Gospel: Oneness | Duncan Smith | Catch The Fire Raleigh

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[Applause] thank you so much thank you everybody happy easter wow i just love this time of the year i love easter and my favorite day of all of easter is resurrection sunday because without the resurrection the cross would have been meaningless and uh and in fact the resurrection is the father's eternal endorsement of his eternal son that forever let it be known my son lived the perfect life as a human being on planet earth 33 years according to hebrews 4 15 says that he was tempted in every way and every means every tempted in every way yet was without sin and how do we know that that was true yes we know it was true because it's the word of god but it's also true because the father raised his son jesus from the dead he couldn't have done that if jesus had sinned one tiny sin one person got it so happy resurrection sunday everybody and of course jesus's resurrection the the good news the greatest news of all and he would agree i'm quite sure is that not just jesus was raised from the dead but in raising jesus from the dead the father made it possible for all of us to be raised from the dead with him and spiritually speaking in the spirit we have already those who believe in jesus have already been resurrected and are already seated in the heavenly places in christ jesus who himself is seated at the right hand of the father ephesians 2 verse 6 tells us that we are already seated with jesus in the heavenly places and so our spirit is already fully alive in union with jesus one corinthians 6 17 says he was joined to the lord is one spirit with him our bodies in this life even though i know you find it hard to believe that this isn't my resurrected body yet um this is a joke everybody okay our bodies are not yet resurrected that will take place a split second after judgment day when jesus who the father has appointed by raising him from the dead acts 17 when jesus as the eternal king who is the rightful judge of all human beings will judge each human including you and me for everything that we've ever done in our lives and the moment we hear him say well done good and faithful servant just for believing in jesus not because of anything that we've done but just for believing in jesus we will be united our spirit man the woman that's already alive fully in him now we will be united with our new bodies everybody a body just like his body that was resurrected from the tomb and is now glorified we will be glorified like him and we will be just like him as he is we will be just like him and we'll spend forever and ever in the new heaven that's the new earth in those bodies and what a glorious glorious eternal life we will have in him so yeah oh jesus is alive and we're alive in him what a great hope what a gospel and i'm starting the series uh today that we're going to be in for about a month on the gospel of jesus christ and so um i want to start this morning so turn with me to the book of john chapter 3 and i'm going to be preaching on in christ jesus this morning uh and i want you to turn with with me to john 3 we're going to read a passage of scripture that's very very famous and then i'm going to preach on uh what it is to be in christ jesus and the gospel of jesus christ so in john chapter 3 a very very famous passage where jesus is speaking to a well-known pharisee and teacher of the law a name a man by the name of nicodemus and jesus says to nicodemus unless you are born again unless a person is born again born of the spirit they cannot enter the kingdom of heaven and if and nicodemus famously says born again like what am i supposed to enter my mother's womb and and somehow be born a second time and uh and jesus gently but firmly rebukes him for his unbelief and helps him to to understand that jesus is talking about being born of the spirit the moment a person believes in jesus after the resurrection every person who believes in jesus will have eternal life and so he goes on verse 9 nicodemus answered and said to him how can these things be jesus answered and said to him are you the teacher of israel and don't know these things most assuredly i say to you we speak what we know and testify what we've seen and you do not receive our witness if i have told you earthly things and you do not believe how will you believe if i tell you heavenly things no one has ascended to heaven but he who came down from heaven that is the son of man who is in heaven notice that jesus standing in nicodemus's garden says to him i'm in heaven pretty cool hey and as we shall see that is now true of us wherever we are we now can say we are in heaven even though we're here on the earth what would your life look like if that reality that truth became a way of life that you just know that you know that you know that in christ jesus you are in heaven right now even though you're on the earth even though you're drinking your favorite latte in your favorite coffee shop jubala and um verse 14 and as moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness even so must the son of man be lifted up i want you to remember that verse because we're going to come back to it as i get into the message that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life for god so loved the world this is the most famous verse probably in the entire bible for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son so that everybody can go to heaven is that what it says no and you know what sadly there are people that believe in a gospel that is not the gospel where they believe that because jesus died on the cross for the sins of the world the whole world is automatically saved and will all go to heaven that is called universalism it is not the gospel of jesus christ according to jesus and according to the eternal word of god those of you who know there were two thieves that were crucified with jesus both of them criminals both of them representing i believe the two responses to the to jesus's death by the entire human race on the one hand one thief who refused to believe and jesus never said a word to him another thief crucified on the other side of jesus both of them died with jesus but that one thief turned to jesus and he said jesus remember me when you come into your kingdom he'd already said to his friend the other thief you and i deserve to be here but this man has done no wrong you can see that the the evidence of jesus as their savior even though he was just an oozing piece of hamburger meat so to speak just lacerated torn up nothing to give away that he's the king of glory and this criminal who has lived such an evil life that the greek word to describe him means sheer evil devoid of all good and yet in that condition dying with his hands nailed so he couldn't do anything his feet nailed so he couldn't go anywhere for jesus and all he does is simply believe in jesus and entrust himself to a dying man that was dying the same death he died and he says remember me when you come into your kingdom in other words i recognize that you are the savior of the world that you're the king of an invisible kingdom that's an eternal kingdom and that you will have the right as the king to decide who does and who does not come in and that you will remember that all i did was simply believe and it will be sufficient for me to spend eternity with you never read my bible never prayed never fasted never went to church never gave any money to the poor never lived a life that you and i would think deserves heaven and jesus says to him today you will be in with me in paradise i want you to notice he doesn't say you'll be in paradise he says you'll be with me in paradise who knows there could be multiple eternal paradises you'll be in them all as long as you're one with christ no the bible says very very clearly right here for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life what does that tell me it tells us all this morning everybody that we all died with christ but only those who believe in jesus's death as our savior as our king are raised with him the whole world died with christ but only those who believe were raised with him that's my personal conviction for god did not send his son into the world to condemn the world but that the world through him might be saved everybody has the same opportunity of salvation he who believes in him is not condemned but he or she who does not believe is condemned already because they have not believed in the name of the only begotten son of god and this is the condemnation that the light has come into the world and men and women love darkness rather than light because their deeds were evil for everyone practicing evil hates the light and does not come to the light lest their deeds should be exposed remember this verse but he who does the truth comes to the light that their deeds may be clearly seen that those deeds have been done in god leviticus chapter 11 verse 44 and leviticus 20 verse 6 both of those verses say consecrate yourself therefore and be holy for i am the lord your god and consecrate yourself therefore and be holy as i am holy when i was a kid growing up and for much of my adult life verses like that terrified me you mean to say jesus when you said be perfect as my father in heaven is perfect you expect me to be perfect with that level of perfection when you call me and invite me to be holy you're inviting me to be holy as you're holy are you kidding me do you know how much i sin i'm not like you guys you know i got a lot of sin going down still that i have to if i'm not careful and i take my eyes off the gospel my sin becomes the snare in my thinking and i begin to think that i'm a sinner instead of knowing i'm a son who's a saint and so this word holy one day i decided to tackle it and i studied it and i found out that the word holy means to my astonishment means the place of apartments nothing to do with behavior nothing to do with my thinking although all my thinking and all my behavior is transformed by holiness totally transformed but holy is a person and holy that person is a place and that place is apartness a partners that means nobody else is there i'd like to call on my my father murray and i's dad if he doesn't mind coming on up please while i continue to preach he's going to come and help me so we have this amazing reality that god is separate from us come on up dad please he's separate from us he is altogether different to us we are created the universe we live in is created he created it but he on the other hand is uncreated being what does that mean it means that he is apart from us there is an eternal gap between creator and created created can never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever be the creator to be the creator you must be the creator if you're the creator you ain't the creator and this god who created us created us in his image in his image to be created in the image of god means to be created in the image of love because god is love one john 4 verse 8 and 16. for love to be love he must be trinity there must be a lover there must be a beloved there must be the love the lover is always moving to the beloved the beloved is always moving to the lover and the love is always eternally flowing from the lover to the beloved so it turns out that this god who in the old covenant is revealed as one god it turns out that this one god actually has a son so jonathan come on up okay that's it thank you come [Applause] want forward okay so jonathan if you could go behind dad that would be great turns out that this you step up next um are you turns out that this creator the ancient of days according to daniel chapter 7 you can see where i get my handsome good looks from can't you my mother and and it turns out that this beautiful glorious eternal creator has a son lean over and say hi to everybody yeah there he is he has an eternal son not only does he have an eternal son he has an eternal spirit yannon and so we discover that this eternal creator the lover has an eternal beloved and the eternal love himself who flows from the eternal lover to the eternal and so on are you guys comfortable being that close you do you need a mask okay great okay just to put the audience at ease especially those watching online that wasn't a dig at you by the way all right now so there is it there is movement in love love is always moving everybody the lover is always moving towards his beloved son and the beloved son is always moving towards the lover the son is moving to the father the father to the son and the spirit of the father who's the spirit of the son is the movement between the father and the son in fact roland baker told me once and has written an amazing thesis on this that the gift of eternal life to us is not just that he's given us jesus forever and that in jesus we now have eternal life no it's even greater than that that in giving us all of that he's given us his very relationship that he's had forever with each other oh come on and you and i have done nothing for that the very quality of the essence of that relationship has been given to us the moment we believe in jesus okay now the bible tells us eternal god who he had invited to us to be with but we couldn't because our sin separated us from him why because in the beginning he created us placed us in a garden in that garden he gave us eternal life as an offer how do we know because he put the tree of life in the middle of the garden right next to the tree of the knowledge of good and evil if adam and eve had reached out with their hands and taken of the fruit of the tree of life they would have eaten it that fruit would have gone in them and they would have been instantaneously united with christ who is the tree of life and they would have been born of the spirit and they would have been eternal eternally beautified and eternally redeemed unfortunately they never did that instead they reached out and they took an eight from the tree that the lord god said you must not eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil because in the day that you eat of that tree you will be you will surely die why did god allow that tree to be there because god treasures your free will as the greatest gift he gave you he's looking for lovers to spend eternity with he will never force you or i who spends 50 60 70 80 years in this world 90 years 100 maybe 120 if you're really blessed maybe by then we'll have robotic everything and we'll live to 120. i don't know but he would still never force you who lived 120 years on this life to have to spend eternity with him unless you desired it just the tiniest bit of desire to say yes to god is all that he looks for instead they reached out and they aided the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil when they crunched on that they swallowed it it went into them and it became them just like every meal you've ever eaten has become you you're the sum total of all those meals not only that when they ate it you and i were in them we became sin just like they did when they ate that fruit of the knowledge of good and evil they became one with those trees and the human condition ever since has been that we've all been self-appointed trees of knowledge of good and evil haven't we i like them i don't like them i hate them i love them they're nice they're terrible i like that i don't like that god you made me in your image but i'm going to make you in my image now and i don't like the way you are so here's the deal from now on what you call evil i'm gonna start calling good. and what you call good i'm gonna start calling it evil why because i'm it and when they did that they became separated from god god removed them from access to the tree of life if they had reached out i used to think of that moment as get out of my sight oh while i think about what i'm going to do with you i'm going to put a flaming sword between you and the tree of life but instead it was nail pierced hands jesus waving i'm sure adam eve and all of us in them because let's face it if my dad murray's dad had died when he was three years old of a tragic tricycle accident we would have died with him murray and i wouldn't be alive today if you think about that logically you've been alive preserved for six thousand years every generation god made sure was conceived so that you could be sitting here today listening to me i don't think it was for that reason by the way thankfully for a whole lot more reason than that but nevertheless the point is you would not be alive today so next time you feel discouraged next time you feel depressed i'm not belittling that depression but i'm telling you the antidote to it is begins when you start thanking god that for 6 000 years you've been kept alive through world wars through bubonic plagues pandemics crossing the atlantic ocean you name it your forefathers and mothers were kept alive so that you could be alive today that's worth rejoicing on easter sunday right there now then here's the deal if they had reached out having become one with the tree of the fruit of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good evil if they'd reached out and eaten from the tree of life they would have made themselves eternally irredeemable so god in his love put a flaming sword between the tree of life and them in that sinful condition why because he had a plan the tree of life would come to them and in the fullness of time the bible tells us okay matt could you come up here and sit right next to my gorgeous honey right here all in the empty chair that's right there because there's some belongings on the other chair so just sit right there that's great in the fullness of time god the bible tells us in romans 8 verse 3 what the law couldn't do because it was weakened by the flesh god did by sending his son in the likeness of sinful flesh and he came and dwelt among us what's the opposite of apartness where god is one three in one and he's uncreated being and that's what makes him eternally separate from creation where he dwells alone in unapproachable light and you and i the opposite of that apartness is among us matt is sitting right there representing all of us he's going to represent us for the rest of this morning's message and i when you see matt i want you to think you and so in the fullness of time god sent his son john 1 14 said the word became flesh and dwelt among us romans 8 verse 3 said what the law was weak in that it wasn't able to do because it was what the law wasn't able to do because of weak flesh god did by sending his son in the likeness of sinful flesh to us so jonathan dad send jonathan please born in conceived in a virgin mother's womb born in a manger lived for 33 years and then fulfilled his mission to dwell among us the ultimate fulfillment of dwelling among is to become one with so grab hold of matt and bring him back up here onto the platform please right here where those two tapes are marked there perfectly just for me not really but so matt you're here put your hands out and you and jonathan you're here okay uh could you guys scoot over just that way just a little there you go that's it right now you guys are gonna get really tired if you keep your arms out okay so you have my permission to put them down and put them back up when i need them up so put them down now okay now put them back up well done simon says no okay so here's the deal right put your arms out the bible says cursed is he who's hung on a cross on a tree galatians 3 13 likening the cross to a tree and of course we know the cross was made of wood so here's the tree of life himself and he's nailed to the cross i believe that the cross representationally was symbolic of you and i the trees of the knowledge of good and evil and we're going to remember that thought and as jesus is hanging on that cross he's already been lacerated from the top of his head to his feet by the horrible horrible whipping and he's opened up every square quarter of an inch of his body's opened up why because when he was hanging on the cross he literally his perfect body was dying for the first time in all of human history first time in all of human history everybody a perfect man was dying that had never happened in 6 000 years you guys put your hands down if i go like that put your hands down trust me by the time we've been here 15 you'll be really tired so think about that for just a moment okay what was i saying yes for the first time in all of history ape thank you hannah a perfect man was now dying and that had never happened before so his death was the first death that paid for somebody else's sin everybody else's death paid for their own sin including your death if you don't have a savior but jesus is your savior and as he a perfect man on the cross with his flesh torn open a place was opened up in his dying body in the spirit for you to be placed in the son of god 1 corinthians 1 verse 30 says it is by him god the father that you are in christ jesus as jesus died on the cross his body perfect body became a gigantic vacuum cleaner of all sin and all of our sin came into him it is by him god the father that you are in christ jesus who has become for us our wisdom our righteousness our holiness and our redemption therefore let him who boasts or she who boasts boasts only in the lord think about that he's he vacuumed up adam the first adam all the way to the last baby that's born the last adam jesus christ paid the price in full with his perfect body and in dying sucked all of our sin into himself and even sucked us into him because you can't separate the sin of man from the man of sin and so adam you and i we all came in as our sin was drawn into him we were drawn into him and this is the most amazing thing in that moment okay having been opened up he now became so perfectly one with you that he the bible describes him as sin second corinthians 5 21 he made him who knew no sin to be sin that we might become the righteousness of god in him what are you kidding jesus loved you and i so much that he was willing to actually become every single act that we're so full of shame of and that would cause us to spend eternity in hell jesus became it at the cross and he became so completely it that he became both you the victim of being sinned against for a lifetime he also became you the perpetrator of sinning against everybody else he solved the dilemma of justice by becoming all that you and i are see injustice proverbs says this injustice is if a person who did not commit a crime is found guilty of that crime injustice is when a person who committed a crime gets away and is never punished both of those are the two sides of justice so how could the cross be justice by the god of justice if the innocent died for the guilty and the guilty went free the only way is if the innocent was willing to become the guilty one and that's what happened jesus literally took us all into himself and became us and hung there the guilty one and now though he himself had never sinned all of the wrath of god the father came upon him everything that jesus cried out to the father mark 14 36 father please please my father if at all possible please father take this cup from me please my father oh my father please please please [Music] take this cup from me my father please ah yet not my will be done but yours why was he crying out like that the bible tells us luke 22 44 his blood literally started mingling with his sweat dripping into the dust representing us the mercy in the blood already crying out because mercy triumphs over judgment and the blood of jesus as he cried out and then surrendered his will to the father why was he so desperate he even says in in mark recalls him all things are possible with you father i mean it must have just torn the father's heart all things are possible for you father please take this cup why was he crying out like that because the cup of wrath was something so indescribably terrible that nothing that you have ever seen or could ever even imagine compares to it because each drop in that cup was what you and i deserve for a lifetime of sin by the created against the creator is the equivalent i believe of eternity in hell and there were billions of drops in that cup and jesus drank it for six glug hours glug glug glug glug everything offered to him he couldn't take because he was drinking an altogether more terrible cup and he drank it all and when he said it is finished there was not one drop left in that cup including yours your eternity in hell was drunk and swallowed by jesus yeah you can clap yes we clap and the the bible tells us in in exodus chapter 12 verse 9 moses was instructed concerning the passover which was a type of jesus we know that because john the baptist said behold the lamb of god who takes away the sin of the world the lamb the passover lamb in ancient israel was a type to prepare them for the passover lamb jesus that if they would eat of jesus and they would put the blood on the doorway of their life the angel of death would pass over them when the full passover was was properly properly enacted and jesus died on passover and when when god gave moses those instructions he said the lamb is not to be eaten raw it's not to be boiled you're to roast it why was he so specific well i believe it's because of what we you you see in in in the moses in the burning bush you see the bush being filled with fire and burning but the bush not burned with elijah you see the fire fall on the sacrifice everything's burned the bull the wood the stones and even the water and both moses and elijah appeared on mount of transfiguration and were talking with jesus about his soon departure meaning the cross his death and i believe that both of those men saw the two sides of what it looked like when the the passover lamb was roasted alive for six hours in the wrath and the fire of the father and make no mistake god's wrath is right he says you are the apple of my eye that doesn't mean that he's into apples as opposed to pineapples or bananas he describes you three times in the word of god as the apple of his eye and that in in jewish culture was a euphemism for you're the pupil in my eye when somebody sinned against you it's like they stuck me straight in the eye god says now he could have said you're my pinky toe and that would have been an honor but instead he describes you who are the very center of my fiery eyes of love anybody who touches you is going to spend eternity in hell you're that important to me problem is i'd have to throw you into hell as well because you've done the same to all the other pupils of my eye see we're way too light on sin everybody we need to understand that justice was satisfied the wrath of a righteous perfect god against all of his lambs was satisfied in that moment and the fire fell and he was roasted and the and jesus the tree of life remained you and i the trees of the knowledge of good and evil done gone now remember i told you to remember uh john 3 14 as moses lifted the serpent in the wilderness so too when the son of man is lifted up whoever believes in him will have eternal life what was he talking about moses and the serpent well you can find that story in the old covenant in in the book of numbers chapter 21 verse 4 to 9. he says if the bible says that the ancient israelites on their way out of egypt they were grumbling yet again we hate this manner a type of jesus type of christ the messiah and snakes started coming out of the wilderness poisonous snakes and bit them and thousands of them were dying in the sand and they cried out to moses and moses cried out to god and said god do something and god said no moses you do something this is what i want you to do i want you to make a fiery serpent and put him up on a pole and whoever looks at that serpent when they're when they're um bitten by a snake if they look at the serpent they will live and not die wow and jesus himself mentions it quotes it as moses lifted the serpent in the wilderness so too when the summoner why why everybody and here's the answer the bible says moses made a serpent of bronze and sure enough everybody who looked at and put it on a pole everybody who looked at it lived what a type of the cross but one day i did a study i found out from a metallurgist who helped me to understand what bronze actually is are you ready for this bronze is an alloy of tin and copper melted together in fire becomes one brand new metal bronze and once bronze is bronze it's now forever bronze you cannot by any physical biological or chemical means reverse bronze back into tin and copper bronze has lost none of its tinnies bronze has lost none of its copper-ness but bronze is neither tin nor copper anymore it's bronze come on let's let that sink in now [Applause] and i said to the lord lord okay but why didn't you i understand tin and copper became bronze the two you and i became one at the cross we and you became one at the cross but why a snake why did you ask moses to lift a snake on a pole and his answer shook me to the core of my being i said why didn't you put a man like a like a crucifix catholic crucifix why didn't you ask him to make a man mold a man not a snake he said because that's what my son looked like when he hung on the cross when he became you he so became one with you that in the moment where it is recorded john 19 30 it is finished and he bowed his head he had so become one with us that when he died we died with him we were so united with him so one with him so buried deep in him now and he in us forever that when he said it is finished it was impossible for the father to raise jesus from the dead three days later without raising you and i from the dead with him and that is the gospel of jesus christ you see when they laid him in the tomb to timothy 2 11 if we died with him you better get in there with him if we died with him which we did get close guys come on now if we died with him we shall also live with him if we were if we died with him romans 6 6 then we were also buried with him if we were buried with him we were also raised with him and let me just take a moment okay what is important when you're in the tomb everybody exactly that's it jim there's only one thing that's important when you're in the tomb i gotta get out of here that's the only thing that is important it doesn't matter whether you drove a porsche or a ford focus it doesn't matter if you wore if you wore it salon on clothes or rags it doesn't matter if you were a billionaire or you couldn't scrape two dollars together it doesn't matter if you went to harvard or you never went to university at all it doesn't matter what your accent was it doesn't matter what ethnicity you were nothing matters in the tomb anymore from your former life there's only one thing and by the way we will all be in that too and by the way you're naked in there there's only one thing that's important i gotta live and for three days that was true of jesus and on the third day the father sent the spirit let him send you there you go sent the spirit and he raised jesus from the dead and in raising gag come on come on don't let me down now that's it he grabbed him grabbed us and raised us from the dead with him and we're alive because he's alive [Applause] and the bible i'm going to just reshuffle you guys a little jana and if you step just there look you're at the right hand of the father jesus just stand right in front of him like this moses uh i mean that moses just right there on you're next to no no just right there yes just just right there just right there perfect perfect remember i just read john 3 21 every one of your deeds you did in god every one of your deeds you doing god and that's it in fact it's so important i just want to read it but he who does the truth wave to everybody matt yeah that's true you could always because everything that matt does you do now but he who does the truth comes to the light that his deeds may be clearly seen that they have been done in god there you are that's you matt represents us all in fact you could say that matt is now the living headquarters of the trinity on the earth you are the living headquarters of the trinity on the earth what does that mean means when you go to starbucks lord help you when you go to another restaurant or when you are driving in your car and someone cuts you up or when you're at home with your wife and your children or your husband and your children or whether you're at university in class in a lecture whether you're on zoom forever it feels like you're on zoom in at school and you're like if i have one more zoom because you're done with zoom just remember everything you do now you do in god you are the living headquarters of the trinity and nothing is impossible for you uh john can i borrow you please and we're gonna end on this john could you just uh stand actually could you just stand just here please john just here john has a painful shoulder and we're gonna ask matt to come and lay hands on john's shoulder so matt would you please whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa get tight guys nice and tight matt would you please come and lay hands on john's shoulder yeah you see everywhere you go you bring god because you're in god you are irreversibly inseparable from god now you are one with christ in the father by the spirit for ever [Applause] and so now when um let's let's let's do this again when matt puts his hand on john's shoulder the holy spirit's hands already touched him jesus's hand is one with mats and big daddy's hand is right there listen when you have this mindset you begin to start to move in the spirit on a whole nother level of fruitfulness because it's not about you it's all about the one you live in and the one you carry amen you mean you can thank you guys let's give them all a big hand especially my dad thank you dad brilliant everybody let's stand let's stand good job thank you lord thank you lord thank you holy spirit thank you that where we go you go where you go we go and just take a moment and just begin to thank the lord because that's what he's done for you lord thank you so much thank you that you were willing to go to such great lengths for us the bible tells us in romans 4 25 that jesus was handed over to death for our trespasses but he was raised to life for our justification what does that mean it literally means that the father happily wants you to know that he raised his son jesus to get you he knows he wanted jesus don't get me wrong i'm not suggesting for a moment the father didn't want his son jesus but i'm telling you the father raised jesus from the two to raise you from the tomb with him that's how much the father loves you he loves you that much he loves you so much just let the love of of the father the love of the son and the love of the holy spirit so sink into your heart right now so sink into your heart you are greatly loved by god everywhere you go now you bring the god of love with you you're one with his person you carry his presence you manifest his power when you walk this world starting today right now please don't ever forget with the holy spirit's help this image when i was a police officer 30 years ago in england i discovered something really important i want you to imagine i arrest a person stealing the silver candlestick from a church i run after that young man with the candlestick silver candlestick i tackle him in the middle of a field i bring him down and then i say to him wait there young man until i go and bring the queen of england and she is going to arrest you and i run all the way to buckingham palace 200 miles away i knock on the door they let me in i knock on the queen's bedroom i say good evening your majesty i bow humbly before her and she says what are you doing here in the middle of the night your majesty i'm here because i i i caught a man but i want you to come and arrest him because all my authority comes from you she will press the button and have me remove not just from buckingham palace but from my uniform because that is not walking in the authority that i've been given the authority that i have as it had as a police officer was from her majesty the queen the uniform was her uniform the war the card in my pocket had her name on it but i had to exercise that authority as if i was the queen and i arrested everyone accordingly i did my job but do you realize that that is exactly what we're guilty of whenever we're standing in front of somebody who's sick and we ask the god of heaven to come and heal them please we have authority in his name we have his power when we say to a demon get out of that person they go if we say god could you come and remove them they stay it's not just for healing it's for every business decision it's for every marital decision it's for every raising children everything you are now the living headquarters of the trinity start behaving like it and you'll change the world
Channel: Catch The Fire Raleigh
Views: 1,244
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Worship, Church, Revival, Preaching, Ministry, Raleigh, Catch The Fire
Id: w4eASeDGw0E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 29sec (3149 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 06 2021
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