Manhunt of Mystery Island

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] oh captain [Music] hello bran we just docked a half an hour ago any special orders at this end no how about harvey are you sure he got away from the island must have captain mephisto thinks he may have headed for this port if he had we just spotted him i have been posted all the docks were watching his house if he got here the first thing he would do would be to take those blueprints to professor forrester i thought of that too my men are watching her house night and day if he's picked up i'll let you know fine [Music] skipper having the news of harvey not a faint he's either dead or smarter than we thought there's harvey now don't shoot much you have to come on [Music] well it looks like he's giving us a slip so what he'll go to professor forest house to see the girl you've got men that'll take him well forrest's daughter may not be there she's been assisting last word in his laboratory if harvey knows that he may go to reardon's place we'll find out lance rudin the criminologist i don't want to mix with that guy you want me to tell captain fist or you refuse to pay orders no no i didn't say i wouldn't go all right then come on hello do you have any news for me i'm sorry claire the police are at the end of their rope your father and his colleagues seem to have disappeared completely actually this isn't a routine police job it calls for some of lance riordan's scientific crime detection we've had to call him in on our last three homicides and in one case he located the killer with only a battered derby hat as a clue but this is different reed we've got to look for a man over a thousand odd miles of ocean we don't even have a derby hat to start with this time that's right and there's no evidence of a crime and no motive for a crime there's a motive all right if news of professor forrest invention leaks out a lot of people would like to get their hands on it suppose you tell me something about it dad calls it a ready atomic power transmitter he says that with a shortage of fuel oil all over the world our whole transportation system will be crippled his machine will transmit power from a central base to ships and planes due to the scarcity of radium it was necessary to form an expedition and search for new sources of this rare element [Music] quiet spencer harvey [Music] why these are the plans of your father's radioatomic transmitter then they probably killed dad too i don't think so whoever's after these plans would try and keep your father alive to help them build the device two men got away in a fast car i'll throw out a dragnet for those killers noted engineer murdered spencer harvey killed by unknown assailant spencer harvey well-known civil engineer was shot to death last night at the door of lance reardon criminologist who never mind that tripe is the same thing about the blueprints not a word maybe harvey destroyed them no he took them out of his pocket on the doorstep they were in his hand when i shot him reardon must have them what do we do now have this ship ready to sail a minute i come aboard i'm going after those prints all right [Music] my analysis on harvey's clothes and the first boredom on his body showed that he'd been in a country of volcanic origin that narrows it down to this group of islands yes but those islands cover considerable territory you might as well say that forest is somewhere in the pacific wait a minute harvey's shoes show traces of sap from the volusia fern a plant grown on only three of these islands only in three of them well we can do better than that one of these islands is called mystery island that used to be a penal colony but is now privately owned oh i see sort of a crooks paradise now where would you live for forest mystery island right you're a wizard lance is there anything i can do to help not until i get more evidence inspector i guess you're right well good luck lance it's a long inspector i'll keep you posted [Music] i'll take that ridden [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] profit where did he go he got away in a car what was he after your father's blueprints [Music] i'm afraid we're going to meet some tough people on mystery island [Music] [Music] you may speak brand you got my report cap mephisto after killing harvey i uh failed to secure the blueprints of forest machine failed to take care of land spread in order to prevent him from running of this island we kept harvey from talking sir you hope so you're not even sure of that i have word from the mainland that rooted in the forest girl sailed for mystery island soon after you left let me know when the ship enters the harbor yes sir ridden is dangerous may cause us trouble and delay i must put more pressure on forest and raymond and force them to finish the power transmitter at once [Music] you can't be stalling andy's chopped forest that devil captain me fister will kill us both not while my transmitter is incomplete don't get panicky harvey may have escaped to the mainland if you're delaying your work in the hope of a rescue forest i may tell you that your engineer harvey was killed he communicated with no one you're going to pay in full for all your murders captain remember i'm the only one who can complete the work on the transmitter what have you accomplished there's still difficulties i haven't enough sustained power i'll show you get the control unit [Music] that model plane is equipped with a motor which is activated by the radioatomic energy from my transmitter [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] there's some atmospheric interference the nature which i haven't been able to discover you wouldn't dare trick me trick you i'd kill you if i thought i could escape afterwards as it is i'm obeying orders don't tax my patience too far [Music] he won't wait much longer no and since harvey is dead we must contrive our own escape how cut through the walls of this room mephisto doesn't know it but i have devised an attachment for the transmitter that will develop a jet of radium vapor that will cut through anything even the walls of this dungeon block the door to keep them out until we're ready come in the ship just docked sir reard and the forest girl are on the way here you want them stopped no i have arranged to have them stay in the mansion i will meet them in my other personality as one of the owners of the island i've often wondered how you change from one person to another no doubt you have i'll tell you this much the appearance of human beings stature complexion and pigmentation is controlled by the molecular arrangement of the blood corpuscles i have found a means of ordering that arrangement i understand i thought you really did i'd kill you and remember any attempt to discover which one of the owners is my true personality will result in your immediate destruction [Music] [Music] i hope we're not intruding but captain of the ship told us to come here that's right sir professor hargreaves made the arrangements uh i'm hargraves this is miss claire forest professor and i'm lance reardon we inquired about a hotel and we were told that i'm here quite right there are no decent accommodations elsewhere and we owners of the island try to take care of the few visitors we have you're very hospitable we have a unique arrangement here mystery island is owned and governed by four of us who are descendants of a uh certain captain mephisto governor here when it was a penal colony and this is mr armstrong hello mr armstrong our sainted ancestor among other things was a pirate fortunately he's been dead and gone a couple of hundred years i beg pardon sir he's not gone he stalks through these rooms when it is dark and the fishermen say he still prowls the waterfronts you'd better attend to the rooms of our guests yes sir i'm business manager of our company we do a little exporting you know sponges and a few pearls or here are the other two members of our company fred braley and attorney paul milton miss claire forrest and lance reed how do you do gentlemen forrest then you must be the professor's daughter of course and i never connected the name then you knew my father we all knew him and we were deeply shocked to hear of his disappearance he lived here at the mansion house with us we suppose that he and his party had gone to one of the other islands some of his belongings are still in his suite we expect to make a thorough search for professor forrest and any help that you gentlemen can give us will be appreciated just consider the island your own thank you ruger will put you in your father's suite and arrange a room for mr rear thank you very much [Music] here it is fine tell me why is the typewriter so important father kept a record of his trips there and any important papers there might be some kind of a clue look what's this [Music] route to my secret workshop under old fortress and red hills see what you can find in the diary i'll go down and speak to ruger about red hills and try and arrange for a car [Music] [Music] [Music] he must have gone out of the window what did he look like just as if he stepped out of that picture don't do your head dead men don't walk nancy was the very image of that pirate in the portrait we still have the map showing the location of the old fortress we'll leave for there as soon as we can find a car are you ready all ready [Music] [Music] [Music] what's up reardon's on his way here we got to get the prisoners the transmitter out of here at once [Music] you'd better take a look down the passage where it's due here any minute [Music] [Music] [Music] that'll do it now we'll take care of anyone who tries to follow us [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] that'll do it now we'll take care of anyone who tries to follow us [Music] [Applause] [Music] so so [Music] that was close thanks there too close did you see anything a father no but that's radioatomic power transmitter then father's alive and somewhere in those tunnels wait [Music] first i'll take the power control unit so no one else can use the transmitter [Music] i was afraid reardon might outwit you so i had some of my men posted in the caverns they recaptured forrest and raymond come [Music] here what happened to the radioatomic power transmitter oh my men got it from the workshop but uh out with it the par control unit's missing it's obvious reardon has it we must get it back with forest transmitter as a model we'll build hundreds of them we'll have unlimited power at our disposal every nation in the world will pay tribute to me i'll find out what he's done with the power control unit wait here [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] then we searched through all the tunnels but we couldn't find professor forrest however our discovery of the radioatomic power transmitter proves that he's alive and still on this island perhaps you're right but how do you propose to find him my plans aren't quite completed yet mr braley but i'll keep you informed of all developments we for as owners of this island are as anxious as you are to solve the disappearance of your father thank you mr armstrong what is this mysterious power transmitter it might help us if we knew well professor forrest has invented a machine to broadcast unlimited power this of course would revolutionize not only transportation but every other industry where is this machine now i don't know when we went back it had disappeared but it'll be useless to whoever took it because i removed the power control unit which is a vital part and i have it here that's fine ar graves yes a smart trick milton it's very clever i'll send it to the states by first steamer for safe keeping now if you gentlemen excuse us claire [Music] what are you up to lance the control unit isn't really in that box is it no but i hope no one else suspects the truth what's on your mind a plan to find your father it means sticking your neck out i'll do anything to find him i want you to stay right here whoever has the transmitter by this time will have missed the power control unit and know we have it they'll probably think it's in this box now i leave the box here they'll try to get it with your door lock they'll have to come through the window i'll be hiding in the bushes outside and grab whoever shows up and force whoever it is to lead us to father right we don't want to make this too obvious ridden left the power control unit in the girls room we must get it back keep quiet miss forest you won't be harmed i want that power control unit where is it it's in the suitcase open it [Music] [Music] it's a trap get her out of here [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] he's gaining it when we round the next curve get out use the rope [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] now miss forest where is that power control unit it'll save us both a lot of trouble if you speak up [Music] [Applause] [Music] bring her up [Music] now are you ready to talk no lower her again leave her under longer [Music] don't move get over there now shut that trap door and make it fast [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] now are you ready to talk no lower her again leave her under longer don't move get over there now shut that trap door and make it fast [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and i managed to drive them off and to get clear out of the water i suppose you got a good look at these two men i did i traded punches with one of them before and the other was the living image of your ancestor of captain mephisto well captain mephisto has been dead for over 200 years i hope you're not going to ask us to believe in his ghost the man i thought was more substantial than a ghost that was no spirit that came through the panel in my room we don't doubt for a minute that you and mr reardon have been attacked by some kind of ruffians are that they're afraid that you'll find your father in this power transmitter of course not those things are all plausible but there's captain mephisto really strange our credibility that's right let's reserve judgment on the uh captain for a while and assure you whoever these robes are we'll try and help you catch them and find professor forrest i appreciate your offer gentlemen but present time i have plans that i think will work good don't hesitate to call on us we will excuse us auruga is there a motorboat available that we can use this afternoon if one of my friends has a speed boat at the pier i will make arrangements right away that'll be fine we'll certainly appreciate it why the motorboat we've got to recover the control unit it's the most important part of your father's power transmitter that's right but where is it at the bottom of the ocean it was in the car that went over the cliff when i was chasing you and captain the fisto well that explains the motorboat you want to dive for the power control unit that's it and i don't need a diving helmet perhaps we can locate one among the fishermen of sponge divers what can i do to help lance suppose you go down at the pier and make sure that the boat is ready [Music] [Music] so [Music] have you learned anything about the control unit sir everything it's in the car we center with a cliff then i can dive for it reardon has the same idea joe benson owns the only diving helmet on the island so you better get there in a hurry yes sir hiya joe was all right up to now i want to rent your diving helmet thank for rent especially your kind [Music] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] thanks partner thanks for nothing i wish i'd winged him you're the fellow staying at the mansion house agent that's right i'd like to rent your diving helmet oh loan that you mean i'm a friend of anybody that ain't a friend of that for a brand thanks i'll take good care of it i know you will ridden's gone out to die for the control unit go to the point and stand by until he gets it then move in on him fine he's just doing our work for us sure [Music] you're not making much progress on the transmitter it's really wasted effort without the power control unit your alibi will hold good only an hour longer and the control unit will be brought here and we'll see that you finish the machine and when it's finished you'll live as long as you make yourself useful to me i'll be back surely with the unit [Music] i could hardly hide my satisfaction when he said he was going to get the control unit i thought it was destroyed i'm all in a dark professor raymond i can blow up the control unit and send the fist on these men where they belong come over here [Music] this device is a remote control oscillator that controls the power transmitter from long distances when i turn this knob high frequency rays begin activating the radium in the control unit wherever it is it begins to heat up with an intensity that is recorded by the needle on the dial and this tube why don't you turn it down full force and blow them up right away that would burn out the machine but it doesn't take long to heat it to an explosive power now let's get to work some kind of interference [Music] he got the control gadget let's go [Music] it's working fine now and whoever has the control unit is doomed [Applause] doesn't seem to be damaged we leave the lid open and dry it off the needle on the gate seems to be moving up a little maybe even the units throwing off energy that looks like trouble get going claire [Music] [Music] [Music] it's heating up rapidly [Music] [Music] it's going to explode [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] doesn't seem to be damaged we leave the lid open and dry it off the needle on the gate seems to be moving up a little [Music] maybe the radium in the units throwing off energy he got the control gadget let's go that looks like trouble get going clear it's working fine now and whoever has the control unit is doomed [Music] [Music] [Music] i sincerely hope that captain mephisto was holding the control unit when it exploded if so he'll never know it was your oscillator which caused the explosion you'll regret that act the rest of your life forest [Music] at least your plans will never succeed the transmitter is useless without a control unit but my dear professor you're going to build me another one immediately not if my life depends on it your life does depend on it think it over carefully [Music] so [Music] and they almost overtook us when the explosion occurred it's outrageous that such things could happen on our island have you any suggestions mr reardon as to what we might do not at present but we are not going to stop until we find professor forrest are you going to be sensible about carrying out my orders or do you need persuasion i haven't changed my mind captain our men were blown up by that power control unit reardon and the girl thrown overboard right in front of them i know all about that did you follow them do anything about it well reagan was i'm tired of alibis and excuses [Music] so that's what i get after all i've done for him it looks as if a nice long sea voyage might be good for your health you're not so wrong if i had the money i'd get off this island in a hurry you spoke a weird do you happen to know the name of the girl who was here with him no i don't does she look like this why yes that's her your daughter yes she and reardon came here to find you but they haven't got a chance against mephisto if you'll help them arrange my escape i'll see that you receive more than enough money to get you off this island fisto would kill me if he caught me then don't let him catch you [Music] write your daughter a note telling her to meet me i'll talk it over with her and see what we can fix up that's a bargain brand [Music] [Applause] tell her to come along and say nothing about it to anyone [Music] claire i am alive and well but a prisoner say nothing about this to anyone but hurry to meet a friend of mine at pinnacle rocks [Music] all right when do i get my dough and how much as soon as i'm away from here i'll see that you receive five thousand dollars i'm taking a long chance on you professor [Music] someone left this in the mailbox for you miss forest well thanks ruger [Music] where can i get a car immediately may i drive you somewhere miss forest no thank you i'll have to go alone then take my car it's just outside thank you ruger are you telling as far as that i'm back she left a short while ago sir did she say where she was going no and she received a message barred mr melton's car and hurried off she seemed very excited do you know where the message was from no but it came in that envelope thank you this is her father's writing [Music] pinnacle rocks father i'm afraid miss forest is going into a trap [Music] b6 calling cm b6 calling cm come in bm this is cm go ahead b6 your orders have been carried out captain mephisto the girl is here i'll come here once and take charge of her personally yes sir toss that gun away [Music] hurry lance captain mevisto is on his way here i'll be ready for him my car's at pinnacle rocks get it and bring it back here but you can't face him unarmed i'll find that man's gun [Music] go out through the window [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] so so [Music] [Applause] [Music] hurry lance captain mevisto is on his way here i'll be ready for him my car's at pinnacle rocks get it and bring it back here but you can't face him unarmed i'll find that man's gun go out through the window [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] what happened to captain fisto i fired him through the window and drove him off this shuts off the gas i saw him operate it don't touch it [Music] we want his fingerprints i don't see why we need his fingerprints we've seen him we can identify him but we don't know where to find him no one does and yet he seems to know everything that goes on right he couldn't operate as he does couldn't get his information without being someone who could come and go at will all over this island but that's impossible he'd be too easily recognized you're driving at something aren't you lance yes captain mephisto may not always be captain mephisto i don't understand what i mean is this either captain fisto wears a disguise or he has a dual personality surely you don't think mystery island is a doctor jekyll and mr hyde stranger things have happened right now our job is to find the dr jekyll in the case there is one it might even be someone we know yes possibly someone at the mansion house really armstrong par graves melton you've been extremely fortunate once again reardon that's right melton forced it that miss forest showed up in time and there's one thing that we gained the note she received from her father proved that he's still alive and on this island but this doesn't give you any hint as to where he's being held a prisoner no but there are some clues that i'm working on let's hope that they prove successful if they do you will be the first ones to know thank you reardon we'll appreciate that [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] if these fingerprints match any of those on the wine glasses then we'll know that captain mephisto is one of the owners of the island but suppose they don't match then we'll go back to the winery tonight and search the place thoroughly for some other evidence turn on the flood lights clear just turn around never mind the lights i'll take that knob [Music] [Music] reard and the girl are coming here to look for mephisto's fingerprints our orders are to take her alive so don't do any while shooting what are we gonna do with her turn over to captain mephisto he's coming here later himself [Applause] [Music] this wine press door wasn't open when we left someone's been here since this morning look there's another door stand guard i'm going to see what's in there [Music] [Music] [Music] that was melton he must be captain mephisto we better go and give him a hand [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] you've knocked out mr milk you mean i've knocked out captain mephisto [Music] keep firing [Music] you'd better get out of here captain fisto there's a speedboat waiting in emerald cove i'll meet you there later [Music] [Applause] [Music] keep him covered player i'm going after the others [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] you've knocked out mr milton you mean i have knocked out captain mephisto keep firing [Music] you'd better get out of here captain fisto there's a speedboat waiting in emerald cove i'll meet you there later [Music] so keep him covered claire i'm going after the others [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] lance what happened they almost finished me in that wine press who did it let's find out [Music] wait you couldn't catch him it's too dark outside i guess you're right anyhow now we know who his boss is mel he's captain mephisto he's the man who's been keeping my father on this island don't get upset claire we'll go to the mansion house and force a showdown on this business suppose milton isn't there if he isn't then it'll prove that we're right [Music] now that riv knows who you are you can't return to the mansion house but we do we'll have to leave this island that's the best bet you could hide at the sponge warehouse until we can get a boat to take us away right and we'll take professor forrest with us [Music] now consider the main facts gentlemen melton was prowling through the winery tunnels he attacked me without provocation brand who we know is one of mephisto's men came to his aid then tried to kill me now melton has disappeared do any of you know where he is well i don't the night isn't over yet he may come in at any minute perhaps but that won't alter the facts make miss forrest and me believe that he's captain mephisto mansion house well yes just a moment it's for you miss forest it sounds like melton hello yes mr melton [Music] i see what's that my father please repeat that [Music] i understand goodbye what do you say did he explain he says he can explain everything he's only been trying to learn who captain mephisto is and he thinks he's close to finding out did he tell you where he is yes he says that if we go there at daylight he'll deliver my father safe and sound your father i knew melvin was innocent say this is wonderful it may be wonderful or it may be a trap lance if there's hope of finding my father i'd be willing to take any risk i'm with you on that if you expect treachery we'd all better go with you where is the meeting please i can't tell you he says that lance and i must come alone there's nothing else we can say except good night and good luck good night good night good night [Music] [Music] i thought you were going to stay at the sponge warehouse i was never at the warehouse but i took you there you took melton he made a complete fool of you fortunately i was present when he telephoned the forest girl where are you taking these men to the sponge warehouse you said well melton said we had to clear out he was very clever and you were unbelievably stupid get back to work on the transmitter [Music] so melton is at the sponge warehouse we'll go there and pay him off for his cleverness be ready for reardon and the girl when they arrive [Music] [Music] drop your gun ready so it was a trap yes but it wasn't set by melton he expected to rescue forest and meet you here naturally i had to dispose of that plan and of melton too you cold-blooded killer i'm sorry but in your case that doesn't apply you'll remain my prisoner no doubt your father will obey orders more willingly when he knows you're in my hands take her the boat entire up i have an important question to settle with reardon all right get down there you have the blueprints of forest transmitter i want them i'll make you a deal your life for the blueprints how do you plan to use the transmitter i shall revolutionize the world's industrial setup on my own terms or destroy those who oppose me i see but you'll never get those blueprints think it over a minute that isn't long when you're facing eternity what's your final answer no step aside brand [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] so [Music] [Music] [Music] in fact you suspected melton was captain mephisto we were wrong mr melton met his death in a brave attempt to save my father and his invention how do you know that you have only the word of this captain mephisto that melton was murdered no i set out some fishermen to grapple for the body they found it under the pier wrapped in canvas and waited down is there anyone that should be notified no melton had no relatives besides us by our contract we inherit his share of mystery island you see his private estate consists of a collection of rare books and old charts pertaining to the island but i believe he sold those to the collectors on the mainland that is true i remember one of them was a charter the underground tunnels and passages on mystery island drawn up by old captain mephisto himself a chart of the tunnels if we had that we might learn where they're holding father a prisoner we'll get it if it's still in existence i have a number of friends on the mainland who would be happy to help me get it if you care to fly there you could use the company plane thanks braley we leave immediately it's a long flight we'd better have ruger put up a ledge for you i'll get it ready at once [Music] you'll be interested to learn that reardon and your daughter are leaving for the mainland no doubt to consult the authorities about bringing you to justice no forest it'll never return your last hope is gone so you'd better resign yourself to finishing the power transmitter [Music] reading has discovered the existence of a chart to the passages and tunnels of the island he's going to fly to the mainland in search of it i have a plan to stop him permanently rugby is preparing a hamper of lunch that is how we'll take care of him [Music] hello yes this is the mansion house logan speaking yes mr reardon is in his room this may i take a message yes [Music] all right i'll tell mr once [Music] they just fall from the airfield sir your plane is ready thank you ruger it won't be long now our celebrated criminologist is going to find his luncheon thoroughly indigestion mephisto undoubtedly knows about the secret tunnel chart probably we'll try to get it before we do that's true but i have one advantage i know a number of curio dealers who will help me locate it [Music] we're doing the end of the island where do we go from there we point north of northeast do a little navigating either this compass is crazy or i am the point doesn't stay in one place for longer than two seconds at a time [Music] something's deflecting it have you got a flashlight or any electrical gadget in your handbag i don't think so [Music] just two minutes mr ridden and the girl will take off for eternity i can't figure it take a look in that lunch hamper back [Music] there [Music] well it's all over now we've just checked to make sure calling lance red and calling lance ridden they don't have radios for those two have gone calling lance reardon this is lance reardon come in the bomb failed it couldn't have reardon must have discovered it you've got to take my private plane and beat him to the mainland trail ridden wherever he goes when he locates the chart move in yes sir [Music] i hope at last we've run the chart to earth pembroke assured me over the phone that he bought it from melton you wait here i won't be long [Music] i left the girl outside we'll the service [Music] entrance i'm lance reed it was nice of you to come down and open up for me mr pembroke well that's all i know your reputation that your errand must be important it is this mystery island shark may be the means of saving one or more lives and catching a dangerous criminal i'd like to help at that job i have the chart right here this is exactly what i need to find forest and hang captain of this store as high as haman i'll take that chart [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i hope at last we've run the chart to earth pembroke assured me over the phone that he bought it from melton you wait here i won't be long i left the girl outside we'll grout the service entrance [Music] this is exactly what i need to find forests and hang captain mephisto as high as haman i'll take that chart [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thanks claire lance what happened it's brian again he's up there [Music] here's a chart we came for taking wait for me in the car one peep out of you and you're finished so you've got it hey where's red so that's it eh we're going down [Music] everything all set yeah we'll be underway in five minutes i don't think you will really toss those guns overboard [Music] now brand where's miss forrest i don't know over there [Music] nick of time lance i can't understand how you found me so soon simple the dead man in pembroke's office had second made papers on him i checked with the maritime registry and found that he was on this freighter where's the chart he burned it our last chance to find father's gone not at all i'll have inspector reed get the information we want out of this man there's a telephone on the dock phone the police and tell them to come down and take charge of the ship and now i round roundup of the latest news the disappearance of professor forrest again made the headlines last night when lance reardon the famous criminologist captured sydney brand a criminal with a police record reardon claims the professor is prisoner of a certain captain mephisto somewhere on mystery island and that brand will be forced to tell all he knows about it meantime the police are holding him in communicado this case has caused widespread interest because of an invention the professor has been working on we've had nothing but trouble since reardon first came here now this unfortunate publicity may ruin our export business well after all forrest did disappear he's someplace on the island even that's not certain nothing's been proved and as far as i can see it never will be proved so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] cm calling fa cm calling fa come in fp fa answering i've been expecting your call and you know what i want get brand out quick that's not so easy he's being held incommunicado it's up to you to get action your underground connection should be of some help you paid them enough of my money i'm doing all i can my men are watching the jail day and night a chance will come if they move him i warn you you'd better not fail [Music] we couldn't get any information out of here i hope you can do better with this lie detector we will this machine picks up reactions from respiration pulse and blood pressure which no one can control if he lies indicator will fluctuate and tell me so now brand we're all set you better tell the truth to save time i got lots of time shoot is professor forrest on mystery island no lie number one he is there is he rebuilding the radioatomic power transmitter no lie number two does he have enough radium on hand to finish the job i don't know another lie what's always talk about a radio i thought we were trying to locate professor forrest we are but if all other means fail we're going to take a radium detector to mystery island we'll help locate the radium and lead us to it i see and write to professor forrest exactly [Applause] who is captain mephisto i don't know the indicator doesn't move the first time he's telling the truth he doesn't know is captain afisto one of the owners of mystery island no [Music] factor lying again you'd better tell the truth do you know where he stays and where he keeps professor forrest prisoner get over there [Music] good work hell how'd you find me when a man watching every precinct station and brought you here i followed [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] well then i made my getaway i don't know what happened to hill oh yes they found out forest is working with radium rearden said he'd use a detector to locate it what do you realize what this means radium detector will lead him right to this place to forest to me everything i've planned will fall through and you just remembered [Music] reading is flying back here today he sent a cable to rogue instructing him to have a car to landing strip at the other end of the island here's what i want you to do take my plane when reardon leaves the landing field in that car [Music] just think father will soon be free and we can all leave this awful island for good yes but i wish we'd had the radium detector [Music] it was a bomb from that plane it's circling back so keep coming back again [Music] so [Applause] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] keep coming back again so [Music] so somebody's not so happy that we're back on the island this is becoming a typical mephisto welcome wait a minute claire it might be the radium detector they're afraid of lance will never find father if we lose the detector or if it's destroyed i'll see that nothing happens to it i'm going to hide it before we get to the mansion good then we won't have to tell the owners anything about it now that we know that one of them is captain mephisto we'll tell them as little as possible you seem reticent ridden as if you weren't inclined to confidence the way you used to i've told you what happened armstrong we're still convinced that claire's father's a prisoner here and we're determined to find him then surely you must have some plan in mind as a matter of fact i have a tentative plan but there are good reasons why i'm going to keep it secret let's hope it's a good one i trust you won't think mr armstrong rude he seems a little upset lately we understand professor hargraves good luck on your plan and be careful we shall [Music] hello ruger welcome home i was out when you came but i thought miss farce would like some tea glad to see you thank you [Music] and i'll take care of your bags thanks [Music] what did you think of the armstrong performance he was certainly anxious to find out what we had in mind i'm glad we didn't bring the radium detector here when are we going to use it as soon as we get the motorboat motorboat i thought a radium detector was used on land it is we're going to use a boat to throw mephisto and his crowd off the scent we'll land at north point and work our way along the beach what makes you think my father in the radium are on north point nothing except that he's probably in a cave and there's several caves along the north shore [Music] [Music] i'm sorry sir i wasn't able to stop rearing the girl with the bombs i know all about that i'm going to give you a chance to make amends for it how by keeping ridden from using the radium detector which would eventually lead him right to the radium in the power transmitter he's going to north point by boat and start from there he won't even get started i hope i can depend on that whatever you do get that radium detector yes sir [Music] hold it ridden i'll take that detector [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Applause] that was a narrow escape they wouldn't have tried to stop us we hadn't been on the right track keeper headed for north point i'll have the detector symbol by the time we get there [Music] so they got away again yes sir i suppose we'll have to move the transmitter away from here now not the transmitter the radium in it we let the detector lead reardon and the girl right to their death [Music] it looks pretty intricate lance how does it work this is the microatomic finder that picks up the radium rays as the rays pass through the detector they magnetize these two parallel needles when the radium is approached the point of the needles move towards each other and when it's located the needle points meet right let's get started labs [Music] the needle's getting closer yes we must be on the right track [Music] the radio must be in there and that's what father will be [Music] it's this way [Music] the radium should be right here it is right here you can thank the radium detector for leading you to your doom these tunnels connect with a subterranean lake which i use to dispose of my enemies open the floodgates and drown the rats come on okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] detectives ruined would it take long to get another one it wouldn't do any good mephisto would learn about it never allowing a radium near your father i can't understand how he discovers every plan we make after all we know that he's one of the three owners of the island we'll have to be more careful in what we say and do you're right do you suspect any one of them in particular i've sort of been wondering about professor hargraves hargraves he was the one who arranged for us to stay here if he knew of the secret passage to my room he could have heard us discuss the clue that led us to where father was a prisoner mephisto doesn't know it but i have devised an attachment for the transmitter that will develop a jet of iridium vapor that will cut through anything even the walls of this dungeon block the door to keep them out until we're ready [Music] what's up reardon's on his way here we got to get the prisoners the transmitter out of here at once we'd better take a look down the passage due here any minute [Music] that'll do it now we'll take care of anyone who tries to follow us but aside from our suspicions there's really nothing to link hargraves up with what happened [Music] how about braley he seemed pretty resentful when we brought back the power control unit then we searched through all the tunnels but we couldn't find professor forrest however our discovery of the radioatomic power transmitter proves that he's alive and still on this island perhaps you're right but how do you propose to find him my plans aren't quite completed yet mr braley where is this machine now i don't know when we went back it disappeared but it would be useless whoever took it because i removed the power control unit which is a vital part and i have it here keep quiet miss forest you won't be harmed i want that power control unit where is it it's in the suitcase open it [Music] it's a trap get her out of here [Music] so so [Music] rope [Music] [Applause] [Music] but when you think it over there's no more evidence against braley than there was against far graves that leaves armstrong he was loitering in the corridor when we spoke of recovering the power control unit oh ruger is there a motorboat available that we can use this afternoon is one of my friends has a speedboat at the pier i will make arrangements right away that'll be fine ruger will certainly appreciate it maybe he heard our plans to go out in the motorboat and sent those men to attack us he got the control gadget let's go doesn't seem to be damaged we leave the lid open and dry it off the needle on the gate seems to be moving up a little that looks like trouble get going man [Music] it's working fine now and whoever has the control unit is doomed [Applause] it seems hopeless armstrong braley hargraves there's no real evidence against any of them so i intend to get that evidence by setting a trap to prove which one is mephisto i'll bait it with this detector but the detector is ruined we're the only ones that know that tonight we'll tell the others that fortunately the pressure of the water kept us away from the rocks and i was able to retain the radium detector i feel confident it will lead us not only to professor forrest but prove the downfall of mephisto i suppose you realize that possession of this instrument endangers your life i'd say that all our lives were in danger as long as it's in this house but we have to keep it here mr hargraves then gentlemen i would suggest we place it in our vault it's burglar proof and only the three of us know the combination that's a good idea i'll open the vote come on lance [Music] put it in there now we can all rest easy none of us will open the vault unless you're present [Music] [Applause] [Music] be careful the wire did you manage it finally i connected the photoelectric cell with this light it will slice the moment anyone opens the safe splendid now all we have to do is wait [Music] [Music] do there it is you stay here [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hmm [Music] [Applause] [Music] aah [Music] is he badly hurt no the spear just missed him over here what happened somebody opened the vault was trying to steal the radium detector when i found him knocked me out i'll remember what happened after that where's armstrong there he is [Music] just a minute armstrong you don't understand i can explain everything yes that you're captain mephisto and you came back to the radium detector well you're wrong i'm not captain mephisto what are you up to is one of the co-owners so you wouldn't come sneaking in that way unless you were trying to conceal something we'll find out if he's guilty [Music] right all the lights are out well it looks as if i let captain mephisto slip right through my fingers well there isn't much to say in defense of armstrong guilty or not at least he failed at the radium detector it wouldn't matter much if he had there's damage beyond repair i only put it in the vault's bait for captain fisto and you can depend on our full cooperation and bring an armstrong to justice what can we do to help patrol the docks send out word that no one is to leave the island we'll organize our search in the morning oh good morning lance morning [Music] any news not yet but [Music] hello yes he is just a moment it's for you lance thank you hello hello reardon this is armstrong oh i know my behavior last night seems suspicious to you but with your help i can clear up this whole situation i have evidence which will not only clear me of any suspicion but it will also tell us who this captain mephisto is can you produce this evidence yes i can i'm hiding in the shack at palisades beach i want you to get some film developer and come out here but don't tell braley or hard ways about it that's all i'll be waiting for you [Music] armstrong says he's at palisades beach and wants me to bring some film developer what new kind of trick is this it may be an attempt to trap us but he says he can tell us who captain mephisto is do you believe him i'm gonna play along with him and find out what happens i'll go get to develop and meet you with the car all right [Music] [Applause] [Music] d1 calling cm b1 calling cm this is cm go ahead rick and the girl are driving out along the beach road very well wait where you are for 10 minutes yes sir come in reagan [Music] you can put away that gun come to the point armstrong what's this all about i know you don't trust me frankly i don't i have some film here that'll convince you i rigged up this camera last night so it would snap a picture of anyone tampering with a vault and i used infrared film so he could be photographed without a flash showing then why did you come sneaking back as you did after all you're one of the owners of the island because i don't know who this captain apisto is if he knew i had this film he'd kill me here's the developer let's see what's on the film [Music] all right player [Music] we'll soon know the identity of captain mephisto now if you'll put out the light i'll develop the film [Music] [Music] the image should be on the film now and it won't be my picture neither drop those guns turn on that light [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] land i'm afraid mr armstrong is dead bran must have shot him [Music] too bad he had to die to prove his innocence let's hope the film he was developing will help show us the identity of the man that we're after [Music] the film is ruined it's useless this held a picture of one of two men braley are har graves [Music] and one of them is captain aphisto [Music] reared and escaped but i finished armstrong yes his death was necessary but it narrows the field for ridden he has suspected from the first that i am one of the owners of the island now he has only two suspects left we must see to it that he doesn't endanger my plans to control world industry with forrest's invention forest is stalling he could have finished the radioatomic transmitter weeks ago i'll settle that today [Music] my men tell me you're delaying your work in the hope of a rescue forest i've warned you i wouldn't stand for it i've told you that the work could not progress as long as you insist upon interrupting with meaningless threats i am neither frightened or impressed by your piratical swashbuckling maybe this will impress you you have two days to complete the work it'll take more than two days to repair that kill him wait death by shooting is too quick and easy but i'll devise a more painful method for your removal [Applause] [Music] forrest has plenty of courage he called my bluff i didn't know you were bluffing in another moment i'd have fired the only way we can force him to terms is to capture his daughter bring them face to face and convince him that her life depends upon his obeying orders that ought to do it will and at the same time leave reardon completely confused as to my real identity [Music] [Music] [Music] so and so armstrong like melton met his death in an effort to uncover the identity of captain afisto yes but i'm not giving up i think mr reardon as our guest is perhaps a little reticent about voicing any suspicions that might embarrass us however this affair has become so serious that it is necessary to speak plainly well naturally i have some suspicions and theories oh by the way this may affect your theories there was a telephone call for you short while ago written by a man who said he'd expose the true identity of captain fisto of course that is for price who was the man oh he didn't leave his name only a telephone number let's see i wrote it down oh i left it near the side just a moment what time did that message come in i see it's important to know when i was here about a half an hour ago i'd say captain pistol [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right captain fisto this is it put up your hands we're a brave man really to follow me here that little fireplace is where all my enemies meet their end as you so absolutely put it this is it thank you man want us to throw him in captain one moment let me explain our little drama to mr riordan we were purposely led here in order that miss forrest might be made a prisoner [Music] [Music] plus [Music] so so [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] oh [Music] [Music] where's miss forrest i don't know wait don't shoot if i tell you camp mephisto will do worse than kill me he's dead we both saw him fall into the flames that wasn't the pistol that was higgins do you expect me to believe that i've seen mephisto enough to know that it wasn't anybody in disguise that wasn't a disguise higgins went through the transformation and came out camping mephisto what transformation how does it work i've never seen it all i know is when he wants to change his identity he goes through the transformation room and comes out cap mephisto and then reverses it to go back to our graves or braley which one i don't know look grant i'll make a deal with you if you'll play ball with me i'll get mephisto to trade you from his forest not a chance you'd never find him i think i could manage to get a message to him get going [Music] why not do as captain fistu asks and finish work on a transmitter he'll kill us if you don't and he'll kill us if i do i invented the radioatomic transmitter to supply unlimited motor power in the world through the release of radium energy but he intends to use it as an instrument of evil and secure world domination for himself no raymond i never intend to finish it i thought as much for us i'll give you just 24 hours to complete the job nothing you can say or do will make me perhaps you'll change your mind [Music] claire [Music] very touching reunion [Music] now will you finish the transmitter don't do it father lance reardon is on lance reardon is dead well forest i have no choice but my daughter must be released and allowed to leave the island that's understood but after the job is completed not before how soon will it be ready it won't take long but there isn't room enough here for a demonstration very well get everything ready and i'll have you move to a larger place remember you need trickery to resumpt in her death i understand [Music] you heard from bran yet no sir i must find out what happened to him [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] did you find out why captain mephisto was so anxious to obtain that paper it was all a trick to decoy me away while captain mephisto's men kidnapped ms forrest but how did you escape the trap i managed to turn the tables on them captain mephisto and one of his men are dead dead say this is great news what happened to the man you call brand i captured him then there's nothing to worry about you can make him tell where miss farce is being held or have you tried that no i'll use force if necessary but only if a plan i have failed what is the plan to exchange bran for miss forest now that captain mephisto's dead brand must be the lead of the organization i see and all the rest of the men will want him back how do you expect to contact him to make the arrangements i have a fisto's car outside i'll cruise around the island with the radio open sooner or later they'll try to contact brand and when they do i'll cut in and make a deal an excellent idea well i hope you're successful thank you [Music] calling lands red and calling lance redden i assure you i am not miss forest is here and i'll exchange her for brand where is he i'll tell you that after she's safe in the mansion house it's impossible for me to take her there but if you come here i'll turn her over to you providing you give me a word to release brand you have it how do i get there come out lava canyon road to the suspension footbridge cross it and you'll find the cabin a short distance away i'll start it once [Music] b1 calling cm v1 calling cm see i'm answering where are you brandon reardon's got me tied in the car and it's parked near the suspension bridge he's on his way to the cabin now splendid now that i know where you are i can finish him when he gets here [Music] never mind that you're very gullible riordan it's going to prove fatal i think not kill me and you'll never find bran i know where he is turn around get your hands up [Music] now reading [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is a surprise why miss virus we thought you were a prisoner i managed to rescue claire but i'd rather not go into details right now you seem a little impatient rare i am it's about time we got on the brass tacks about this captain mephisto situation but you said he was dead i was wrong i met him again and wounded him in the left arm then all you have to do is look for a man with a wounded eye that's just what i'm going to do and i'm going to start right here what why he's accusing one of us of being mephisto that's an insult not to an innocent man that's right why not just show us your left arms and let's settle the question once and for all i'll do nothing of the kind i don't have to prove to anybody that i'm not a reincarnated pirate who goes around killing people or murdering jenkill and hyde with the habits of a werewolf that's so absurd it's really funny come on hargrave let's show not me well it seems to be the only way to satisfy them are you all lance take a good look [Music] thanks for your cooperation mr braley how about you mr hargraves but there's not a mark i hope you're satisfied well you can hardly blame hog ray for being a little irritated [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] did you see the faces of riordan and the forest girl when they didn't find any wound on my arm yes sir from behind the night's helmet but i'm more mixed up than they were you see my dear brand when i go through the transformation the molecular arrangement of the blood corpuscles is so changed that any wound is healed immediately that's too deep for me let's get to margin matters is the power transmitter ready for final demonstration yes sir forest has it set up in the old fortress good i can finish all my plans more conveniently there [Music] are you ready for the demonstration yes this is the teletube which must be attached to the distributor of the motor in the plane that we're going to use [Music] and this is the television screen which enables us to watch the plane in flight this is the control lever that directs the plane [Music] ingenious as usual professor we'll use the company plane for our demonstration go out and attach this to the plane motor yes sir there must be some clue to where father is we know that mephisto visits him and so does brand claire you've hit it we also know bran's car all we have to do is spot it and follow it you take the company plane i'll cruise along by car and we'll keep in touch by radio let's get started [Music] all set i put the teletube on the distributor direct the focus of the transmitter towards the plane if you step over here captain you'll see the plane my daughter you said she was a prisoner i uh let her go i wouldn't surprise you that's a lie you were just as surprised as i was to see her at the plane all right then she escaped get on with the demonstration i refuse to take that plane off the ground with my daughter in it [Music] look she took off herself [Music] and she's going to fly it herself we can do the demonstration later either you take control of that plane or i will the worst i can do is crash it wait all right i'll do it [Music] that's funny are you losing altitude no and the airspeed is constant turn off and tell me what happens the motor's still going i thought so your plane's being controlled by your father's power transmitter what's your direction almost due northwest i'll head into a direction to try to spot you keep your radio open [Music] so [Music] what is it i can see bran's car it's parked near the old fortress i'm on my way i can handle it now it takes practice you crash the plane [Music] timer [Applause] [Music] now we'll try the plane for altitude he will make her black out [Music] [Music] [Music] i'm going up fast land i'm getting dizzy paul's tight clay i'm getting close to the fortress [Music] lance calling claire come in claire she'll die up there she has no oxygen no parachute bring her down i want to see if the plane can be controlled in the stratosphere [Music] [Applause] [Music] players up on that plane she'll black out she's blacked out already untie me so i can get her down [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] wait we must find out what happened to [Music] claire try and get her on the radio calling fair forest lands reared you calling there forest [Music] yes lance i'm in control of the plane again what about father let me speak to her [Music] claire listen carefully land as near the fortress as you can then take the teletube off the distributor and bring it here [Music] all right dad [Music] fister with me is bait what do you mean if i place this teletube in my pocket anyone watching this television screen can follow my movements wherever i go we're going to let mephisto capture me again no dad he'll kill you that's not likely he's lost the transmitter and i'm the only one who can build him another it's dangerous but we're all in danger every moment that man lives i suppose you're right what's my part of the job we're hoping the vista will take me to a secret headquarters watch every move that's made i'll take your father to the mansion and i'll be at the radio in my car keep in constant touch with me goodbye dear and keep your nerve goodbye be careful both of you goodbye and mephisto used my transmitter to send her to her death in the plane by the ruthless beast get a room ready for professor forrest please yes sir are you sure the plane crashed it must have i'm going out now to search for the wreckage take care of him get him to bed no i'll stay here i won't sleep until i hear from you perhaps she's alive forest you'd better go to bed noah i'd rather wait here for news then i'll get you a little stimulant you're having a chill right back here [Music] an aspirin is really what you need i'll be right back [Music] go ahead claire hargraves and brady left father alone then bran came into the reception room from a secret passage behind mephisto's picture he's taken dad through it at the point of a gun where are they now there's a right-hand turn in the passageway now they're going down a long flight of stone stairs wait there's a door near the bottom of the stairs bran is opening it by pressing a spot below the knob yes what now they're crossing a lighted room to an iron door [Music] brand is forcing dad into another room that looks like a laboratory so that's it mephisto's den is under the mansion house get to the plane and come in as quick as you can i'm on my way [Music] rick how'd you get here where's captain mephisto trying to find out i'm going to stand away from that door [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow [Music] wait i have a much more interesting finish plan for mr reardon we'll dress him in my costume place him in the transformation chair and perform the miracle of metamorphosis you mean change him the way you change yourself yes he'll be exactly like me in face and stature and i and my other personality will capture him it will be the perfect crime pick him up [Music] [Applause] [Music] claire how did you so you've killed captain mephisto excellent miss forrest you've saved our community the expense of a hanging but where's lance didn't he come with you he went out to find you i know he knew where i was he must have come here look at this room there's been a fight there was i could hear it i'm afraid something's happened to lance something dreadful what happened so he is dead that was intended to be me lying there you what do you mean with claire's help i trace mephisto to this room i had a fight with bran and mephisto and i was knocked unconscious but you escaped luckily i revived as they were about to put me through the transformation process it would have changed me into captain mephisto after i came to i knocked out mephisto and i chased this fellow through a passage that led to braley's room and brainy was captain mephisto braley my partner no doubt i was to be his next victim and he would have become sole owner of mystery island here you are professor i henry hargrave sole owner of mystery island hereby assigned to william farst all rights to the island's vast deposits of radium bearing pitch blend thank you mr hargraves this assures the success of my radioatomic power transmitter isn't it wonderful lance yes indeed you've made a great contribution to science i owe you all a great deal for ridding this island of captain mephisto for a big pardon i was just being the [Music] passage [Applause] you
Channel: AtomicAgePictures
Views: 211,205
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Republic Pictures, cliffhanger, chapterplay, serial, republic serial, stunts, action, action adventure, adventure, miniature effects, lydecker brothers
Id: AKwc8Sqkrqc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 219min 44sec (13184 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 07 2020
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