BOMB HAMMER! Luigi's Mansion 3 RARE GHOST HUNT ScareScraper: Part 1!

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alright ladies and gents here we are we are in a 10 floor scare scraper run in Luigi's Mansion 3 with light Hemme void pixel welcome to it can we do it though that's the thing can we do it I don't know man I've battled with void and void knows what's up Hemme light industries I'm counting on you guys this is 10 floors okay split up divide and conquer try not to get trapped I will rescue you if you get trapped all of that I will rescue you divide and conquer man if there's one person in a ghost room trust that they will take it we need to go quick and work like work your way nearby right if there's a doorway near you get that doorway if there is not a doorway near you then find a next nearest doorway that is an actual tour we're not a fake doorway okay so I'm just working this outer perimeter you guys got the interior this is fun don't need that that's not considered a ghost we're fine here we go we are good oh no no no I'm like the leader calling stuff out and then like this like super tiny mini map alright pink pink you want to give me a hand yo pink help me out you'll stop battling the ghosts and come get me dude you can come back to it thank you yo when there's - dude when there's two doors next to each other like this it's going to happen thank you hahaha oh I'm sorry I'm so sorry you can go back to your ghost resuming no hey you know what that's fine it happens it happens can i play though I'm gonna use the lead you as bait okay maybe not oh there we go big twofer nice - for Luigi good job my boy okay I'm out I'm gonna take this heart and then we're gonna continue looking at this very tiny mini map I might add all right here we go ghost in this room we got you Oh Goldie's all right we got this all right a little rough start but that's fine we'll do it I've no doubt in my mind that we're gonna make it to the very end in the wardrobe yeah yeah of course he is The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe okay so there's another room over there that someone abandoned a little prematurely over there in the southwest southwest corner room it looked it looks like Pink's getting it and if I don't call you by your name and I call you by your color that's what we're doing here all right all right so Pink's got that room I presume I'm gonna go in here it's a bathroom or a closet yeah okay so oh and then we have to go into the portal okay so once Pink's done with that room we got to go into the portal room you okay over there pink all right I'm gonna get mad you good okay I think you're good oh there's two okay uh yeah you got it you got it okay good all right so into the portal room is this the room oh my gosh I'm about to get slammed into a wall where is the portal room okay I thought this is a false door I'm coming I'm coming where's pink [Music] not bad not bad holy moly everyone get your own ghosts no sense getting the same ones okay you guys got that I'm gonna go up in the next room sorry blue all right we can double-team this one yes good job Ronald applause way to go members we know what's going on GG's I was good it's good thanks for the bailout blue pink orange all of you guys somebody save me dead as four minutes four minutes times ten this is gonna be like a 40-minute thing at least so we cannot afford to lose we cannot afford to lose the stakes are high guys do not that's already been six minutes floor to capture the ghosts get them we're over here where the heck am i oh gosh I'm green yes all right so there's little green guys Goldie's don't like these at all to the paint room all right we're gonna work the perimeter or we're not you're in there I know you are get out fast slamming like a champ all raw whoa hey now that's it okay I cleared it all right so I'm gonna go north and then I'm gonna go yeah this is fun alright let's go in here ghosts three-fer nope just a twofer that's fun good I see you guys are clearing rooms good job okay this is great this is working out as absolutely working out I need to go this way watch out do not step on the carpets I'm gonna go up here ghosts in the room Oh two hammers I love hammers I will destroy hammer in one inhale watch invincibility friends yeah yeah oh gosh I did not get the inhale whoops and I did not get the invincibility frames either alright whatever they're strong Thanks let's go hammer what time is it [Music] okay easy yeah we're totally dividing and conquering oh there's a key door interesting okay I got the key guys or at least I will soon once I find it right here baby check that out yeah boy wait it's not the key are you kidding the hex the key then oh okay great okay key doors in the very very corner the map there's a TV here maybe it'll warm me to where I need to go and I think it will what do you know check that out yo fast travel baby fast travel comma baby you like that you like that you got to know how to do that too in this game okay he's got buddies I know he does you got somebody's here somebody's you got a buddy with a hammer Aereo twofer all right take them dude whatever uh what else we got we're done yeah that was it yo that was so clutch getting the key going into the TV teleporting right back into the crack back into the room where the key U is needed yo that's not like a world record room three minutes good job team you guys are keeping up oh yeah you guys are totally keeping up thanks good job there's nothing really happening in the members-only chat is there you guys want me to open it up for everyone what do you guys think I could I mean I don't really need them the members only chat right now there we go cool you got the key I guess I'm going this way I'm warping I'm out of here I got to get the key dude don't even waste your time with those blocks whoever pink is we got to capture ghosts right oh wait what are we getting oh we're getting the gold I'm sorry never mind are we getting gold yeah we're getting gold my bad you do have to waste your time with this because that's where the big ghosts are [Music] [Applause] [Music] you are absolutely correct I thought we were just catching ghosts man not getting gold all right anyway so find the rooms with the with a big golden with the Big Ben ghosties and then please divide and conquer because we need to do that yeah that's it I do have the key I'm working my way over there blue and it looks like it's just a straight shot [Music] no time to celebrate get the gold bars guy alright cool alright I'm going into that room yeah divide and conquer get as much money as you guys can I got the key since I'm heading over there should be able to open this up access even more spots for ghosts yeah get the other one and slam the heck out of him please and I will help you pick up all of this good stuff thank you kind sir we good it's fine I will pick up whatever gold bars are left we are we're doing really good this is six thousand we got two minutes so find the gold ghosts man I'll help out here oh dang got a big twofer Wow I'll just help you inhale a little bit here so you don't miss anything yo that was insane you got a big gold twofer it's that's really good [Applause] yo let me get a big gold twofer nope not happening ha ha ha ha yep I kind of want to clean up before inhaling this guy but I'm also afraid that he might run away all right so this has got to be enough money right here that's not enough wallet how much a gold bar is worth 20 oh gosh we better hurry up guys we just need 200 more bucks where are we finding it guys I'm getting worried we got a minute who's saying help I'm coming I don't know how to get over there how did you oh you're in a drawer a dresser I'm sorry I didn't know you can go inside and get stuck in this thing I was wondering where you went oh boy all right I'm gonna pop open the chest for everyone that was actually hilarious I'm sorry I was wondering where orange went you went inside the Wardrobe oh my gosh [Music] yeah come on avoid pixel what are you hiding in the dresser for we got money to find oh it's hilarious though that was legit funny cuz like me and him me and orange we're just going like hand-in-hand I'm like all right I'll move ahead maybe he'll catch up boom gets locked on the dresser didn't even realize hey orange sorry dude what do we do in catching ghosts 22 ghosts are you go there I'll continue forward oh no no no no absolutely not absolutely freakin not not today not today that was so scary so scary what's in here nothing there's a warp I could no I'm not gonna go warp to pink that doesn't make sense actually there was a room over here and you know let me go back I did not say no orange is in there that's fine you got it all right take it Orange ho ho man yo someone wanna help out over here over here I hate these guys although I could bait Luigi that's fine take em dude yeah that's the real pro strat right there just bait Guji haha sorry GUI you have one purpose and one purpose only no it's so much easier when you bake go easy are you kidding me rather than waiting around like a fool go ahead take him he's all yours y'all baiting GUI Jia as good baiting GUI ji as meta strats oh my gosh what a cool dude I am all right what's the we're gonna say anyone here anyone here new I'm gonna go up maybe a ghost inside it's a bathroom okay nothing there there seems to be a a that was easy there's Easy Street folks light him II void pixel cool wow a minute 40 on that level this is what I want this is these are the people I want to play with you know what I mean I love it who what are we doing this is gonna be capture the ghosts again all right let's see how we do well there's a big ghost over that you guys can take them it's a locked door so good luck didn't realize it was a locked door until the end all right that is a fake door there don't go south it's pretty linear where we need where we all need to go unless there is a little bathroom there salt all right that's cool what the heck cool power up we didn't go into that South room we okay so I'm gonna go all the way down the hall with blue here we're racing you take east I'll take west ooh good job blue that's my boy blue okay so we ended up in the same area here looks like Pink's got a warp there there's a big empty square over that way so I'm curious what's going on in that that's southwest oh you're kidding me I'm looking at the map I did not see that help help stupid [Music] thank you I'm looking at this mini-map and I'm not paying attention to what's in the street and I get like bundled up nasty thanks my dude continue carry on carry on kind sir holy heck I know I'm done with that what is blue sang over here for who's got the key are we supposed to be doing something I don't have a key how did you get in there oh you open the door I'm coming I'm coming [Music] what's in there members talk to me who opened the key I don't think warping is gonna do me I got it how do I get over there really quick [Music] what are we talking about rare ghosts I don't know what that means thank you I'm ready this is what a rare ghost is holy gold guys I'm gonna get this one or that one holy goldies that's awesome I'm gonna get blown up though [Applause] they're everywhere this is awesome let's go orange you and me I don't want to eat any of these bombs we need to win okay you got him for twenty health good you got him good job [Music] holy moly where oh this guy okay too many bombs I'm not gonna all right you and me let's go slide one two and that's it so that was a rare ghost that's just a recolor am i setting myself up for like disappointment because they're just gonna recolor current models guys I'm looking for boss ghosts OHS dude I want some like crazy cool-looking boss ghosts owes like in Luigi's mentioned too but I guess those were all recolors as well right I don't know what I'm expecting I don't know what I'm at on it this is all like uncharted territory I have gold ghosts okay all right well let's let's split up where you guys going uh yeah you go that way I'm gonna go this way into the bathroom that was cool I was pretty cool I enjoyed that thoroughly okay it looks like you went inside there I'm not going to carelessly get trapped in the little thing watch hammer time alright hammer time you come in come in hammer right Punk oh dang nice - four dude let me help mind if I finish that guy off for ya oh where am I going I'm going you go up I'll go down oh come on every time I'm like looking at this map and I don't even look at a ground man uh I'm the only one falling for these traps dude what a joke what a joke I'm looking at this mini map not looking where I'm walking as you believable check this out three three forgive me whoa what happened what's where my Poltergust go [Music] what the heck oh my gosh what the heck is this what we do without a poltergeist look at his skinny back give me that [Music] what do I do is that not mine is this not all that was not mine are you flipping kidding me which one's mine yeah you got to get another one orange ha ha ha they have to match up oh that's so stupid but crazy at the same time alright I guess like well I don't want to check the other guys poltergeist dude it's a poltergeist pick it up you're Luigi it fits your back are there still guys without poltergeists I better go pick them up guys excuse me here take this green guy we lost a lot of time on that guys we better get our things back we got to go man we got to go where are you going look at this guy excuse me like scooting away oh my god this hilarious boy all right here we go you guys good oh wait there's a portal area okay so there's a portal area I guess I'm gonna work my way all the way down to portal I'm coming I'm coming [Music] Wow you guys good you guys already emptied the contents oh this is the way out okay so you guys are all in there getting ghosts I guess maybe I'll join in the party all right all right thanks for weakening this guy okay now portal time portal Lois I'm coming I'm coming uh-huh single file guys all right you guys get him I'm gonna move to the next room 40 seconds man you guys got this I believe in you gold guys I need help I need help I can't do gold guys alone man these guys are hiders I got 30 seconds do not ruin this slamming fast slam orange oh my god 20 seconds you're good you guys are making me nervous you guys are making me nervous fast slam him orange holy cow man yo we G time we cannot lose right now we are 26 minutes into this ten floor scare scraper we need to go good job team you guys are great so far you guys are doing it man I don't know if I can get a better team than you guys oh no all right crows man you either flash them or you inhale them all right but split up I'm going north SIA you get that money I don't need it it's for you you okay done no there's more crows in there ah you two the heck over here get in there all right we got to grow up we got to grow man we got to grow like a crow and there's a locked room too so we got to keep our eyes out if there is going to be a key somewhere so the locked room is in the lower what South was how these South good corner all right you got it you got that room with the crows I got this room I did not go in the balcony so didn't show that there is a key there I think there may be something here boy pixels got a room here we go take your time take your time find the keys beat the crows that was a cool I was like a to frame oh okay crows are done you guys get any any keys hey key time toilet first that's right okay I'm coming I'm coming to the key room coming to the key room coming to the key room but the key rooms the other way of doll why are you going that way watch watch see like a champ dude I'm telling you ye of little faith give me this whatever all inhale I don't care inhaling slower but it's guaranteed all right two doors left two right here we go two is I'm choosing wisely okay I chose the wrong one 247 you got crows in there I think this is it crows feet dude that's right crow's feet we're gonna get to the top of this and maybe there's gonna be a Bosco's I don't know what's at the top of the 10th floor of course we keep a key in the toilet always man it better not be gold hammers I swear if it's gold hammers on top I'm gonna be pretty upset yeah no we're really good this team is pretty elite kind of want to do another one with you guys but we'll say we get some good peeps here cuz I'm not about to waste 45 minutes of my time that's the thing what are we doing on finding ghosts okay got you hey key time look at that beautiful key find all right right into the key room beautifully done give me this big boy we slam big boy into the little boys don't punch me why don't I have the ability to jump in this game Luigi come on man where's my dark moon jump all right you want to take them here you take this room I'm out I just unlocked the new part of the mansion okay so oh come on all right yo dude someone blue blue stop those ghosts stop getting those goes to come get it thank you my man my man thank you all right you can continue back I just need to not every time yo carpet man thanks dude thank you thank you double almost almost lost every flippin time man it's crazy blue stop what you're doing and come save me he says do we do so dispensable don't worry I'll take care of the whole bottom half of this map I think I jumped the gun on unlocking it a little bit too early guys so make sure that everything up top is good I can easily take care of this spot down here provided I don't get stuck again Oh Goldie's three-goal these babies Joey the jackpot yeah three Goldie's and one got away get over here he's just out in the open why are you not hiding no oh gosh alright you guys know where a switches please tell me what you guys knows where switches cuz I don't and we need this map and we can't lose it oh that was the last ghost we were about to lose right there oh my god we were about to hard lose because I didn't pay attention to where a closet was alright get ready get ready we have two more floors we cannot let up 33 minutes into this all right light industries come on man let's go I'm calling on you Oh [Music] Toad's okay remember you have to get the toes you have to bring them back alright we learned that I'm going north see ya divide and conquer find the blow it's okay I got a tote I got a tote his name is growed kind of looks like Yoda I'm good here man you keep on going you keep on going find another area I got this thank you come on grow it come with me if you want to live thank you there we go growed come on grow get up into that TV go visit egad alright continuing up there are ghosts up there but it looks like okay you got that road icy road okay pink Scott Road I don't know what you guys have but you guys can skip through areas that don't have toads in them I hear toad blues blue blue AG's got blowed I'll see a single Tod not sure why we're doing that over there there's gonna be another room over here no oh this is blows room okay that's cool I'll help you clear blows room oh no oh really no not now not now place the balls red Reds is over here whoever red is pink toad you're in the corner here I wish you guys can tell me which one mine is hold on orange is dead we got to go get orange oh you can see you can see the colors of these where's greens hold on we got to go get the other dude oranges there's something up with orange I'm coming orange I don't know where or how I'm gonna get over there but I'm coming did you die but we can't afford you to be dead aah and a carpet okay okay I don't even know where we're at we gotta find one more toad guys or else we're gonna lose it come on man hey yo horns come on buddy I need you you need to find your thing I need you to go find your thing it's to the south it's directly in the middle of the south and we need this last toad guys that we have two minutes left I don't know man I'm about to check toilets for toad and clocks I think we lost this one man I don't know where this last toad is can you hold on hold on what hello what over here what's over here what are you saying use your words Luigi we got a minute 24 find that toad and get him do we have to all go over there is that a switch all right let's go I'm going I'm going I'm going I'm going now there better not be a switch oh my gosh I'm trying to come over there dude I'm coming there what you got blowed that's it did we win oh my what the heck I thought we had blowed I don't even know all right i legit was worried that we're gonna rock this 40-minute stream here is gonna be done we need some good peeps last one [Music] too close for comfort we got some good peeps here though we do we got some good Pierce is the last floor right second last floor scary the roof what's on the roof don't tell me boo losses come on that was it we just got one gold ghost and now we have to fight stupid boo losses come on that's a lame thing wow you mean to tell me per ten floors the fifth floor is the rare ghost and you fight the same boss recycled over and over again which is in and of itself a recycled boss battle come on next level games [Music] what did you think no one was gonna play this mode like you can get away with that it's recycling man [Music] all the bombs yeah Wow cool all right eat them eat at least two of them no one landed on me and fast lemon I'll take one [Music] [Music] do I don't know what I was thinking I was too busy daydreaming over here about a better boss battle [Music] but what's different about this is that he surfs through the ground and kingboo didn't surf through the ground so you just chase after him that's it you just say you just chase after the dude [Music] [Music] step stop them [Music] you kidding me no that one went away from me I even ran to it give me that one little ghost left turns into a big boo losses [Music] not even paying attention oh good [Music] can I just like inhale this little boo because he's he's only one boo big Wow there's a heart if anyone wants it no one wants it no takers no takers alright that's cool look out he's a shark oh this one's going quick though watch out he goes in a 90-degree angle okay who's gonna get the last boo me give me that boo-boos on yup one two three thank you okay good job so ladies and gents 42 minutes a ten floor scare scraper to get a recycled boss and a recolored hammer what do we think of that is that acceptable what do we think I'm a am I being too cynical should I expect like an actual cool boss battle 42 minutes worth of four people playing online with the online Nintendo paid membership should we get something different than that I don't know you guys let me know in the comments man because that's a little bogus for me I'm I'm a little upset that that's exactly what scares scraper is all about so I'll show you guys this real quick we got some time we'll do another one we will all enjoy this really quick this is our ghost that we got for the day and we'll see we'll see exactly what he was called right a gold hammer wow I'm a sucker for gold stuff I am but if I do another for a 40-minute scare scraper and I get another gold hammer like in Luigi's Mansion to where you can get the same boss goes all over again I'm gonna get a little frustrated I'm gonna get a little fur and I won't want to play this mode anymore so anyway here we go we're gonna go to gallery [Music] this is not good and if you think that this is good and acceptable then that stinks I'm sorry that you feel that way rare goes here we go here we go rare oh it's a bomb hammer okay okay so ladies and gents we received the bomb hammer and as far as as far as big goes where's boo losses there's an extra container at the end there why isn't boo losses there are you kidding me we beat boo losses we should have uh made our little ghost decks how do you forget to program that ah man all right all right all right all right oh my god dude am I the only one that thinks about these things [Music] didn't they announce that they were gonna do some updates for this game come on next-level games like get on the next level this isn't Luigi's Mansion to where you can get away with that nonsense of the 3ds era this is 2019 fix it man give me public lobbies where I can put a passcode on give me better than recolored ghosts throw in a greenie why can't I always guys you have greenies like from Luigi's Mansion you guys have the models and then let me get boo losses in my little thing all right anyway I digress you guys let me know in the comments what you guys think of that I'm just a little I think it's unfinished I think it's an unfinished product to be honest but there's no sense Nintendo's like I spent dev dollars when the game is already selling like forget it so bad I love Luigi's Mansion trust me I do I just want it to be better and you can't go wrong with wanting bad
Channel: AbdallahSmash026
Views: 650,685
Rating: 4.6803966 out of 5
Keywords: Scarescraper, Luigi's Mansion 3, Luigi's Mansion 3 Switch, Luigi's Mansion 3 Nintendo Switch, Luigi's Mansion, Luigis Mansion 3, Luigis, Mansion, Nintendo, Switch, Nintendo Switch, Luigi's Mansion 3 Rare Ghost Hunt, Rare Ghost, Rare Ghost Hunt, LM3 Rare Ghost, Walkthrough, 100% Walkthrough, LM3, Online Scarescraper, Scare Scraper, LM3 Scare Scraper, Luigi's Mansion 3 Scare Scraper, Luigi's Mansion 3 Scare Scraper Online, Bomb Hammer, LM3 Bomb Hammer, Luigi's Mansion 3 Bomb Hammer
Id: XFNcFTm6zzE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 32sec (2792 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 09 2019
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