Get PERFECT Sigils EASY with Rerolling in Granblue Fantasy Relink!

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what if I told you that the most tedious and egregious part of farming for GR BL fantasy reings endgame could be skipped entirely hello there everyone welcome back to the channel my name is josepher and welcome to another grandly fantasy relink video in today's video this may be old news for some people who've been playing the game extensively since early access but it's certainly news to me and I'm sure it will be to everybody else as well but I have been trying to work out whether it's possible to roll trans Marvel sigils over and over again without actually having to farm all the materials that you need to do it because it's tedious it's long- winded and you always end up disappointed because you didn't get any of the scissors you actually wanted well I'm here to tell you it is actually possible so stay tuned and keep on watching to find out how Please be aware that what I'm about to tell you only really occurs at the very end of the game when it comes to gbr so just if you've not finished the story or if you're still progressing through the postgame story missions then perhaps you might want to turn away now so the process of getting the vouchers that you need in order to make the sigils that you want you normally you'd have to trade in a buttload of items so that you can get a load of sigils and then you go in loaded voucher sorry then you go to transmute sigils then you need to spam the level three transmutation which you get from being at Maniac mode or higher in order to be able to fill out this bar here for Trans marble uales which you only get for doing Proud Mode difficult high so again if you're not at this point yet you shouldn't be here and then you just kind of end up spamming the button in order to get there honestly if there's a a quality of life change that I would like to see going forward I would very much like to see you be able to do more than one of these at the same time and then once you've gotten enough to do that you can use a trans Marvel stock and then you get either a stone or a Sigil depending on how and it's completely random what you get from it but sometimes you can get stuff like doubled unique sigils where you get both of the unique abilities for each character in one go and you want one of these for every character you plan to play eventually but having to get all the materials for it every time is going to be exhausting which is why I started exploring how to do a reroll for so I started off trying to see if rrolling sigils was possible by simply rolling all of the sigils that I had then quitting out of the game both by just quitting out you the title screen and then also trying sort of like unsyncing my auto saave when it comes to PlayStation I don't know how this would work on Steam but it luckily it doesn't matter either way and then redownloading my cloud save because I'm you know I don't mind a bit of save scumming like if it's going to help me like cut out a lot of sort of farming time and grinding time so that I can get back to what I actually want to do in the game but it never worked and I didn't really understand why so I was kind of like all right well I'll try it anyway and you'd end up up getting the same sigils over and over again even if you reloaded from a previous save but you can actually get around this now it's at this point in the video that I actually want to address some of the comments I got during my AFK farming video by the way thank you very much for watching that I was not expecting any of the videos I've made for gbr to BL the way that they have and I am currently pushing 420,000 subscribers so if you enjoy what you're seeing here today please do consider hitting that subscribe button it would be massively appreciated but going back to those comments about ruining the game making it too easy making the game too short and then complaining about the fact that the game is too short when it actually isn't let me tell you something I am not complaining about the length of this game I think that this game is perfect exactly the way it is and I have no issue with going into the endgame and farming the content that I really enjoy but what I'm not so keen on is having to repeat the same mission 50 100 200 times in order to have a chance at getting the item that I want there's a level of respecting my time that I value in my games and this is something that I can circumvent through methods like this so I'm going to employ those methods you obviously do not have to do this if you do not want to I'm certainly not going to complain about the length of this game once I'm finished with it I already extremely satisfied with this game and any more content that comes out of it I will be massively appreciative of but please do take that into consideration when it comes to methods like this so realistically the way that I actually got this rrolling to work is so simple and I have to shout out kinor one of my viewers for pointing this out to me I actually didn't find this myself cuz I'd kind of given up on the idea that it was going to work but it was pointed out to me and so here we are able to make this video so thank you very much to you kator but what you have to do is if you save the game before you do your roles do I'd say save up like 20 25 trans Marvel sigil that if you've got that unlocked do your 20 odd rolls if you're not getting damage cap 5 plus sigils or double unique sigils for any of your characters then just quit to the title screen reload the save make sure you've still got those sigils again because you should do because it doesn't autosave when you do those sigils then just go into any fight any Mission doesn't matter I picked the very first boss Mission the Quaker dial one shot it and then I decided I would come back and try it again and then wouldn't you know it the sigils have changed so now I can save up 20 30 sigils keep going until I get what I want and then or until I don't get what I want even reloading the save going and finishing a random Mission coming back and then trying again and then if it doesn't work I just have to take take it to the title screen load the game do a mission and then try it again and I can keep going without having to farm all the materials that you would need to make all of the knick-knack vouchers you need for the trans Marvel sigils until I get exactly what it is that I want now this then made me think if this works on sigil farming does this also work on hrio farming sadly the answer is no so what I would do is I I tested this in multiple ways I went into the appraisal station checked in the 27 curios I had got a certain subsection of things obviously I'm hoping for war ele mental sigils and the like nothing ever came up so I quit reloaded changed my party so that you could see that I was definitely using a different time of doing it and the same sigils came up we knew this would happen from the the sigils went so I then went and I beat another random boss and then came back again and then the curios still stayed the same so my only conclusion that I can draw from this is that curios are decided what they are when you pick up the curio so there's no point in time after obtaining the curio that the item within it changes whereas that's not the same for sigils so let me know if you've found a method of farming curios effectively to get some of these rare sigils that you might want that are more unique and let me know in the comments below what you found now do I think that employing methods like this and the AFK Farm Etc ruin the game no absolutely not if anything I think it makes it more palatable to not have to sit there and worry about all of these things and you get to play the gatery type thing as well you in fact you get to do it more often because you can just go oh no I don't want these let me try again over and over again and that way you get to play more of the really challenging content which is the fun part if you're at this point in the game already but again please don't feel that you have to do this in order to get to this point in the game cuz you absolutely don't there's plenty of builds that don't require absolute maximum sigils and like stones Etc but if you want to go for that Min maxing kind of vibe like I tend to do then this is something that would probably be useful to you but yes that's going to be everything for today's video like I said Thank you ever so much for watching if this has been useful to you don't forget to subscribe to the channel I will keep pushing for this cuz I really want that 20K as well as like the video and click the bell for notification any future gbr videos that you'd like to see I'd love to do more character guides but I want to make sure I have everything ready so builds Stones you know the sigils everything I want to do before I start diving into the characters themselves and whether I feel that each character benefits from having like the perfect build or anything like that I want to do it properly so I can serve the community as best I can let me know in the comments below what other kinds of gbr videos you'd like to see and I'd definitely like to explore them if there are any methods of curio farming like I said please do leave a comment below and I may well feature you in the next video if I figure out how to do that myself and if you enjoyed this content a lot then perhaps you'd like to consider clicking on the link in the description box below for my patreon where you can get title cards made just for you with your favorite characters from RPGs on them and listed in the credits at the end of every video as well as a plethora of other benefits thank you once again for watching and I hope that you've enjoyed it take care and I'll see you next byebye
Channel: Joesephyr
Views: 37,973
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Granblue, Fantasy, Relink, Versus, Rising, CyGames, GBVS, GBR, PS5, PS4, Final Fantasy, JRPG, JRPGs, 1st Impressions, Monster Hunter, Re:Link, Ranking, Tier List, Rackam, Gran, Gameplay, Tips, Guide, Hints, AFK, Farming, Experience, Money, Sigils, Infinite, Infinite XP, Cheat, AFK Farm, Sigil, Reroll, Gacha
Id: HqKcYSUcR10
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 20sec (560 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 06 2024
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