here's the combination but he talked about some danger a matter of life or death he said I think I know it ain't men there was a man with a goddess you drove up really where is he he's been well taken care of let's go get that Lance [Music] fix everything just away a farm it [Music] he settles in the out club did me yes behind the painting this is it [Music] read the combination to me right 24 let 18 right nine left 16 right seven let him use the last number right 11 [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] for is it's just enough yeah but it shows where Lang hit his lands my never bought his lens back the United States he left him in a tomb and we better get to him after the spoken right away get the back get out I'll take care of it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Shazaam [Music] Shazaam [Music] [Applause] [Music] where'd the other man go I don't know I didn't see anyone when I came to but never mind him they were the scorpions manna they know where dr. Lang's lenses hidden we gotta get to mr. Malcolm at once [Music] [Music] I got the map but the Scorpion knows what the lenses hidden gentlemen I beg your pardon I'm sorry there is but one cause open to us we must get to the valley of tombs before the scorpion Betty yes mr. Malcolm find out when the first steamer leaves for Bangkok and book passage for all of us I assume that you all wish to see this thing through I'm honored naturally you can count me answer I'll get whitey there too I'll take care of that immediately it wants to be done with the map Malcolm suppose I took care of it I thought you were afraid of the curse of the Scorpion we are agreed that the possession of this map will endanger a man's life so long as the Scorpion lives therefore I propose this each one of us including Betty shall have a portion of the map this way I'm sure we shall all reach saya I'm alive I've booked passage on the freighter Carfax its sails for Bangkok at midnight splendid I've divided the map as a precaution against the scorpion this is your share got it carefully yes mr. Malcolm I shall expect you all at the Carfax pier promptly at 11:30 tonight [Music] I leave for Bangkok on the freighter colfax in midnight tonight carry your orders and ample funds we need until every turn yes sir sit down Malcolm the storms enough to wreck any ones nose without you pacing like a caged beast I'm sorry but I'm worried about the store no the Scorpion he may have gone by clipper but he gets to the belly of Toombs ahead of us everything we are fought for will be lost that's not likely where did the captain say Billy we're way off our course somewhere to the siamese coasts this will be on the typhoon by morning it's pretty bad out on deck [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] going on the rock [Music] mr. [Music] [Music] I bought a preachers cry to get a charm [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the heavy line yes sir [Music] [Music] [Applause] Kuipers you're next [Music] see the river and get job safely [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] TURN RIGHT work this whole line I'm gonna get some firewood [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this dome has suddenly gone down well anyway we got everybody off say where's Betty I thought she was around here somewhere Carson I thought you got everybody off I'm sure I had everybody accounted for sir I was the last man to leave the ship and I didn't see anyone she must still be in her cabin she might have a knock down this truck quick get me back to that ship [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] baby [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's going down [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the dorm has certainly gone down [Music] say where's Betty I thought she was around here somewhere arsenite what you got everybody all I'm sure I had everybody accounted for sir she'll still be in her cabin she might have a knockdown we struck quick get me back for that ship [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Hey ready [Music] going down [Music] [Music] [Applause] look there they are they're swimming ashore come on so you went to your cabin belly then what happened I was looking for some important papers when someone's talking from behind have you any idea who would why no why would anyone want to kill you he must been after my section of the map he took my handbag put the map in the bag no it's in a water proof and look pinned inside my jacket oh that was smart hey how do we get away from here candor for a native village is just across the hills you can reach there and if you are good let's get started I suggest we rest up for a couple of days and start for the valley of tombs day after tomorrow I think that's a sensible idea Duke Smith no Billy yes sir you and why do you see what you can round up on the way of cars and equipment yes sir come on laughing boy they don't even pay to get up [Music] from our master the Scorpion white infidels plan to enter the Sacred Valley the day after tomorrow it will give it a signal to attack but I'm in a few it will be reluctant to face the guns of these foreigners there will be no danger I shall prepare a trap which will wipe them out before they can fire a shot [Music] we will contact you immediately upon our return to America yours truly well Billy what luck what better not expected I found two cars two all the equipment we need we can get started right away but they hadn't planned to leave until tomorrow of course not I don't tell we can't go on such short notice are you sure the equipment is adequate and that the cars are in good order certainly I checked everything surely yeah and there's no you switched any more time here I'd like to get started and get it over with we can get there before dark cowboy why yes I suppose it can sure we can easily come on let's go John cut it out will you Billy [Music] [Applause] y'all said Billy go ahead why to help it right behind you okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] chess ham [Music] you why were you sending their signal come on talk for us please I'll talk the signal was to let my people know that the Malcolm expedition has entered the past they're going to attack them no they have blocked the road in the canyon they will blow up the mountainside and bury them under a landslide what [Music] white infidels driving through the pass they were not expected until tomorrow no matter we are ready for them when he's laying the fuse was that the Scorpion to give us a signal for the attack so his message said that he may not have the opportunity now our orders are clear we must destroy the white man before the end of the valley [Music] [Music] infidels are in our hands let's try to push this thing out of the way not snow yours I'll have to chop it up although the act is in the car come on let's get them [Music] I'll move that we get in the car the mountains gonna blow up [Music] [Applause] [Music] Captain Marvel Sydney save our lives that time yes but who claimed that trap for us what have been the natives stepfather whitey we won't be safe until we're out of this pass [Music] the infidels have reached the valley the tombs I will again dishonor our ancient gods let us write down and attack them they're well-armed and we are too few we must think of a way to arouse all the tribes against them only the volcano would speak its eruption has always been a signal for our men to assemble but the volcano is sleeping we will wake it up by diverting the river in toward as ancient warriors once did come [Music] let's join the thesis of our map and see where he hid the land [Applause] [Music] why it looked like one of the slabs inside the tomb good let's go and get the lens I'll not be a party to invasion of the sacred tomb nothing but disaster coming it I think I'll stay outside and keep an eye on the cars that's a good idea really whitey get us some torches and bring us some tools [Music] stream is blocked now the water will flow into the volcanic craters [Music] this is the place all right yes but we'll have to pry off this plan well that won't be difficult you brought your tool yes sir [Music] the volcano's getting active Oh Theo's angry because unbelievers have entered the tool [Music] but the volcano is erupting the world may fall down on somebody give me hell with this quick [Music] here it is why yes see last the same as mine I'll take care of this it's an earthquake they'll be caught in the - wait Paul let's get out here where this joint falls apart [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] extremists block now the water will flow into the volcano craters [Music] Scorpio is angry because unbelievers and into the tool [Music] volcanoes around the world may fall down but it can give me hell with this quick here it is why yes see last the same as mine I'll take care of this they'll be caught in the tomb where this joint falls apart [Music] [Music] [Applause] do you hear that what is it it's the tribal signal for nature's together volcano is secret to them seduction would arouse them to kill all foreigners well the year people tower tally you must be able to make them understand I can try who won't tell him anything starla I get the others away from here I'll do my best [Music] Shazaam [Music] look there's an opening [Music] that's the way up but only for one of us the scorpion yes no one else shall ever know no no please don't No [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the volcano has spoken it orders death to every white infidel aways endeth the sacred tomb of a cigar Tao how do you know that this is the wish of the scorpion all men of the tribes know that the volcano speaks for hidden perhaps it is also known that the volcano will erupt if water is turned into it is it not possible that some evildoer may have caused this eruption to serve his own ends LG thali has spoken with a voice of wisdom we are not savages who kill without reason we only act if it is the will of the scorpion he surely will send us a further message if it is his desire until then let us wait you have not long to wait I am your leader and I come here to command the white men must be destroyed [Applause] wait this man is not the scorpion the false prophet hiding behind the sacred mast I'll show you seize him [Music] chained them and got them carefully they shall soon know the power of the scorpion [Music] a scuff in his triumph and all the white infidels shall be sacrificed to celebrate the victory even the mighty Captain Marvel Captain Marvel is he still alive yes we need fear no longer but he is only believed bets bets but how's that possible perhaps it's a powerful drug or some other device which Batson users to transform himself to Captain Marvel and abettin is destroyed Captain Marvel will cease to exist true but first I must learn the secret of his transformation you must capture him and the others and bring them here alive which must be extremely careful and prevent Batson from changing to Captain Marvel it shall be done master are you feeling better thanks good now you got to get moving cuz I don't know how much longer tower totality missed all the natives I'm going back in the tomb look for Bentley and Malcolm I'll join you as soon as I find him but Billy you can't listen go ahead whether there's no time to argue [Music] hey uh come with me we could get under the tomb by using the rear engines [Music] [Music] mr. Bentley mr. Malcolm [Music] [Music] [Music] hang on we got a job [Music] that time keep moving [Music] [Applause] [Music] well that's that the symbol of your ancient faith is finally restored these are the last of the lenses [Applause] [Music] thus is the power of the Scorpion renew to destroy all its enemies and traitors you have seen the ability of this machine to smash atoms and transmute metals you will now see what it does to a human body jut fool Shahla [Music] you see it is a very efficient method of execution miss Wallace you are nays [Music] [Music] [Music] only you can save her I've learned of your ability to change yourself into captain marvel tell me the secret and miss Wallace goes free well hmm remove the gag but don't untie his hands [Music] are you ready to tell me yeah how do I tell you how I'll show you how it's done Shazam now I'll give a demonstration I'm going to show you how you been misled by an impostor [Music] justice will be done to him he committed many crimes in his own country and he'll be returned there for punishment one more for many of you and she died [Music] the Scorpion is a symbol of power that could have helped to build a world beyond man's greatest hopes a world of freedom equality and justice for all men but in the greedy hands of men like Bentley it would have become a symbol of death and destruction then until such time when there's a better understanding among men they the fiery lava of Scorpio burn the memory of this from their mind [Music] what happened who spoke I can explain it Billy as Captain Marvel you were the protector of the scorpion now that it's destroyed your protection is no longer needed and the power of Captain Marvel is at an end and you my countrymen understand now these people those strangers are our friends and that Billy Batson has done you a great service by delivering you from the hands of a man who is not only your enemy or the enemy of all mankind even though you return to your own land you shall ever remain with us in our hearts G that means we can go home it sure does whitey let's get started [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: AtomicAgePictures
Views: 332,720
Rating: 4.830431 out of 5
Keywords: Republic Pictures, Republic Serial, Cliffhanger, Serial, Chapterplay, Captain Marvel, Superhero, Action, Adventure, Action Adventure, Lydecker Brothers, Miniature Effects, Flying Man
Id: QSseP8A-S9s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 216min 3sec (12963 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 19 2020
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