My Thoughts on Granblue Fantasy Relink

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Shields up iron Breakers welcome back to Grand blue fantasy relink we've been playing this game over the last couple of days pretty much since the game released an early access on the PlayStation side of things and I feel like I finally have a firm grasp as to how I feel about it I've been seeing a lot of people ask me in live streams ran do you recommend this game how do you feel about the game tell me your opinion on it and all of that stuff and that is what this video is going to be about now at this point I have finished the main campaign of the game which very much like the developer said lasted for about 20 hours but there's plenty of more content to be experienced last night I actually started my endgame progression if you guys want to check out that stream it is available on the channel I was actually playing with uh two friends wosi and Mr tummy Giggles which you guys might have seen in our streams and we were just blasting through the game so I have a lot of things to talk about when it comes to this including my main complaints and all of that but as per usual we should start at the very beginning because I know there are a lot of people going to be watching this video and going to be like hey we're a kind what exactly is this game all about because I've seen a lot of people trying to compare this to something like Tales of a rise and even though you look at the art style and it seems kind of similar this game does not play like Tales of rise at all in my personal opinion but you know I've seen some people say oh the combat kind of looks like it I don't think so I don't really see it that way I've played the entirety of tales of Rise greatly enjoyed that game but this is fundamentally a very different game now anyways so let's get started this is not a jrpg this is an action RPG you're going to be taking on missions and you're going to be going through those missions there's going to be these scenarios like the one that you are watching in the background which by the way this was one of my favorite missions and this does not include any particular spoilers or anything like that at least in my opinion so but it was a cool Mission because it showcases a lot of different elements like shooting with the turrets and walking around blasting people uh you know destroying people in your deck boarding other ships it was a really nice Mission really good uh starting point because this is at the very beginning of the game see cuz the game just keeps giving you these really cool scenarios in the campaign and it just keeps amping them up over and over and over there was only one point during the main campaign where I was like ah this is kind of a little bit of filler because there's like this little section when you get to a specific town where it's oh let's just go ahead and have you do a bunch of fetch quests but that only happens like once throughout the whole game the rest of the game is fairly straightforward and here I'm going through the a couple of options I was trying to sort out the aim sensitivity cuz it was a little bit too sensitive but anyway so it is an action RPG you're going to be playing through the game with different characters you can see me here I'm playing with persol who isn't even one of the main cast this is one of the characters that you get to unlock as you get crewmate tickets and stuff like that and these different characters are going to provide you with different play Styles so to give you a couple of examples here the main character which is called Grand or in my case you can see on the top left hand side I actually called him ruran because that is like the representation of the player character that character is kind of an allrounder you can play him as a DPS or as a support uh there's a lot of stuff that he can do he can heal he can provide Buffs do all of these things then you have like another character called vain uh which is kind of like a tank he plays really just like a tank he grabs aggro he has an invincibility Shield that he can use to protect the party uh if you look at persal which is the one that we are uh using here he's kind of like a damage dealing machine basically just does a ton of damage inflicts fire debuff upon enemies which causes them to take damage over time and then you also have uh oan who is also in the party I know that if you read the name it says Eugene almost but the pronounciation of his name in this game is actually oan so that's the way that I'm going to be referring to him he's just the range damage Powerhouse and he's actually the main character that I've played uh in the game even though throughout the campaign I opted for playing characters that were not as optimal because the game quite simply wasn't that challenging and we'll talk more about that a little bit further in the video but just know that oan is an absolute beast but the idea here is depending on the character that you choose you're going to have different play Styles almost like a monster hunter weapon so you choose you know your sword and shield you choose your charge blade that is going to change up how you approach each scenario in the game but don't think of it as being as complex or having as much depth as a monster hunter weapon these characters are a little bit more similar and I will talk a little bit more about that now one of the questions that a lot of people were asking me is is the game open world no this game utilizes a mission structure somewhat similar to the structure of Monster Hunter but that's pretty much where the similarities in so you go on missions and you know the missions if you're in the main campaign are going to be these large elaborate levels which have like specific things that you need to do in the level but the idea is you go through the mission kill a bunch of dudes and usually there's a big boss fight at the end when it comes to the campaign but then there's also multiplayer missions which are much more like jump into this Arena kill a bunch of dudes or jump into this Arena kill this boss fight but it's usually more around an arena now there are some missions that involve a little bit of a larger area but fundamentally most of the multiplayer missions that I've done so far have been much more Arena type situations where you just go in there and it's kind of like a raid encounter right so it is not an open world it is a mission structure now there's also two types of things that you're going to be doing in the game at the very beginning which is one of them is the main campaign main campaign is only single player there's no co-op in the main campaign or you can go and you can take on multiplayer missions which are like I said these Arena type missions so those are very different and one of the really cool things about the game is that whenever you are doing boss fights they work almost like mmor RPG raids so you get the telegraphs which tell you oh the thing is going to hit here you got it Dodge it you got to read mechanics you got to see what the boss is doing then the bosses themselves will have specific mechanics like overdrive which means oh you can't really do uh you're going to deal less damage the boss is going to be a lot tankier uh and then they also have blood lust which means you can't use your Sky Bond darts which is kind of like your ultimate ability so they have mechanics and phases that they go through and particularly in the main bosses like in the campaign and even just like major significant bosses they will also have distinct phases where they power up and all of that but they are extremely enjoyable fights I greatly had a ton of fun but now that you have a basic understanding of what the game is all about and there's plenty of gameplay in the channel so you choose to want to watch more you can check that out let's talk about the visuals so I only got to play on the PlayStation 5 I have heard from people that have played on the PC that on the PC side of things everything is running smooth but I haven't gotten to test that myself and also we don't know you know PCS different Hardware setups and all all that stuff your mileage may vary but my early indications from people that I know that are playing the game on PC everything seems to be running smoothly no real issues there now on the PlayStation side of things uh one of the things that was disappointing to me and that I already mentioned in a previous video was the fact that you know performance mode is only 1080p this is not a deal breaker I don't really care one of I don't even think that the um you know the upscaling of resolution in this game does a massive difference uh although you can play the game at 4K 30 FPS if you choose to but personally I'm always going to take frames if it's 1080p 60 FPS I'll take 1080p 60 FPS that's all good for me thank you very much so you know that is one of the things that I was a little bit I wish it was 1440p I think it would have been better but it's not the end of the uh the end of the world now uh besides that when it comes to animations I think that the animations of the game are absolutely gorgeous you've been seeing some of those in here for pretty much every character that I've played I've always enjoyed the animations they feel impactful they feel uh they feel good which is one of the things that I feel doesn't really translate as well to YouTube because I remember specifically when I was watching the trailer where they were showcasing oan who is the the Gunner and his shots didn't feel very impactful in the trailer but as I've played oan I was like nah bro these shots are great his grenade tosses are awesome it just feels good to play I think that every single character that I've played felt good to play even if that character wasn't my play style like an example would be vaseraga who's this big dude with a scythe and he's all about big charged attacks so his play style is not really my style because I don't really play Greatsword all that much right but great swword Mains are probably going to love vasara because he even though he uses a site he's all about those big charge attacks that just shred everything so you know these different play Styles you're going to enjoy them most likely and all the characters I played I like them and the animations on every character have felt very solid whether that is Sky bound arts or uh whether it is the just their regular attacks whether it is their skill shots all of that stuff feels good so from a visual standpoint the game is a visual spectacle and it just feels very nice and responsive as you are playing so no real complaints there in terms of cut scenes the cut scenes of the game are also really good the ones from the campaign because multiplayer missions don't really have that many cut scenes obviously uh however I would also like to make a quick distinction here that there's two types of cut scenes some of those are going to be the cut scenes wherein the characters are just talking and those are a little bit more static and not as Dynamic but whenever there there's a major cut scene it's much better animated and all that stuff so just keep that in mind but visually no real complaints besides the fact that you know I wish it was 1440p for performance but they went with 1080P and at the end of the day I also think that if you can't ensure that you're going to get solid 60 at 1440p you might as well go 1080p because a game like this I feel like you really want to be playing it at 60 cuz it just feels way more responsive I mean I usually just like that regardless of whatever game it is I prefer 60 FPS but in in a game like this an action RPG that has this level of action and this level of uh reaction timing that you need to have and whatnot 60 FPS definitely the way to go now let's talk a little bit about the sound I feel like the sound of the characters hitting stuff you know shooting impacts all of these super solid not a whole lot to to add there I feel like they're really good now a really a really cool aspect that surprised me a lot was the voice acting I'm talking about the English voice acting I haven't really tested out the Japanese because I usually when it comes to these games and I'm streaming them I always go for the English version because it's easier for people to follow along on a stream uh but the English voice acting is actually really good above what I would expect for uh you know one of these Japanese games particularly because I haven't really seen the previous output of side games I know they put out a fighter I don't really play a lot of fighting games but there's like uh Grand blue fantasy Rising which is the The Fighter game right and I felt like the voice acting in this and relink was way above what I expected you know those are just my thoughts on it feel free to disagree if you guys have if you've played the game and if you've heard voices of the game and you're like oh this doesn't actually feel that great I thought it was awesome they even have like some uh well-known voice actors one of the ones that I'm familiar with is uh the actor that plays oan which is the main character that I play who is Richard epcar uh he also played gas balar in um gas van balar not balar gas van balar on Final Fantasy 14 and you know he just does an excellent job there he also plays the Admiral in Monster Hunter world so might be familiar for you guys but yeah I think that the voice acting is above what I would expect uh that's one of the things now the other thing that I would like to call your attention to is actually the soundtrack so you've been listening to one of the soundtracks in the background here I'm going to pause that and I'm going to show you uh one of the tracks here which is for one of the boss fights even though the person who extracted the tracks from the game this channel merch blfu I think that the audio mixing is not the best it still gives you a good idea of what to expect from the track just know that in the game the track is much more impactful I feel like because the mixing is better in game but this just to give you an [Music] [Music] idea so in here you have like a much you know usually a more traditional soundtrack for these kinds of games sounds really good really like it like I really enjoyed the soundtrack but the cool thing is that they take the soundtrack to places where you don't really expect so this is a boss fight and here's the what it sounds like I'm just going to show you this one and when when it comes to boss fights well I'll show you one more just a little bit to give you guys an idea of just the range where they go through but like listen to this which is after the boss's phase transition [Music] [Music] like I've heard from people that the grand blue fantasy mobile game has absolutely outstanding OST but I never really got to experience that because I don't really play gotcha games mobile games all of that stuff right so this is the first time that I've been exposed to to the uh soundtrack of grand blue fantasy and is absolutely phenomenal in my opinion like here's just one more track to again to give you guys an idea of the range this is another boss [Music] fight I'mma put it up ahead a little bit [Music] so like basically the point that I'm trying to make is soundtrack absolutely excellent I loved it I thought it was one of the highlights of the game itself I I do think that the soundtrack is absolutely phenomenal so just wanted to point that out there it was definitely a highlight of it now let's talk very briefly about the story I'm not going to be giving you guys any you know spoilers or anything like that I feel like the overall plot of the story is all right it's not really the best story I've ever seen uh I would have wanted something a little bit better when it comes to the story but at the end of the day that's not to say the story is bad by any means it is your standard anime power friendship type of story so if you guys have seen those types of stories you'll know exactly what I'm talking about but the cool thing is the spectacle that happens in between the story moments in my opinion that is where the game really shines there are some story moments that I was like ah that was cool that thing happened that was nice but overall I don't think that this is going to blow anybody's Minds away okay is what I'm getting at but it's all right um now let's talk briefly about the gameplay you guys have already seen a bunch of gameplay I've talked a lot about the gameplay we've streamed the gameplay I think the game play is absolutely phenomenal it is Silky Smooth I love playing the game I'm going to continue playing the game for a significant chunk of time I'm I really really like going through the different characters even though right now I'm focusing mostly on oan because of the way that the progression works and all of that stuff but gamep play feels very responsive it is action combat the boss fights feel very immersive it is super fun to play there are a couple of boss fights where things struggle a little bit like they commit the cardinal sin of having a boss fight that gives you Red telegraphs with mostly a red backdrop this seems somewhat familiar as someone who played Final Fantasy 14 I think it was a p3s phoenix and it was just like oh everything is orange on Orange on Orange on Orange it's like kind of hard to see a red Telegraph in a lava area that's filled with red stuff okay we need these telegraphs to maybe be a little bit you know more discernable from the the rest of the thing but other than that on a couple of bosses it's not really a big deal right so boss fights boss fights are very fun the combat against minions is also very fun the game itself is extremely fun all around so love the gameplay good stuff there's tons of progression to be had for each character so you can craft weapons these weapons can be upgraded they can be limit broken they generate their own Mastery uh skill tree I've talked about this in previous games the Mastery skill tree in this game for each character is absolutely massive however this is both a good thing and a bad thing because like I mentioned these characters don't feel nearly as complex in terms of their move set as say a monster hunter weapon which means that a lot of the Mastery of these characters actually comes from you know the progression of their Mastery tree the skills that you choose to use with the character as well as upgrading their weapons and all that stuff and that is kind of like what dictates the character power more so than your technical prowess with the character now don't get me wrong it is going to be important for you to know how to play your character because if you don't know you're not going to be very efficient with it but fundamentally knowing how to play a character kind of revolves more around learning each character's gimmicks which I'll talk a little bit more about that but yeah from terms of gameplay tons of fun tons of Combat Action combat super cool you got perfect Dodges perfect paries you got skills that act in ways like Dodges you have skills that give you invincibility skills that give you heals you actually even have roles that you can kind of give to each of the characters based on around their skill set like I said you can build uh Gran who is the main character you can build them up as uh a buffer A Healer damage dealer a mix in between you know other characters will have more specific roles more about damage but like vaseraga for instance you can build them as a damage dealer or as a tank you know each character is going to have certain roles that they can fill within your party there isn't a Holy Trinity per se but you can kind of make a party around having a tank and a Healer and damage dealers if that is something that you like and there is going to be a lot of optimizing your party as you are playing through the campaign because you don't just want to power through on your main character I mean you can do that but I think it's more fun if your other characters are contributing as well so you want to like minmax each individual character form your perfect party and go through the campaign with that and fundamentally the fights are an absolute spectacle when it comes to this game they're just tremendously fun super cool love it so now let's get into the complaints section because I do have some complaints now the very first complaint that I have I'm going to bring up a a video here this is from my playthrough of the game and the very first complaint that I need to I need to is just made me a little bit sad the game is too easy way too easy so to give you an idea right here in this video video notice the level of the enemies we are fighting in case you can't really tell very well these enemies we're fighting right here are level 43 so from the point at which you're at in the game I quickly deduced you're not supposed to be fighting these enemies now if you guys are wondering which difficulty I played in I played on hard which is the maximum difficulty you can have when you start playing the game uh so I was playing The Campaign on hard the hard difficulty only affects the campaign the missions themselves have individual difficulty so the multiplayer missions stuff like that they have their own individual difficulty but you know I was playing The Campaign on hard these enemies are level 43 my party is my main character is level 20 the secondary character is level 20 and then there's a level 18 character and level 17 character which by the way the level 18 and 17 I had just swap them in so they're not properly optimized the only character that is actually minmax to any extent is the character that I'm playing oan and even then he's level 20 the boss that I'm fighting right now is level 48 you you'll notice that I'm not really dealing that much damage I killed this boss and this is exactly what I'm talking about when I'm saying that I don't think that the difficulty is appropriate for the game and this is one of those situations where you know how people always say oh ruran why does it affect you if a developer chooses to add an easy mode this is why because a lot of times when developers have to focus on easy modes and you know on having multiple difficulties in a video game usually this is what ends up happening they don't have enough time or they don't put in enough effort I I I don't know why but fundamentally the harder difficulties just become too easy which as you can see even though it's going to take me a while to kill him because the boss just has a tremendous amount of HP you're not supposed to fight this boss at this point I'm still going to kill him and this was the only point in the game where I almost lost so that's whenever cuz I I've had I've been criticizing the difficulty of the game throughout my streams so I want people to really understand this was literally the only moment in the story where I almost lost and the reason that happened is because I decided to fight a boss that was 30 levels above me and the only reason I almost lost by the way is because the car the NPCs in my party kept dying and so if you if they die enough times eventually there there's this critical gauge that shows up whenever people people die and as that gauge diminishes eventually if you run out of critical gauge that's a game over but that gauge is way too forgiving it's just way too forgiving we need some type of harder mechanic to guarantee fail systems maybe even have the critical gauge the pleat faster when you're playing in hard mode I don't know but I definitely feel like the team needs to do something now I did I'm not going to be pulling up every instances where I felt that like the game was super easy uh I will be pulling up one more in just a second here but another instance happened where I was fighting a boss and I had this I was trying out vaseraga for the first time which is a character in the game and I completely messed up the um the sigil system because there's a Sigil system that works almost like the armor in Monster gives you skills I didn't put any sigils into vasara so it was super weak and I was just getting my ass kicked by this boss I was just dying repeatedly like I spent the majority of the boss fight just dying so my player character didn't do anything but I had been like I told you I had been Min maxing my party so my character was actually the weakest at that point cuz I had just unlocked basaga the party just killed the boss without my help at all the NPC party the AI party just killed the boss because I had minmax them to be very efficient they just shredded through the boss and I it wasn't even challenging it didn't even even seem like you know the the boss took longer because I was dying it was probably just going to be way way faster if I was just killing it normally and I was just like wow okay this is kind of dumb because this was a boss that was actually in one of the final dungeons of the game actually I think it was the final dungeon in the game and I was just dying the whole time and we still killed the boss super easy so that's what I'm saying and I do feel like that is a problem and I know that a lot of people are going to say well ruran the game has a lot more harder challenges up ahead and yes I I understand because there will be there's uh this difficulty that you keep unlocking when you get to the end game cuz once you get to the end game things work very much like monster hunter in terms of structure which is to say they're going to give you a couple of key quests when you complete those key quests they unlocking you TI of difficulty and currently uh me and my friends cuz we were playing last night we went up to very hard and we were still killing stuff super fast as a matter of fact I'm going to show you guys an example a little bit further ahead in the video but the point that I'm making is Even If eventually a couple more hours from now I get to a point where it's like okay now I'm finally getting challenged that doesn't change that for like the first 30 hours or so of the game it is too easy it's just too easy and you know even if after 30 hours okay after 30 hours now you're finally getting challenged I'm just like okay but there's been 30 hours where the game is just super easy and there's not a whole lot that I can do to make it more chall in besides gimping myself like oh I could remove the NPCs from the party and play solo but most of the mechanics in this game revolve around you playing around your NPCs with link attacks and chain bursts and all of that stuff and it just feels weird like why would you remove some of these mechanics just in order to be able to be challenged so again I want to make sure that people understand super easy probably there will be stuff that's going to be much much harder near the end of the game but I wanted to have some of that stuff earlier in the game and I'm not even that amazing at action games to begin with so keep that in mind I'm not saying this as a ooh weird uh weird brag or whatever no that's not the weird Flex that's not the point I'm just making it clear to everybody that's playing but anyways that's enough of me uh talking about the difficulty I will bring it up just one more time but yeah so another thing is you have no control over the other characters actions when you're playing with NPCs you have one thing that you can do where where basically you can tell them don't use Sky Bond Arts unless I use mine so that you can guarantee a chain burst with your character but other than that you can't really tell them when to use their skills uh went to position for you can't really control them at all you can't even swap between characters which is one of the things that a lot of people are asking me oh can you swap between characters no you can swap between them when you're not in combat when you are in combat you're locked into the character that you are currently playing and there's a lot of games that let you swap between characters that's not even something that I personally care that much about but I do know that a lot of people like swapping between characters and that that would be a a feature that they would appreciating this so just be aware currently you can't do it I don't know if that's something that they can patch and I feel like it should be easy because all the characters have uh programmable move sets so it should be fairly easy for you to just swap between them but you know if you're going to be even more efficient than what you already are that's just going to that's going to completely break the game even more they need to make it way harder in order to be able will give you more control but one of the things that I would like is to be able to assign at least one skill from uh each character to like a button press somewhere so that I would be able to tell like hey Catalina pop your heel or hey vain drop your Shield like that would be very useful in order to have more control over the characters even if we don't get direct control of the characters but that's not something that you can do right now another thing that is a complaint that's not related to gameplay it's just a regular complaint that I have would be the the side characters and I say Side characters they're main characters in The Grand blue Universe I would imagine because you know the the grand blue game is all about gotcha so characters are one of the most important things but they do have a set of main characters for the game which if I'm not mistaken it's oan Gran IO Catalina Rosetta and rackam I think those are the main characters of the game so all of the other characters you are expected to unlock them with crewmate tickets now getting crewmate tickets is super easy you just play through the game you're going to be able to unlock characters at a fairly reasonable Pace let's just say you're you're not going to unlock everything by the 30h hour mark but you're going to unlock pretty much most characters that you care for and then you can unlock the other ones by just continuing to progress through the game as far as I can understand but the problem that I have is that I wish that the the characters that you unlock would be organically included in the story they aren't so for instance I like persal I wanted to unlock persal was the first character I unlocked so I unlocked persal and I was expecting oh maybe there'll be like a little story bit that I do to get persol no here's persol here you go he's unlocked now he's part of your team and I was like okay so there's no real story reason for him to be with the team it's just hey you now have this character as a matter of fact in most of the main cutcenes those characters aren't even featured so say if you're playing through the whole game as persal and then you get to a major cut scene he's just not there the main roster are the only ones who are there like I said oan uh Gran Rosetta rackam Catalina IO those are the characters that are going to be there the other characters they're just there to add flavor to the gameplay not a huge deal but I think it would have been nice to you know introduce them to the story that way now I do know that there are fate uh chapters I couldn't do those on stream because it's mostly just you know reading through text not even reading they they voice act the text but it's just like static background text playing through and you know that's just not something that people that tune in for an action RPG want to sit there and and watch so I do plan on watching those in my own time but they basically give more background information on the characters but they I don't think they still give you a reason as to why these characters have joined our party you know which would have been a nice thing to do but not really a big uh a big deal um another thing I think I've already mentioned most of the things uh characters are more about progression the technical execution Master tree weapon upgrades and skills I mentioned this briefly already in the video uh so for instance when it comes to these characters it's all about mastering the gimmick of the character itself so if you notice I'm playing oan right now and his gimmick is he goes into this sniper mode that you kind of just like throw grenades and shoot and the whole point is throw three grenades shoot detonate the grenades go into sniper mode throw three grenades shoot detonate the grenades that's kind of the gimmick of this character now every now and then you interrupt to pop off a skill but every character has a gimmick like this and I think it would have been nice if there was just a little bit more complexity to it like maybe have two gimmicks instead of one like maybe force me to do something to reload my weapon cuz this weapon literally has no reloads it just shoots forever it's kind of like the grenades work like the reload but you know very much like oan you guys might be okay so oran's a super simple character what about the other characters well we have persal which is the character that we were playing uh earlier in the video and that character is all about doing skills and following up the skills with charged attacks then you have uh rackam who is another gun character he's all about timing your shots and then after you do the timing of the shots you do a charge shot you look at Graham he's all about finishing Combos and doing a charge attack each character has some very simple mechanic like this and I wish there was a little bit more depth to them but you know for their first entry into the action RPG genre I actually think they've done a fantastic job job again just wish it was a little bit more challenging now I know that people are going to bring up oh but the multiplayer is where the challenge is really going to come in this is the hardest boss that we fought so far and when I say the hardest boss is like this was one of the harder bosses that was available in the quest counter after I finished the game and progressed into the very hard difficulty and I just want you guys to look at how quickly me and my friends just obliterate this thing so he's like this big Mech very dangerous now we did fail to do Plus+ because uh they died twice like look at the boss's Health right I'm just setting up my my damage coming in boom he's already a 98 97 it goes by super fast and this was actually one of the tankier ones if you actually look at the levels that we have here the only level appropriate uh character is Mr tummy Giggles over here with naraya he's level 73 the boss is level 74 five I'm level 66 and W nashik is level 62 so we are pretty much 10 levels below the boss and we are just still shredding through him it's it's not really a challenge at all and this was like again one of the harder bosses that we fought so far but it's still too easy I understand that as we progress things will get harder but I feel like for the initial 30 hours of gameplay they should be harder for players that are you know actually really into action RPGs and want to be challenged but anyways again that's my biggest complaint I still really like the game I'm going to keep playing the game I think the game's a ton of fun people asking me Ron is The Game worth it uh right now I'm 30 hours in I believe there's plenty of more content to be had so in my opinion yes the game is worth it particularly if you have friends to play with because I feel like the end game is going to be a ton more fun if you're playing with friends although you can play the whole thing solo but I do think it's going going to slow you down because you're going to be required to level up your whole party as opposed to just your one character and Mastery tree greatly expands at the end like I've been playing a ton with oan and his Mastery tree I'm only at like 60% I think and there's still even more to unlock as I progress into the higher difficulties so I think that near the end this is definitely going to be something that you want to play in multiplayer in my opinion but anyway that's going to be it for now if you enjoyed the video hit the like button subscribe Bell notification icon all of that jazz these are my thoughts on uh Grand blue fantasy reink so far I'll be sure to update it as we progress through the game and we're going to be streaming the game naturally more and more here in the channel throughout the month so yeah hopefully you'll look forward to that subscribe Bell notification like button all the usual YouTube stuff and I'll see you in the next one stay strong stay safe peace out
Channel: Rurikhan
Views: 64,236
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Granblue Fantasy Relink, Granblue Fantasy, Gameplay, Trailer, Rurikhan, Granblue Fantasy Review, Review, Granblue Fantasy Gameplay, Action RPG
Id: VTq-gW2DrDc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 54sec (2094 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 31 2024
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