After playing Granblue Fantasy Relink, all I can say is...

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now I want you to close your eyes just for a moment and imagine with me genin impact is a full price title with full party mechanics deep character customization class structure and monster hunter mission structure you now have grand blue fantasy relink a game that puts out a demo before its release something that shows an insane amount of confidence in 2024 when we never see Demos in the first place but that's how strong they feel about this release and they should because after getting my hands on it I'm blown away I'm genuinely surprised with the quality and the overall feel of the game I'm a huge fan of games like the tales of series for sparia berseria arise Etc and Final Fantasy games as well so this is way up my alley this is a game that I've been anticipating cautiously anticipating for quite a while now cuz I just didn't know exactly what the game was going to be like when it came out but now that I've had the chance to play it it's incredible it genuinely surprised me and I can't wait to talk to you guys today about what exactly Grand blue fantasy relink is and why it's a game that you're going to want to play Grand blue fantasy relink is the upcoming action RPG that's developed by Cry games set in the expansive and richly detailed world of the grand blue fantasy Universe relink features a blend of exploration narrative driven quests Monster Hunter likee Quest structure and a really Dynamic combat system you can expect a rich character-driven story typical of the series with the main narrative focusing on a group of sky farers that are traveling through various Sky Islands the game features an action RPG combat system with incredibly deep character customization with around 16 playable characters and up to four-player multiplayer a really interesting aspect of grand blue fantasy relink is its approach to being a full-priced non-live service game in an era in which many games adopt a live service model with ongoing content updates and microtransactions relink stands out as an offering as a complete Standalone experience this is going to resonate with many players like myself that want a more traditional model and have raised expectations about the quality and depth of a game at its initial launch let's not get ourselves an action anime RPG that's a full prized feature complete title is relatively a myth nowadays but it's great to see a game that's following the trends of some of the greatest titles of 2023 you look at games like Allen wake 2 armored Core 6 balers Gate 3 these are all games that came out full price titles feature complete and really didn't ask us for anything else after they were released so this is just something that's great to see and I know it's going to make a lot of people happy including myself now with that said when I first saw Grand blue fantasy relink I thought it looked a lot like genin impact just because you could see that each character is tied to an element looked like there were basic attacks that you would then you know pepperin some special attacks and then maybe have an ultimate but that's where the similarities end these games couldn't be any different Grand blue fantasy is a game that actually has full party mechanics even the Holy Trinity of sorts with a Healer DPS and tank the deceptiveness of the combat of this game is something that caught me a little bit off guard because there's actually multiple layers of complexity to it that it's probably going to take a little bit of time to master and really figure out and I'm really excited to see how this all turns out in the end but the one thing that I have to say if you're going to stop watching the video at this very moment is that this game just feels good to play that's it it just feels good and you know exactly what I'm talking about because probably played games like that in the past for me it's armored Core 6 armored Core 6 just felt natural all the controls were exactly where they needed to be everything felt Snappy everything felt instant and it just felt good relink just feels good in relink you'll engage in fast-paced action combat the system is designed around the combination of both light and heavy attacks which can be strung together to create combos take special note that each character plays vastly different than the next the game is rather deceptive in that there are special timings for basic and heavy attacks that could be used to create stronger Combos and may end up having some type of impact on your character specific perks like for instance filling up a special gauge that's unique to that character each character in your party has a unique set of skills and abilities allowing for a very diverse range of combat styles for instance some characters are going to excel at Close Quarters combat using weapons like greatswords martial arts or katanas while other characters are going to specialize in Long Range combat using either magic or Firearms this variety ensur that we're going to have the ability to mix and match with party members find exactly the kind of characters that suit our needs and try to make a dynamic team that coalesces and combines into an incredibly effective unit another critical aspect of the combat system is special abilities known as Arts these are powerful moves that are designed to be able to deal significant damage utilize a character specific mechanic heal apply debuffs or Buffs but require strategic use because they are governed by a cooldown system timing and combination of these Arts with Reg regular attacks and Dodges are going to be key to mastering the game's combat with successive attacks you'll end up filling an enemy stun gauge which will trer link attacks where you and other characters will deal damage together dealing a significant amount of damage once you have actually linked enough of these successful strikes you'll enter into a Time slow mechanic where characters are basically defenseless as fights progress you're also going to be filling up a gauge that's just located under your health this is going to trigger your ultimate attack what's called a skybound art that deals de devastating amounts of damage while it may be tempting for you to just want to blow that ultimate once you get it I wouldn't if characters use their skybound arts in succession you'll end up triggering a link State and depending on how many ultimates you release at once you'll end up triggering what is called a Full Burst depending on that number you're going to do even more damage and cause even more effects on the enemy the combat in this game is so satisfying and I don't think that that can be overstated because it's just that good the game performs incredibly I if I had to use one word to describe the game it would be crisp because no matter all the different animations that are going off on screen I experienced no dips in frames or anything like that no slowdowns no hiccups no nothing the game just played well and as a result it feels great now if I had to say there was something that really impressed me about the game's combat it's just how diverse and distinct each character is from the next because they really are that unique no character plays the same even if they're using similar weapons they have completely different fighting styles and it feels good as a result I played with a spear character that's flipping around jumping all over the place slamming down into enemies being able to do like fire damage from afar buff enemies with a attack boost and things like that it felt fun it was fast-paced and cool I switch over to this Melee character this martial artist slow and methodical you have to think about every attack where you're going to put it how long you're going to stand in place before you need to dodge out or make movement especially if you're about about to use his heavy attack because it takes time to charge and you have to stand in place to do so it's a very purposeful character you have to commit to everything that you do and each character has something similar to that where they're very unique in how they play and how you're going to have to tactically use them in fights and they all have their own tactical uses as well as they provide all kinds of different abilities to the party that the other party members don't have maybe it's things like a defense break or a power boost or an attack down or something like that and it just feels awesome that's all I can keep saying is that it just feels good it's exactly what I want from a game like this and it's something that I know a lot of other people do too relink boasts an impressive roster of 20 characters at launch with a promise of more characters post launch each going to bring their own unique style and abilities to the game the number of characters that are going to be available to us at launch is relatively substantial which is going to allow us to have a really diverse and customizable experience this variety by the way is not just for show it plays a crucial role in how we're going to approach the game and strategize for combat now in regards to gear relink offers a wide range of equipment options for us to be able to outfit our character the gear mostly revolves around the use of weapons and sigils each contributing to a character stats and abilities in different ways the gear system allows us to be able to fine-tune our character strengths and weaknesses as well as give them specific combat roles adding an extra layer of strategy to party management now it should be noted that this is all that I saw that was available in the demo however there could be more options later once the game is released sigils seem to play the most crucial role in defining how we're going to build our characters some give boost to core stats like strength Health defense and critical chance however there are others that provide much more specific increases to things like stun or lowering your health to increase your attack now while this may seem relatively basic or limited to some add this to our ability to change our character skills and your build options are going to open up quite a bit one of the game's most engaging features is the ability to change and modify skills this customization enables us to tailor our characters to specific roles within the game such as tank DPS healer or support while the demo did have a limited Variety in Choice I'm assuming that the full game is going to have a much wider variety just as an example we could take a character like Naya who has a lot of multi-hit attacks give her sigils that are going to boost her stun buildup load up abilities that support this and then use her to build up link strikes now as mentioned previously different characters in relink have incredibly distinct play Styles catering to various player preferences for instance you could play as IO the Mage who is really Adept at lowering defense and attack and causing various status ailments from afar you also have Sig freed wielding a great sword dealing slow heavy hard-hitting attacks with a tool set that's best for tanking or countering or you could play as the main character gron who is a bit of a jack of all trades with high damage attacks and quick combos access to defensive Buffs debuffs and also AOE healing now accompanying all these different character options gear and skills each character has their own unique combat mechanic for example gond goza the martial artist can fill up a gauge as long as your timing is attacks perfectly as this gauge fills up you're able to spend that on unleashing a powerful heavy attack narama the katana wielder summons butterflies around her as long as you're completing successful combos which then can be spent on using her Arts to increase their damage depending on how many butterflies you have there is a ton of diversity to have here because with 20 characters you're going to have a ton of different options on how you want to build your party what characters you want to have in there what abilities you want to give to those characters what kind of sigils you're going to give those characters how you're going to approach combat are you going glass Cannon where everybody's going to just be high damage or you're going to have a tank or you're going to have somebody doing status ailments from the side I know that when I was playing the demo I had IO basically just being my status Mage lowering defense lowering attack boosting the party and it worked incredibly she basically got the top rating every single fight now I realize I'm going to repeat myself when I'm saying this but these characters really are just that distinct that it almost feels like you're playing a completely different game when you switch to a different character first I played gron then after gron I played gandza and then narama and I about gave myself Whiplash because you really have to take the time to figure out how each one of those characters work most games that are like this the at least the basic attack structure is going to be the same but it's not even close to the same between any of these characters and that's something that I really appreciate because it really gives this awesome and fresh experience every time you pick somebody else and I also am really happy to learn that unlocking these characters isn't something that you have to do just by doing the story alone well I'm sure that's probably going to be the way that we unlock most of them we actually get the choice of who we want to unlock when we want to unlock them we get summoning materials through completing the different story quests and then we just pick the characters that we want and those are the characters that we get I love that because there's characters that I'm going to be much more interested in than what a game would normally just feed out to me or normally just dish out to me this is something much different than many other games do and I love it player agency I love player agency now let's go ahead and talk about questing the game's main quests are essential to the storyline unfolding The Narrative as we complete them these quests involve a series of objectives such as interacting with NPCs and defeating enemies all culminating in battles against progressively stronger bosses completing main quests not only progress the story but also unlock new in-game features like locations and materials that were used to summon companions while also providing us with XP equipment and other useful items additionally in relink the game is going to feature over a 100 quests including endgame content which can be tackled either Solo or with up to three players some Mission structures are Arena based similar to monster hunter games where you're just going in to fight a boss and that's just the only objective while we don't really know exactly what the endgame content or progression is going to look like if the demo is any indication we may be looking forward to progressively harder boss fights that are going to require even more coordination and cooperation through multiplayer now I've seen a few criticisms levied at the game for having a hub based Mission structure but as somebody that's been playing a lot of Monster Hunter lately I am here for it I forgot just how refreshing of an experience it can be playing a game that's palatable something that I could sit back play it for hours or something that I could play a mission and then just hop off and go do something else so criticisms aside I'm here for it now one of the other things that I want to make note of as well is that the game is relative linear so when you're going to do some of the main quest scenarios you're going to notice that this isn't a big open world game or anything like that so if that was what your expectations were temper them but what I will say is I was really surprised with how many little nooks and crannies and different things you could explore and discover while you were playing the game in some of these more linear areas there's all kinds of different treasure and objects to be able to interact with that would start little mini games and things like that it made it really fun and enjoyable and I think when I was was going around the world I was seeing other objects that looked like we were going to be able to interact with that just weren't in the demo right now so I'm excited to see what else they have now on to my only real criticism which is the inability to be able to switch characters mid- combat and I see this as a significant limitation particularly when we're comparing it to other games in the genre that do offer this feature this restriction impacts not only your strategic depth but it confines you to a role and specific abilities of only one single character for the entire fight in contrast games like the tales of series gench impact and many others give us the benefit of being able to switch characters in combat being able to switch characters allows us to be able to adapt dynamically to different scenarios utilize different skill sets and strategically manage our health debuffs Buffs and all the different abilities of our entire party I'm wondering exactly how this is going to play out in later levels in the game when enemies become a little bit more challenging and bosses become a little bit more complex not having the ability to time debuffs coordinate healing and manage my different cooldowns is something that could potentially end up being an issue now this is something that's going to likely be remedied by just playing the game multiplayer because the game is designed around that in the first place and I would imagine most of the fights especially in the later half of the game or in the endgame progression of the game is probably going to be designed to be taking it on as a group rather than trying to take it on with you and just your AI companions however that's not going to be for everyone and that's the reason why I'm holding on to this criticism because I do think it's a mechanic that probably should be in the game my hopes is that they just do what Final Fantasy 15 did where they just kind of patched it in later where we didn't really have the ability to use anybody other than noctis in Final Fantasy 15 and then they kind of Switched that out you know a few months after the game's release but with that said I will say that the AI did seem relatively intelligent they didn't caused any issues when I was playing the game Buffs stayed up when they needed to debuffs went on the enemy when they needed to Healing came when I needed it but I'm really interested to see how this is going to play out when we get to much more difficult content in the game as these bosses can get more more and more complex because even some of the mechanics from the earlier bosses that I saw I mean there's some really crazy stuff that they could probably pull off later on which I'm one excited for but also at the same time a little bit cautious of with only having the ability of AI companions behind me and I didn't see anything in the control scheme saying otherwise so with that said maybe this is something that changes when the game is fully released I don't know we'll have to wait and find out foree speee spech speech [Music] okay overall I really enjoyed my time with the demo too much actually because now I'm sitting here wanting to play more of it and there's only a demo available and I have to wait for the game's full release and that's just a problem all in itself but luckily I can just go back to playing more balers Gate 3 I guess but with that said I'm really excited for this game it exceeded my expectations it was something that I was looking forward to I was hoping that it would be good and it's far better than I imagined it could have been and that's really promising because if it's that good in a demo it's likely to be even better once we actually get the opportunity to play the full game so if you haven't had the opportunity yet the demo is available on PlayStation 5 you need to go play it go check it out but this is a game that I'm happy to be able to suggest to other people so please do give it a chance when it does come out keep an eye out for reviews and things like that there'll definitely be one on this channel eventually once I 100% game and things like that but I hope you guys enjoyed the video if you did like the video subscribe to the channel um I'm going to leave my patreon link down below if you guys would like to support my videos moving forward I'm going to put credits up that are going to show uh people from the patreon on there uh outside of that stay cool stay righteous stay safe and I will see you guys in Grand blue fantasy relink peace family family
Channel: Legendary Drops
Views: 158,563
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: grandblue fantasy, granblue fantasy relink, granblue fantasy versus rising, granblue fantasy, granblue fantasy relink gameplay, granblue fantasy relink review, Granblue fantasy rpg, action rpg, anime rpg, anime, anime action rpg
Id: UnjS-UxpYOs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 23sec (1103 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 16 2024
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