Gordon Ramsay Cooks For Malaysian Royalty | Gordon's Great Escape

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This was YEARS ago, and vegetarian food really isn't Gordon's cup o' tea.

👍︎︎ 29 👤︎︎ u/thatoniondude 📅︎︎ Apr 04 2019 🗫︎ replies

"Need more salt"

Ahahaha Gordon is not too familiar with Malaysian preference for strong flavored food.

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/zomgbratto 📅︎︎ Apr 05 2019 🗫︎ replies

Finally some good fricking food

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/KoichiBardo 📅︎︎ Apr 05 2019 🗫︎ replies

wew this is my Sunday school lol, idk why they didn't place anything that stated he was here 9 years ago 🤔

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/coolmemz 📅︎︎ Apr 07 2019 🗫︎ replies
I've been kicked around the kitchens by Malaysian auntie's I've tried pure Malay Chinese Malay but I'm yet to express Indian fusion [Music] so put my faith in a Buddhist temple famous for its curries one in five Malaysians is a Buddhist and tomorrow as we saw that's Buddha's birthday to you and me [Music] place is amazing put his birthday tomorrow so shoe celebration 10,000 guests arriving [Music] the temple staff are preparing a super-sized feast and a volunteer to help I've been someone to see the chief monk he wants to make sure that I'm up to the task of cooking for a very important guest of honor yeah good to see to be here a little bit nervous about 10,000 guests arriving tomorrow to celebrate tomorrow our honorable Prime Minister of Malaysia really yes he's coming to join with us I hope you prepare them one or two dishes for him yes and his wife Raisa I won't pry the like macaroni or hunting macaroni Oh thumping macaroni I'm in Malaysia not Eastern the London no macaroni and cheese now it means so much for me to cook a Malaysian style Indian curry and to bring macaroni and cheese over and they give you a blessing for you please thank you I understand something do get a little bit angry chief you don't watch television do I mean yeah I can't watch oh you heard okay yeah so you must not do any evil thing you must try your best to do good things yes you must think try your best thing good things rice don't go to extreme minute okay how good masters advice everything in middle path or the middle path middle path nice to meet you thank you that you try your best not to get angry now so I give you some some souvenir you can see my photo yeah that's amazing I've got a pen like that bruise with a new lady you turn upside down that bikini comes down but that's the hot people thought and I'll keep that for later likes it chief pleasure the bit that freaked me out is when he asked me to cook macaroni and cheese [ __ ] macaroni and cheese for the Prime Minister I'll get shot change my opinion on Buddhism not as yet no although it may be worthwhile doing it one day for these little beauties here pens like that that fly like that or you know it's just hilarious [Music] I want to check out the kitchen that'll be cooking in tomorrow and it's run by another auntie mrs. Roopa how are you nice to see you thank you actually when did you guys start tonight when was it I stopped and you could be working throughout the night mrs. brimmer's been cooking here for 25 years and she's used to catering for big crowds so where's the where's the big kitchen this is the big kitchen yes is it well for 10,000 guests yeah because it's Buddha's birthday everything on the menu has to be vegetarian and that's not a prospect I relish say yes you're gonna love it it's not fantastic but it's not bad maybe the monks macaroni wasn't such a bonkers idea after all gotta respect what they're doing however you know it's vegetarian food and it's not the most glamorous the best of time so gonna make it into something magical with the help of mrs. Rupa [Music] I'm midway through my Great Escape to Malaysia and I've discovered a cuisine that's one of the most complex I've ever encountered today it's Buddha's birthday and I've been given the great honor of cooking a Malaysian style veggie curry for the Prime Minister there's gonna be thousands of people visiting this temple this morning so in order to get there on time they're very kindly give me a police escort I've had no time to prepare so anything could happen I suppose my biggest worry is that I haven't tested this dish yet I'm gonna cook on the fly agar agar on the spur of the moment that's the danger though all of the ingredients used by the temples army of cooks other nated so I'm going to have to make do with whatever is left over [Music] are you good did you see aubergine cauliflower tomatoes along side the leftover veg kitchen boss Masood bloopers laid out the dried spices that form the basis of all her curries turmeric curry powder and then red chilli star anis cinnamon and some coriander seeds to give this curry a real Malaysian fusion twist I'm adding a good thick slug of coconut milk it's a hard balance too because the Malaysian tradition has got a strong indian influence and the chinese influence said they've got the spicy with the sweetness as well so I'm hoping that tamarind and the coconut have sort of helped take some that heat out of the curry but things are about to get a lot hotter in here the Prime Minister's aides are in the building and they seem worried that I might be about to poison the PM [Music] make sure they put this thing safe trust me it's safe yeah definitely you'd like to taste it certainly it's like the food please [Music] you like that what about grumpy bollocks Oh does he like it you like it thank you I can honestly say that's a first for me hopefully mrs. Roopa will be more enthusiastic so the food police have been in about a taste it's really very nice let's hope it tastes very nice Wow please King around here so she says more salt it means no salt you sure yeah thank God for that two seconds we'll start plating up mr. grouper close your eyes with the p.m. and his wife in place in the Grand Hall his elite bodyguard is standing by to take us through come to the top yeah ready right do we serve it first prime minister or the monkey let's go lead the way mrs. Rupert when we go in I'm gonna give you the tray and I'll serve it for you what's the stairs Missy group has never met the p.m. so want her in there with me mrs. roofer mrs. Ruby come on baby Kamini that coming from come on the palace is waiting for you Missy Rupa let's go baby Hey good afternoon sir ladies and gentlemen welcome primary sir absolute pleasure pretty good to see madam pleasure good to see you chief good to see this is a Indian style Malaysian vegetable curry sir thank you you happy yeah very very good thank you I'm trying to say what you think best wishes please enjoy sir that's a pleasure thank you I wish indeed it's crazy out there no she's happy that's the most important Prime Minister's very happy [Music] yeah 30 seconds thank you I love the way everyone's pushing around no macaroni no fish and chips we're in Malaysia for God's sake extraordinary it's been a buzz cooking for the p.m. and his wife and it's yet another Malaysian auntie has helped me mean it yes take care my dolly
Channel: Gordon Ramsay
Views: 11,353,975
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gordon, Gordon Ramsay, gordon's great escape, gordon's great escape malaysia, gordon's great escape season 1, gordon's great escape season 2, gordon ramsay malaysian cooking, gordon ramsay malaysian curry, gordon ramsay malaysian, gordon ramsay malaysian cooking competition, gordon ramsay malaysian restaurant, gordon ramsay great escape, gordon ramsay great escape malaysia
Id: wa8ZZk3NAu0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 27sec (567 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 04 2019
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