Granblue Fantasy Relink Charlotta Guide - Build, Skills, Combos & Gameplay Tips!

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charot is a fast-paced character when it comes to her attack style in GRL fantasy relink combined with her fluid movement and unrelenting flurry of attacks she's a great damage dealer to have on your team in this charlot build and character guide we'll be going over how to utilize her to the best of her ability charlot worked tirelessly to become the captain of the Holy Knights and remains dedicated to her position training day in and day out to grow stronger being able to wield a large sword at high speed she can deal a huge amount of damage to targets with her attack flurries and heavy impactful strikes and yet maintains her Swift movement speed and Combat charlot's gameplay revolves around her hard-hitting attacks and fluid movement speed players can pull off high damage attack flurries and prolong them to deal even more damage most of her attack animations have short windup times making her a beginner friendly character in Grand blue fantasy reling the majority of charlot's skill repertoire is straightforward and can easily be used in combat skills such as a lunge attack that can also inflict defense down in the process or a series of ranged attacks which can later turn into attack combinations being mobile is one of of her assets which gives her the ability to position herself in combat easily Noble stance is charlot's special support skill which allows her blade to glow and Deals more damage by prolonging combos doing link attacks and activating skills enforcer of Justice gives charlot the ability to block incoming attacks by perfectly timing her special attack without being interrupted this is useful when trying to squeeze in her prolonged combo as much as you can and finishing it with her special attack without getting hit now that we got her special abilities out of way let's talk about charlot's skills I'll be going through each of them and providing my recommendations as well as giving you an idea of how these skills are being utilized just like any other DPS character charlot does have access to a lunge skill which is shining onslot not only does it help the user position better in combat but this skill also inflicts defense down in the process sort of Lumi is a flurry of slashes that can be prolonged to deal continuous damage it is very fun to use and you'll be seeing high damage numbers while prolonging this skill players will have the freedom to cut the animation any time just in case they need to adjust to a certain fight mechanic fully ladder is charlot's range skill which unleashes a series of shock waves that can be connected to normal or a special attack I use this skill regardless of the boss's position since I can quickly deal decent damage and transition to normal attack rotations after using it Valiant stance is pretty interesting since it will allow charlotta to grow stronger over time if she is not hit this attack buff is huge since it can reach his high as 120% as you adjust to charlott's gameplay avoiding enemy attacks will not be an issue due to her fluid attacks and Mobility use this skill if you're not hitting the damag ceiling cap the next skill on the list is koenig's child which grants charlot and her allies with 50% damage mitigation while this skill is helpful in most cases I tend to build charot as a pure damage dealer making the skill lower on my priority list Rising Cut on the other hand is a straight parry and counter skill for shelat it can be a lifesaver especially when dealing with wide incoming aob attacks sacred charge is charlot's SBA gauge distributor charlotta will always be performing attack combinations or FLIR thus I finder SBA gauge fills in consistently fast this skill will help you distribute your gauge to your party Invincible Grand charlot with invincibility for a short duration although I don't use this skill I see it as a perfect skill for beginners as it can stack with Valiant stance the longer you're not getting hit the stronger you become now that we've covered all of charlot's skills here are my skill recommendations I prefer building her as a pure damager thus slotting in shining Onslaught is a must this skill will help you position in combat while also dealing defense down in the process follow up with sword of lumio which will be your main damage skill prolonging this skill will let charlotta deal more damage when handling more mobile types of bosses I suggest ending sword of lumo's Animation strategically to take advantage of its strong finisher for the third skill holy ladder will take the spot this skill is convenient to use as those slashes deal decent damage and it will allow the user to transition to a normal attack combination for the last skill in this setup Valiant stance is non-negotiable if you're not hitting the damage cap the 120% attack buff it provides is huge and getting Adept at her gameplay is not that hard however if you are a beginner you can replace holy ladder with Invincible to take advantage of its damage nullification buff if you're hitting the damage cab ceiling I suggest changing Valiant stance to Rising Cut so you'll have the ability to Parry and counter in combat this is of course if you cannot slot any more damage cap sigils now that skills are out of the way let's tackle the suggested build for shalot and graml fantasy relay since her gameplay allows her to deal a flurry of attacks that are easy to maintain my main recommendation is to build her around damage cap critical chance and critical damage to take advantage of her High DPS in combat starting with charlott's weapon first since we will be building her around the offensive side of things I chose her Ascension weapon it will add more attack power and HP trait to her build in terms of a decent critical hit chance we will be equipping her with critical hit rate sigils later on so don't worry about that this weapon alone adds a level 25 attack power trait so we give you the foundation to reach a higher level of attack power later on if you wish to do so when it comes to sigils will be be prioritizing offensive traits to fully utilize charlott's damage potential while also adding some other traits that I think will work best with this bill if your sigil slots are limited at the moment prioritize damage cap note that the tiers of the suggested sigils in this setup are not mandatory but the ideal ones equipping the right sigils is far more important so just equip yourself with what you have especially in the early parts of the game or when you've just reached the end game when playing on proud difficulty enemies can take you down in one or two hits so increasing your HP with health or Aegis sigil will give your build more survivability depending on your skill level or how well you know a certain fight you can remove these and equip more offensive Sig types so that you can enjoy higher damage like damage cap for example however I suggest aiming for at least level 15 for the HP trait and levels 11 to 13 for the Aegis trait to gain a substantial boost to survivability damage cap sigils play a pivotal role in increasing your overall damage when reaching end game this trade increases your damage ceiling so pay attention if you're not getting higher damage numbers despite increasing your attack Stat or adding other damage multipliers if you notice that your damage is not increasing after equipping more damage related sigils this is the time that you need to add damage cap trait to gain more damage you can easily increase your damage by cranking up your damage cap in this specific setup I managed to level it up to level 53 to gain 185% increase to my damage cap of course the higher the value the better the results you can get assess your inventory and adjust later on you'll be freeing sigil slots later on as you level your current one to Max so it will give you headro to slot in more damage cap sigils critical chance sigils are expected for this charlot build in Grand blue fantasy reling since we'll be focusing more on the damage cap trade our main goal is to have at least 80% critical hit chance a level 22 critical hit rate trait will give you 26% critical hit chance and that is enough to reach the ideal percentage playing with applicable right Stones can also help you achieve this high level trait so keep this in mind assess what you have and use them accordingly for instance I do have a right stone that adds more critical hit rate and other bonus traits which will give you a decent bump into to achieving our goals for this build since we've increased our critical hit chance trait it's ideal to slot in critical damage sigils for more damage multipliers preferably this trait should be nearing the max level which is 30 to have that 50% damage multiplier however this skill can easily be changed to damage cap if you're hitting the damage cap threshold in this build I aimed for at least 18 critical damage trait to have that 38% damage increase combo booster sigils will work perfectly for this build as well what it does is it gradually boosts the user damage of each successive hit to enemies the majority of charlott's attacks are easy to maintain so combo booster will work well for this bill combo booster's ideal trait should be level 20 and above to have the minimum 80% boost to damage dealt but you can keep your damage cap in check the Tyranny trait can provide a significant boost to your attack power in exchange for lowering your total amount of HP this is only suggested for seasoned players since they will not rely too much on their Total Health pool in exchange for dealing more damage if you're up for it you can remove any HP boosting on this build to slot more tyranny sigils however ensure that you're not hitting the damage cap or else you'll be losing HP for no reason although we do have a decent foundation for attack power this is merely a bonus if you freed some of the slots when you upgraded all the required sigils charlott's exclusive sigil will provide a 0.5% skill cooldown reduction per hit when Noble stance is active if you have access to the holy Knights luster sigil definitely slot it and you'll have access to your skills faster now that we've tackled the build for charot let's move on to our actual usage the majority of her DPS comes from her normal attack and skill combinations as I have mentioned earlier charlotta is a beginner friendly character despite being convenient to use players can also enjoy a constant string of unrelenting combos which deal tons of damage while worrying mostly about cooldowns her skills are all straightforward and can be used in combat so depending on situation react accordingly when the battle starts use Valiant stance to take advantage of the attack buff it provides and try your utmost not to get hit to enjoy more attack damage if you change this to risen cut use repair skill to skip fight mechanics you can't be bothered to void shining Onslaught is perfect when Gap closing between you and your enemies to inflict defense down unleashing normal attack combinations and combo finishers is the suggested route here use your sword of Lumi and prolong its animation as long as you can for more damage I always use holy ladder whenever I have the opportunity since it does transition back to normal attacks afterwards in terms of party composition charot can fill in the main DPS role you can bring another DPS as a stunner if you wish you can enjoy more link attacks pair them with two supporting characters or slot in a hybrid character and you're all set for a party composition example a shalot is set as the main damage dealer of the group the secondary DPS is Lancelot who can freeze enemies when the target is frozen there is a higher chance that charot can prolong her flurry of attacks kostro can fill in the main support role this time with her allaround Buffs which are fantasmagoria and burst heals she can also do the revives when needed and can inflict attack down debuff on targets the last person would be peral who can be a DPS support role he can buff the entire team with attack and defense up and since it's is a unique type of buff it Stacks with cagliostro fantasmagoria this is just one example of a party composition that can work with charata she is very fun and easy to play and it's no wonder beginners are finding this character easy to love I hope you learned a little bit about charot and how to use her if you have more questions you can check out our grand blue fantasy reink Wiki or leave a comment in the comment section and I will try and answer them and as always if you have other tips for players that I forgot to mention please leave them in the comments as well [Music] w
Channel: Fextralife
Views: 22,262
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Keywords: granblue fantasy relink characters, charlotta guide, granblue fantasy relink gameplay, how to play charlotta, charlotta Build, GBF Relink charlotta, Granblue Fantasy Relink charlotta Guide, charlotta combos, granblue fantasy relink charlotta, granblue fantasy relink charlotta build, granblue relink endgame, GBF Relink charlotta Guide, GBF Relink charlotta Build, Relink charlotta Guide, Relink charlotta Build, charlotta, gbf relink charlotta, gbf character guide
Id: bhyYHJ8dNXE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 45sec (645 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2024
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