Italian Wedding Soup | Chef Jean-Pierre

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well hello there friends whatever they call that soup wedding soup marriage soup whatever it is it's a marriage of beautiful ingredients together blend into this amazing broth and plus these meatballs in it and we finish it up with little pom on top delicious you guys are going to love that soup remember thumbs up you like the video don't forget subscribe to the channel and don't forget to ring the bell stay tuned we're making it together right now [Applause] okay friends well never mind where it's coming from we know it's got some Italian influence for sure you know some of the best soup we we have are Italian influence I mean I'm thinking you know the other day was talking with Jers today about doing some French soup you know so we're going to be doing that some French soup not that we have as many as the Italian Italian Mama me everything is a a soup so this um uh Italian created I think it's it was created by many Italian American and and marriage wedding soup whatever that came from it really came from a blend of ingredients together creating a beautiful marriage in heaven yeah I mean really so what it is when you bring the spice the right seasoning the right ingredient together you have a marriage of of heaven anyway let's do it my friends okay so um minestra maritata the Italian name so we got a 3/4 of a pound of a a ground chuck 820 I got 3/4 of a pound of uh chicken breast and I got um uh four ounces of salami de Genoa that I cut very very very very small dice so what I do I go to the deli department and um I asked them to give me a slice about an eight of an inch stick and then I cut them in Julian and I cut the Julian in dice pretty simple I am going to flavor it of course all this this is a not far away from my regular meatball recipe um I'm going to put put a little bit of garlic about a about a a heavy tablespoon of chopped garlic we're going to put about a uh a teaspoon and a half if we were to measure but we not let's see a teaspoon and a half of um of a fresh thy and uh we're going to put a one egg one egg and we're going to put a cup of uh uh my fresh breum Jack is going to give you a link for that breakr because it's it's fantastic it's got all kind of goodies in there we're going to put some salt and pepper in there right and then salt and pepper we're going to put some fresh parsel I would say um a/4 cup of Cho fresh parsel and U I got some buttermilk in here if I need moisture but I don't think so I I don't think I'm going to need it we'll see we'll see what happen but if I need I'm going to put a little bit of Buttermilk and right here I got a big onion that has been sauteed and caramelized big onion that's it one big onion now and then what we're going to do we're going to make the mid balls and then we're going to we're going to cook them and then we're going to we're going to finish them up in a soup you know I put the gloves on for a good reason cuz I'm going to go in there and and just do it you see and that's all that is to it this is really not complicated now those meatballs friends uh are going to be very small I got a ice cream scoop of about 1 in 1 inch and a quarter actually it is it's 1 inch and a quarter and so it's very very small because uh you know you're having a soup you don't want a big meatball I mean you can make them bigger and cut them with a spoon it be nothing wrong with that right but it' be kind of nice also to put them in the mouth at one little bowl definely look at this that looks good let me tell you the um salami gives wonder how we say that in Italian I have to ask my family the N something that I just not translatable translatable is that a word Jack how do you think we say say Italian say quiet yeah yeah no no no it's got to we I'm I'm sure the Italian they're pretty clever you know I'm sure they got a word for that I'm going to have to call this afternoon and and ask so look guys what we're going to do is we're going to take it no we're not going to do that we're going to do this go we got to keep them small right look boom and boom right I mean a child could do this now of course you don't need an ice cream scoop but if you want to make them really nice you got to do the scoop this one is a little tyly till too small so obviously you don't need a scoop I think the scoop is going to make it easy all right friends I'm going to do this I'm going to tell you how many I got probably a little too much a little soup I'm going to make but that's okay cuz you can freeze them nice we're going to make nice and round then we're going to put them in the fridge to let them refrigerated and then we're going to give him a nice little May reaction give him a nice crust on the outside so I will be back when the balls are done and we're going to start the soup and we're going to cook it together so I'll be back in a few minutes friends okay friends I was halfway down with a meatball and I'm saying man those things are way too soft uh chicken was a little too wet so repair job one more cup of bread chome so that'll be two cup and one more egg and that'll be two eggs I am going to repair to rewrite the recipe so you'll have the perfect recipe online okay but as of now we are oh yeah there that's doing it right there the uh the extra cup of bream is absorbing the mo the extra mure yet in the chicken and I figure it could happen to you all right friends so I'm going to continue making this I don't need to show you how to make the ballls again cuz I showed you earlier and we're going to continue making them I just want to make sure you saw that change all right see you guys in a minute when they all down all right friends well I got the uh the balls ready we made 48 of them I'm probably only going to need half of it in this batch I keep the other one in there so one night I want to make it the rest of the soup is easy yeah I got one big on already going on over there going going on over there I got on remember Justin Wilson that guy was amazing some of you is too young to know but um he was a great talent on um on PBS and I used to uh watch him all the time I got to meet him a few times lovely man I guante them on are fresh so look I know my mation is not so good I got a I got a uh I'm going to speak cun now a good tablespoon and a half of garlic garlic I don't remember how you said it but anyway so so you got the onion caramel right and the garlic when you smell the garlic a teaspoon of time the same flavoring we got in the uh in the um um meatball we got it in the soup as well friends Okay so garlic the minute you smell it what do you do you put something wet on it hey how about some wine little bit of wine it's going to give us a little bit of acidity than we like we're just going to reduce you don't have to put it in it's a soup after all you don't want to put wine in your soup don't put it in don't worry it's still going to be good okay I like to put a little bit of it but don't worry about it if you don't want to put soup wine by the time trust me friends if there is any alcohol left by the time you finish your soup it's all that's a very technical term see that Jack that's uh the hands and everything shoo the alcohol of the wine people are coming into my channel for the first time that a shf they go these guys are nut that's okay I'm there nuts and uh and and all right so uh we got um uh a couple big carrots and I cut you know always cut my carrots in wheel in Wheels cuz I got nothing else to do so now I have to do that celery nicely cut remember everything nicely cup very simple soup this is the Ning soup friends all right we're going to let the wine reduce a little bit we're going to check the temperature of the oil we want it to be 365 what about Jack if I move the soup over here cuz nothing much going to happen with the soup but a lot is going to happen here you like that he likes that that then we're going to put escaro escaro lettuce going to wait a minute to put the escaro lettuce friends um escar lettuce is not easy to find when you get the big Lea you you can just do this just like this right it it'll be perfectly fine and when you get to the end though you want to cut them smaller the pieces okay escal is very nice if you can't find escarole not exactly easy to find you want um uh use spinach that'll be perfectly fine all right so the wine is reduced look there no more wine it's reduced on to nothing let me reduce this all of this heat right here I'm going to put it little stock so I don't burn my garlic actually I won't burn because I got the I got the wine right so so two two L of stock we're going to do that three L all of stock be careful we don't put any three so they 12 oz and we're going to do four lead ol of stock and then we're going to do five five little stock okay and then we're going to cook this for a a a good amount of time friends until the vegetables are tender let me put this over here until the vegetables are tender then we're going to put the pasta we're going to put some oo pasta I got eight ounces of oo pasta that I'm going to put in there and then I'll put the um the escarole and finish cooking the mball but in the meantime let me get the bowls they're right there now make sure friends they're very cold okay you got to make sure they're nice and cold friends okay if they're not cold you're going to have a tough time they're not going to stick together good so you go like this right and you put them in there and we want to get them beautiful my reaction so I'm only going to do half of it because otherwise it's going to be too much then you give it two or three or four or five six seven some good direction and these guys say okay give them two three four 5 six seven just give them a few of them in a in a soup plate we're going to get them beautiful golden brown and then we're going to finish cooking them in a soup a child could do this now this is not an exactly super easy soup to make as far as because you got to make the bowls so it's going to take a little while to prepare them all right so we don't need those there's too many of them that's okay I'll cook them again I'll make another one of those soup I love those soup I love that soup it's delicious now we want to Brown them nice and as soon as the vegetables are starting to to get a little cook we're going to when vegetables I I get a nice uh uh uh soft then we put the pasta in there and cook another 8 10 minutes I got a oo pasta any small pasta would work you know I've made it also with the uh with the is couscous which is not exactly couscous but it's throw round pasta that Wass great also in there friends you see the bows are starting to be nice now golden brown golden brown I don't want them bur now I want them golden brown and you see they're holding fine they're nice shape want to get them all the way around it beautiful color all the way around it and then we're going to put in soup but not yet so here's what we're going to do friends we're going to put them aside for now and then we'll come back when the vegetables are soft and uh we're going to finish cooking the whole thing together now those are going to require a good 10 15 minutes of cooking time at least 15 minutes of cooking time so but I'm going to get I'm going to want the vegetables to get a stock before a nice soft stock all right so I'm going to take them out of here and put them in here for now when I because I don't want them to be too Brown I like a nice golden color but I don't want to burn I see too many people they do their they burn their bowls and then um I don't like to burn anything really that's some statement no really look look this is they they're good enough right there we want a beautiful golden brown all right friends I continue doing this and I see you on the other side when the vegetables are nice and soft okay we finish doing the whole thing together okay friends so I got an 8 oz of oo pasta very small pasta whatever pasta you can get just get a small pasta eh you don't want to get a big pasta in there and then we're going to put the uh the salad you certainly don't need to put that in there you can put the spinach is fine but remember you got to cut it up in small small it takes it it doesn't take that long to cook it takes a little while to cook and uh and then we're going to put the meatballs I put the whole thing in there I bought the whole head not easy to find I find a public my grocery store they never really fresh when I get them so I don't understand I tell the guy like every time I'm here to buy it's not it's not fresh it looks like you like a produce do like it I don't know dude all right now we're going to bring it to boil one more time we're going to put the balls in there and we're going to be gentle to cook the balls otherwise they fall apart remember they they fragile I going to put them in there and uh and gently cook it all right and then we're going to fix a little bit of the uh the texture I want them to be a little thicker like I said friends texture is the conductor of flavor don't forget right it's very important and I know a lot of you guys but the new people like like what is talking about if it's too thick if it's too thin tast dep on the tongue doesn't it just the texture that's why it's got to have the right texture so we're going to bring this to boil we're going to be gentle with the balls so they don't break up on us we're going to adjust seasoning and then we're going to put a Parmesan regana and then we're going to eat so you're all invited coming in and uh and jack is not getting any because he's going to think it's getting it's going to look like prison food you guys made a lot of comment on that pea soup that was funny anyway we love it he likes it too and uh we have a good time so that's what it's all about we see you in a minute when the soup is ready friends okay friends well about 10 minutes too right we put all the the pasta and everything in there and and and the bowls that could been cooking nice I I have a little bit of cornar I mean corn star tapio and water mixture kind of like you do the corn star same deal we're going to put it in here to adjust texture now you don't have to you know it'll be perfectly fine with but you know I like a little thicker of a texture cuz to me it's so important eh so I put it just a little bit more and the uh the P powder compared to the corn star it's going to keep the soup transparent uh without giving it a a white film on it so sometime it's nice you know I but just use corach you know AR tap corach Arrow root they all very similar Arrow root also creates a nice transparent soup just a little bit okay you don't have to put a lot just a little bit and you'll see the texture of it changes like 100% all right adjust the seasoning I also put a little bit of red pepper flake I forgot to do it but I was testing it just now and it were like needed something and and that's perfect God all right friends so here we go the moment we have been waiting for got 17 l in there never mind 17 I got 50 of them in there all different sizes and all we're going to do is uh is H take a bowl of uh a couple of Bowls in the plate you see beautiful look at this look at this that gorgeous I think it's beautiful I think it's beautiful now I don't think that looks like prison food Jack what do you think no it doesn't look like prison food we SC friend here it is right there it's beautiful you see so however thick you want to make you see you see the difference how little thicker it is I think it's beautiful so now you can serve it like this because this will be perfect it'll be nothing wrong with this or you could put a little bit of pan or regano and put a little bit of fresh parsil on it right and a little bit of a Parmesan V just a little bit just a little bit you can put a lot if you want obviously it's your soup all right but I put just a little bit of it right there and let it melt slowly in a soup you see and my friends this is the wedding soup marriage SHP M soup whatever soup you want to call it I think it's beautiful and uh and it's going to be perfectly cooked see the bowls are perfect now of course you could certainly try to put one of those in your mouth at one I don't know I think uh cutting little pieces going to be good enough oh it's good it's very good but oh he was hot and it's so liquid M it's delicious those balls are delicious friends I know you're going to love it I hope you make it remember thumbs up you like the video don't forget subscribe to the channel and don't forget to ring the bell thanks for watching [Music] friends wow let me tell you this is no prison food Jack I'm telling you bu I'm not going to let you forget that poison food deal that's amazing I'm telling you it's actually a little thin see little thin and the bow are fantastic oh I can't wait to sit down let's sit down and eat some sou
Channel: Chef Jean-Pierre
Views: 77,381
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: italian wedding soup, italian wedding soup recipe, how to make italian wedding soup, meatball soup, wedding soup, minestra maritata, meatball soup recipe, wedding soup recipe, italian wedding soup recipe easy, meatball soup recipe easy, sopa de boda, soupe de mariage, soupe aux boulettes de viande, sopa de albóndigas, receta de sopa de albóndigas, recette de soupe aux boulettes de viande, recette de soupe de mariage, receta de sopa de boda, easy wedding soup
Id: q9uEr0xR0ug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 51sec (1251 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 04 2024
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