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crush the dead [Music] [Applause] jeez [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] see the darkest hour reject faith and cut off from hope I couldn't see his love for me they said is not easy don't get your hopes up [Music] when I saw his face my heart [Music] [Music] nice and today night sure is this see your praise Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] take my song my eyes are opened and I saw his face no one could ever take away my face my voice changed the day that Jesus came no one could ever take my my ass rules and then I saw no one can ever take away my days [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you are my ecosystem and you are the air I'm breathing in the endless wasteland you are my rushing for you are my ecosystem no matter what the weather you are my better option no matter what I'm facing there's no you're holding my arms when I'm battle-torn oasis within me you're the Oasis within me you are my to the break of day Oasis within me you're the Oasis within me you're the thing I've needed each and every season and I really mean it I really mean me always with him your cousin for a mystical night with a breakup a away [Music] drought turning by fire fight with you [Music] so we stay that it's all the same it's you [Music] Oh the you know there's no No [Music] we come to man the praises Warka durov's if we don't shout the praises of our God there's nothing can stand we will defeat you singing praise to our God for his name is what [Music] [Music] sir [Music] don't shout the [Music] we will do [Music] see his name is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello grace fellowship it is so good to be here with you today I'm so thankful that we have the technology to gather online when there are physical gathering restrictions in place so thanks for joining us today as we worship our service we'll get going in just a few minutes but before we do I'd love to share just a few things with you first we'd love to know that you're here jump into the chat features on grace online YouTube or Facebook say hello and give each other a virtual handshake if you're watching via grace online there's also a connection card to let us know that you're here where you may be worshiping from and share any prayer requests that you may have if you would like to pray with someone right here right now go ahead and click the live prayer button and we'll connect you with a prayer host right now to pray with you if you click that link after our live stream we'll still get the career quest and be able to pray with you throughout the week if you're joining us on youtube or facebook head over to grace fellowship comm to submit a prayer request there next you may be wondering how you give during this season at Grace Fellowship feel free to head to Grace Fellowship comm /give to find all the ways that you can worship God through giving including text to give giving be a website or app and maybe even sending a check to our physical location now if you have any kids in the house we've created a way for them to engage an age specific worship and teaching so sometime this weekend head to Grace Fellowship calm slash kids and enjoy learning as a family with those videos and lessons and finally we get to remember Christ's sacrifice on the cross today with communion so right now before the service starts go ahead and grab some cumin communion elements as we'll be taking that together later in the service if you don't have bread or juice in the house that's not a problem find anything in your kitchen that would work as we engage in this together again welcome we're so glad to be worshiping with you today as we wait for the service to start in just a minute feel free to sit back and relax or jump to your feet as we get ready to worship [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome to grace at home we are so glad that you joined with us today at this time I want to invite you to stand up as we begin [Music] so I will say your graves would be you're great should be enough under five we do your Lord you now trust it is [Music] car will not be shared I know God will not be shared [Music] [Music] we will trust to the young come on now your prize you're [Music] [Music] we're strong in your name is I hope forever secure yeah [Music] [Music] we share [Music] we share [Music] well Amen God is in fact with us today whether you're worshiping in the capital district somewhere else in the state of New York or for some of you all around the world and in fact the victory has been won 2,000 years ago on the cross and we're actually going to celebrate that a little later on in today's service through communion so I want to invite you in the next few minutes to sneak off to the kitchen to grab a cracker or some bread and hopefully some juice or whatever you can find so that you can join with us as we take communion a little bit later on there's a grace when the heart is under fire [Music] another way when the walls are closing in and when I look at the space between where I used to be and this reckoning I know I will never be there was another in the fire standing next to me there was another holding back the Seas and should I ever need of how I've been set free there is a CrossFit ban where another died for me there is another five [Music] [Music] all my death effort ever need the walls now I'm no longer slave to my sin and and should I fall in the spaceman sweet means of me and this reckoning either way I will bow to the things [Music] and I know there is another reading the boy standing very [Music] should I [Music] we recently lost all now the power very [Applause] No [Applause] you're not [Music] I can hear the [Music] the space between I can feel the [Music] it says between [Music] nothing states me there is no but the name that is Jesus he who was and still is and will be through it all so come what may in the space between things unseen and this reckoning [Music] [Music] should I [Music] enjoy [Music] that's where [Music] ah you notice [Music] we'll be enough and should I I can't let you go I'll kill the Joker cuz I know that's where you'll be I count the joy come every cuz I know that's where you'll be I'll count the Charlie come everybody cuz I know that's where you'll be [Music] [Music] my hope is built on nothing less then Jesus blood righteous I dare not trust the sweetest frame but wholly trust in Jesus name [Music] these fears on [Music] Jesus blood right [Music] I dare not trust the sweetest frame but trust geez [Music] cries [Music] strong insane [Music] [Music] darkness seems to hide his fear [Music] and store the [Music] my [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] with drummed itself dressed in his right [Music] today we have an opportunity to together as a family take communion here at Grace Fellowship we practice open communion which means you don't have to be a member of grace in order to take communion with us we just ask that you are a follower of Jesus Christ communion is a unique opportunity to pause and to remember the sacrifice that Christ made for us to remember God's love on the cross you know Jesus gathered with his closest friends his followers his disciples as he had his final meal with them before he died on the cross and as he did that he grabbed some bread he grabbed some wine and he told them to whenever you eat the bread and drink the wine remember what Christ was about to do remember his sacrifice remember God's extravagant love so if you don't already have it go ahead and grab that bread the crackers whatever you may have in your house in that juice because together as a grace fellowship family we're going to remember what Christ did on the cross [Music] in first Corinthians we read that the Lord Jesus on the night that he was betrayed took bread and when he had given thanks he broke it and said this is my body which is for you do this in remembrance of me [Music] in the same way [Applause] after supper he took the cup saying this cup is the new covenant in my blood do this whenever you drink it in remembrance [Music] Heavenly Father we thank you that we can today remember your sacrifice the sacrifice of sending your son to earth to die on the cross to pay for our sins so no matter what we've done in the past or what we will be doing in the future got you have paid it all god help us to remember that today help us to lean into your love today and God as we hear your word as we continue continue in our service help us to know you more in Jesus name we pray amen my name is Matt Saxon and I'm one of the campus pastors at Grace and again I want to say how grateful we are to have you worship with us today this is the part of our service where we prepare to give of our resources what the Bible speaks about as tithes and offerings each week we give during our service because we believe returning the first of our finances back to God is a beautiful act of worship that makes an eternal impact as it supports the advancement of God's kingdom these times in which we are living are difficult to be sure the reality is this is a hard time for everyone to give people feel worried things feel shaky the future looks uncertain hey I get it but you know what that same upheaval and uncertainty that can frighten us has a glorious flipside you see the reality is this uncertainty has caused multitudes who rarely think about God to hunger for hope to hunger for security and whether they realize it or not to hunger for the gospel in fact our church is now engaging with more people now than ever and do you know why we're able to do that it's because of your faithful generosity because of your generosity we're continuing to share life and minister to each other there are small groups because of your generosity we're able to continue to minister to those dealing with hurts hangups and bad habits through celebrate recovery because of your generosity were able to come alongside those in struggling marriages and because of your generosity were able to build up the faith of our college-age students teach spiritual disciplines to our youth and share the love of Christ with our little ones even in the midst of this crisis for the many watching right now who are new to grace I want to share four ways that you can play a real role in supporting these and many other ministries through generosity first I want to invite you to go to Grace Fellowship calm /give there you can easily give in a secure way and you can find instructional videos on how to quickly set up an online account as well second you can give through text simply text any dollar amount to eight four three two one third you can give through the Church Center app or for those of you who enjoy the physical act of giving through writing a check you can mail a check to us at the address on your screen finally if you have any questions about giving feel free to ask in our chat and one of our hosts will be thrilled to help answer any questions that you have and now I want to invite you to grab your Bible or device and get ready for today's message from Pastor Rex hello church family and welcome to worship at Grace Fellowship on this Palm Sunday weekend you know the Eagle is one of my favorite creatures in God's creation I think there's just something about an eagle that is so noble and majestic they have super keen eyesight that can spot either danger or dinner as it were like a rodent perhaps or or something from far far away and they're amazing fliers Eagles can attain speeds in excess of a hundred miles an hour as they dive to kill their prey and just in flying along they can cruise along at more than 60 miles an hour while they're in flight to me it's breathtaking just to watch them I mean even when they're just sitting out on a limb chillin they can be quite impressive by the way this photo of a bald eagle was taken by a member of our church family just days ago right here in the Capital District I think it's awesome get a look at this eagle it's no wonder to me that our forefathers chose the bald eagle as the nation's symbol for independence everything about the eagle just cries out for freedom and majesty question how does a baby eaglet go from being a helpless little bird in the nest to a mature majestic eagle soaring through the sky ah that's where I think we can learn a valuable lesson today for our own lives now get this in describing how God leads his people and how he helped them to mature God inspired Moses to write these words in the Bible in the book called Deuteronomy chapter 32 listen to what God said through Moses like an eagle that stirs up its nest and hovers over its young that spreads its wings to catch them and carries them on its pinions by the way the word pinions means the outer part of the wings the Lord alone led him get that Wow God compares his leading people to an eagle's teaching its young to fly now the specific species of Eagle mentioned in this passage may now be extinct some scholars believe we're just not sure but we can well imagine what a puzzling and difficult experience it was for this baby eagle to learn to fly it's a powerful illustration really of how God develops maturity in us first the mother Eagle stirs up the nest she removes the rabbits fur and the lamb's wool and soft leaves so that only the prickly sticks remain in the nest the what softness has become a bed of discomfort the baby Eagles aren't cozy in their nest anymore it's not a comfortable place the mother wants them to be Restless so they'll want to get out otherwise they might be content to remain in the nest for a lie time sometimes god stirs up our nest to prickly neighbors move in next door we get a new supervisor at work that's kind of hard to get along with God allows our finances to take a nosedive God allows a dangerous virus to stymie our nation and put us in a temporary tailspin as a culture and we become Restless and quite dissatisfied perhaps God is preparing us to move out of our comfort zone and into a deeper experience with him the mother Eagle then hovers over her young perhaps she's demonstrating to them how to fly but but more likely she's just refusing to feed them any longer instead of bringing food in her beak and settling down in the nest to protect them she just hovers over them she is deliberately creating hunger an increased dissatisfaction on the part of the young you see she knows that they've got to get out of that nest and learn to hunt for themselves if they're ever gonna flourish now to an ignorant observer who doesn't understand Eagle life that mother may seem cruel but she's actually being loving the only way they'll ever flourish and be all they were designed to be is through struggle and so she allows some pain and struggle in their lives does it ever seem like God is doing that with you you pray for a soul mate someone to invest your life in and be your lifelong companion but your prayer seemed unanswered you pray for a job but no job comes you ask for a more comfortable life but instead God seems to not give it right away at least your life is just as hard or even more difficult than ever you ask God don't you care if God is all-powerful and loving why would he not supply such basic desires and even needs now in the passage we read the mother Eagle is described as carrying her young on her pinions and spreading abroad her wings to catch them what a spectacular sight it must have been for the the writer of Scripture to witness a mother Eagle taking her baby on her back and soaring thousands of feet upward until she's just a tiny speck in the sky then unexpectedly she flips over dislodging the baby eagle the baby eagle then tumbles down down spastically flapping its little wings trying to learn to fly the mother Eagle glides intently not far away and then at the precise moment she swoops beneath the falling eaglet and catches it on her back she immediately starts climbing again the baby eagle now clutching on for dear life can you imagine that a little eagle eyes wide with fear say is this trip really necessary once the mother has climbed thousands of feet she once again flips over and the baby eagle once again goes awkwardly tumbling through space and this harrowing process is repeated until the baby eaglet learns to fly on its own and then the mother knows she knows her mission has been accomplished that young one with the crucial ability to fly can now begin to hunt for himself and flourish as he was designed now think about that according to Deuteronomy 32 the Lord leads his people just as a mother Eagle teaches her young to fly last week I said that presence of God does not mean the absence of problems and it is so crucial that we understand that Jesus said as recorded in John 16 in this world you will have trouble but take heart I have overcome the world in Matthew's Gospel chapter 5 verse 45 Jesus said he causes his Sun to rise on the evil and the good and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous in other words listen Christians are not exempt from miscarriages the death of a parent dangerous viruses automobile accidents financial disaster Parkinson's disease the divorce of family members or any other difficulty that is common to people we don't learn to soar without a struggle sometimes the bottom falls out and the believer finds herself tumbling downward downward wondering where God's protection and God's providence are in times like this so my question is how do you hold on to heaven when hell seems to be breathing down your neck how do you how do you spread your wings as it were and soar when it feels it feels like you're tumbling out of control in a freefall well in the next few minutes I want to give you three suggestions that are rock solid and that will help you soar like an eagle in times like these first thing I would suggest is that you pump your mind listen now pump your mind with truth facts are our friends at times like these we don't need pious platitudes and sentimental nonsense we need truth and the truth is this the Bible makes it very clear that God will permit his people to undergo struggles in order in order to foster maturity and help us soar in life the Apostle Paul writes to some Christians in Thessalonica who were going through some really tough times and he says he sent Timothy to them to strengthen and encourage them in their faith get these words now so that no one would be unsettled by these trials you know quite well he writes that we were destined for them you go timeout come on time out how pastor can God expect us not to be unsettled by these trials the only way I know is to pump your mind with the truth listen listen day after day all day long you are bombarded with lies from the enemy if you don't also feed your mind solid truth from God's Word to combat those lies you have no immunity whatsoever to the lies of the devil our medical experts are scrambling double-time right now to create a vaccine for this kovin 19 scourge god bless them and may god speed their work I hope we get a vaccine really soon we really need it I was curious I looked up the definition of vaccine this week and the oxford dictionaries formal definition of vaccine goes like this and I quote a substance used to stimulate the production of antibodies and provide immunity against one or several diseases that's a vaccine something that will stimulate our own bodies to produce antibodies that will provide immunity Christian your vaccine against discouragement is the truth your vaccine against fear is the truth your vaccine against internal implosion is the truth your vaccine against despair is the truth your vaccine against giving up is the truth pump your mind with the truth that's the way to hold on to heaven when hell is breathing down your neck yes the Christian life has burdens Satan wants to unsettle God's people he is seeking someone to devour scripture says he brings pressure today even as he did to job to try to crack the faith and destroy the testimony of each and every one of us he's working overtime trust me on this in the midst of these natural calamities like kovat 19 but the truth the truth is our greatest vaccine against destruction most people I know are feeling that life has just tipped upside down right now and some are grasping grasping for anything to prevent them from smashing against the rocks of disillusionment below so it's crucial times like these to remember the truth of God's promises a friend texted me this verse several days ago I really appreciate it so verse I had gotten comfort from many times it was a great reminder Deuteronomy 31 verse 8 the Lord Himself goes before you and will be with you he will never leave you nor forsake you do not be afraid do not be discouraged you know it's not what happens to us it's how we respond to what happens to us that makes all the difference as Timm Hansel said years ago suffering is inevitable but misery is optional and according to Jesus trouble is not an elective it's a required course in order to graduate this life when we're right in the middle of suffering and the pressure is on how are we going to respond so the first thing pump your mind with truth it's your vaccine against destruction but the second thing I would suggest is don't panic don't panic anxiety and panic is the emotion d'Azur in our country while our coronavirus crisis is very real and serious and we are treating it that way I want you to know we can exaggerate the problem if we let fear rule that's what the Israelites did when it came time to enter the Promised Land the spies came back and said who the people in Canaan are giants folks we're like grasshoppers in their sight we can't stand up to them that was the report of the 10 negative spies you see panic is a reaction with no redemptive outcome people run away from their problems they drop out of their small group they stop fellowshipping even online for goodness sakes with other believers they even become suicidal so please hear me today when you are going through adversity the worst thing the worst thing you can do is stop fellowshipping with other believers that's why we urge you more than ever to join with other believers online in these days become part of a zoom chat find a group or ministry that's continuing strong online and join with them a friend one of our pastoral staffs it text to me - dad just cracked up he said it said in my father's house are many zooms yes I thought that was beautiful because we're all using zoom right now join one of these chats join in on a zoom meeting refusing to do so is one of the worst things you could do at a time like this we truly need each other isolation can foster fear where that happened with Elijah the Prophet when Elijah was under pressure from Jezebel he basically said God take my life I'm the only prophet left in Israel God responded are you kidding dude that's just not true Elijah you're panicking man you're exaggerating the problem there's seven thousand prophets Elijah who are still faithful who've not bowed the knee to bail you see Elijah had panicked he had allowed fear and isolation to lead him to despair and those of you who may be filled with fear and a sense of panic right now please please look at me please calm down please calm down listen to me God's got this the god of this universe is not wringing his hands in anxiety going wow didn't see that coming and because God is not panicked as his people we don't need to be either my final suggestion first pump your mind with truth second please don't panic but finally persevere in faith chapter 14 verse 22 relates that Paul and Barnabas went from church to church to church strengthening the disciples and encouraging them to remain true to the faith and get these words get what they said we must go through many hardships many hardships to enter the kingdom of God they said think of that many hardships to enter the kingdom of God they didn't tell people that the Christian life was a cakewalk they said it's going to be hard folks that's the truth so we must learn to persevere in faith when Jobe experienced all of his tragedies he refused to curse God he said shall I receive good at the hand of God and not calamity though he slay me still I will trust in him now the faithful Christian admits I don't know why God has allowed this difficulty in my life but I still believe I still believe he loves me I still believe he's watching over me I still believe that in all things God is working for my good and so although I know the road will not be easy I continue to persevere in faith have you ever talked with a starry-eyed young couple about to be married Debbie and I have counseled and talked with many of them through the years some are so eager to be Wed they believe it's going to be the answer for everything they're so excited it's gonna be so wonderful they honestly in those moments can't think of anything better than to be with someone they love for the rest of their lives day in and day out now if you've been married for a number of years what do you tell them you say well yeah it's gonna be good it's gonna be a blessing but listen there's probably going to be some difficulties don't be surprised with the romance fades and some hard days come your way so you're gonna have to hang in there when those days come persevere in faith one old crusty pastor had been married for over 50 years made the confession he said sometimes I love my wife so much I could just eat her up and sometimes the next day I wish I had and that is so true for spouses who've been married a long time years ago Robert Schuller wrote a book with a great title I love the title life is unfair but God is good and he made the statement in that book he said people mistake the facts of life with the acts of God did you get that the facts of life with the acts of God God is not unfair life is unfair God is faithful and good and the Christian must persevere in faith revelation 2 verse 10 reads do not be afraid of what you're about to suffer I tell you the devil will put some of you in prison to test you and you will suffer persecution for 10 days be faithful even to the point of death and I will give you the crown of her life ah I'll tell you in my life few things are more inspirational than to watch a Christian who perseveres in spite of trials Fanny Crosby was one of those people her life inspires me so much she had the disability of blindness but you know what Fanny Crosby instead of wallowing in self-pity she wrote hymns songs for the church that the church has sung for decades blessed assurance Jesus is mine tell me the story of Jesus to God be the glory Jesus is calling I am thine O Lord all the way my Saviour leads me and many many many more i sang those songs as a boy growing up and i want to tell you her lyrics as i sang those songs were like spiritual oxygen to my lungs and when Fanny Crosby was very old someone told her you know Fanny that if you'd been born at at this particular time in history an operation could have been performed that would have given you sight you know her response it was stunning she said I wouldn't change a thing do you realize the very first thing I'll ever be able to see is the face of Jesus Wow Fanny Crosby's response to struggle had brought a perspective it brought a maturity that is inspiring and here's my question to you friend how are you going to respond to this current crisis many are responding and unhealthy and even destructive ways how are you going to respond when you feel you're acting at your weakest maybe the very moment God uses to make the greatest impact like the little eaglet when you feel you're falling may just be the time you learn to fly I went to seminary back in the 1980s in Louisville Kentucky there was a legendary true story that was told in class after class it was well known at the seminary the faculty and students and administration it was about Reverend John Claypool who ministered at the Crescent Hill Baptist Church for a number of years there in Louisville Kentucky and during that ministry dr. clay young daughter was diagnosed with leukemia and for a period she went into remission and seemed to be perfectly normal and everyone was encouraged and excited her her family was in hopes that the diagnosis had been incorrect and that she had experienced the miracle of divine healing for which John and so many had been praying and in his book tracks of a fellow struggler which was kind of standard reading for me in seminary dr. Claypool related that those hopes came to an abrupt end ironically one Easter Sunday morning the old pains reappeared and his little girl went into a severe relapse that involved hospitalization for for two weeks most of the time both of her eyes were swollen shut and every part of her body was wracked with pain John Claypool reported that moving with her through those two weeks was an unspeakably draining experience he found himself stretched in every way physically exhausted emotionally dissipated spiritually challenged as never before the worst moment came one night he said when his daughter could get no relief and she asked him daddy when will this leukemia go away he answered we don't know darlin but we're gonna do everything in our power to find an answer and and cure it there was a long silence and then she asked have you asked God when the leukemia will go away and her pastor who was also her father choked back the tears and sobbed you know darlin you know how we've prayed again and again for God to help us but she persisted have you asked God we'll go away What did he say claypole ask how do you respond to such childlike directness at a time when the heavens seem utterly silent there are times when there are no immediate answers a few hours later John claypoole's daughter died in spite of his heavy heart he decided to preach the next Sunday and that message recorded for posterity was one of the most moving sermons I've ever heard I listened to it multiple times on a recording and it was based on Isaiah chapter 40 verse 31 that reads but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength they will soar on wings like eagles they will run and not grow weary they will walk and not be faint dr. Claypool said there are three stages of life represented in that passage sometimes we mount up with wings as an eagle and fly we're on top of the world sometimes we run and don't grow weary we perform the routine but there are times when it's all we can do to just walk and not faint and that's where I am today I'm barely holding on to my faith I need your prayers and assistance at a time like this he said at that moment when dr. John Claypool was at his weakest he preached his most powerful sermon perhaps his greatest contribution to God's kingdom came during his darkest hour the Apostle Paul pleaded repeatedly for God to remove this thorn in his flesh but God said to him my grace is sufficient for you for my power is made perfect in weakness you know this is the weekend that we traditionally celebrate as Palm Sunday weekend it's sort of the official kickoff for Holy Week as we get ready for Easter and anytime you think life is unfair just look at the cross it wasn't fair for the perfect Son of God to be nailed to that cross at the age of 33 it wasn't fair for him to suffer excruciating loneliness and pain ridicule and scorned for me and you it seemed that surely surely evil was winning and God's people just couldn't see the point of it all but three days later they did three days later Jesus arose from the grave to live in triumph and that was the ultimate game changer the power extended to us through the resurrection of Jesus means that we can walk and not faint we can smile through the tears why because we know we know a day is coming when by his resurrection power we will rise up again like Eagles we will rise up again and we will fly would you pray with me father I thank you for the promise in your word that through your resurrection power we can soar as it were on eagle's wings help us to learn today that while misery and trouble are a part of life we don't have to succumb to it we don't have to be ground down in defeat trouble is going to come but misery is an optional thing we can choose we can choose to cast our anxieties on you and so I just pray now for everyone listening that this would be a transforming moment then for all of us we would come to understand that because you live and because your resurrection power is accessible to us this very moment we can actually learn to soar thank you that you lead your people as an Eagle teaches its young to fly may these be days when we're learning made these be days when we're rising up and feeling the power that you alone can give and we praise you and we thank you for the victory in Jesus name we pray [Music] oh how high I climb mountains if the mountains were where you high oh how far let's kill the vassals if you raise the other side oh how long if I chased rivers from holy feast where they rise against the rush grace descending from curse of its supply in the Highlands and [Music] you need a more wider search stop you're just now to find ha [Music] you're the son I'll praise you in restrain your in the [Music] see [Music] we need you can't from where your feet [Music] rise to air you Pass [Music] you it just [Music] trace my [Music] good probably allow me but for [Music] for me [Music] my freedom so I'll praise you in say [Music] [Music] cause say [Music] [Music] through the shadows my son [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] stop Oh Vance come the past you speak all grease a mud flowing upwards frothy tigré praise you [Music] you're the Effie so I'll praise you in see [Music] you're [Music] the heart in courtesy [Music] thank you so much for joining us for grace at home make sure and stay connected this upcoming week through our website our Facebook page and our Instagram account we're going to be producing new content on a regular basis as well as sharing information updates there as well see you next time you're gonna be okay [Music] those nights just remember that you are fired you're fired you never know [Music] you're struggling [Music] just [Music] [Music] don't give up and don't this one it's not the end it's not the end you're gonna be okay dog miss Wallace is not it's not [Music]
Channel: Grace Fellowship
Views: 1,876
Rating: 4.6190476 out of 5
Id: HXaiiOkJL_o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 3sec (4743 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 05 2020
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