Beef Short Ribs with an Asian Twist | Chef Jean-Pierre

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well hello there friends amazing we're making short ribs today it's an I'm gonna put an oriental twist to it you'll see it's gonna be delicious it's got a little orange flavor to it I'm gonna pour an amazing sauce on top of it you're gonna love it I promise you easy to make we're baking it in the oven Let It Go for two and a half hours remember thumbs up if you like the video subscribe to the channel and ring that Bell stay tuned friends we're making braised short ribs together [Applause] okay friends let me show you how I make my Asian inspired short ribs I got bone-in short ribs and uh and of course I'm gonna introduce some French techniques in it uh we got uh the short ribs I'm gonna saute them and I'm gonna do them in clarify butter which reminds me you know I put my clarified butter right there and I'm also going to saute some onion in there so I put kind of fire butter in there and um anyway so I take it out I want to show you this is a clarified butter well this is how I keep it friends I I make it right in this container and I keep it in the fridge like that you can keep it at room temperature it'll last you two or three months at room temperature because you remove the milk salad so it's not gonna go bad on you but what I do is I I I I keep it like that in the fridge I take what I want and then I put it in a microwave for like oh microwave oh my goodness The French Chef is this microwave and just enough to cook and then when you put it right back in there it's not gonna hurt it don't worry about it it congeals when it's cold even if you live in a room temp it's still going to continue all right friends so we're gonna get going here um the clarified butter is great because it's got a really high smoke point you can't use regular butter if you don't have Curry fried batter then use a good cooking oil okay I got some uh ginger powder I got some onion butter and I got some garlic powder and those are really garlic and onion powder they're not than our God exalt I put this in a little flower right there and I'm gonna do the flour to create a nice crust but I'm also friends going to need that flower and oil salt and pepper with my mommy I'm also going to use that uh that um uh flour to thicken it's going to help us with a little thickening here let me get in there and a little flower a little pepper black pepper like I said we're gonna use this flour and uh and and that's going to help us with the sauce okay and um so ingredient then we we are friends let me turn the heat on make sure it's nice and hot everything I don't want it to be too hot but I want like I said earlier the good thing is when you do uh uh a clarified butter you got 400 and 400 degrees it's really good so look bone-in short ribs a very expensive Mama me uh everything is so expensive these days have you noticed once everything is so expensive of course if you notice you know unless you're not eating but they're really nice to do once in a while you know the good part of it is friends when you do the short rib like that you can do them yeah uh you can do a lot of them because you can reheat them they're wonderful to reheat uh so I'm putting the flour in here and and then on the other side I'm going to do the onion you're going to say why don't you do it in the same pot you could do it in the same pot but here's what happened friends you have to be careful because if you do it in the same part let's say you're doing your short ribs in the in the yellow part that I'm going to be using right here if you're doing the short ribs in the the um the short ribbon there then the flower it's gonna stick to the bottom of it some of them and it could burn so you have to be careful that's why I like to do it in two different pan but if you do that just be careful to make sure there's no burning of flour in in apart or if it is so maybe you want to remove them you remove the burn bit okay so see I'm generous in it because like I said the flower friends I'm gonna use it uh I'm gonna use it for um to thicken to thicken the sauce some of that flour and that flour will have plenty of time to cook you see so I'm just gonna clean my cutting board I could have done this in advance but I wanna I wanted you guys to see it I want to try to do things where you guys can see so my video is along but you know this is the only way you can really take your time to show is to do all of those little things like this so we're going to take them and we're going to put them in there like this and we're going to saute them and get some beautiful caramelization okay and we're gonna get some nice Maya reaction here and then we're going to saute the onion in the other one and let's make sure I got the right temperature here yes I'm good I'm gonna put the onion right in there now the onion points are roughly chopped then they left roughly roughly chopped like you see it see right there they're not very small huh yeah that would be uh roughly smoked that would be in another very big and uh I'm gonna put them in there we're gonna get everything nice golden brown all right so now let me take this stuff out of the way and let me talk a little bit about the ingredients I'm going to use my friend first I gotta clean up because if I don't clean up it drives me nuts I have these things about cooking in a clean kitchen you know we should always do these friends let's make sure we got a clean kitchen clean as you go you know I had this pet pee when I were in a restaurant when I'm on a restaurant my Cooks I would go in the kitchen an hour without a big will you finish on onion cleanup you finish to cut the nerves clean up do the next one otherwise you got all of all those ingredients in the next one you're doing you see so we got a salt and pepper in the white corn but you know it wouldn't hurt us to add a little bit more black pepper in here and to add a little more salt in there it wouldn't hurt us it wouldn't hurt us so let me tell you about the ingredient friends we're gonna put some aromatic we're gonna put some uh garlic whole garlic and we're gonna put a little ginger and then I got some red bell peppers I got some carrots you notice the carrots are cut quite big so then uh otherwise they're not going to cook so they're going to take forever they're gonna and then we got celeries I got the orange I'm gonna put some orange to this I got an orange concentrate here friends orange concentrate and the orange classic twist is going to give us a really nice I wanted to have a nice orange flavor in here okay it's going to be the background because it's not going to give you that much even with the zest of an orange it's not going to give you that much it's just going to give you a little bit for those of you that are new to the channel welcome we have a lot of new uh subscribers from video to video there's always a few thousand people that we did not have before and we're always when you see the mirror yeah or the Sofrito whatever you want to call it is onion celery and carrots you want to make sure they're on your oil is number one oh don't forget now you know a lot of people put the everything together whenever you see somebody putting all the audio and the carrots and and they and they celery together I don't know uh you gotta take the time to caramelize sweeter that's all it's not that complicated really when you figure it out look look oh we're getting there friends not really not really no not not already so only on gonna be number one then we're gonna put another ingredient I'm gonna put I'm going to put it on Marin Marin that's a sweet uh rice uh cook cooking wine it's very it's not very sweet you know it's the rice rice wine uh and we certainly could use a good shot on here in there but that'd be different flavor rice wine rice vinegar uh to upset a little bit of the sugar from that and then we're gonna put some soy sauce and then we're gonna put some honey also all right so all of those ingredients and also I got a beef stock here now but for those of you that are new to the channel you're going to wonder you're going to say to me what I don't have a big big stuff like this you're right you buy a beef stock at the store and I'm gonna be like this we're getting there we see fine look we're getting there right you're you're right you're not gonna have it like this because they don't come like this but remember for folks I did a video and Jack is going to give you the link friends I did a video to show you to take the store-bought beef broth then the tastes like not much and uh and and um and to make it like this and to transform the flavor to add more vegetables to add some tomato paste so you get with automated puree to add some consistency and that's what we have here friends you see but also with a new to the channel look look it's not complicated to make friends I promise you not complicated to make you look how beautiful that is not complicated at all and you can all do this I promise you this is not that complicated okay look at the onion doing good right you're doing good bell peppers um a little bit and you notice everything is cut kind of big okay and and the carrots in the celery we can go you can put all those together all right let me not forget the garlic I got whole garlic in there folks and the garlic at this point I'm not afraid to let it burn see this is going to be a vegetables right here we're gonna put some salts right now as I had to extract some of the moisture we're gonna put some pepper you can also put some hot sauce in there any hot sauce that you have then you like you can certainly put it in there how are we doing on a refresh what do you think yeah let's go on the other side it's they're almost like a square so let's get all the side here and see that's going to give us some really nice uh caramelization all the way around it all right I'm gonna put a few a few garlic cloves you don't need to cut them don't you come this is going to be in the oven thing for two hours three hours two and a half hours I said two other two hours and I said two and a half yeah you see I try to cover all my angles all right and then we're gonna put our our flavoring ingredient Okay so a little bit of the Marin you notice I measure everything very carefully it's very important a little bit of rice wine vinegar and a little bit of soy sauce I remember all those are going to be salty a soy sauce so you don't want to put too much of it but enough flavor oh one Mama Mia look at this what's going on over there are we looking here okay let me turn the heat off I'm good now just gonna sit there outside you see now they're gonna be nice they're gonna I'm gonna cook them until they fall off the bone friends yeah we're gonna serve them with a beautiful jasmine rice you can serve them with the pasta Papa Dela pasta it'll be great in there we're gonna put some orange concentrates we're gonna put some zest and orange in a minute and some ginger and the ginger a lot of people peel their Ginger just clean it up a little bit they got nothing else to do you need to feel the ginger but Peter if it makes you happy I wash it when I take it home oh you'll come back over here and uh I wash it and I put it in the fridge put as much as little ginger you want be careful because too much Ginger I was gonna say too much Ginger is too much Ginger yeah I'm quite the philosopher for those of you that are new to Charo this is the philosophy Channel we also teach you philosophy all right I'm gonna put the zest of an orange in a minute I think the ribs are gonna be fine my friends let's put a little bit here so I'm comfortable I have enough liquid in a pot look how beautiful that stock is fancy remember this is just beef broth that has a little tomato in it and it gives a nice consistency in all the vegetables it is not complicated to make I promise you we have a lot of subscribers then I've made them and go wow it's never the same I will never again cook without it it's Mexican huge huge difference I promise you let me check it to make sure they're okay I don't want to burn anything I like nice caramelization but I don't like burner you know I find it too often people said oh I'm going to do some good reaction instead of Maya reaction they're giving a burn reaction burn reaction no burn reaction here on this channel it's looking good my friends see look look how beautiful that is see right there Flint that's gorgeous all right so we're looking good here we don't need to go so fast I'm gonna start putting them in I wanted to show you for all of you that are new to the channel the uh the uh orange zesting I know my regulars are going to say oh please don't show me again I know I know you know but like I said every week we pick up a few thousand subscribers and they may not know because they see all them ding dongs on the internet using the microplane like that we're not supposed to be used that way it's supposed to be used this way not the orange on top of the tool the tour on top of the orange and if you look I'm gonna go slowly so you can see I easy it is to see where you're going so you never go to the same place twice the idea here friends is never to see the white if you see the white you're going too deep you see you're going too deep and and and then you're gonna get the better bar so do it very gently and see right there see how easy it is to do a whole orange and you never go to the same place twice you see very simple my friends little by little although I've been doing this for two and a half three years now on on on on on YouTube now so a lot of people are starting to use the technique see the cool part of it is look where is it it's all here right so now you go like this bam bam that was good that guy was very nice seeing him around Emerald what a nice man look look how beautiful they are friends look at this look at this you could eat him right now but don't friends they need a lot of cooking they need a good two and a half three hours they really really do there's no other way around it we want to until they fall off the bone that's what's gonna happen they're going to fall off the bone so now friends what do we do I forgot that side now what do we do we're gonna cover them and now you can cook them two waste friends you can cook them on the stove but it's very labor intensive very labor intensive especially if you saute the ribs in the CM cover them if you saute the uh let me give you a tip let me finish this if you saute the the ribs in the in this pot first instead of in here you see right here look here it didn't stick very much so it would be easy to take it off but if it sticks in a pot then you're doing it and and then you start cooking them on the stove what's gonna happen friends on the stove it's gonna burn you're gonna have to mix it and mix it the best thing to do is to get your oven at 275 300 275 for the cover on it look put a cover on it and cook them gently in the oven all you got to do is every half hour let's go and check them out a little bit give it a say hello yeah we're doing over there you know mix the rib a little bit check them up a little bit make sure nothing's sticking about them everything is good it won't stick in the bottom because it's in the oven but check it to make sure everything is okay two two and a half three hours depends how big they are depends what kind of ribs you got and they're going to fall off the bones all right friends look I didn't do too much of a mess I I may have forgot something because you know I always do that and if I do I'll put it in but I don't know if I forgot something come back uh actually you guys are just gonna go do something get another glass of wine and you come back I'm gonna have him done all right so I see you in a minute when you're done no I forgot the honey okay let's do it let's do it right now let's do it right now okay one two three I forgot something of course I forgot something I want to put a Rouhani because the uh the rice wine vinegar could be a little thick and I want just a little Sweetness in there not too much just a little bit all right friends so you know it wouldn't be the channel if I didn't forget anything it has to be all right so look a good tablespoon and a half of honey but more if you want put less if you don't want it just up to you all right friends and if I forgot something else I'll see you in a minute two hours so it's got a little bit to go uh I just wanted to show you because we have a couple of steps we're going to do now before it's all finished okay so I just took it out of the oven and uh and look at look it's beautiful it's beautiful it smells amazing oh Mama Mia it really really is beautiful they the cows are getting soft peppers are super soft and the meat is still um still not not falling apart yet you can feel it you know what you want to do friends you want to take a fork you see you only take a fork and you wanted to put it in there see it's going in but it's not totally falling apart yet it's still a little resistant it's only two hours so it could take two and a half and uh which is exactly what I want because now uh I'm gonna add some more things to it then I did not want to put at the beginning bok choy I'm gonna put a a bit well actually you know what let me talk to you about thickness first let's look at it real quick friends you see look this is a little thin you see it's just a little thin you see so at this point you can thicken it with um uh if you have a cooked Roux and this time I'm saying it correctly because on the like on the last video I was saying it so fast then we had a few um a comments and say what's a cuckoo well a guy would say cool crew I was saying this so fast people say they didn't understand I meant cooked Roux and a roux is a is a flower and uh and uh and and butter there has been uh cooked and this is is it was cooked overnight in my oven and uh and and you keep it like that at room temperature and uh and and you can just you you can incorporate like that but I find it it's even easier if you incorporate it in the strainer uh if you incorporate it in a strainer you see just like this and you take a little whisk now you know I do the same friends let me get a whisk you know I do the same for raw flour but when you do something like this you see look it's much easier to just do this to incorporate it right you see they say look it Incorporated very well so this is a cooked root okay what does that mean that means for some of you that that are new to the channel we do those things I made a whole video on that that means then the flour has cooked already if you're gonna add raw flour you can do that the same technique with raw flour but then you have to cook it for at least an hour okay look look you see the bone is starting to come out to come out which is a good sign and you see we're getting a much better texture you see the texture friends it's a little bit better of a texture so you can do that if you have a cockroach you don't have one I recommend you make it because look it's here I can make my soup my sauces it stays two three months at room temperature you can refrigerate if you want to last you seven months eight months but at room temperature for months and it smells like cookie dough and it's clarified butter see clarify butter when you make a rule with clarified butter you remove the milk protein so it doesn't go bad on use it's a wonderful thing to do to thicken because the body that it gives you the consistency that a cooker will give you friends it's fantastic now if you don't have a cuckoo if you don't want to put flour you can also put a bit of cornstarch slurry remember don't bring it to boil it got to be boiling with this come out of the oven so it's not boating boiling but it's hard if I turn it on right now it would come to boil immediately and then you put a little bit of cornstarch to thicken to the right consistency up to you friends okay if I have a choice I'd rather use a cuckoo if I have it if you don't have it you don't have it okay so you can make things if you don't have it I'm gonna put some vegetables in there uh today I'm gonna you could put broccoli I'm gonna put a bok choy baby bok choy the light the lights have done a number on these guys but they're still gonna be fine because the heat is going to do it as a number I just wanted to show you what I do though this is the baby bok choy the big bok choy it's the same deal the root end of it the um the roots I guess that's what you call though the stems or whatever you call them and um they they take longer to cook than the uh the leaves right so what I do friends is I take the um see the stems right there like this I just take them and now you don't want to put that show you just don't put them in there don't worry about it it's great you know and and those are going to take long longer longer to cook than the green the green is only good the dark green is going to take only a couple of minutes so I'm gonna put this in there and then I take the green you see and then I just cut them I roll them like I would do a Sheaf or not if you will you see and then I keep this right here and now I put this toward the end scallion I'm also putting scallion and also the white that the scallion take a little bit longer to cook than the green so I put this in right now right and then and then like 10 minutes before I'm ready to serve I'll put this 10 minutes I'm also going to put some zest of oranges remember we got oranges in there this is um this is the one we use the beef so remember this is a very cool tool folks look look you have to do it really hard you pushing and then look then you get this see you get those strips right there and you you know you don't need to put them in there much longer but you know maybe the same time you put your green maybe this look see very simple this tool is very cool folks and then so the same the same this orange is not very nice It's So Soft Orange it's a software look at that thing Mama me it I must have had it for a while so look right there and then you put this at the same time you put your green at the last minute to give it an extra orange flavor okay friends all right so that's it we're gonna let this cook go back in the oven uh probably uh another half hour uh so then the then the uh those vegetables will be perfectly cooked and then 10 minutes before it's completely finished I put my green on it my oranges and then I come back and I'm gonna serve it okay friends so I'll be back in a minute again okay friends the moment we've been waiting for it's been a total of two and a half two hour and 45 minutes so it takes a long time friends but I got it all Remember by the way delivery a rag right here friends you know how many times in 50 years I forgot you grab it right there oh Mama Mia leave a rag on there friends so look look look look look look at this it's gorgeous my friends look at this look how beautiful they are they're just they're beautiful so um I'm gonna serve it with a um look at it look at look at the sauce look at this my friend and it's beautiful so you know depends the rib you have you may have a little extra fat then you may want to remove if you do I'll give you a trick how you do it friends this is not too bad so I don't I don't really have that much but here's what you do okay look um I don't know if Jack is going to be able to capture me here yeah right here see look you go like this see right here friends look look you push it slowly push it slowly they were a little fatty but not that much fatty you see look look you go slowly friends okay and you take some of the fat out if you want to this is how you do it okay but you know those are not too bad at all that's not too bad at all so I'm not gonna worry about it I just want to show you the technique you just push it in push it in and slowly slowly Let It Go in Let It Go in Let It Go in see see the fat is going in friends see right there okay all right that's enough that's enough jump yeah don't mess up anything here we go up put it right here all right so uh well what I'm going to do is I'm going to serve it I made this beautiful um jasmine rice that I love to make and I made it with uh with the carrots and uh and uh the brunoise of carrots a little bit of parsley and a little bit of toasted sesame seed and just a regular jasmine rice so what I'm going to do is I'm gonna put some in the bottom of the plate right and I'm going to take the rice I'm just gonna put it right there and I use a cookie cutter you know look you don't have to put a cookie cutter unless you know you want to make a nice little dinner a little romantic dinner you know take your time you're already making two plate three plate you know four play depends what kind of romantic dinner you want to have so hey look my friends with you you got to put it in right as much or as little as you want doesn't matter right and you see the little carrots are nice that mixing and this by the way it's in uh how to cut vegetables that video we did Friends it's a great video for those of you that have not seen it yet I'm telling you even if you've been cooking a long time you see you learn a few things right you know we can always learn new things right you know this look I've been doing this my whole life I still learn everything every day every day I learn something there's not a day that goes by I don't learn something you're not alone go unless they're good friends of mine 85 years old and I had called him I had made a mistake buying something I don't know what it was and I said look I don't understand you know at my age how can I be making mistakes it's a look I'm 85 and it's not a day I don't make a mistake I don't learn something so that's part of it and in cooking funds there's so much to learn right I mean Mamma Mia okay so make sure it's in the middle of the plates right we're not going to do something fancy yeah that we're going to go right oh I told you to pack it in right look look I use this thing right there this is a uh you can use this if you really want to pack it in I'd always do it with the back of the spoon it's okay too this is a meat pound meat pounder boom boom you like the explanation boom boom sometime I wonder about myself so take it out slowly stick it out slowly slowly slowly otherwise you're gonna mess it all up all right slowly and you got your little rice right there right no big day right okay now let's take a one let's take one all the plate that I had planned of using now I got them occupied let's take one let's take this guy right there what do you think yeah you know they're all oh mama me look at it's beautiful it's beautiful so the the meat put it on the rice see why it's not going to stand there I'm gonna try to make a stand and not gonna stand you watch you have to pay attention you watch hey hey stay just for the photo okay be nice all right um and if you do talk to your food go see a psychologist okay you got issues all right so now look friends we're gonna take a little bit of the sauce with the vegetables and all hey you think it's gonna fall okay so okay hold on hold on I'm telling you to hold down but it's really I'm talking to myself right we're gonna put this right in there just like this you don't need to put a lot it's up to you really how much you want to put in right yes it's up to you how much you want to put in France now of course it's not going to make as elegant of a presentation that's okay it's okay I got you I got you so you put your uh your thing right there right and then you take a little bit of a scallion then the green and the scallion and you saved right and then you remember a couple of oranges you saved a couple of them so you can put them here like this right save a couple of them they put them here and then you get yourself for the pieces celery please uh don't leave it in the light too though see what happens when you leave it at the light it just go right there and my friends right there you got yourself a beautiful plate of short ribs take a little bit of white sesame seed and finish the dish right there my friends you see look a child could do this let me get a fork now really the the the cooking was not that big of a deal it was just the uh the the the you put it in a pot everything it was not it doesn't require that much right there my friend so what we're gonna do we're gonna destroy the whole thing okay you ready you've seen it okay it goes goodbye now because now we got to cut into it okay and look at this look at this my friend look at this look at this look at it see look look at it it just falls apart my friend don't take so much so I can talk look at this oh yeah oh yeah um um oh it's very hot mmm friends you see it's falling apart one of the ingredients which is the most believe it or not is the orange the orange has got a beautiful fragrance to it the whole thing though it definitely garlic is the everything is in there beautiful I I Think You're Gonna Love It serve with the mashed potatoes polenta seven however you want to serve it it's going to be delicious good bottle of wine friends remember thumbs up you like the video don't forget to subscribe to the channel and ring that Bell thanks for watching it was a pleasure to cook for you again thank you
Channel: Chef Jean-Pierre
Views: 195,593
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: braised short ribs, short ribs, beef short ribs, asian short ribs, braised beef short ribs, how to make short ribs, short ribs recipe, how to cook short ribs, braised short ribs recipe, best short ribs recipe, beef short ribs recipe, asian inspired short ribs, Asian fusion short ribs, short ribs braised, how to cook beef short ribs, beef braised short ribs, short ribs in the oven, Costillas de ternera, Bouts de côtes de boeuf, côtelettes braisées, Estofado de Costillas
Id: c-5O4uJrlXY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 7sec (1927 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 01 2023
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