Google Ads Display Campaigns Top 10 Mistakes To Avoid

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[Music] hi smart people my name is Carol and this is adds force a channel where i share with you the best digital marketing secrets and web analytics tricks in this video i will share with you 10 most common google ads display campaigns mistakes that i come across auditioning hundreds of accounts in recent years I'm actually confident enough to say that you may be doing some of these mistakes on your campaigns right now so stay tuned to learn some great tips from this video today if you find my videos helpful and interesting consider to hit the subscribe button now okay so let's begin okay so the first mistake is to not use Google remarketing campaigns at all when it comes to Google Display Network remarketing campaigns actually usually have the best performance from all Display Network campaigns available I say usually because there are some situations where actually remarketing cannot work for you as good remarketing campaigns simply give you the possibility to target users from your website that for example viewed a product or viewed a checkout page or didn't finish purchase or even bought your products and you can simply target these users using remarketing lists that you can create either in Google ads interface or in Google Analytics remarketing lists so simply you can create audiences in Google ads interface if you use the global site tag you can create an audience which will include also users from last 30 days so you don't have to wait for the lists to fill in you can simply use them right away if you have enough traffic of course if you want to import audiences from Google Analytics you will need to actually wait after you create the Andals lists to fill in and to add audience into your campaign you simply go to your campaign to the ad group and in the audiences here you can add audiences as targeting of course and you have your website visitors imported from Google Analytics for example if you will create multiple out you will see them all in here so simply you should always use remarketing campaigns because from Google Display Network they are most likely to perform the best the second most common mistake is to not use responsive display ads at all and a couple of years ago you could only use the static or flash or html5 banners but right now Google gives you the possibility to create responsive display ads within the Google ads interface without any graphical tools or knowledge the advantages of using responsive display ads is that they are very easy to create and very quick to create so you don't have to hire a graphical designer or outsource it to a graphical designer but the biggest advantage of using responsive display ads is that they have great reach because if you create a static or html5 banners you would create maximum of 35 formats right I think it's 35 right now so simple your ads would be able to generate impressions within this 35 formats in the Display Network but if you create a responsive display ads they will automatically reformat into thousands of formats because Google Display Network right now have about two and a half thousand formats available and responsive display ads actually cover all of that so your reach is much much much higher roof responsive display ads and the creating process of responsive stats is very easy you simply create responsive display ad and all you need to do is actually add images so one is rectangle the second one is a square and your logo you add some texts you could add a video on youtube if you have you add your business name final URL when it comes to images you can add your own or you can view the image the stock images that are available just type a word and I will tell you that they improve the stock images that are in here greatly you know maybe a half of year a year ago I wouldn't consider them a high quality images but right now they are you know the same as the paid stock images that you can find on the web so you can use them for free in here you could upload your own you can scan a website to generate images from your website and the creating process is very simple and fast okay so the third one is very easy it's going full on mobile a lot of people actually create gdn campaigns and they don't decrease beads on mobile and for some businesses does that's okay but a lot of campaigns will actually waste money on mobile so in my opinion you should if you don't target mobile users you know specifically you should decrease mobile bits in gdn and I would say by default by - 40 percent at the beginning you can always increase it or decrease it even more or even turn it off if it doesn't work for you because mobile has this tendency to actually burn the budget in gdn okay another one is no placement and context exclusions and by that I mean that a lot of people actually don't analyze the placement report available in Google Ads and they don't exclude any content and I will show you right now where we can do this okay so when it comes to content exclusions you simply go to your campaign and to the Settings section and you expand these options in here and you have this content exclusions and you can exclude a specific content labels sensitive content content type that are inactive right now like games or demob or mobile apps and that's actually a shame because usually I actually exclude these two the most but if you don't want your ads to be shown on for example tragedy and conflict sensitive social issues you can't exclude it right in here so that your ads won't show next to the for example inappropriate content and when it comes to placement exclusions you simply go to the placements and if your campaign is actually running and generating clicks you simply go here where ads showed and you will find domains and places placements where your ads were shown and clicked etc so you can analyze this report and add as negative exclude certain placements that actually generate costs but don't generate conversions for you is that you could see in the content exclusions we can't exclude games and mobile apps right now but when it comes to games I would simply recommend if you don't want to target this user because these topics can we burn out your budget you could go to the topics and exclude games topic if you like right so you can do this in here just select the ad group and you need to go to the exclusions of course sorry for that and add exclusion for games right in here and you can exclude games topics okay another one it's not using dynamic display ads so if you're an e-commerce is actually a must have you need to run dynamic display ads if you're having a remarketing campaigns or even broader campaigns you should use dynamic display ads and you simply do that by connecting your Google Merchant Center into your Google Ads you need to have a product feed of course and you will be able to automatically create dynamic display ads and dynamic display ads will simply show your products in your ads for example someone's visited a certain category products at a group page they will see these products in the app and usually they perform way better for e-commerce than regular ads another one is using expanded reach in remarketing and I will show you what I mean by that because this is somehow a little bit hidden in the Google ads interface you can see it when you actually create a campaign in the interface but if you for example created in Google Ads editor finding this later after the campaign is created it's actually a little bit difficult so to do this you need to go to the ad group actually and now into the audiences for example and you have this option to edit your targeting and here you select edit ad group targeting and you have these options and if you expand this targeting expansion you can see that sometimes in default these settings are set like this so it will additionally expand your targeting method and as you reach sometimes it's good but when you run a google ads for marketing campaign we want to be sure that you're actually targeting your previous users right because this is a remarketing campaign you don't want to expand this reach you can't do it but this is for a different campaign for different targeting and I will talk about this later in this video but for marketing campaigns you wanted to be turned out and here because you only want to target your users of your website another one is not using similar audiences so like I said in the previous point in the remarketing campaigns you want this to be turned off of course because you don't want to expand your reach from remarketing but what you want to do actually usually after launching remarketing campaign the second one when it comes to performance is actually targeting a similar audiences and similar audiences are simply generated automatically from your remarketing audiences that you created so for example if you create a convertors remarketing audience the system will automatically create an audience that is similar to your purchases or your converters right based on the machine learning methods of course and usually they are performing better than the targeting method that you can actually use by hand with topics keywords interest etc so definitely you should try some when your audiences after you launch remarketing campaign but of course you should use it as a separate campaign don't add it to your marketing ad group another one is not using custom intent targeting and custom intent actually gives you the possibility to target users that previously searched for your Cure's that you actually put in in Google search but you don't show your ad in search like normally but you show it in the Display Network so for example if you don't have the budget to compete for high competitive keywords for keywords with very high CPC because you don't have money for that for example you can still target these users that actually search for these keywords but show the ad in the Display Network where the CPC is usually way way smaller or another hot tip is to actually create a custom intent audience with keywords that simply are your competition keywords so simply you can target your competitors keywords brand keywords for example and this is actually a great method okay so another one is no capping settings and capping is simply a limitation to impressions or clicks that you can set up within the campaign for your users so for example you don't always want your ads to shown to the same users all the time like for example nine times a day right you want to limit your cappings and you can do this in the campaign settings in here you simply expand this at once again and you have frequency capping in here and you can let Google Ads optimize half and you want to show your ads which is recommended only by the Google ads interface I wouldn't recommend to set this up I would recommend to set up limit by yourself and it could be limited impressions for a whole campaign ad group or each ad for example for one a day it could be also like three times a week it depends on your own needs a month sometimes we really want to actually limit a capping in here because for example you want to generate as high reach as possible so if you want preach you don't want your ads to be you know seen by the same users you know multiple times a day in this case you would want to add like a limit for one impression per campaign per day to the same users and you will get a greater rate of reach with these settings okay and the last one is incorrect performance analysis and expectations and by expectations I mean a lot of people actually expect the same results from gdn campaigns as from standard search campaigns or PLA campaigns and most cases it's actually impossible because this per network actually you know works differently it's on a completely different conversion path then the search campaigns except for maybe remarketing campaigns but if you actually want to target a more broad audiences it will be users who actually don't search right now for your products or services it will be most like their first contact with your services products etc so gdn actually builds the interests and they will be stimulated to research more to your products to see your offer and they will convert maybe later on from different campaigns or different source and that's why you should analyze these performance differently you should analyze assisted conversions in google analytics and to do this you simply go to your Google Analytics account into the conversions multi-channel funnels and assisted conversions in here and if you want to only analyze Google you simply go to the Google ads in here and you select a conversion and this is very important to actually select only one conversion here so let's deselect these goals and only analyze the transactions apply and this is actually a merchandise demo the Google demo account so let's expand the dates okay so we can see that there are some campaigns here I don't know what are they actually but you can see that there were seven assisted conversions from Google ads in this period of time and the assisted conversion value was this so these campaigns generated this profit within seven conversions that were assisted and assisted is that they were not on the last click of the conversion right someone clicked on the ad but didn't convert right away okay they converted from the different traffic source now honestly are you making any of these mistakes in vdn capiz if you have any questions or want to share your ideas you can do this in the comment section below if you don't want to miss any of my other videos simply subscribe that's all for today bye
Channel: Ads Courses
Views: 8,479
Rating: 4.9166665 out of 5
Keywords: google ads, adwords, google adwords, digital marketing, google display ads, google display network, google display network explained, google display ads retargeting, google display ads strategy, gdn google display network, gdn ads, adwords display ads, adwords display campaign, adwords display network tutorial, adwords display, adwords mistakes, google adwords mistakes, google adwords best practices, google display advertising, google display network strategy
Id: z47ge-whvIc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 33sec (873 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 26 2019
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