Gran Turismo 7: I've Been Waiting Ages For This

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hello viewers I went on Grand Tour is most seven this week and I found this a group 2 race around Spa a very rare combination in Gran Turismo but one that would proved to be highly chaotic now let's jump in to qualifying I only did one lap a 205.4 and that put me 11th on the grid for race number one and unfortunately I had to start in the worst possible place because it started on the chicane itself and I then had to watch as my opponents disappeared off into the distance it took me maybe a third of a lap to catch that back up and gain my first position and it was not going to be long before we gained two more as these two guys going hammer and Tong UE down into Rivage we move up into p8 so this is a highly unusual combination group two cars so Super GT cars for the most part around Spa it's about time it happened really because it's quite an interesting combo of high downforce cars around a very fast and flowing circuit as we move up into p7 make that P6 with this poor soul facing the wrong way you're facing perpendicular to the racing line not an ideal scenario to find yourself in therefore I move up into the coveted P6 with quite a lot of work left to do but what I did notice was that the top five or at least the top four were in very close contention for the lead and therefore they would surely start ruining each other's race and that's exactly what happened here take a look as we go through a Rouge and Radeon not a pretty sight a couple of cars going sideways up there and I'm going to take advantage move up into P5 and as we head to the other end of the camel straight optionally this is where my race would unravel as we head into the lake on chicane that guy gets a bit of oversteer and I tried to find my way through this melee and I kinda did until this moment and I'm turning right on a straight and then boom before you know it you have met exhibits a a perpendicular meeting with barrier and that's not somewhere you want to be and unfortunately as a result of all of that I'm going to move down into P11 and that's exactly where I started so all the progress has been undone but as you can see up ahead still a very close race we still have two and a half laps left to try to gain some positions and gain some positions I would because as I said this was a very chaotic race and everyone seemed to be more intent on pushing each other wide than racing but that's kind of what happens when you have new combinations new cars around different tracks that you've not really driven before people learning getting accustomed to it and that was certainly the case with this race now here we're going to have exhibit B turning right into a left-hander and there it is the poor Frenchman given us a classic case of doing the wrong thing and driving into the wall and as a result of his departure from the scene I've moved up into eighth position for the second time we're going to try to make our way back up hopefully into the lead because that is the idea but if not at least the top five maybe a podium if all things go very well let's take a look now the guy in sixth and seventh they had a bit of a fight and that bought them a bit closer to me I was able therefore I was therefore able to get a move done and this Italian backing out probably the most sensible thing I've seen all day backing out before the inevitable battle through a Rouge so good stuff there by the end of lap number three I was on to the back of this battle and then there was someone slowing down for a penalty so back into P6 with a good shot of a Podium I'd say even P2 is well within sight the leader four seconds ahead might be quite tough to try to win this race but we're gonna try and gain as many positions as we can now the one thing I would say about group two cars around Spa is the dirty air Factor something we all love to hate and that really does rear its head on this circuit and therefore driving behind another car does become incredibly difficult especially through the middle sector lots of fast sweeping corners and here I mean this this section here is rather high speed overusion Radeon easily flat out in a group two car in a group three it's touch and go but this car is very easy here I'm going to pull out of the slipstream but as you can see no one's in front of me so I don't quite get the benefit of that therefore the Spaniard remains in front so trying to pick our way through this isn't going to be as easy as I was hoping perhaps not as easy as it was the first time around let's see if we can go for a move here down the hill looking for it he actually gives space to be fair not quite alongside enough to complete the maneuver and therefore have to settle back into P6 so this has proven to be harder than I would have liked as we head down the hill towards puon the almighty left-hander very quick Corner this one get into the Apex early he leaves the space to be fair to this guy the space was left on the Apex I'm gonna go side by side down into the chicane here side by side through the turn tiny bit of contact but I'm able to ride it and take P5 and now I'm really much on the defense to try to preserve the position uh third and fourth just pulling away as a result of that battling and as we move towards the chicane at the end of the lap see here I wasn't quite close enough to really go for a move third and fourth did fight quite a lot and I was hoping maybe to profit off of that but it wasn't to be it was going to be P5 not too bad from P11 and here are the deaths that happened in that race so this was the first one we saw a guy doing a nice little 360 no escape on lap number one losing a lot of positions here's the French Soul who decided to face parallel or sorry perpendicular to the racing line very early on and then what was this one this one was the battle on the beginning of lap number two and there's a contact from the guy behind and this guy does really well to hold that one together faced in the correct direction now this one this was my death as these three going really at it and unfortunately their Boom the contact occurs and I'm in the wall this one is a guy turning right into a left-hander and then what do we have next this one was quite a strange penalty like there's some contact there as we progress on a little bit more guys second is going to get a penalty for that which was quite outrageous having to serve that later on that lap going from second down to seventh for the next race I put on a new livery which would surely give me Pace 203.6 new qualifying lap so I've only done two laps of practice but it did put me six on the grid for the second race and I was worried about the car behind you can use any group two car for this race most people using the GTR but some Rogue Soul here deciding to go for the Mercedes-Benz I was quite worried because it's very quick in a straight line and the lap does start off with quite a few of those therefore I'd be surely under pressure at some point here hurtling down the hill towards Radeon psycho his name is as you can see not an ideal scenario to be in with someone in a very quick car right behind you I actually get a good exit off of Radeon and I'm gonna go for the movie on Roman as we head towards the LECOM chicane on a random narrow were able to get the position up into fifth number job here is to try to pick our way through this battle once again try to do so as quickly as possible we're gonna switch over to the right hand side past the Spaniard and move up the inside nicely on the brakes and that's P4 two positions already that's pretty good and I was quite worried are initially dropped down into p7 because of that Mercedes with the great straight line speed it wasn't to be managing to go the other way instead gaining two positions let's try to follow the Aston Martin liverid car in front through puon through this very fast technical sweeping sector of the circuit this is where this car really comes alive high speed Corners lots of downforce and therefore lots of grip with this part of the track and settling into P4 this is going to be very much a different type of race because everyone's a bit more settled much more so compared to the previous race where everyone was much more intent on wiping each other out but this one is going to settle down it's going to become a little bit more tricky you see it in Formula One as well where lots of cars you know they can't quite get close to each other and they're level on Pace and with the dirty yeah it doesn't help the Aston Martin there goes into the back of the guy in second and as a result gets a poor accident lots of Carnage in this in the scene behind but that's not my immediate worry that's all behind me now as I move up into P3 [Music] right here we go then this was quite an interesting part of the part of the race here because I I wanted to maintain this Gap going through overuse and see the guy in front of us was actually slowing down so I was lifting go uh going into that corner to make sure that we get the run at the right time which is now as you can see time in that momentum to Perfection to get the move done so I was really conscious of maintaining that Gap going into oh Rouge and it's worked to Perfection you've seen that quite a lot actually you see it in Formula One driver's backing off or trying to maintain a gap at the right time through the right section of the circuit and that has worked for me in this instance now with a 1.5 second Gap to a lay Wu long in the lead we're going to try to reel in that Gap as quick as we can to give me the most amount of opportunities to overtake for the race lead heading down towards poo on this corner is awesome in this car really really nice turning in very late the Pedro group three car as you can see just really carries so much speed the amount of downforce is absolutely ridiculous buying third not too far behind we're going to try to make sure we don't drop into the clutches off the of that guy behind as this section we're coming up to is quite an important part of the track I would say the middle sector is really just about trying to make sure you don't make any mistakes and then it's this back end of the circuit and then the first sector this is where the business really happens I think on this track in this type of car this is where you have the long straight and therefore the better overtaking opportunities and heading through blanchimon easily flat out in this car not even a problem at all braking on well just before the 100 board and you can see here I'm actually going to gain quite a lot of time compared to the leader in fact I gained about four tenths of a second that's going to put me on the brim of slipstream range fastest lap of the race there 204.6 four temps taken out of the guy in front in the chicane alone pretty much all on the brakes with a superior line you can see it at 0.8 behind as we leave the lassos hairpin and by the time we get towards the end of the camel straight that Gap has come down to six tenths so we've gained a handy two temps so that was a really really important time to gain some time at the end of lap two which helped me therefore at the beginning of lap number three this is where things are going to get quite difficult because of the dirty air through this middle sector it's it's really really hard you begin to notice the lack of front end grip or overall grip you could say through this sweeping section of the track we're gonna we're gonna do our best though to try to stay as close as we possibly can I know that I've got an advantage going into that final chicane and you know unless this guy in front works it out quite quickly that there's a lot more time to be gained on the brakes then I know that I'm going to gain again and that could set me up for a good overtaking opportunity at the beginning of lap four so that's what I'm aiming at right now not really gaining much at all if anything through this middle sector or flat number three in fact the gaps hovering at 0.8 so if anything I've lost two tenths compared to about half a lap ago let's see then as we approach the chicane at the end of lap three how much time I can gain looking for our break marker boards after 150 but definitely before 100 heading towards the corner over the curb you really do have to carry the speed in class that curve as much as possible and boom we are right on this guy and this guy here knows the battle is on look at him he knows that this is brewing up very nicely indeed the crowd are going absolutely ballistic at the potential of an incredible battle here down the hill side by side and once again we're going to lift off here just to make sure the Gap is the size I want it to be as we reach the top of the hill and I'm pretty sure it is might have left a little bit late here let's see if this guy defends to the right hand side indeed they are we're going to pull out to the left try to run him quite narrow so that it really forces them to back out and that's exactly what happens boom we have taken the race lead and that's gone exactly the plan and sometimes in Motorsport there are those times where you envision things half a lap in front a lap in front and it turns out to exactly happen as you imagined it and that's exactly one of those times so now it's a case of just trying to pull away Edge out this Gap to make sure that the guy behind can't come up for a reply at the final chicane you really do just want to kill these kind of races dead you don't want to give them another chance or at least any hope that they could get a potential re-overtake so I'm just going to try to do a really good Middlesex and that's exactly what happened finishing a comfortable one and a half seconds in front and that was a really satisfying win a really good race a really nice combo that shamey wasn't maybe five laps but overall a race that I really really enjoyed but before I go I want to leave you with one piece of advice don't turn left into right-handed
Channel: Super GT
Views: 375,332
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gt sport, gran turismo sport, gt sport gameplay, Gran Turismo, Sport, gt sport fia, gt sport daily, gt sport ps4, gt sport update, gt sport f1, gt sport lewis hamilton, gt sport spa, gt sport laguna seca, gt sport credits
Id: 4DZM2lapDi4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 55sec (955 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 21 2023
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