Grandpa in My Pocket - Big Elf Little Elf | Series 2

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grandpa in my pocket there was a lots going on in the Mason house today mum was in the kitchen doing her Linksys hobby making fancy dress costumes but you ever see and it was worth greater Loretta who was dressing up mmm we were all going to the sunny sounds fancy dress party we all had to be fairy tale characters what's that funny laugh on the other side of your face when you see what you're wearing grandpa have to try your costume on you too Jason what do you think we're gonna be Jason I hope it's something good like a knight in shining armor I fancy being a giant followed to make a change but mum had other ideas for us yes we were going to the fancy dress party as big elf little elf what do you think very nice nice we don't look very nice we look very fantastical and very fairy tale-like I know especially me I know has you taken so long making these if you're going to run out of time I know I've still got dad I'm Jemima costume definition I haven't even started on my own exactly you need help luckily I know someone who's absolutely brilliant at making costumes my very good friend mrs. Mehra daddy mrs. Mehra daddy where's the most amazing and unusual clothes like this and face and here she is now mrs. mereaux dotty makes them all herself I came as soon as I heard the terrible news what terrible news I gather you have a constant crisis of dressing up disaster a fancy-dress fiasco I just said we needed a bit about you need an enormous amount of help who made these dreadful costumes I did I thought they were rather good no darling the colors clash the versatile big disgusting short your world is bent and what are you two supposed to be big Alf I'm miss love but you can't possibly be elves everybody knows that elves wear green you cannot have a red elf and they don't wear big beards like this these are for gnomes and what about your caps everybody knows that elsweyr flower petal caps actually this is exactly what elves look like oh yes and how would you know you've never seen one unless you're telling me you have elves at the bottom of your girl I think I'd better get on things weren't going very well for grandpa and they were about to get a whole lot worse I don't know what we can use the grandpa's flower petal cap this whole thing grandpa's cap is magic and when he puts it on he shrinks like this and this and this catch me if you can I'm the only one who knows about crumples much drinking cap and we couldn't have everybody finding out about it now that would be a disaster give it back letter I won't Oh try it on for me please darling no I don't want to do is you tell well come on don't be a silly L oh I had to do something if mrs. Mehra dodgy cook crumples cap on his head everybody was going to get the shock of their lives now he's gone for a little lie-down oh it doesn't matter darling once I've turned this into a divine flower petal cap you'll never want to take it off now show me what everybody else is wearing my things darling so off she went to make grandpa a flower petal cap and to see what everyone else was wearing it's all right grandpa there God we've got to get the shrinking cap back Jason but the shrinking cap was already a flower petal cap and now you don't look like a king you look like a strawberry ice-cream sundae the britches are too tight the shirts no trust me enough and the crown is too big I thought look perfect so did I I didn't and who are you a fairytale princess of course more like a kitchen maid you'd look better in a sleeping bag darling but not to worry I can fix it I can fix anything see what I mean a flower petal trap fixed great let's see what it looks like on grandpa don't lurk Jason I can't stand lurking [Applause] Oh grandfather be so lazy coming out trying a cap on no oh he always was awkward never since he was a little boy let me try it myself better he might do it for me oh thank you Jason what a helpful little elf you are I owe you grandpa miss Amanda daddy wants you in the girl the good news was I had grandpa shrinking cap the bad news was it was covered in flower petals Scotty for employed you can come out now well done Jason of course grandpa being grandpa had a plan so mrs. Mehra dhari wants to see me in the garden gushie right shrinking cat please Jason quickly then shrimp off shrink you know what grandpa's like when he's got a plan there's no stopping him olfi ran through the sitting room [Music] and across the kitchen there are too many people about I've got to get her on our own okay [Music] I'll see what I can do where's grandpa did he put his cap on oh yes you think so too where's Ethan um I'm not sure come back to bed I expect I never knew such a lazy elf oh it's no good they're still not working they look dreadful ghastly a complete and utter disaster what are we going to do I need a clever idea you're not going to rip some up and start from scratch are you mrs. Mehra daddy uh-huh that's the clever idea no way I love my costumes I got rid of Jemima so do i I'm dad I am actually I might as well I'm great songwriter how dare you run away like that come back oh this is too much too much now I just had to get rid of more working with an artiste of the very highest quality what are we going to do I expect mrs. Mehra daddy would like a cup of tea I think we could all do with one now it was up to Grandpa [Music] well well well if it isn't the famous costume maker mrs. Mary Donny come back I want to talk to you now now there's nothing to be scared of not everyone gets to meet a real live elf yes but of course I'm an elf red joking red trousers fluffy white beard pointy shoes what else could I be but a cupid laughs I don't know I've never seen it a cute little elf before this time cramp had gone too far oh you're do you look just like grandpa I'm chasing to write I do and dad looks just like a fairytale King and Jemima is exactly like a fairytale princess are you sure well I should know I come from fairytale land after war and ask for Loretta she's the spitting image of all the berries I've ever met oh darling I had no idea how sweet of you to tell me you don't have to do a thing with those costumes they're perfect just as they are I understand darling you go home and leave them to it but don't tell anyone you met me no one will believe you anyway it could be our secret promise and with that grant I jumped off the hand and was gone thank you sleep off the flower petal cap right cup of tea marry daddy no thanks darling I'm going home you don't need me you're a wonderful costume maker I just want to say you all absolutely divine as if you just stepped out of a fairy tale I must now to make my own costume see you at the party I always knew she was peculiar I rushed out to the garden just as grandpa came out of his hiding place he took off his flower petal shrinking cap and came back to his normal size you make a great health grandpa so do you Jason teamwork a teamwork we all help them to finish the costumes and soon we were ready to go to the so nice and fancy dress party dad was a king Jemima was a princess great honor Etta was a fairy and mum was a Pupkin you look divine I know come on let's go put your cap on grandpa I don't think so [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Bogglesox TV
Views: 1,071,868
Rating: 4.3431931 out of 5
Keywords: grandpa in my pocket, grandpa in my pocket full episode, grandpa in my pocket full, grandpa in my pocket episode, grandpa in my pocket usa, kids show, childrens, toddlers, popular kids, popular childrens, learning, education, fun kids, funny kids, comedy kids, childrens story, parenting, bafta, grandpa in my pocket series 2, grandpa in my pocket season 2, grandpa in my pocket season 2 full, popular kids show, famous kids show, grandpa, shrinking cap
Id: PJmJs6QCDz4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 19sec (679 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 17 2018
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