!@#$%$#!! || Dubov vs Carlsen || Airthings Masters (2020)

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He is a born broadcaster imo

Has a Bob Costas feel to him 🤷🏻‍♂️

👍︎︎ 18 👤︎︎ u/BoxingAndGuns 📅︎︎ Jan 02 2021 🗫︎ replies

I’m loving his vids lately. Explains the high level games so well for someone like me, who doesn’t see the “obviously you can’t play C2 because X, Y, Z will happen and black loses”.

👍︎︎ 60 👤︎︎ u/thongpassage 📅︎︎ Jan 01 2021 🗫︎ replies

Those are the most distracting graphics I've ever seen.

👍︎︎ 32 👤︎︎ u/stansfield123 📅︎︎ Jan 01 2021 🗫︎ replies

Agadmator is awesome

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Brsijraz 📅︎︎ Jan 02 2021 🗫︎ replies
👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/GivThisPplAir 📅︎︎ Jan 02 2021 🗫︎ replies

And it is as of this post that I have a completely good day

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/AwKayBoomer 📅︎︎ Jan 02 2021 🗫︎ replies
hello everyone and welcome to game three of the air things masters knockout phase between daniel dubois and magnus carlson uh so this is again the second day and dubo is leading by one point margin double won game one a game two ended in a draw even though carlson was really pushing for the win but dubo was able to equalize in the end and now we enter game three and this is i know you i know you guys think it's impossible but this is the craziest game so far and as you can imagine uh from the title of the video also the title comes from a gentleman named dinkar on twitter so thank you for suggesting such a such a wonderful title i hope it does this game justice but i don't think it does this is it this is quite the game uh so without further ado let's check it out there's a plenty to cover so like in game one they are repeating the moves up to a certain point so dubo opens the game with the d4 sorry about that uh we have knight to f6 for magnus same as in game one uh c4 e6 knight to f3 and the d5 again we have the queen's gambit decline on the board g3 and the bishop to b for check we have knight beat to d2 so everything the same as in game one however in game one uh we had castle here from magnus but here he goes d captures on c4 so now it's a different game from game one uh bishop to g2 do both prepares the castle and now again a5 from magnus with a3 challenging carlson's bishop and here carlson grabs it bishop captures on b2 bishop characters and now b5 so creating this very nice pawn chain on the queen side and since magnus is down already uh by one point in the match he wants to play for a win but he also uh wants to keep it solid as if if the game ends in a draw then he will have his chance in the game for with the white pieces again and here although you kind of want to take advantage of this there is no real way you can do this even if you do some sort of a discovery the rook can just move it's not it's not a problem and there are some games where b3 was played but here a4 by duboff is a new move so already as of move 9 we have a completely new game and uh it's a very often case when you play the queen's game with the client with black you will have a nice punch and on the queen side and the white will always undermine it with moves like a4 and b3 so here c6 defending that pawn also now closing up this diagonal it's very interesting if you try b4 if you're wondering about b4 then knight to e5 could be very strong now because it attacks the rook and there's even a fun line queen captures on d4 and now bishop captures on b4 you are uh offering a queen trade then you're offering the bishop but lastly you will grab the rook uh sorry that's not a rook the rook and now after queen captures on b2 let's say bishop captures an a8 you're going to capture on b4 with check and now let's say queen to you offer a queen trade and it's a very fun position to play white of course is up material but black has this beautiful past c pawn so uh could be uh you know anything could happen but white is better so black always avoids this so after this a4 idea uh like i said we have c6 and now comes queen to c2 uh dubo continues developing we have bishop to b7 magnus does the same and now h4 duval again going for his h4h5h6ids and uh probably not going for castles uh king to f1 is the is the new castle so knight beat the d7 and now h5 and now magnus of course doesn't want to see h6 on the board so he pushes h6 himself and now knight to e5 putting a double attack here on the c6 pawn and offering a trade in the center so magnus closes at knights to d5 now now blocking this bishop on g2 and here uh rook to h4 by dubois and this is so interesting uh because duval is already leading the match so there's no point for him to try and play aggressively and you know try and win another game against magnus but that's exactly what he's doing now he has his rook on h4 and his king will be very safe on f1 or g1 depending on what black plays so here magnus continues improving his pieces knight seven to f6 and now king to f1 by dubo so a nice uh move with the king queen to c7 magnus connects rooks uh well not not not just yet he makes room for for example a queenside castle if needed uh but also he can castle king's side uh so king to g1 by dubaf and now comes knight to b4 attacking dooba's queen and if double wants he can eliminate the knight here but of course he doesn't he goes back queen to c1 uh and now rook the d8 so magnus decides he is not castling queenside could be dangerous after all of this opens up uh and here double plays a captures on b5 he wants to open up the a file and bring his rook to a7 but there was actually a very forcing line b3 it's a very sneaky move because after the pawn is captured you then capture on b5 and now it's very dangerous black cannot recapture because the queen will be hanging here and there's a triple attack here here here and here so you're just going to remove one of the defenders and create a beautiful pass pawn for example castles you're just going to eliminate one of the defenders and then grab on c6 and it's a really beautiful pass pawn so this was in the position for duba okay black also has a past b pawn but after let's say this moves and rook to b1 going after the pawns white's white's pass pawn is is much stronger here so after rook d8 with a capture sun b5 dubo goes for a different line he just wants to get his rook up to a7 and c captures on b5 oh sorry c captures uh on b c captures on b5 we have bishop captures on b4 grabbing that knight a captures on b4 and now rook to a7 so this is why dooba went for this line instead of investigating on that all whole b3 action idea thingy uh so rook to a7 now with a double attack on the bishop here the bishop and the rook are attacking it and magnus needs to defend it so you could try it with rook to b8 but then you might run into some bishop the c6 check uh sneaky idea so magnus once again brings his knight back to d5 and blocks the light square bishop and this is the absolute best move but now as the defender of the g4 square has left uh rook to g4 now attacking the g7 pawn rook to g8 and now queen to c2 again the rook moved from h8 so now the h file has been vacated for the queen queen to c2 now you can go even to h7 and here magnus says okay that's all very nice but it's not actually doing anything so let me just push my pawn c3 i'm going to create a pass pawn and your pieces are very active but i am not impressed is what magnus is saying so here uh queen to h7 indeed is not all that impressive just rook f8 and the queen doesn't really have all that much to do sure you can grab uh on g7 but um that pawn there is just too strong c2 and you don't really have any threats here this is defended three times uh whereas black is just threatening to bring another queen into the game so after the c3 move dubo eliminates one of the pawns b captures b captures and now plays rook to a3 another option everyone was uh going on in the chat about was rook to f4 just putting more pressure on the f7 pawn as uh for example if the knight captures then of course this falls uh but it's not really all that impressive uh either because after rook to f8 there's not much to do if you capture and d5 just rook captures and black holes that holds this very nicely uh so duba instead went for a different line he played rook to a3 now saying okay i'm definitely putting more pressure on the c3 pawn i can eliminate the defender of the pawn then pick then pick up the pawn and magnus says okay i'm going to defend it one more time and now knight to d3 by do both he wants to get his knight over to c5 and magnus stops this with a very nice idea he plays knights to f6 attacking the rook and the bishop he could play b4 as the b4 pawn would be protected but he prefers knight to f6 now opening up an attack on the rook and on the bishop here uh and here uh dubo uh has some moves he can play he decides to go bishop captures on b7 first queen captures on b7 and now dubo needs to find a good move that moving the rook is a good move for example rook the uh rook to f4 is a good move rook to h4 also can be moved but the move do of played uh is uh well both dubious and dubovius uh as he played knight to c5 and this is just complete madness because now magnus is kind of winning the game so feel free to pause the video and win the game for magnus while i give you a couple of seconds so uh for those of you who were able to do it congratulations on spotting that yes the rook was indeed still hanging so simply eliminate the attacker of the queen and then pick up the rook yes that's all there is to it uh this is what dubois missed unfortunately for him and magnus of course found it magnus played rook captures on c5 i'm sure all of you found it as well so congratulations on that d captures on c5 and now magnus just grabs a rook and this is an amazing position because magnus has a lot of pawns here he's up a knight his position is a great okay his king is still in the center but uh a lot of people would resign in this position but not to do both uh kept his cool he considered the position for like a minute minute and a half maybe even two minutes i wasn't really paying attention and he just played c6 and here we've reached a position from the thumbnail and this is something that i really enjoy uh in dubose games that i really often uh not often always enjoyed in the games of me of the great mikhail tal uh that uh you know try try and good things will happen here dubo indeed tries he plays pawn to c6 attacks carlson's queen and already a sub-optimal move from magnus magnus captures on c6 where queen to b6 attacking the f2 pawn uh would have been much stronger for example if e3 defending just b4 and black's position is now uh just uh a monstrosity for example even if you go something like uh rook to a8 with check just kink the e7 and now you get into this very tricky position where if you capture an uh g8 b3 is coming and it's just a complete madness for example queen captures here you're going to go b2 and uh black is getting another queen into the game it is it looks very dangerous but it's just you know really really crazy but magnus instead of going queen to b6 he captured the pawn which is not uh all that bad in itself but it is much much worse than this uh queen to b6 idea uh gives up the c3 pawn double grabs it and now queen to b6 now magnus goes after the f2 pawn e3 by do both and now the only uh winning move is still for magnus king to e7 and magnus plays it now if he can get his rook into the game then he's just up a piece and then he's just gonna crush do both so double needs to stop that however he can double plays rook to c6 attacks carlson's queen we have queen back to d8 and now queen to c5 with check preventing the queen from blocking as both the queen and the rook attack that's sorry attack that square and here magnus went king to f6 it's the only good move for black and now there is no easy way for dubo to continue the attack or rather there's no way unless you try and make something happen out of nothing and here duboff plays rook to d6 so carlson's queen is under attack and he needs to do something but it's not all that easy to make a move here uh here uh a a good move would be something like queen to a5 you could also go queen to c8 queen to a8 but queen to a5 with the idea of queen the e1 check and again winning the f2 pawn and checkmating the black king uh is is a viable plan and it allows you to bring the rook into the game however here magnus just played queen to e7 because it seems like it also gets the job done now the rook cannot move otherwise the queen is lost you can bring the rook here now for example attack the rook twice everything seems to be working well for magnus but the problem is there is a winning idea here for for do both and duba finds it he plays queen to d for check king the g5 and now although it looks very scary it seems like carlson's king is safe in fact it's not feel free to pause the video here and win the game for duba while i give you a couple of seconds so uh uh for those of you who were able to do it congratulations on spotting that if the queen was on g4 it would indeed be checkmate so congratulations to everyone who found it and for those of you who just want to enjoy the show it's f3 now this really becomes a threat and queen captures and g4 is an unstoppable thread of checkmate because for example if you move the knight then queen to e5 is checkmate the knight from g4 was guarding the e5 square so that's out of the question so here after this f3 move carson thought thought about the position for a moment he doesn't have a lot of time also so he played f5 he said okay i'm going to give back the piece but at least i'm surviving here dubo captured the piece and here uh you cannot capture back because then queen e5 is again checkmate so magnus had to go back or rather he played rook the c8 now finally the rook comes into the game and now maybe magnus can continue playing this because he's still up upon but now it's just a forced checkmate in two and what a beautiful checkmate it is duboff instantly finds it queen to f4 check king to f6 and now of course you will see it queen captures on f5 with checkmate as the pawn here is pinned and that's just it the queen covers all of these squares carlson's king is checkmated and i mean carlson is eliminated from the tournament the duval goes into the semi-finals and this is just uh this was just a beautiful beautiful match and every game was just spectacular i'm very happy that uh there is someone in in the top top 20 in the world that is playing such amazing chess uh you know constantly attacking constantly creating madness on the board is just uh uh you know just a pure joy to watch this and interestingly i'm not gonna spoil too much uh no i'm not gonna spoil anything rather better tell you in maybe the next video or some the video tomorrow uh but yeah uh really amazing stuff dubo was able to get inside carlson's head because carlson did get a winning position dubo blundered terribly but then it all came down to like there were a lot of uh positions where carlson maybe could have done better but this is where i was just uh like insanely impressed like here sorry and maybe i wanted a bit too much uh here like dooba just blunders a piece completely like this is the position and here he just pushes c6 i mean who does that this is uh just amazing stuff how he found such contra play uh because it is in fact what led him to to a position that he was able to convert into a win so really amazing stuff big congratulations to dubai hope he uh has many more games like this as you know we're definitely going to cover all of them on the channel since it's uh this is this is quality chess and this is what i know all of you guys enjoy uh so yeah uh that's it uh for for this match carlson is out dublin goes into the uh semifinals i hope you guys enjoyed it magnus sure hasn't but he's gonna have to try some other time uh as he still has he still has a yet to win a tournament since he has since he turned 30 years old uh but yeah once again i hope you guys enjoyed it i would like to thank david dawson david kimura tom nagler anna olila and james and adriana harper for a contribution to my channel thank you a lot i really appreciate it as usual you can check two of my previous videos here thank you for watching and i will see you soon continuing the coverage of this very nice tournament checking up on your wonderful suggestions and whatever else happens in the chess world so thank you all i will see you soon and have an excellent rest of your day
Channel: agadmator's Chess Channel
Views: 851,373
Rating: 4.955091 out of 5
Keywords: agadmator, chess, best chess channel, best youtube chess channel, youtube chess, dubov chess, chess brilliancy, chess god, magic
Id: 3BgG4bUDHa4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 3sec (963 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 30 2020
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