New Feature: Auto-Generate Captions in Premiere Pro!

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Hi there, this is Unmesh from PiXimperfect! How are you, my friend? I hope you're having a beautiful day, and if not, I'm very sure that you're doing your best to turn it into a happy one. Well, in this video we're going to talk about captions, and when it comes to captions that are not only a necessity for our friends who are hard of hearing, but it also saves you in a lot of awkward situations, doesn't it? Let's say you are in an event or a function, and it's just getting boring and boring. And you want to scroll through social media videos. And, it would be disrespecting for people if you put your headphones on, or turn up the volume. Who saves you at the time? Captions! They just save your brass. Well, when it comes to adding captions to your videos, it can either be a pain in the neck or a hole in the pocket, but not anymore! Premiere Pro has recently added a feature where you can automatically generate captions and not just that also time it properly, accurately, precisely, everything using the speech-to-text feature in Premiere Pro. In this video, we'll learn how you can use this feature to increase the reach of your videos not just among some of our friends who are hard of hearing, but also among a lot of people who just watch videos with captions. You and I, all the time, we observe ourselves on social media scrolling, and we're just watching videos with captions but no sound on. So that's important! I'm excited to share with you how it works. So without any further ado, let's get started. Before we begin, I have a major announcement for yo. More than 50 lessons! Eight modules! Content on everything Photoshop! 30+ hours of engaging Photoshop videos, tutorials, everything. Launching soon this November! I cannot tell you more at the moment if you want to know more, go ahead and check the link in the description or go to to get your free gift. Let's get back to the tutorial. Back in the magical world of Premiere Pro, and if you wanna go ahead and download any of the sample footage and follow along, check the link in the description. To have this feature available, first of all, make sure that you are on Premiere Pro version 15.4 or above. So here's the sample footage from one of our previous videos. Hi there, this is Unmesh from PiXimperfect. Alright, so let's add captions to it. So there's a couple of ways to do it, you can click on captions at the top to switch to captions workspace. If you don't see anything like that, you can click on the grid right there and choose reset to saved layout. Alright, let's make it a little large. That's one. If you cannot find the captions workspace at the top, you can go to Window, Workspaces, and then make sure Captions is checked right over there. There's a dot not a check. And the third way is, even if you are in the editing workspace, you can go to Window and just choose text to have this open. Lots of ways to do the exact same thing you can stick the text here, and it works too. Now in this new version of Premiere Pro apart from these two buttons, which are already there, you'll find a new button called transcribe sequence. If for some reason this doesn't work for you, don't worry, I'll tell you what to do. First of all, we will figure out what audio do we want to transcribe. In this case, we will choose audio on track, which is this audio, all of the audio on track. However, if your video has lots of sound effect, lots of other different types of audio apart from the dialogue. In that case, you might want to tag the audio clips, which are just dialogues. So in that case, you might choose the first one we have not tagged anything as dialogues. And to do that, first of all, let's hit Cancel, you can choose this audio, you can go to the essential sound panel by going to window and then choose Essential Sound. And in there, you can just click on Dialogue to tag it as dialogue. Now when you click on transcribe settings, you can choose this option. So you can select the audio clips which are dialogue and tag it as Dialogue. And then you can choose this to only transcribe them in case your video has lots of sound effects which can be disturbing. So in this case, there's nothing like that and I want to remove the tag by clicking on clear audio type. And we don't need essential sound panel right over there. Anyway, let's do that transcribe sequence and audio on track, you can have a mix of all of the audio right there or you can have just audio one which is A1 so everything in a one will be transcribed. Now, choose the language. In this case I'm going to choose English and interestingly it also has Hindi right over here. See, my monitor is not; there's a scaling so I cannot show it, but you can see it right there. There's that which is cool isn't it. The first option is transcribe in point to outpoint only. So if you have defined in and out points for certain section of the video, you can only transcribe that particular section if you wish to. So you can check that if you want that. And then you can also merge the output with existing transcription. If you have already have had a transcription done of it, on top of it, you want to create another transcription of a section and you want to merge both. You can do that, but we don't want to do any of that. Also, the third option is important. That is opt in to recognize when different speakers are talking, if you have different speakers talking in your video, you can check that. By the way, there's a legal notice that you need to enable. So that way it will be able to recognize when Unmesh is talking or where there's another person in the video that is talking maybe Scott Kelby. So if Unmesh is talking, you can just set like this voice is Unmesh you can just set that that voice is of Scott Kelby. So you can have different names showing up in the captions when they are speaking. Alright, so I don't want any of that and just click on transcribe and by the way, this is going to be processed in the cloud, it doesn't take long. But this is going to be processed in the cloud. So if you don't have an active internet connection while you're using this, or well, you know what I'm talking about. In that case, it won't work. Have a look, the transcription is done. Let's play it. Hi, this is Unmesh from PiXimperfect. I hope you having a great day. Couple mistakes here and there. Just a couple let's go ahead and correct that. And those are just named mistakes in beginning there's some mistakes so you can easily correct them. Hi there, comma, masche? This is interesting. This is Unmesh. Let's correct that. And PiXimperfect and, by the way, you can click on any word and it will take you to that place in the timeline. For example, if you click on Awesome, awesome one, today I'm going to share with you see takes you there. Let's click here, extremely hash, it takes you there. So run through it, there this is Unmesh from, see if there are any mistakes, correct them and then you can create the captions. Let's play it once: PiXimperfect. I hope you are having a great day and if not, I'm sure that you, my friend, are doing your best to make it an awesome one. Today I'm going to I love that it has included punctuations and proper capitalization. I love that, to share with you how to fix harsh lighting in Photoshop. In other words, see, P is capital in Photoshop and Adobe does know it products well, how to remove extremely harsh shadows and extremely harsh highlights and overall dim it down. And it's super easy to do. So without any further ado, let's get started. Awesome. Let's get started. I would add an exclamation right over there if there are certain words which are repeatedly mistaken for example, if there's a name I'm seeing in the video again and again and it's repeatedly taking Unmesh as asche, so I can just type in m-a-s- -h-e whatever it's doing and replace it fo the proper name so you can find everythin and replace everything, you can corr ct it, there's a lot of ways you can easily correct what is there. Also, if you move in the timeline, see it moves there s well. You can add a speaker here if you wish to, so you can choose Edit speaker an you can change the name of the unknown s eaker to the speaker who is speaking and s ve it so you know what speaker is there This is very important for transcripts when you have multiple people speaking al o if you do want to export it, you can e port all of it as a txt file, you can choo e Export to txt file, and this will work. ow let's click on create captions. Firs of all, let's choose the caption preset subtitle default is fine. You can create your own preset if you wish to this will ust make a preset of all of these sett ngs. Now first we have the format subtit e option here is closed caption. Everythin else is open captions. So let's choose ubtitle. Even then you can save it as sidecar file later, you can choose to b rn it in the video. That's all up to you. I always choose subtitles, it works for mo t cases, rest of the options you c n choose according to your preference. For example, let's say you don't want mor than 30 characters at once in the capti n so you can just reduce maximum l ngth and characters to 30 here, but 42 is fine for me. Let's keep it at that and click on Create. Also you can choose the ines. So do you want a single line of ca tions or double line so I'm gonna choose d uble and let's click on Create. There y u go, my friend, you have the captions rea y. Let's play it. And let me show you how this is. Hi there, this is Un esh from PiXimperfect. I hope you havin a great day, and if not, I'm sure th t you my friend are doing your best to m ke it an awesome one. It's just awesome isn't it? Now how do you edit that? Jus select the individual subtitles or selec all of them and simply go to the graphic tab or you can go to Window and then e sential graphics, it'll show up on the ri ht hand side. So let's make it a little l rger so that we can see what we are do ng. And let's go to the Edit section. A d there you go. You can change the font ere, do whatever you want. So let's selec all of them. Alright, and let's choose he font "Arial," the most common and i just works. Arial Regular looks good. S we're gonna go to Hi there. Alright, now ere, you can choose to have shadow you an choose to have backgrounds that's up o you. So we can go ahead and just turn o background. I like that you can choose t e background color to be black and have little more opaque background. You can ave a little more spread right over ther . That's the way it is in Facebook, by the way. You can have a little more rounded corners let me make it a little larger o that you can see what's happening. Alr ght, so we can have a little rounded cor ers here. This looks very, very nice. And let's play it. This is Unmesh from PiXimp rfect I hope you having a great day and i not I'm sure that you my... now how t export that select the timeline, go o File, Export, Media there. And right i here by the way, I'm sorry for the crazy scaling just to make it big and easy for you to see I've scaled it and it just lots of options are just not visible anyway. So just go to the captions settings here yo can choose to burn the captions into t e video, so it will be just burned int the video and permanent right there. Or, you can choose to create a sidecar file li e SRT, you can choose the format right ere as SRT subrip, have a look right here it shows SRT, and let's go ahead and exp rt it. Have a look at the export right ere. It comes with a sidecar file, which s SRT, so you can just open it and play it. Hi there. This is Unmesh from PiXimp rfect. I hope you're having a great day. A d if not, I'm sure that you my friend re doing your best. Did you notice an wesome thing? This subtitle is separate. So if I right click on it and go to subti le, I can just turn it off, disable. To make it an awesome one. Today I'm going t share with you if I wan See, that is the advantage of that... how to fix harsh lighting in Photoshop. In other words, how to remove extremely harsh... so that is the advantage of creating a sidecar file so you can turn it off and turn it on if you want it to burn that subtitle permanently in the video, just choose that option. By the way, there's an advantage to burning that in the video. And that is it will always be there. Some players online might not support subtitles. Or the other advantage here is that you can style the text however way you want, you can choose whatever font you want, you can choose however the background you want it to be. So there's a lot of options. Now what to do if this feature is not working for some reason. And you know what I'm talking about. I highly recommend that we all support the people who create such software. But anyway, if this doesn't work for you, for some reason, I understand. This is what you do. This is a free alternative to this. The answer is simple. Just go to YouTube, upload your video, wait for a while YouTube generates automatic captions. Now, they might not be accurate. Also, you probably don't know how long YouTube is going to take to generate them. Sometimes it can be instantly. Sometimes it can take even more than a day so it totally depends. Anyway. So once that is generated, click on duplicate and edit. Click Continue. So here you have the transcript. Click on Edit timings. And now here you have the captions. So let's export it unfortunately once you open this window, we cannot just download it as SRT it will be an SBV file. No problem. Let's download it. Let's keep it as caption.sbv, click on Save. Now we need to convert this SBV into SRT this website will do that for you just do a quick Google search convert SBV to SRT and GoTranscript is going to show up this has worked for me. Just click on Upload, upload that caption start SBV and then let's say I want to convert it to SRT click on convert and now let's get back to Premiere Pro with the same video we downloaded the captions for. So this is the video I did this is an image from PiXimperfect now, just simply click on Import captions from file and here you'll choose that we generated from YouTube and then converted it click on open source timecode is fine because it matches with that of the video hit OK. And there you have it. Let's play it: Hi there! This is an Unmesh from PiXimperfect. How you doing, my friend? I hope you're having a brilliant day and by... and from here you can repeat the same process that we did with the previous video; correct it, customize it, and export it the way you want. So that's how easy it is to generate captions in Premiere Pro, all you have to do is to go to the captions tab or captions workspace or just open text dialog box. And from there, click on transcribe it'll take it to the cloud, it'll process it, then make the corrections and then click on create captions. That's all there is to it. And then you can export it the way you want. You can create a sidecar file or burn it into the video. That's all there is. I hope you enjoyed this video. I hope you learned something new and if you did, make sure to give us a like and also don't forget to subscribe and not just subscribe, ring the bell so that you my friend don't miss any other future tips, tricks, or tutorials. I would like to take this moment to thank all these nice and amazing people for supporting PiXimperfect on Patreon and helping keep PiXimperfect free for everybody forever. Thank you so much for watching. I'll see you in my next one till then stay tuned and make sure that you Keep Creating!
Channel: PiXimperfect
Views: 477,083
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: speech to text, new captions in premiere pro, add captions, premier pro, 15.4, 2021, adobe, new feature, add subtitles, generate captions, automatic captions, closed captions, how to add subtitles, auto generate subtitles, piximperfect, unmesh dinda
Id: UZKKOG316eg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 29sec (869 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 04 2021
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