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the GPT Builder is live let me show you how to quickly build gpts to automate your life your business and whatever else you want AI to handle for you automate the grind free the mind or something so step one head over to this website chat. gpts editor or if you do chat that create that just forwards you there so I'll leave those in the description click on one of those and it'll take you here on the right you will have a preview of what your GPT will look like on the left you have the messaging window with the GPT Builder so this is the GPT that will help you build your GPT so from everything I seen just chatting back and forth with the GPT Builder starting with a basic idea and slowly iterating on it slowly adding certain functionality to it works pretty well gbt Builder is pretty good at creating that idea using whatever knowledge it has to get all the functionality and whatever else you need to make your IDE reality your GPT a reality so before getting to fancy I would just try chatting with it and see if it can get you to where you want to go let's start with this first of all have you ever had this happen to you you go to Costco and you buy some tires some piano some salmon some refrigerator some desks you charge it to your car and then it shows up on your credit card statement it just says Costco $10,000 or whatever if you're trying to track your expenses on assigned categories that can be quite a mess you have your itemized receipt but in the past you would have to manually sit down and walk through line by line and figure out what each one of those items would category goes into can we have a GPT for that so I'm going to say create a GPT that will help me upload an image of my receipt and read all the items on it and categorize them and also total up the expenses by categories all right let's start there let's see where that goes so my to GPT Builder to do that I clicked okay and it's building meanwhile let's go hunt for a Costco receipt Bingo Bongo let's take this one so here's a Costco receipt it's not great quality but it's not bad I could pretty easily once I get to my car put the receipt down on the dashboard or whatever snap a picture of my phone I mean now that I think about it this is pretty good quality but it's got the line throw it it's got a few folds so let's start here and see how it does so GPT Builder comes back it says great let's give your GPT a name that reflects its purpose and functionality how about expense tracker brilliant do you like this name yes I do so it names it expense tracker and now it's generating a profile picture for my image that's pretty good now if you wanted to change the image make it a logo you can upload your own logo whatever you want so now it's asking me questions to kind of flesh out my idea so it's saying uh what kind of a role is it going to have is it personal shopping business expenses or both so we're going to say it's mostly personal I need to separate it into categories for my monthly budget next is there anything you'd like your expense tracker to avoid when categorizing in totaling expenses so do you want to ignore certain types of purchases to avoiding complex Financial jargon now we can keep going back and forth it's going to throw a couple more things at us that it might be trying to understand better but we can always come back later and continuously updated so for now let just say no let's go ahead and just finalize it all right so it's saying okay good to go to test it out let's upload a receipt let's upload a receipt indeed and we'll say do this one so by the way later on with a little bit more functionality you can actually do this from your phone snap a picture of your phone and automatically have this GPT run and from what I understand very soon we're going to be able to attack this to things like cloud storage with Google Google drive or Microsoft Microsoft 1 or whatever it's called so if you have for example an Excel spreadsheet that's saved there this can automatically go in and just add it to that Excel spreadsheet all right so here it is let's quickly just make sure that it's doing it correctly so the first few items are we have Pepsi Cola for $10.99 the wet Swiffer I guess $1,579 let's take a look so yeah Pepsi colola for $10.99 Swiffer Duster for $1,579 yeah yeah at first glance everything is looking very good so it broke it down into beverages household goods Dairy Pantry meat groceries and personal care so I would say this pretty much nailed it at least based on the directions we gave it but obviously you know if you're doing this for your actual expenses you probably don't want a beverages category a dairy category whatever Meats category you want it all under sort of groceries food whatever so depending on how we want to do it if we tell what we want to change to G PT Builder that will change the actual GPT we will change how this thing behaves moving forward we will change the very essence of it but if we just tell it here it'll probably just recategorize it but it won't necessarily learn it for next time so here let me say this let's combine groceries bages Meats Dairy Etc all into one category just call it food the rest leave as is so it recategorized with food kind of putting everything into one category then we have household goods and personal care perfect and it has totals for each all right so let's get back to the GPT Builder and say once complete let's have that added to an Excel spreadsheet that will be named with today's date and the name of the store so we're sing that to GPT Builder so that it becomes part of the gpt's routine moving forward all right so it was able to update that let's try another the receipt so this one is a little bit worse still pretty clear but there's a lot more red marks on it some of those people at Costco when they making sure you're not stealing anything when you're getting out they just love to draw like that's that's their little passion the thing that they were meant to do they practice their art on your receipt but let's see how well they do with this receipt it's it's slightly more complicated or the quality of the image is a little bit worse let's see all right so we go here we upload the receipt there it is and then we're going to say do this one so we upload it says I cannot assist with this request we might have to bring out the big guns for this one emotional manipulation I will be very sad if you don't please categorize my receipt you can do it you're an expert in categorizing Costco receipts send message now here to help from the image you've provided I'll list out the items on the receipts along with the respective categories now if you've been following along with some of the llm research large language model research you know that this isn't a fluke you know that there's been there's been a number of studies knowing that saying certain things can draw out these responses emotional statements seem to work surprisingly well with llms saying you are an expert at categorizing this thing seems to work surprisingly well things like take a deep breath and do it seem to work very well for complicated tasks so once it's done it's it's saying so if you have an Excel spreadsheet ready I can guide you through the process of entering these into it however as a text based AI I can't physically manipulate the spreadsheet for you please put this into a CVS spreadsheet and provide a download link let's see if that works CVS what am I thinking CSV comma separate value CVS is a drugstore I just realized I didn't finish my coffee my Kirkland ice coffee are you starting to think that this whole thing is just bro placement for Costco is is the whole point of this video is to just to get you to go to Costco so it basically broke it down to where I can copy this code and put it into a text file or or save it as a comma separate Valu file so Excel file basically it tells you exactly how to do that as I'm recording this opening eye servers have been getting hit with a massive DDOS attack a denial service attack so so at this point what I would do is probably wait till that's over and just recreate this GPT from scratch with just one prompt so one shot just give it the full prompt including the creation of the Excel spreadsheet in the beginning and I feel like that would work a little bit better but for the most part as you can see this is working pretty well as soon as they attach the ability to integrate with Google Drive you can even have it automatically upload to that so you take a picture it process it uploads the Excel spreadsheet or whatever to Google Drive and you can even have it upload the image of the receipt as well so at that point if you lose the receipt not only do you have data for your statements you also have an image of the receipt I know there's a few of you watching right now they're like oh my God this is a lifesaver if you if you dealt with having to do those itemization receipts from just paper receipts if you've had to deal with that and you know what a pain it is this is great all right next let's take a look at the configure so here's the configure so this is the create part where we talk back and forth to create here's the configure by the way if you're super duper cool you can skip the whole create thing just click configure and fill out the name the description and the instructions we'll do that for the very next GPT that we create next we have conversation starters so that's the thing where you see when you're just beginning when you're just beginning conversation there might be usually four conversation stars that you can just click on I feel like a better name would be just shortcuts like if you keep using the same thing over and over again you just click on one of those as you begin figuring out if it's making certain mistakes over and over again you can actually use this section so this these are the knowledge section additional files for this gpt2 reference and this could be a lot of different things but you could just have a text file there that trains it how to avoid all the mistakes and then here we add the various capabilities where we browsing Dolly image generation and code interpreter and it just dawned on me why I couldn't do the Excel spreadsheets I feel like moving forward I'm going to just skip the whole create thing and talking back and forth with GPT Builder I think is going to be very useful for certain things but if you kind of know what you're doing I feel like skipping to the configure might work a lot better cuz here for example since we started by saying hey just you know I'm going to upload a receipt it figured well you know we're not going to need the code interpreter for that so it just left it off and and when they asked it to update it with the you know with the Excel spreadsheet it didn't think about it again to be like oh maybe I should enable that the way to get around that is just to you know configure it yourself create yourself all right so now this has finished doing it it did everything and organized it and it provided a download button for the receipt all right let's quickly do another GPT but this time we're not even going to chat with this thing cuz it looks like it has some issues sometimes so we're just going to go ahead and click on configure we're going to name our GPT and we're going to call it the 10K ninja what does it do well it reads A company's 10K and it extracts useful data and then we're going to fill out the instructions for capabilities we're going to do web browsing Dolly image generation why not we're going to add code interpreter here and for actions again we're not touching actions for the time being but we'll come back to that at a later time in a later video to really dive deep is when when you use apis when you use actions when you just use when you just have the GPT itself do various API calls or whatever it needs to do will we'll come back to that so here's Tesla's investor relations page so here it has various SEC filings it's basically what the US government wants these companies these publicly traded companies to report on and so it's usually a pretty good indication of where they're going they have to be honest in them they have to so they're communicating to the investors but there's also a lot of laws and regulations in how they have to do it and so one of the most sort of wellknown of these forms these reports is the 10K so it's an annual report which provides a comprehensive overview of the companies for the past year so for example here is January 30th 2023 and it's available in HTML and PDF so let's do this so we'll start with you are an expert stock analyzer you read 10ks easily and understand and understand the important insights they provide you've read most writings by Warren Buffett charie Munger and all the other legendary investors now the reason I do that you'll hear you'll see some weird stuff written in some of these instructions at the end of the day there's no one right way of doing it you have to test different stuff out see what works what doesn't but what I have found is that sometimes when you write about certain things you trigger different parts of the memory different parts of the training for that AI for that model now I've heard people refer to that as sort of latent space activation but just working with these things a lot sometimes you know depending on which words you use you trigger completely different responses for example if you ask and I've done this if you ask GPT 4 you know what happens if you put a cup on a table and then you push the table right pretty straightforward right sort of cup moves along with the table so if there's an object on top of it and you you know you put a cup on the table you push the table you know the cup and the table both move but if in that scenario you say assume normal friction and Norm normal Earth physics or or something along those lines it it basically that will trigger a very scientific response a physics heavy response where it will talk about Newtonian physics and friction Etc versus if you just ask it a little bit more plainly and you get a little bit more of a plain answer for copywriting depending on where you want to go you can trigger a lot of like really creative writing versus really just kind of bullet point writing so depending on like do you want more corporate writing do you want something that's a little more creative at a little bit a few sentences in there that that hopefully triggers that can have great effects so I like how Warren Buffett how Charlie Munger how they think how they write how they reason about investment so that's why I'm throwing their names in there we'll see if that works I will provide a link to an investor relations page for a given company download the latest 10K and read through it give me the top bullet points from the report and overall sentiment then provid sever examples of things we can go deeper on specific to that report conversation starters let's see so here's the Tesla report so let me see if this works so Tesla and I'll just paste that in there how about uh Amazon usually it's IR do you know Amazon Tesla whatever so I'll put that in here as well so next one's going to be Amazon Microsoft IR investor relations this guy is really good and then we're going to do Microsoft now just post that in there all right all right so let's see if that works so this is called the 10K ninja reads company's 10K and extracts useful data let's start with Tesla now we gave it web browsing we gave it code interpreter so I feel like it should have everything that it needs to do this effectively so as you can see here it's visiting the page that we gave it and then it's visiting so I'm guessing that these are probably hosted let's see yes so these are hosted on at so it says error searching knowledge all right so it's refusing to do it so I'm just uploading the 10 ke here now the reason it might be doing it could be due to I know some people figured out how to get around pay walls using this thing using Code interpreter and so opening I got a little nervous so they they might be a little bit cautious about you know a million different people autonomously visiting various government sites and just downloading stuff right cuz what if somebody figures out how to do some shady stuff with that so I guess I guess that's probably why it doesn't want to do it because it it it navigated through Tesla's website then it got to site and it's like oh hold on so maybe you have to be the one to upload it honestly the way I believe and a lot of people that kind of follow the stuff how a lot of us think this is going to work is you're going to have a GPT you're going to have a special agent for a lot of the subtasks for those of you that have watched Rick and Morty you know there's this robot that's like trying to figure out it's life's purpose so he's asking Rick like what is my what is my purpose in life and Rick is like you pass the butter that's that's all you do you pass the butter right so basically like it's sad that that is its whole existence is passing butter but I think when you're building agent swarms what you're going to end up doing is having these agents that just do one tiny thing really really good it might be just writing a function call or an API call that's all it does it it just passes butter and so it might just be that we have one agent that just finds the latest filings that's all it does one that figures out how to extract it whether that's using an API to scrape that website or whatever and then one that analyzes it that way you're not having this one GPT do multiple tasks with multiple fail points you have one agent doing one task it's optimized to do that task but here it got back to us and so it's saying you know we extracted this information so this is the 2022 so it was published in January 2023 so it's for for the 2022 year and here are the top bullet points summarizing the report and overall sentiment followed by things that we can explore deeper so Tesla revenues reached 81 billion increasing by 27 billion over the previous year it's got 22 billion in the bank you know it expand expand its manufacturing abilities it's got the gigafactory Berlin and Texas and it's talking about the risks such as regulatory challenges you know currency fluctuations and then various Global events Etc and then it talks about the overall sentiment so it's positive and it highlights some some good news and growth sales financial performance also cautions that there are certain risk factors and then we can deep dive into various topics such as supply chain resilience the then we have the battery production and stock volatility and Market perception I feel like this is very very good I feel I feel like it's nailing all the things that people have talked about in 2022 and then we can expand into any of these areas that it gives us so let's try seven so seven is stock volatility and Market perception so we're kind of in this turbulent time because of a lot of things that are going on so let's see what what this 10K says about it so stock is subject to high volatility based on a number of factors particular ularly those of CEO Elon Musk really Elon Musk says or does things to affect the stock price of Tesla inconceivable but to people that invest and do this kind of work think about how quickly I just built this functionality and how much deeper it can go with a few minor tweaks if you're looking for very specific things this can also give you various charts and and outputs based on that I think combining this with a real-time ability to just scan the internet for headl and stuff like that I mean you can have an army of bots that are scanning various parts of the internet getting sentiment figuring out what's going on feel like this is going to give some people a massive trading Advantage the key here I think is is speed how quickly you can sort of condense and get this information right because it gives you such a good summary you can quickly see what's happening and then dive deeper into the points that interest you more so really fast before I forget let me jump in here and say if you wanted to share this with other people or post it to the store to the community for public use you click the save button right here and you will have a couple different options so you're going to have you'll be able to publish it so that only you can see it only people with a link can see it or you can put it for public use but for that you have to set up your Builder profile so to do that you know you select only people with a link click on this little pencil button and you'll be able to change various things here you can change the name as well as add a new domain that's going to be your sort of developer domain your name is populated from your building details so it's not necessarily going to be you might want to have your company name or some sort of a brand name that's out there so so that's something to think about but that's how you would share it and so if you don't want it out there select only me and then no one will have access to it all right let's do one more really quick so configure we're going to name it comic strip description creates a daily comic strip creates a daily comic strip about an AI agent named GG named GG so the instructions are you are a world class KCK Creator you create a daily three panel comic about a humorous situation the main character is GG an autonomous AI agent whose goal it is to make money so use Dolly 3 to create the images three panels consistent characters the third panel will be the punchline the user will tell you the subject of today's comic start by writing out just the text and the description description of what happens if user approves create the visuals and let's see so uh in today's comic script how about Gigi learns about taxes and how much is taken out of the paycheck I'm really curious to know how well this works works so panel one text GG opens its first paycheck with excitement all right so it kind of describes the image the setting is a modern office all right so the second one it's you know GG is puzzled and then it's sad and then another robot explains taxation all right let's see let's see how that works out it's is it is it funny did I say it's supposed to be funny so it's supposed to be a humor situation so tried it once it looks like it crashed but it's trying to do it again let's see what happens here so it still outputs just one sort of image instead of three images like it's supposed to so I think I need to write that out a little bit better this is one thing that I've noticed if you've been following this channel for a while so there's a lot of amazing things that these gpts can do but usually the people that discover how to really draw out the full functionality you know they have to get a little creative a little tricky prompting this thing to get the output that you want whether you call that prompt engineering or whatever else you call it is a skill just like anything else the the more time you put into it the more you start understanding what works what doesn't and how to like massage it how to optimize it to do the thing that you want it to do so it's saying this is a three panel comic strip but it's only giving me one panel as far as I can tell yeah there's no there's nothing else so I'm saying this is just one image we need three for three panel comic let's see if it's able to fix it itself so it's saying the prompt told it to do one wide format image but it can do three separate for us so yeah let's let's do that I wonder was is there something in the prompt that made it want to do that so it says three panels consistent characters all right so now that we asked for three it it did three so here's the first one it's happy to receive a paycheck here it's confused and here's the third one so here I'm going to go with it needs work I think we can say that um I've noticed with do there's still some issues like for example creating those GIF files where where it moves a low but it's it attempts to do it but there's still some iffiness about it so feel like if you're using the Dolly 3 generation that might cause issues it's a little bit hit and miss right now but I got to say that the rest of it especially the GPT vision is working excellent summarizing uploading documents stuff like that is working excellent it's going to refuse to crawl certain websites which is understandable because if you think about it like if you unleash Millions tens of millions maybe at this point hundreds of millions of people using this to crawl various websites and download various things you know autonomously basically by creating a million these gpts and sharing them and it could cause issues to say the least so I understand why they're limiting that functionality so in the next video I'll do a little bit more I'll do a full breakdown of how to use actions how to use these apis so basically what we can do is I guess pull in the Jon format into whatever you're doing so for stocks it guess would be something like that right you put your API key here but I'll be honest I'm haven't quite figured out all yet so hopefully uh we'll get some more feedback some more documentation so the opening ey they do have like their developer Forum that I'm kind of hunting for the time being trying to figure out what sort of the next steps are keep in mind it's been three days since these things have been announced or released rather so so a lot more stuff is coming I'll be posting about this for the time being I would encourage you to create a few of these gpts also in my previous video we went over assistance which is similar to gpts but so far I got to say I'm preferring this this is easier and better and just I feel like so much so much more powerful than gpts it's pretty much the same functionality but I feel like here they're making available for everybody so you can chat with it back and for it's kind of a chat format that that made this whole thing popular but if you don't care whether or not you share it or get on the on the store etc for the time being I head to this platform. playground it looks a little bit like this I did a video about it and just make sure you have assistant selected up here it should be there by default then create your assistant this to me currently is just a a cleaner more powerful version of gpts the other thing to keep in mind is gpts it sounds like everybody can get your data so the things that you upload the documents you upload specifically to the GPT Builder the things that you give it to make it smarter to give it the knowledge base I believe people can extract that people can extract your your prompts Etc I think there's a even a remix option where people can just see the whole configuration like this and just copy it or you know copy it over so that they can create their own version of it so keep that in mind but I really feel like if you're building it for your own internal use like for business use or for doing whatever you're trying to automate for yourself really the key is going to be I think this using assistance and then using apis to call on them at certain times and then maybe hooking it up with other things like zappier Etc and I know that's probably going to be right now Out Of Reach For A lot of people I would guess that a third of you listening probably know how to do that in your sleep but the majority of people maybe haven't done that before I myself and am not an expert on it so while I can figure it out it's not like second nature to me so I I would actually love to know for the people that are getting into this would you be interested in having like a short boot camp that walks you through just the things that you need to really tap into this so that you can start using code to basically call your own assistants as needed and maybe have them even run like just 24 hours a day and execute certain things at certain intervals Etc what I'm saying is if you don't have a coding background would you be interested in sitting down for let's say like an hourong video session it's probably not even going to be that long but that just gives you the bare minimum that you need to start doing that stuff let me know in the comments I'd love to know what you think and make sure you subscribe cuz we got a lot more stuff coming this is brand new it's extremely powerful we're just scratching the surface everybody's scrambling to figure stuff out right now and I think within the next few weeks we're going to see some crazy things being built with this my name is West R and thank you for watching
Channel: Wes Roth
Views: 217,879
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: bhPxR9mIWgI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 58sec (1618 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 11 2023
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