Murder In the Blue Room - 1944

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] la [Music] I [Music] oh [Music] Larry you fool Larry Den how dare you say that's a good trick you mean to look like a ghost no to get all that clean laundry hello Mr borage I thought I'd give the ghost around here some competition how you reopen The House Always was the death of the party aren't you Larry no just scaring up a little business for Dr car here hi doctor Hello Larry say n what would you say if a ghost asked you to dance I'd say that's the old spirit so why don't we excuse us [Music] you know this song huh uh-huh how about singing it not a ghost of a chance oh no come on up you [Music] go nights like these bring back memories that wondered away stars that gleam bring a dream of two hearts that were gay skies on fire causing rainbows from Heaven to fall love desire always near so that I can recall one star night two young people were dancing one star night and I saw them Romance daning a million Thrills were in his eyes and his glances possessed her a Million Dreams were in her eyes he caressed her so tenderly Stars gleaming bright saw their love in its Glory I can't forget how their lips made as they kissed in you they'd be sweethearts forever their dream came true one star [Music] [Applause] night n I've got a wonderful idea I'd like to give you guests a break and announce my engagement tonight that should be thrilling who's the lucky girl you are oh no Larry let's not get serious again can't we be happy just being friends I don't want to be happy I want to be married now don't tell me you're in love with someone else if I were you'd be the first to know about it may I oh Lara you remember Steve Randle we met him at the Carter last summer oh yeah the writer what you it be dancing or conversation it's only fair to warn you that if I concentrate on one the other suffers then let's [Music] talk want to know why I invited you down here because you write such a wonderful mystery stories oh curses just when I thought I was beginning to make an impression well here's your chance as you've probably gathered by now this house is supposed to be haunted you want me to look into the legend oh it's much more than a legend upstairs is a room we call it the Blue Room 20 years ago my father was found dead there how did he die do know we were never able to find out the police finally caught it suicide and the room hasn't been open since nobody's lived here during all those years nobody not until my stepfather persuaded mother to move back now I don't know whether I can solve your mystery or not but at least you've written the swell first chapter for [Applause] me I don't like this coming way out here in the middle of the night oh it gives me the creeps let's go back oh relax this is our big break and I think it was Dawn nice of n to invite us yeah but why up here H cheerful little number isn't he yeah he looks like an advanced agent for a Mickey Finn hey Dracula how soon before we get there no hurry now much more hurry when you come back I don't see why we couldn't audition the ACT someplace else I know about this house it's haunted I read about it in the Sunday magazine section you did what well somebody read it to me but I know it's haunted it was called the m of the blue rooms and it's got goblins out it we're not going to stay there we're taking the 3:00 train back 3:00 and the hour when they strike for 20 years now they wait who's they the evil ones the spirits that hunt the Blu [Laughter] room Mr bage I'm afraid my attempt to initiate the ghost mansion didn't go over so well with your wife ghost mansion no Larry I wish you wouldn't refer to it as the ghost mansion I'm hoping that all the stories about the blue room and about this house will be forgotten after tonight I'm afraid not sir if you'll excuse my saying so what do you mean Edwards in readying the house sir during the past few weeks I've noticed many disturbing things like what for instance I can't exactly explain sir except that the house is haunted superstitious bunk Edward I bet when you were a kid you once saw a mystery play where there was a sudden clap of Thunder and the Lights Went Out Boy that's what I call service what are you supposed to happen dear probably the power line get some lamps will you s well you're not scared are you little bit oh darling I'm awfully frightened judging from that music I'd say The Pianist is too I say oh man can't you play something a little more cheerful there you got some matches Frank what look there's nobody at the piano what's making it play I don't know not a player P what is this a gag that's the weirdest thing I've ever seen oh Frank can we have some lights of course Edwards where are those lamps Edward oh this is ridiculous someone's playing a trick on you excuse me what made it play let's not worry about that now where's the orchestra leader here will you have your boys play something please certainly come now f up is this the surprise you had in store for us no that will come later I'm sure it will be simply Grim what's all this about a surprise I've invited some entertainers down tonight three girls I used to work with in a nightclub well you mean to say that you used mhm that was the season when all the debutants were singing for their supper but Dad soon put an end to that big Parton Miss n but some friends of yours are on the way up the gateman just called well that must be the girls excuse me I'll be back in a few minutes cozy little Morgan Queen Queenie don't let mother hear you calling me that how you kid fine it's good to see you again come on in sure how was the trip fine I guess a little spooky yeah it was so dark even the owls were flying by instrument Edwards will show you where you can change Edwards not Je gee a real Butler how long youve been playing here buddy 30 years Madam 30 years gee that guy's really got a good Agent who are the three girls man interested Oh no just curious you'll find out you're interested in her aren't you you bet since she was that High Hope to marry her someday Larry H you can't marry her what I said you can't marry nan no wait a minute Nan and I want to get married neither you nor anyone else is going to stop us believe me Larry I know what I'm talking about you better listen to me Doc all I want from you is pills not advice let's go outside I want to tell you something my boy and when I'm finished you'll see why Nan couldn't possibly marry you may I have your attention please I'd like you to meet some very good friends of mine some girls with a lot of talent the three Jazzy Bells okay bells ring out a silly old tune with the rym that's new the words mean nothing to me or to you a right-handed Boogie the sound blue a musical strain that keeps going around it scks in your brain and you finally found the words me nothing it's only the song do do do do there's nowhere to stop it you simply must do Bo we're on a spot we may get sh or all this Ro it's got to go over doomed to a fall there's only one thing that we all must recall the V of all come from Carnegie [Music] [Applause] Hall la [Applause] [Applause] got to go over Doom to a there's only one thing that we all must recall the bestes of all come from car [Music] Hall those girls have a lot of talent I'm glad you said that because there's something I want you to do for them what's that come on darling let's dance and I'll tell you all about it wouldn't have anything to do with my owning a theater Chain by any chance good night such a nice party good night good night thank you for an entertaining evening especially the ghost show I enjoyed your singing so much thank you night good night Frank see you tomorrow George good night I'll see how the girls are getting along all right darling well it's been quite an evening yes it has Mr bdge will you do me a favor what is it let me uh see the Blue Room what on Earth for no particular reason just satisfy curiosity well Larry personally I have no objections but I don't know how Mrs bald should feel about it feel about what dear Larry wants me to open the blue room say that's not a bad idea I'd like to see it myself oh please not after what happened in there well why not Mrs Bor Mr Kirkland's suicide shouldn't condemn the room to solitary confinement Forever Mr Randall I've never believed it was suicide what makes you say that it was something that happened the morning of his death but during breakfast he was called to the phone and he returned muttering to himself something to the effect that he didn't intend being blackmailed the rest of his life and he was going to stop it once and for all when I asked what he was talking about he refused to answer me that night he was dead well suicide is one way to avoid the clutches of a black mailer probably the only sure way yes and don't forget there when we broke in we discovered the door and windows had been locked from the inside dad the girls want to say good night to you excuse me please I want to thank you girls for coming down here tonight man's been speaking to me about you I feel sure if you take this card into our booking offices tomorrow they'll be able to do something for you gee that's SW we can't tell you how much we appreciate this not at all I'm only sorry I can't offer to put you up for the night oh we wouldn't dream of imposing on you yeah we're the home type we can hardly wait to get home we'll be going and thanks again good night I'll see you to the door good night it was wonderful to see you girls again and act made a big hit too sure hope so thanks for everything man oh the return of Frankenstein where's the station wagon Traer it's at the main gate Miss I came for the bags bags he's not only gruesome he's insulting well good luck kids let me know how you make out we sure sure good night good night well we did it and we're still here to tell the tale I w't feel safe though until we're home in bed oh now wait a minute don't be silly kids tell me one thing what could possibly happen to us now pardon me but do you have a [Music] mat thank you very much you're quite [Music] welcome oh Larry will you like this for sure Nan has Dr Carol ever talk to you about me a lot of times impersonally though why well think it'd be a good idea if we'd all call it a KN what's [Music] that I'll close [Music] it what was it Larry just the wind it blew open the window oh well I certainly hope nothing else happens tonight oh I've got a splitting headache doctor you better let me give you a sedative before you go to bed I'll go with you mother all right dear be right along darling good night good night offer you boys anything before you turn in no thanks how about you what's so intriguing H oh I was thinking about the blue room so that's it strange how the human mind works a flash of lightning crash of Thunder the lights go out and a window blows open and somebody's already to see a ghost come walking through a padlock [Music] door Edwards yes sir what are you doing in there I happen to hear what was said downstairs sir and I understood you wish to open up the room I said nothing of the kind I misunderstood sir I'm sorry Steve I'm over here stumbled over something and grabbed the curtains as I fell are you all right yes little on the dusty side these Spooks are very careless about their housekeeping well they've had it all of themselves for the past 20 years but I'd had my way i' have cleaned it up long ago so this is the Blue Room yeah this is it Mr bdge yes I'd like to sleep here tonight what a strange request why just to prove your point that to call this a ghost mansion is superstitious bunk no I don't think you should do it Larry neither do I why don't you think so because I want to sleep here myself why don't you say there's good ideas for the stories you write St you all right I'll tell you what we'll do we'll both spend the night here oh no I'm going to rough it alone but I'll tell you what if nothing happens tonight if I don't catch pneumonia something you can sleep in here tomorrow night what do you say Mr bage well apparently I have nothing to say about it so I'll just go to bed okay you win I'll see you in the morning I hope seriously Larry I hope you'll be all right of course I will good night sir good night good night Steve good night [Music] the Blue Room H 8:30 I uh guess everything went well last night last night what do you mean Mr daden slept there didn't Mr Bor tell you you better have a breakfast tray ready in case Mr D should want it sent up to his room Mr D did you ring Sir Mr Daren what's the matter Edward I don't know sir Mr Dar rang a moment ago but the door is locked and he doesn't answer Larry if this is another of his jokes what's wrong dad Larry doesn't answer oh I knew something would happen if he slept in there now dear nothing has happened yet Larry open the door give me the key Edwards I'm sorry sir I only had the key to the padlock keys on the inside we better break in all [Music] right Larry the bed hasn't been slept in where is he if I may Venture the opinion sir it would appear that Mr Daron open the window and and leaned out too far oh no please mother oh now you mustn't be upset you say he just rang we received the signal in the kitchen sir the indicator there still punched to the Blue Room operator something wrong oh Steve yes Larry's disappeared what Hello Operator get me the police disappeared yes this morning we hello inspector McDonald please and that's all you can tell me about his disappearance you know as much about it as we do inspector who was in the house when Larry Deon first discussed opening a blue room why all of us and uh Edwards of course is that all what about those friends of yours Nan as I recall they were in the house the girls well that's ridiculous they didn't hear Larry asked to have the room opened they didn't even know him what girls some entertainers who were down for the evening but they couldn't have had anything to do with it you better give me their names and where they can be reached take this down curtain we open Monday first show at noon better get the theater by 10: for rehearsal we're halfway there already that must be them say are you girls the three Jazzy Bells uh-huh good news sure travels fast we're from the police department well I suppose you want us to appear at the policeman's benefit ball well we might be able to consider it if you're out of jail in time oh well I think we get right jail hey what goes on here officer there's been some complaints we were told to pick these girls up why is the act that bad but what have we done come on let's get going wait a minute we got a booking starting the day after tomorrow and you can't do this to us that released in time to keep their engagement won't they maybe they will and maybe they won't oh wait a minute fellas this is murder yeah how did you guess and you didn't hear any sort of noise after that no we picked them up and they was acting Mighty suspicious if you ask me well nobody asked you so you can't get away with this what's the idea of dragging us way up here anyhow it's always customary to return suspects to the scene of the crime well that's different suspect what happened here anyway Larry's disappeared Larry who's that you see inspector they've never even heard of him I'll handle this if you don't mind where did you go after you left this house last night right straight home yeah we didn't stop for anything that's right inspector you can check up on us we've never been in any trouble before inspector I don't think these kids are any more guilty than I am you may be right well in that case we'll be going along well it's been nice knowing you if you need any help please feel free to call us wait a minute there's just one more thing how come the gatekeeper didn't see you leave the grounds last night oh well we left by the side gate the one that leaves to the cemetery sure we would have gone out the regular way but after that Ghost came up and asked for a match to light his cigarette ghost and it was so scary when he tipped his Derby you saw a ghost that's right and in the derby and you lit a cigarette for him yes that does it everybody stays in this house hanig can see nobody leaves curtain and come with me excuse me this sounds awfully serious Nan it is one of our guests Larry deardon slept in the blue room last night this morning he is gone where'd he go a question like that asked at the right moment is liable to revolutionize the detective business you know Nan I've been thinking well that's a good idea what thinking we better figure out a way to get out of here in time for that first [Music] show you really think it's all right for us to try and solve this case ourselves why not the inspector's going to keep us here until I find the guy anyway it may take 20 years before that happens yeah and we can't afford to wait a minute over 19 sh they told me this is the Blue Room hey I wonder why they call it the blue room I don't know maybe it's cuz the last guy that was in there blue do you really think that room's haunted no if I did I'd just be silly why don't you go in and see I'm not that silly let's see what's down here she let try to be very quiet yeah let's not get in any trouble I'm allergic to jails who's the square that's Mr Kirkland Nan's real father he died in the Blue Room you know I bet there's something behind it what is death no the picture where' that come from I don't know all I did was touch the picture like this talking pictures come on [Music] you know Nan I have a hunch that if we can solve the mystery surrounding your father's death we'll have the answer to Larry's disappearance well I've read all the testimony that was taken at the inquest if there's anything you'd like to know how many of the people who are in the house now were also present when your father was shot let's see there was mother and my stepfather he was dad's lawyer at the time and Dr Carolyn Edwards last night your mother said something very interesting that she suspected your father was being blackmailed at the time of his death yes I've heard her mention that before but it was never proven it strikes me that if any blackmailing was going on well the people most likely to be in possession of such damaging information would be the family doctor and the family lawyer are you implying that Dr Carol and my stepfather had I'm not implying anything now look n last night you asked me to help you that's all I'm trying to do now but I don't see what this all has to do with Larry well just this suppose Larry found out who was blackmailing your father or how your father was killed then the murderer would have to get rid of him too wouldn't he you know I've just realize something if it were possible for someone to get into the blue room with the door and the windows locked then it must be possible for someone to get out the same way exactly n and spoken like a true detective yes now you've even got me doing it no oh oh please let me go I tell you I didn't do it you must believe me oh oh it's no use if he does know anything he's not telling another good idea gone wrong well now what will we do my suggestion Madam is that you release me from this chair yes so that I can get to the phone and inform my lawyer of this outrage oh gee Edwards you wouldn't do that after all we were only trying to solve the mystery yeah and anyway all we did was Grill you madam I am not a hamburger and furthermore if it ever got out that I've been subjected to the treatment of a common criminal me with a spotless reputation of 30 years the perfect gentleman is gentleman a well don't worry Edwards we'll keep it a secret if you will sure you can trust us Edwards no one outside of this room will ever know I had even sign it in blood I had any blood I don't know my mother warned me against people like you she says acting is the devil's profession hey are you trying to say actors are bad in your case decidedly yes well I'll have you know that we were good enough to sing in the same nightclub with Miss nan oh indeed oh you don't believe us huh well let me tell you something she came out and sang a very Torchy ballad then we came out and did a comedy number in fact we'll show you there's a spook Valley walking on the piano keys he's a j and ghost who can make the of his rmic Tendencies watch about the town with new kinds of you may meet the boogie boogie boogie man get if he he will soon have you beaten his rhythm when you meet the boogie boogie boogie man will swing through the door if he really gets sore cutting rugs on the floor by the hundreds or more as he sings He will pound with a horrible sound like million you see really yes that can really with his face he almost the Boogie get cuz if he tries he will soon have you beaten his rym when you meet the bo boie [Music] [Applause] [Music] boy so better watch out someone's about hunting the the town with new kinds of Rhythm you may meet the Boogie booie booy Man better be better take care cuz if you don't go along with them when you meet the Boogie woie boo man if you see him really hex yes that man can really vection with his base he almost dire that bie then get he boie boogie [Music] boogie before you go to bed I want to tell you this you're all occupy the same rooms you slept in last night no one has to leave his room till morning for any reason good night good night inspector good night what about the girls inspector they didn't sleep here last night oh don't worry about us we're planning to stay up all night why oh nothing just getting in practice for five shows a day we don't want to miss anything in case anybody tries some funny business yeah and don't think our act couldn't stand some funny [Laughter] business hey this guy says he's going to see Dr Carol right away excuse me for intruding sir yes what is it Dr Carol my wife's going to have a baby and Dr Mitchell's out of town so I was wondering if you could that is if you'd be willing to yes yes of course Edwards will you get my things where do you live in a caretaker's cage there about a mile away Hanigan yes Chief you better go along in case the doctor needs a little help right thank you inspector your subtlety is most gratifying bad Harry good night Frank good night 2:30 and all's well thank goodness for this coffee I feel so wide awake why don't you go to bed and sleep it off why don't we all go to bed everybody's been asleep for hours and nothing's happened oh no we're going to stay up till morning if it takes all night the name of the murderer is the name of the murderer is what are you doing that for well every time you say that son supposed to take a shot at you the name of the murderer is what was that it came from over there somebody's throwing pebbles at the window maybe somebody wants to get into the house oh who want to get into this house well there's one way to find out Peggy wait a minute I'm not that anxious to know I better open the window before he starts throwing rocks yeah but suppose he starts throwing them after you open it oh [Music] pardon me lady which way to the cemetery that way thank you [Music] kindly you look like you just seen a ghost you can say that again can you imagine a ghost getting locked out of his own house maybe he lost his skeleton key give me some more coffee will you honey this is cold drink Hardy gals it looks like a long long night say this coffee tastes better why is that after what I just thought anything it tastes good it is better though who knows maybe something new has been added what's that Old Faithful again sounds like someone's in the hall come on let's see who it is you mean What It Is Well around here you never can tell who who is this who's there sh yeah sh you had it scared for a minute where are you going up to the blue room to sleep but why I promise Larry besides I have an idea it may help to solve his disappearance okay it's your funeral don't talk like that good night girl good night good night I guess I've had some much excitement I'm starting to get drowsy so am I certainly gra we have his coffee trouble is you kids can't take it why don't you be like me here have some more of this we'll all fall asleep yeah I don't know if it's safer to stay awake and get murdered or go to sleep and just disappear maybe if we keep moving we can walk it off huh yeah did you ever have one of those days when nothing seems to go right and night too what are you doing you said to keep moving did you keep moving somebody hold me up will you I'm okay who's going to hold us up go sleep we tired too ready can't go to sleep now no got to stay up and catch the murderer catch the murderer it's the blue room again you stay right here what made you think I was going anywhere excuse me sir but I think you ought to know this I just received a signal from the blue room I left instructions no one was to sleep there last night as far as I know nobody did come on [Music] [Applause] it's not locked but something's [Music] hauling shot through the heart know him yes ly Deen oh Frank oh we better take her to her room well at least we got the corpus deti now all we need is a couple of [Music] suspects what's the [Applause] matter there must be a homicidal maniac Loos in this house they ain't dead they're still breathing pour some of that coffee where am I you're all right don't worry come on come on wake up darling hey oh it's you crumpled puss we just found a body in the Blue Room you girls wouldn't know anything about it with you the Blue Room whoor Steve I knew we shouldn't have let him go up there what's that about Steve man it's all our fault he insisted on spending the night in the blue room and we didn't stop him but it wasn't Steve we found up there it wasn't do you know where this Steve Randall is now no I was looking for him myself but I can't find him well that's just dandy one guy sleeps up there and he disappears another guy sleeps up there and he disappears and what do we find instead the body of the first guy what do you make of that oh uh well let's see uh the first guy sleeps there then the second guy disappears then the second guy's by the first curtain you better go out and search the grounds again anything wrong yes doctor something is wrong Steve Randle disappeared no and we found daran's body where up in the Blue Room in the Blue Room yes do you want to go up and take a look at it DOC what yes yes of course were you with the doctor all night yeah he wasn't out of my S for a minute are you sure you didn't fall asleep at any time fat chance I had to sleep that guy's wife had triplets well I guess that eliminates the doctor yeah but now you got three new suspects and what's the connection between Larry's death and Steve's disappearance that question's been running through my brain all day you don't think that Steve was jealous of Larry do you I've hardly known him long enough for that still I can't help feeling that I'm at least partly responsible for Larry's dead oh no you mustn't talk like that but if only I'd been kinder to him if I'd promised to marry him maybe this wouldn't have happened I'm afraid Larry could never have married you Matt why not well just have faith in what I'm saying but I want to know was there anything wrong with him no no nothing then why shouldn't I have married him if I wanted to because Larry Dean was your brother your half brother Sam Kirkland your father was in love with Larry's mother years ago I'm sorry to have had to tell you this but under the circumstances I I thought you should know I understand doctor thank you oh it's no use kids I don't feel like rehearsing me neither I feel lower than last week's salary we have to kids do you realize it's only 24 hours away from the opening and we haven't even got a dance routine set so what we'll never make the show no at the rate this investigation is going when we leave here we can move right into the old lady's home oh but things happen like that if we hadn't come here in the first place we wouldn't even have a job yes and now that we did come and got the job and can't leave why it's the same as if we hadn't come to get the job we can't have you speak English too oh come on keid let's snap out of it this isn't like us to let something get us down let's do something cheerful like um dance away your blues or every cloud must have a silver lining uhhuh all I can think of his old man MOS is dead [Applause] [Music] he [Music] [Music] that's Betty anything for for a gag what are you doing girl there's an electric wire coming out of the carpet hey I'll bet that's what's making the piano play I think we've got something here let's follow it and see where it leads [Music] to it goes down in the cellar but we don't oh come on now don't tell me you're afraid of a little trip to the cellar I don't have to tell you my needes are beating it out More's colde look the sooner we solve the mystery the sooner we can get out of here yeah but I don't want them to be playing sad music when I leave oh don't worry nothing's going to happen to you come on all right but I'm only doing this to avoid a [Music] scene look let's not rush into this thing why don't we come back in a year or two be quiet I found a gun A gun bring it along it might be just what we [Music] need Edwards what would your mother say about this but I didn't do it you didn't do what what do you think Miss then who's been working these gadgets I was only obeying orders orders why must it always be the butler so you're the one who's been doing all this funny business only it isn't funny bud you know they build jails for people like you Edwards disturbing the piece that's what you've been doing yes and how can we be sure you aren't the murderer murder is a hard word Edwards and you're supposed to be the perfect gentleman's we'd like to have an explanation about a lot of things so would I what are you girls doing down here we just been getting a confession from your butler Mr Baldridge confession mhm he's turned out to be quite the mystery man oh no sir I'm innocent all I did was to follow Mr daron's instructions Daren yes sir he paid me to operate these devices but why I'm not sure sir but I believe he wanted to frighten everybody so that when he volunteered to sleep in the Blue Room Miss Nan would be impressed by his bravery well how come you're still working this stuff after he disappeared at first I thought that was part of his scheme but when his body was found this morning I decided I about a dismantle apparatus you wouldn't be knowing about that coffee that made us go to sleep last night would you I'm Sorry Miss but I couldn't take the chance of spoiling Mr Jordan's plans all right everybody don't touch a thing we're all going upstairs and have a nice long talk oh dear wal you were Sam Kirkland's lawyer weren't you yes and his friend and Mrs Baldridge did you and your first husband get along well together why of course what do you mean by that how soon after his death were you two married about a year but I don't see what all this has to do with Mr baldrich I'm convinced there's a connection between Kirkland's death and that of Larry deardon well I think you're way off the mark why don't you try and locate Steve r first I agree with Frank inspector find Randall and you've got the key to your mystery yeah why don't you find Randall where did you get this I stumbled across it in the cellar it was lying Under the Staircase why didn't you show it to me before because that's our clue yeah why don't you go find your own does anyone here know whose gun this is why it looks like my husband's doesn't it Frank yes I think it does can't you be sure yes it is one shot has been fired what and the bull at the cornerer removed from the body of Larry deardon was the same caliber as this gun that proves nothing I'm sorry Mr Ballard I'll have to hold you on suspicion of murder until I get a report from our ballistics expert no it's all too Preposterous it may be so but it will be the first time the man who sent for the police turned out to be the guilty party you mean you're going to arrest him like a common Criminal let's just call it a formality Miss Kirkland I think you're making a big mistake inspector now we've really done it can you imagine Mr BD going to jail and we're the ones who are sending him there it's only one way we can square ourselves we've got to solve this mystery tonight how by sleeping in the Blue Room what oh no now let's not overdo this thing Steve was right the blue room is the answer to this whole thing the only way to get the answer is to spend a night in there who is going to spend what in where you know what's going to happen to us if we do tomorrow we'll disappear and they'll find Steve's body yeah this could turn into a vicious circle well suit yourselves kids but I'm going to spend the night there we won't let do it no use arguing I made up my mind okay you win but something tells me tomorrow there are going to be three new ghosts haunting this [Music] house sh [Music] it's only a tom cat well if it's time I hope Dick and Harry don't show [Music] up hey I just got a terrific idea what let's go back no come on what are you a man or a mouse right now I wish I was a mouse [Music] cozy little layout isn't it yeah now we know where the Dust Bowl went to why you closing the door you don't want anybody to get in do you I'm not worried about anyone getting in it's about us getting out you mean we're going to sleep in there can you suggest a better place to sleep but that's where they found on the body this morning so what oh I don't like dead people they're not my type oh come on get in here goes nothing you look are you sleeping with your robe on dear sure you never can tell who may drop in I can't do it oh force yourself come on no there's something in there something cold and sleeky it's only my flashlight now come on get in and get to sleep all right but I'm still scared well then you get over here move in the middle and then nothing can hurt you all right but I know I'll hate myself in the morning for this now just relax and go to sleep good night good night pleasant nightmares I wish you'd keep your hands to yourself what are you talking about I didn't touch you don't tell me I felt it all right if I did it was an accident I'm sorry okay nervous enough well you didn't have to hit me I said I was sorry I didn't touch you oh don't give me that innocent act what oh will you quit arguing I can see where have to keep you two separated now come on let me get in the middle yes you are I don't want to go get here I don't see why I have to the to get the worst of it do nothing but said sleep here come in no one wanted to now look kids you don't have to drag me into this now don't tell me you're going to start something me start something well I like that I suppose that wasn't your hand crawling all over my face it was not well it wasn't me so it must have been her oh you're crazy I didn't come anywhere near her all the trouble with you is your right hand doesn't know what your left hand is doing the trouble is I don't know what either one of them's doing that could fit that's quite possible don't want to fight leave me out of it I am sleepy I wonder now what I thought I heard something oh lie back you're dreaming didn't you hear a noise that wasn't here before I mean did you not hear a noise that was here before I mean what's eating you I know the stop clock huh the clock stopped well I wish you'd follow its example nothing doing I'm going to set that clock ahead oh what are you going to set it ahead for in case a ghost comes up to me and says your time has come I want to be able to give him an argument oh oh Betty that's my Betty never grow up get some [Music] sleep oh B watch it what's the matter what's the matter what what a secret passage now we're getting someplace hey are you g to go in there with me in there sure without a chaperon why not we've gone this far we might as well finish the job all right but don't you think we'd better arm ourselves that's not a bad idea hey how about those fire irons all right come on Betty what po don't you want something no I'll just use my brains you're a dead pigeon here thanks I know just what's the matter what's the matter I don't know what I'm doing oh fish fles okay come on now you go first all right why doesn't somebody stop [Music] me [Music] wait what's that I just remembered I got to go and stay about a sick friend who me oh come on look the opening is [Applause] [Music] closing there's no use doing that you mean we're trapped well it ain't the other way around we'll never get out of here alive just be girl on there must be some other way of getting out who's there Dr Carol oh what are you doing up so late I couldn't sleep besides I heard a noise what about you well I was sitting here smoking a cigarette and I started toying with this lion's head seemed to be loose then I happened to turn it and look a secret passage but where does it lead to that's just what I mean to find out right now this may provide the evidence that we're looking for well let me go with you well now it may not be safe you better wait [Music] here [Music] did you hear something yes it wasn't me was it [Music] they got me what's the man speak to us say something Betty well look at [Music] here Dr [Music] Carol put the handcuffs on him Hanan now wait a minute inspector Steve I'm sorry I had to treat you so roughly man I was only trying to protect you would you mind telling me what this is all about M he's trying to say something I think I can tell the inspector everything he wants to know I wish you would well let's get here when he found out that Sam Kirland was his father as well as the victim of a blackmail plot he figured the two facts were related and since Dr Carol was the only one who was aware of the paternity business but it seemed logical to assume that he was the blackmailer and ultimately the murderer how do you know Larry de doped all this up well frankly I don't but it doesn't matter the important thing is that Dr Carol was afraid Larry had stumbled across the truth and when Larry insisted on sleeping in the Blue Room Dr Carol figured that was his chance to get rid of him so that night he went up the secret passageway and shot Larry the same way he murdered Kirkland 20 years before but why had he wanted to kill father because your father refused to be blackmailed any longer that's very interesting but how do you fit into all this last night in the blue room I discovered the passageway behind the clock and also Larry's Body I decided to leave the corpse out in the open as a sign to the killer that I was wise to him I figured that anyone who came after me would have a guilty knowledge of the secret of the blue room but Mr Randall we found you here and we're certainly not guilty of any of the crimes well you might have shot Us in Cold Blood that's why I tried to scare you out of the blue room so you wouldn't get in the away you've done a nice job of reconstruction I guess this finishes your book for you too bad I won't be there for the happy ending B you see Steve and N give each other that certain and look across the breakfast table I'll bet we'll be going to a wedding pretty soon not if it's in that house we won't why not the mystery solved isn't it yeah but there's still a lot of queer things going on things that no one can explain I know what you mean boy I know I wouldn't go back there if they gave me a million dollars you and me [Music] both oh this is the [Music] end la
Channel: Groovy Movies
Views: 871,034
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Horror, Thriller, Comedy, 1944, Blue Room
Id: 9aW_oP_JVBU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 11sec (3611 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 25 2017
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