Google Ads Display Campaigns Explained in 2020 - Google Display Network

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you're here to learn about Google Ads display campaigns in 2020 I'm here to teach you about Google Ads campaigns in 2020 and this year we are going to THRILL it together with Google Ads display campaigns Hi I'm Sam fields from Matter solutions and today we're going to go through how to make a successful Google Ads display campaign so what is a display campaign well for starters Google has two networks the search Network and the Display Network we've discussed search campaigns in the past you'll find out more here but essentially a search campaign is when you're advertising to someone who's searching on google for your product or service the Display Network does run on a cost per click basis there is some other variations like cost per million impressions and that sort of thing we will be exploring that later on but for now we're just going to focus on the CPC element the network uses images videos texts and gifts across a multitude of google partner sites in order to show your ad to the people that you're targeting in your account in fact as long as you don't have an ad blocker which you shouldn't then I'd wager that you have actually seen a number of Google ads display ads today they come in all shapes and sizes and as you can see we've created a number of them for our digital workshop and you can see them on the screen now my recommendation will be to try out every single shape size and format in order to get the right data in to make the best decisions based off that data because we're feeling generous we've decided to put a full list of the sizes and formats in the description below so check it out now the first display campaign targeting that I use is remarketing and it's also my favorite why is remarketing my favorite I hear you ask one of the main reasons why I like remarketing is you're getting a second bite of the pie when it comes to people coming to your site and there's a reason why remarketing acts he has a very high conversion rate and that's because people have come to your site they've seen your brand they know who you are they know what your product or service is and maybe previously they weren't too sure if they were going to buy but now they are and so they click on your ad or alternatively it could be that they just weren't able to buy at the time or they're doing their due diligence there's a number of things you can actually do to the remarketing targeting that will help you improve the performance of your remarketing campaign and that includes targeting things like specific URLs with specific product or messaging in order to maximize the conversions that are coming through the campaign another type of targeting in display ads campaigns is in-market audiences this audience is based on when someone is actively planning or researching for an event or something in the future such as a baby or buying a house or even buying a car this is why people think that Google is listening to them sometimes basically Google has mapped out certain behaviors and is showing you ads that react to those behaviors for example if you're looking for a cot or a crib well Google will know that very soon you're going to be looking for nappies or diapers I like to test these out as my secondary display ads targeting and the reason being is because these people often have a high intent because they're actively researching and planning for that product I'll just interject on myself here quickly I've said that this is my secondary strategy but in reality it is a case-by-case basis and the reason why I say this is because depending on what type of business you are an affinity audience may be better for your secondary strategy what is an affinity audience well I'll get to that in a moment but first hit like comment and subscribe to this channel we've noticed as I said last time that ninety percent of you out there aren't subscribed to this channel and you're watching this video for so help us out hit that subscribe button and let me know in the comments below what you think so infinity audiences are based off the interests and the habits of the people as opposed to the in market audience which is based off what they are actively researching and planning at the present an example would be the ability to advertise to someone who loves watching sport or loves to travel or basically a variety of other interests that you can actually define in the Google ads display campaign it's actually really cool say that you sell NBA jerseys you can target people whose Google Ads account activity is showing that they are basketball fans how cool is that I'd recommend split testing affinity audiences and in-market audiences in order to get the best results keep in mind that you can actually layer the different targeting's on your audiences so this allows you further refinement tools that will mean that you can target the people that are most likely to buy furthermore you can actually find out after your campaigns have been running for a while where your ads are performing the best in the Display Network and what this means is is you can actually exclude places where your ads aren't working and be more aggressively on the positions where it is working and another layer that you can put across all of your targeting is demographics like age gender household income depending on where you are in the world in the coming weeks will obviously be exploring in depth a variety of topics such as retargeting of / remarketing across a variety of platforms as well as YouTube campaigns among a number of other things so stick around
Channel: Matter Solutions
Views: 6,644
Rating: 4.8136201 out of 5
Keywords: google display ads, google display ads 2020, google display ads tutorial, google display ads explained 2020, google display advertising, google display ads campaign, google display advertising 2020, google display advertising tutorial, google display remarketing 2020, google display advertising campaign, google ads display, google display network, google display network ads, google display ads best practices, how do i set up google display ads, Matter Solutions
Id: XCbrOEpGjes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 24sec (384 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 04 2020
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