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do you know what it was I die later do you know what caused the strong signs of my house to turn from the Imperium it was nothing no you weren't there neither was i but our memories are clear both mine and Cora faxes I know the deeds my forebears carried out in the name of Terra's greed for they never ceased to tell me there was nothing left of our Imperium to turn from lies weakness and terrorist lickspittles scribes it had already rotted from within frailty is everything your kind understand this almost as well as core effects and I do Tara broke its bond to dared abandoned too strong and so became nothing that is what we turned from warehouse to Cara spent the knee beneath Mordor prime storms it was for conquest do you hear core FX remembers and in the interminable moments between each kill the whispers in the throne tell me those whispers that doubted echoes of dissenting Nobles held within core effects they are no more those that remain tell me they were frail unworthy of us of what we will become they've been ever louder since the great rift towards glorious path across the Stars their spoken to me of power their shouted of this moment streamed until I bled in understanding until I realized we were not being asked to change we conquer now as we have always done and as well as will it is our vow to ourselves unbroken since the days when terror seized with a thousand yelping monarchs those days are here again let's fool us - themselves against my walls the weak bleed and whimper beneath my gaze the Galaxy will bend its knee to us this time Lord West magnate of house lucaris and pilot the night Despoiler Corps effects Games Workshop Warhammer 40k psychic awakening Benjen war twisted by savage psychic storms in the aftermath of the great risks emergence the galaxy has become a darker place it sectors and systems are more isolated and fell designs are able to coalesce in connected regions on the nightmarish industrial world of Audax tog a confluence of prideful ambition means to war the vast forces of the Imperium cannot be everywhere even coordinated and commanded by the champions of humanity and made up of billions of courageous warriors The Imperials fleets and armies are stretched to breaking point the number of systems to have to fend for themselves forgotten abandoned or simply unreachable grows daily within such environs the Imperium enemies grow strong and even its allies fee the constraints of the earth solution the smog shrouded planet of all decks dog is one such hidden blight a fallen fourth world severed from Martian scrutiny and now stalked by chaos Knights the corrupted forges of this forgotten outposts of the machine guard are fueled by the psychic emanations out techno sorcery the titanically coup engines of the chaos Knights and fallen nobles who pilot them aim to use this malefic power to gouge another empiric lift through the Imperium others have witnessed of warped taint spilling from the chaotic smell a dictum the adapters mechanicus despair of its illogical and corrupting influence and a sub cult of renegade tech priests who seek to test the horrific technology on all decks dog the August Imperial Knights meanwhile are drawn to the plant by prophecy yet revile the foul sorcery the warp baguettes both are willing to go to any lengths to push to back to growing psychic tide conceits and manias are converging on all decks tog risking damnation in numbers enough to draw the attention of the chaos gods demonic servants opportunity exists so the demons promised for those with the will to act the tide of power when the great rift first split the galaxy and fractured Imperium few could have foreseen that beyond the initial devastation a flood of cyclic powered would flow from it for every warp storm the in materials corrupting influence seeped out tainting everything with malignancy and challenging the supremacy of logic on Mars the depth us mechanicus felt its influence waning it feared the loss of valuable resources and holy technologies most of all it feared the risk of secession of outposts ooh soil tea to the red planet was already tenuous using isolation as a pretext to declare independence to stave off some heresy Mars reassigned many of its exploratory expeditions as reclamation fleets they would recontact the adapters mechanic is's worlds reminding them by force if necessary are their duty to Mars many forge world's sent out fleets of their own but none could match those of Mars in size or scope Magus zu crawl departed Mars in command of one of its three reclamation fleets testing four segments mhmm pestis the fleet made slow progress buffeted by whoop storms from one fourth world to the next with every ship suffering losses to its astro Pathak wha unbonded navigators Mars maintained transgenerational contracts with the finest navigator houses in the Imperium yet here were their Saiyans as crawls closest revisers ranted to the other maga around him failing to guide the honest iya servants from one divine node of this realm to another trans fleet made contact with many worlds that owed direct fealty to Mars or declared an affiliation with the red planet in every sector in system on relay stations and in sunken forged temples the tank priests Dominus and his fleets Maguy beheld the great rifts continuing psychic corruption on the mining world of kabbalah data demons infected the servitor clades twisting them into abominations that tore apart their masters in our key sanctorum curators were consumed by a scrap code entity they're possessed Mehcad Androids overriding their Auto chapels reactors core destroying the technological relics ontario's sentient warp saws bloomed within the omniscience faithful frail flesh and divine bionics running together like wax many of the feeds mag I could not process what they witnessed blinded by the loss of irreplaceable artifacts some mentally discarded theological psychic occurrences proclaiming their impossibility even as they unfolded before their optics Tech priests went insane trying to categorize unnatural power they saw manifested by indentured sumps come declared machine touched by previously sanctioned cycles who now vomited back fire or by polymorphic daemons quarreling from warp tears the depth s mechanicus is interests mars interests were suffering and dogma demanded a reaction stoked by the anti psychic rhetoric to the likes of Dominus crawl and his circling advisors espoused the reclamation fleeting expended the resources of entire systems as I sought to preserve the adapters mechanicus 'as power ancient technologies were deployed and field testing of unstable weapons was expanded the greatest minds of Mars sought to turn back the flood a psychic aberration using every esoteric force in every eye eye they possessed so vital was the future of the food worlds that few of the reclamation fleets quested alone many were accompanied by troop transports of the ostomy lateral orbital assault vessels of their depth Asura Rita's own war barges of nightly houses carrying their nobles and towering suits but the fleets of Mars many Great Houses of Imperial Knights strove to extinguish the corruption pouring from the great rift few did so more fervently than the Knights of the pardon march which joined cross reclamation fleet as it entered the segment and temp esters the pada March was a heraldic Alliance of Nobles for many systems at their head was baronet's Orden of house tellin who nasta hatred of sorcery and witchcraft and yet surrounded herself with a coterie as sue sayers higher the fans and readers of the Emperor's Tyrol many of the nobles who followed soared him Boris cars dealt by smog cycles and pyroclastic cults the monastic sacristans had restored melted shields and twisted armor but many free blades also carried recently applied memorials dark reminders of entire Lance's of their King brought low by malefic power wherever they turned the recommission fleets encountered nihilistic slaughter the blasphemous defilement of the machine God's manifest divinity nowhere was this more sickening than in the tainted forms of chaos Knights dread Lance's of these unhallowed relics emerged from the mores of warped storms to conquer and enslave in greater numbers than ever before systems whose communications had been crippled by the great rift were preyed upon by the crueler monstrous engines even as calamitous empiric manifestation embroidered their defenses with warp storms continuing to dog their endeavors crawls reclamation of freed unearthed pict captures on the devastated industrial world of stone veil the images showed city continents stood with death mass filled chaos Knights could be seen breaking apart awarded fortifications holding the plants psycho tithe while the world burned around them the war machines heard his throngs of witches cult demagogues and miracle makers into fetid mass conveyors many of these cows Knights bought a serpentine badge of house lucaris but numerous other households were present OHS breakers both recognized and unknown suddenly the warp stones intensified as crawl and his advisors turned from the picked captures the entire fleet was swallowed in a tempest of power some ships broke apart what others simply vanished on the brink of annihilation a faint signal broke through in desperation crawler followed it Mundus mallika circles by a spiral of empiric force the world of Audax dog has remained hidden from mars since its four centuries ago the one soil forged world now serves a hellish pact of chaos nights while deep within the planet failed technology tears the void apart a miner forged world of their soulless sub-sector or decks tog was finally abandoned in 633 of millenium 41 when greenskins proved unstoppable in the replacer straw for resources and slaves the orcs eventually moved on but the servants of the machine God could not spare the assets required to re-establish their presence on a plant as attacks by others eNOS and the great enemy had intensified elsewhere over the decades so far as the tech priests knew the or tech system lay in ruins it's forges cold in its temples untended Mars had a case of rumors from soul is void rigors of ever increasing numbers of raised worlds in the sector the de ceased when the great rift or its way across the galaxy and the immense warp anomaly as the sirens storm ruptured into existence had the adepts mechanicus known were to be transpired upon all decks tog and understood the nature of the sirens storm nothing would have held back the Machine God's wrath in tooth new alert system had fallen under the heel of chaos Knights and a cabal of demon spices from the dark mechanical traitor Tech priests who were a Dark Mirror of to the adeptness mechanicus driven by the desire for the techno Arcana generously sequestered by the adapters mechanicus the demon spices had approached magnate West a fallen Noble of house Luke Eris fueled by hatred for terror and an obsession to see his house raised to his rightful place dominance if the claims they made to we're scaled true such artifacts would soon be within his gift to bestow West did not know if the Fallen tech priests could be trusted and he laid layers of contingency in place for their termination yet if even half their claims were manifested house lucaris could hold immense power in its gauntlet fear would swell and wipin in the Imperium and the fanged Knights of house lucaris would wield fear better than any a Nordic stark the heretics used warp fueled demon engines to drill their way straight to the pads core at its heart they installed craft machines binding demonic essences to them with agonizing runic chains and fuelling their torture with the sacrifices those cycles delivered in their thousands by the chaos Knights along thousands of miles of shield channels their octagonal lengths inscribed with foul runes the demon's hatred and pain twisted and pulsed the Eldridge power that was generated acted like a hook on the veil separating the warp from the material realm as Word Excel rotated and orbited its parent star the spindle of solar stuff span and tightened its effects reached out into the immaterial pulling on the tempest of the siren storm and forcing the breach to rupture further and further there were worlds in its path fortress worlds planetary munition silos an orbital docking facilities billions of lives and some of them PM's greatest sudden defenses yet these were merely collateral damage compared to the true target the black hearted tech sorcerers claimed they could twist the warp rift around the or decks system before sending it inexorably towards terror and the golden throne itself Oryx was now a world of tainted industry and futile horror beneath the ruin forged temples of the adapters mechanicus their dark kinsmen in fact Oram some blasphemous ritual sites were buried deep by poisonous Barb's in the planets crust miles long fissures scattered the bastard landscape city seismic events along their perimeters belching a vast smog thick with psychic effluvia shards of predatory sentience clouds of corrosive vapor and spreading pools of toxic wood far the foul the plants surface above the demon spices domain the towering keeps and fortifications of West and the Fallen Nobles who attended his court stood proud of the desolation West could drawn to his banner not only Eucharist Knights but also roving Jade blades bitter warriors bereft of even the honor of a household by far the greatest of the Citadel's was the keys burg a series have ringed fortifications dozens of miles across built through the artifice of whisks idolaters and by the back-breaking labor as enslaved for his it's labyrinthine ways hid all manner of mechanized traps the key spoke central keep guarded one end of the Titanic borehole the drains straight through the pant its battlements bristling with weapon emplacements and profane icons on the other side of the world the cows demon spices had raised an enormous pyramidal resonator spire that magnified the trapped demons psychic howls of rage stolen imperial technology monoliths in size and dating back millennia had been subverted and grafted into a morass of blood kicked and 10a emitters and fleshy protuberances and a conjurer ease of sentience throbbed throughout it it was the leaking emotions from this resonator spire entwined with ancient Imperial for Signia forms which Dominus crawls reclamation fleet had intercepted four of his third tier astra partha died in agony at its touch but their sacrifice leached away the demonic taint what remained was undeniably Imperial in origin but saturated with hues tastes and sensations that which ancient and unsettling the other tech priests who thronged the flagships bridge I blurted concerns about the signal but only crawl had received after pass fool in a the tech priest dominus knew exactly what the signal represented and disclosed this knowledge to his trusted advisors who shared his wider ambitions whatever was a North Ogden psychic power at the thought or a current loop of hate arose once more and crawls subroutines unsolvable illogical changeable vile there would be casualties his plan would empower the ancient and holy night suits but omnis I was with him he told himself the Omni sire and the valiant device tecna's obligate us tech priests domina scroll had finally maneuvered his plans towards fruition and was poised to unleash a terrible technology upon the ward furnace within the keys Berg as crawls for reclamation feet approached the source of the psychic signal the tech priest Dominus revealed his plans to his fellow Maguy or deque stark he told them was tainted by the fireless of the Machine God's work the red planted on obligation to defend technology's primacy in the face of corruption but just as the galaxy was Riven with warp storms so was the adapters mechanicus fractured at its core secretive sub cults divided the priesthood of Mars each with their own interpretation of the great drifts aftermath crawl and his advisors belong to the hidden sect known as the teeth of the cog which abhorred every form of psychic power as a dire threat to their depth as mechanicus from Astro paths and navigators to the battle cycles of their depths of starties none were above the gods revulsion they kept this absolutism secret however many on Mars jealously guarded the contracts of exotic fabrication they held with the Imperium psychic institutions the scroll chose his words carefully through means he did not do divulge to the Maguy the teeth of the cog had acquired the valiant device a complex detonator intended to suppress psychic effects with a powerful null pulse the device would be unleashed against the traitors he explained and its concept proved unambiguously it's successful deployment would be a triumph of pure logic over a ephemeral witchery after all they had witnessed on the journey from Mars the Maggie's passionless detachment was overridden replaced by binary greys for war even the lowest battlements of the Keyes Berg's black outer wall stood twice the height of a knight's food even now the superstitious Baroness sordin was leading many of her companions to the surface to strike at the Citadel southern gate house angular bastions jutted out there crenulations stick with weapon arrays clinging to them like the nests of vast atrium predators crawl authorise diversionary attacks on the walls to the north and south while he directed a major assault in the West the Martian cohorts attacking carefully skalle culated ways an algorithm of war that predicted an acceptable margin of victory ranks as Qatari marched towards the Kives Berg's outer wall while lines of Scorpius tuned light as Harvard in traditional patterns behind them manacles of battle servitors rolled or ambled forward under every conceivable form of locomotion autoloaders spooling as the opening canticle of prey bed amid the faithful packs of onager engines fired neutron lasers the strikes impacted on the keys bugs francs each blinding beam detonating in a blast of disruptive energy Crowe bought ever more esoteric weapons to bear crackling Lance's of power and arching spheres of energy battered the defenses until they cracked sizzling spheres as phosphor found their way into the ruptures causing the very rock reet to ignite the key spoke itself and responded violently the instant crawls forces were within range multiple heavy weapon mounts located under the battle has fired streams of solid shot explosive shells and searing laser fire servitors and skeet re-exposed in showers of bloody components or fell with fist sized holes burned through their bodies manifolds of castellón robots advanced to the walls foot before single-mindedly ramming their fists into it mechanically tearing that the defences apart piece by piece until a section of war finally crumbled crow pushed his warriors swiftly through the breach the valiant device born before him on a floating buyer shielded by conversion filled iron Strider engines picked their way through while a yachtie few slaves glided overhead unleashing payloads of seismic munitions to undermined Wars and disrupted defenses now the cows Knights unleashed their higher and the invaders discovered the Citadel's true potential with every courtyard the disciples of the machine-gun breached the traitors and their fortresses tore more of the attackers apart the deeper cross forces pushed the higher the curtain walls became smothering them in a deepening Twilight from Titanic embraces chaos Knights shot rapid-fire battle cannons laser destructors and volcano Lance's sizing apart mechanized frames faster than sanctified Auto similar could repair them sections of the curtain wall was ground apart or close together to the clanking of hidden cogs exposing the Martian forces or cutting them off from each other from the battlements fierce gargoyles and immense heraldic beast forms vomited caustic fire or came alive to sweep warriors over causeways with clawed limbs of stone from hidden posture and gates more chaos Knights lunged crushing not asked atari underfoot before unleashing titanic salvos of firepower on the move some loosed fury so explosive missiles and rockets at point-blank range seemingly relishing the backlash of fire encouraged to float over them in an outer courtyard a huge iron grid was lifted from the ground by six chains and from within the fortresses bowels burst a rabid and visceral night as it steps quickened saw baits set in the souls of its feet whined and sparked carbine slugs from Scutari vanguard burned up in the giant machines red tinged iron shield while heavier fire from Scorpius disintegrators only fueled its berserk consort combat walkers and battle tanks were crushed and torn and dozens of Mars's Warriors were shredded in fountains of bloody oil domina scroll became desperate his isolated forces were being picked apart and that victories could not be capitalized on time had run out to get the volley and device to the prime location with his most capable battle Manorville crawl fought his way back to the outer wall breach leaving the device guarded by his remaining servitors counting a final prayer he sent a remote signal the device activated the volume device not even domina scroll was certain of where the artifact known as that violin device had come from nor would he ever admit that he did not fully understand it function or effect the teeth of the cog had been approached by an unknown tech priest how this nameless Magus had divined the sub cults existence was disturbing but he spoke of bonds of shared knowledge with those he represented he divulged no no aspheric data however claiming through a Vox emitter that he protected the identity of his master's minut insectile servitors stardom amongst his robes as he congratulated the teeth of the COG for the insight into the corruptive influence of psychic power and they need to stamp it out for the good of the Imperium and a galaxy the secretive Magus told of how an exploratory tin his forged world sector had uncovered the ancient core of an STC for a defensive mechanism his mastered had unraveled its secrets and built the device but they needed a suitable testing ground and like-minded devotees to the impedence future as large as a battle servitor the device's housing lay on an antigravity a the shadowy tech priest explained how it could extinguish the taint of sorcery releasing a pulse of null energy to throw off the warps grasping hold on human minds thus monstrous dimensions of the material would be banished forever and the adapters mechanicus will be fated for saving the Imperium when the teeth of the COG pressed their guests on the origin of the device he gave a static laced bark of laughter and said it might as well have come from the gates of our quarantine for millennia that wounded region had become a byword for ineffable knowledge an undefinable Constance but the teeth of the COG were two awestruck offer device to denounce this impropriety beacon of corruption seeking to silence the unholy resonate aspire Imperial Knights of the pas de marche vowed to repeat its foul root out of or deque stags crust the servants of the Dark Gods were loathed seed magnate whisks and ever cut short however and stains the veil shielding real space in their hunger to tear the Imperial Knights down taking his first stride upon the surface of Audax tog sir Decker of house Terran felt the rumble of underground tremors - Jake fires limbs the honoured night errands responded smoothly - Cedric ours control as they joined the other nights of the Burning Spear the Lance formed - top of the resonator spire sadaqa had pledged to Baroness sordin that he would see that struktur burned to ash and never had he failed to keep a vowel the resonator spire was the source of the signal the reclamation feet had followed in its desperation to escape the warp storms and crawl had informed sordin that have mirrored the position of the traitor fastness an audix tards northern hemisphere while the baroness led by the majority of the pas de marche to tear open the back citadel of the keys berg she was determined to ensure that whatever failed powered dwelled there could not somehow survive from the plants far side sordin shared the visions of a first seers with her Nobles she had interpreted their tales of a two-headed serpent as a reference to the twin evils of the Ginsberg and the resonator spire and requested her Nobles to forgo fighting alongside her in order to secure the spires destruction sadhika lady omen and circa harris proclaimed their acceptance of the quest alongside young Nobles piloting armatures and the free blade some organs of torez 3 it was so generous who first laid eyes on the construct an obelisk festooned with branching brass areas and snaking conduits it stood half as tall again as his Knights valiant fell Bane cuneiform markings were intricately incised upon its surfaces and amongst the mass of spars and cables lengths of fleshy tumours stealing blood matter did services and pooled at the base staining it in Browns and reds while a buzzing cloud of flies surrounded it omnipresent earthquakes ground through the fractured terrain chasms cracks and femorals radiated outwards from the resonator spire their sides were encrusted with foul growths and from within came the putrid emanations of the dark mcoms hidden in forges tainted with psychic ran off discarded mistakes or escapees crawled in the depths of each opening or haunted them a splintered shade stripped down to predatory sentences sickly colored fumes twisted into shape suggested or found mores while streams of talks of fluids burned and warped anything they touched with each fissure the nights passed metallic growls and wafter scrambled collated their Vox net before the Burning Spear reached the resonator spire lady Alwyn and her aggressive knight paladin honor adamant us alerted the Lance to a patch of sky above their targets pinnacle a bowl just sickly light swam there spinning and darkening than the air all around the construct swiftly condensed into a vapor the color of bile with shadow is moving within it retching to the night's proximity the shadow is in the mist pulled themselves from its embrace the diffused forms cohering into clawed and horned demons the ground shook as the fissure surrounding the resonator spire appeared to roar in welcome belching dark fumes and multicolored flames the nobles of the Burning Spear beheld the creatures in horror and outrage never had they face such unholy evil memories surfaced of terror struck down by saints in Imperial Scripture warnings bled into their minds from the imprinted spirits from within their thrones mechanical as former pilots relive the hunts of old night the nobles realized the vile depths to which all decks targ's masters had sunk and hatred filled them sadhika led them in the lay of the hunt and ordered the hell's born destroyed the Knights unleashed a thunderous opening salvo dozens of demons disappeared into the conflagration a men more were ripped to pieces that dissipated in sulfurous wisps we sent a car and later Alwyn at there for the night stowed towards the resonator spire more demons eagerly forced their way through the breach around the spire and warp spawned hosts almost manifested to the Knights flanks Simorgh and urged the last forward as his knight paladin science of torres became Riis than a corps pissant of witchcraft a disease masked of plague bearers tore at his armor layers of hyper dense our eye blistered and corroded beneath the demons corrupting blades and the knight was soon lost to the others the fume swallowed him as the roar of his weapons receded nearing the spire Jake fire raised its thermal cannon and fired the sudden jolt of an enormous earth tremor saw its superheated beam go wide stinking massage for streaking missiles from fel bein hit the obelisk tearing chunks from it and raising howls from the demons Sega Harris cheered as he saw the bulging patch of sky dim some demons denaturing yet the Knights were not causing enough damage and they were being surrounded sadaqa obeyed those around him to hold the demons back and carve a route for him as he made for the spire but regardless of how many they felled their company continued to shrink from the chasms clambered mechanical Horrors possessed with demonic hunger with a huge iron claw one grabs an armature hildren whose autocannons were tearing apart a sweep of burning chariots the young Nobles knife fell and was dragged kicking down into the pit owner and a mantis was charged by a towering winged beast its fur dripping with blood deflecting ax strikes and of enormous strength lady Alwyn dueled satyrs you with the bloodthirster a sizing blow ripped open her chassis missing her from mortal Fame by inches but in return she punished her Reaper chainsawed into the monster and drove the weapon up into its head the shout of victory from her Ike war spray thrown was short-lived as fury stove into the night's open chassis and tore lady all been apart fell Bane meanwhile was surrounded its cannon switching from target target to keep the encroaching horrors a a duck on fire reached the designator spire just as the lies apparitions stalked from behind it a blindingly fast with the scene you struck out only just stopped by Jake fires iron shield before a long blade and dread claws precisely carved into linkages and dry systems take fires thermal cannon hung limply acid deck are sought in vain to land a telling blow on his tormentor from the fumes that had vanished into the colossal metal form a siren of Torres suddenly charged it was barely recognizable shedding flaking a metal armor with every step the demon assailing take fire was quick enough to turn and strike bearing its core in the free blade nights carapace and impaling some organs but it could not withdraw the limb in time the crippled Knight crashed into the demon and bore it to the ground pinning the creature down some organs sacrifice had brought require a reprieve dies systems for testing siddiqa drove the night errands Thunder strike gauntlet into the resonator spire and tore out whatever bloody devices powered it the bulging warp saw both the spire imploded and an aftershock whipped across the battlefield living the demons after existence a sheet of energy flashed heavenward and the spire collapsed in a clamorous screaming metal and tearing flesh honour an obsession well Dominus crawl attacked a cheeseburger at several points Banas Wharton led the knights of the parlor march into a frontal attack on its gatehouse her increasingly valuable seers had seen portents of witchcraft and the covenants of the Damned the gallantry of house Terran would she vowed see the chaos Knights destroyed from ordered banner sordin of house Terran had likened the keys berg to a swelling infection singer rendered in the glow of a hollow projection the ships of the pas de marche had survived the ferocious warp storms around all decks dark and maintained a wide orbit of the planet away from the ships of Dominus crawls recommission fleet the tech priests had provided the information sordin had desperately sought confirmation of her sales prophecies their reading of the Emperor's tower had repeatedly dealt the spindle upon which crutches the which tormenting the fates of the righteous coal confirmed that the signal his fleet had received was indeed by fouled with Warcraft sword ins attack on the keys Berg was brutally direct but carefully planned as well as the Lance she had sent south to tear down the resonator spire the Baroness dispatched three full Lance's of proud nobles two bastions that surrounded her point of attack in this way she aimed to ensure that no traitors could attack their forces from the rear for her main thrust Baroness Orden led a cavalcade of three lances straight towards the keys Berg's primary armored gatehouse Ammar from where Dominus crawls forces attacked the walls twenty-four other knights of all classes strolled with a legion more than half were Cylons of house telling but the houses of O'Byrne Griffith and fire him all through the penance of their distant kin with pride ensconced upon the throne mechanism of the night warden bright destroyer Baroness Orden led all three dances in a closely packed wegg's already defensive fire was reaching them glancing from power Jones and I on shields Knights with long-range weapons are moved at the fore and flanks and their weapons ward in response battle cannon shells and storm spear rockets strict towards the battlements while siege breaker Karan's pummeled the bastions energy shields armature hell Varun's targeted the keys Berg's weapon sconces blinding their sensors with squalls of interference shielded in the formations midst stomped Knights of valiant and gallant close ranged brawlers the no fortress wall can withstand once they have been reached coordinating their iron swords and defend the Knights advance up the GateHouse's incline Avenue past grisly trophies when those on the edges of the formation suffered damaged they moved back there places taken by another as the firepower pouring down on them increased with every step they took the gatehouse his shield finally overloaded from the Imperial Knights relentless attacks and expired in a sheet of ejected flame now nightcast lands moved to the fore ancient weapons sent out the burning heat of stars and eruptions of fire and liquid rock burst from the war the formation reached the gatehouse whose black walls rose to three times that the night's height and a trio of Knights of valiance and their Thunder coil harpoons slamming into the psycho peer masonry the power fed along their chains fried to GateHouse's remaining defenses then the weapons were winched back in and could by the weight of the Knights wielding them and the colossal walls crumpled and fell the breach was made and Knights from the formations Center charged to it smashing aside any remaining obstacles with thunderous bows from their huge gauntlets three Knights perished as they fought a way through the gate houses Cathedral sized interior streamers of caustic chemicals poured from murder holes metal spar shot from hidden graffiti Grails and prehensile tech no virus injectors coiled from the shadows the keys Birds maze of courtyards constantly changed to the clank and grind of hidden machinery when the parlor March emerged into the first of them the Citadel's true scale hit Baroness Orden but she could not stop now at that moment the chaos nights fell upon the invaders in surge of ground shaking hatred dozens of warped engines their malformed carapace is thick with spikes with spines and leering faces emerge from hidden transitways or attacked from rotating embrasures the past tectonic activity was drowned out by the shuddering impacts of tons of metal crashing into each other wars from emitter grills and the blast of immense weaponry Reaper chainsaw was sheared off weapon mounts as gauntlets smashed and tore through armored cowlings at close range the traitors greater numbers began to tell as did the superior mobility afforded by the keys Birds hidden ways baroness warden lashed out in frustration and rising despair but she could not ignore the mounting losses she yearned to take as many enemies with her as possible yet she was reasonable with her fellow Knights filled with anger she called the retreat as the part of march began to withdraw to their initial breach sword and vainly tried to raise dawn crawled by Vox chaos Knights hounded them crippling with Gatling cannons and laser destructors pulling down any who were too slow to the west sword and saw the remnants of the adapters mechanicus streaming back across the cracked plain their own battle clearly asked as well suddenly an explosion erupted from where the omnis aya servants had been fighting an expanding shell of energy enveloped the keys beg enriched towards all three forces the null field caught the retreating sky tarean servitors first many slowed and then simply stopped arms limp the dough's clustered around data tethers appeared to fare better the Knights of both sides suffered more grievously within their thrones mechanical imprinted Geist screamed as they were stripped away the feedback slaying their Nobles several nights collapsed their pilots Souls and Gulf tin cascades of entropy almost as quickly as it has struck the null field dissipated and the remaining Imperial Knights managed to outpace stay real in pursuers soared and praised emperor that the Powder March had weathered they expose and better than the traitors though she could not explain how intercepting Dominus crawled to demand answers she found the tech piece rambling about a device his triumph acceptable losses at first sword and thought crawl afflicted then realized the death of her companions had been his doing her gauntlet snatched him up crushing the massive bionic limbs beneath his torso as she bore him back to the Knights landing barges she ignored his screams in the poultry far of his guitar a demon surge a sword and returned to her ship the demonic essence bound within all deck Starks core felt the effects of the valiant device its prematurely activated null field had disrupted the shackles that tormented them fueled by thoughts of vengeance and bloodlust they broke free surging cell surface with no mighty roar the effects of the valiant device had penetrated or taxed argh surface and shattered the wards binding the demonic essences within the planets core centuries of torment were visited back upon the demon spices unfold as for surviving entities ripped apart the heretics and their dreadful machinery yet there was one these exalted demons loosed above all others he who had presided over their prison magnate whisk as vortices of energy the for warp spawned essences tore their way to the surface in an orgy of violent power the lingering effects of the valiant device saturated the ground most demons would have found such psychic fallout intolerable but these lords of ruin were mighty indeed worshipped as fell deities by son they had enslaved empires and corrupted entire sub sectors as wares to regroup his shattered Court the demons pounced on his knight Despoiler core effects they sank into its chassis welding energy venta match shut with infernal fire risk screamed in horror as the essences possessed the throne mechanism he was linked to tearing out the imprinted spirits and casting them into the warp core effects in structure mutated piercing its master with iron shards whisk desperately pleaded with the demons offering them the service of his court crackling peals of laughter poured into his sky in response as a blemish in the air between core effects and the chaos knights who his court swelled into a bottomless vortex one by one the trait of war engines were dragged into it taking their fallen nobles with them the for demonic essences were not yet done with this world they beheld the rising flares of mass conveyors returning to high orbit and tracked the trail of now energy back to the adaptors mechanical ships the most farsighted of the essences told its butters that more of the fearsome devices would appear if they ignored these mortals and with a thought the creature sped towards the mushroom vessels a call or summons rippling through the warp as they went the remaining a tempest mechanical ships of crawls reclamation fleet were in uproar the Magus had dumped an energy data packet in into their data core containing his observations of the device's effects but it came with the revelation of his abductor by Baroness Orton when war preachers appeared on the decks of Egypt therefore the remaining Scutari clades were already on a war footing the vast hangar bay of crawls flagship the Regulus prime stretched for a mile along its spine their Vanguard and Ranger squads waited in rigid delineated areas of hundreds of servitors made ready assault craft to reclaim they make us from the Knights but without warning a spatial anomaly seat burst into being within the hangar and from their eternal death called dangling creatures of changing hues the skin alight with a natural fire searing bolts of flame there started witless servitors as canisters of premium exploded in pink tinged fireballs thus Qatari alphas requested doctrines from the bridge as demons flooded the enormous hangar and fires raged uncontrollably in the cavernous ceiling space soaring razor-edged demon and squads of taxi hunted each other amongst the forests of gantries and macro pains in the bowels of Regulus prime the bloated Magus Chubbuck fiercely organized the defense of the engine areum permanently sealed into a gargantuan suspended platform from which he controlled everything in his domain The Magus sent gangs of indentured labourers to shield his precarious generate warrior Delafield housings and power couplings from the filth encrusted creature spewing from the war breaches to make oz Trebek's horror and disgust several of the workers defended the gehler field had spouted biomechanical appendages seeping with brackish filth and now toward the Machinery's housing with rasping claws smoking brass blades effortlessly severed Jabbok scatter fwan retinue into pieces before a bestial winged shadow dropped down with a roar upon their may causes exposed platform the desperate mag on the bridge futile he attempted to collate similar reports from each of their ships hundreds of localized war preaches had materialized throughout the fleet the creatures defying categorization were emerging in droves to revel in blood fueled slaughter the bridges arched gateway was sealed but a purple huge beach manifested in the center of the control dais for Midland blurred shapes pale and barbed which eviscerated the hard-wired command crew in a matter of moments by narak bursts for aid squalled in unison then expired the master of this demonic horse languidly approached the shipmaster and drove its long talents through his body creating its essence into the ship's navigational controls couched in the Regulus Priam's command protocols an order bled outwards to the other ships as one the adapters mechanicus fleet turned and powered towards the fiery heart of the system's star
Channel: Baldermort's Guide to Warhammer
Views: 79,786
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Engine War Lore, Warhammer 40K Lore Engine War, Adeptus Mechanicus Lore, Dark Mechanicum Lore, Imperial Knights Lore, Chaos Knights Lore, Warhammer 40K knights, Titans, Warhammer 40000 Psychic Awakening, Warhammer for beginners, Warhammer 40K stories, Warhammer audio drama, Audio book, Warhammer 40K Mars, Chaos, Warp, Warhammer 40K Lore Psychic Awakening, Baldermort
Id: XUhI3Zfd8lI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 19sec (2839 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 03 2020
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