Google Display Ads tutorial 2021 [Ultimate Step-by-Step Guide]

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hello everybody i hope you're having a wonderful day my name is corbin from zoco marketing in today's video we are talking about everything google display ads i'm going to talk to you about how to first of all what a google display ad is really quickly and then we're going to talk about how to set up your first google display ad common settings that you can do inside of there and then at the end i'm going to talk about how to actually run different optimizations to improve the performance of your ad so make sure to stay tuned all the way to the end to get the highest performing display ads that you possibly can so i'm going to jump right in but before i do i do want to remind you please don't forget to subscribe if this is your first time on the channel and also please don't forget to like the video if you found value in it today so we're going to jump in on what a google display ad is so very uh very quickly as you can see here i'm on a blog on this right hand side you see there's this little ad for verbo then up here there's this one for clicksies those are display ads they show up on blogs or websites or different things and there's different ways that you can target these ads one of the most common ways is for prospecting so hitting certain audiences that white might be interested in your your your product and i'm going to show you how to do that targeting and then also another common way is for remarketing so hitting people who have come to your website but not purchased or fill out a form order for maybe showing them banner ads to remind them of your site so banner display ads can be very useful for those different purposes and i'm going to show you how to do that right now so we're inside of google ads and i'm assuming that you already have a google ads account if you're on this video and the first thing that we're going to do is come over here to this little plus button we're going to hit new campaign we're going gonna let this load up and uh there are a lot of different objectives that you can do for display ads but for this purpose we're gonna do website traffic for most people website traffic or sales and leads are what i recommend if you have conversion tracking set up do sales and leads if you don't then do website traffic uh next is we have all these different options of course we want to hit the display to actually run display ads now it's going to present you with three different options standard display is where you as the advertiser advertiser have the most control this is where you can choose your targeting your butt your your bidding and all the different settings inside of here 99 of the time this is what i go with is standard display campaigns smart display campaigns is using google's smart algorithm to uh actually pick all the optimizations such as bidding and targeting for you i have seen it where google just tends to take people's money and run with whatever they can so i like to have more control and not give it to google so i go with the standard display campaign and then the third one here is gmail campaigns which are those ads that show up inside of a user's gmail i'm so very straightforward in there most the time though you're going to want to go with standard display campaigns optionally you can add your website inside of here if you'd like so we can go https and then we're going to hit continue we're going to wait for a second for this to load up all right and now we're getting into kind of the meat of a display campaign so the first thing is you're going to want to name this um your campaign name typically if it's like the product or service so say that we are running this for um uh ppc so i'm i run ppc for people so ppc um display campaign is what i could i would call this so um and give it whatever name will help you realize what you're running inside of here so next is locations uh you can target all countries united states uh in canada or enter a specific location if you only wanted to target like a certain state like arizona or new york or florida you could go through or anywhere outside of the united states you go through and hit add another location and type that in right here inside of the bar so say we wanted arizona we could type that in and target arizona specifically or say we wanted to exclude whatever reason arizona inside of here we could do that as well now one setting that is important to know is if you come down here to those location options google sometimes gets you to spend more money than you need to and that's why you're watching this tutorial because i want to save you money so the first thing is right here this location options you notice how they kind of had it hidden when you're in the targeting they they the default is to target people who are in or regularly or show interest in your target location so say you want to only target in the united states and people are googling for things that show they're interested in the united states but they're not in the united states then google is going to show your ads to those people so typically i like to then go through and click this button so it's only people who are regular in the united states or in my target location so um or in the united states and canada in this this case because i'm targeting there so an important setting to um check inside of here and then you can leave this inside of the people in your excluded locations now next we have languages which is pretty straightforward just go through and select the languages that you want to target for your audiences and then right here is bidding i know the bidding can sometimes be there's lots of different bidding strategies and things that you can do inside of here as you see google asks you what you want to focus on i'm not going to get too much into bidding but i want you to kind of know the basics for this tutorial now you can optimize either for conversions or other options i don't have conversion tracking set up for this demo account or else i could i could do these other options or viewable impressions so if you want more brand awareness and you want just people seeing your banner ads everywhere you're going to want to go for this viewable impressions but if you want to actually get a sale or a lead or people clicking on your ads and going to your website then you're going to want to choose this conversion so for this uh setup i'm going to do conversions and then there are you can manually set your bids or you can automatically maximize your conversions i typically when i'm running a brand new campaign i go for manually setting bids and this gives me just a little bit more control on uh what's what i want to pay for my actual ads now you can also come through if you don't have any idea or you don't want to manage your bids you want to be more automatic then you can do automatically max for conversions but it is totally up to you on what where you want to go from there now as you'll notice the next thing that it asks is or you can select bidding strategy directly and there's all these different things but i'm not going to get into this right now but for for now that's what we're going to talk about for bidding not to just trip people up a little bit here so the next thing is this budget so it's going to ask for your average daily budget typically for a display campaign i'll spend anywhere from you know 10 to 50 so for this one we'll just say 20 and as i put this in you'll notice on this right hand side we're going to see this bar start to load and it's going to give you an idea of how much traffic you can drive with that kind of budget so as you can see i'm going to move myself over down here just slightly um there's up to 100 billion impressions because right now we don't have any targeting we haven't limited anything it's basically targeting anybody on google and we can get a uh around 170 to 420 20 clicks at an average cost per click of 27 to 65 so as you see these are very cheap clicks that you can drive to your website sometimes it's not the highest quality of traffic but it's a very um kind of cheap way to go about driving traffic to your website and you can see the impressions here and the click-through rate now this pay attention to these metrics because these are going to change i'm actually moving myself up here these are going to change as we add more targeting which is the next step that we're getting into so we've set our budget we've got our bidding and you can come in here to additional settings and uh there are some other things you can do inside of here i'm not going to get too much to cover too much into these but because it's pretty straightforward but you can change your ad schedule to certain times of the day you can set start and end dates you can show uh you can choose the devices that you want to show on um campaign url options these are if you want to add what's called utm tracking parameters i'm not going to get into that in this video and then dynamic ads this is more for ecommerce if you have a data feed more high level or more advanced feature and then you have uh conversion actions and content exclusions inside of here once again i'm not going to go too deep into those options for the purpose of this tutorial now the next thing is we have the ad group and best practice is to name your ad group um to describe your targeting or the targeting that you're going for inside here and you'll kind of get an idea of what i mean once we kind of jump into this now if you want i'm going to be covering the the targeting options but if you want a more in-depth tutorial on all the different targeting options that you can do inside of google and youtube and all the different platforms you can check out the link below i go through and walk through all of these different audiences in very big detail but i'm going to give you a high level overview right here right now so we have google has all these different audiences and as you can come in here there's a ton right so if you come into browse it kind of breaks it out into detailed demographics so we can say okay let's target people who are parents of these different things say you had a product that was for infants or babies or different things you could target by marital status education and homeowner status so lots of useful things for depending on what your your niche is and if you come in here there's also what's called infinity audiences and these are people who have shown interest in certain products or services so if we come in here you can get an idea of some of the products or services that go along in the affinity categories and then next we have in-market events which are people who are actively searching for a product or service so say that i am a company that is looking for a specific software right now i could come in here and we can go to in-market audiences and then maybe go down to um business services and for me because i want to target people who are looking to run uh to run ppc maybe come into advertising marketing services and i could target people who are actively looking inside of google for seo and sem marketing services and run my display ads to those people so a very powerful audience and as you can see as i've added these it's now adjusting my clicks and my click-through rate and then my average impressions inside of here it's actually uh hasn't adjusted it just yet but it will once we kind of get through in here so we're going to actually exit out of this business services we're only going to do in the market for seo and sem services and now as you can see it's dropped down to three billion and it kind of gives you a new estimate on your clicks and different things inside of there um the next thing that we have is your marketing and similar audiences so if you wanted to run a remarketing audience this is where you could attach that is right here and then you can add combinations so say that you wanted to hit people who have hit your website in the last 30 days and also are interested in seo and sem services um so the possibilities are uh not endless but there are lots of different things that you can do inside this audience targeting that's why a lot of people like to run these displays because you can get so targeted with the audiences inside of here so um for instance the ad group now that i've kind of picked my uh my audience in here i want to target people who are interested in scn seo and sem services so i would put in market and then we do seo and sem and sem services and then that way when i go back to this ad group i can see that's the audience that i'm targeting inside of here and i don't have to go through and kind of go back through the campaign to see what that is now the next is you can also target by more demographics here you can change the age male female parental status household income all different things and then notice though household income is only available for certain countries depending on where you are um watching this video from now the next thing is uh so these are targeting specific audiences these so there's there's audiences right here and then there's placement so placements you can target by keywords topics um or specifically placements inside of here so uh what that means is keywords inside of this area it's going to be targeting blogs or different websites that have keywords that you're targeting so if we hit in here and content targeting and we wanted to add keywords let's say we wanted to target blogs that are talking about seo services right so that would be a way that we could also target people inside of google most of the time i will target only pretty much exclusively by these audiences but if you wanted to experiment with keywords and topics and placements you could do so as well i'll kind of run through what the the let's look at the topics as well so you get an idea of what that is and inside of here there's just a bunch of different topics same thing it's topics that are talking about uh these different interests blogs or articles websites different things like that and then finally you have placements and placements can be actually a very useful topic inside of here because you can target specific websites youtube channels youtube videos apps or apps categories so let's say that you um have con like uh certain websites that you know would work really well for your product or service you can come in here and say okay i actually want to target xyz you can type it in here and see if it's available to target not all websites are in the google display network and so if they aren't unfortunately they won't show up inside of here but you can go through and test this and find all the different websites to target your ads to specifically in the search bar okay and next we have this target expansion and most of the time i will actually turn this off because i have my targeting and i know who i want to hit and i have enough press impressions in here i have almost a million that even with this uh target expansion i think i'll still be able to hit my target audience and uh not spend and spend my entire budget so if for whatever reason you have a massive budget you need to do this target expansion you can but most people i recommend turning this off now and the next thing is we have this ad group bid google this is where google sometimes tries to get you to spend more money right there they're recommending that advertisers um similar advertisers are paying a dollar 31 which sometimes i i feel i feel like google maybe recommends a little bit too high in bid so i'll come in and i'll actually go lower than this maybe let's say 75 cents uh per click and what i'll do is i'll come back the next day and if the campaign is not getting enough impressions or clicks or things like that then i'll raise my my budget by 10 or 20 percent and then see what it's doing from there if i come in and my my budget's getting hit every day and i'm getting a lot of clicks then i'll actually come through and lower the budget to maybe 65 or 50 cents just seeing how um basically cheap of clicks i can get inside of these bidding so i would recommend going for this uh recommendation that they give you most of the time you're going to want to go a little bit lower see how it performs then come back and see what kind of traffic you're getting now uh the last part is we're going to create our ad so um there are a couple different ways to do this google really is pushing this new it's somewhat new it's come out it's been out for a couple years but um responsive display ads this is what i recommend this is how you're gonna get the most bang for your buck but if you wanted to you could change here and you could upload uh display ads straight onto if you had all the different formats so there's lots of different specs inside here and i can show you what those look like so if you come in here to change and you actually just add the url and then choose files to upload and here's the specs that will need for uh those oh wait this isn't going to show me the specs sorry uh let's see where's the specs at right oh supported sizes and formats here's all the specs that you would need if you wanted to run it this way so this is kind of the old school way to create these banner ads and it still can be effective if you wanted to go through and have a designer build all these ads for you but if you wanted a quicker and easy way to just get one image or two images inside of there then i recommend coming into um let me exit out of this to staying in this default mode and going back to responsive display ads and i'll show you exactly what these look like right here so with responsiveness play ads first you're going to add your final url inside of here and then it's going to ask you to upload as many images and logos or two or more images and logos and i think you can upload up to 20 inside of here and if you're saying oh i don't really have a lot of images or different things google actually makes this really easy to complete this process so we're going to click on here on images and logos and what it's going to start doing is you'll notice it's scanning my website so it took my url right here and it's scanning my website for all the images and uh you see there's a picture maybe we could run for the ad i don't recommend it but we have a couple of different things inside of here for for ppc that we could use and if and if after it scans your website there's nothing that you like as well google actually has a gives you a stock library so we could come in here and we could say digital marketing marketing type that in and google will give me a bunch of different stock images that i could use so as you can see here there's a bunch of different stock images and you can type in whatever products or service you have and don't worry about these watermarks these will be removed when you upload the ad so i don't want to go through and find just like the perfect image here but what we're going to do is we're just going to click on one of these as an example it's going to ask you for the aspect ratios that you want to use so we're going to use both these we're going to fit them to work and then we're going to click on this one by one kind of position this wherever you need it to be and then we're going to select these two ratios to use and you can do this for a many different uh images you like essentially the more images you upload the more google will test those images and headlines inside of each other so as you can see we can choose up to 15 images and five logos to using your ads so as example i'm just going to click on this and we'll use both of these as well i like these examples we're going to select these two ratios and then we are going to hit save and what that's going to do as you can see it's going to add these inside of here to the rotation of the mix and i did forget to add my logo so i'm going to click on back over here and go to my scan and then we're going to add this little logo and instead of as image we're going to sit as hit as logo and we like the square and then we're going to hit select ratio and then save that so now we have a few different images in here and our logo i do recommend adding as many images as you can because like i said it's just giving google more ammo to create and find the best variant for your display campaign and you can add a video inside of here for your display ads for the purpose of this video i'm not going to be doing that but i do recommend if you have a good video that could be used and then the last thing is you're going to add a few headlines in here so for instance if we were uh you know data-driven we it pulls some different things from your website um which is nice but uh you're gonna wanna go through and make sure that these are the right things that you wanna show up for so for instance we could say like get your free ppc proposal proposal like as a call to action marketing consult consultation basically just add as many ctas or things you can for up to 30 characters for your headlines you can add up to five inside of here so if you want to go through and add all those five and then ask for one long tail headline and once again this is pulling copy from my website so um but you're going to want to go through and change this and we can you know add this this headline right here these aren't very good headlines you're going to want to write better coffee but you kind of get the idea of what this looks like and then a couple of descriptions and uh you can add up to five i believe and the last thing you want to do is add your business name right here so zoco marketing and uh didn't there we go and what this is going to do is it's going to show you a bunch of different options on how your ad can kind of show up or how your your how this ad will basically show up and this is kind of the the logo with the text ads but as you come through here you can see there are some actually really nice looking ads that are just basically created from some stock photos and uh using our logo and headlines and of course is taking forever to load and as you see get a free ppc proposal right here showing up on different ad formats and we're going to go through and i really like this one right like marketing consultant consultation complete guide to segments in analytics so if you wanted to like run it to an ebook or different things to promote you could open up that lots of different formats if you wanted to see what all the different banner ads can also look like you can come in here to key formats and as you can see here is a bunch of different formats for our banner ads which is awesome right so in a matter of uh 10 minutes we've created a full campaign and we've also created the display ads inside of there to run that campaign uh and then the last thing is you can look at the google properties and check out some of how they look inside of there as well just to give you an idea then the last thing we need to do is you can come in here to additional formats and uh you can leave these i typically leave these checked and you're going to want to use negative formats leave that checked and then url options you can come through and add your utm parameters in here as well to really track your campaigns even more thoroughly and then more options you can add a call to action text inside of here so say we wanted to add this automated or learn more different ctas on this button uh inside of here so now it's adding learn more or also you could um customize colors so you could actually come through and change the main colors of your ads inside of here you'll need to have the uh the codes to do that but you could also just another option to customize your odds and once you've done that then you have successfully created your ads you just need to hit come in here to create campaign and then we're going to wait for this to load up or is it giving me create campaign oh this is oh i need to add because i was playing around with these keywords so we need to delete this audience that we have here i forgot that i added this so we're going to delete this we only want to run this top audience up here which is seo and sem services so now we're going to come back because it's telling me you need to choose one of these options now we're going to come back and hit create campaign i'm like what's the error that we're getting there and then that's going to load up and we're going to say oh congratulations you have created your campaign and it is ready so congratulations your campaign is created if you follow along in there um now but we are not done i want to go through and show you some of the options that you can do to edit your campaigns after they've been built um some other things that you can do to really optimize them and take them to the next level and here we are so i actually decided that i wanted to run this campaign for a couple days just so that i could show you real data inside of the account so as you see this campaign ran for um two days and we got 35 clicks and 52 clicks here and we spent a total of dollars and 55.55 cents uh average cost per click of 64 cents click-through rate and impressions and clicks and so i wanted to do this so i could show you real practical data and how i would analyze this data to make um optimizations and different things like that so we're going to jump right into this as you see we didn't get any conversions obviously the point of this wasn't really to get conversions it was more to just bring in data show you those things um but the first thing that i do after a display campaign has been running is i will come down and i'll actually look in this more settings and i'll come down here to the add schedule and i'll see what time of day my ads actually ran and as we come here to the hour you'll see that most of my budget got spent between 12 a.m and 1 a.m which means google just uh started spending the money basically the day that it could and it spent all of that money and now what that tells me is that i can probably lower my average cpc and still get the same amount of clicks and traffic um possible and also it might be helpful for me to set up an ad schedule where i'm excluding those kind of early morning times where i know people probably won't be converting for these different things so the first thing that i would do is i'd come over here to this ad schedule and you could come in and you can edit this and say okay i want to show all days but i only want to show all days between maybe like six or five am to let's say uh you know like 9 00 p.m right that way i'm not getting these really strange hours and my budget's just getting spent all in the first hour of the day between 1 and 12 a.m like it was in this situation so i've come through and saved that and then now we are only going to be showing our ads between these hours this is something that you could set up before you start running your campaign i do recommend if you kind of have an idea of what people might convert you can go through and do that um the next thing is uh since i since i mentioned we i think we spent our budget really quickly and so i think it's safe to say that we could come through and lower our average cost per click so i'm going to come back to this ad group and we have it at 75 cents so i'm actually going to go through and i wouldn't i would decrease this all the way down to maybe 45 cents and see if i still get the same amount of traffic just because i blew through that budget so quick i think i could get basically double the clicks for the same amount of money by lowering uh this average cpc so that's another thing that i would do and then the the final thing that is the most important and this is something that you might want to do before you start running your campaign as well but that is to add negative placements or check out where your ads are showing actually on the google display network so that would be coming down here to this placements tab and you can click on this where my ads are showing and as you can see here as we look at where we actually spent money you can see that majority of my spend went to these mobile apps and most of the time these mobile apps are going to be money wasters right they're not going to be high converting sites they're going to show up on this pop-ups where people accidentally click them or random things like as you can see here i have a 14 click-through rate which is it may seem awesome that it's a high click-through rate but what that probably means is people are accidentally or clicking on those ads or being almost tricked into clicking on those ads so typically when you have really high click-through rates like that it's kind of a little bit of a red flag because how often do you really click on on display ad so i do recommend going through these and say that i didn't want to show up on this mobile app you come through and hit and then edit and then exclude from campaign so you could exclude that um mobile app specifically from your campaign now you may be telling yourself well this is a tedious process and it's going to take forever to go through all these and i do agree and that is why i have a solution for you so stick around just for a second i'm gonna show you my my kind of a high-level solution for this but i do want to give you an example like here's a website right here and um i'm like okay i spent uh you know 68 cents on the site but is it a good site so if we actually come through and we click and we copy this paste and put this url in here and we go to we can look at what this site actually looks like and obviously be careful when you do this because you can get some pretty sketchy sites and when we come in here you can see that there's like recent posts it's kind of like a like a very uh click baity titles um not something that i would really want my brand to be associated with and probably a lot of people that are just accidentally clicking places so i would go through and i would actually exclude that so i would click on here and then do the same thing i would exclude that from ad group so i do recommend when you're spending a lot of money if coming through this where your ads actually show up and saying okay i don't want to be on that site or i don't want to be on this one and kind of just do a quick overview of that but if you want to take um some of the work that i've done over the past five five years and compile that all into one so that you're not showing up on any of crack placements that i've um on the all the accounts that i've worked on i actually created this list right here um it's a massive list of negative placements for both um sorry this thing is in the way let's collapse this uh it has display uh placement exclusions and there are over like 30 000 on this list and then also has mobile epic placement exclusions and if you are doing youtube stuff you can also do youtube channel exclusions and what this is is a list of uh crappy mobile websites crappy mobile apps and crappy websites that i've identified over the past years um and in compiling different lists and putting them together and uh this is gonna be 100 free down in the the link below uh go through and click this and what you want to do with this list is come through and i'm not going to copy the whole thing because it will probably freeze with the camera running in excel but basically take take you know um i'm only going to grab a few here but you're going to want to grab the whole list copy this actually first file and then make a copy for yourself this is where you have it but then come through here and uh copy oops i just hit command v command c and then come over to this and then you want to go to exclusions and then you're going to come through here you're going to hit this little blue pencil you're going to hit exclusion placements and then you want to hide this you're going to want to enter multiple placements right here and then just come through and copy that list i think it will only let you do like 10 000 at a time so grab 10 000 or whatever that may be and then you're going to make sure you hit this add 13 placements here and then you are going to save that so that's for the website you can go through and add those four sites and then you're gonna wanna come through and do the same thing for mobile apps so we just did that for the uh display placements then we're gonna come to mobile app exclusions and then we're gonna we're gonna grab you know for you you're gonna wanna grab more than 13 grab all of them and essentially come in here to back to placements grab the little pencil again exclude placements and then this time we want to enter multiple placements and hit that right there add these 14 placements and one placement wasn't added maybe it's like the wrong format or something which is totally fine so but if you wanted to be excluded from apps completely or you didn't want to show up on apps what you could do is you could come here to apps um sorry you could come to app categories and then basically just exclude all of these categories and that's like a kind of a quicker way to just like i don't want to show up in mobile apps i can go through and just essentially click on all these and say no i don't want to show up in any of these categories save that and then now you won't be showing on majority of apps but still keep an eye on on those different things so um once again that list is down below 100 free all i ask for is if you aren't subscribed please subscribe or like the video um and that's pretty much everything that i have to go over today i hope you enjoyed the real data and me actually running a campaign and showing kind of the real-time things that you could do inside of there and we will see you in the next video
Channel: ZoCo Marketing
Views: 2,553
Rating: 4.9583335 out of 5
Keywords: google display ads tutorial 2021, google display ads 2021, google display ads tutorial, learn google display ads, how to run google display ads, google display ads, google display ads strategy, google display network course, google banner ads
Id: -uRWas9Si8A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 29sec (1709 seconds)
Published: Mon May 24 2021
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