"Grace, Grace" with Jentezen Franklin

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the following program is sponsored by friends and partners of Kingdom connection hello and welcome to Kingdom connection coming up on today's program dad shares one of his favorite lifelong messages if you were facing an obstacle or perhaps a challenge in your life this message is definitely for you before we go into the services we just want to say a special thank you to everyone who has responded this month to help us build the miracle market in Haiti we are so excited to announce that we are over halfway there in building the market which has been manufactured here in the US and it's on its way to Haiti now thank you for being a part of Mission Food for Life we believe the marketplace will provide over 2,600 new jobs and it's going to restore hope in Haiti here's a quick update you a problem lunatic invocation blue I was adding a pill air malgré hotel bat uniquely spoon you can play a bungee blow i'ma tell plan Nick I nearly Glee's you saw people that not only were starving we saw people who were severely injured many of children I just can't imagine those being my kids from a personal standpoint it has blessed us beyond belief not only with our walk with Christ with knowing that people who are hurting and less fortunate us are now able to enjoy meals and other things that we take for granted here in the United States now we're giving them an opportunity to go into the marketplace to create a way to earn a living for them and their family in the future generations of Haitians the people here in this whole area the lives that they change from poverty to prosperity and of course the market were producing income for the families and for the children which is food for life Maldonado Khalid ib'n zerbino pleased to serve we have a guest I hope we meet inviting and give blood look inside there it's a beautiful thing that God has provided he gave him food to start clothes to wear now he's giving him a facility for which they can earn a living you have your Bibles I'd like for you to turn with me to the book of Zechariah and the Old Testament Zechariah chapter 4 is where I want to go this morning Zechariah chapter 4 I'll begin reading with verse 6 and he answered and said unto me this is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel not by might nor by power but by my spirit says the Lord of Hosts who are you old great mountain before zerubabbel you shall become a smooth plane and he will bring forth the headstone with shouts of grace grace to it moreover the word of the Lord came unto me saying the hands of Zerubbabel have laid the foundation of this temple his hands will also finish it and you will know the Lord of Hosts has sent me to you listen I love this is a Kadim II award-winning verse right here for who has despised the day of small beginnings for these seven rejoice to see the plumb line of Zerubbabel they are the eyes of the Lord scratch scanning to and fro throughout the whole earth so today I want to talk to you about this amazing verse particularly verse 7 you'll bring it forth with shouts of grace grace because this is a miracle formula that God wants to get deep in your spirit when you face obstacles and challenges the Bible says a lot about grace 125 times the word grace is found 16 out of the 21 epistles in the New Testament begin with the words grace be unto you the book of Ephesians it talks about the riches of His grace the glory of His grace the Bible teaches that there's four kinds of grace evidently grace is an extremely important word in the New Testament so you need to understand the concept of grace the Bible talks about in Ephesians chapter 3 there saving grace for by grace are you saved and not by works you don't get good to get God you get God to get good and His grace is what saves you not your earning and deserving it we're saved by grace then the Bible talks about justifying grace it says by grace we are justified and thereby we have peace with God when you are justified it means that word means it's just if I'd never sinned in God's eyes there is a grace that comes over you that when you sin and you confess that sin and walk away from that sin and change your actions that God completely covers you and justifies you His grace saves you and then it justifies you in the eyes of God just as if I'd never sinned then the Bible talks about the teaching grace of God this is the missing message of grace in our day today because the scripture says that the grace of God has appeared unto men listen carefully teaching us to deny ungodliness and worldly lust and causes us to live sober righteous lives when people say I'm under grace and I can live any way I want to I'm under grace and I'm sleep with my girlfriend I'm under grace I can commit adultery I'm under grace they're not under grace because when grace comes it begins to teach you to live a holy consecrated dedicated life if what you have is not making you want to be more like Jesus you have religion you do not have Jesus because he will change you grace will transform you grace grace will give you the power to walk away from who you used to be and if any man is a new creation be born again you're a new creation in Christ Jesus grace teaches us to abstain from ungodliness and to honor God with our lives but then there's the fourth kind of grace and that's what I'm focusing in on today it's enabling grace Paul said three times I prayed for God to remove the thorn in the flesh and three times God said to me my grace is sufficient for you in other words Paul took his thorn in the flesh to the throne of grace and God did not remove the issue God gave him grace to overcome and defeat the issue sometimes God does miracles instant because that's how we like them we're a microwave generation but we serve a crock-pot God and sometimes God will allow grace to come on you that enables you to overcome the obstacles before you and that's why Hebrews 4 and 16 said let us therefore come boldly before the throne of listen to the words grace that you might obtain hell in the time of trouble that there is a place where you can get where God's grace will come on you and even though you've got real issues and real problems and real challenges there's something called the enabling grace of God that empowers you to overcome that empowers you to defeat mountains and adversity and giants in your life it's the enabling grace of God and that's what got ahold of Zerubbabel when zerubabbel went back the bible said that the nation and the city had been leveled and he went and he said i'm going to rebuild the temple and i'm going to rebuild the walls and i'm going to rebuild our life and he began with the temple i like the fact that he didn't start with his own house or start on the walls but he said if we're gonna do this we've got to lay the foundation for the house of god and he laid the foundation for the house of god and he started the miracle he had the grace of god on him to do it and when he laid the foundation instantly the bible said a mountain came up before him spiritually and he said who is this mountain who are you i like the fact that he starts talking to the mountain in his life mark chapter 11 said that we are to talk to our mountains mountains represent problems mountains represent things in our life that come to stop us and hinder us and and defeat us and when the mountain popped up in his life he did not let the mountain intimidate him he started talking to it that's what Jesus said you are to do in mark chapter 11 whosoever shall say to this mountain be removed and cast into the sea and not doubt in his heart but believe that the things that he says will come to pass he shall have whatever he says talked to the mountain and Zerubbabel said who are you o mountain identify yourself tell me who you are he said because by the time God gets through with you you're going to become a smooth plane and I don't know who I'm preaching to today I feel you tugging on my heart but you started out and God started the miracle and now you're facing a frustrating mountain that says give up it's not going to happen you've tried before and failed and you need to just throw in the towel but I've come to remind you that you serve a God who doesn't just give you saving grace listen he doesn't just give you justifying grace he doesn't just give you teaching grace but he is giving you enabling grace and when he gets through with that mountain it's going to become a smooth plane somebody's about to get things smooth out in your life if you believe it give God a shout of praise right where you are just clap your hands and say thank you for enabling grace grace that smooth the mountain out turn to somebody and say things are about to snooze out for you and the scripture said that he's frustrated he's hopeless the project has been shut down nothing's happening for 16 years the dream is fading away but I've come to remind somebody that God never starts anything that he does not have the power to finish the question is can you find somebody who will hang in there long enough and hold on until God makes a way where there is no way I'm saying we quit too soon we give up too quick we walk away from miracles before God can do what he wants to do and sometimes you have to set steel and say I'm going to stand the rigor of being small and feeling like nothing's happening I'm going to be faithful in the little things and if you hold on to what God started through the times when the obstacles come in your life there will come a time listen carefully when God set time will come there's a set time for every purpose and some of you have been holding on and you're looking at a frustrating mountain and God started it but then it looks like it's gone away and the Prophet comes to Zerubbabel in those discouraging moments and he says thus says the Lord two words begin again begin again I know you tried before but begin again believe again try again dream again hope again pray again praise me again get up in your expectation reach again hope again begin again turn to somebody beside you and say it's time to begin again God is going to finish what he started and there comes a season when he says begin again and then the Prophet says now here's what you're going to do he said go get the headstone this is strange stuff now not this is where I'm wanting to get to this is where I'm going to tell you how it works the Prophet said go get the headstone now the headstone was the final stone that would go in a building project it's like when they were cutting the red ribbon dedicating the building they would take the headstone which was the completion of the building the final stone that made that would go on the last piece a building material that completed this facility they would put it in and everybody would shout and say yeah it's finished it's done and all he has is a foundation he's got problems on the outside he's got problems on the inside he's frustrated he's got tumbleweeds growing on his building project lizards running around stacks of stone metal laying around nothing has happened for 16 years and the Prophet said go get the headstone the final finishing stone and take it and put it on the building site and shout grace grace in other words that headstone represents Jesus Christ he's the stone the builders have rejected he's the stone that cried on the cross it is finished and you get focused on the stone you get focused on the fact that if God started it he is going to finish it and I want you to go on and get that headstone that represents the completed job and so many of us know what it is to be in the yet incomplete that the the phase of your life spiritually speaking and in your vision and in your dream where God started some things and then a mountain came and nothing's happening what do you do he said you go and focus on Jesus the head cornerstone and you start speaking to that stone and shout grace grace to it and in abling grace will come off of that stone onto you enabling you to do what you could not do and it will not be by might man power by power cleverness of man's ability it will be by my in abling grace that just comes on you and what you could not do without me you will be able to do when my enabling grace comes on you so I can see Zerubbabel just let me preach it like I want to I can see zerubabbel let's say this Bible is the headstone he says this is stupid nobody's out here nothing's going on don't have permits done the building project shut down don't have any money don't have a bank don't have any it's this but the man of God said take the headstone this is the final stone Wow and he said speak to it so I'm gonna say what he said grace the Prophet looks at him and says I didn't say whisper it I said shout grace grace the Prophet says I didn't say shout grace one time did I I said shout grace grace grace grace and all of the sudden when he started shouting grace at the headstone one translation said people started running over top of themselves here comes one with the building material here comes one with the by finance and here comes one here comes one who knows how to do the Mason work here comes one who's got the glass here come they're coming from everywhere people are coming from the north south east and west and in this I see a powerful powerful truth for you and I because you know what it is to stand in the challenge of the jeden complete in reference to our dreams and what God has called us to do and the Prophet said thus says the Lord now that you started shouting grace grace at that yet in complete vision that God has given you you're saying grace grace by His enabling grace I can do all things by His grace I'll get the favor I'll get the finances I'll get everything I need to build what God's told me to build grace grace and the scripture said that the Prophet said the hand of Zerubbabel has laid the foundation and the hand of Zerubbabel will finish it and do not despise the day of small beginnings grace grace he said it's going to happen he's going to give you in abling grace to finish the dream that he's given you all of us know what it is to have the unfinished things Lord it's not happening what do I do and he said begin to shout grace gray at it grace at it and suddenly permission started coming suddenly miracles started happening and here's what I've learned this is what I've been trying to get to when you know God's giving you a vision and obstacles come to tell you it can't happen you don't let that mountain talk you out of your miracle you open your mouth and you say to that mountain grace grace I know I can't defeat you in my own strength and power but I'm not fighting in my own strength and power Jesus Christ hung on a cross and shed his blood and that blood contained grace grace that will enable me to do what God has called me to do I have an assignment you have a vision you have a dream and God says it's time to begin again I'm gonna finish the dream that I started in your life and I don't care if it's been 16 years some of you have a mountain of addiction alcohol drugs prescription pills how do you defeat it grace grace talk to it that's more than a figure of speech it's a secret formula I've learned I'm telling I'm not just saying this but when I face challenges when I face mountains when I see challenges come against this ministry or even against my family I used to walk into the bedrooms of the girls when they were getting a little crazy and when they were going to school if the devil doesn't fight fair I'm not gonna fight fair so I would take me some old and anoint the rooms and say grace grace grace grace grace grace grace grace grace we don't have to fight on our own the battles not ours it's the Lord's let grace fight let grace win let grace reach let grace deliver let grace set free grace grace you got challenges on your job walk into that place tomorrow and walk-in in under your breath just say grace grace and if you have to go to the bathroom and shout grace grace and if you have to go in your lunch hour and sit in the car and say grace grace to this mountain contract go through grace grace come on let's practice it I want the devil to hear you inhale grace grace oh hell trembles not when you say I'm worthy I've done this but grace grace I need somebody to grab ahold how many of you need God to move a mountain and level it nothing is impossible with God he's able to do exceedingly abundantly above all you can ask a thing you're gonna learn to be a grace shouter and shout grace grace all right I want you to get I want you to get an incomplete thing in your mind it may be a son it may be a daughter it may be a business it may be a deal it may be a calling it may be a dream I want you to get it in your mind right now God started it you know he started it you know he began it the scripture said he who has begun a good thing and you will be faithful to complete it he started it but mountains have come up to discourage you do you see it now I want you to get these words on your mouth because words are multipliers whatever you speak multiplies and we're going to shout grace at it and I don't want you just to do this for a day but I want this to become a part of your prayer life that when you face mountains and challenges you walk into them with an assurance grace grace you don't understand what it takes to preach sometimes I feel like Lord I'm lost I don't have anything to say to these people I preach the Bible from Genesis to Revelation and when I feel like that I'll say grace grace enabling grace you can do the same thing this is a secret and he said the hands of zerubu and I like that last verse he said don't despise the day of small beginnings everything God does begin small with a small seed and you start talking to it grace grace grace grace great and people to start running over top of themselves trying to help you make it happen God's finance and God's help God's in favor God's blessing they'll run to and fro trying to bring it to pass and God will make it happen there's just a grace on you to do it that's for you lift your hands up high stand your feet lift your hands high that's right right where you are lift your hands high have you got that thing in your mind how many of you've got it yet incomplete you know God started it but you've not seen the completion raise your hand representing that now open your mouth and for the next 30 seconds I want you to shout grace to it I don't care what anybody thinks open your mouth and shout grace woo when you do something starts moving when you do something starts turning grace grace the vision starts living the dream starts talking the blessings start flowing to and fro activity movement starts happening angels start moving heaven starts responding demons start backing up grace grace come on you got 15 more seconds talk to that mountain of addiction talk to that mountain of disease grace grace cancer grace grace cancer enabling grace grace grace heart disease grace grace depression grace grace dead grace grace I need money to go to college grace grace I need a car grace grace I need a place to live grace grace enabling grace I need that deal to go through grace grace I need my ministry to come alive again grace grace come on shout it shout it shout it you're almost there I know it sounds crazy but we talk to our mountains we speak to our mountains our Savior told us to do it grace grace are you ready to begin again it doesn't matter what stage in life you are in or what your mountain may look like just say grace grace if today's message has impacted you we'd love to hear from you just call the number on the screen and let us know what God is doing in your life also be sure to request this month's special message offer faith that shapes your life an inspiring two CD set that will increase your faith and challenge you to go to a whole new level of living it's available for your best gift this month your support helps us take messages like you just heard to 129 nations all around the world and across the US thank you so much for your prayers and your constant support we look forward to seeing you next time on Kingdom connection life is real vivid alive beating breathing it happens behind closed doors and out in front there's joy there's laughter and chaos lifelong friendships are forged love is found moments cherished and never forgotten life is a gift and together we are real family real friends real people experiencing real life is free chapel this program has been brought to you by the friends and partners of Jenson franklin media ministries for more information on this broadcast or for additional resources go online at Jensen Franklin dot o-r-g
Channel: Jentezen Franklin
Views: 52,731
Rating: 4.8654103 out of 5
Keywords: Jentezen Franklin, Kingdom Connection, Free Chapel, TV, Ministry
Id: lxWo6OUW6Mg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 27 2014
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