Gparted Partition Tool Live USB Boot Drive Creation And Tutorial

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hello everyone today I'm going to show you how to create the G parted uh partitioning tool or formatting and partitioning tool and it is a very powerful tool for formatting uh hard drives USB keys and basically anything that can plug into your computer it does most file systems including all the Linux file systems and uh Windows file systems so you know basically it's a it's a partition tool that works on most things um you know there are some limits I don't believe it does X uh fat or or uh the Xbox format or the uh Wii format uh types but you know no big deal there uh there are tools for that as well now this is what it looks like the gparted tool and what I'm going to do is show you how to create this on a USB live um thumb drive so basically what you're going to do is plug in your thumb drive boot up your um computer computer using your thumb drive and then you'll have this tool running which will be enable you to format your drives any way you want now there are many reasons for having that that uh option uh number one it's outside of your operating system so if your computer's infected you need to format or something or uh for some reason your W your Windows machine or your computer is not uh allowing you to format something this tool bypasses all that by be by booting up with its own operating system and I will show you how to how that works as well uh like I said Windows has a a file formatting system it's and uh you know it works okay but you know sometimes it hangs or it doesn't work right this will fix this will get you uh bu that uh and it's also more powerful in the sense that it allows you to do a lot of things that the windows format tool does not and I'll show you some of those features afterwards so first let's uh let's go get it we need two pieces of software uh by the way I'm using a a 4 gig uh USB thumb drive I picked up I think for like $3 um you know so you don't need anything really really spectacular a cheap old 4 gig uh USB thumb drive if you can even find one anymore will do just fine now next thing we're going to do is go get the software so uh in a Google search just type in G parted I'm using uh Chrome here so it automatically does the search and then we're going to go here to live us B and the only thing you need to do is go here to installation uh instructions and here it says You Know download the ISO file well you need to to download the ISO file so we're going to click on that and then we're going to go down SC just scroll down a little bit and you see G parted live bootable image and you want to download the latest one which currently is Point uh is this one here the 02201 so just click on that and then it it'll redirect you to Source Forge we'll just wait a few seconds here and then you're going to download it to uh wherever you want to uh download it to I'm going into my downloads directory because it makes sense um I've already downloaded it for the brevity of this uh video so I don't have to uh wait for this to download download it and when you're done follow up after me so I'm just going to hit cancel here because I've already done that then you need another uh piece of software called uh yummy and it's a u boot uh USB boot uh creating software again it's free and it's really cool so just type in into your search uh Y U Mii and when you get it click on the yummy multi-book USB Creator then go to the yummy then you're on the yummy multi USB Creator web page it looks like this tells you all about it but really you don't really need to know too much about it I'm going to show you all you need to know then go to here to download yummy and for breev brevity sake I already have I got the 2.0 uh 16 version here so I'm assuming you're going to put it in downloads directory or wherever you remember to put it I'm going to you know hit cancel here so now we have the two pieces of software we need and I'm going to go to the file browser and then down to my computer here computer and you'll notice that it lists all your drives just for you know the sake of uh knowing what you're doing you'll need see that the removal Drive is your is my e Drive and it's only 4 gigs so that's my USB thumb drive you know verify that you're working with the right drive you you don't want to format the wrong drive like your system drive or your backup drives or anything like that you don't want to do that so I'm just going to take out the drive for a second and you hear it Go and it disappears so that that way is an easy way of knowing which Drive you're dealing with okay so there it is it's Drive e and obviously it's empty so you know you can have it empty or not I suggest that you format it and uh you know if you right click it actually if you select it right click it you'll get the option to format it but I assume you already know how to do that so I'll minimize this um actually not minimize it we open it up again we're go to downloads where we stored all our files and we're going to double click on yummy now mine is coming up with the user account control asking me if I want to proceed I'm going to say yes you probably don't see that but if you get it just to say yes yes okay and here you get the license agreement of course we're going to agree to that and it doesn't really install the program it just runs it so now you have the option to uh uh you know all the options that yummy gives you to create a boot USB key now this this is an awesome tool it's really powerful it it's not the only you know G part is one of the 50 uh live USB uh Keys it can make but we're going to deal with Gart at only right now the partitioning tool you scroll down on the select drive and you see that e is is the option now you know if it doesn't show you that you can you can choose choose all but notice that you you get into the C drive and other drives that you know you don't want to format so just you know go with the default setting here and you're more than likely going to get the right drive I know mine is e you should know what the letter for your drive is now if you want at this point you can tell it to format uh the drive as well I don't need to because mine's already formatted but if you want to format it it will erase everything on your drive so next you see that it's it's got a list uh you know it says step two select a distribution to put on your drive e so I'm going to put in GP parted so scroll down until you hit the um system tools and in here you'll see under system tools there's system tools uh G parted partition tool so click on that now you can click to visit gparted homepage you know or or click on download link and you know it'll it'll launch the web page where I showed you to go but you know I I don't think if that's all reliable all that reliable but it's up to you okay but once you choose the Gart partition tool then it's going to ask you well you know pending I I need a gped live ISO well we know we downloaded it so we're going to show BR we're going to click on browse mine's automatically go into the download directory you go navigate to where you downloaded it then you choose the gparted live ISO and you hit open then you hit create and this will you know at this point if you've chose chosen the format it I have't but it'll create this on on your e Drive which is your your thumb drive so I'm going to click on that you know it gives you a breakdown of what it's going to do next you know says I'm gonna do all this stuff and if you you know are you absolutely positive you know well I am if you're not then don't go ahead with that so it's doing its thing and it does put a label on it called multi boot so you can understand what it's called when you're looking at it in the file browser okay so let's click on next and now it says would you like to add more distributions on E well no but if you wanted to you could so I'm going to say no and it says yummy has completed the installation so I'm all finished so at this point what we're going to do is I'm going to reboot the computer um in rebooting the computer there's several different options that you can uh get or use to get to your uh what they call the Boot selecting menu uh this is an HP so I'm going to be hitting F9 uh if you don't know what yours is just go and do another search on Google here and next we're going to reboot and uh going to show you how to um get into your boot selection menu at least on an HP it may be different for your computer like I said could be Escape key one of your function keys find out what it is for your computer okay we're at at the boot screen on my computer the HP and you'll see on the lower right it says Escape for startup menu well uh yours may be different it might be F1 F2 F9 whatever I'm just going to hit escape and there you get the startup menu and you have uh you know several options uh number one the the one we want is the boot device options so we're going to hit F9 and then you get your options uh you know CD DVD ROM notebook hard drive and the Kingston traveler data traveler which is my USB so we scroll down to it and hit enter and then you get the yummy multi-b boot USB if all goes well and it'll boot automatically in 25 seconds but I'm just going to choose uh by scrolling down to system tools and there you see g-p parted live the only one that we put in so hit enter on that and then you have the default settings we hit enter again takes a little bit there we go we're going to go with all the defaults on the boot uh should be good for most computers and basically it's just booting up and uh probing your system my system anyway all right it's says don't you know ask you a bunch of questions about key maps and so on just hit enter through them all use all the defaults again defaults defaults just keep hit hitting enter or enter three times and you'll get in all right and there's the desktop for the carted tool and it is actually running at this point and uh what it's doing is doing a device scan it's looking for all the drives on your system and that's what it's found and you can see um you know that I have two partitions there uh one of them is NTFS actually two of them up here you can see the listing down here two of them are NTFS the other are the other is an extended one with ext4 in it that's my Linux partition um again you know mine's a special case yours probably won't have that uh and if you want to look at the listings of of actual devices just come over here to the right click on the down and you'll see that it shows you both uh drives that are in the machine currently and that is the uh one uh terabyte drive that I have in the 4 Gig USB uh key and you just click on the one you want and it selects it now you don't want to format your USB key cuz that's what's holding this program and you don't want to format this drive because that's your system drive so I'm just going to plug in another drive and it'll be an 8 gig uh USB key now now this program won't automatically sense it so what you need to do is go over here to gparted and then choose device oh sorry choose refresh uh if you look down here you'll see your devices it tells you uh SDA and is the 931 gigabyte 1 terab drive and then sdb is the 3.4 gigabyte uh USB drive don't worry about the naming structures just understand that you should know the sizes as your drives so you know what you're dealing with so I'm just going to click on uh refresh devices here and it's going to scan all the drives again and when it's done we're going to go look at that uh new USB drive that it finds okay so we go back over here to the listings you know it doesn't matter you can go to G parted over here too to devices too and you see that I found an 8 gig Drive it'll be the same here so I'm just going to choose that and you see that this is an unknown uh partition type well that's because I I formatted especially using a Wii machine so it's not going to be known but uh next thing we're going to do is we're going to delete it and create a new uh partition so just highlight it and you can see that you get the dot line around the Partition you could have just clicked here too you would have gotten the same thing okay and if you double click on it it tells you all about it so um what we're going to do here is go to part ition and we're going to click on delete and now understand when you delete it's going to delete everything on that drive so if there's any data on that drive you want it's gone so but it doesn't do it until you hit apply so be doubly sure that what you're dealing with is correct so just hit apply there we go and it says uh it's completed successfully it'll tell you the details here if you want to look right and you keep drilling down down it'll tell you all the details of what it did so basically it formatted it not formatted but deleted it so at this point it's got to recalibrate so it's going to do another partition search and once it's done doing this then you can format it anywhere you want so if you let's go up here and go to uh not device but I guess yeah uh you can you can create a partition table there are tools too you can attempt a data rescue as well um you know there's a lot of different options up here but I'm just going with a basic so I'll just hit new again and it says well maximum size is the full drive so that's what I'm going to do is so showing P primary partition and it says file system it's defaulting to the Linux uh I'm going to choose the fat 32 and then uh if you want to label it you just say USB key or something label it whatever you want all right good enough and now all you have to do is hit apply and it will create that partition for you if you want to see the details just click on details over here drill down through it and it'll tell you every step of what it did and it's successful on all of them so it says all operations successfully completed hit okay hit close and it again it has to recalibrate every time you do a partition change to any one of the drives so just let it do that all right and then back here to the partition options you see uh actually have to you have to highlight the partition you're working on so I'm going to do that and here you're going to go to the partition opt options and you see you have the size to you have the option to resize it uh copy it format it to any partition type you want take your pick all of those are available um and you can also check it so let's click on check here and as with everything else you when you click on something on this uh tool you're only queuing it up you have to click apply or you can click undo if you want to undo that uh uh function or that uh um you know request so I'm going to hit apply here and are you sure of course I do I am I'm going to hit apply again and it's going to check the drive now if you want to see what it did again just expanded the uh uh check details and you'll see all the different details um about what it actually just did so it's very very um friendly as as far is telling you what's going on and what it's found and what it doesn't find and uh you know also you see the left to the right all the check marks meaning that it passed everything so I'll just hit close on this again I'll leave the tool up to you to explore uh at this point the uh only other thing you need to know is how to shut it down so just right click on the screen anywhere or go to the uh exit button here so we'll click on the exit button you probably can't even see the exit button no you can't so there's so yeah there we go I got the uh reboot or uh shutdown options another way of doing that is uh just right clicking on the screen and choosing the uh shutdown option so that's it for the Q parted uh partition uh tool I hope that helped you out and uh Happy Computing that's it for my video thank you very much for watching uh if you like this video and it help you out in some way do me a favor click on the like button right down here and uh you know if you wish to subscribe to my channel just click on this link up here and that should subscribe you to the the uh Richard Lloyd Channel or Richard Lloyd USA channel um okay again thank you very much for your time and watching
Channel: Richard Lloyd
Views: 269,987
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gparted, gparted live tutorial, gparted live, gparted live usb, gparted tutorial, gparted tutorial german, gparted usb, how to use gparted, gparted live cd, gparted kullanımı, gparted boot, gparted windows 10, g parted, how to use gparted live, gparted mac, gparted live deutsch, how to use gparted windows, gparted iso, gparted windows 7, gparted windows, unknown, gparted live on usb, como usar gparted live, how to use gparted live cd, gparted-live, linux, partition, ubuntu
Id: 0czAJwEbtFs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 46sec (1186 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 31 2015
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