The Truth About Grunkle Stan | Gravity Falls | Disney Channel

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don't touch that button Dipper just back away please don't press that shutdown button you gotta trust me and I should trust you why after you stole radioactive waste after you lied to us all summer I don't even know who you are look I know this all seems nuts but I need that machine to stay on if you just let me explain yourself t-minus 35 seconds [Music] [Applause] Mabel hurry shut it down No Mabel Mabel wait stop dose what are you doing I gave you an order sorry mr. pines if that is your real name but I have a new mission now protecting these kids so you idiot let me go shut it down no you can't you gotta trust me uncle Stan I don't even know if you're my grunkle but then listen to me remember this morning when I said I wanted to tell you guys something - 20 seconds I wanted to say that you're gonna hear some bad things about me and some of them are true but trust me everything I've worked for everything I care about it's all for this family Mabel what if he's lying this thing could destroy the universe listen to your head look into my eyes Mabel you really think I'm a bad guy he's lying shut it down now Mabel please uncle Stan I trust you are you crazy [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what who is that the author of the journals my brother is this the part where one of us faints oh I am so honored [Music]
Channel: Disney Channel
Views: 3,974,525
Rating: 4.8284945 out of 5
Keywords: The truth, grunkle stan, gravity falls, disney channel, disney, mable, dipper, soos
Id: 81_dKa-g2d0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 33sec (213 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 24 2018
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