Recipes To Start 2021 Off Right | Gordon Ramsay

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my all-time favorite shepherd's pie what's the secret behind a really good shepherd's pie i would think the vegetables you use and growing in it so we're going to use leeks and onions and they'll start browning off the mints you know no color no flavor i've never forgotten that you know that yep so good to have color gotta have color otherwise it puts that grey tinge on the shepherd's pie that looks greasy and cheap and nasty they don't want that julie and i know you don't do cheap or nasty let me clear your peelings now huh all right thank you very much there's no nails in there now is there no don't be cheeky i remember your amazing shepherd's pie and that lovely little restaurant used to work in sheep street in stratford so you never got food sent back no sometimes they complained that there were you never ever got a complaint no how long have you worked at that restaurant for six shoes six years oh hello chilly what are you cooking i'm gonna make okay i sort of modern version of nanny's shepherd's pie dad shouldn't manny be doing the cooking because she's the better cook excuse me right mum would you would you top our uh our onion please daddy yeah oh gosh your eyes are gonna water in there we've got a delicious steamed treacle and date pudding let's just separate it for you um how do skeletons call their friends how do skeletons call their phone i'm not too sure on the scalabone i'm just gonna tilly come on okay so two cats are in a race one is called one two three and the other is called under 12. who won depends who's the fastest cat one two three because under 12 cats sank [Music] oh goodness tells why do you make a nice cup of tea for nanny you want me to disappear thank you bye so give that a little fry off okay mm-hmm nice quarter these jokes they get worse oh she's only having a bit of fun sauce worcester sauce that's gonna give that really nice spicy seasoning oh thank you okay yeah tomato puree in you could put a ton of tomatoes in this if you want you could yeah put that mince back in there once it's drained i'm just going to put a little touch i know you'll go crazy at this a little touch of red wine really why the red wine well because i'm going to make it nice and rich okay produce the red wine down yeah and then start covering your with your stock now i'm gonna bring that up to the bowl okay and then get some fresh rosemary okay like it'll taste yes please is it hot it's a little bit hot be careful as it cooks out the wine and the alcohol will disappear it'll be delicious trust me now good spring onions we'll chop up and that's going to go through the mashed potatoes it's going to sit on top of that nicer i like that savory yeah delicious mince that's laced with all that red wine nice so sprinkles into there please mum and i'm going to drain off the potatoes hi there hello hello oh hi jack hi hi hello hello jack have a nice day school yeah yeah so we'll dry out those potatoes and then mash them no oh can i mash them would you okay um holly slice a little knob of butter in there for jack please so what was the restaurant you worked out there were you a chef cook i love the diplomacy were you a chef i was a cookie exactly that not really you used to help me as little right you kids do no potatoes these are nice and fluffy are they aren't they and do you want mom look delicious mashed potatoes yeah with no lumps in there hey weren't you getting it huh it's great having you back in the kitchen mommy now yeah seriously brings back good memories no just why'd you do that dad i just wanted to fork it to get it nice and spiky so i want that nice crispy topping and then lightly grate that cheddar cheese on top and that goes in the oven literally 20 minutes 180 minutes jack can you on the door please that looks lovely doesn't it even though you said you didn't like it earlier okay back in the day mama's meals all came with two veg and this is no different but with a modern twist braised peas and carrots with a fantastic homemade mint butter shepherd's pie glazed on top that looks lovely doesn't it and then the carrots that's why i didn't put carrots in let's put them on the side i'll see last job before serving pour that gorgeous butterscotch sauce over the pudding okay i'll take one at a time that smells incredible this is my ultimate childhood dinner shepherd's pie with crispy cheese champ topping sweet buttery peas and carrots [Music] that is the most amazing pork butt butts away butts away now this is incredible there's the shoulder yeah and look there's the shoulder blade if you go through here there's a knuckle there that's connecting the top and that's why it's called a butt the slower you cook it the more juicy it is and it's great for big parties because you just come along and get your fork and shred it a delicious smoky mayonnaise and you're away onions into half and half again okay i'm gonna leave the roots on okay because i want this to sit underneath the pore it gives it a chance to cook evenly and doesn't get dry in the bottom really important okay now i'll peel the garlic okay i'd like you and to crush the garlic we're gonna make a really nice little paste okay go on maggie come on come on come on nice good girl one more crush come on miggy now this is a beauty paprika smoked paprika i love it so three nice tablespoons in okay two large tablespoons of brown sugar salt please and pepper could go [Laughter] so gonna form a nice paste now olive oil in mix that some thyme in there so we've got a sort of fragrant rub time stalks underneath so that's even more flavor going on on the bottom pour that all over it now this is where you've got to be really quick okay and sort of rub that mashed sausage in almost exactly that smells amazing honestly you just drizzle a little touch of olive on top of that for me i keep the pork nice and moist lovely like some of the best party dishes the marinading of the pork shoulder can be done days in advance so if i was doing this for a sunday and start marinating thursday friday so it gets even tastier right quite easy as well to make it's very easy five and a half to six hours in the oven at 140. while our pork butt slowly roasts meg and i are going to pimp some shot-bought mayonnaise i don't like just plain mayonnaise there's so many things you have to twist to us yeah there's so many things something exciting you can do with it right salt pepper and little touch of honey sweetness yeah sweetness but there's some heat coming okay and i've got a little bit off you love this chipotle smoked chipotle paste i love that once you've made this dressing you know it can sit in the fridge great for open sandwiches yeah you can use it for any sandwiches really any sandwiches but goes brilliantly well with pork now just have a little taste i've never had this before it's so good a nice spoon of mustard so that's our nice spicy mayonnaise after five and a half hours in the oven our pork is nearly ready just time to knock up a couple of tried and tested party favorites first deliciously simple cheesy crushed potatoes cut potatoes into even chunks and submerge in salted boiling water skins and all meanwhile finely dice sweet pickled gherkins or cornichons trim and finely chop spring onions and grate some nutty gruyere cheese when the potatoes are cooked through drain roughly crush and add your spring onions and gherkins [Music] season to taste and gently combined before a final sprinkling of grated greer these simple cheesy crushed potatoes are equally delicious served hot or cold now i want something sort of raw like a slaw something quite refreshing yeah so i'm gonna make a really nice fresh broccoli salad now these are called florets and that's the best part of the broccoli okay the bit that everybody wants once they're off i'm going to slice the broccoli okay mm-hmm never had raw broccoli before it's always been cooked really when you dress this with the dressing it's incredible now a little season early on yeah okay now for the dressing fresh yogurt in a teaspoon of sugar please daddy a little smell cider vinegar mmm there you go finely chop shallot in with the broccoli so delicious roasted almonds into the broccoli currants i love them that gives that nice sort of chewy texture all right lift up your bowl please nice and gently half of that in the middle please thank you and stop and then mix that up with me a little taste so good and this kind of salad it doesn't wilt a couple of hours later it's still crunchy because the broccoli is raw raw broccoli salad chipotle now let me be the poor cow for this look at this megan honestly that is amazing it's beautiful that is incredible [Music] now that goes to the table like that i thought let's have a tiny bit just before we go to the table just a little bit honestly meg don't tell mom thank you honestly do i do it i'm gonna do it that is incredible so good you promise me you don't give the recipe to your boyfriend let's go come on this is my ultimate easy party dinner melt in your mouth slow cook smokey pulled pork with a spicy chipotle mayonnaise first job i have pomegranate marinade for the quail which have been cut in half and flattened so small aren't they small yeah it's tiny so it's almost like a sort of nice entrance into eating something slightly gamey okay if you give them a nice season for me salt and pepper and all spatchcock means is the rib cage has been taken out and they're flattened down and because the bird is so delicate it's flattened to cook evenly and it really is a nice sort of light gamey dense chicken flavor so we're toaster spices when you think of middle eastern food it's packed with amazing flavors tablespoon of coriander a teaspoon of cumin and a nice little seasoning of salt so we toast them now intensifying the flavor when they start smoking lightly that's a nice indication that they're ready okay if you grind away so the best thing there let's just stand up close today thank you oh look your tummy's out i thought it was a quail tummy this hand here keeps it nice and firm and you grind that into a nice powder for belly please smells so good doesn't it yeah so to get that in really go around the outside and that grinds it up i've gone around the pestle mortar more times than you kiss boys squeeze the garlic in next a little glove okay then i want you to pour six tablespoons please so that is pomegranate molasses so it's like an aged parsley vinegar but really reduced down give that a nice mix up is it going to be very sweet dad a little taste it's sweet but sour yeah it is it's so good though no take a nice spoon put it inside the quail you can even do this the night before because you pop them in the fridge let the quail marinate anywhere from half an hour to overnight for my ultimate middle eastern dessert it's got to be baklava start by melting butter in a pan chop pistachios in a blender [Music] then combine with caster sugar and lemon zest [Music] brush the melted butter around a small baking tray place half a sheet of phyllo pastry on the base brush well with melted butter and sprinkle with a pistachio mix repeat and press down between layers you're looking to create 30 to 35 layers [Music] then cut the baklava into bite-sized rectangles and bake in a preheated oven for 30 to 40 minutes meanwhile make your delicious citrusy syrup simply add water to a pan along with caster sugar and the zest and juice of a lemon simmer for seven to ten minutes making sure the sugar has fully dissolved now to give the cloud a wonderful sweetness remove from the oven and whilst hot pour over the syrup so each layer is gloriously sticky leave the paklava to absorb the syrup for at least 12 hours these delicious sticky treats will keep for a week but they're so moorish they'll be gone in a flash the quails have marinated now they're ready to cook nice hot pan pick up your quail and skin side down first okay get all that nice color and always open them up as well in the pan okay we'll get that skin crisp crispy that's right smell that pomegranate i can really smell it it smells so good you get all that marinade in there you know cook with it as well don't waste it how long on average does it take to cook could you say literally 12-15 minutes in the oven a little touch of water in bring that up to the ball into the oven 180 so 12 to 15 minutes [Applause] okay the final job before serving a herby butter bean salad to go with my quail in pomegranate molasses now one of the things that i love about middle eastern salads is the sort of crunch and the color as well butter beans it's gonna be the base of our salad from their little radishes and sort of top and tail them get them like that and throw them in there's nothing small and dainty in there okay yeah so with the spring onions nice we're gonna use the greens and the whites i'm gonna slice along that way this time to get those nice light shards okay yeah now the croutons are made out of these little pita breads just slice lengthways in with the salad oh yes so this salad is all about texture so cucumber okay and take out the seeds how come you're taking the seeds out it just makes the salad very watery like a shower okay cucumber juice delicious i guess you go yeah you got me going you really got me going no no no oh yeah i've got revision to be doing don't worry this is far more important trust me who needs exams where you can cook for a living you gave me with my exams it's fine it's fine it's fine be a chef for a living have a proper job don't take your things out like that you'll be thumbless let's go now your cucumber in from there take your nice vibrant tomatoes slice down it almost looks like a greek salad as those colors it resembles that that's right and with the celery like before yeah lengthways so we need some mint and parsley i want you sprinkling it in there and really mix it through the herbs give it that nice kind of freshness but i want a bit of a bite in there now i love pomegranate so just carefully open that up okay and then just dot them on top so we got a bit of fruitiness now into the salad for crunch simply cut up whole pita breads fry in a really hot pan with olive oil until wonderfully golden crispy and irresistible out into a sieve okay next a sprinkle of sumac that's a dried fruit from middle east the zest of a lemon and the juice then a drizzle of olive oil and last but not least my crunchy pitter croutons let's make the croutons on well they've gotten hard oh just lift that up and mix in your hands there nice and juicy just with fingertips there you go so you just mix there you go it doesn't crush anything it doesn't crush anything but then let's just take a little bean wow isn't that delicious mm-hmm nice now quail it's got that really sort of toasted almost like a sort of light smells so good barbecue flavor can't wait to try it beef wow and then just finely a bit of lemon zest it just lightens everything up a little bit and it goes so well with the pomegranate now just wow that'll smell better than any boyfriend you'll ever have oh my god i beg to differ okay good let's go how delicious is that so delicious my middle eastern feast of quail with a pomegranate molasses and butter bean salad with batava to follow when dishes are this aromatic and colorful there's no wonder that middle eastern food is always a hit you
Channel: Gordon Ramsay
Views: 2,901,458
Rating: 4.9265413 out of 5
Keywords: Gordon, Gordon Ramsay, Ramsay, Ramsey, Chef Ramsay, Recipe, Recipes, Food, Cooking, Cookery, Gordon Ramsay pullud pork, Gordon Ramsay pullud pork recipe, Gordon Ramsay shephards pie, Gordon Ramsay shephards pie recipe, Gordon Ramsay quail, Gordon Ramsay quail recipe, Gordon Ramsay easy recipes, Gordon Ramsay cooking recipes, Gordon Ramsay how to cook, Gordon Ramsay home cooking, Gordon Ramsay home cooking full
Id: hFd8vijqBzI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 40sec (1240 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 03 2021
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