Granblue Fantasy Relink - HUGE Things to Know BEFORE YOU SPEND $60

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how is it going everyone we are coming up on an absolutely hectic schedule of a big jrpg release after big jrpg release and one that has been a long time coming we've been looking forward to it for years and years is the major Grand blue fantasy release over here Stateside the big jrpg and Grand blue fantasy relink we've been following this game for seemingly six or seven years at this point and it is finally out in just a few short weeks said in this video I want to give you guys an overview of the key information that you need to know before you spend your $60 on Grand blue fantasy ring now there are a couple of other additions that are available we'll go through those as well and give you guys the full breakdown and again everything that you need to know before you drop your money now before we get into this video I just want to ask you guys please like this video and do leave a comment with your thoughts it really does help out the channel a lot and it is much appreciated now first of all before we get into into anything the easiest way to know if you're going to like this game or at least just get a taste of it go check out the grand blue fantasy relink demo that is available right now on the PlayStation Store available on PS4 and PS5 and you can have a taste of the game for yourself and the demo itself actually does include a little bit of content for you to get into it has the introduction of the story component you have a tutorial mode and the quest section as well so check that out a little bit of content for you to try out of the game and see whether or not you want to drop the 60 bucks on firsthand experience but obviously the demo is just the taste of what the overall game is going to give you Grand blue fantasy story the events of rolling takes place in the skydom where islands are guarded by powerful creatures known as Primal beasts and winds carry Tales of a secretive organization known as the Church of AIA through their Adventures the protagonist unveil a web of intrigue reaching far beyond the borders and engage in a battle for the fate of the Sky Realm itself there will be a wide variety of characters for you to try out obviously L you've got the captain and then a bunch of accompanying characters as well the roster is vast and has a ton of depth and is going to be an aspect of the game that is going to see updates over time so that is going to continue to grow and grow gameplay notes Traverse various Islands diverse combat system assist modes are available so if you want an easier experience that is going to be at hand as well although most of you guys I imagine are going to want to do the standard playthrough four player cooperative play is available over a 100 quests and postgame content as well we'll talk a little bit about the game length because that has been a gigantic point of discussion but we'll get to that in a little bit you'll have character customization plenty of side quests and collectibles to boot as well quests include real time combat with four member parties undertake a variety of quest types including boss battles time attack survival and more there will be a lot of challenging battles here and within the various quests you're going to find some of the even more challenging battles uh than what the main story is even going to offer a completely different gameplay experience with with every character and that's why you're going to want to test out the variety of characters that are at hand and see which one of their gameplay style clicks with you the most unite as one with your team through powerful link attacks as well and perform skybound arts in succession to activate chain burst character customizations has you unlock Mastery nodes to learn new skills and power up your stats characters can assign up to four skills at a time to utilize in battle various weapons and sigils can be equipped on each character combine their traits and customize a load out to match your play style as I mentioned if you do want to take out some of the depth there is an assist mode where you can perform combos with a single Button Auto heal auto guard and auto Dash unleash skill skybound arts and Link attacks with when conditions are met and assisted map navigation look that's something that I'm happy is in the game and it makes games more accessible to a wider audience but if you're watching our videos and watching a video about this game I don't know if you're the type of person to take on assist mode but that is available and then there's a fullon assist mode which is going to make it super accessible full assist mode provides an access ible option for players who still want to enjoy the game's content all actions are performed automatically all you need to do is move the stick the entirety of the game story can be played using this mode as well the game is a grand Adventure in the skies form a party of four from a diverse roster of Sky fars and slasher shoot or hex your way to Victory against treacherous foes in an action RPG and while the main story is going to be at Focus for a lot of people a lot of the longevity of the game is going to come from the four-player cooperative play and the various quests that you're going to get into the game G play itself has you engage in realtime combat remember that Platinum Games initially was working on the games they do a lot of fast-pace action titles and a lot of that shines through in Grand wo fantasy relink even with side games at the helm it's going to feature a party of four and a character-driven action RPG choos from a diverse roster of characters each with their own unique weapons skills and combat Styles teamwork will make the DreamWork in Groo fantasy Rel link with party based mechanics such as link attacks and chain burst to help you crush foes in spectacular fashion tackle Quest Solo or with the help of others for up to four player cooperative play and take down treacherous foes to score rare loot to further enhance your gear every enemy and party formation has its own strengths and weaknesses the key to Victory lies in working out how these pieces fit together remember some of these battles even with cooperative play are going to be incredibly challenging they're going to require a little bit of trial and error and it's going to be up to you to figure out the play style and the party alignment that's going to work best in each individual battle and again while fast-pace action gameplay is a big part of the game the assist modes are there for you uh to check out the story is also something that's going to be a little bit in Focus the Skyrim itself is rich in lore and history browse the journal at any point during the game to access a trove of writings on the world's people places and More in addition to the wealth of side quest available fate episodes allow you to delve into the back stories of each member of your crew so you can learn a little bit more about them and they're not just nameless faces or anything like that throughout the game you'll sail with a colorful cast of crew mates including Kings and misfits alike a fabled island will be there are waiting for you beyond the end of the skies and islands are guarded by powerful creatures known as Primal beast and wind carry tale of a secretive organization unveil a web of intrigue reaching far beyond the borders and engage in a battle for the fate of the Sky Realm itself now I want to talk a little bit more about an element I'm sure most people are curious about the length and the replayability of the game now it has been a very big discussion point this is a big jrpg however the main story is said to be around 20 to 25 hours this is from side games themselves and I know whole lot of people are going to look at that 20 to 25 hour number but that is for the main story a lot of this game is going to come from the various quests that you're going to do the cooperative play which you can dive into and then on top of all of that after you complete the main story it has been noted that there will be an unspecified additional scenario after completing the main game postgame content is going to be very very abundant in this game so yes I know there's a lot of hyper focusing on that 20 hour number and a lot of people are getting pushed away personally speaking I prefer a 20 to 25h hour main story where it's all killer and less filler but it's not just going to be that there's going to be a lot of additional content there's going to be a lot of postgame content and what it looks like for AI game standpoint is that this is going to be a game that's going to be supported for quite a while new characters will be added new content will be added so let's see how they roll out new content but even with the game that's coming out 20 to 25h hour main story 100 plus hours if you are looking to do everything and the potential is there and it looks to be pretty likely that there's going to be a lot of content roll out post launch I'm not saying it's going to have the content update level of like a monster hunter world but that's kind of the vibe that I get in terms of the trajectory of the game now world is kind of its own Behemoth in terms of how much content it offered but even if it's a fraction of that that's going to be worthwhile for your $60 I wouldn't worry too much about the length of the game and that's been a big discussion Point recently but I do want to make that abundantly clear what I hoping for is that the core narrative will be compelling because while there is a lot of focus on the game play the various quests and boss monsters that you're going to fight I also hope for a quality and compelling main story line as well a lot of the content and character updates will be coming throughout the rest of 2024 but the initial wave will feature a wide variety of characters and a good amount of content that I think is going to be well worth your $60 now that $60 is going to be if you do get the base game the base game will include Grand W fantasy relink and then you'll also get a pre-order bonus of a relink pack I should also note if you do buy this game digitally while the release date that you'll see online is February the 1st if you buy it digitally you get access to the game on January 29th now this isn't a you buy the special edition and there's an early access ging attached to it no it's the standard edition as well you'll get to play it 3 days early and given that a little game called Persona 3 reload is coming out a few days after maybe you want a little bit of time and extra time to play rink and then you can jump into p3r you probably going to be juggling both but you get the idea um that's if you buy the game digitally if you buy a physical copy it will be coming out February 1st then the base game is 60 the special edition is $79.99 that'll get you an in-game item the fall sword of the Apocalypse color pack 2 and three starter item pack and Gro fantasy special item set Rel link pack that's just kind of a pre-order bonus and then there will be a digital deluxe edition that'll include everything mentioned from the special edition you'll also get color pack one kind of interesting you get color pack two three with the special edition but not one a little bit strange there but whatever you'll get a starter item pack digital art book and soundtrack will be included as well nothing too crazy with buying the special editions or the digital Deluxe editions really in this case I would probably go the standard edition route and I'm happy in one instance because I've been complaining about this all year and really for the last like 16 months they could have easily thrown in the 3-day early access to the special edition or the digital deluxe edition they didn't do that and I'm happy about that that if you just buy the digital version of the game game you are getting it on January 29th it'll be unlocking at midnight eastern time so your local time may vary and then if you do want a physical copy of the game which I assume some of you guys do uh it will be dropping February the 1st there's a lot more information about the game in terms of specifics characters and how you should play the As but this is just a general overview and the key information that you need to know again the biggest selling point is going to be for you to play the demo see how you like it see how you like the gameplay style and then you can make your decision after that there's a lot of games coming out so even as excited I am for relink I know that there's so much coming out and if you're picking up let's say like a dragon infinite wal and then you're definitely picking up Persona 3 reload like R blue might be a game you skip out on or you know of those three games I just feel like there's going to be few people that pick up all three it's going to be a bit of picking and choosing unless you're an absolute fiend then you think you can work through all those games which if you can more power to you but that is going to do it for me a game that I've been looking forward to for seven plus years at this point let me know all of your thoughts sound off in the comments section down below let me know if you're picking it up day one waiting for a sale all that good stuff thank you for watching and goodbye hey guys we hope you enjoyed the video and if you did make sure to hit the Subscribe button and if you're already subscribed do us a favor and hit the Bell icon this way you'll be notified whenever we post a new video that's the best way to keep up with all of our uploads and we usually try to upload two videos a day and with the Bell icon hit you'll be notified whenever we do upload a video as always thanks for watching
Channel: GameCross
Views: 76,050
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: fC06ovh_WF8
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Length: 11min 30sec (690 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 16 2024
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