Luigi's Mansion 3 - Gameplay Walkthrough Part 8 - Luigi the Movie Star! (Nintendo Switch)

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oh wow what the heck do I do I have to which is like no I don't have to fight this do i there's a ghost inside [Music] what is up guys ak Scott here playing luigi's mansion 3 and guess what guys we've done it we hit a million views in the first episode and this is the wrong way I thought this that was the elevator we've had a million views on the first episode and it's all thanks to you guys leaving over 30,000 likes thank you so much for your support I am so thrilled we are gonna keep pushing on and on with this series until we beat it thank you guys for being here this is the elevator I was looking for there we go I don't know what I was thinking here we go push the button and now we have to explore floor 8 I've been reading your comments about floor 8 so hopefully I make the right decision and into whether or not I take out the ghosts at the end so everyone's been leaving comments about it basically saying Zac there's a ghost at the end you don't de take him out you don't to capture him but we'll see about that I will see if I capture him or not paranormal what encounters is that what the floor was called that sounds scary because like our productions federal protections it sounds scary this whole place is already paranormal floor 7 was huge will fluorite be equally as huge I don't even know but here we go let's see what this is all about again a million views on the first episode that's incredible thank you guys for your support I see a gym in that helicopter right there this looks pretty alright so let's see what I can do first we could probably take out the plan hey David still a plan from the previous floor probably I don't know there we go whoa whoa they're stashing a lot of gold in this diorama thing all right let's see if I can do something about this helicopter here it's gonna land snow lay on my face all right we got it there we go that's one gym down five more to go it's a helicopter in that TV over there all right I like how the lights kind of follow this looks like something I don't know if I can I not get up there I can't I can doesn't count as a real jump does it how do I get up there there's something to do up there I don't know what to do I can't actually jump with that ability you know let's go to the next room oh that that's a key there's a key in there Oh what the heck I don't know how to get up there good Ouija can you get up there and you just slither on up there like little slime ball you are now that you can okay what's over here though movie posters is that Super Mario Strikers what is that hold on first let's check it then we will Oh lots of stuff then we'll smash it all right there supposed to be anything in here indeed there is I thought there was supposed to be look at that it looked like there was right oh it's a fire extinguisher [Music] it just gets us a little extra gold which we need I guess wait okay so that's that's me fighting King Boo in the previous game what the heck oh I thought this person just had huge breasts Oh hold on there's something behind these this one has hinges that's the only one that has hinges all right let's go check it out other coins on top of these two I just now saw that come on grab the coins all right there we go holy cow it's actually a lot of gold back is this for a boxing glove let's see if I can use that for something I don't know what Oh maybe something anything over here nice nice all right let's continue vacuuming this stuff up well that giant can't what is this now what is there's something here what is that Oh awesome okay great I'll go get that in a second the weed you can use to just skip through here he can nice it's a big old bag of money and we got a second gym super cool oh wait honey we didn't grab the money yet oh man I missed I get the money slip on through all right and then let's slip on through here where am I going okay okay just flushing out all the gold not a big deal all right and then there's this coins up there still and then let's turn on this TV hold on what is happening what what what the heck and what triggered that that's awesome what I don't even know what triggered that honestly okay let's check this out it's a helicopter that I just I just got with Luigi get really close oh you know his nose poor little nose there's a coin behind the TV I left oh my gosh I'm gonna get sucked into the TV what the heck traveling through the power lines oh this is where I wanted to go scary Sam this is where I would exactly where I wanted to go to get the key okay can I use that to travel back or hey yep yeah let's go in through there and see what we got all right awesome that was pretty cool there there are coins behind here how do I get them I think some coins used to be stuck behind there for now um all right well that's pretty cool let's go and get this that rug is turned up over here do you think I can look at it you see it flopping already okay I push it like the other rug and Dean I do oh hey it's another gin with you are you scared of it you did it congratulations Luigi all right so now I use the key over here hmm all right there's the ghost there's a ghost let's see if I can not deal with the ghost yet right clear this place out holy cow this is like editing studio or something holy cow nice all of his house rewards Awards are being destroyed my apologies ghosts oh yeah this is moving hold on this little thing running across a screen oh my god all right I should have anticipated that come here all right he's still here this little dork come here now there you go last but not least I've emptied out this basically this entire room all right bring it all back bring it up back there you go nicely done okay come here I'm taking away his film his master copies of his films I don't I can actually suck those up this might be like I think I need like goo easy to do no I got this one it's only like one dollar per all right uno mas come on there we go all right cool this place is basically been cleared this place is basically yeah okay I did it I did it this is quiet in here I mean I guess this might be soundproof right all right what is this ghost deal mourning the tragedy oh-ho-ho is this my end is this what I'm Morty director the finest films I'm destined for how could I lose it what did he lose I'm a puny worthless movie director that's all even the sparkle from the beautiful button is now nothing but a doll you has for floor 9 right I need that give me that I'll just take that my bright red megaphone where art thou I would give anything to be able to hold my dear sweet megaphone again all right time to bust this ghost is kidding no I was told not to bust him quite yet you know what's an artist without a brush a chef without a knife a dog without a bag of trash wants nothing look without my megaphone I had nothing to know I'm less than nothing all right well okay I go in all those TVs hose it golden rap here I need all of the gold bars from that excuse me oh come on all right I think I can probably how can I open this let's see what's this is this worth it that's something oh wait wait wait I know what to do GUI G is gonna do this for me then Luigi is gonna go up how do I go up oh wait what okay maybe I go up first yeah yeah I think I go up first okay there we go that makes sense the ladder itself doesn't extend there we go what is that oh my god oh my god okay I did okay Haley we just going up here we go okay let me make sure that I do this without falling there's something over there how do I can I adjust the camera please this is fine okay oh is it in a block of ice landed on it uh-oh and this is something here right all right this is a block of ice so how do I melt this put it in the light or not okay I don't know can we just stop there that big ole eight all righty oh wow a lot all right I'm gonna try to attack the big ape over here all right but didn't do anything that's okay like is this it's a bunch of money get out here oh god oh my god oh my god what the heck was that palter pop oh right that was that was the biggest scare of the game so far hold her pup what are you doing in there oh man oh my gosh that was super scary hold her pup is a very mean dog no I'm afraid to like I've been told not to vacuum him up so believe it or not I'm try not to vacuum him up I'm trying to do what you guys want oh boy I think scared me so bad though can I go into these this is one there are also TVs so I guess I'm looking for a megaphone is that all that's happening here Oh like do I need the TVs for certain areas you know what I mean like to travel like I did with the helicopter probably this is a bag of gold I can't okay no I can't walk this way no it's not a bag of gold alright so there is a TV there so let me just turn it on okay I need you guys probably the other box to leaves and money what is this here we go that's doctors felling the thing is that okay okay with everyone these are all sets but thank is this I don't think I need that I don't know though get out here I'm gonna finish up vacuuming the leaves okay I'm scared to go down there but let's just give it a shot okay I don't get it but okay oh my god I hit him what the heck oh wow hold up you gotta watch out for that thing man well is there anything like up let me just I don't know let me try to get this one I don't wait for you now what this room is all about and I'm probably gonna pitch thirty thousand coins today which is pretty cool uh hold on Oh what the heck what am i doing what hey what about if GUI G's over here dude I don't get it oh now now good we just here okay this is interesting so now okay now now the wages here oh my gosh what's gonna happen slow zoom [Music] oh my gosh is it a real monster or not there's a duck on her head though let me see if I can grab her hair or something I don't know [Music] Clos the hair back what what is the point of this can I walk all the way back no it's still a set [Music] dude I don't get it the duck is gone okay so so I'm perplexed obviously I don't know what to do [Music] as like she wants to hold something maybe I got to solve puzzles like maybe I gotta come back here when I have something for her to hold if she isn't with the soccer ball does she doesn't make any sense okay this might be like a puzzle now they don't even want me to have a soccer ball okay unless she wants a ducky then we can give her the ducky again I don't know duckies gone never mind huh well that's very mysterious I don't quite know what to do what does she want it she wants his head to hold probably not okay let's go in the next room this is really interesting I just well there's a fire maybe I got to bring the ice block how I can't bring the ice block in here he won't let me bring it through rooms will it what if it does you think let me bring it through a TV okay come on down all right let's open this up let's turn that on so what are we looking at here I don't even know I mean let me just kind of explore over here before we do anything else do you think that's a GUI G thing I thought that was like a grate or something well still need GUI G though right didn't really see what's over here here what is that yeah that's okay so I just okay we don't need you GUI G let's go this this this way right there's a lot of stuff in here I don't even know what I'm getting is there how do I get out up to the second floor here [Music] I'm just curious about that fire like if that really is what it wants me to do or am I just kind of making it up you know what I mean like one so the Sun is over here oh okay that's how that works just kick the barrel ohmygosh bombs what the hell oh my I couldn't I could not escape him in time thankfully Apple's help holy cow I didn't know there's bombs in there there we go no bombs in that one at least nope mmm supposed to aim and shoot those I don't know gonna back up very well okay well this is last barrel let's pull this down uh golden rat alright we actually got a lot of gold from these barrels so that's good how do I get up there oh wait we broke 30,000 which is great um so yeah I'm confused as to what to do clearly but first let's put GUI Gi here and then we'll take Luigi to the directors area or whatever's behind the camera money over there wait is there something here there is I noticed it was dark so I bet there's gonna be some gold vine here probably oh and a gold ghost alright slam them down a few times and then a few more you know you know how goes we've almost got him for the last time no no no no no let me have that gold bar on top Oh disappeared first so yeah I'm really okay let's let's take a look now behind behind this camera see what we can see oh wow oh wow what what oh no oh wow oh no what okay arrows are coming oh my gosh aren't they ever can I do anything with these other barrels that are just suddenly have appeared Oh what is this alright but I have to water this I bet I got to bring things from one room to the to the other because I don't know how to deal with this oh wait what about this no is there anything in here for GUI gee no okay so yeah this is interesting uh okay so I guess I need some so one that one goes needs something in her hands I need like some sort of hole am I still scared I guess I am all right then we'll just keep looking around let's see what's in this room if there's some water in this room then I'll understand whoa hold up wait can I see behind that okay weird oh my god spiders awesome [Music] oh boy another one now [Music] okay oh this is the TV right there hold on there's a those agendas of giant styrofoam's right there's a giant coins what the heck how do I pick up the giant coins like I'm an ant world or whatever okay more spiders no thanks oh that's the megaphone let me teach you look that must be the megaphone looks like it's trapped in some spiderwebs those must be Hardy webs indeed them what those must be Hardy webs can I said it better myself what do I do I don't know oh there's a jam right there oh my god everything's so big [Music] albian getting I can't actually collect anything what about I mean that was that was obvious now hold on hold on Luigi you might be able to free that megaphone if you burn away the spiderwebs so there is there was the torch all right can good weed you just slide in here we can indeed all right so we have two more gems left do I don't know what to do but we'll take a look at it through the lens of a professional oh yeah he's still there let's go ahead and activate this thing all right oh my god oh my god okay there's a bunch of okay first step that's gonna be quite profitable he wants me to burn the web's though which seems hard to try to pull off but maybe I get that's what the torch is for I was thinking that would be like something for the ice the heck [Music] it is designed as if I'm like a shrunken person right okay let me just try [Music] like what if I'd what if I don't okay I bet I have to go get that torch somehow is that a hose in the background that I can use I have this spider doesn't do anything this is there all right well okay let's check out the other floor because I don't know man die oppa I did I not open this let's see it I thought I opened this but maybe I did it more money nice I've hit 32,000 so I feel like I need like ingredients from all over the place I don't know how to do this we should keep something scared this is something I can do deal with over here now there's one more door to go through okay let's go through this door there's a fire hydrant I see I'm looking for like low they hold on [Music] holy cow okay I don't know if I can do anything with the fire hydrant but it's there [Music] the hack all right okay turn on this TV I'll figure out what this movie is all about soon there's this stage I'm probably getting like the most money I've gotten you know in a while all right let's Joe let's let's go again we're taking this one at a time I'm gonna see what I can do is regular Luigi they don't go see what I can do as GUI G just taking my time here you know oh go there Mouse definitely have gotten more gold than a lot of stages as to the stage is very rich with gold of course it's it's Hollywood what do you expect I don't know all right nice lots of donuts down there huh alright there's at least one gold bar anything else alright open this up [Music] all right let's check out this house this is all just a set you know okay I'm just getting a little bit of money here and there you know whoa let me get out of here all right and then this is like oh my god what that come here oh this is a gym we'll get him one more time don't worry don't worry I got ya I got you buddy oh right and then that's we got five of six gyms so that's pretty cool and I think one of them's frozen so yeah I really got to figure this out let me climb up here and see if there's anything this is like Sesame Street so it reminds me of at least [Music] let's climb up here oh that's good that that's valuable all right well let's go see what GUI Jie needs to do on this set and let's see if I can piece together what needs to happen cuz I need fire or water or something to put in our hands I just don't know what to put in our hands [Music] okay let's go take a look over here oh my gosh this whole things on fire so I should bring I should bring the gym here that's what I should do I should bring the gym here oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh I can't do anything can I do I beat these guys do I stop them to bring up the fire like hey guys you don't want to put up the fire do you oh geez okay hold that they have sunglasses oh oh man that just destroys Julie she immediately he's back don't worry here can I have your sunglasses please oh that's what you do okay let's get one of them here excuse me got him don't do this rap okay so that's how you knock that stuff off of them all right come on now [Applause] get over here [Music] all right awesome one more left but you know I do feel like this I mean why am i stopping them from putting out the fire all right hold on hold on this is this is not super great there you go oh oh I also melt in fire makes sense I'm just a man I'm merely made of goo I probably got to fight the big guy next though he's gonna be like did you just take all my firefighters dude she's like what the heck now this town is gonna burn down Luigi you're the bad guy this time we're gonna go behind them grab his two butts butt cheeks here okay awesome [Music] alright scuse me coming around to your buttcheeks don't mind me all right he's done he's done before there we go what is that it's a siren oh I can't pick that up though well great way to go Luigi you save the day oh not really oh but he can go behind that fence I see that there's that gate there what are you doing Luigi like okay what what now do I do I mean I don't can I blow out the fire like I just like No [Music] okay yeah I guess guess who doesn't know what to do here oh I didn't go through all right I just took out the ghosts dude I don't know what to do this car anything I just open this door and go in [Music] I can't think of anything to do this area is really smoking now dude I don't know what to do well other than to bring the the Ruby here I don't know what to do and I know okay what's up Luigi there's fire on this set do you think you could use the fire to burn the spiderwebs as I do in fact I'm sure of it now all you need is something to carry the flame with you to another room okay then that's true there was that torch though which I saw I don't know I get the torch so let me just let me go through the TV really quick I want to I want to grab the ice block and try to melt it so something where's the ice block there it is so let me see if I can take this with me oh my gosh so I can take the ice block with me so that's cool and then let's do this get behind the camera [Music] there you go we have all the gyms at the very least but we still got we got to figure out how to how to get something I mean that one room has a torch I just don't know this could maybe carry it where did the head go maybe the head wasn't useful there is a bucket over here I was wondering I could like bring up oil and head back here there's the head dude oh no the heads for honestly what if the heads like over here well what if I need that bucket Oh what if I need that bucket for the well I don't know what the heads for okay I'm I'm already thinking about this right like what if I need the bucket for the well alright let me go back really quick let me just leave the head yeah I don't even know if they had needs to be here actually maybe I'll bring the head with me why are they color coded I bring that I don't want to I don't know leave it here if I I don't actually think I need the head here anymore I was thinking she could be holding the head when she gets out of the well and everyone be like woah but instead what if it's that bucket right here I bet this is it then you grow the plant this has got to be it I think I figured it out guys alright Heys get it now not quite but Guji can't she's gonna be holding the bucket I bet when she comes out and the buck is gonna be full of water they become water that plant that's gotta be it if that's not it I don't understand how to play this game anymore because I mean like I figured it out it's gotta be a right [Music] all right here we go yes indeed she's holding the bucket of water mind okay great I'll switch back to Luigi then I'm gonna you know we're gonna we're gonna have you grow the plants probably then bring the torch I think this is what we do right all right this is good this is good stuff so I'm gonna draw I'm gonna drop this here then uh uh here we go over here all right he has the bucket don't worry like a meteor or something's gonna break the wagon no no like a rock till they catapults him with me to here all right we see that that's fire up there if the torch arty has fire why don't we got to go all right hold on hold on oh my god guys wait wait a second [Applause] [Music] all right she's coming with me I had it this is like wait don't hear me but oh my god what just happened more this came down oh hey they put up a ladder alright alright that's fine that's fine three ghosts there's one what I like about this is that I can use there you go there you go I'm having into this guy multiple times no I don't he's done for good job GUI gee now we can collect our spoils of war is there anything over here I guess not but we climbed this plant now and I'm pretty sure we grab the torch but if it's already on fire I don't know why we without nevermind I've never mind all right cool got this this is easy okay all right excellent and then I go okay if this is all making sense now then I go light this on fire then I go burn the web and then I give him his mega horn and then he's happy tonight can i flash him are you wearing sunglasses or something just covering his eye it's alright and then we do the fire okay this is all making sense it's all coming together I didn't know how this played out but this is awesome [Music] alright and then there you go start it up all right this thing is gonna explode but now that it's on fire we can just go back right now hold on if he if he drops it is it still on fire it is excellent all right this is good stuff on with the Masters but this mass is a beef or something the the monster mass that whole trip up but bursts out of alright here we go we got this we got this we got this all right there we go let's start by opening this oh my god the spider itself on a fire was not expecting that all right this dude's gonna have his megahorn and I left the torch there if I need that torch you know let me know so this is cool cuz I can bring objects through TVs I didn't know that and I did for like you know for the past 10 minutes but dude check it out dude you should be so happy with me all right there we go no no you wait a second hold it right there I didn't notice until now but your face you have some nice features and your build not bad not bad at all all right I see all the makings of a star my creativity is shaking off all the dust and surging to life come come let's start shooting oh my gosh okay here we go oh this is a set oh my gosh oh wow what do i do take your places Oh No what do I do can I put on that mask that'd be so cool and action I hope sorry nobody likes a face so wearing that mask wouldn't really do much good I have an excellent build great features oh wow what the heck do I do I have to Luigi's like no I don't have to fight this do I there's a ghost inside oh my gosh first up I just got to know other coins and stuff here oh my gosh okay okay yep that set is coming right towards me I can't run past them I'm trying though [Music] here can we can we get him how I got him oh no no I thought I had him I thought I had him I need that [Music] can I can I vacuum that up nope nope [Music] okay I got to figure how to take him out okay you when the kaijus spits up the ball you have to blow it right back okay I got it I got it I got I can do that sorry I didn't read the script before hands all right blow the ball out [Music] all right there we go blowing it back Adam take this nice excellent excellent keep it up okay well he doesn't like the light okay this is a whole other story okay no choice okay can I quite do that all right this one my blowback right this one's a green no GUI gee I need you to blow to freak out there we go I thought about it this is gonna work all right excellent work you two my gut tells me this is going to be a masterpiece dude I don't know about that it's coming it's coming towards me okay I don't know about these rude all right here we go [Music] oh it still hit me all right there we go I'll take that one there we go oh crap oh my gosh come on blow it again float again no this is oh there goes two eg [Music] okay he does two rounds of these fireballs [Music] all right here we go oh no this is not it this is honey I thought he was gonna blow the ball again all right now now how can we do this help okay when does he do the ever ball alright this is the other one here we go pushing the book here we go oh no now's your chance to achieve stardom I'm pushing a so much this is my stunt double next to me boom got him stardom will be mine I really wish this is a regular ghost now this oh this is art alright there we go heart cut he loves it [Music] all right take that film to your room that I disappeared out all right we're gonna give me oh the button it's a fair trade for now right all right there we go very awesome I'm a star I'm a star hey give me that give me that huh what all right can I do anything else here yeah I can we can I have one of those yeah give me that okay there they go in like the water or something I guess so it was water so that was awesome we we did this store let's go talk to him then you guys told me not to not to capture him let's see if I can capture him though all right what's he doing what's he doing my film is almost complete almost do not disturb me now the editing process requires my absolute attention okay so I guess I gotta let him do this is it done now you done you done now he's still working on it so how long does this take guys like how long do I let him toil away and his his film I got a new button I could go I don't know let's put it in here how long does it take for him to finish yeah cuz I mean can I go back to him now and see how long it takes oh jeez what the heck oh no a cat she has the button nine cuz she has nine lives she just swallowed it what the heck where's she going oh no I got to follow her great shows me her her cat prints basically maybe after this he'll be done with the movie I see her reflection in the floor do you see that she has paw prints [Music] all right she went into here she's like a rat but she's a cat all right first up hey he's trying to clean up the set oh wow holy cow who else is here who else is here now this is if you have a lobster what the heck is left we're gonna get people from all over the place all right got him [Music] okay we cut we cut a bunch of guys on this set but where did the kitty cat go she went into here interesting okay she left she's scared don't be scared oh my god what the heck what I can't even see what was oh what oh no oh no I'm sorry I take it back I didn't mean to flash you just eighty health what do I do I think she was coming to get me she trying to get me [Music] what is she doing she's not like freak when poulter Kitty approaches that's your chance be patient wait for the right moment and use a strobe oblems go for it all right got it thank you God all right okay [Music] okay almost [Music] all right hold on that was perfect that was perfect you got to be kidding me I know that's your chance be patient wait for the right moment and use a strobe Bob and go okay I don't I don't get it dude all right [Music] what okay there we go well that was one hit okay so maybe she just got it all right hold on I'll figure this out don't worry all right I'll be ready I'll be ready I know I know [Music] Wow I don't I don't know I just I just keep letting your longer and longer get this done you know get you that's it there we go I got one of your tails give it a button tap your masters not gonna be very happy with me that's just one of the tails oh I get it I get I gotta get all three tails probably in order to actually capture her all right [Music] so we know she went through this way let's figure out well just up there whoa what Luigi don't get scared [Music] okay so I know how to get up there I'm not dumb all right here comes Luigi okay is she just gonna come directly to me oh boy not this again where's she going she's going into the ground does that mean she went to the previous floor that might mean that it might mean that she literally went down to the to this to the to the floor below which is floor seven huh are you done nope they still toiling away I don't know how long it takes well should we go to four seven and confront this cat right now I mean we need to be both what the heck what oh my god [Music] what's the goal of this okay what do I do okay I'm a little confused [Music] Oh God geez I don't get it what other move sets do my hand oh wait that that's what we do okay got it good lord break it for real holy cow there's more to this floor than I thought there would be there's a boxing glove right there so I think we have to go down to floor 7 if we want to get that cat Oh No oh he just punched me you dork [Music] all right yes yes yes yes yes it's chaos around every corner in this episode which means hopefully you liked the episode or if you don't like the episode I'm gonna go kill that guy I'm gonna go kill the guy editing right now so I think we gotta go to the 4:7 the Garden Suites to continue our cat adventure to get the next button we shall see hopefully she's down here I got a still got a bone left got 69 help nice okay so you think there's so maybe a you know I don't know what else is on this floor maybe what oh yeah we know we've done that we've done that before I guess I'm back bats got here I don't want bats [Music] all right let's see if there's some cat prints [Music] oh whoa all right got all of those guys it's interesting they keep putting ghosts in let's see if we go up here the cat went this way [Music] wait the cat might have leaped across hey what where did the cat go oh this just here I'll leap across myself nailed it the cat did leap across and then the cat went in here and then the cats either there's a cat in there [Music] there she is where she go where she just go she was just there she jumped out and do we not get to see where she went she's gotta be here somewhere though right [Music] where she is all right here we go okay I'll wait I'll wait I'll wait it won't be so bad this time give me another tail there we go one more tail where's she gonna go she went that way okay oh who you think she's gonna go down another floor and then what do you think she just went up to okay I didn't know I could have done this earlier I would have done this last time too clear not so much faster so she just went up the seventh floor made of multiple floors I mean six is this no this seven cuz we just did eight oh excuse me there's a golden one here right there we go I know is going to be doing such an adventure today yeah I gotta go through here what the heck what no no hey don't punch me No [Music] here we scrub it what what's happening grab one there we go Luigi grab the other one there we go teamwork all right and then I'm assuming the cats in here maybe cuz she went up here definitely cats don't like water do they [Music] Wow I'll turn it off keep it turned on my friends [Music] it seems like that watermelon is [Music] oh yeah we need two people for this one maybe that was to remind me that we needed two people oh geez all right let's see what she's gonna do I'm ready for this is their last tale here we go oh but now she just doesn't have a tail poor cats she gave me the button I thought it's gonna capture she gave me the button close call for now [Music] [Laughter] alright that was pretty pretty incredible can I quickly travel like I just like drop down whoa kind of just like do you like like go off the edge here I don't know alright I made it back down here I wanted to spare you the time that it took me to do climb all the way back down no there ghosts were encountered though they're bats here still get out of here bats I just one of them oh my god ones behind me so I I do want to thank you guys Wow a million views in the first episode that's incredible that happened why within a week or so so thank you so much for your support I really do appreciate it over 30,000 views I mean sorry that's way over 3000 of course yes over 30,000 views but over 30,000 likes on the first episode as well which is the crucial part there so thank you guys so much for that let's put in the 9th button hopefully no cat just comes in and steals it again yeah just get it in there get in there get it in there alright there we go we're gonna go to floor a began to see if he's done and I just had a curiosity I just I just gotta know if he's done and we'll find out we'll find out so yeah thank you again for all of your support keep it up obviously I do appreciate it and let's see if he's done with his masterpiece yet I keep seeing floors go by in the elevator which makes sense cuz 4:7 has so many levels so here we go let's go see if he's done I'm really am curious if he's done or not and I don't know if there'll be any other ghosts here that's a really creepy one right there oh you know what alright he's done he's done ok oh ho at last my masterpiece is complete filled with a gripping action dripping with emotion oh and the suspense it has it all feast your eyes on this if not if it is not the very definition of true art I do not know what is alright how do i how do i watch it oh I bet I bet I just have to okay I bet I have to just do this so I ended up again like I did before there's a bank no he restocked his area so this is the movie right this is the movie we filmed together [Music] sorry man he's adding in the sound effects [Music] oh my goodness I do remember when this happened it was terrifying for Luigi IRL [Music] all right and then we fought him together [Music] this is a slightly different camera angle you gotta appreciate it here we go [Laughter] [Music] it's his masterpiece very cool he's happy now right I guess I've already broken that so do you want to come with me oh ho my masterpiece is complete filled with gripping action dripping with emotion on the suspense it has it all feast your eyes on this all right so I don't you know let me know if I should go in and caption because I can probably capture now it'll help fill up my book so let me know I mean I think we're done I mean he's done everything so we can probably capture him let me know the comments below maybe we'll take a poll on it and we'll see if next episode starts with me capturing him thanks for watching goodbye I'm Zack Scott subscribe if you have not if you liked this video and want to help this channel grow all you got to do is click the like button below thank you so much for watching you can now join and become an official member of zackscottgames and if you want cool shirts like this visit Zack Scott dot shop [Music] you
Channel: ZackScottGames
Views: 1,965,975
Rating: 4.8550448 out of 5
Keywords: Luigi's Mansion 3, Luigi's Mansion 3 Gameplay, Luigi's Mansion 3 Walkthrough, Luigi's Mansion 3 Part 1, Luigi's Mansion 3 Gameplay Part 1, Luigi's Mansion 3 Walkthrough Part 1, Luigi's Mansion 3 ZackScottGames, Luigi's, Mansion, Luigi, Polterpup, Gameplay, Walkthrough, Game, Review, Commentary, Guide, Let’s Play, Playthrough, Part 1, Ep 1, Full, Nintendo, Switch, Nintendo Switch, ZackScottGames, ZackScott, Zack Scott Games
Id: ahQrW5PRMX0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 4sec (4564 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 07 2019
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