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[Music] catch me if you can [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] grandpa in my pocket the thing about Grampa is that he's always fun we clean lots of games we need captain Dumbo twit stories this record sprang out of the side of the spaceship we share our ice cream we suck up our spaghetti and the rampart is always like this oh this is looking good Brown poles help me count my pocket money because today mum was taking us to mr. whoopsie shop to spend it you've got enough let's go and get it buy it Grampa meant the most amazing robot toy you could ever imagine I first saw it weeks ago when I went to the toy shop with Troy who lives next door brilliant sorry I suppose to me it was much more than just alright to me it was the robot to beat all robots and today the robot to beat all robots is going to belong to Jason Mason [Music] so we all got into Campo and off we went [Music] and grandpa said are we nearly there and mum said we all lost how well we arrived at mr. whoopsies shop I scrambled out of camper and rushed to the window but the robot had gone I had my heart set on that robot and nothing else in mr. whoopsies shop would do but grandpa being grandpa had a plan it's a plan to beat all plans Jason I promise you back at home cramp I found some old bits and pieces that dad used for mending bikes and by halfway through the afternoon we had this there he's a triumph you fancy a jammie jumbly no thanks you can have it oh thank you very much your friends won't be able to give their hands off him what's he calling me while we were thinking what we could call our robot mum came in he's lovely and you'll be able to show him off in a minute because we're expecting a visitor oh that's wonderful yes Troy's mum just rang said Troy was desperate to see you Troy we don't like this boy Troy much he lives next door and he's always inviting himself round to play he's very spoiled and he's very rude he does things like this and this and he makes grandpa say I don't trust that boy Troy anywhere near our robot this calls for drastic action [Applause] [Music] stop you know when grandpa shrinks he can get to put all kinds of magical things [Music] you can get it to my car and make it girl watch out [Music] you can ride on golden buy toys [Music] not the playing grandpa he could fly off in my claim oh he could just run for all of these words I'm the only one who knows about crumples magic shrinking table and nobody else must see him and now Troy was at the door [Music] I've got to show you something look at this the robots be all robots I got my dad to get it for me but you knew I was saving up for air yeah but my dad got to the shop before you did no no no watch I [Music] [Laughter] picked up Troy's robot because I knew that was the only thing that could stop him maybe that you could play with your rubbish robot it won't do any of the things that mine does oh yes it will what the good news was did now I knew exactly where Grandpa Walt I said oh yes it will [Music] the bad news was that he was right inside our robot put me down please so this was grandpa's latest plan I wondered what he was going to think of next you are my master Jason you are my master Jason what can I do for you can I get you a drink can I help you with your homework that's so cool I had to go to computers I drew something touch it or it'll stop hello hello Troy he knows my name of course I know your name you are my master I'm his master what's your name odd booty booty you're cool yes our Tea Party the cool that's me hey you know how you wanted that this robot yes Watty grandpa made it with me you can't have it yes he can he is my master see he wants to belong to me I wet my room and looked out of the lighthouse it started to get dark I didn't want the shiny new robot I just wanted grandpa back and so did bear wolf [Music] see he wants to belong to me to me to me I was really worried what if mum found out the grandpa wasn't in his room but knowing grandpa he'd have a plan feed me a story I don't read stories to rude boys Oh get me my football I don't get things for rude boys do is I tell you I don't do anything for rude boys especially rude boys who go buying a robot that they know their friend has saved up for I just go to sleep [Music] [Applause] Jason time for supper I'm just going to wait grandpa up I had to stop man from going into grandpa's room but luckily the doorbell did it for me now who can that be my one half told you it was rubbish I've got grumper out to the robot as fast as I could and put him on the floor he ripped off his cap and came back to his normal size [Music] you're just in time for supper he won't go buying toys that you've saved up for again uh oh no Jason we've taught that boy Troy a lesson you me and our body here it's teamwork a teamwork later when we were playing with odd PT mum came in and said that was really kind of you just swapped the robots back again Jason oh yes it was for a moment I thought it spoke but it was you grandpa we had the robot to beat all robots and I had the grandpa to beat all grandpas [Music] grandpa in my pocket the thing about grandpa is that he's always fun we play lots of games we read captain Dumbo twisting Reese's Thomas record sprung out to the side of the spaceship and share our ice cream we suck up a spaghetti hmm example is always like this [Music] [Laughter] that's it Jason I love the drawbridge thanks grandpa one of the things I like to ambassador's grandpa is making pictures and this one was for a special reason it was part of our plan for taking part in the sunny sands sand castle competition a winner if ever I saw one well done it's great great it's more than great it's splendiferous grandpa was right our sandcastle was going to be the most splendiferous sandcastle in sunny sands [Music] our town is called sunny Suns because it's always sunny and it's wide see we love spending time at our beach hut on the beach and you can see the lighthouse from my bedroom window this is mum and dad's bike shop and here's Miss Smiley's cafe which serves the best ice cream sundaes in the world then this mr. whips is shop where you can buy anything and everything everyone loves sunny sands that's just one thing more we need get the treasure chest Jason grandpa opened his treasure chest it's where he keeps all the things he had when he was a boy there are rattles and a funny monkey toy boats and trains and today he found this a night we'll stick him on the top he could be our guard three thanks grandpa are we ready to go then yes come on oh this is gonna be such fun so I got into camp Oh with dad and grandpa and we set off for the beach and dad said do you need any help with a sandcastle only I'd like to repaint the beach hut this afternoon all we'll manage just the two of us will be Jason and I said of course grandpa and grandpa said I can see the sea we got to the beach and started to build our castle and soon it was time to stand grandpa's might on top right a bit nerve that's perfect well that is definitely splendiferous don't forget the flag Jason he was so busy admiring the sandcastle and deciding where to put the flag we didn't notice that someone else had arrived from the beach Troy look dad what a rubbish sandcastle we don't like this boy Troy much he lives next door and he's always inviting himself Ryan to play he's very spoiled and he's very rude he does things like this and he makes grandpa say that boy needs a good talking to Troy's dad settle down and Troy said if it's for the sunny sounds sandcastle competition yes but it's not finished yet it's going to look like this picture a two-year-old could have made a better flag than that and what's this night all about ha really old-fashioned grandpa wouldn't like this one bit if we want to win we're going to have to do it my way come on we need some more shells wants to do it his way does he well we'll see about that you know my grampa shrinks he can get to put all kinds of magical things touch me Africa he can get it to my car and make it girl [Music] he could fly off in my plane not the plane grandpa he can ride on gold in my toy Segal oh [Music] he could just run for all his words and this time he was running grandpa stop me Troy LCU I didn't like even grandpa on his own but once he's got a plan in his head there's no stopping him luckily Troy's dad was busy reading his magazine and my dad was busy stirring his paint [Music] so they didn't see grandpa standing the knight up all sticking the flag back in [Music] [Music] what's going on Oh put all of this stuff back it can't have been your grandpa she's way too old to go crawling about on the sand of course Troy doesn't know what grandpa can do when he's wearing his magic shrinking cap where is he anyway probably in the hut time when his little lie-down I knew grandpa could hear troy being rude about him and he wouldn't be very pleased he's in a crab I hate crabs no problem well I got rid of the crab Troy started decorating the castle his way and soon it looked like this how cool is that in our picture the shells go round all the heads about your stupid picture Jason we're doing it my way now I needed choice get out of the way so grandpa sank a sore back how he wanted it let's go that's more see me I'm just going to say that as soon as we gone grandpa crept out from his hiding place and set to work luckily Troy's dad was busy having a nap and my dad was busy cleaning paint off his fingers but grandpa was so busy rearranging the shells he didn't see Troy marching up the beach so I rushed in front of him I was trying to give grandpa enough time to hide when suddenly I heard it wasn't another crab it was grandpa falling into the moat I don't get it this is weird Troy I had no idea just how weird I was worried about grandpa I couldn't see him anywhere but I could see these the good news was grandpa wasn't hurt the bad news was he was running around the beach in his pants anyone want to come for an ice cream yes please you can try oh no you don't want an ice cream I didn't like leaving Troy with grandpa on the loose but I had no choice while I was gone Troy threw the seaweed all over the top in a mess and started taking off all the shelves I rushed back ahead of dad and was about to say something to Troy when I heard oh no you don't young man I'm so shrink alot and I God Jason Jason's a sand castle this time grandpa had gone too far he'd taken the night's clothes off I was wearing them himself it was you you moved the flags and changed the shells I certainly did this is Jason's castle and you can't expect to come marching in here and take over I I guess not I had to do something Troy was getting closer and closer to so shrink a lot it's just a toy Troy no it's alive it spoke to me and everything Troy you have such a fantastic imagination no one nobody was looking I've grabbed a toy nice he needed to put his clothes back on and so did Grandpa so I rushed round the back of the beach hut while grandpa was getting dressed I put the knight back in his place and this time Troy didn't dare try to stop me we crumpled took off his ring from tap and went back to his normal size there you are grandpa come on they're about to start the competition judging and guess what we won first prize I knew our sandcastle was a winner Jason teamwork a yes teamwork but you had a little lie-down halfway through grandpa so good job Troy was there to help out [Music] vampire in my pocket laugh and play and sometimes magic happens right before my very eyes grandpa wasn't very well but he'd help me to make up a song all about the two of us he was doing all the actions help me remember the words and I wasn't the only one practicing Jemima and her friends were practicing a dance a mum was in the kitchen practicing her ukulele you're going to be a star Jason do you know that when you sing that this after now be so impressed yes all of us were practicing because this evening we were going to be in this my summer show miss Miley is called miss Miley because she's always smiling she has the biggest smile in sunny sands and what's more she makes the most delicious treats ever her cafe is the best cafe in the world and every year she has a summer show your singing was sounding great Jason no I'm gonna tide you at the beach hut mum will take you and I'll see you later for the show what's it going to do sandwiches I really wish you could come to the show grandpa I'll put your lunch in your backpack Jason none please can grandpa come to the show please I can't sing without him there oh yes you can Jason Mason you'll be fine only grandpa of course he will grandpa's had a poorly cold and the doctor said he must stay at home till he's really really better okay I'll see you in a minute don't worry I'll be there that's me if you can grandpa might be a bit poorly at the moment but when he's wearing his magic cap he has more energy than anyone [Music] quick hide in my backpack dad's coming row one that's dad's backpack right I'm off good luck Jason see you later this was a disaster grandpa was supposed to come to Miss Smiley's cafe in my backpack but instead he was going to the beach in Dad's then Jemima her friends came in and mum came in and there was nothing for it it was time for us to go so we all got into camp oh and set off from a Smiley's cafe and Jemima said I'm really excited a mum says so am i I told you my Miss France at the time was really nervous about singing without grandpa I wondered how he was getting on at the beach with dad fine mess I'm in now dad was empty and all the stuff out at the beach shirt to have a tidy up some of my toys were there including good and my seagull thing a bit breezy I knew grandpa would have a plan because grandpa always has a plan Gordon am i pleased to see you too miss Smiley's cafe please and hurry before the wind gets up come on Gordon giddyup as you know grandpa's magic means that he could make anything go and he's small even Gordon my toy seagull everyone was starting to practice for the evening show Troy was singing a song he'd made up and doing really well well don't ride very good I'll go Jason what's the matter scared or something I so wish grandpa was here he wasn't keen on Troy and neither was I come on Jason come and practice your song now well go on scaredy-cat I tried to sing but nothing would come out I can't do this without grandpa miss smiley yes you can grandpa's fine at home getting better he can't go flying about right now but that was exactly what grandpa was doing flying about lookout Gordon the wind's blowing us of course no not this way I have to get to the cafe I have to get to Jason [Music] I need to be at Miss Smiley's cafe not mr. woopsy shop really God and call yourself a see gone you can't even cope with a bit of wind hello Gordon how did you get here I don't remember Jason Mason leaving you in my shop oh well I'm so excited about the show I'm forgetting everything get in the costume box a and I'll take you back to Jason no how am I going to get to the cafe now [Music] must get on or I'll be late and off went mister whoops forgetting to shut the door behind him the bad news was that grandpa hadn't managed to get back on Gordon the good news was then now he had another way of getting to the cafe there was still no sign of grandpa and the show had begun [Music] [Applause] [Music] b.o.b [Music] summertime let's hop your feet to the beat of the summertime in the summertime [Music] in the summertime summer show [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and now everybody I'd like you to give a big round of applause for Jason Mason it was my go where was grandpa I was sure I couldn't do this without him [Music] [Applause] [Music] every day we'd grandpa miss a day to remember every day with grandpa's a surprise every day we laugh and play and sometimes magic happens right before my very eyes we can pretend we're flying to them all time to the bottom of the sea we are explorers sometimes be magic [Music] if I could be from RIT RIT then he could be with me all the day we can pretend we're in the deepest jungle waiting from the top of every tree yes every day we dream what we could be cause we're a team my grandpa I felt really happy after the show I brought grandpa home in my pockets and rushed into the house ahead of everyone else cut off from poor Craig you did it Jason well done I couldn't have done it without you there grandpa teamwork teamwork hey Jason mr. whoops founders in his shop very odd and I had heard the beach hut earlier today even order are you feeling grandpa or much better I knew you would if you stayed at home and kept quiet all day yes it's always best to stay at home when you're feeling poorly you don't want to go flying about and Jason did brilliantly he didn't need you there after all grandpa [Music] [Applause] [Music] vampire in my pocket watch it go Jason it Lister school holidays and I wish playing marbles with Grandpa not bad but we can make it go even faster what we need is the right marble maybe I buy so much today grandpa well I want to come with you I'll make sure you get some goodness like a shooter few pee-wee's a bumblebee a couple of rainbows and a spiral corkscrew miss smiley was about to arrive on Sunday is Miss smiley lifts after a boy called Troy but today was one of those days she was taking me and Troy to Mister whoops his shop to spend our pocket money I wonder what trial shows Troy yes this was a day we went to buy a toy for a boy called Troy you didn't say Miss smiley was bringing Troy Troy is next door and he's always inviting him some fun to play [Music] he's very spoiled on he's very rude he does things like this and this and he makes grandpa say I'd like to teach him some manners if I come with you maybe I can do just that you know when grandpa shrinks he can get to put all kinds of magical things he can get it to my car and make it girl not the plane grandpa he can fly off in my plane [Music] oh he could just run for all he's worth once grandpa's got his shrinking cap on there's no stopping him and I'm the only person who knows about it nobody else is allowed to see him suddenly the doorbell rang I had no idea where grandpa could be hiding I suppose your Grandpa's gone for a little leg down has he you'll need your jacket Jason wait for us there was nothing for it off we went me Miss smiley and Troy to mr. whoopsie shop my favorite place in sunny sands our town is called sunny sands because it's always sunny and it's by the sea we love spending time at I picture it on the beach and you can see the lighthouse from my bedroom window this is mom and dad's bike shop and here's my smileys cafe which serves the best ice cream sundaes in the world here's mr. whoopsie shop where you can buy anything and everything I wish grandpa had come with us maybe he had because as you know grandpa can hide anywhere mister whoops is called mr. whoops because she's always having little accidents he drops things he falls over things he falls off things oops he even trips over his own feet [Music] every time he knocks something over he goes yes so was your bestest most expensive us toy then I'd found a jar of marbles I was looking at all the bright swirly colors and was just trying to remember which ones grandpa wanted when yellow peewee grandpa had been hiding in my pocket all the time and now he was off he loved mr. whoopsie shop lucky trying miss smiley were busy looking at toys so they didn't notice grandpa he was having a great time leaving from shelf to shelf [Music] I was really worried that they'd see him any minute [Music] you know grandpa when he's got an idea there's no stopping him oh is that you pay Jason of course I had to pretend it was me I want marbles who's been eating my porridge I grabbed the bat he tried to get a grandpa but grandpa had already gone Oh gentlemen - Teddy - Teddy no I do I won marbles I looked around for grandpa and suddenly I saw him grandpa lost his balance and bumped into a big jigsaw now mr. Watts was hurt and Grandpa had disappeared miss smiley took mr. oops at the back to see to his head I went to find grandpa but I didn't find him I found these grandpa's clothes this meant he was running about the shop in his pants I put the clothes in my pocket and just when I thought it couldn't get any worse I saw him Paul what are you doing I've always fancied playing the bagpipes [Music] what's that noise it's that dull how does it work is it remote-controlled it must have a computer inside it or something I know let's have a look under it's funny skirt what's it laddie it can solve this time grandpa had gone too far what he must mean the Scottish doll yes he's got such a lively imagination no before I knew it grandpa was being wrapped up I needed a rescue plan and I needed it fast and Jason would like a jar of Maud I've changed my mind I'd like a Scottish doll too please copycats Troy had got Rampur out of his box and was staring at him surely grandpa would keep still and quiet this time but he didn't whole game laddie I decided to get my doll up to your doll is rubbish it doesn't do anything I need you to swap the dolls before Troy took grandpa home but how I want a chocolate milkshake with a double chocolate chip muffin and chocolate sauce please [Music] you need to learn some manners I want this I want that but where are your pleases and your thank-yous and you shouldn't be so rude to your wee friend there either now you'll go over to miss smiley and ask nicely and have some fresh orange juice and fruit salad you eat far too much chocolate yes right okay oh I did enjoy that Troy's back was turned this is my only chance that's enough grandpa time to swap you oh no yes you're going back in my pocket where you'll find your clothes my leash will be tough do you know even knows my name God say something I mean please say something God I expect he was Jason having a little joke he's always putting on funny voices hey it wasn't Jason it talked to me I'm sure it did thanks for taking me to the toy shop today miss smiley it was really kind of you I was really pleased to get back home I ran inside ahead of Troy him is smiley and quickly put crumpled down he whipped his shrinking cap off and was soon back to his normal size Jason we taught that boy Troy some manners teamwork laddie I work smart work there Jason buying that other dog and Grandpa opened his treasure chest it's where he keeps all sorts of things he had when he was a boy I just remembered I had these hello grandpa sorry I can't stay Troy needs his tea it's been such a sweet boy today I wish it seen him bye bye [Music] [Music] vampire in my pocket hello I'm Jason Mason and I live with my family in sunny sands our town is called sunny Suns because it's always sunny and it's by the sea this is mum and dad's bike shop and here's Miss Smiley's cafe which serves the best ice cream sundaes in the world then this mr. whoops is shop where you can buy anything and everything this is my house where I live with my mum dad sister and grandpa it was Sunday and my friend Josh had come round grandpa let us open his treasure chest to play with all his old toys hey this is an old favourite of mine monkey Albert hello Josh just changed mum came downstairs won but I've got to dash out to visit great-aunt Loretta she's not feeling very well but don't worry I've sent for someone to come and look after you all you have to manage on your own grandpa can you guess who it might be it was bubbles the babysitter little did we know that today there would be trouble for bubbles bubbles is always great fun [Music] sometimes we make things [Music] sometimes we play baton bull sometimes we do face painting [Music] and sometimes we act out captain dumbbell twit stories [Music] but today we were hanging a sing-song in the garden we thought rooms were great afternoon just then we heard okay I'll go someone was up the door bubbles went to answer it I'm Jason's friend Troy I've come to play hey boys come to play I met your mom outside she said that it was okay for me to come round since bubbles was here oh she did did she time I went for a little lie-down I'll be right back Josh grandpa wait Troy lives next door and he's always inviting him suffer him to play he's very spoiled and he's very rude he does things like this and he makes grandpa say that boy Troy needs a taste of his own medicine if he thinks he's going to scare bubbles then he's got another thing coming I'll stop you know when Grampa shrinks you can get to put all kinds of magical things you can get it to my car and make it girl he can ride on Gordon my toy seagull fly off him my plane [Applause] [Music] Rumpel watch out I'm the only one who knows that Grampa shrinks so it's really important that nobody else sees him grandpa hide I can you try and bubbles coming this is really rubbish monkey but you know what you might have its uses we knew that Troy just had to be stopped I'm not at all scared I'm just fine deep breaths oh it's fine I'm just being silly let's put monkey Albert up here shall we where he can't get up to any more mischief there now who's for a game of hide and seek wasup try hats account and we had to hide six seven eight I hid behind the sofa I knew that grandpa would have a plan and he might need my help 18 19 20 grandpa Troy went to grandpa's bedroom door I thought you were having a lie-down are you hiding now I knew what grandpa's plan was he was going to try to give Troy a few frights because he's scared bubbles and you know what grandpa's like if he's got some idea in his head there's no stopping him got a battery inside you or something you're just rubbish I thought I should let Troy find me because grandpa was going to need my help found you Jason you're rubbish at hiding monkey Albert into the coffee jar with him this was all going to go horribly wrong how'd you do that I don't like it he he he this time grandpa had gone too far Troy was sure to find him in the coffee jar that's it I'm going to throw you into the pond no you're orrible boy you're a big bully [Music] the good news was the grandpa had not been chucked in the pond the bad news was that Troy was running runs God and yelling bubbles came out of her hiding place you're just overexcited Troy deep breaths now so bubbles made Troy breathe in and out until he'd calmed down I saw that monkey Albert had gone so I just knew that grandpa was up to something else I'm so sorry I tried to scare you today bubbles Oh Jason you must have put him up there you are no fun you all the time Jason it was so cool now who is for ice cream grandpa jump down right now I picked Rampur up and put him in my pocket and while the others were getting ice cream I put him back down by his chair off came the shrinking cap and Grampa came back to his normal size I don't think Troy will try and scare anyone else in a hurry do you know grandpa I think you taught him a lesson I think we both did teamwork a teamwork when mounting home it was time for Troy to go bye-bye Troy take care now anyone like to watch a DVD yeah captain dumble twit discovers a small planet just to the left of Pluto I'm sorry about Troy still just as well you came bubbles grandpa would never have been able to deal with Troy on his own no of course I wouldn't captain double twit discovers a small planet just to the left of puto [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Bogglesox TV
Views: 90,843
Rating: 4.3243241 out of 5
Keywords: grandpa in my pocket, grandpa in my pocket troy, grandpa in my pocket troy singing, troy grandpa in my pocket, shaheen jafargholi, shaheen jafargholi singing, shaheen jafargholi young, grandpa in my pocket series 1, grandpa in my pocket series 1 troy, grandpa in my pocket compilation, popular kids tv, popular kids shows, troy's best moments, popular shows for kids, grandpa in my pocket song, grandpa in my pocket season 1, fun tv show, cbeebies, cbbc, compilation
Id: 3ZeWoi2zyI4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 10sec (3310 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 03 2020
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