Grandpa in My Pocket - Series 4 Full Episode Compilation #4

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[Music] [Music] [Music] our teachers uncle CJ and Josh had gone out today so somebody else was made from the guests breakfast this smiling good morning grandpa mornin eggs bacon sausages hashbrowns grandpa wasn't listening he was little very confused the tables in a different place and the kettle and under toaster and Wolfie and what's Gordon doing on the table what have you been up to miss smiley I've changed everything around to make a cooking easier for Jules and CJ I know what I'm doing when it comes to kitchens grandpa it looks almost as good as my cafe did they ask you to change things it's going to be a nice little surprise it looks much much better yes dad smiley is making just for that better in fact I'm going to mister whoopsies toy shop this morning to make some changes there too but the toy shop doesn't need changing we love it how it is don't we'll see it's the best toy shop in the world oh don't worry I'm only going to move things around a bit to make things safer then maybe mister whoops won't have so many little accidents perhaps I should come and help you give you a hand oh that's very kind of you grandpa but I don't think you'd be much help miss smiley put three yummy breakfast syntax Jonesy I'll secret come flow but you'd better stay and have a little lie-down I'll go upstairs and serve the guests and we can get going Elsie what if mister whoops doesn't like the changes what if they make him have more little accidents I think miss smiley needs stopping [Music] [Music] I didn't mean for him to go for a lie down straight away doesn't even touch this breakfast [Music] because miss my name is buddy now Marian I'm key to the toy shop it's a jukebox [Music] it plays all your favorite songs beautiful not now dear I need to move it first it's in the way here and Mister whoops will bump into it and watch me moved the jukebox he wasn't a lady then she said now let's change the sweet jars [Music] if we put them on a lower shelf they'll be easy for mr. whoops to reach any moments smiley was going to see grandpa he had to find another place to hide so [Music] let's change the toy shelves jumbled up and mr. whoops can find things more easily [Music] grandpa escaped soon miss smiley had put all the toys on to the sweet shelves and all the sweets under the toy shelves I think the changes look great I'm sure it'll be much safer for mr. whoops but grandpa didn't think so no we're going to go into the storeroom to make some changes there too mister in there so I can talk to Grandpa then you turned up Oh could I be so clumsy Oh mr. whoops my lovely EE Herbie what's always but you Fox has moved and the toys are weather sweet you me and the sweets when the toys should be who did that I did do you like it no I don't I don't like it at all it all has to go back should be near the counter so I can wave the sweets and the toys should be over here so the children can play with accidents but it was what you wanted Thank You Elsie come and see what changes we've made in the storeroom you've changed my storeroom everything at last I could talk to Grandpa this is worse than I expected we can't have miss smiling mr. whoops falling out how can we make them be friends again I've got an idea but I'm gonna need your help first of all I want everything in the store will change back to that waltz don't be a silly sausage me a sausage I am NOT a sausage and I'm definitely not a silly sausage you're a bossy banana banana I don't even look like a banana well you're bossy enough for a banana the sausages aren't well yes of course you can out see I just put a point in dear I choose a song one smiley mr. whoops were busy being cross comes an ostrich bugs and jumped inside [Music] oh yes that's the way it's gotta be falling don't call each other names [Music] it's sorry [Music] that is what we wanna see oh yes we do that's the way it's gonna be [Music] me [Music] the way is [Music] oops I'm sorry I called you a bossy banana and I'm sorry I called you a silly sausage wonder wife of mine Lamas Maya mr. once were making our grandpa jumped out of the jukebox [Music] his job was done and it was time to go home you know now I think about it I'm sure I could get used to the changes just saying that to be kind mister whoops really oh I am help you started everything grandpa had landed in the courtyard he took off his cap and came back to his normal size now all we had to do was to put the kitchen back the way it was I can go right after I left me too we did it together as always you're open about I see and I'm doing all my changes I thought maybe CJ and yours wouldn't like it so perhaps it's best to ask them first so right now can we try again with breakfast eggs bacon sausages hash browns sounds good we were listening to that song in the toy shop earlier where we Elsie yes that's my favorite song mine too and really enjoying being in sunny San for summer with the lighthouse the pier the boats in the harbor and I'll be chucked on the lovely sandy beach I was at home roofie uncle CJ had gone to the beach to hire out soo bikes just bring them back this afternoon have a good time just then the door of the beach next to ours opened and guess who stepped out modern mr. greater the Creator mr. greater as you may know is an inventor like mr. mentor but as Bradley says usually mr. greater is up to no good so mr. greater what brings you to sunny sands are you inventing something oh no not at all I'm here for a holiday I rented this beach hut for the week none may hurt homemade ice cream lots of lovely flavors it was miss smiling mr. creator now would you like an ice cream all homemade oh you bet and I'll have a double choc chip with a double dollop of chocolate sauce and a strawberry on the top sundae please coming up [Music] my own secret recipe secret did you say I keep all my secret recipes in this book Missy really they're all in that book yes I never let it out of my sight if somebody stole my ice cream recipes [Music] and make lots and lots of money lots of money but I'm sure nobody would ever do anything she put the book away and mr. grater did this cool CJ was so busy carving miss Murray down that you didn't see what mr. great to did next the Krusty Krab has gone so sorry to get into such a state about a crappy Club if I were you I'd move on in case it comes back goodbye everybody laughter grandpa have a lovely day then mr. brightest sunny latter day huge oh I feel so tired I think I need to go for a rest in my beach hut and nobody must disturb me mister greater hurried into his beach hut and shut the door breezes started coming from inside like somebody having uncle CJ came back to the marsh and told us all about it and then mr. greater started banging about in the beach hut I'm sure he was up to no good mr. greater is always up to no good anyway I've got sandwiches to make what no good is mr. Brasher up to this time grandpa I don't know but we've got to do some detective work and I'm a better detective when I'm small excuse me you know what happens when Grandpa shrinks he jumps onto things he climbs up things Gordon the seagull went on cuz CJ came in so he had a call from is smiley asking if we've seen her secret ice cream recipe book she's lost it lost it or has someone taken it I wonder how I'm sure it'll turn up can't see grandpa anyway he must have gone for a little lie-down I had to get uncle CJ out of the room so grandpa could leave oh I'm so hungry I could eat a gazillion pizzas and a hundred yogurts and a whole power of free salad how about a nice sandwich that's a great idea let's go now as soon as we've left grab our jump dr. Gordon [Music] we in the sweet garden fast as you can and in no time at all he arrived at the beach there was definitely something inside the beach hunt detective grandpa decided to investigate and this is what screaming mr. greater picked up miss Wiley secret recipe but that's Miss Smiley's book now to make some super speedy ice cream sundaes to get inside the machine did this Apple tries to fix inventions but this time he was trying to break one to start selling ice cream I didn't know this was happening we're eating the sandwiches when we smiley arrived miss smiley are you all right oh dear you've lost your smile I can't find my secret ice cream recipe book anywhere are you sure you haven't got it sorry no but we can go back to the beach look for it copy on procedure of course oh thank you ran out of ice creams I can't make any more without my recipe book [Music] get a super speedy scrappers sundae here grandpa was hiding in the strawberries didn't escape then we turned up to look for missing my eBook no here you go that way and I'll go this way right come on Josh and that's when we saw mr. greatest invention I thought you were on holiday mr. great oh well you know how it is we inventors just can't stop inventing no matter how hard we try I was really worried about grandpa I knew he'd be here somewhere then suddenly I saw him who wanted me to get him out but before I could grab him uncle CJ said so what does this invention actually do this is my super speedy sundae squirter it makes ice cream sundaes lots and lots of them all at the same time just like a factory it's going to make me very very rich I see and where did you get your ice cream recipes from mr. grater well that's a secret I'm afraid Justin our bike customers came back are you back this was my chance to rescue grandpa I picked him up and put you in my pocket come and buy a super speedy sadly from my super speedy sandy squirt I've made sure the machine doesn't work properly now then how about a double chocolate chip with a doubled up of chocolate sauce and a strawberry on the top sundae so the customers right away the secret recipe book is in mr. craters beach hut [Music] the super speedy sundae squirter it was in mr. great to speak hunt I wanted to invent an ice cream making machine as a special surprise so I needed to see your recipes so it's a present for me is it oh yes just for you especially for you well that's very kind mr. great oh but I make all my ice creams by hand thank you for finding my recipe book Josh uncle CJ brought us back out in Iran in ahead and took grandpa out of my pocket back to the zoo sighs thanks for rescuing me Josh it wasn't for you I'd still be in this super speedy sundae squirter and without you I would still be looking for a secret recipe book it was teamwork Oh grandpa you're up at last sorry we left on your own for so long you must have been really bored oh not at all I've was quite busy how about a nice ice cream sundae to make up for it not ice cream anything but ice cream it was a lovely day at the mill on the March my brother Josh and my cousin Jason had gone on a tennis course so I have grandpa all to myself snap to make up our plans when we were playing dumbu twist snap when Jemima came in I made it my own design Jemima is doing a fashion course this summer but she'd come home that weekend oh right me and dad again to pick Barnaby up from the station Barnaby was Jemima is new boyfriend and he was coming round for tea wait to meet him he sounds free he is incredibly cool the coolest boyfriend ever that's why I'm so worried what do you mean well you know what mum and dad can be like really embarrassing and that's for great-aunt Loretta don't worry we'll all be on our very best behavior won't we are see ready Jemima shall we go in Queenie ok but no singing we you know she voices in front of Barnaby I don't sing it like that you do come on we're off I've made heaps of sandwiches and a huge chocolate cake so we're all ready for Barnaby excellent I'm a very good tidy up good idea grandpa no need to rush we're well ahead in fact to my luck I'm CJ and Barnaby were on their way back to the mill and Jemima said Barnaby and dunker CJ said wait up she roses who weigh it up she rises Aunt Jemima shad dad and uncle CJ said sorry [Music] welcome to the mill on the March I'm Jules do you - mum hi this is such a cool place man why are you dressed like that is the sunny Sam Selma stump it's my latest hobby have you ever danced the sunny sand summers Tom Barnaby it's great fun come on Barnaby let's go inside and get something to eat and Jemima can finally off - sorry about my parents they're so uncool I never dress up and dance about like that never Oh Elsie Tommy Barnaby hi Elsie use it over here CJ over there and save this seat for grandpa he's still hiding himself up this is amazing is this all for us it was great aunt Loretta I saw you had visitor so I thought I'd come and say hello who is this young man with a funny hairdo this is Jemima spy friend Barnaby boyfriend a boyfriend I'm great on if I know you becoming automated with Sardinas strawberry driver so hungry I could eat it Oh pass me them sandwiches for the cook it's Barnaby oh I've been so busy I'm gonna clear out I forgot to happen don't you anyway I found something of yours Jemima firstly that box barnacle its Barnaby's jewels you remember this used to be your favorite little dolly it's revolting I've never seen it before in my life oh don't tell fibs you used to another she's a bit broken now but you used to pull the string make it was really embarrassed you're all impossible do you mind though ran upstairs go and ask grandpa to go up and see her Elsie he'll make her feel better he always does I don't know what all the fuss is about I'm always dancing around in my little lacy petticoat I do you Barnacle Barnaby I fetched grandma straight away Jemima was upset [Music] it's not so bad as it is mom's dressed in silly clothes dad singin and dancin and great and the writers just told Barnaby that I used to dance on a lazy pedicure but this stupid doll he doesn't mind I like him and I joy likes us I bet he really thinks with a tongue coolest family in the universe it's not fair why can't everyone be totally normal like you grandpa well nobody's totally normal not really but why don't you try those tears and go back downstairs everything's gonna be all right I promise come on I felt so much better now aren't you gonna come down to your grandpa oh yes very soon I think I just have a little lie-down first okay off you go but don't be too long I won't to try and make Jemima calm down and relax and I've got an idea but you're going to have to help me and see [Music] [Music] dressed up to - dolls clothes how do I look well you need some hamstring on your back - ball have a look in aunty Jules's bits and bobs box she usually has some wool in there use that to make the string and make me some yellow Platts okay I'll try so I into work don't Dez in the kitchen things weren't going too well green grape - spinach and sprout shape her favorite oh come on who you good barnacle and great aunt Loretta took a huge gulf of bloop soon grandma had his fully Pat's on a string in his back and I'd used to - lip gloss to give him some rosy cheek right now you can take me downstairs Jemima Barnaby was sitting in the meadow but they didn't know what to say to each other so right yeah well I suppose you want to go home now just then I came into the meadow holding the dancing doll but actually it was please oh so you're not the horrid old doll she doesn't even work she does now let me show you no take her away no go on I want to heal her I put grandpa on the table then I pulled the string and Grandpa did this dance with me dance with me how happy you will be if you dance with me she's cute weird certainly make a talk again Elsie dance with me dance with me how happy you will be if you dance with me you did used to dance around with her didn't you yeah okay that's cool I used to dance mom I told you rough don'ts with me dance with me how happy you will be if you can teach me I think we should dance night hey we could do this on each side summer Stone [Music] how'd you get changed so I picked him up [Music] what I love a good stump me come on let's go and join them all rushed off to the meadow Jemima and Barnaby would dance a barnacle we did it out see we've got Jemima to calm down and relax well done with the yellow glass you're right now off you go join the others [Music] sorry good and then how happy will you be if you dance with me please [Music] [Music] sunny Sands is called sunny sands because it's sunny and it's sandy and it's right by the sea I'm spending the whole summer here with my little sister Elsie we were staying with our toast and CJ at the met on the marsh auntie Jules had taken Elsie out to buy a goose on the dress so I got grandpa all to myself and so our hero escapes from uncle CJ was doing some last-minute tidying up coz a new guest was about to arrive he's early put that stuff away please Josh Rodney ramshackle ramshackle a unfortunate name ramshackle means you're all over the place you know chaotic a mess I hope it's not as bad as he sounds [Music] this place come with meet the family Oh Oh pleased to meet you very pleased indeed oh yes I can tell I'm going to be very happy here are you planning to stay for a long time oh it's the cases money do you think no these are all my souvenirs I'll show you Rodney's a souvenir salesman beach huts shells seagulls colored sand you name it I've got it yes what we ran a shop called souvenir of sunny sands looks like you've got a lot of souvenirs to sell Rodney I have mrs. ramshackle that's my dear mother she usually helps me but she's poorly she hurts her leg when she tripped over one of my glow-in-the-dark lighthouses all my fault she's had to stay behind sorry to hear that so to make up for it am I going to sell every single one of my souvenirs and I'm not going home until I do we'd be happy to help oh no no I've got to do this all by myself I can't have any help for mother you see I want to make her proud of me I know what to say she's written all the words down for me now I've got the piece of paper here somewhere thank you sir um alright this is your Rodney he wants me to keep very calm yes we heard knows I can do it all by yourself yes we heard I'll make you as proud as punch mom I will I promise Rodney was very nervous about doing this without his mum I will clean my teeth and wash behind both my ears boy right I'd better get to miss my knees cafe that's where I'm going to sell everything well Josh and I need to go to the cafe to pick up some cupcakes would you like a lift in camp oh oh no that will be helping and I'm not letting anyone help me never up to you I can manage I'll see you out ramshackled by name and ramshackled by nature I think he is going to need some help don't you grandpa I do but we'll have to been without him knowing because he's determined to do it all by himself good job I've got this when Rumple shrinks he likes the ramen place stop him [Music] Jason's plane he assumes around the troika picture back today yous going to take the helicopter uncle CJ came in oh I didn't know grandpa was going for a little lighter come on Josh now [Music] CJ said we should have a scrap or if you wanted to come with us he doesn't I didn't know what to say to that so I just said Whitney today isn't it and it was windy when we arrived at miss whales cafe no sign of grandpa right Iran Chaka was already there and already closed early chaos and miss Miley's lovely Miss Jasmine was trying to help him but Thank You jazz but I'll do this all by myself for mother you see once I make her proud Wow CJ you come for your cupcakes I was worried about grandpa you should have been here by now [Music] come on Josh back to the mill I have to wait for grandpa so I needed my dear come we have an ice cream sundae please look so yummy they do don't they go on why not [Music] customers he crapped him while nobody was looking well nobody except me and he was just in time because Rodney ramshackle was about to do his selling come on Rodney you can do it ladies and gentlemen today I would like to show you all of my suits but soupspoon sovan souvenirs so Phineas [Music] breezy Beach what's dy use grabbed or tried to get closer but the stage no you mustn't I have to do this all by myself you've ugly would need help and we were right but I can't think of how to do it it doesn't look like you can do anything without mrs. ramshackle Josh you're a genius you've just given me an idea now this is what we do uncle CJ and Jasmine were trying to calm me down if I can't remember the words then I won't sell any souvenirs will never be proud of me mother why don't you just read the words off the piece of paper oh no I'm supposed to know them well maybe I could read them for you oh that would be cheating I give up maybe an ice cream sundae how many more times but don't want any help have one just for fun it was time to put grandpa's plan into action he ran over to rub his suitcase he was looking for something and he found it ready now it was up to me what if you imagined your mother was with you and you could hear her doing my speech do you think that would help me remember the words that's a great idea you'll still be doing it all by yourself why don't you give it a go I will I think really hard about mother an imagine her saying the words in my head is that what you mean Josh exactly grandpa was standing by ladies and gentlemen today I would like to show you all of my lovely souvenirs all sani sounds Deary Sonny sands I have some lovely young night houses nights houses that glow in the dark don't forget the pretty beaches pretty beach huts which are also money boxes cheeky cheeky seagulls once he got going he didn't need mrs. ramshackle [Music] cockleshell soaps what - OH and much much more all at very reasonable prices so please come and take souvenirs grandpa's job was done so he ran out of the Catalan what time before we did managed it just in tournament chuckles a shrinking cap I came back to his normal size as soon as we got home I ran in to find grandpa Josh we did it you I bought a squeaky shot for movie and a fishy fridge magnet for you perfect if you always remind me of run grandpa you're up I'll make some tea we can have cupcakes oh good I'm thirsty Oh Rodney was brilliant he sold all his souvenirs oh I'm glad it went well well as a bit of a shaky start but he didn't need any help at all in the end his mother would have been proud oh yes I'm very proud of my lovely boy because he did it all by himself [Music] but both the boomerang is one of my favorite places in Sunnyside everyone loves it including Frank or Loretta want a sister have I got news for you can't wait to hear it listen I met Bob the boat in Miss Smiley's cafe and he's going away for the night no Josh I don't think we can expect aren't Loretta to look after you and the boat Dwight and I don't think she should go alone I'll come and help you Loretta possible l could you beat them oh you know what you like in strange places you get all spooked do not get off books that be nothing just spoke me and if there is I've got ratty to keep me sane Oh needn't worry they need me Loretta are you sure ha ha Green blimp girl trouble bring blue is our Loretta's disgusting spinach and sprout shake have a fishy where's the boat come this isn't going to end well no oh yes tonight she's going to find out that things that go up on a boat so that evening Bob told her how everything work [Music] cover everything great art Loretta never says the word toilet out loud she thinks it's rude how it works just as well as my vocal me quite spooky at night time off web though leaving great huh narrator alone boomerang with ratty to keep her safe back hi grandpa was going to read me a story well when the hell the rest is getting on we were about to find out hello Milind wash the window it's stuck but I can't turn off the stove it won't budge and worst of all I can't flush them I'll be right there Letta [Music] she can't open the window or turn off the stove or fluster of course you can't [Music] so uncle CJ came back to the mill and left her on the boat with ratty last the night alone Josh for one thing she'll break everything on Bob's boat right all done time for bed Josh I'll go get you some milk I think I'll have an early night CJ [Music] I have to go now you know when Grandpa freaked you run so fast you can't catch him and his magic can make things go all the sunny sands trade today he jumped into my helicopter these [Music] inside crater rat had got into bed and she was already feeling spooked very much you keep a lookout rat a Justin grandpa slid down the banisters and ran across the fruited great operetta a breeze blew there's a wolf and a monster and it's all too spooky for me I know grandpa saw the green blue dripping all over on shiny floor he got a bucket to catch the drips just that the wind began to blow way spooky monsters shoo he's had it already or someone has oh I don't like this she left running to hide and fast the phone I couldn't sleep I was really worried about grandpa as soon as I had the phone I jumped out of bed all right Loretta yes just keep calm I'll be right there no there won't be a monster I promise calm down I'll have to go I'll wait grandpa so he can look after you no I mean I can come with you I'm wide awake maybe I can help go and get dressed great aunt Loretta told uncle CJ all about the spooky stuff I found grandpa the wind [Music] that was me under the dishcloth I'll tell you what Loretta come up on deck and I'll show you what's making the noises so Uncle CJ took her up on deck and I got to chat to Grandpa poor Josh am I glad to see you now here's what I want you to do you've got to convince Loretta that she has a brilliant imagination that it was all in her head right right and then you can go home with uncle CJ and I'll follow in the helicopter right right see it was just a breeze in the ropes making the creepy noise and the wind making a howling noise and an owl making a Hootie noise no it was a monster I tell you a spooky monster great art Loretta was going to be hard to convince Josh I'd rather brought your helicopter that's not even on deck any other I was going to have to get grandpa home some other way now he told me to get on with the plan it's great on director you have such a brilliant imagination you're so clever I am yes you have the creaky sound on the wind and you imagined they were booze and monsters it could be right I do I've ever such a good imagination so good that you imagine this cloth for the spooky thing no you're right oh so ratty did look after me after all it was only my head I'm very clever head while uncle CJ got her back into bed I put the picked up grandpa and put him in my pocket hey good job grandpa wasn't here he'd have been frightened out of his wits when we got back home I ran upstairs I put rum pour down he chuckles a shrinking cap I came back to his normal size please did it Josh I stopped Bob's boat from being ruined and you come to write it down what do we call it here you are Josh back to bed now my little hero desacrated Loretta so was it all spooky eh oh no you and ratty won't spooked well you're already worried about spooky things no oh I guess you need a really good imagination to believe in spooky things that's right [Music] you there's so much to do in sunny sands we can play on the beach or go to the harbour to see Bob's boat sometimes we go to miss the Mentos lighthouse oh this my East cafe but today staying at home at the minimum Marsh landing pad that's what's needed and I had been making a really cool jungle out of modeling clay which is one of the things you can buy at mr. Webster shop mr. Webster's called mr. whoops because he's always having little accident we all think it's the best toy shop in the world [Music] what if mr. whoops can't find a light seen my friend Huey was there with Emily what are we going to do Louie Emily was looking after him during the holidays while his mum and dad were at work we have to get the right thing or your money will be closed with me at Emily was a customer in a Rasta just then mr. whoops came in from the storeroom these are all a week ago it should be I'm sorry um perhaps is another one you could have while you're waiting kit okay what about the Triceratops I've got a bamboo Raptor I bet you haven't done that one I have it's not 75 million years ago it was the size of a small deer he knows all the dinosaurs easy well it is Dennis oh this dinosaurs act if you ask me it is not very interesting but I think dinosaurs are extremely interesting I'm just sorry there's no microwave he pasty soros Margaret pachycephalosaurus please you must wise to the facts we can get one now I vote but I can't see I have to stay and look after the toy shop no I don't think so picked up the phone and guess who he called my uncle CJ of course I can come over mr. whoops what's that speak up I can't hear you I've got a customer in a fluster a customer in a fluster customer no froster oh well I'll do the best I can be right there I've got to go to the toy shop to look after a difficult customer mr. whoops needs to go and fetch a special toy from the factory you'd better come with me Josh I'll come too I'm good with difficult customers no you're not grandpa whenever we have a difficult customer here you go and have a little white oh that's true that's the drink Leo I'll just check on our guests I think I should go ahead I just have to find another way by being small you've guessed it catch me if you can know what happens winks he jumps onto things and climbs up [Music] [Music] [Music] our toys magic to save mrs. ostrich and my but today we decided to take my helicopter so we took off from the helipad I knew out of the door [Music] uncle CJ came downstairs crap I'll go from the flight down already has he good it was a silly ideas coming with us come on I don't understand why anyone could be difficult mr. boxes to shop when we arrived how many still in the fluster hopeless if I don't go home with a white sing I am in trouble with his mummy hope is it hard at last we are waiting and waiting grandpa flew in and landed out of sight so nobody can see am I glad to see you I'm in such a tizzy I don't know if I'm coming or going well if you're in a tizzy you shouldn't drive mister whoops why don't I go to the factory and you stay here grandpa thought this was a good idea and so did mr. works thank you thank you now you need to pick up a dinosaur puppet kit for a microchip easily sorted Soros micro pachycephalosaurus that okay joy to stay here Josh yes I know Hughie anyway we do karate together [Music] please will you ollie up and go I have to get everyone out of the way so we can talk to Grandpa I know my hand and I did I think mr. whoops needs a bandage you'll find some in the storeroom okay Emily can shoot me so now I am in Elsa now like a talk to Grandpa [Music] what's the plan the best way to deal with a difficult customer is to keep them entertained you see those playing cards up there try and get Hughie and Amelie Dupre's snap got it just then the others came back we go to another door should know or please don't I'm sure they're microscopic spider octopus will arrive any moment how about we open a snack while waiting snap what is this snap I like to think brilliant I'll get the cards are those please talk to me I've got another idea but I think it'll work better if Huey and Emily are on their own can you get mr. whoops out the back sure and you be careful grandpa I'm always careful mr. whoops was back on his feet I think you need a little lie-down yes I think you're right my head's all of a spin if we sing your money because with me no she won't she likes you so Emily tried to calm down how was Grandpa's Charlie's nobody was looking he got inside a huge months to toy cut he did this hello come and play tickle my tummy tickle my tummy for years oh that's better you've got it Jess I won't say its name but I know it's what you want is it talking monster the talking monster yes he is wonderful your squatches ears and tickle his tummy and he goes grandpa's still inside the toy I have to do something hold on you'll soon get tired of the talking monster it's much more fun when you make something of your own you can make it talk and say anything you like josh is right you know mommy likes me to make things and you really want to play Hughie's mummy this is true okay if you think mummy will be happy we will of what will make mommy happy both birth whatever that means [Music] this gave grapple chance to get out of the monster [Music] you ran over to the helicopter out of the door now everyone's happy it was trying to go home and we will close behind the camera down country lane all the way to the moon just ahead of us then he took off his cap and came back to his normal size well done Josh thanks for us you me I was nearly sold just then to a difficult customer it was teamwork Oh grandpa clutter up honestly I've never known so much fuss over a puppet dinosaur KITT what was it a micro puppy Micro pachycephalosaurus yes grandpa how on earth did you know that lucky guess [Music] we love sunny sands because it's sunny and it's sandy and it's right by the sea we love playing on the beach love Slade of the middle of the marsh - today uncle CJ Nagi Jules had gone out with Elsie so I was playing with Grandpa three golden galaxies for me we were playing the captain doubleclick board game but we weren't quite alone [Music] great operetta that Grantham sister who's doing some cleaning do you have - I wish CJ Jules hadn't gone out there ever looking after our guests is just asking for trouble great operetta showed the new guests in that Godfrey and grandson Matty welcome to mill on the Bosch what place this is grandpa but he has lots of little lie-down so he shouldn't bother you - hi I'm Josh hi just then actually saw the double to it game show away it's the best cartoon out there who we would dress up an actor captain double twit stories but they do two-piece captain dumble - it cost you fantastic I've got a diabolical Dave costume each in a suitcase I'll show you I'll tell you what I'll go and put on my captain dumb betoid costume and then we can act out a story together and so are we I'll get my costume ah my grandpa went to get changed and Matty's grandpa went to unlock his case don't do it yet wait a minute huh I haven't finished you're welcome [Music] allow me to present your complimentary welcome drink prepare yourself especially earlier Green Green group is spinning and it tastes disgusting great operetta wouldn't give me grandpa's car and the key for acid the padlock she's fallen out of the padlock then great operetta kick the Kia to the mousehole the kids take the key to the mousehole oh no now I can't unlock our case we've got our holiday clothes idiot stop not to mention my diabolical Dave costume your fault grandpa it's just a fuss about your stupid cap I was only having a bit of fun yeah grandpa was cross and so was glad done come free why don't you better try to get it out no fine I'll get it out from there it's all dark and dusty and there's a ginormous mouse in there yeah nice me but I've got to get into my case we haven't got any other clothes our toothbrushes are in there Salty's come on I'll show you up see you know on second thoughts I think I'll put you down stairs I haven't realized it was trouble never mind I can still get the key back but this time grandpa didn't shrink you've got the wrong what Frank Godfrey has got exactly like yours Priyanka Rhett to swap them over when we're going to swap them back again and fast don't worry I'll go so I ran to Brandon Corey's bedroom well great aunt Loretta was trying to unlock the case with a knitting needle [Music] and I taught Loretta said oh go away Josh we're busy but it's melt the cap be off with you and stop bothering the guests my rush batch to Grandpa any luck sorry Bri Retta wouldn't even let me in the work we've got to do something whatever happens Godfrey mustn't put on my thinking cap riddance to bad rubbish what's happened granddad got free and his grandson they're so fed up about the case that they're moving to another hotel and it's all your fault I can't leave we've made friends and Godfrey's got my cap will you stop going on about your wretched cap you never even wear it run out for them Josh don't let them leave already on their way I was so looking forward to playing captain double twitch with grandpa look it's a lovely place but I'm afraid we don't want to stay no I'm sorry but I've made up my mind sorry didn't notice yeah I had it at nerves please don't go to another hotel I'll get the key for you yeah but how is right under the floorboards Anna's a ginormous mouse he's very friendly he might even help us just stay right there I'll be back in a few minutes you know what happens when Grandpa shrinks he runs about so fast he's impossible to catch things and he can get under things train I'm Gordon acetal [Music] even benign fly the captain to his spaceship any of those things today because he was going under the floorboards double to it to the rescue so grandpa went to look for the suitcase key ferret is taking ages I was starting to worry about him the mouth of the mill was chasing back up and down and round about granddad Guthrie and Mattie came in and then grandpa decided to chase the mouse up and down around about until at last they run off oh I'm gonna give it over all this come for a little lie-down I expect I could do with all myself [Music] just then the ginormous mouse threw the key out of the hole great if crumple came out of the hole his secret will be out I had to get our guests to leave the room you are gonna stay on you I really like it and I'm a grapple with two so would we would we Betty brilliant why don't you start a packing in your bedroom like right now right after you so granddad got free mati went back to their room to unpack mission accomplished I returned the key and our guests decided to stay key did he yes he's very well not diabolical Dave great costume yes I do oh by the way thank you for imagining the caps its are just an Audrey oh thing but it's very precious to me same here I'm so glad you decided to stay well I couldn't miss out on a chance you act out a captive dumble twit story [Music] numbers like off to save the universe [Music] you you
Channel: Bogglesox TV
Views: 58,035
Rating: 4.3457942 out of 5
Keywords: grandpa in my pocket, shrinking grandpa, cbeebies grandpa in my pocket, bbc childrens, grandpa in my pocket series 4, grandpa in my pocket season 4, preschool, tv show for kids, grandpa, parenting, popular kids show, popular kids tv, education, entertainment for kids, popular childrens, grandpa in my pocket new episodes, popular kids tv show, grandpa in my pocket series 4 compilation, grandpa in my pocket compilation, grandpa in my pocket full episode, bbc kids compilation
Id: UMxX1Ekn3Ag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 43sec (4723 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 13 2019
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