Into the Realm of Chaos - NURGLE - The Grandfather of Pestilence and Disease - Warhammer Lore

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while the demons and creatures of all the four chaos gods are terrifying and monstrous to behold those created by the plague god nurgle are undoubtedly the foulest and most disgusting if not in mind then certainly embody their corporeal forms as they march forth from the garden of nergal deep within the realm of chaos are bloated corpulent and ripe with countless horrific diseases they are heartbreakers of decay and rot heralds of misery and hopelessness and only the purest of warriors can stand against them it is believed that directly or indirectly nurgle is responsible for all the greatest plagues and famines that have ravaged and consumed the lands of the world through the centuries the sorrows of the lepers and the fears of the sick are his greatest fascination many of us believe that we are living in the dusk time of the world and we might be right may sigma forgive us as we bring this knowledge to you for these are heretical writings and thoughts but this must be shared to warn the scholars that will come after us this is a warning of the growing danger that is now gnawing at the doors of our very existence the putresce and stench of chaos and its terrible influence is now rooted deep within our souls and there is no escape from that despair now we will go into the realm of nergal and explore the particularities that shape this chaos god may sigma protect us as we go deep within the realm of chaos and may he guide our souls as we traverse this unforgiving place oh great accept this offering of blood and filth witness my devotion and send your might to slither through my clotted weapon the plague god's realm is depicted by scholars and historians as a gigantic monstrous garden of unimaginable foulness and rampant life time and space shrinks and expands in this place as so does life and death to be trapped in the gardens of nergal is to be imprisoned in an incomprehensible realm of suffering and despair unimaginable pains and diseases break the will and strength of any being for what feels like an eternity and uncountable are the souls that have been lost as they surrender themselves to nurgle screaming for some respite and deliverance from their suffering nurgle as the generous god he is answers quickly to these damned souls and he gives his gifts to them to the horror of their supplicant souls does not offer a cure or respite far from it instead they are given a strength to endure even more pain the resilience to become one with the torment the plague god does not allow his subjects to die they walk the gardens as infected beings not alive but not dead and they roam there spreading and mixing diseases as they go amidst fetid swamps and twisted plant life demons of all shapes and forms trudge and gamble as the land and even the elements themselves are constantly twisted and reborn again and again in a never-ending cycle of disease death and rebirth it is a place of never-ending agony and despair creatures rot only to be reshaped again given new life just to be broken and consumed again moments later the giver of life and death is generous and nothing is ever wasted only reborn as different manifestations of disease it is said that nurgle's power is the one that most fluctuate of all the four chaos gods it is apex when the metaphysical epidemics ravage the world and even the stars themselves they fall into remission as the tides of sickness burn themselves out yet his powers rise again as a sickness and corruption begin to spread once again consuming it all entropy is everlasting as is the presence of nergal in the realms corruption the domain of nergal is full of impossible displays of colors and beauty that betray the horrid perversions that lie within its plague smothered inhabitants those who survive long enough to explore the garden may discover the fields of tongues rotting under the influence of nurgle's latest experiments or trees composed entirely of mortal flesh as the experiment of the plague father changed so too do the fetid lands he commands at the pinnacle of the gods power his tendrils can be found snaking into the lands of his brothers their reach ever expanding alongside his power in times of devastating pandemics his power has even grown to overshadow his chaos brothers earning their respect and trepidation as well as their hate and revulsions the grand cultivator of nurgle's plague gardens is none other than herticulous slymox a dour and pragmatic creation who some scholars say was the first plague bearer to be created he sits astride a massive moloskoid steed named mulch plowing the fields until he is summoned by his master to plant the siege of the garden throughout the mortal realm however he is also sent to reap what is sown culling the enemies of the plague legions with a set of rusty pruning shears and leaving trails of rich soil where the inhabitants of nergal's garden can flourish enshrined in the centre of the garden is nurgle's ancient homestead one can find an enormous building rife with rotten wood and fungus and crusted walls that creak under the sweeping winds of contagion an impossibly large rotting chair sit alone on the veranda overlooking the gardens and orchards of trees bearing rotting fruit for the plague father himself a record of every creation made by knurgle can be found in the attic where a cadre of plague bearers constantly catalogue the jars of rotting plague-ridden souls that are cursed to wither for all time within the kitchen sits nurgle's prized possession a black cauldron large enough to hold the contents of the mortal world oceans that he labors over for untold eons to concoct new and horrific diseases this cauldron is said to contain every disease in the world and beyond adorning the walls of the room are shelves displaying neatly organized and festering ingredients that the plague father adds to his experiments before dumping the result into the mortal world as plague-cursed rain that dooms kingdoms armies nations and individuals alike nergal himself is said to be an impossibly vast gigantic mound of rotting flesh ridden with all the diseases of the world with open sores and gaping wounds in which his lesser minions cavote and frolic his gigantic body is bloated with corruption and exudes an overpowering stench his skin is greenish leathery and necrotic its surface pockmarked with running sores swelling boils and numerous signs of infestation weeping pustules ooze filth and his bowels constantly issue putrescent waste nurgle's inner organs rank with excremental decay spilled through the ruptured skin to hang like obscene fruit around his girth from these organs burst tiny demons would chew on the rotting bowels and suck upon the nauseous juices within beneath his fingernails maggots and other carrion feeders lay eggs around which develop cysts that periodically burst open and spew their rancid payloads nurgle is depicted hunched over his cauldron of poxes humming cheerfully as he brews with joy the infinite diseases to unleash upon the material and immaterial realms alike the gigantic mountain of filth that is nuggle is made up of all the feelings of despair and hopelessness that the beings in the mortal world experience the grandfather of all diseases spreads his corruption and filth all across the lands to cause unimaginable suffering and thus gaining more strength in the realm of chaos grandfather nergal is said to be as generous as he is malignant he is seldom described as a selfish and spiteful god instead he is said to be more than content to share his diseases bacteria and epidemics without remorse his plagues are gifts bound to be received by all to spread the transforming virulence and corruption is his goal like a plague that spreads silently in the body until it's too late so the corruption of nurgle spreads through the world until all is doomed to succumb agonizingly to the terrible diseases only to be reborn again as something new and twisted reshaped by the will of the great corrupter deep within the garden of nergal the plague god's favored servants have toiled without rest to cultivate for him new agents of decay corruption and misery the greater demons of nurgle are amongst the most horrific creations known to the mortal realm and the war alike the form and personality of a great unclean one is a near replica of their creator with leathery skin and horrific wounds that leak chunky and poisonous pus they are bloated mounds of flesh and rot but they are no mere brutes each is a shrewd cunning creature a capable warlord and sorcerer full of strength dark humor and nurgles most potent plagues nurglings burst from the pustules coating the necrotic organs that drape through their rotting skin left to an existence of being crushed eaten or shaken free to spread pestilence the air around these monsters is corrupted with every contagion known to the dark god and they waddle across the battlefield muttering jokes so foul that the souls of any who hear them shrivel they command their armies with joy in their twisted souls their paternal bond they share with those they command leads them to be sentimental about the accomplishments of those who call the great unclean ones father nurgle while the great unclean ones focus on spreading the diseases of nurgle far and wide the one named kugath has all his attention focused on creating the perfect plague the epitome of disease a pox so powerful that it can even infect the gods themselves kugath has been known in history by many names the plague weaver the pox maker the fitting brewmaster and many more names and titles scholars of all disciplines shiver when they hear this name spoken aloud on his quest for the ultimate disease he is one of the most willing of nergal's demons to go out into the mortal realms to test his creations and to gather subjects and ingredients for his unique and horrific experiments there is no count as to how many toxic creations have been brought to existence by the twisted combinations that kugat brews in his cauldron this unholy being is forever fascinated by the breeding of new and virulent life and the thousands of subjects he has caged in his putrid mansion mortal and demons alike are his ingredients rotages rainfather is another extremely dangerous being he is a dark mages that uses rituals and arcane knowledge to spread nurgle's vile diseases they may not necessarily look it but great unclean ones are dangerously intelligent they are scientists horticulturists and biologists at heart and they love delving into the natural order of things and finding new ways to turn things to ruin and rot ring father bring off plenty we beseech you bathe us in your reign and to you our praises will be offered the bulk of nurgle's army is populated by plague bearers horrific creations that personify all that the dark god is with their cyclopean faces weeping sores and bloated forms that have split to reveal the rotting entrails within they are created from the tainted souls of mortals who are slain by the most horrific of the god's creations nurgles rot a disease that causes one's body to swell and rot like a corpse yet keeps them from death until they welcome the disease into their soul and submit themselves to nurgle for all eternity those who have distinguished themselves in the service of the lord of pestilence are granted a rot fly to use as a mount a beast of nurgle that has festered malice in its soul and has been betrayed by those it holds in confidence to those mortals who resist nurgle's rot for long enough to garner the plague father's sight are we shaped into a pox bringer a herald of knurgle with a head of twisting antlers atop a form broader and taller than a plague bearer and a jovial disposition with a revolting sense of humor these chosen act as lieutenants amongst the plague legion's talibans enacting the commands of the great unclean ones and slaying the champions of their enemies with twisted enchantments or by unleashing devastating blows from their extremely toxic plague swords that have been dipped within nergal's cauldron the bulky bounding beasts of nergal are amongst the friendliest and most cheerful of all of nergal's demons as there is actually little room for hate in their minds yet they fail to realize that their titanic bulk and rancid extremely toxic slime are fatal to their mortal playmates meaning that they invariably almost always suffer a moment of disappointment before shambling off to find new friends to play with leaving only chunks of rotten meat behind the anatomy of these beasts has very little to do with natural biology and their shapes and sizes vary greatly of the infinite diseases that exist in the realm of nergo and beyond it is epidemious who is the chosen tally man to catalogue all of the plague lord's toxic creations the burden of the taliban is unending as are the uncountable diseases and variants that exist a dedicated group of nurglings attend to epidemious in his never-ending quest and they are always busy doing paperwork and classifying each disease as they see it there is a story that tells of the unholy bargain that epidemious and malakith made in the year 635 of the imperial calendar the tally man of nergal appeared in nagaroth seeking to claim the soul of a cursed malekith as payment for dark alliances of the past safe behind powerful sorceress wards the witch king set his armies against epidemios however prepared for treachery the plague creature soon countered by calling a great host of his own for a year and a day nagaroth was ravaged and torn between those two mighty armies the war only ended when malekith offered the souls of ten thousand kin in his dead the offer was greedily accepted by epidemious the existence of the plague god is as much a product of fear horror revulsion and despair that is felt and manifested in the mortal world this can explain why his mortal servants and warriors of chaos who worship nurgle appear so wretched and disgusting to all sane eyes their purpose is to inspire fear and terror as it is to spread disease and suffering and they do so very effectively thanks to the generous gifts and boons that the plague god bestows upon his subjects be they mortal or from another realm they are sure to caught reactions of disgust in their victims as they recoil in fear in addition to this fear and outright terror very often lead to feelings of helplessness and despair both of them are said to empower the lord of decay but why would any immortal want to worship nergal of all the chaos gods the lord of decay seems the most abhorrent and disgusting as all his servants are rotten and diseased turning to his worship is to embrace decay and disease wholeheartedly perhaps it is the resilience that nurgle gives to his followers the thing that draws them in the strength to endure anything and the knowledge that nothing would be able to break them as nurgle provides all the resilience one might need to endure and face any challenge this can be one reason at least maybe for the most ambitious of beings seeking an upper hand against their enemies but the most accepted theory is that subjects that give themselves to the play god do so as a final pledge as a supplication for mercy and a demand for deliverance against the terrible consuming diseases that nurgle releases upon them uncountable are the souls lost to despair that come to accept that the only way out of their suffering is through giving themselves in inviting and embracing the pain that burdens them and in doing so they become something more something less an avatar of nurgle a spreader of disease another vector for the infinite boxes that need to be gifted to more and more subjects i see a world drowned in fire and plague where madness is the only reason and death is the only respite an army of nurgle is one of the most horrific things to witness as a human being twisted abominations that should not exist limp and advance in a slow but determined way their way of making war is by dragging down the enemy into a war of attrition that they are destined to lose being disgustingly resilient and extremely poisonous to their core the armies of nurgle can withstand tremendous amounts of punishment as they spread the thousands of diseases that will eventually bring the enemy down in an agonizing pain when a host of nurgle approaches the first thing one notices is a bow loosening foul odor that makes all around sick before they even get into contact the sky darkens as thousands of black flies choke the air announcing the arrival of the demonic hosts of the great grandfather nagal trees twist as if in pain and the land turns dark terrified we were but still would have held our ground had the demons attacked with only blade and fang yet as they approached a strange madness filled our ranks men who had been comrades for decades tore each other's eyes and throats yellowed puss and plump maggots dribbled from the wounds in a ceaseless flow until the ground was slippery with the putrefaction of our comrades those of us that survived were too busy wretching and voiding our bowels to look to our own defense when close combat begins the screams of terror and pain can be heard all across the battlefields to come to blows with an army of nurgle is to fight the inevitable and to be prey to an agonizing death to be touched by a plague weapon is to know excruciating pain it is the seal that marks an infected individual with the contagion of one or more of the many thousands of different diseases that exist nurgles rot the red pox or an infinity of other afflictions can be obtained by just being scratched by any dangerous plague weapons bubonic axes rusted knives massive flails and many other terrible weapons are wielded by the servants of nergal as they advance inexorably towards their enemies when the doomed foes of nergal face their inevitable downfall thousands of diminutive nurglings swarm over their bodies picking at eyeballs and playing all manner of foul games with the discarded entrails in the year 111 of the imperial calendar a great demonic horde advanced and corrupted everything in their path over the world's ed mountains bringing ruin in its wake not one single demon led this massive horde as it was too numerous to be guided by a single will but it was kugat plague father who led the attack on the dwarf capital of karazhakarak the mightiest of dwarf hulks just as he had done five thousand years before under the plague father's direction the demons assailed a dwarf defenders with every contagion ever to curse the world many honorable dwarfs fell to the contagions most of them suffering a slow and agonizing death others quickly consumed by strange infections that seemed to devour them alive the toll was great yet as in kegath's last assault on these grounds the tenacity and stubbornness of the dwarfs proved too much for even his most prized and exotic plagues the demons breached three layers of the defense mounted up in karazhakarak but four others remained unsullied by their hands the terrible siege was eventually lifted and kagath himself was banished by the stout and vengeful arc of king stromly axe hand fear is the first step on the road to his hell and hopelessness is the chair in which he binds his slaves sorrow is his nourishment horror gives him form he is our impotence to resist the ravages of time and he is our morbidity nergo is the nauseating lord of the plague who is always festering and corrupting everything spreading and rotting entire civilizations he is the architect of all rot and corruption be it physical moral or ideological it is he who unleashes the terrible diseases that take such horrific toll on the inhabitants of the old world and beyond and who can claim that he is truly free from his grasp on this channel we are putting together narrative total war cinematic battles and warhammer lore videos a special thank you goes to our patreon supporters who help us in the making of more content you can also join patreon and earn extra perks while supporting the videos to come find the link in the description below make sure to subscribe and thank you for watching see you on the next one you
Channel: The Book of Choyer
Views: 424,432
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Total War, Total War Warhammer, Cinematic Battle, Total War Cinematic Battle, Warhammer Fantasy, Warhammer Lore, Total War Cinematic Battles, Warhammer Fantasy Battle, Warhammer Fantasy Lore, Total War Warhammer Lore, total war warhammer 3 trailer, total war warhammer 3 factions, nurgle lore, nurgle army, nurgle tribute, nurgle daemons, nurgle music, realm of chaos warhammer
Id: vMww9J6RIy0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 11sec (1751 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 26 2021
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