Gordon Ramsay Shows More Ultimate Recipes To Cook On A Budget | Ultimate Cookery Course

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Been using Ramsay’s recipe for chorizo stuffed roast chicken (from an earlier ep of this series) lately and I can’t recommend it enough.

Gonna attempt the gnocchi this weekend. Wish me luck.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/space_sandwich πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 13 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Love it, thank you!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/owlpee πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 13 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

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πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Demolishonboy πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 14 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
vegetables are such an asset in the kitchen healthy fantastically fresh and incredibly versatile and pound-for-pound there's so much cheaper than fish or meat just make sure you give them plenty of attitude my first recipe is so quick and easy but seriously impressive and deceptively cheap homemade gnocchi making your own yaki is so simple to do yet the results are absolutely stunning and it's a great way of using up leftover baked potatoes you can make no key just with flour and eggs however the procedure gives it a nice light sort of creamy fluffy texture let's cut them in half to your spoon and scoop the inside of those potatoes I'm using leftover baked potatoes but this really works as well with leftover ball potatoes two choices and get a fork and sort of mash the potatoes and get it nice and light and fluffy or this little gadget it's called a ricer I suppose it's a posh word for a potato masher just squeeze gently you can see how nice and light it is almost like fluffy little strands of potato you can do this one potatoes are hot it'll go through the rice is so much quicker just slice that off there now a nice spoon of a kosarin don't touch a salt and pepper it's really important to season the mixture to go along otherwise the naki becomes really bland flour over the ricotta sieve there's no lumps one delicious egg give that a little whisk now make a little well in the center you want a nice soft pie ball the ball of dough give that a really good mix get some thyme flowers in there and this time is like fragrant that's just a really nice herb and with the ricotta to taste brilliant just pick the little tips the time flowers next flour your hands generously and knead the mixture into a dough fold in and push from basically what it's doing is to get it nice and smooth as it starts to get a little bit wet just that little touch of flour but once I make really nice and soft now don't overwork it it stops to knock you from expanding when it hits the pan that's exactly what I want a nice sort of soft fragrant ball cut the ball in half lightly flour the hands and just roll it gently I just think of a a big long cigar the mixture will start getting a little bit sort of wetter but do not add lots of flour now lightly flour the knife so when you slice the Nakia it doesn't stick to cut the dough into bite-sized pieces just take your finger dip it in the flour and push to help why I want mine Aki's you look like a pillow and for me the most important part there is that not one of them I identity the same shape go on bring up to the boil little touch of olive oil in there lightly flour your hand lift up the no key in the rolling boiling water turn that pan stop them I'm sticking on the bottom and let them simmer and they start to sort of tell you they're cooked when they start floating got a pan on get that nice and hot now that just started to come to the top and you can continue cooking them like that I like blanch them in the water take them out and then find them 2:30 the naki heat olive oil in a frying pan gently lift up and look they've doubled in size drain it get rid of the excess water and straight in to the hot pan [Music] this is where they start to take on a completely different texture nice crisp sauteed texture on the outside not he loves fresh pepper so pepper in and you see as I start telling them got this really nice little sort of brown color are they almost popping up now my little parcels so on the nice associate both sides of lights and creamy in the center fresh garden peas in the butter gives it that really nice sort of beurre noisette flavor on the ends beautiful but little bit of fresh thyme over the peas and then finally I want to lift it up fresh lemon zest the lemon over smells incredible and then finally seal the deal with a touch of grated Parmesan cheese give you veg term attitude and you'll get amazingly elegant dishes on a budget that are always guaranteed to impress what more do you want from great cooking cheap to make easy to cook and absolutely stunning cooking great food doesn't mean you have to spend a fortune on fancy equipment get some basic essentials and you'll be set in the kitchen saucepans me basically you don't need a collection of 10 we need weenies to a medium-sized one followed by a large one a small pans great for sources heating liquids or rice whereas your large pan gives you space perfect for pastas choose or when you're cooking in bulk which keeps cost down made from copper to stainless steel fine what's right for you and always get a lid which helps heat the pan up as quickly as possible and the secret behind a great saucepan is the heavier the bottom the more heat will conduct the thinner the bottom the more charge you've got actually burning with food by the best sauce spoons you can afford take good care of them and the last two years saving you money in the long run amazing recipes don't necessarily have to include meat cooking vegetarian dishes will reduce your food bills without compromising on taste and flavor here are three more recipes to satisfy even the keenest carnivore like me that will max out on veg and won't break the bank [Applause] starting with spicy black beans with feta and avocado [Music] first in a pan heat olive oil and chopped onion and fry until soft then finely sliced garlic and chili at cumin cinnamon and black beans then combined cook together until deliciously soft these small beans come dried or in tins and there are great chief ingredient to make dishes more substantial to serve dollop the black bean mixture and crunchy tortillas top with cube ripe avocado chopped fresh coriander and crumbled salty feta cheese spicy black beans with feta and avocado a dish as filling Google and tastes fantastic my next great veg recipe is linking Greer rusty with fried eggs [Music] in a hot pan sweat shredded leeks along with a knob of butter and season next great Powerball potatoes and Greer a hard Swiss cheese with a great nutty flavor then combined with a soft release in a pan heat oil and a little butter spooning the potato leek and cheese mix cook gently until golden and crisp underneath and then slide onto a plate flip over and return to the pan to finish cooking [Music] finally for the perfect topping fry two eggs and place them on top of the Rasta top with fresh tarragon [Music] leaking kriya rusty with fried eggs are simple but substantial dish that makes the most of hearty root veg addition takes as much time to write on a blackboard as it does to cook chickpea cumin and spinach kofta with tahini dressing in a blender put team chickpeas cumin seeds paprika and turmeric and blessed to a paste [Music] next we'll spinach in olive oil and chop finely then add to the chickpea mixture sprinkle in gram flour made from finely ground chickpeas then shaped golf ball sized chunks of the mixture using a spoon and rest in the fridge when ready to cook heat oil in a frying pan shallow fry the koftas until golden brown on all sides then rest them on kitchen paper to absorb any excess oil for an easy dipping sauce mix yogurt with a dollop of tahini and a squeeze of lemon and stir in freshly chopped coriander a mouth-watering dish that's perfect for sharing chick feed cumin and spinach kofta with tahini dressing three amazing recipes with fantastic veg proof that even if you're cooking on a budget you can still eat like a king and when it comes to buying potatoes a great ingredient if you're cooking on a budget one green grocer who can always spot a dud spud is borough market royalty Fred foster it's all about flavor it's all about choosing the right variety for the right fish he's been selling top-quality veg for over fifteen years and really knows the king edward's from his Duke of York's basically there's two types of potatoes there's early season and a main crop rotation early season is basically round about May time you can't store them they cannot be stored you have to buy them and use them within two to three days when you're buying an early season potato you must avoid green looking potatoes at all costs it really is important and the way you can tell that is if you just brush the potato the skin comes off really really easy and then you want you want to yellowy or whitey look invitation the new season potato is a super potato to use new season types include Rocket Home Guard and Maris barn but my favorite is the classic Jersey boil it has a delicate sweet flavor it's packed with vitamin C and is great in salads or simply boiled and mixed with olive oil and fresh mint jersey but say is early crop are phenomenal look at that keep the skin on it's really important just wash it boil it it's a beautiful beautiful potato and that's what we're talking about we're talking about I know it's a potato I know it's a bit sad but we're talking about flavor right then what is the main crop potato it's the crop that is grown specifically for nine months of the year use when you're looking at a main crop potato you need to see that the eyes aren't too large because they tend to go right through the potato they've got to be firm it's very very important if a potato in any way feels a little bit soft discard it storage wise dark place cold place dry a place and that will last till you simple as that both early-season and main crop potatoes come in two main types waxy and flowery waxy potatoes have a smooth dense flesh and because they're low in starch they stay firm when cooked types include a neo and pink fur but I love Charlotte which has an amazing buttery taste and her great aid in stews or served whole with roast chicken flour potatoes have a fluffy dry texture when cooked which makes them great for mashing roasting or cutting into chips types include King Edward whose smooth creamy flesh is perfect for potato gratins or with rich meats like beef and dairy which have an amazing red skin and are great for baking or is delicious potato wedges old-fashioned types known as heritage potatoes are now widely available and fantastic colors and distinctive taste that are great when you want something different this one's called salad blue when you cut it you then see the most amazing color and it's perfectly looks stunning on the plate a really popular it's so important when you're going out to pick your potatoes you already know in advance what you're going to do with them at a time so whether you're going to put it in a salad where it's a masher or a chip or even a baking potato each variety has a unique flavor Fred spot-on weather new season main crop waxy or floury potatoes are incredibly versatile and packed with great flavor the perfect ingredient when you're cooking on a budget well how much do I love to say as well cook them simply proper flavors it doesn't get any better [Music] like all chefs for me there's nothing better than seasonal produce at its peak when fruit and vegies fresh in season and fantastically ripe I can't wait to get back in the kitchen to get the most out of your cooking always use ingredients in their prime my next recipe is a proper British classic that super simple to cook and cost next nothing and delicious apple crumble crumbles are the perfect waves used through when it's in season there's lots of about is nice and cheap but most importantly the fruits at its absolute best first off I'm gonna make a really nice light Carol pan on ice and low great to apples and this helps that almost sort of purely apples so much quicker a lot of flavor in the skin so don't worry about peeling the fruit whether it's pears plums peaches flavors in the skin nice start the camera a couple of tablespoons of sugar the sugar helps to get rid of tartness in the apple a touch of cinnamon that starts to make it a little spicy open up your vanilla just scrape out all those seeds now this just makes it light and fragrant all those seeds in to the sugar we're making caramel be patient and always swirl the dish instead of stirring it when the sugar goes Brown add the apple that starts to sort of cool down the camel but it gives it a really nice sort of caramelized pureed apples almost disintegrating smells incredible turn the gas down slice up two apples it's a crumble that's got no frills straightforward and faffing around I'm peeling of the skin I don't meant to sort of stand out from the camera apples in now there's nice thick chunks of Apple sort of almost bending itself into the puree dried cranberries gives it that nice sort of shock in the texture sweet and chewy I wanted to sort of taste zesty spicy so set the lemon zest on top of your apples and cranberry fresh lemon juice over and that just gives that extra acidic kick takes the cranberries the apples the camel and the cinnamon to another level turn the gas off there that sits and let's concentrate and the crumble flour in I cut the tablespoons of Demerara sugar sugar helps to get the topping nice and crispy butter in give that a nice little filling rub looking for is like a breadcrumb mixture lightly seasoned it with a touch of cinnamon and the Demerara sugar sort of helps to get a nice fine crumble mix now it stops the butter I'm sort of melting in that flour so that's the basic crumble mix but I'm not finished yet music two-thirds crumble one-third music mix that in if you haven't got muesli and crunchy granola works brilliantly - lovely now start off in the center and work your way around I want the crispy nuts on the top the puree on the bottom of the camera and then the texture in the center a good tip turn the gas back on want it bubbling before it goes in the oven because then you just got to cook the top so as soon as you see that caramel start the bubble down the side in she goes let's go make it to two degrees Celsius for 12 to 14 minutes until golden brown smells amazing [Music] beautiful still bubbling and look at it a delicious but very simple crumble with apples at their absolute best beautiful [Music] next my tricks the trade and kitchen tips first up cooking pasta a great budget basic to keep in the cupboard it can be easily undercooked or overcooked here's how to do it properly first water Lynn nice large pan to make sure that passes got sufficient room to cook evenly nicely seasons absolutely crucial olive all in that stops the pasta from sticking together bring up to the ball that's the rolling boil the secret there it stops the pass from sticking together and it gently rolls it around now this is angel passed a nice thin pasta takes three to four minutes so into the pan as it hits the water it melts and then you turn it round tongs as that starts to melt gently twist that into the pan bring it back up to the boil if your better timing then set a timer beautiful to test it lift a little strand and you actually feed it with your fingers it's still nice and firm mmm I'll then take not a bite not a strong wine but just really nice and firm inside definitely not crunchy and then into a colander drain the pasta in a light seasoning salt and pepper a tablespoon of olive oil mix that through that stops it from sticking together and look there you go beautiful pasta al dente a tip for making the most of spare bread blitz leftovers into breadcrumbs great for stuffing or crab cakes or cut into chunks some fries for perfect croutons on demand or simply terre news in a delicious rustic salad dried pulses like chickpeas or lentils are great for soups and stews and toss pennies but don't season them until the end of the cooking or the salt makes them go tough for perfect ball potatoes always start them off with cold water and never born in water this way by the time the center's of the potatoes are cooked the outside won't be falling apart and when you're cooking potatoes always cook extra so there's leftovers there fantastic to have on hand for making my delicious gnocchi and potato rust-eze or a classic bubble and squeak [Music] [Applause] [Music] follow my ultimate cookery course pack with key lessons top tips and 100 recipes to stake your life on and you'll literally be cooking yourself into a better chef many of these amazing recipes are on my app please check out the App Store for details go on
Channel: Gordon Ramsay
Views: 2,108,403
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gordon, Gordon Ramsay, Ramsay, Ramsey, Chef Ramsay, Recipe, Recipes, Food, Cooking, Cookery, gordon ramsay budget meals, gordon ramsay budget food, gordon ramsay budget food guide, gordon ramsays ultimate budget food guide, gordon ramsay ultimate budget, gordon ramsay cooking steak, gordon ramsay cooking tutorial, gordon ramsay cooking tips, gordon ramsay gnocchi, gordon ramsay gnocchi sauce, gordon ramsay gnocchi and peas
Id: iTmcGy9CWhE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 55sec (1255 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 13 2019
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