Gran Turismo 7: They Said Overtaking Wasn't Possible

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hello viewers we finally have the return of the GT World Series Nations Cup in Gran Turismo 7 featuring this car for the first round the Audi DTM car which was recently added an interesting car because it has a DRS as you can see the rear wing folding away down the streets now we're going to jump into the qualifying session for this race and here at Brands hatch it would make for quite an interesting spectacle qualifying would be very important because given my real life experience of this track watching DTM cars around here a couple of years ago overtaking is next to Impossible and so we are gonna hope to qualify towards the front of the pack now this is my first lap 16-7 put me on pole for a few seconds before Ro racing went two tenths quicker so back to the pit Lane to get some fresh tires but unfortunately on my second lap I got caught up behind this guy in the second part of the lap and even though I was quicker up until this point it did compromise the end and we had this weird little incident over the over the finish line but as you can see second place on the grid it didn't matter that I couldn't improve because no one else did and we had quite a key decision to make here do we go on mediums or soft to begin the race I decided because I wasn't on Pole I would try out the medium and go for this off later now this game really has a problem with glare I don't know why there is so much glare in granted with myself and something I need to fix it's really really bugging me but anyway let's jump into the start this is going to be interesting because of the weird slant on the grid here at Brandt hatch into one traction control away from the line we go we're going to move across instantly to protect second place in towards the first Corner quite a lot of understeer with this new tire model in the game and as you can see the cars behind dropping and dropping away quite quickly with uh most of those guys running quite wide with again lots of understeer on that first corner so let's try and settle into this race and work out what is what now I'm on the medium Tire I'm guessing the leader would be on the soft and therefore they should be pulling away as for the person in third who knows if they catch up with me quite quickly I would guess they're on the soft tire but we shall see now as I mentioned in the intro the DRS is something that is active on this car and actually it was quite interesting because with this car you had to map it to one of the buttons on your controller or steering wheel in my case and you had to actually hold down the button the entire time you wanted to use it which actually was quite awkward I found but it was something I would have to get used to because it isn't something I've really done on this game before there aren't many cars where you're holding DRS button down for the entirety of the straights on the whole lap by the end of lap one it's a two second Gap to the leader you can see they've already disappeared I I really didn't have the best of laps I mean I did preserve my position but I made a couple of mistakes Zia trying to get used to Sheen curve a really difficult corner of brand search I think one of the diff most difficult in the game to be honest and one that I can never seem to get consistently right this is lap number three and I had a massive moment here through time four on the exit on the curb the car wanting to break away and luckily I managed to recover in time before spinning into the shadow Realm fortunately as well before the Frenchman behind was able to get past now something about the Audi DTM car is that it has quite a lot of downforce and therefore a lot of dirty air as well and so I was quite easily able to keep this car behind me even with these mistakes that I'm making you see the car behind us wasn't really able to get too close so I kind of just settled into this into this rhythm with the leader going into the pit Lane here at the end of lap seven to go on to the medium tile which seemed quite early so that is something we would have to keep track of as we move into the lead of the race courtesy of that pit stop and so on lap a I wanted to last at least until lap 12 or 13 maybe a bit further before changing onto the softs so let's see if we can just have some nice consistent laps now that we are in the lead of the race you see the Frenchman behind not not able still to really make an impression so I don't really feel too under pressure at this point in time the guy who was in the lead now in third so you don't actually lose a huge amount of time serving a pit stop around here I think it's less than 10 seconds so you're not going to lose too much so rising up the hill here really fast right-hander at the top sweeping through this car has so much grip and it does feel quite good through this back sector on this on the faster corners then coming up towards Sheen curve this is where things would unravel for me unfortunately as I just got on the DRS slight bit too soon and then boom before you know it perpendicular meeting with the wall with barrier and I've dropped all the way down to sixth place would you imagine and it's almost going to be seventh here with sick reactions putting me under massive pressure here into the final corner and with damaged uh front and rear bumpers and a right front wheel I was definitely Under Pressure here to try to keep this position with a damaged car luckily this is a video game and the Damage will repair itself quite quickly as it already has already has done now we're lucky enough managing to defend sixth position so kind of limited the damage but that was a very unfortunate incident going from the lead down to P6 losing something in the region of 10 seconds I would say lap eight was a 127 lap seven it was a 117 so yeah about 10 seconds difference there and from here it would be quite a long race to try to fight back but let me tell you right now that this was very much a race worth watching even with all these mistakes it's going to be a good one they're coming up the hill through Sheen there's actually a puff of smoke there so some contact from some of the cars in front and we're just getting into the range of the dirty air from the car in front as we head into the final Corner lap number 10 for 23 lap race you see the Swede there in front falls off to the right hand side as does the Frenchman from I think was second and so we're gonna gain two positions there up to P4 we're gonna go quite long on this first stint on the medium tires trying to really set ourselves up for a solid second stint on the faster soft tire so three drill in so you can see is a very close race between the top six maybe separated by less than 10 seconds so it was fairly close I was sitting in a fairly okay position here not too close to the guy in front so I wasn't really wearing out my tires too much because if you follow too closely see the car in front for a long time the dirty air is really going to cause your your tires to die of death which is sub-optimal so no one pitting at the end of lap number 11 but at the end of lap number 12 you can see two cars here getting off to the right hand side and that's the two Austrian drivers going in for their Pit Stop both on the mediums going onto the soft and my mediums were looking well they've seen better days let's put it that way but I still wanted to extend to give myself something of a tire differential compared to the Austrian drivers who had just gone in on the same strategy um a couple of laps earlier than me so just in front we have the Frenchman who has pretty much always been in the lead apart from a couple of laps there so looking good for him at this point in time end of lap 13 decided to stay out the ties were still just about okay and you can see here lap 14 just really struggling now by this point as the front left especially really suffering around here with lots of fast long right-handers that front left is is uh well it's seen bad days as well and this is the time where I can give that front left tire some rest bites by coming to the pit Lane and changing over to the softs so let's see what position we're going to exit the pit Lane in once the Audi boys have done a fantastic job as ever so away we go rejoining the circuit in quite a clear P5 uh P6 one and a half seconds behind the Gap in front of the two austrians about five seconds and then the two Frenchmen in the lead first and second so coming down the hill here we're gonna turn left and experience a yellow flag because one of the freshmen has actually gone for a nice little spin in the middle of the straight and that's going to hand us P4 let's take a look at this situation then so we have the two austrians there about four seconds in front they're quite a long way in front we have the Frenchman who's been commanding this race put it on Pole Position drove away at the beginning and is looking pretty good and with a 14 second lead to me you would have thought well this is going to be very difficult to overturn but all I can do is put in some consistent laps and I was getting a little bit more consistent as this race went on and hoped that I could catch up this was a really difficult race for me in the sense that group 2 isn't a group that really comes up that much and certainly group two around Brown's hatch is not something that happens too much so I needed to put it a bit more practice than I actually did now let's take a look at the Gap to the leader so this is something I'm always looking at in this type of scenario the Gap to the leader was about 13.3 at the beginning of the lap and because they are now on the medium and I'm on the soft I should be quicker and that Gap should be coming down as it is we've already gained half a second and that's been one sector so far so that's good that's good news so far and we're gonna go purple in fact at the end of the second sector and the first lap so far 116.8 set by the Frenchman in the league and I'm going to look to try to at least match that we should be going quicker theoretically because we are now on the same Tire and with less fuel so we should actually be able to set a quick time the gap down to 12.1 and so we've gained over a second already a little bit wide there that's not going to be helpful and actually the Gap comes up slightly and that was my problem Corner this entire race I would say Sheen curve especially with of course the big crash we had into the final corner of lap number 16 leaving us 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 yes that's right seven laps I just had to count that out to make sure and uh over the line we go there's a 117.0 so two tenths away from the fastest lap of the race so we're going the right direction pace is not too bad we're gonna try to connect here a couple of fast consistent laps to just begin to put the pressure on the cars in front and see if we can just claw back some of this time end of lap 18 or 117.3 so I wasn't able to go any quicker there this lap was about to be my quickest lap of the race with a gap to the Austrian in third down to four seconds rather than the five that it was when I exited the pit Lane I knew I was going in the right direction and I knew I had a two lap um advantage in terms of Tire life compared to the two guys in front so I knew that the tires you know they would start coming towards me as this race went deeper and deeper and closer to the end and with this in mind I knew that I was in a good position here I actually felt as though even with a 10 second Gap to the leader actually this was actually not impossible they're coming through the difficult Corners here at the back end of Brian's hatch on the Grand Prix circuit I've been a Grand Prix circuit since the 80s but it is still known as the Grand Prix circuit um still here we are one tenth up on the purple lap so if we can connect this final corner and get it right I'm gonna go purple which is always nice in this situation to set the purple lap and you put your name up on the screen on the left hand side as we do there just lets the other drivers know look this guy's behind you he's quick and he is catching so it's always a nice little statement to put up on the screen for the other drivers just to let them know you know just to unsettle them maybe a little bit put the pressure on and hope for the best so lap number 20 here we're going to whip forward slightly after putting in two 116.7 so good consistency I was able to finally see the leader we had visual confirmation of the leader's existence 5.5 seconds now in front with three and a half laps left to go and so this was actually quite quickly heading in my direction this was actually looking pretty good even despite that earlier mistake but we still had quite a lot of work to do and as we mentioned overtaking around brass hatch is very very difficult indeed and so here on lap 21 the Gap now down to 3.4 and as you can see the four of us at the front running in quite close proximity especially the front two and that was a very different picture compared to about seven or eight laps ago when I exited the pit Lane about 13 seconds off the lead so the complexion of this race has completely changed and now we're not even sure out of these top four who is going to win this race is going to be very very close indeed the the leader is going defensive and that is good news for me slowing down the Austrian in second place this was quite a surprising Revelation the Frenchman is going to peel off and go into the pit Lane and change tires once again that is a catastrophic strategy error having to go in for the second time uncalled for unneeded and that is going to cost them the race lead and they're going to go down as P4 but now I have two laps to try to overtake two austrians around Bran's hatch let's see if we can do it funnily enough three blue cars away at the front the clearly blue car is op into turn four I sense the opportunity on the brakes late up the inside we go it's a perfectly executed overtake tiny bit of contact but I think it was acceptable and that is one of the two austrians dealt with we have one more left to do can we do it and we reclaim the race lead and pull off a sensational comeback here at Brands hatch through the back section once again maximizing the curves on the entry on the Apex and on the exit through Sheen curve again getting this a bit better as the race went on my consistency was improving through there a little bit wide through the left oh my goodness the Austrian in the lead there having a bit of a moment on the exit but recovering and continuing but it wasn't going to last long because here they're going to turn left on a right-hander and just graze the gravel I'm gonna move through sensationally into the lead with one lap left to go and this is fantastic timing with just only one single lap left to go can these guys have any response are they going to be able to get me back with minimal amount of overtaking opportunities remaining in this lap and the confidence I had was that I knew my my tires were two laps newer and fresher than theirs so I should be quick I should be okay but we made mistakes earlier in this race and it definitely therefore is not over I still had to drive this final lap with a certain intensity and make sure that I didn't fall into their clutches because you just never know if you're within overtaking range someone could send a stupid move and just push him into the wall you just never quite know and so I want to protect this Gap that I had just under a second 0.8 seconds I went through Sheen curve into the Apex quite nicely over to the right or the second to last corner of the race and the Gap looks pretty good I can kind of rest easy now through the final turn and my goodness what a race it was come through after that smash on the earlier stint it's going to be a race Victory and one that I was very very happy to complete especially after such a big mistake and in many ways the performance overall didn't quite deserve it sometimes you've got to stay in the race and hope for the best thank you so much for watching hope you enjoyed it subscribe for more and I'll catch you next time goodbye
Channel: Super GT
Views: 303,129
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gt sport, gran turismo sport, gt sport gameplay, Gran Turismo, Sport, gt sport fia, gt sport daily, gt sport ps4, gt sport update, gt sport f1, gt sport lewis hamilton, gt sport spa, gt sport laguna seca, gt sport credits
Id: QdPJfy6QNNk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 57sec (1077 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 03 2023
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