Bold Partners | Heaven to Earth | 02.07.21

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[Music] [Music] [Music] all right welcome everybody we have some announcements for you i was actually going to tweet these announcements i'm unable to do that now so here we are in video instead banned band yeah it's sad so anyway i am pastor josh if you don't know me uh my wife robin and i we are the youth pastors here at life church seven and i just want to let you know that we have youth group every wednesday night we are we are back together we've been back together for a couple weeks if you have students if you are a student from middle school to high school uh wednesdays 6 30 to 8 p.m in the small auditorium is the place to be we worship we hear the word of god we pray for each other we build community it's amazing yeah if you're a fifth or sixth year senior you would be with young adults that's my wife and i kaylee we are the young adult pastors here at lifechurch7 and we have a ministry for 18 to late 20s and we'd like to invite you if you'd like to get plugged in if you'd like to know more about what's going on we have a powerful service right now we're doing services twice a month first and third thursday but then we have small groups and the other thursdays so every thursday night small auditorium same building we have young adult uh it's called 509 young adults and so we invite you to be a part of that bring a friend and if you need more information just reach out and we'll get you connected come find us on a sunday can find you on a sunday if you have any questions uh but for parents you got kids uh any age group we've got life kids we've got youth we've got young adults we want a seamless transition from birth all the way up until adulthood where people are connected are growing with jesus and uh i get to encounter his presence yeah it's good also coming up uh actually today after second service it starts we have the coming closer class yeah and we are a revival church that's right we want the moving and the outpouring the presence of god and uh coming closer is is a way to step into that revival culture here at life church 7. um if you're wanting upgrades man this class is for you to get some upgrades that's starting today um 11 a.m right during second service not after during second service and it goes for six weeks it's a six weeks course and uh yeah you don't want to miss that it's a powerful powerful class yeah it's up in the classroom above the balcony you can ask pastor mark or any of the pastors for directions on that we'll get you we'll get you squared away where to go uh we're starting a new series today we are from heaven to earth a series is called heaven to earth and there's actually a phenomenal book that you've read i've read a lot of our pastors have read why don't you tell us a little bit about how they can get it and what it is and yeah it's called when heaven invades earth by bill johnson and if you want to know more about what that means and what that looks like for today it's it's a great resource you can you can buy that online on our website we have a lc7 shop and you can you can search for that on there it's called when heaven invades earth and highly recommend it yeah buy it it's good so good so the worship team is ready to go yeah we are live we welcome you and uh let's worship together whether you're at home or in the building we're gonna have a great time yeah welcome well amazing would you stand if you're in the room if you're watching online i want to invite you to stand as well it's going to be an amazing sunday today i want to remind you if you're in person and you got little ones we do have a wiggle room available they wiggle a little much you can go experience the service in the wiggle room but man we are so so excited you're here i was just in pre-service prayer i just feel like god's going to move in powerful ways this service he's going to move in power so would you just begin to stir your spirit just begin to welcome the lord right now just begin to welcome him right now we welcome you holy spirit we welcome you god man i just got a picture of i think it's second chronicles seven when solomon prays that the glory of the lord would fill the temple and he does and they're literally undone by the presence the fire of god they fall on their knees and worship the lord because it's the only thing they could think to do is just worship the lord and now that we have jesus we are the temple that the glory of god dwells in it's you it's me and his glory wants to come and fill you in greater measure than you've ever experienced in your life before so in this moment would you just dedicate yourself that's what happened solomon he dedicated the temple he made a sacrifice and god filled that sacrifice our sacrifice today is worship so just give god your sacrifice i worship you god i give you my heart i dedicate this temple to you would you meet me when i worship you would you meet me in such a powerful way and i'd be filled with your glory oh would you just begin to declare show me your glory would you just say that right now show me your glory just say it right now would you declare you did not come here to check a box you came here to meet the living god so would you just tell him right now show me your glory god i want to see your glory i want to feel your glory i want to experience your glory in greater measure come holy spirit come holy spirit and move in our worship let's worship together [Music] belongs [Music] to you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] let him know let your kingdom come with your glory [Music] [Music] so loud [Music] jesus and earth praise your name lord jesus [Music] let your kingdom come here [Music] [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] reality [Music] me and fly through my face and so my love and affection belongs to you and all my love and affection belongs to [Music] all my love and affection [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] me [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] is his grace the power of salvation [Music] that is not empty and [Music] sing to the god of the ages sing to the lord of creation sing his praise again and oh my soul sing like the heavens are waiting for like an army of they just sing his praise again from the moment [Music] now i stand here and i know that i am [Music] [Applause] sing his praise again [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] remember that his name will make a way he'll make a way from the cross to the grave he is risen and he reigns praise the lord i sing his praise again come on oh praise the lord [Music] sing to the lord [Music] [Music] is [Music] sing his praise again [Music] come on lift your praise up to him today sing this praise sing as fast [Music] remember [Music] remember praise the is [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] again his praise [Music] [Music] [Music] sing this praise again [Music] [Music] i'll stand before you [Music] your blood has made me free [Music] you're my one [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] shine [Music] me [Music] your body that is broken for all the world to see [Music] is [Music] [Music] so i give you my words [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is oh [Music] [Music] [Music] let your presence [Music] let your presence [Music] come on just lift up your voices in your own words your own sacrifice of praise lift up your hearts to god we want to know you god we want to know your heart [Music] i wanna know just around me surround me [Music] huh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] just [Music] oh [Music] my [Music] in in my life [Music] feel in my life we'll be [Music] i let's say [Music] oh [Music] be lifted john 13 says that the world will know us by our love god that's our prayer this morning be lifted high in our love in our lives god be lifted up let us be the soul and the light in this dark world god shine through us lord that's our prayer god we want to know you we want to know your heart we want you to shine through us god come on singing again in my life and our lives be lifted up [Music] be lifted up guys [Music] be lifted father i'm after your heart father i'm seeking your face you are all that along for would you come fill this place [Music] is [Music] would you come fill this place [Music] is [Music] jesus is [Music] oh you're let's just tell them jesus you're everything god we love you oh we love you we love you we love you we lay our lives down for you cause you alone i'm after your heart i'm after your heart [Music] i'm after your heart i'm after your [Music] heart up after your heart i'm after your oh jesus jesus [Music] just jesus beautiful [Music] you are oh [Applause] [Music] let's just tell them right now you're everything jesus we're giving our hearts to you jesus cause you're worth it all you're worth it all holding nothing back from you [Music] i'm after your heart come on let's just tell em i'm after your heart i'm after your heart i'm after your heart you jesus we are after your heart we're here for you we're here to meet with you jesus god we thank you that your presence surrounds us god we thank you that in your presence there is fullness of joy we thank you that in your presence there is peace there is freedom there's power there's protection jesus you're all that we need lord we center our hearts on you this morning open our eyes to see what you see open our eyes god there's a powerful passage of scripture in second kings chapter six and it's about the prophet elisha and elisha wakes up one morning to find a vast army outside of his city ready to take him down ready to defeat him and his servant elisha is looking at this army and his servant that is with him is afraid and he's afraid and intimidated obviously because there's an enemy ready to get them and elisha looks at his servant and he says do not be afraid those that are with us are more than those that are with them those that are with us are more than those that are with them some of you need to hear that today you're facing some things that are creating fear and intimidation but the god who created the universe has already won the victory and he's on your side and if he's on your side you will not be defeated he who is with you is greater than he who is in the world and so elisha begins to pray for his servant and he says open his eyes so that he can see and the lord opened the servant's eyes and when he did he could spiritually he could see that the hills were filled with horses and chariots of fire so he thought he was surrounded by the enemy but actually he was surrounded by the armies of heaven and this morning it's a picture it's a prophetic picture for us today that we are surrounded by the almighty god we are surrounded by his power and he wants us to experience his glory and so this morning before we jump into a powerful word from pastor nate is that god would open our eyes to see what he's what he's doing open our eyes to see the situations that we're facing with new perspective that no longer are we afraid and intimidated but we can see what god's doing and that actually builds our hope and it builds our courage so would you just lift your hands towards heaven and just begin to say open my eyes god open our eyes open our eyes to see what you're doing god we want to see your glory lord we pray that you would open our eyes to see your power at work in our lives lord i pray that you would take fear and intimidation and you would remove it and give us a spirit of boldness and courage for those that are discouraged today god i pray you'd fill them with hope and joy god i pray that today would be a day where our perspective shifts and our hope is built because we're able to see what you're doing that we would be able to see what you're doing in the spirit and that we would have confidence to face our enemies because god you were with us and if you are with us nothing can stand against us you are undefeated you've never lost a battle you've never lost a fight so we just need to be still and let you fight the battle for us so lord open our eyes to see what you're doing this morning lord we love you we love you well as we continue in an attitude of worship we're gonna jump into our offering and this is such a special time of our service because it's really an out of an obedience to the lord that we give and pastor west the word of the lord laid on pastor west's heart for this year is upgrade and when you give to the kingdom of god you're sowing into that upgrade how many of you have been blessed by the ministry that's flowed from this church did you know that you are a part of that ministry you are powerful partners in the ministry when you give to the lord because you're helping make it happen you're giving and that offering is going to share the love of jesus really all over the world we have people all over the world watching this stream right now and so we want to give out of gratitude and out of thanksgiving so however you give we we could you can give on the app you can give online you can put it in the celebration boxes outside but however you just hold that up if it's through your app if it's your wallet would you just hold it up and we're just gonna just bless this offering and dedicate it to the lord just hold it up we're gonna pray together father we give you this offering out of a grateful heart god you are such a generous father and we're grateful for your generosity and lord we give to you out of a out of obedience and we trust lord that as we give it god you're going to advance your kingdom so lord we thank you today we praise you today and we continue to worship today by giving you the the first fruits of all that you have blessed us with we love you lord in your mighty name amen amen amen well welcome to church we're so glad you're here you can go ahead and find your seat i want to give a quick shout out to pastor wes some of you know he's my father-in-law but pastor wes has been here today marks 14 years of ministry at life church 7. would you just stand in honor pastor wes with me pastor wes and connie [Applause] we love you and uh what an incredible 14 years it has been so but now would you welcome with me my husband my favorite preacher pastor nate thank you thank you pastor mile that doesn't always feel right for me to say that but she is pastor mile and my wife so proud of you and zoey ladies zoe ministry where are we at ladies yeah she's leading an incredible ministry and mile was sharing with me all the cool stuff happening uh with elijah and the bible study that's coming up faith and fire with priscilla schreier doesn't that sound good it's march 3rd and uh it's going to be an amazing time and when she was telling me about this um i couldn't help but start thinking of um and just funny she was talking about the prophet already elisha and the reason i think about elisha every time you hear about elijah is not just because he follows up after elijah but um elisha was a bald prophet who called down bears on people for making fun of his bald head he's my man so i just couldn't help but go there but truly i want to encourage you ladies make sure you sign up husbands we'll watch the kids send your wives it's going to be a great time march 3rd you don't want to miss it and you know as we look back at elijah and elisha one of the powerful things that we see throughout history throughout the bible and today is that god's kingdom is always advancing god's kingdom is always advancing and the best part is he wants to continue to advance his kingdom in and through you and me through all of us and the big idea if you're taking notes today already we're going to jump right in is god is looking for bold partners in advancing his kingdom god is looking for bold partners in advancing his kingdom and today i want to talk we talk with you about how every single one of us are actually designed to be bold partners through advancing his kingdom we're designed to be that way you are designed to be a bold partner i want you to look your neighbor don't touch them just look at them and say you were designed to be bold and scripture backs us up full of examples and describes all of us as opportu as people who have opportunity to boldly partner with what god is doing one of my favorite examples of this is in the old testament in daniel chapter 3 with shadrach meshach and abednego who's heard of that story it's one of my favorite stories we're going to talk about that today but shadrach meshach and abednego they find themselves in a place where they have to choose either to stand up for what they believe and stand up in faith in god and say no we are not going to bow in worship to a golden statue of the king nebuchadnezzar these three guys are actually slaves they've been brought out of their homeland into babylon and they're in captivity and they're facing all kinds of pressure and now every time there's music played they're supposed to stop whatever they're doing and bow and worship this gold statue and they decide together to stand boldly and say we're not bowing we're not going down we're not going to worship anybody but the one true god and as they do that someone tells on them they get caught and they get brought in to the king and this is the interaction that happens shadrach meshach and abednego replied oh nebuchadnezzar we do not need to defend ourselves before you if we are thrown into the blazing furnace the god whom we serve this is so important number one is able to save us and then it says he will god is able and he will come on somebody he will rescue us from your power and your majesty but even if he doesn't we want to make it clear to you your majesty that we will never serve your gods or worship the gold statue that you have set up talk about boldness if you look in there it has in verse 18 it says something powerful i love it it's the even if you see there's power in the even if even if we die i still trust jesus with my life even if god doesn't answer my prayers the way that i think he should even if i still trust him i'm still with him and i'm still standing in boldness i just believe god loves bold prayers people who are bold they think on another level do you remember the wright brothers they're famous for inventing something airplanes right and what's interesting there's a story that says that they were just watching birds fly and i could just imagine leaning over and they say if birds can fly why can't we why can't we they had a bold idea so they started trying and started thinking it i wonder if one of them leaned over to the other point and said even if it doesn't fly we're gonna try even if it doesn't fly we're gonna try so even if we die shadrach meshach and abednego decide that they are gonna stand firm and listen to what happens nebuchadnezzar was so furious with shadrach meshach and abednego that his face became distorted with rage i would have loved to seen that what does that look like i don't know distorted with rage just fired up he commands that the furnace be heated seven times hotter than usual then he ordered some of the strongest men of his army to bind shadrach meshach and abednego and throw them into the blazing furnace so they tied them up and threw them into the furnace fully dressed in their pants turbans robes and other garments and because the king in his anger had demanded such a hot fire in the furnace the flames killed the soldiers as they threw the three men in so shadrach meshach and abednego securely tied up fell into the roaring flames but suddenly nebuchadnezzar jumped up in amazement and exclaimed to his advisors didn't we tie up three men and throw them into the furnace yes your majesty we certainly did i mean they're probably like yes yes whatever you say is you're throwing lots of people in this furnace right now they replied look nebuchadnezzar shouted i see four unbound walking around in the fire unharmed and the fourth looks like a god how many know when you stand boldly for jesus guess who shows up heaven to earth the king of kings the lord of lords he is with you even in the fire and jesus shows up in the middle of the furnace how incredible that must have been and what's so fascinating is that when we stand boldly and partner with god he not only shows up but he can turn any situation any heart around like that nebuchadnezzar went from worshiping himself to worshipping the one true god and not only does he say that but he says you know what i'm gonna make a decree now everyone's gonna worship the one true god that's how marked he was by the presence and power of god when heaven invades earth and when believers stand boldly and it brings courage and faith for all of us today doesn't it for many people they're not sure where america is headed right now but when we boldly pray and stand and declare nothing is impossible for our god if he can turn the heart of a king no nation is outside of the reach of the hand of god amen so what are we called to do boldly stand and pray and i want to make this little caveat as i'm speaking it's so important people are the price when i talk about boldness i'm not saying that we're supposed to get into people's faces say you turn or you're gonna burn in the furnace too that's not what we're going after my dad said this earlier in the first service he said bold people without jesus oftentimes they just look mean but actually when you're full of the presence of the power of jesus and the holy spirit your boldness actually looks like love faith hope and love the greatest of these is what do you realize that some of the most or one of the most bold things that you can ever do is love your enemy one of the most bold things you could ever do is love your enemy so when i talk about being bold and standing up you're actually fighting the battle differently that's why what myel prayed was so powerful because we have to see with a different lens don't we we have to see through a spiritual remnants because we fight and we wrestle not against flesh and blood but principalities and powers of this dark world so when i'm talking about boldness i'm actually saying we're partnering with god to bring heaven to earth we need heaven solutions for what we're dealing with today don't we so we have to stand up with boldness and with courage and partner with god and guess what god's looking for you and me to do just that so the question i want to answer today is how can we boldly partner with god to advance the kingdom how how can we do that what are some ways that we can do that number one be filled be filled be filled with what be filled with this holy spirit be filled with the holy spirit because what you fill up with it matters you're going to fill your life up with something but whatever you choose it matters ephesians 5 18 says don't be drunk with wine because that will ruin your life instead be filled with the holy spirit what you fill up with it really matters this came really true for me uh when i was a youth pastor just just a few years ago in tacoma i was a youth pastor at sound life church and i got a cdl license so i could drive the church's school bus and uh by the way i let a lap so you can't hire me to be a cdl driver anymore i am done i am free from doing that just so you know uh but this bus that they had the church bought this bus they put a brand new paint job one of the things they talked about is how much that paint job cost it had like a stripe on it they were really intense they had an entire senior's ministry dedicated to washing and waxing and keeping this bus pristine it was absolutely amazing and as i'm being told that i'm going to use this to transport students come on students to camp i'm thinking how am i going to be entrusted to drive students across the state of washington and bring it back clean right or hopefully in one piece right so i'll never forget it was like another driver's ed test they had me get in the car to get in the bus watch me drive it they i pulled it out of the barn they had like this huge barn that it was in and then they all watched me walk around do a 50 000 point check in instruction all this everything i'm just checking everything inspection and the last piece was the senior pastor's name was dale carpenter he's in heaven now amazing man of god and my wife and i truly love them dale and mary lou amazing sweet people love their time with jesus and with the people they're awesome and dale never forget he uh he has me come around to where the gas tank is and he says okay what do you put in this tank and i'm like uh fuel and he looks at me and he goes diesel say with me diesel no he was telling me that i'm not joking he was like stay with me diesel and then he pointed at my chest and he goes what are you going to put in it i'm like not gas diesel and so i'm kind of like oh you know so i was like don't forget it and as he puts on the cap and walks away i hear him mumble you don't want to know what happened to the last guy who put gas in my bus apparently the other youth pastor had put gasoline and ruined the engine they had to spend this whole bunch of money to rebuild this bus guess what i filled up with diesel you and i have a responsibility to be filled with the holy spirit we have to partner with them because the world is expecting us we owe it to them to offer something different than what they're experiencing and if all we're filling up with is the same thing the world's filling up with how can we give away something we don't really have and so the presence and the power of the holy spirit makes our boldness actually come alive that changes the atmosphere and the lives of people to make them so much better because they're full of jesus and they're set free and they're healed and they're delivered and the power of jesus transforms their lives this is exactly what happens in acts chapter 4 with peter and john peter and john are preaching the gospel and they're seeing people get healed all over the place there's stories in the later in acts where their shadow falls on people and they're healed it's just amazing all this stuff they're filled with the presence and the power of the holy spirit but in the middle of this watch this the pharisees and the sadducees they try to intimidate peter and john and they say stop preaching the gospel literally if you follow it they're saying stop healing people stop delivering people from being oppressed by demons and you know i think a lot of christians if you ever had somebody come up to you and say stop talking about jesus some people might be like [Music] safe boys got a bullying culture i'm not sure if i can share jesus anymore and they go to their prayer closet just take me lord this impression i can't handle it but look at how they pray it's so awesome verse 29 of acts 4 and now lord look upon their threats and grant to your service servants to continue to speak your word with all boldness will you stretch out your hand to heal and signs and wonders performed the name of your holy servant jesus and when they had prayed this is so cool when they had prayed the place in which they were gathered together was shaken and they are all filled with the holy spirit and continue to speak the word of god with boldness did they shy away no but listen to this if you read this did they call any pharisee or sadducee out and start calling them names and speaking ill of them in this passage do you see that no why because they're the prize people are the prize love is how you overcome evil we don't overcome evil with more evil you will overcome evil with good it doesn't mean we stop preaching the gospel it means we preach it with more boldness with more love and i want to encourage you god wants to empower every single one of you to have that kind of boldness the second one the first one was be filled number two be in family be in family if you look at this passage in daniel shadrach meshach and abednego they are never listed in scripture by themselves like you never see shadrach all alone somewhere they're always together why because it's family peter and john they're together jesus sent the disciples out in pairs they were all together in the upper room praying and the holy spirit came upon them there is power in being together and have you noticed that we live in a culture that is pushing us further and further into isolation all you need is a cell phone virtual reality goggles and a wi-fi connection and you can literally go through life and never see anybody in person but we see the problem don't we more suicide more depression more anxiety more fear more loneliness people don't know how to have relationship we're being pushed further and further i think guys this is an opportunity for the church to rise up in boldness and say we have a family it's exactly what you are looking for family is powerful in december this was last december um my dentist wally cantu who's over there and really good friend my man best hair in the business if you ask me but anyways he uh he invited me into um into crossfit and i'll be honest with you i've played basketball played lots of sports and i've worked out but i've never done crossfit and so he he invites me and it's a saturday anybody can go and so i show up and right away as we're doing the warm-up i'm thinking i'm in trouble because they're warming up and all of a sudden these these three as like i think there's about five guys they start taking their shirts off and they are ripped out of their minds and i'm looking around like i need my sweatshirt back on what's going on you know and so we're doing this and then they start saying well today is a partner workout and i'm like oh lord i feel bad for my poor partner i'm going to pull him down this is going to be terrible and then if i while he's like hey you want to be partners like i'm so sorry wally i'm so sorry i'm not going to be able to do this and the first workout they do before you can even go to the next thing before you can move on you have to do a hundred pull-ups i'm like well i've never done 100 pull-ups in my life before you can even get to the next round this is like the initiation i'm like 100 pull-ups so it's partner workout right so basically what they do is like well he's like all right you start going when you're done i'll start going we'll start going so i'm start pulling about and then i drop and we go and i realized real quickly all i had to do was get to 25. he did 75 pull-ups no no not him we did a hundred because why when you're in family you can always do more than when you're by yourself if you want to go fast go alone but if you want to go far go with somebody else in family there is power there is strength there is unity and not only does god do things powerfully in family that we can never do by ourselves but in family god also does things on his own time how many have found yourself trying to do things on your time thinking had to be this way that way certain way and god just says hey i've got a different timeline than you think you have anybody experienced that i had this happen to me on on monday last monday i was going to liberty christian to read in titus's class and as i was um on my way i was late there was a train that came by you know there was sun in my eyes or whatever all that stuff and i was i was late but not on the holy spirit's time because as soon as i'm running towards the school i see a boy coming down the stairs and he is obviously upset like obviously upset he's down and he's walking and you know you can tell when someone's like depressed and swollen and sad so he's coming the steps and i i know him i call him by name and i say hey um i call my name and say hey what's wrong are you okay what's what's happening and uh he began to share he's like i'm just twitching i can't stop i said what do you mean twitching he goes well i've been diagnosed with epilepsy and he started to cry because he's like my friends they know but it's just awkward because i can't stop moving and people are you know you know i imagine yourself being in school and you have these things involuntary things happening and he's just feeling this weight and shame and and pain he doesn't want it he doesn't want it it wants to keep happening so i'm like man i start praying for i start thinking about it and you know there have been a time in my life where i would have heard that and i would have said man keep your chin up i'll be praying for you i gotta go but the holy spirit is working on me to be more bold he's working in me to listen to the holy spirit and recognize when he says to do something so i said hey is it okay if i pray for you and i don't even know if he got the words out yes but he's kind of nodded his head and i just went up to him and i took my hand and put it right on his chest and i just started praying for him and problems like jesus heal this boy touch him god set him free heal him i pray that this would just stop right now in jesus name i'm just praying for him with authority and said amen he's like he's like real serious like i feel better okay okay and then he walks away and i'm like okay so i walk up to liberty um walk up the steps and wouldn't you know it two of the staff members are watching me and i'm like oh no i just touched a student during a pandemic i'm going to prison like what was i doing you know like all this stuff like fears that's going on and what actually happened was opposite they were almost in tears so blessed that we were praying for these students because they know exactly what's happening and the truth is god has called all of us every single one of us to partner with him to be bold to bring heaven to earth and we can't be passive you know what number three is we got to be active we have to be active look at what james 2 14 says what good is it my brothers and sisters if someone claims to have faith but has no deeds can such faith save them suppose a brother or sister is without clothes and daily food if one of you says to them go in peace keep warm and well fed but does nothing about their physical needs what good is it in the same way faith by itself if it is not accompanied by action is it's dead boldness is active god is so good that he will use you actively if you participate in the unique design that he made you to be you're made in his image uniquely there's no one else like you and if i were to ask you what do you think is the most bold scrappy mean animal in all of the african savannah what animal would you think would that be describing someone said it but i'm not gonna let you know what it was and the first service was like a lion well for those i want to let you know i was educated this morning and actually actually this weekend by my wife and my son they watch uh wild kratts and bear the wild kratts the most ferocious animal in the amer in the african savannah is the honey badger okay who knew that who knew that all right homeschool people raise your hands high there we go all right because you watch you watch wild kratts right their name means honey eater of the cape they're skunk-like in other words they can drop bombs if they need to but they're lazy about keeping their house clean they're mean they'll eat anything they're thick-skinned their teeth are crazy powerful here's what i want you to know the honey badger looks highly unlikely to be bold but here's the thing it has been known to attack alligators true story has been known to attack lions any animal that comes this way no matter how big or small it will absolutely show up and throw down and here's the thing its reputation is so fierce so scrappy so strong that other animals now know this and they actually avoid it nothing intimidates it it absolutely runs towards anything that gets in its way now here's my elle gave me this this this point i thought it was so good she said god will use the highly unlikely to do extraordinary things and bring heaven to earth i want to say that one more time god will use the highly unlikely to do extraordinary things and bring heaven to earth when i am active he doesn't just use my uniqueness to bring heaven to earth he also gives us unique situations unique moments unique times just like that time i was with michael god uses so many different things when we can you when we can touch people's lives i want to ask you a simple question is there anything holding you back is there anything holding you back from boldly partnering with your heavenly father is there anything holding you back you see as i was praying about this i really felt like god was saying that there are people that are struggling and worship team by the way you can come up right now that you're really struggling because people have said and spoken things about you that aren't true but you disqualify yourselves you think of yourself just like the honey badger where you might think oh i'm not i'm not strong enough i'm not qualified enough i'm not good enough but actually god made you that way for a reason ferocious you're scrappy you're bold you're strong and all the lies that you've believed are not true they're not true i want to declare to you that there is a honey badger inside of every one of us and it's the holy spirit i can't tell you how many times i've seen two dudes that think that they're gonna fight and throw down and it just takes one small lady to come in and say knock it off because nobody messes with mom and the boys run away right they stop how why does that happen it's not about how big you are how strong you are it's about what's bold inside of you it's about who's inside of you it's christ in me and if you have been believing a lie about who you are i want to break that off you right now in jesus name so if that's you would you raise your hand i want to pray for you right where you are if you're believing a lie about your identity come on raise it up there's lots of people we prayed for tons no shame part of this is breaking through this right now lord jesus you see every hand i break off every shame every guilt guilty conscience lord jesus anybody who's tried or believed lies about themselves so that's disqualified themselves from advancing your kingdom lord jesus that they can't be bold partners because of what they've done or who they think they are or not i break that off in jesus name amen would you stand with me not only do i break that off by just praying that removing it but the last point i want to say how you can partner boldly to bring heaven to earth is to speak life speak life you got to start calling out the truth about who you really are i'm a honey badger i'm not afraid of anything i'm scrappy i'm fierce i'm strong one of the things that's amazing about the honey badger too is their skin is super thick things don't penetrate it they're tough they get back up we need to speak life about who we are proverbs 18 21 says that death and life are in the power of the tongue and those who love it will eat its fruits i wrote down some declarations that i want us to speak together because i just believe life and death is in the power of the tongue so i'm going to say them and i'd love for you to repeat it after me okay i am a bold son or daughter of the king i am a valuable part of the family of god i am boldly bringing heaven to earth everywhere i go i can be bold because i am in christ and he is in me come on let's give the lord a shout of praise we love you jesus yes thank you lord god is so good god is so good my prayer for every single one of us as we worship jesus is just like peter and john when opposition comes and maybe there's a spirit that wants to intimidate you that you would literally pray the same way peter and john prayed lord jesus make me more bold make me more loving make me more kind may maybe more filled with your presence so that i could stand up and declare the truth about who you are because i am here to bring heaven to earth and i just believe that your house this house is going to be shaken with the presence of god come on somebody would you lift your hands with me come on we love you jesus shake us lord fill us lord let's worship together i'm after your heart i'm after your heart i'm after your heart i'm after your heart let's just tell them jesus i'm after your heart i'm after your heart i'm after your heart oh yes i'm after your heart i'm after your heart [Music] [Music] jesus after your heart [Music] jesus [Music] is [Music] just oh jesus [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] thank you all thank you jesus thank you lord we worship you we worship you lord we're after your heart we're after your heart lord just say welcome holy spirit welcome holy spirit we welcome you we welcome you this moment thank you lord if you're here today and you said you know what pastor wes i want to be bold and uh we've been through how many know that the last nine months has been really a really attack on i understand the pandemic i understand all the things that were that we're in but it's been really an attack on our ability to be able to walk in joy and freedom and life to love one another well it's just it's been such a challenge and paul said to timothy that god's not given us a spirit of fear god's not given us a spirit of fear god's not given us a spirit of fear so what what is paul telling timothy that fear is actually a spirit fear is actually a spirit and a spirit has the ability just to influence us it has the ability to say things well i have other reasons no that's and what i i believe today is that god this message this is an amazing message that by the power of the holy spirit that god wants to break off the influence of the spirit of fear on every life here because whom the son sets free is free indeed see i can wear a mask and great boldness and i cannot wear a mask and great boldness the mask just doesn't i'm not partnering with anything other than doing in certain cases doing what they're asking me to do with them walmart or whatever i gladly go in and bring in the presence and the goodness of god i refuse to walk in any kind of fear amen you say well you know what pastor west i'm not i understand that but for me i'm just i feel like i have such a hard time really communicating with god or i feel like for myself i just have so many things to overcome well i just want to clarify something when you ask jesus to come into your life you're giving up your life for his it's the great exchange when you ask jesus to be your lord he is now lord and you're no longer lord when you give up and you give up your your way of life and you give them to god then god introduces you and gives you a whole brand new way of living some might say well show me that in scripture if any man be in christ he's a new creation the old is gone and the new has come and here's this wonderful invitation this morning today if you're here and you just go you know what i i am tired of trying to make my life better i want christ in me i want his life in me if that if you want to do that this morning i want you just to raise your hand you don't have to bow your head just raise your hand and just say today i want christ's life in me i want to i want to give up my old life just hold up here because we're talking about boldness right and if you're wanting to do that today online just lift up your hand wherever you're at i see a number of hands that are lifted up just hold them up high and we're going to pray this prayer so lord jesus let's all repeat this together lord jesus i receive your life into my heart into my life i receive this great exchange that it is christ in me who is the hope of glory and today in jesus name i receive new life in christ jesus forgive me of my sins forgive me of anything that i've done wrong i now receive the eternal life that jesus gives to me in the precious and mighty name of jesus and everybody said amen and amen amen thank you lord let's give him praise i'm just powerful i hope you guys have been impacted at home like we've been impacted here in the building we just want to let you know that we just really value and appreciate you joining us we want you to know your church family and uh as we as we wrap up today there's a couple things you'd like to get in front of you yeah first of all if um you gave your life to jesus today for the first time or maybe you were far from god and you came back yeah um yeah it's awesome the best decision you've ever made but we want to connect with you we want to get you started on the right foot um following jesus um if you could email us at office we would love to follow up with you and and get you going on the right path yeah and moving forward this week we just encourage you take some of the declarations that pastor nate had mentioned today and uh really just implement them into your day make them part of what you do uh it's one of the things that we as pastors actually talked about man we just need to make declarations more a part of our culture that's right you're gonna be hearing them you actually had such a great word last week and made the declarations from all the big ideas from the previous series and so as we move forward uh just watch the lord meet you and and shift the atmosphere in your home in your car on the way to work in your office place making these declarations uh and just see how the lord meets you in those things the the power of our words cannot be understated and so making declarations that partner with heaven especially in this series from heaven to earth such an uh good encouragement yeah really really good yeah thank you for joining us yeah god bless you have an amazing week you
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Id: Mk-qwPIpoXg
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Length: 85min 27sec (5127 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 07 2021
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