6 Thai Dinners You Can Make At Home | Quarantine Cooking | #StayHome #WithMe | Marion's Kitchen

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[Music] so my ultimate Thai beef salad this one comes straight from my mum's recipe book this is a childhood favorite of mine I can't wait to show you guys how to make it so there are a couple of really key things that we need to get right to get this Thai beef salad like perfection so first of all we're gonna start off with the marinade and a dressing so I'm using some palm sugar here now this is a really firm palm sugar generally the type of palm sugar that you get outside of Thailand and it just requires a little bit of shaving so shaving a palm sugar like this helps it to dissolve more easily in the marinade and the dressing okay so I just want a little bit of that sugar for my marinade and the rest I'm going to set aside for later for the dressing now I want some fish sauce as well now this marinade is where I go a little bit from my family recipe my mom would just straight-out grill the steak I like to add this little extra steps and then add a little bit of black pepper as well I'm using ribeye steak or also called Scotch Phillips steak today but you could use any kind of cut of steak that you prefer now this steak goes in there and guys this is an intense marinade that fish sauce is strong and pungent and I don't need that sugar to work it's magic for very long so it's only needs a couple of minutes so while that beef is marinating I'll do my dressing now dressing is very simple we take the palm sugar that we shaved off area now if palm sugar is not something you can find locally you could use a light brown sugar or even just some regular white sugar would be fine I can't we want again some fish sauce and then some lime juice and I'm just sort of squishing down on it a little just to release all those juices inside okay so it just mix that through and just squish the palm sugar with the back of your spoon just to help it keep dissolving as it sits here on the bench top as well now time to get the steaks cooking sort of just heating up my pan add a little bit of oil and now time for that magic moment when meet pen so I'm gonna leave this first side on front of high heat so we can get something really good color going okay that's something really good and see her just that little bit of sugars really helped us get that beautiful caramelized Asian on the outside of that steak now it's time to pop - which is where we try to cook the meat through evenly through the center so we're trying to keep down and what I'm looking for kind of especially you would feel when you push down on that part of your palm and I'm just gonna keep turning and flipping every so often and so I can feel that move now that's gonna be a nice medium-rare so I'll take that off and I'm gonna let that rest for a good 5 to 10 minutes in the meantime we think it has solid ingredients ready it's a first up we just want a small onion cut into thin wedges and we want it tomorrow so when I was little my mom used to use cherry tomatoes as well so you could totally use those same cucumber now I like to take the seeds out for this one because the seeds tend to make the salad a little watery so at first I like to chop my cucumber into irregular little pieces and now for the herbs so this is one of the things that I just love about tire salads the herbs and not some little garnish that goes on top the herbs form part of the salad they're like another vegetables so don't be shy with the herbs and I've got some coriander than using and I love to use the stems as well so I'm chopping those up along with the waves and some spring onion as well and now the major herb flavor that is salad is mint so I'm gonna pick off some nice leaves those and then some chilies so I'm using this large red chili which really has more of a capsicum flavor and now our beef has had ample time to be relaxed and I want to slice this as fine as thin as you can get it because the lime juice and the dressing will continue cooking and soaking into the meat as well okay so we just add our beef into the rest of our ingredients just give that dressing one final stir you can see that that time sugar is disolved nice in there and then start spooning that over now I like to go with about half of the dressing first and then just give this a little mix and see where we're at and now for the part where things get really pretty in that bowl okay and now it's time to eat look at that look at all those colors beautiful steak and traditionally you would serve this with some rice on the side but it's totally up to you guys [Music] this one is a restaurant classic but boy do I have an epic recipe for you guys to make at home sweet tangy glossy sauce beautiful toasty cashews this is my Thai cashew chicken [Music] so cashew chicken is one of those dishes that's sort of like sweet and sour there are so many different versions so many different variations of how sweet how sour all the different things well this one is my version so I hope you enjoy it mine is probably more on the slightly tangy not so sweet side and because I'm me I'm gonna be adding in some chilies because you know I think all right let's do the chicken part first of all and I'm using chicken breasts here which is odd usually on the thighs and legs girl as you guys know but I do know a lot of you like to use chicken breasts and I do quite like it in this one and always for me directly seasoned the meat seasoning flour to me is such a waste of time and sorry many recipes too cold for seasoned flour I just think if you want some seasoning get it straight on whatever you want to season now I'm just gonna mix that through it some corn flour on here and for all my American friends that's cornstarch to you it's the same thing just called a different name and let's just mix that and I want to make a really quick sauce here really simple ingredients just you want to get the right balance of light sweet and tangy here let's go I want some soy sauce and some dark soy sauce I've got dark sweet soy sauce but it's mainly for color here so just a regular Chinese dark soy sauce is fine as well and some white vinegar and some sugar oh I almost forgot a little dash of cornflour as well in here that's gonna help us thicken up and get our sauce all shiny and glossy okay just give that a mix and now we're ready for our chicken so essentially we're gonna be cooking a chicken twice first of all is a bit of a shallow fry I've got some oil in my wok here it's gonna have a look and yet we've got some nice little bubbles here's that tells me I'm good to go and just kind of dust any excess flour off that chicken and then into the oil now I don't hate this chicken to get really dark I'm not doing a fried chicken here I just want a kind of nice seal coating on the outside of that chicken and that is gonna start over the soil so we come through the stir-frying right up okay drips pretty much right take that chicken out and these importantly when you're cooking chicken breast that you don't over fry in this first step because that's when you get really dry chicken breast again [Music] first cook on the chicken done and now we're going to bring everything together so I want to get my wok heating up of oil and garlic some onion and then I'll get my cashews in here straight up this is what is kind of toast and get nice and golden in there okay so see how we're getting that really nice color on those cashews just what I'm looking for so now I'm gonna add in some dried chilies these are optional but I love that kind of savory almost smokiness that you get from dried chilies and these are not very hot so they're not gonna make it too spicy it's gonna add some flavor and color chopping stratum incisors now some capsicum I love all the colors in this dish so bright and cheerful and I enjoyed my chicken and our swords and I just keep stir frying this for a minute or so until that sauce thickens out the sugar will dissolve everything and magically change shining Brussels now if it's everything I want to spin see what I meant about the glossy beautiful [Applause] now to my liking this isn't a super saucy stir-fry it's like a sticky kind of stir-fry so that looks perfect and time to get out on our plate watch hard savory chewy noodles pad seal is all about the details my friends here it is guys pad cl1 sang or stir-fried soy sauce glass noodles cut seal literally translates simply as stir-fry soy sauce so the ingredients are this one a very simple but it means that the devil is in the detail in order to make one that's really really beautiful perfect so stay with me guys let's do the chicken part first and I'm gonna add a little marinade here so I've got some chicken thigh and a staunch thigh girl when it comes to stir frying for Asian dishes chicken breasts would be fine too and some soy sauce you know and some sesame oil here so sesame oil isn't always included in a pad seal but I like to put it in here because it'll give you a little bit of like this smokiness that you would get from like a really high restaurant style pad see ill just in case you don't get your Walker your pan hot enough and then a little bit of white pepper to me the white pepper and the soy sauce the two most important things for this dish can't get better mix that doesn't need long to marinate just to leave it there while we get the rest of our stuff organized next thing I'm going to do is prep the noodles so these are the noodles I'm using and these are cellophane or glass noodles they're also called bean vermicelli noodles bean thread vermicelli noodles mung bean noodles there are a lot of names for them but these are much easier to find than the fresh rice noodles that you would traditionally or at iPods appeal but these ones give you the closest texture because they're chewy and they're nice and soft so I recommend these if you can't get that last noodles and now the some of these little zou if they cook in like the fastest time I reckon they're the fastest cooking noodles that you can possibly get ahold of so you need to do this carefully otherwise you'll end up with like a soggy mess in your walk later up so I've got some hot water here doesn't even have to be boiling just some hot water and I'm going to pour that on top and soak the noodles rather than boil them a lot of you guys have trouble with these noodles I know because you've written and told me about it so here's the foolproof way to do it okay now don't go and check your phone or start scrolling through Instagram or something these will cook in literally like two minutes so just like to use my tongs here and loosen them up as they're soaking and now it's just when they're softened lift them out and just pop them inside here ready to stir-fry the next thing we need to do is get our stir-fry sauce ready and again as soy sauce is the main ingredient here I have some soy sauce this one is a regular Chinese light soy sauce and then you also want a dark soy sauce to give you some color here so I'm using a sweet dark soy sauce here you can see it's nice and thick if you're in Indonesia or Australia your most common sweet dark soy sauce will be ketchup manis now some fish sauce here as well a little dash of sugar - okay let's give it a mix now one more thing which is a non-negotiable for me whenever I'm eating Pepsi eel and that is chili vinegar if you're not putting this on the end of your pets eat your noodles you are missing out and it's really simple to do so I just want some red chili just some nice slices [Music] and add that into just some regular white distilled vinegar this is always the condom that you'll find here in Thailand for pad CL on the street or in a restaurant so home as well and now for the green vegetable part of our noodle dish I'm using young Chinese broccoli so that's also called gai lan but these are younger stems so you can see they're quite thin at the end here and I quite like the youngest sweeter Chinese broccoli for this one if you can only get the bigger Chinese broccoli that's fine as well just thin out the stems a little more you also use broccolini - that's a good one to use now in terms of slicing here what you want to do is angle your knife so that your slice another diagonal and that way you are kind of thinning out those stems a little bit to that they'll cook quicker in the wok I did say the devil was in the details - a really good pad see ill and that comes down to chopping vegetables - okay now the leaves just in big chunks and now one last thing to get ready is our eggs okay it so time to get all the magic happening in the pans I'm using a wok you can use a large frying pan as well just want some oil in there and some garlic and my chicken [Music] already that smell is so intoxicating with garlic and the first oil is gonna sit in just stuff like that until this chicken is just cook now you want to add in your egg just kind of swirl you've had a bit you give that egg cooking on the hot surface I like to let things get a little charring hear that to me is the other kind of flavor of Patsy or you have the soy sauce things a little bit tiring get the pepper okay it start to mix that Cruz oh good holiday and now my green vegetable that only needs like half a minute because we've thinned out those stems so they cook really quickly wanted to keep nice and crunchy [Music] and now my noodles so it will kind of look like a little pancake at this point of us what happens then it'll clear down but I mean at our sources of everything a mix two asleep and magically transpose okay this kind of sweet mix in here until every strand of middle is beautiful tighter than colored and you can see just how light and fluffy and not sticky those noodles are and last but certainly not least a little strengthening of some more white pepper [Music] and then you have a the simplest of stir fries and yet get every detail right and it really will be magical go as a promise that let's serve this up [Music] don't forget you like chili vinegar [Music] fragrant savory spiced rice and chicken this one is a Thai food classic and I'm going to show you how to make my version at home this is Cal Mok guy I love this one and it's very unique because it has a very different flavor profile to most Thai dishes this one has lots of rich dried spice flavors and curry powder flavors it's really awesome alright let's get going on the marinade paste first so we start off with quite classical Thai ingredients first of all we want some garlic and some coriander root and now some ginger it's a little dash of salt here and you just want to pan this to a smooth paste okay so this is the kind of situation that you're looking for here I'm gonna get that straight out into a big bowl and now comes some of the ingredients that you don't usually find in Thai cooking so this dish has its origins in the Muslim community here in Thailand and so some of the ingredients are not as familiar to our Thai everyday cooking I'm gonna add in some yogurt and some curry powder again I think a lot of people think of Thailand they think of curries but we don't often use curry powder as an ingredient we generally rely on fresh ingredients like lemongrass and galangal and Chile's for our curry pastes there are some dishes with curry powder obviously this is one of them and I want some fish sauce and some turmeric the turmeric here really is one of the defining flavors and colors of this dish so it's really important I'll just be gonna mix [Applause] now I'm gonna add in my chicken pieces here and for me guys it's got to be dark meats for this one it's got to be drumsticks and chicken thighs because they tend to remain juicier while they're cooking in your big pot now just give that a mix now if you're really organized it would be great if you could leave this to marinate overnight but I generally tend to not be that organized or have that much time so I'm gonna pretty much use mine straight away now the traditional thing to do here would be to deep-fry that chicken I'm gonna do it in a little bit more of a convenient way today I'm just gonna shallow fry it and a little bit of oil now take your chicken pieces now the only way to do this really is with your hands so you're gonna have to get a little dirty here just scoop off most of that marinade so I'm gonna use that marinade a bit later and get your chicken straight into the pan now the idea here is that we want to get a really beautiful deep dark color on our chicken pieces one it just looks great too it starts to develop a really beautiful flavor gonna get that power I don't think this is it now remember don't put that marinade away we need that for later okay so a couple of minutes and let's turn these guys over okay you look at that beautiful color now couple more minutes on this second side and that is transfer that chicken out of the pan does it need to be cooked through it'll finish cooking a bit later on [Music] now would you take a look at that gloriousness happening in the bottom of that pan there that is some good chicken fat only I'm not going to waste it so I just want a good few spoonfuls of that and then I just got this pan cleaned up so we can continue on okay so I've got my clean can call that chicken fat back into there and now let's go in with some onion and always when I'm sweating down onions like this I add a little dash of salt and you'll notice it throughout a lot of the dishes that I cook there's some seasoning that happens every step of the way we seasoned our pace with beginning we had a fish sauce into the chicken a little bit of salt here and that really helps to develop the flavors in the finished dish now once these onions have had a few minutes to soften up in here now these onions are soft a little sweet now I'm gonna add in some tomatoes and I want to give this mother a little bit of time to kind of get all mushy make friends with that onion okay so see how that tomato is a little bit pulpy now we want to add in the rice this is a Thai jasmine rice any long grain rice will do now in the sprinkler and some crispy fried shallots now that chicken marinade we saved earlier that goes in here this dish reminds me so much of an Indian biryani in fact a lot of people call this highlights days in this biryani I'm now some spices one a cinnamon stick some green cardamom pods and a couple of bay leaves and some chicken stock already those beautiful spices are really making my kitchen smell delicious now we Nestle those chicken pieces back into the pan nice and snug in there now put the lid on turn the heat down a smidge they just want a gentle bubble on that liquid so in the meantime we're gonna make a little minty sauce to go on at the end now you would have heard me say this before but it's not in the condiments that make the dish here in Thailand so don't skip this one what you want is a big old lot of mint here and some coriander a little spicy kick I want a green chili yeah this one's fairly fiery and now some white vinegar dash of sugar and a little pinch of salt and blend that till it's really nice and smooth okay so this is what you're after and then all that beautiful fresh mint smell is so lovely and that color see joyful I love that so much it is just like an instant brighten up that beautiful 10-year vinegar infused with all those herbs and set with touch of sweetness all that little touch of spice perfect right so the only part about this dish that sucks is waiting while the soup or in your kitchen is so delicious I wish you guys could smell this let's take a look beautiful that rice has soaked up all of that flavor that chicken is cooked through now my little trick here is to just fish it out the chicken and pile it up in a corner over here and that gives us a little bit of space to fluff up our rice before I get to that though I'm just going to pull out some of these spices that I can see the cardamom pods bay leaves cinnamon stick and then using a fork just get in there and laugh that rice now start off by scooping the rice on the top and then have a look down the bottom there you can see we've got some really dark crusty bits of rice that's my favorite bit I just like to kind of scoop that up and mix it through any really dark bits take those out and leave those on the side I kind of sneak them in for myself that's looking good and we are ready to go my friends so pull up a nice bit of that gorgeous sunshine yellow rice a couple of pieces of chicken and the finishing touches a little sprinkling of coriander so more crispy fried shallots and that ethnic green sauce we made earlier and then a little dash of sweet chilli sauce and that my friends is one homemade chicken rice dish that is so confident you can just the smell of it cooking it's ridiculously comforting for me I like to get the perfect mouthful or where is a little bit of chicken some rice don't forget those sauces spicy and Thai salads they're like best friends and this one is one of my very favorites one of my childhood favorites actually you guys are gonna love this one so when I was growing up I would have had a live style salad at least once a week twice a week my mom used to make it with pork with dark with all sorts of stuff I'm gonna make a chicken version today but first of all we are going to make a chili powder because loads of you have been writing in and saying you can't find a chili powder that looks similar to mine so the one that I'm using here in Thailand you can see like lots of little seeds in there plus the chili powder as well and we're gonna make this so that you guys can make it at home as well so start off with the Chili's you've got the large dried red chilies here entirely Cooley's pretty far and then you've got the smaller ones in Thailand we call these ones prick tinder but overseas they're commonly called Birds Eye Chili's so look out for those so anyway let's start with the large Chili's and I'm just gonna use some scissors to cut them into little small pieces and then my smaller little spicy guys now you want to get these into a dry frying hands and then just heat them and voice them until you don't know what it happens because you'll stop sneeze and you can really smell those chili fumes I guess I'm saying to get some of those fumes in here and what that tells me is that we're getting to the point where we've released the aromas and the essential oils in those chilies and that's just what we want it's getting hot in here now I'm gonna use a little coffee grinder to grind these up dangerous isn't it okay so you can see that we've got a really beautiful powder here as well as some seeds as well and this is just a really good texture I like the level of spice and this type of chili powder as well okay now the other essential ingredient for any live salad is the roasted rice powder if you've ever tried to make life at home and it hasn't tasted quite like the one you had at your really good Thai restaurant it's because you've left this ingredient out so what you need is some raw sticky rice it's also called glutinous rice you can use regular long grain but I do find that it's a little tougher to break down and can be a little bit too crunchy so try to find a sticky rice and then you want to get that straight into a dry frying pan as well and then just keep these guys dancing around in the pan until they're a beautiful dark golden color and you can kind of smell it's almost like a popcorn kind of smell it's very toasty and nutty I can't he's looking really beautiful I'm gonna use my water and pestle now to grind them to a fine powder so this is the kind of texture that you're looking for okay so now let's get the rest of our stuff going that we need for this salad I'm gonna get the dressing done first and I've got some palm sugar here now this is what palm sugar will look like when you grab it from the store it's kind of like a firm block so you just need to shave the palm sugar and shaving it with your knife means you're also softening it so it'll dissolve in the dressing now for this one if you can't get palm sugar you can just use normal white sugar and to that I'm gonna add some fish sauce and some of that chili powder now be a little cautious here because we can always add more chili later and then a little dusting of the rice powder as well just press down on my limes release all the juices inside now I'm just gonna squeeze a couple of tablespoons in here I like to finish my seasoning at the end when I can taste everything together so I'll leave some lime slices aside for that so this is just classic Thai food magic happening here the sweet the sour the salty the spicy all the good things now for the salad itself I also want some little red Asian shallots here you'll also use red onion as well okay so now let's talk about the herbs I think this is another crucial part of this salad that you need to get right so first of all I'm gonna start off with some spring onion and then here in Thailand we have a type of coriander that's called in English sawtooth coriander so you can see why it's called sawtooth it's got this kind of ridged edge now if you can find this herb in an asian grocery or a Thai grocer please go ahead and try it it has the most amazing sort of beautiful almost medicinal slightly bitter flavor but you can just leave it out if you can't find it but look out for it sawtooth coriander and then I want some regular coriander as well now I know a lot of you and not huge fans of coriander and you're in luck because if not you can leave it out to the seller because the most important herb I think is actually the mint okay so now time to cook our chicken and the way we're gonna do this might be a little bit unconventional by Western standards but traditionally the meat for a large salad is generally poached in some water some liquid so I'm gonna use chicken mince here I'm gonna add some liquid into the pan just a little bit of water I'm gonna add my chicken mince in here and the whole idea here is that we don't want to fry the meat we don't want any browning just want the meat to cook through without coloring okay so you're breaking up that chicken as it cooks in the water I find what I'm doing the pork version of this I don't bother with the water because there seems to be so much fat and juice in the pork that it kind of cooks itself so I just put it into a dry frying pan but with the chicken I think it's particularly important because otherwise it just Browns too much so that doesn't take very long at all and now what I want to do is kind of scoop the chicken into a bowl I don't want too much of that liquid though so I'm just gonna leave that behind in the pan now while the chicken is really hot and steamy I like to add in the red shallots and then also a little bit of dressing I just give that a bit of a mix first because I find that heat kind of softens the harsh onion flavor okay now time for all those beautiful herbs and my mint and then more of that dressing [Music] and now if you've got a really good mix and then we're gonna do some final seasoning those fresh herbs up I'm addressing and the chili and everything it's just like this massive explosion great I'm gonna add a little bit more dressing and then a little bit more of this roasted rice powder for me I think now the rice powder does two things and ads are really beautiful almost nutty kind of flavor and it also makes sure that the dressing and everything kind of thickens up a little bit and really coats all of those bits of chicken and for me it's just not quite spicy enough this is supposed to be a really super hot hot spicy dish obviously if you want to keep it mild leave the chili out but I'm gonna add more mmm okay now we're really good mmm so good now to serve it a lot we're gonna do it the traditional way so you guys can see how we would eat it here in Bangkok so what we like to do is have a little bit of cabbage on the side [Music] and then these guys here are called snake beads and you can see they've got kind of like a rough edge here you could just use green beans as well and some cucumber I'd sell it out on the plate a [Music] little bit extra mint and then the whole idea here is that the chicken is really super high and then all these bits and pieces like the cabbage and the beans and the cucumber that will cool down your palate in between mouthfuls or the chicken Thailand's famous Panang curry if you've always wanted to make this at home then I have the perfect recipe for you okay so for this one we're gonna make our curry paste from scratch and I love making Thai coppice I think it's one of the best ways to get to know a lot of different Thai ingredients and also to figure out what Thai ingredients your Asian grocer has down the road so let's start off with the chilies first now for most Thai red chili pastes we use the dried red chilies it's rather than the fresh so I've had these soaking in some hot water for about 10 minutes or so just want to cut them up now I'm gonna be using a blender today and I've got lots of little tips and tricks here for how we can best use the blender to make the curry paste at home because there's a few little things that might catch you up first tip is to chop things up quite small because that's going to help your blade get everything really smooth and then the second thing so this chili water just keep that for when we go to blend because we may need to moisten the mixture to help it get really smooth you'll see what I mean a little bit later now the next ingredient is going down so : go looks like this similar to ginger but not it has a very beautiful pine forest citrusy high note to its aromas and flavours it's really worth seeking out and it freezes quite well as well you'll see that there's a little bits of pink on here as well it's another way to tell that that's your going girl and not ginger know what you need to do is just peel the going girl just a small piece and then finally go next we want some garlic and then some red Asian shallots as well now you can use French su up to you too and now some lemongrass hmmm I love that smell so much now what we need to do here is Bruegel in the grass just cut that end off because it's often very tough and then peel off these outer layers because they're also really tough and fibrous and now finally flyers and I also want some coriander roots so just take those off now if you're using coriander at home and you're not using the roots just stick them in the freezer until you're ready to make your curry paste that way you're not wasting any and now for the kaffir lime element so this should be one of the crucial flavors for a true to high Panang curry and what I like to do is use both the leaves and then also the fruit itself which is this gnarly looking guy right yeah so with the leaves you want to take those off the stem and then pull the stem out of the leaf as well roll blues up and then finally slice and then the lime itself so the lime juice inside of here is really bitter and I've asked and asked and asked my mom about what you can use it for in terms of food now she said that in her village they don't use it for food they just use it to put in their hair funnily enough but anyway I have not tried it in my hair but you guys feel free what we need here is the actual lime peel so you want to get as much of the peel as possible without too much of that white stuff underneath because that will be bitter a little bit so Kay just need 2 or 3 slices in there now just want a really fine chopped honest now I know this ingredients when we've been hard for a lot of you to find don't worry if you can't find the kaffir lime itself and just use the leaves and just leave that out but if you can get a hold of these it really makes a big difference to the paste and then shrimp paste yes it's kind of funky smelling but it adds a beautiful saltiness and background or your mommy flavor to the dish you don't even know it's there at the end so just pop it in the paste and don't worry about it and now for my dried spices a little bit of coriander and some cumin and then the last ingredient you'll find in some recipes not others I've done my pace with and without but there's some peanuts here but if you have allergies you can totally leave these out won't make a huge difference now let's start lending now if we have a look here this is one of the pitfalls of using a blender instead of a mortar and pestle to make your curry paste so have a look and you can see that what we're getting here is just a lot of chopped ingredients we're not getting a paste we're not releasing or smashing out all those beautiful essential oils and flavors and aromas from the ingredients like you would do in a mortar and pestle so my tip is to add a little bit of liquid to this now a lot of people add oil that doesn't work out quite so well because for me that then becomes like an emulsification the oil thickens up the ingredients thicken up and everything just becomes a wrong texture so what you want is some of this chili soaking liquid couple of tablespoons first and because this is just water when we go to cook it out it will eventually evaporate and cook out of the paste so don't worry too much about how much you add it's better but I can still see we're just getting a chop here so I'm gonna add a little bit more and that's better so what I can see here is that that blade is actually catching those ingredients and they seem to be turning over quicker and faster exactly what you want to look out for okay so this is the texture that you're looking for and this makes enough for two amounts of Panang curry which is good if you don't want to do all that chopping just for one dinner share it out over to and you can just store the unused curry paste in the freezer now comes the easiest part and that's the cooking starts need a little bit of oil [Music] and half of that curry paste I want this kyra paste to sizzle and cook out a little bit in the oil the case the heat can be releasing even more the flavor and the aroma and then cooking out those more aromatic like the garlic and the shallots all of this contributes to flavor it's what it's all about okay so that's had a minute or so it smells amazing now I'm gonna add in my chicken and this is chicken thigh you can use breasts as well but I'm gonna do this the slow way and it doesn't make soup the smell is going a little bit better and now we add the coconut milk and as I mentioned is a couple of different ways to do clang one is really quickly almost like more like a stir fry style and put that one you can use chicken breast or bronze or seafood even I'm gonna go with the more traditional slower cooked method here and this one's really great for tougher cuts of beef or the chicken thigh and then pop a lid on turn the heat down and let that simmer away for half an hour ah [Music] [Music] okay so this is smelling so amazing let's have a look that's just what we want so this longer cooked Penang style of Terry has that really nice thick sauce and it's not that red oil on the top just perfect okay now for the seasoning because of course we haven't seen this yet with the fish sauce and palm sugar I like to do it at the end I always like to taste first who's got an idea of how things are going now for the palm sugar you'll see that it usually comes in these hard blocks so you just need to shave that sugar so it dissolves quickly into the curry and then the fish sauce as well let's see how it going almost there to me the style courage have a little bit more sweetness than usual so I'm going to put a little bit more on sugar in hmm and now we're floating in that territory of the amazing you know the thing that I love about Thai curries is you bring all these huge flavors like fish sauce and galangal and kaffir lime leaves and palm sugar and chilies and you create something so harmonious and so beautiful at the end mmm that is just delicious now to serve this up just shout out the curry first look at how thick and luscious that is and then a little drizzle of extra coconut cream on the top and as I said at the beginning the kaffir lime leaf flavor is really important here so once an extra finely sliced leaves on the top just a couple of slices of Chile and there you go guys a classic Thai Penang chicken curry one of my favorites hope you love it too you
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Keywords: marions kitchen, marion's kitchen, marion grasby, marion grasby recipes, marion kitchen, marion’s kitchen, asian food recipes thailand, noodles thailand, quick noodles recipe, thai food recipes noodles, how to cook thai noodles, marion's kitchen chicken, thai beef salad, thai beef salad recipe, thai beef salad recipe authentic, chicken and rice recipes, thai chicken and rice, thai cashew chicken, cashew chicken recipe, thai larb, thai larb chicken, thai larb chicken salad
Id: 6kB3sfLM29Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 7sec (2647 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 19 2020
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