Clonezilla Disk Imaging And Cloning Utility Live USB Boot Disk Tutorial

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hello everyone today I'm going to make a video on a program called Clonezilla I was uh recently asked what kind of program I use to backup hard drives or uh you know data from one uh USB stick to another or from one hard drive to another and uh you know my answer to it was that I use Clonezilla and this is the program right here and as you can see it's free and open source software and it says for dis Imaging or cloning which is you know basically both ways you can go with data backup Clonezilla is a partition and dis Imaging cloning program similar to True Image or Norton Ghost so you know it's it's not a very pretty gooey uh you know graphical interface type of program it's a text based um uh sort of a console-based programs which I'll show you show you how to use uh to do a simple uh dist to this copy but basically it copies everything from one drive to another very well and very efficiently uh here's you know it's got a million different features and uh you can uh Google Clonezilla and go to about here so uh and then you can read all about it but I'm going to show you how to create this dis on a bootable USB uh stick uh I'm using just a simple um you know stick like this actually mine's even more simple than this it's something I bought sorry I got for free at a trade show it's a 1 gig um USB thumb drive and it's formatted and and empty right at this moment so I'm assuming you're going to have one of those installed in your machine so first thing you need to do is go get the program so go here to Clonezilla and so Google uh Clonezilla and you'll get the Clonezilla web page and all these options and then go to downloads after you go to downloads uh click on the stable release right here uh and save it to a folder um actually first you got to pick your uh CPU architecture and your file type well uh if you don't know what kind of CPU architecture you have or you're going to use it on multiple machines uh choose the uh basic and the basic basic being the i586 which is a 32-bit uh version of this program and then you're going to choose an ISO uh file now you want this because it's the most compatible version of this software it'll run into anything so uh after you've done that just click on download and you'll get to Source Forge here and now you have to wait one or two three 4 seconds and it'll give you the option to download the program now I've already done this but uh you can do it just hit okay I'm on Firefox whatever browser you're using just make sure you know where you're downloaded it to so hit okay uh and my downloads are all going to my let download directory like I said I've already done it it's right there just for the sake of speed on this uh uh video I'm not going to do that so I'm going to hit cancel um as it's you know it's about 230 Megs so it'll take a while for it to download I'm assuming it's uh you know fairly lengthy uh next thing you're going to need is a program to create the USB stick uh to create it and make it bootable now I found that the best program for doing that is a program called yummy so uh go to Google again and then just type in uh Yu y and uh then you'll get this option the yummy multiboot USB Creator so we're going to click on that then you'll get the whole description on what this uh wonderful program does uh but really all you need to do is come over here and download yummy right there so click on that and you get the option to save the file which we're going to do now so you know yummy does not install anything on your computer it just it runs by itself so since I've already downloaded the latest version uh you go ahead and put it where you want I'm putting mine in my download directory and uh just for the time for the sake of saving time here I'm not going to download it again so once you finish just keep following up with me so now we've downloaded the two pieces of software we need to create Clonezilla so first thing we're going to do is go back down to my downloads uh directory and right there is downloads and yummy is right here so we got to create the uh USB um thumb drive or bootable Drive okay or yes if you get a prompt from your security program like I did you may not have seen that then just go with the defaults here click agree and as you see it didn't really actually install anything it just runs by itself so so um then you choose your drop down I'm assuming you already have your drive installed and prior to doing this do yourself a favor and check on your file browser which one your thumb drive is just to make sure you don't do anything crazy like uh put it on your C drive or uh you know format something you shouldn't be formatting well here my removable disc drive is a removable dis e so back to the yummy console I'm going to hit the drop down here and shows the removable drive it actually figures it out but you know just verify you're doing the work on the right uh drive you don't want to do something crazy uh like putting it on your system Drive okay so next you click on select the distribution to put on E so we'll click on that scroll down till you see uh system system tools right there and if you look you'll see there's Clonezilla backup and plus CL clone tool so we'll click on that then it says well now you need to tell me where the iso is so we're just going to hit browse and back to my downloads directory and it show shows you only the file it's looking for which is right there the Clone Zill alive ISO that we downloaded earlier so click on that and hit open and then click on create right make sure everything's right everything's the way it should be my is uh if you wanted to format your drive your e Drive see there's where you need to be sure what you're doing so in other words if you wanted just to blank out your USB key and have it just put this on it then you can but I'm just going with the defaults because I already formatted that uh Drive manually so click create and it gives you the following uh summary of what it's going to do so hit yes make sure you read that correctly and make sure you're you know dealing with with a correct drive and as I said it's not a very big program there's the total size 161 megabytes so you don't need a very big drive I'm just using like I said a generic thumb drive that I got a at a uh um what do you call it business expose so we'll wait for this to finish and after this is finished I'm going to uh boot the uh computer up uh using in my case because it's an HP the Escape key and then the uh choosing F9 now different computers use different uh boot sequences and I'll put that in this video as well so that you can go through them if the first one does not work for you all right so we we gotten to the next here so just click on next the green bar is going all the way to the right so click next and then says would you like to add more more dros to the drive on E and we're going to say no to that I may make a different video on how to put multiple dis drows on one uh bootable USB key uh it's kind of really handy if you if you want all your tools on one thumb drive okay so here we're going to say no and it says yummy has completed the installation at this point you hit finish and it goes away so we can close this stuff out and if you look at your file browser you'll see your e Drive now I scroll down to e now says multibot e and it has those two directories in it and it's basically ready to go so at this point we're going to reboot the machine and I'm going to show you how to use the program all right here we are at the startup screen this is my HP and it gives me the option to escape at this point I've got got my USB uh stick the generic 1 gig drive that I put Clonezilla on already plugged in I had it plugged in when I turned it on so here I'm just going to hit escape and it's going to give me the uh startup menu and as you can see uh F9 is a boot device options now like I said different computers have different menus so you'll need to figure out how you get to your boot a sequence uh you may want to just try booting it with the drive in in the USB port it might just actually pick it up and go so here I'm going to hit F9 and you see all the different options uh number one is the CD ROM drive or dvd Dr Rom Drive notebook hard drive and I'm going for the generic flash dis which is the 1 gig Clonezilla drive so I hit enter on that and you get the yummy boot USB and 27 second default at the uh sorry 30 second default timeout at the bottom if you hit your down arrow key to make a selection that uh take turns the timer off so we're going to go to system tools then down to Clonezilla so use your cursor down to Clonezilla hit enter and now you get another menu with another 30 second timeout but if you again scroll through the options it turns that off and if you go through each option you'll see uh the different versions of things you know that you have here options you have here Clon Z alive default settings uh that's the most generic uh friendly uh uh configuration for your machine to actually boot but uh I'm not going to use that because I want to show you one other one uh basically when you use the first option what happens is it boots off your your USB key and uh it's live off the key so in other words all the software is running off the key which means that you can't take the key out out of the machine to do a different uh to use the port for some other uh purpose or for some other uh what do you call it device like a hard drive or whatever so if you only have one USB port you're sort of uh up the creek but or if you need two and you only have two uh ports on your machine then you'll be stuck because there's one one of the ports that needs to stay there so let's get past that let's go down to uh other modes of Clonezilla live as you can see there and here you get higher resolutions uh different settings but the one I'm really interested in is Clonezilla alive to Ram boot media can be removed later what this does is allows you to boot your machine and after you boot it'll uh give you the option to pull out your uh drive your your USB drive it'll uh give you well actually when I get there I'll I'll tell you when I pull it out and basically at that point the machine will be running with all the uh software from Clonezilla in the ram which makes it number one faster number two frees up frees up all your ports and number three uh reduces the amount of confus Fusion you have with drives so in other words you'll only have in my case only one drive the hard drive inside the machine uh showing the rest will be accessible to do whatever I want with so I'm going to do that choose that hit enter and go okay so here we are we're at the uh uh select your language well I'm going to choose English and then it goes onto the key map just in case you have a wonky or weird keyboard like a French one or something you can CH change it to that but I don't so I'm just going to hit enter and then you have the option to start Clonezilla or enter the shell well I'm going to choose to start Clonezilla the shell option is if you're doing a network uh clone from or image from one computer to another computer on the network that you use the command line prompt to enter the correct um commands and we're not going to go there we're just going to go to start Clonezilla now you have the option to do device to image or device to device well if you do want to copy your your your your whatever device it is you're copying to an image file then you choose the first option we're not doing that we're going device to device and basically it's a straight copy from one uh drive to another so I'm going to use one the 1 gig USB key to 4 gig USB key so enter there beginner mode is what I'm going to use which is you know for the most part uh perfectly fine and then then you have the again disc to local uh disk uh or disc to remote disc or you know partition to local partition or partition to remote uh partition we're choosing disc to local dis so here we have two options for your Source dis well we have the one terab Toshiba Drive at the top and uh I'm not going to copy that CU I don't have all day to show you how this works I'm going to use the source Drive which is the 1 gig flash drive so as you can see the computer has automatically detected that that drive is there and it's accessible now if I had have booted with the first option that that drive would not be uh uh accessible because it would be busy running the operating system so I'm going to plug the second drive into here into one of my USB ports and once I see the light on it stopped flashing and I'm going to go uh okay on this and uh it's nice to use a USB key that has a an activity light on it hit enter here okay and you can see right away that now I can copy to the uh that 1 gig drive to the terabyte drive which would erase everything on that drive if I did it um and replace it with what's on this one gig drive so you got to be really careful what your destination is so uh make sure that you uh pick the right target Drive every time and that you're absolutely sure where you know you're taking data from and where you're moving mov it too uh fortunately this program is very descriptive in what it you know in the information it shows you about the drive so you should know uh which one is which uh if you don't know which one is which do not proceed until you figure it out okay so I'm going to the 4 Gig drive so that's my target drive so I hit okay here then it says uh you can check it to see if there's any errors on it well I know there's no errors on either one so I'm just going to skip that you can interactively go through that if you wish or use Auto auto as it says caution because Auto will choose its own options and and do whatever it wants to your file system so say it chooses to delete something it's going to do it automatically you're not going to have the option so I've already hit enter on that option and now I get uh uh the next time you run this command you can run this command directly and it shows you what the command is I'm not going to bother with that because I'm not going to do that I'm always going to choose my settings and go then I'm going to hit enter and I it's telling you exactly like I said it's friendly because it's telling you exactly what it's going to do next I'm going to delete in a warning the existing partition on this hard drive will be overwritten all existing data will be lost on SDC and then it tells you what SDC is the three2 3927 megabyte data data traveler G3 Kingston data traveler so that's my uh 4 gig stick that I put in there so I'm going to say yes to that again warns you again I'm just saying yes so I don't have to worry about that I know I have the right partition now the light's blinking on that drive and it's going ahead with the um procedure once again it gives you one more chance uh actually no here it's asking you do you want to clone the boot loader uh on this case I'm going to say yes because I'm I want this to to boot so I'm going to say yes and you can see that now it's starting to do its job and it tells you all about what it's doing right there quite friendly that way all right now it's sinking and once it's done doing this I'm going to reboot the machine and show you how it's working on this Kingston data travel it'll be an exact copy of the uh Clonezilla USB key that I generated in the first place okay if you see there it says successfully clone a device okay and now it's just basically saying all right I've done everything you've asked me to do uh you can stay in the console and or you can run the exit uh or log out here I'm just going to hit enter and you it automatically goes back to a mode that you can choose what to do next I'm going to choose to um reboot but you could rerun it and do another copy if you wish as well here right uh so I'm just going to go here to reboot and then it counts down I'll take that one gig drive out and then I'm going to go and hit Escape when it the appropriate screen boot screen comes up there it is okay so escape and says pause startup of course it's going to go to the menu I could have just hit F9 I know that but I'm just showing you this again F9 and we're going to choose the Kingston data traveler the 4 Gig uh USB uh drive and as you can see it's now doing going to Yummy multibot USB so so it's actually copied that correctly and there's Clonezilla and we'll just go into that and as you can see it's working exactly as the old uh one gig little drive that I had in there uh worked before so at this point uh I've shown you how to do a complete copy and uh how to install a Clonezilla on a USB drive now uh you've got other tools here if you want you could do a memory test um you know if you suspect there's something wrong with your memory I would run this first before you do anything else and then there's Doss or free Doss and there's the memory test that's it for my video thank you very much for watching uh if you like this video and it help you out in some way do me a favor click on the like button right down here and uh you know if you wish to subscribe to my channel just click on this link up here and that should subscribe you to the the uh Richard Lloyd Channel or Richard Lloyd USA channel um okay again thank you thank you very much for your time and watching
Channel: Richard Lloyd
Views: 435,851
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Keywords: Clonezilla Disk Imaging And Cloning Utility Live USB Boot Disk Tutorial, software, free software, clonezilla, clonezilla tutorial, how to use clonezilla, clonezilla usb, clonezilla live, clonezilla tutorial windows 7, clonezilla live usb, clonezilla clone hard drive, clonezilla bootable usb, how to use clonezilla live, clonezilla disk to disk, clone zilla, clonezilla create image, clonezilla windows 10, clonezilla live tutorial, clonezilla uefi, disk cloning, linux, clone
Id: 41tTudaQb0I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 30sec (1230 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 09 2015
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