Google Certified Trainer/Innovator/Coach Boot camp

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[Music] [Music] [Music] uh and good luck start of the school year okay school year this year you know and um so we've started last meme so actually nasa all and i mean one month coming into uh the next pandemic year and that's uh yes uh it's like sort of like a prep school year because we also started last year early so we ended early so we started early again but anyway good afternoon and um we're gonna happen and um glad that you're here [Applause] because we did not actually expect it to be this setup you know uh so again teachers uh for it today we're going to have um sort of like an introduction to a bootcamp actually you know okay you know it's it's really a process of more of like a process um but it's really just an introduction okay so we're going to uh introduce you today um to the different special tracks of um of google for the google professional development traffic i say usually teacher pau and pinaka popular language aware that there's actually level two after level one and uh that level two actually opens up so much possibilities and opportunities um um for educators and maybe sita so uh so that's what we aim today teacher paul now we're um going to introduce to our teachers today to our educators today uh the different professional development tracks of google okay namely um innovator trainer and coach program okay and teacher pao no initially this was supposedly a close event meant for the google certified educators level two by the way don't congratulations picture power recently um google certified educators level to examination so far we have already around 20 l2 yeah initially this this event this was meant for them like a close event google meeting uh but when i posted it in chaga particular support signified the interest and i realized that even if it is actually meant for l2 because you can't actually get into the innovator trainer or coach program without passing your l2 examination but i think this this value in uh orienting or introducing to our audience already today to our community that there is life after educator there is something else no after google certified educators examination and you'll be surprised to know teacher about how how how good how excellent these programs are and how life-changing our personal teacher pow i i am a testament to the life-changing um i don't know effect of these programs a young innovator trainer of course indeed but we have an excellent coach with us today um as we are invited to introduce to us the google certified coach program okay um google philippines that uh uh there should be like um like a continuous growth no beyond google certified educators also will be joining us later nam sanai mati chris nathan goes beyond educator um and transition to becoming an innovator and trainer and coach community lead uh philippines is like uh i don't know um daunting in a way but as well as something that will make filipinos proud in a meganton classic uh um who will join us today okay so um of course um our guest for today uh does not need as much interest because they are known already they have already visited and yes no in our program so the first one i'm very very excited to introduce is of course my mentor also a certified coach a certified trainer and certified innovator so she's everything and also the geg leader of south louisiana that's uh i make sure that uh i i qualified as south louisiana because again of course there's another uh part of louisiana and um also my mentor at the google certified innovators academy so let's welcome um our first guest for this um uh for this event bonnie chilly hi um if i share my screen yes okay um i do have some slides here um because i want to talk about like franco's teeth that lovely introduction um but i do have all the badges um and i know like the word coach or like instructional coaches something that has really caught on maybe in the states um yeah yeah for a while you know uh before you start because of course in terms of law we'll be having a miss punisher difference as um for the coach program but we'll be here because we're also going to like interact with bonnie all throughout but we'll also already welcome our second guest because um she's also an uh i don't know uh very much uh acquainted with this program so she might have like also input sharings about this program but of course um bonnie will be leading us all throughout the majority of the discussion so another guest for tonight will be joining us also and also we'll be discussing later the trainers program the community lead for google philippines miss mary manzano who's actually very busy and just came in from a deaf ed event that and we're glad that despite the busy schedule of miss mary she's always willing and he's always here to support us uh welcome uh good afternoon miss mary good afternoon like good evening actually for everybody thank you thank you for uh welcoming me back to kagga by teacher support i'm so happy to be back here and i should be here more often so yes thank you good morning right here you're gonna learn so much from um from bonnie on the coach program and i hope that inspires you to be the first certified coach we do not have one yet in the philippines so yeah so i'm hoping that this is going to inspire one of you guys to apply to become a certified coach yes yay so bonnie no pressure because uh your discussion today might lead to the first ever filipino google certified votes okay so i have no doubt no i mean it's just about snakes like it's it's something that's completely doable it is uh totally we can make that maybe we could start with uh bonnie's discussions bonnie um take it away and we'll just be here to support you and maybe engage with you uh in a discussion later yes yes yes um so like i said sorry i jumped right in there but um so like i said the the word like instructional coach is like it become more and more prevalent in the states but it's kind of spreading international but when i say coach i'm talking about like somebody who works alongside of a teacher and it's not just once it's not maybe just a training like you kind of continually meet with that person and see what kind of challenges they're having and then work with that teacher to solve them and a lot of you do that already like that's not maybe you might not call it coaching but you call it something else but when i when i'm talking about like coaching that's more what i'm referring to like a repeated cycle with teachers um so the google you know certified coach program is completely doable um and i feel like it benefited me a lot you know each process is different innovator has its own benefits um trainer has its own but the coach is one of the few programs that does have like a whole curriculum on its own so here's my information um my name is bonnie chalette i am i work in the east baton rouge parish school system um down the very bottom of louisiana i'm one of the co-founders of the global gg i run my local geg um and there's my contact information so make sure if you have any questions about this reach out to me i also run a group about coaching called ec open chat and i can show you that site and our whole you know goal is to help more people become coaches um so like franco said i have all the badges um and you know i've done all the google programs and like i said i really think this one benefited me benefited me a little different and that like is a curriculum and i learned from the process process instead of me proving that i knew it already if that makes sense um so your your idea of becoming a coach is focused around transformation like how can you work with teachers to like transfer uh transform their teaching because that and using technology impactful ways um and using like a research base not just jumping in and trying to think about like a a structured way to offer support so if anybody is already working on the coach curriculum um if you're working there is a short skills assessment it what whichever number you are go ahead and drop it in the chat so i know if anybody's already working on our coach curriculum or your portfolio franco are you are you already working on your curriculum because you should be yes bonnie i am but uh it takes a little time to but i'm taking the steps one at a time right now hopefully hopefully awesome awesome awesome um but yeah so you have different options like i said you start with the curriculum um there is a short skills assessment it's you know it's not anything too brutal um it's really based on that curriculum you do have to be level one and level two certified um and like for innovator you just have to be level two you do have to be level one and level two you have to have both of them um and then work if you have to submit a portfolio and i'm going to give you examples of that as well so right here i can drop the link for my slides in the chat as well but the link to access these slides is right here ebr coach that's my district name um and i did make a short video of this on my youtube channel as well i'm already walked through this if anybody needs to like uh do it later but yeah you just type in bit dot ly site ebr coach and it'll take you right to these slides um so right here let's start with the curriculum um the curriculum is on the google for education teacher center you need to use like the login you're going to use to apply because it you do have to complete this curriculum to um to get certified and it is all like linked together i know this is different than all the other uh processes but you can see right here they have a really detailed coach program curriculum where you go through there are tons of resources built in here and that's something that that really surprised me when i did it like there are tons of resources that google put in this curriculum that you can use to to kind of advance your coaching skills so even if you're not already a coach if you want to learn like what generally the people in those roles do um this is a great place to start so you walk through and i mean it's not a fast process it takes time like franco said it does take time and there is a a skills assessment right here um it's like it's really just the curriculum it's just to make you know a little bit of accountability you walk through it you have absorbed it um and you can you can retake it if you don't get it the first time so don't worry no pressure um there's also an optional uh book study on courageous adventures um that's optional but it is really beneficial it's a really good book by jenny baguera and it's just really it's one of those books it's just really really helpful for educators um i really liked like the process of the book study and right here it has some guidance on like reading the book and just like what you should be paying attention to all right are there any anybody have any questions if i'm missing anything make sure to let me know uh franco please please please all right so step one is to create uh finish the coaching curriculum that is um always the step one start there it'll it's such a good guide like i said it was really beneficial to me it talks about a lot of like relationship building strategies um building trust with teachers because teachers are often like nervous to let somebody just come into their classroom and impact their teaching so you do it's very important to like build trust with teachers you have to let administrators know that this is a confidential relationship you're not going to go back to the principal every time and say this is what she's doing wrong and there are lots of different ways like like i said build that trust um ensure teachers are like want to work with you want to work on this process with you and make sure you have all the stakeholders involved once you walk through that curriculum then you take the a skills assessment and it's built it's on this same platform um and like like i showed you it's right in the curriculum i very much like this platform that google has all this internet i liked it's like i don't know like anybody's taking online courses very organized way to do it um i really like it yeah you walk it's all in the same platform you will take a screenshot of your certificate once you pass it um and that will just be part of your portfolio you do have to become level one level two certified most of the time i have to give people um information on this on how to become level one or level two but you guys already have a wonderful support system um here in the philippines you know for getting level one and level two certified so if you're here you know about that um but if you do need more information you know but this is where you would go to take your level one or level two like i said you do have to be both um to be a coach but you'd want to be both to get teachers to trust you you know to that you could help their class transform um using technology and then the last thing you have to do is submit a portfolio and do not be overwhelmed by this like you know you want to make sure you put together some great artifacts but you know i've seen people like they were making all of these things and that's not necessarily what you want to do you want to show that you're doing these things so think about the the portfolio here's an example right here um these are some of the things i used you have to have a letter of recommendation from an administrator um you know so find somebody that you've you've worked with that roach they'll write you a nice letter of recommendation you have to have your level one and level two certificates um i have a trainer certificate but that was not necessary for this um and so right here like i put a picture of my calendar um and all the coaching like i was doing um you know like all my cycles all my schools that i was working with i work with quite a a lot of schools so um like i said i put my calendar in here um here's a picture of my coach assessment um and then you also have to make a video and don't think anything crazy about your video i've seen people um of one of my friend of mine she filmed herself but she had a jam board up and she kind of interacted with her different ideas and it's about five minutes long and you want to talk about your experience with the coaching cycle and working with teachers and like at least one example of of how you use coaching and how it worked i just used some very simple slides just to keep me on track um but like i just had my introduction personally and i'm not saying mine is the best but i use loom and i put my big circle right here so i could talk um and then this is once you go through the curriculum it's really focused on this dlp coaching model um that this is the core of the coaching curriculum so i had this here so i talked about one time where i walked through this with a teacher and it is a cycle you start with identifying um and understanding the challenge which is the hard part right teachers might say i need pro i need uh i need support with classroom management you know my kids are just bouncing off the walls and so you look at that problem and maybe you need deep down what you need is support with student engagement or assessment or maybe targeted you know working targeting students specifically on their different levels and from there you investigate the problem like how you solve it what are some solutions um select some strategies and the the curriculum and the book have some really great strategies for working with teachers try it out implement it and reflect and you just go in that cycle so i just talked about one time where i worked with a teacher and we did this um you know it was like i said i filmed myself i get really stressed when i i record so like i have to have something because i'll just i'll get i'll get uh edgy and then um you know you wrap it up now one thing that i noticed um is you have to submit your video as a file you don't upload it to youtube so you need to record it however you record it you need to make sure you have like the actual file because you just submit it in a google form and i just took some tweets on here this is one of my you know some of the teachers i worked with i picked one of these liz judy kim i'll work with some people on this but um like this is an example um i worked with a teacher she wanted to work on some things like it's not just teachers who are struggling i wanted to work she would this teacher wanted to work on like building out uh using more like virtual reality with our class um and so we we thought about some strategies for that and uh so we started using google expeditions uh for a while all right frank i'm gonna take a breath uh franco's any anything i need to talk about any comments you have uh so far um right i started going through the coach program and it's really the the five-step model that uh really struck me right there um which i really like and plus the idea that the entire coaching program is actually based from if i'm not mistaken it's marinata and bonnie it's actually based from a well researched uh program okay called the dlt or which was the basis of all the things that they have implemented uh in the coach program although it's a little bit lengthy you know that's how i compared to the trainers and the innovators um application process although i i think it's because uh for innovator and trainers i already have the artifacts but uh for the coaching program it sucks it actually demands something else because it demands uh interaction with um uh one-to-one interaction or at least like one one two two one two three but not really the big ones that i've been doing in terms like like giving webinars or training training sessions and plus uh it must sort of like a long-term engagement with uh with uh with teachers no that's uh that's our experience so far the coaching program but i really like the the the curriculum is i'm almost like uh at um 70 of the curriculum almost there so hopefully i get to finish and submit my artifacts uh some when within the week but uh thank you so much for um do you have um comments questions maybe you'd like to uh ask to uh bonnie uh bonnie um teacher powell just recently passed his l2 uh her at l2 and um she started thinking about uh although i already already know by heart okay which track he's trying to and gunning for but i think uh she may be swayed already how about what do you think it's about no this is the track i'm trying to gain this one um but i think no i think if you're a coach if you're certified don't you have to work with schools right it's a need it's a name for you to become a coach or or no well i don't i don't work like at a school i work at the district level so i work with you but i am not at located at a single school uh all right all right okay okay so that you can actually build your portfolio in that is that how i understand it you re you you have to work with certain individuals or yeah it's more like a repeat kind of almost training sessions if you will if you have standing meetings with people where they reflect because that reflection piece is probably most important like did this work and why did it work or did this not work and why did it it's just maybe that repeated interaction that's different than from trainer all right all right i get it i just think that you know coaches are a lot more invested with the people that they work with because when you're a trainer it's more of a one-to-many kind of situation and then you're just a one-to-one situation but you are invested in their growth in their instrument you're invested in that and and i really think that the innovator program is kind of linked to that in that innovators always have mentors and coaches i've always felt that every single mentor and every single coach in the innovator program should go through the certified coach program because it's going to be so helpful for them once they get into the position of mentoring other innovators or coaching them through their projects coaching them through their struggles and their difficulties with with their goals so yeah um it's all linked together it's all one big family agree to that i think that's the reason why bonnie's such a good mentor because she also went through the coach program right um and again trying to always make sure that i uh make bonnie proud as um her mentor and uh my in terms of um like the the length of the preparation okay because uh if we look going to look at the curriculum it really takes a year to record the artifacts to go through the process but uh can you actually use like a retro uh data for example something that you do not actually implement while you're going through the curriculum because that's the suggested um process that you while you're going through the curriculum you're actually implementing and collecting artifacts along the way but what if you have artifacts prior to the curriculum the the time that you're taking the curriculum can that be used yeah i mean i did that um i hope the official answer isn't no because yeah i already had things and you might have more than you realize like i said one of my my artifacts was um like a tweet from me working with a teacher um you know as as like that evidence like this was somebody i worked with um but yeah so that it can be you know one of your artifacts can be just a name see this is me working with a different teacher on like i said working on really like bringing her works of life but um yeah you might be something you you already have or like the start of that like hey i started working with the teacher this is where we got and then we you know we started doing like more structured coaching things um you'd probably be like you you know you probably surprised you have more than you think um i think the curriculum too though if you don't have anything if you're starting from scratch if you've never worked with a teacher one-on-one um the curriculum is a great place to start because it starts from the beginning like how to build that relationship um they do something called a gripe jam super cute it's about like you know have every put all their problems and then kind of move them around in a matrix it's very innovatory activity um and figure out like what is the core of their problem or what are their main two problems um and picking that and that's what we're gonna work on but um yeah it's you know the artifacts seem daunting um but if you really take a step back a lot of people have things even if it's just like your co-teacher you know or something or just somebody maybe not co-teacher but somebody at your school that is always that you know you're working with um maybe not necessarily formally the coach program kind of guide you into making that formal and how you can do it better now it's really about uh i i like the idea of building relationships uh and maybe this is the reason why teacher power is targeting this one picture power is the actual reason yeah i think so looking um forwarding for um for a relationship a romantic relationship teach you about that's not allowed when we're coaching someone it should not be a romantic one or else it's going to be unethical it's going to be very very complicated yeah you can see right here this is where it's talking about it talks about like things you don't necessarily maybe talk about other places like bright spots enthusiasm um you know building this is the whole part is about building those relationships um and yeah that's a huge part of it yeah it keeps uh it keeps reminding me of this i don't know if you've ever heard of it but they said this isn't filipino and it means that if there's no story there's no value so you need to find that story it's just that it's a fun it's a fun twist of the word you know it's cuento for story and cuenta for value so pagoda you need to find that story um and and that's what you run with like with with something like this you have to have a reason for doing this too um it should not just be because oh i want to have this badge no because it's a lot of work it's a lot of work once you commit to this um you commit not just to you and your own growth but to the growth of other people around you and yeah i think yeah go ahead i get the the badge hunting you know it is nice to have like a bad you know to culminate in activity um clearly i've you know i have my share but if you're not going to use this like if this is not something you plan to use in the future you're kind of wasting your own time you know that's the only time it's not beneficial that if you're just doing it to just you know get the badge so you want to make sure that you're using this later yeah for the innovators for the trainers program um as well as to the coach program and i think there's nothing wrong about like collecting badges i think that's uh for especially if we're talking about filipino culture uh filipinos most especially are very fond of uh collecting evidences of success um but again um success could go beyond the badges and your certification so make sure you use it um so whatever you get into special innovator trainer or coach make sure that you get to use it and expand your influence influence other people as well to becoming um a certified innovator trainer or a coach yeah hey so thank you bonnie uh for walking us through uh in the about the coach program we'll have a final discussion later but uh um we'll just park for a while uh the discussion for that uh and we'll proceed to the next one which is um on the innovators program and we have a very very special guest for this one someone that you haven't really met no um me discussing the innovators all the teachers know um there's a disclaimer now we still don't have news yet on the entire innovators program we'll have to wait uh of course i'll be showing you the link later where to get the news on when the application or will will will there be an application for this year okay but for now we can't really share any details about that but what i'm going to share now is my experience as a as a member of the cohort um vi a20 we are a special batch we are the first ever uh online batch because usually um the innovators are going to be happen in a three-day event now based on region um based on what i've read now because i haven't experienced the regionalized um setting but i before before the pandemic it actually happens per region so it happens in apa uh and other regions of i don't know by google okay and um that's what i did not experience that three day event i would have met me i think uh we're going to request that via 20 meet up uh school in a face-to-face matter but um again but still i went through a very vigorous very enjoyable and um i don't know fun-filled and of course no learning field experience with the via 20 cohort of the innovators academy and that's what i'm going to share with you today you know my experience of course steps you know what you're going to need to go through um our guests as well here are both innovators so they will also have some input and some sharing later and maybe they can correct me some of the things i'm going to say but it's based on experience that's a disclaimer okay and again i experience it in a very different setup so um okay first uh i um i am part of the via 20 that's the online um virtual innovators academy batch 20. uh i was our program went from august to um to october that's a very long program compared to the three days because again we don't usually meet we don't meet every time there's a scheduled meetings uh per a per region based on actually language now you have a spanish and the english sessions where you can attend and of course i attended the the spanish session so there's english sessions uh wherever the innovators come okay and um once you become part of the the the innovators academy you'll be grouped into smaller groups which will become your sort like your and your your small group um for the small group sharing and also you will be assigned to a particular coach uh mentor for the sorry coach for the innovators academy and i belong to our group was called the furious creatures uh by chris hart okay we were mentored and coached by chris hart and of course i was with um five more other innovators in our uh in our class okay and um so that's uh basically how it went and of course uh the the most uh memorable no if i'm not uh if i'm going to be honest about the most important and more memorable experience that i've had in the innovators academy is to go through an intensive design thinking uh sessions because that's the heart of the elevators academy the design thinking you'll be uh um thrown into the different uh design thinking sessions uh some are um uh nerve wracking some are um really very uh there's a high pressure on on creating designs and coming up with ideas but all the sessions were really really um awesome in terms of like output and also input okay uh but that's the the the the backbone of the innovators academy on applying the ideas and principles of the design thinking of course since we're talking about innovators project in the innovators program that's actually going to be very very helpful it actually helped me in polishing my project which i launched after the program i launched the co-teach program which i still run today um by the kagapai teacher support so my program was on delivering um teacher-centered um professional development activities by using a google form that collects information in order to customize the different training the teachers receive for their schools that has been my my program after that so i'm glad that i was able to publish it and actually implement it so let's now go to the the actual program so what is the innovator program okay so the innovative program is the google for education certified innovator program recognizes and supports top educators who are excited to grow professionally advocate for impactful technology and innovate to improve classroom schools and local communities so it's all about um solving problems okay dealing with problems in making solutions creating solutions in order to address uh community problems and hopefully of course to improve your communities okay so it's all about the use of impactful technology use of innovative ideas or processes and uh i always have shared by miss mary to me many many of those that are already you know um create a trailblazing in google are actually coming from the innovators academy but i'm not saying that it's exclusive but uh yes indeed if i look at those that are already trailblazing leading um the different programs you know of google they're absolutely from the google uh for education certified anyway but of course no they they're not uh trailblazing but because they are from the innovators because they actually embrace the entire program embraced design thinking and actually applied it because again if you just stop with a certification in the badge nothing really happens right there it's it's really stuck up in your file folders or in your um in your forms okay but it won't actually make an impact so that's uh something that you have to remember and of course the google for the questions innovator program engages the created minds and problem solvers okay so these are people that actually are already i don't know have uh have projects in mind or have are constantly engaging the different problems in their communities and um constantly coming up with solutions coming up with different ideas in order to make things better okay of course um even things are working there will always be ways to make things work better okay although we believe in the saying that if it's not broken don't fix it but sometimes if it's not broken um we still need to fix it we still need to make it better okay so it's all about problem solvers so i become a certified innovator so there are a couple of things i lifted this from the innovators um page so the first one is uh you can launch a transformative project okay uh not that you can't actually launch no without the innovators program but i think and i believe firmly and personally that uh going through the innovators program will polish your program to the tiny details so that it would actually work okay uh and again applying the the concepts and principles of the design thinking would actually make your program really better plus site will make sure that it's going to become a user um friendly user-centered uh program that you can actually implement in your own communities plus um having interacted with other innovators or um classmates in your back you would actually um find a lot of other ideas that you would have never thought of otherwise or sometimes you would actually experience a pivoting appeal program there have already been so many who have gone to the innovators program having this project but midway of the innovators program pivoted their program because they found something else some something much better something much uh more focused and maybe a better uh solution to the problems they're encountering or sometimes even the problem problem in itself now they realize it's not the problem it's not a problem i'm focusing on even the idea of um identifying a problem is actually something that the innovators program will also help you help you and guide you because sometimes uh what we think is the problem is actually not a problem sometimes it's the like surface level and sometimes actually there's a root cause of those problems and that's what we have to go through and we have to actually deal with and that's what you're going to have after the innovators program of course you're also going to amplify your influence okay so coming up with uh solutions and um a project afterwards okay you'll be able to um to actually make your influence better influencing others especially solving problems in your communities and plus once you become an innovator a certified innovator you can actually start also mentoring in a way uh your teachers from your school on using uh different tools in creating solutions as well okay and of course the last one is accelerating personal growth this is a very very personal level um the support of the innovators program because it's not just the prog after the academy it's done okay you're going to actually be part of community you're going to receive an exclusive training okay which you also always receive uh from email you're actually sometimes going to be very drowned with so many emails from the innovators support because there's so much resources so much training programs for the innovators after the program itself and um it's it's a continuous process of growth after the innovator's academy and you're you're you'll be just simply be odd and amazed with this much so much resources and sometimes you don't even know where to put these resources because it's too many and it's uh overwhelming but you'll find definitely make use of this resources okay and plus again uh meeting other uh innovators again i i personally met uh bonnie after the innovators academy it would have not been possible if i'm not part of the innovators academy i don't know if miss mary will ever give attention yes i think if i went from the elevators just kidding okay so what are the steps to be part of the innovators uh innovator program okay so the first one is uh you have to find an accounting in your region but again this in this case um again there are no news yet okay but uh just like ours i did not need to find an innovator in my region because it happened online so we were actually just one massive group of innovators as a batch case so that's uh via 20 but uh prior to that prior to the pandemic it's actually based on the region because again they're considering a time zone they're considering language as well in designing or um designing the sessions of course okay so the first one okay second is you'll have to complete your required course and requirements okay though there's there are two certifications required just like in the coach program you're required to be a google certified level one okay and i'm glad there are not already you know uh uh through the efforts of our um google production partners in the philippines miss mary manzano that as well i think we have at least uh that's this i think that's last year miss maria if i'm not mistaken we were we had around 1 500 from the dep ed um side alone um for the google certified indicators level one okay and uh through the help of this material yeah this just last quarter last quarter so just imagine so we have a lot okay and of course noah miss mary together with the google play education partner in the philippines are also working for them in a way uh conversion okay of this uh l ones to l2 so uh and of course after l2 that's going to be uh where it's going to open up opportunities for the special tracks like uh the host program innovators and later on uh miss mary will be talking about the trainers program okay and of course um uh you have to identify um a challenge to solve in education so that's uh going to be the the heart of your application okay so you're also going to show them a um a video or create a video just like what um uh bonnie shared earlier uh you also have to create a video to um in a way present no pitch your problem and how do you plan to solve it but again teachers know that's not yet uh like set on stone okay because that's actually what you're going to polish throughout the innovators academy um to look at your problem again to look at your solution it's really the right solution or the um the most appropriate effective solution for that problem okay let me share with you my elevator speech but again this is like last year okay so um very very wrong okay i'm not yet into like um like in terms of like delivery but i hope that you appreciate i'm going to show my um innovators video application hello i am frank nicolas i am a teacher at saver school and a lecturer at the ateneo de manila university i am applying to be a google certified innovator for the following reasons i am able to build a community i am using a kagapi teacher support page i was able to bring teachers together to help each other in easing into online distance learning also i was able to put up a channel that provides content for teachers to help them gain skills and use google for education tools likewise i'm also the newly nominated and appointed google educators group as of san juan leader um so i'll be leading google educators in my city also we were providing webinars to teachers to help them gain more skills and become more comfortable to online distance learning right now we have about upcoming projects okay to address the challenge in accessibility to resources for teachers so we are creating the haddad by shared folder it will become a community folder for teachers to access the resources and for those who are printing their modules we are raising funds uh in order to bring um to buy them printers and printing materials for their modules given this i think that i'm able to innovate and fail grace and education and influence others to affect change in our communities thank you so there it is uh i'm still a little like a very shy person back then like unlike right now i'm a big skinned person so that's my my innovators video application and of course no um there's also a separate one towards the end you'll have to do them and the way towards project pitch where you will now present the polish project afterwards and you'll you'll see the difference when you compare uh the growth over time and it's really uh like an overwhelming experience if it's the first program i entered into um this is before i even entered the trainers program i took first the innovators program okay and again uh also special shout out and mentioned to uh to miss demi hillio he uh one of the google scientific educators in the philippines uh who have influenced me to push for the innovators program she actually was the one who gave me an idea i did not have any idea about the google certified innovators program until she mentioned it to me and she said you might be interested in pursuing the innovators program okay and of course the last one is stop live before the next deadline okay so this is where you can apply pictures um okay i'll send the link later but that is the link you can use to apply for the google certified innovators academy and again there's still no news yet what's going to be set up when it's going to be offered again but don't miss the deadline because unlike other programs like the trainers uh the coaching program is also um on ongoing program but the innovators is just a once a year program okay so if you miss the deadline of the application you'll have to wait another year to be able to apply for it okay so um again we'll share the application later on okay okay so become an innovator and change your communities i think that's the most important um the most important message that uh or a reminder to all of us that as we enter or if we decide to become an innovator it's all about because there's that um inner motivation to actually bring for change to your communities because with your innovations you'll definitely make life much better for the people around you or in your communities so thanks uh teachers and i hope that was able to clarify um the innovator's program you and i hope that you do apply to the innovator's program okay so uh miss mary uh bonnie uh teacher paul you have questions okay although you already know what the elevator program is but you might want to add something yeah i wish you could have uh experienced the the live the live one like the face-to-face one there's a there's a certain level of energy that you get when you put together a whole group of people that are so inspired and so so helpful and here's the thing about the innovator program i noticed that a lot of the people who apply in the innovative program already have a certain sphere of influence in their own communities in their own schools or they have this pressing problem that they just just won't keep them that just won't let them sleep and that's really something that i find very much in common with everybody there and if you put all of these people together in one room can you just imagine uh the kind of brainstorming that you're gonna get the level of ideation that you get out of just being there um and i actually attend the energizer like before now there is an innovator energizer um pre-covered where uh a graduated an innovator like us can attend an energizer that is nearby or if you want to travel and see the other other innovators or meet the other innovators in other batches right you can see them in an energizer event and that energizer event happens after um an innovator academy and that's really so good because you get to meet the people that you've idolized on twitter um that's really what it's all about for me and i used to attend every single one of them like year on year i would find a way to travel to wherever to the nearest energizer i could find and travel there and the reason is every energizer leaves me with that same level of inspiration that i just don't get from anywhere i don't know about you but i can't describe the innovator academy i just can't oh it is i might have been um i might have been starstruck if i've seen miss mary in uh in the end of it i would have asked the photographer miss mary one question because i guess i have a question to born in a while i miss mary because it's always been a question of some who are interested in innovators um is the innovators um like if you are invited and you go to like example like apa are you travel expensive speed or you'll have the shoulder shoulders even the energizer you have to pay for it that's why i'm saying that considering that i have to pay for it right um i remember traveling to australia for the energizer traveling to singapore for the energizer and you know i would i would really just travel and spend for it because believe me there is that thing that you get there that you cannot get elsewhere uh it's very difficult to explain because it's hard to find such a group of individuals that are talented and they're geared towards kind of the same purpose which is solving educational problems and as a whole together individually it's it's an amazing experience and i really hope that if that is something that you're passionate about you're passionate about solving something in your own communities or your own schools you got a gun for this um one i'm gonna defend the virtual academy i know it's different but i did notice that a lot of people like were ready to launch like we still have people from singapore they're like oh i had to pivot you know i'm still working online i feel like the the virtual academy people were ready to launch um more necessarily than what i've seen i don't have data on that but i did i did find that you know i know it's different but i think it has its perks you know people don't have to to pay to travel and i feel like they were like ready to launch their their project um and then two like i there's a lot of help out there with your application um like there are groups that meet that work on their applications people give you feedback if you follow like had the hashtag google e i like just all of the people on there you could i mean i've had people send there and i'm not saying i'm the best at giving feedback but i'll pass it on to people um you know that'll look at your application be like hey take this out hey this is great you know um so definitely um like think about that if you're applying there's help out there right so just follow the hashtag google ei that's our hashtag follow google ei and if you're not on twitter yet please be on twitter because a lot of our global certified innovator innovators are there i know that for philippines facebook is key everybody just is on facebook but yeah if you've never been to twitter and you'd like to speak with a lot of these global innovators then please um just follow hashtag google ei and find so many ideas there like what bonnie said you can find help as well from uh folks when you're applying and even you know applying as a coach applying as an innovator applying as a trainer it doesn't just apply to innovator you can find somebody that can review your video help you with your case study like you can get the help that you need from there the community is a very helpful community and and that's one thing that changes the i think it changes a lot of lives as well for innovators once you become a member of this community it just supercharges your influence just supercharges your projects and it's just you get this whole world of help that you were never able to access before i said i'm pretty sure that you're all now fired up i didn't think i was going to get in if i get in you could do it i pushed the button like i'm assuming i wouldn't i was like well i did it you know yeah super bad but i have a question to bonnie because i'm interested i've heard about uh her story in the end innovators program because uh even the second bonnie your initial project was not because the geg uh global continuity yeah um and it was a problem that i still want to revisit um it was about data and i just i don't know i got you know i got caught up going in a different direction but um no you can pivot your project and and in fact the google innovator you know academy really like supports you in doing that in in pivoting and finding your own pattern you know and they have this fail bell that i don't i still don't care for i'm not on board with film but uh they ring it like celebrate your failures you know and because that means you're trying and all this stuff so yeah no i completely changed mine yes exactly absolutely yeah go ahead don't be spamming no just don't be uh limited to one project i mean there's lots of problems out there if you have more problems to solve and more solutions in your head just keep doing it yeah just keep doing that because i never stopped as well i do love problems i'm excited about them and and i'm one of those freaky people that get excited when they have a problem wow this gives you a reason to like wake up in the morning and like okay i got something to solve today that's a very very positive i don't know um very positive about the promise mary thank you miss merrick i really like specialness i need food to do it but again i think bonnie shared with us the idea of uh making it a little bit of course when you enter the innovators academy you can be like fix on the problem itself and the solution that you have because it's going to be that's going to hurt your growth in the innovators again it's all about getting in there getting there and getting messy um sometimes again as uh bonnie uh shared with us that you have some like out for your original plan and to pursue something else and uh see for it for yourself not to discover uh something beyond what you thought is possible and what you thought would be your direction for the innovator's study so just like like allow yourselves to uh to learn it to grow with others because again as mentioned by miss mary you're going to meet a lot of brilliant people in the innovator's academy and and i personally experienced that although it's a little bit intimidating in a way in a way sometimes that's because uh the way they throw ideas sometimes you'll be amazed how they they come up with this uh wonderful random ideas in like five minutes or ten because sometimes we will be given like an exercise like that there's a problem think of a solution for like five minutes or like brainstorm and then this uh our the members of our group will come up with this very very interesting ideas in a matter of time it's intense intense indeed that five minute three minute challenge of design thing is like uh yeah thank you dad thank you for miss mary for that i am did you pause question or are you being swayed are you are you planted are you planted already in the polishing program so you can nominate people so i'm going to go ahead and nominate uh a future yay thank you i'm actually going to do that it would be much like uh like with authority if you're going to be the one to nominate her yes you can actually nominate yourselves uh apply for yourselves or someone can actually nominate for you and actually from our list of google certified educators level two i already have so many people um um who are qualified for this program but um i'll have to wait and i have to respect them because many of them are actually gunning for our third special track which will be discussed with us and will be shared with us by by uh no other than our community lead in the philippines uh for google uh miss mary manzano so let's hear from miss mary about google for education certified trainer all right that's uh thank you so i'm just gonna correct my title right there it's uh it's education lead community is one of my responsibilities though so um there i know that we have a different community person here so but um for all those people i know i've heard that some of you want to be google certified trainers and i'm excited about it super excited about it because that is one of my major goals for the year is to make sure and for the public school teachers that we have is to make sure that every single division in every schools division in the philippines must have a google certified trainer it is a goal because i don't know if bonnie's aware but bonnie we just activated 22 million google accounts for students and we need yeah we need help we need people that would teach teachers that would be willing to do it and uh the google certified trainer program is it so let me share my screen see here there you go okay so the google certified trainer program is really very very simple it's just a five-step process like what you have in the coach program as well you need to make sure that you have your level 1 certificate ready you have your level 2 certificate both are required to become a certified trainer and then you have to take a third exam which is the trainer skill assessment which is um it says 25 questions here but i know that it's been reduced to 20 questions and then a three minute video where one minute is introducing yourself and two minutes to demo the kind of teaching that you can do or the training style that you have and finally you need to submit a case study and five training engagements so for those people who are already l2s you have to get cracking on starting your trainings as early as now before you even become a google certified trainer so let me uh let's just move on so for your level uh one certificate i know that most of you would already be level one certified and if not then um you need to make sure that you have this because it will be asked and you have to be ready to upload your certificate when you apply so same with our level two uh certificate so note that both l1 and l2 are valid for three years from the date of issue so if you are uh looking to go to the different programs that we have in google which is a certified trainer coach and innovator you need to make sure that you do that within the three year validity of your l1 and l2 certificate otherwise you're gonna have to retake them because they won't be valid anymore okay so if you've already taken your l1 l2 within the last three years then now is your chance right so what we do is uh we actually review the trainer uh applications every month so uh just make sure that you just submit it when you're ready they said that there's no real ready day so um make sure that you get ice on it get somebody's eyes on it if you're not sure about anything that you're going to submit but first get your requirements out l1 l2 and then next would be the trainer skills assessment the trainer skills assessment is um also paid i saw that there is a question there on the comment section where somebody's asking is it free it's not free so the trainer skills assessment is 15 when you take the exam and it is required to um to proceed to the google certified trainer program so before uh taking the trainer skills assessment what i would normally ask people to do is to make sure that they've taken uh the trainer course so there is a trainer course similar to the coach program that bonnie has showed a while ago there is a trainer course that is going to be available to you and the teacher center so go through that course before you take the exam so that's in that way you can be sure that you know what's going to be covered in the trainer skills assessment and also just note that for the trainer skills assessment this is not really about what you know about google workspace for education this is really about how you teach right how you train this is about adult learning this is about understanding how to deploy technologies out there and um i'm gonna show you the course in a minute so the fourth one would be a three minute video this is where people get stumped more often than not and like what bonnie said a while ago you know it doesn't have to be super duper fancy it can be simple i remember uh i applied to the certified trainer program before it was the trainer program we had to take so many exams we had to take five exams we had to create uh submit two videos and you have a separate video for yourself you have a separate video where you're going through the demo so now that we have changed this it's now a lot tighter you just need a three minute video just note make it under three minutes because after three minutes once you hit that three minute um uh peg the person that's watching is just gonna stop watching so if you have your messaging at the end of the three minutes like after the three minutes nobody's gonna listen to it because the thing there is you're just gonna have to stop watching after three minutes okay so whoever's reviewing that video um you're gonna have to make sure that you're under that limit okay and uh the other thing is make sure that that video is viewable to everybody that's the most common mistake as well is that sometimes they make it private and they forget that the link is not public or the link is not unlisted so make sure that it is um viewable to everybody and that goes to that that's similar to the last one which is the training sessions and the case study as you can see we require five training engagements and what we normally do is have five training engagements and choose one of the training engagements and use that as a case study okay make sure that these engagements have feedback the case study you will need to include the feedback of your trainers because that will be included in your uh case study there are various ways of making this or crafting this but um you're going to need to understand like what the problem was and what did you do to solve it what sort of training did you administer to that group in order to solve whatever problem it is that uh they're trying to uh to to solve like i said so make sure that there's feedback and the feedback is positive so try to choose a case study that highlights your uh your your talents you know as a trainer as well just make sure that you have that now for your for the l twos out there while you're studying for your trainer assessment start volunteering for say your own gegs i know a lot of you're probably members of your own gegs start volunteering for those or maybe even in your own schools if you want to start training and you need to know where to find these sessions ask me you can send me an email um i have franco knows my email address or even send franco an email and i can just definitely help you and throw you to the schools that will need it so if you're looking for opportunities to train people the opportunities are out there every single school right now is looking for professional development every school right now is looking to improve on their google skills especially the schools that are already on the google workspace for education uh platform right so there's no shortage of people to train and schools to help uh the only thing is you need to find time for it so here goes as easy as this five-step method is to submit a training application to become a certified trainer i find that a lot of people would go through l1 and l2 and then go through the trainer assessment and pass it and then fail to submit their application they would be stumped in the video they'd be stumped in the training sessions and again make sure that your case study is viewable because once it's not viewable then you're out basically you're not going to get the google certified trainer that you're not going to get approved so make sure that all of these are viewable by whoever is going to be reviewing it okay there um so that's your uh that's it's actually quite easy in when i say it it's not as easy in practice because uh one you have to find those five uh training sessions first like what bonnie said earlier it's nice that you know she was able to cover like artifacts because you can use training sessions that you've done in the past just make sure that it's the recent past and not like long ago like in a galaxy far far away do not please don't use that use the ones that you just used you just did recently okay because that would be um that those are all gonna be uh applicable for this so once again uh we have the level one the level two the skills assessment and i think uh franco i'm giving away um i should i say it now but i shouldn't say it yet is it you you're supposed to be the one to say it okay i'll wait for it because i don't know what your um giveaway mechanics are i think you have giveaway mechanics and they give away guys there so if you are already doing that good if you're working on your video i saw that somebody's already working on their video great if you're working on your video uh find somebody to get eyes on it like i said go to google google et would be our hashtag for google education trainer again that's hashtag google et for you to find trainers that will be willing to look at your video and helping you out with your case study so finally um just track your progress okay i have a checklist that i use and it's just a spreadsheet that you can use to track your progress like where am i in this whole process so you can just request for it and um yes thanks so much bonnie for that so you can just request for the trainer checklist just go to um i'm just gonna ask franco to just flash it on the screen in a banner so i'm putting it in the private chat so just a request for that and i'll make sure this once you fill that out i want to see who are the interested people or who are the interested parties that want to become google certified trainers because i really want to be able to support this community later on um i have we don't have certified coaches yet and i'm really wishing that somebody would apply as a certified coach i'm so excited about that for certified innovators we have a few certified innovators in the country and they're doing great stuff but for the certified trainer program we have too few for the amount of work that we need so i really would like to encourage you we we have 223 schools divisions in the country we have 47 000 schools we have 22 million students in the k-12 public education space so just thinking about that and about 880 000 teachers in the public school k-12 system can you just imagine the amount of work that is required to train all of that and right now we have less than 50 trainers in the philippines we need more all right so if you need any help at all with putting together your trainer requirements please let me know i'll be willing to help you franco is here that pay teacher support is right here for you as well we've got professional development partners we've got your gegs to help you gg philippines is here to help you as well with any questions that you might have so again there's no uh no problem at all just ask your questions and we'll be there to help you out okay so there so franco there thank you so much for um for putting that down there i thought you were you will just flash it thank you for running it as a street as a ticker all right so thank you that's it for the trainer program oh i'm gonna have to let you know what are the perks of being a certified trainer the lead for certified trainer is somebody that drinks coffee every day she is just she doesn't sleep so her name's meiju and she's the most amazing ever lead that i've ever seen and uh he's so amazing that she's provided perks for our google certified trainer she's provided a way for us to connect to each other as a trainer community and uh and it keeps growing so guys if you become a certified trainer you do get some perks and these perks extend to the certified coach program and extends to the sportified innovator program as well and um and these perks are for edtech partnerships so i know that you use different edtech tools such as what we're using right now we're using stream yard we use uh many different other tools to video edit maybe we use tools to create books or to author books all of these we've already made partnerships around that so yes and of course the community i love that money thank you so much for that so i'll just open the floor now to all three of you if you have any questions or comments around the trainer program swan is a trainer too right oh frank was a traditional champion jeffrey surprised sidon's uh trainer skills assessment vouchers but uh teachers now will be announcing um how we're going to uh distribute and again now we think uh miss mary for uh the support game it's been uh again this will uh go a long way in helping our teachers okay that's uh because the the fee for the skills assessment it's not something that you can easily get that's still like a 15 uh trainer skills assessment uh payment and with that uh miss marino it uh we'll definitely make use of it we're going to sell it through we're going to give it for free to uh to our uh aspiring filipino uh google certified trainer and again we have already you know um a couple of uh l2s already uh going through the skills assessment so far on my italia already have like four yeah who are past days and again as mentioned by miss mary earlier the challenge is that how we go beyond that because that's usually uh what we get we can do no the step four and five uh are usually where we get uh stop uh and uh we have to uh be able to clear that away and again as mentioned by miss mary will be here uh we can like give feedback to your videos help you construct with your videos etc and again we'll put up like resources for you to use um in coming up with your trainer's application okay so we need super excited many yes um would you like would you care to share how many google certified trainers are we targeting uh that's uh so right now we've got 223 divisions so we have to target 223 right yeah so what's the target so we need at least 200 more yeah just about at least 200. yeah that's a that's a big ask i know but we're here we can do it that's doable right bonnie um let's do a ball uh like picture paw will be getting coaching program and then trainers program at the same time completely free just saying absolutely so this will now be uh like uh your choice features no uh but again whichever program you're going to go to um definitely will uh will change your life it's a life-changing experience so uh teachers you might have like questions okay for uh miss bonnie and miss mary well they're no suddenly i'm confused so one of the viewers now sir alvin suddenly i became confused i think it's because right now um again miss mary i already mentioned this to miss mary that all definitely these programs are excellent but there's sometimes many of our teachers are not well aware of these programs and i think this session right now brought to the surface and the consciousness of the philippine educators that there's something beyond the google certified educators um um a certification okay so at least you know now that's a good problem teacher albeit that's a problem we would like a lot of choices a lot of things to talk about so yes actually sir alvin was determined to become a trainer at first but uh earlier he shifted to innovator and right now uh coaching a coach that's now confused about what he's going to take so good luck on decision making uh teacher albert again i'm assuring uh i'm i'm sure teacher i'll be in whichever track you're going to choose that's uh definitely going to benefit you and your company yes i don't know picture uh miss mary and miss bonnie richard powell it's actually the community that will benefit from whichever trap that you're going to get definitely um whatever training you're going to get just think about what you like to do i think that's that's what you should do first like do first what you like doing already like don't go for for example you want to be coach because that's already something that you like to do like you're or maybe you're a coordinator already in your school and you want to learn a little bit more you want to upskill and and the certified coach program is such a great um program for that let's say you're already training other teachers and this i've been working with a lot of public school teachers in the edtech unit right now in that bed i met them all today i met them all this morning for the first time and they train teachers every single day in webinars face to face they actually go um to different places to train but none of them are google certified trainers but they train on on google workspace and they were able to certify um about 800 teachers wow that team of 18 people but none of them are google certified trainers see that like those people are already doing the work so they just the badge is just a badge for them now they just have to go through this process so again whatever it is that you're that's closest to your heart and that you're already doing i think that's what you should cut it for i think two people think they have to be training like 100 people at a time that's not the case you know i i but when i applied for trainer i was at a school maybe the biggest i'd done was you know 30 people um i prefer smaller groups because i feel like you really get you know more done but um obviously franco you know trains a thousand people at a time but you don't have to do that you don't have to be franco you can be just a regular person so don't don't think you have to get like huge numbers you know to apply that's right yeah money in context because it's a pandemic so i'll have to do it virtually but if it's a face to face i would definitely have trained like smaller numbers i think pandemic gave me that opportunity to reach out to like uh like many people okay um miss mary has something to say no i'm good so i just want to say goodbye to everybody like if you're um if you're here and you want to go through all of these programs uh good luck and you have my support like i said earlier you have my support you have google support um i'm right here and all you have to do is to just i saw some people adding me on facebook already um i'm not a facebook person per se but if you want to really reach me you have to add me on google chat because my google chat is on all the time wow yeah i never muted but i beat everything else so yeah if it's messenger but if it's a google chat like before you even send it in google chat she has a reply alright that's that's how fast uh again we are not promoting but now we're just saying that google chat is an amazing personal messaging tool uh for our teachers okay uh any reactions uh so far or are you as confused as the others or now you're like you're more determined than ever well actually when miss mary has mentioned the need in the philippines i would i mean this this webinar actually opened my eyes to an opportunity given to a lot of teachers because i know a lot of teachers would want to do something about what is happening right now and it's very um it's an opportune time for us i mean presenting all of these this is a perfect way you know to instill change i've already seen the chat box people already have things in mind i'm sure if you're just watching there um you already have um a set of skills which you think you can probably share either to a small group of people or you want to help your co-teachers if you are that adept in in uh technical skills or you want to create a solution to an existing problem i think this is a very good opportunity for us to embrace this is i think a very promising project for the philippines i would say to to have that to have that opportunity given that you know you have we have 223 divisions right miss mary and i even took that down 223 and we still lack trainers so um yeah i'm uh what uh inspired to invite to invite people but along with inviting them no i myself have to upscale also that's why i told franco i had to take i had to buy the voucher so that i'm forced to do the exam and when i actually did the exam you know it's there it is it's like you're still learning even if you're taking the exam you're still learning and you you get to see a lot of things so for those who are still not yet gce1 or gce2 please do so not for the badge but for the things that you can actually do with those tools with with the different apps and you know because i'm going back to teaching um i'm already thinking how i can use this um in my classes as well start small i i know i'll definitely start small and from bonnie i will fail forward [Laughter] our community already embrace that uh hashtag after uh the talk uh on uh design thinking okay i have a mistake in the teacher pow it's from the design thinking session that we uh but uh bonnie mentioned that and from there that's where that's where i started with yes it actually became a full webinar um evaluating some instrument for evaluation for distance learning we call it fail forward uh webinar my slides i don't know if it came up because you know like stream yard is weird but i'll put it in quotes um but like don't i think people just get hung up on making the video like don't don't overthink it just make your video um it doesn't have to be now i googled a google certified educator like trainer video would do that like i would reach out to somebody because there are people who made this like super elaborate videos and it's very intimidating remember maybe just don't click on those like look and look at the normal ones um because it can be really really intimidating but yeah just uh make your video i think that's where everybody know gets hung up and i did too took me way longer to make the video than i i thought because i just got nervous um but just just make the video and submit it so in under three minutes she was right they don't they're not listening after three minutes it's hard it's not hard no need for like professional editing it's really the content it's needed yeah i never edited mine i we were down to like a minute before one minute to introduce which is a separate video then and then uh just two minutes for the now they've combined it into one video which is great it gives you a lot more time i think shorten your introduction and then lengthen a little bit of the the the style that you have just put your personality in there i think i didn't do any fancy tricks or any fancy things in my video either i just used screencastify for my um for you know to teach uh something which i find to be a really good demo slam so i thought to myself this is a demo slam and i'm gonna put my personality in here so i read all out devil sound style for my for my video but no bells and whistles just uh hi my name is mary and and i just launched into why i think i should be a trainer and then did the demo that's it yeah you don't have to be super fun don't be overwhelmed and uh like get too conscious on the the video editing and uh yeah that's correct although i mean myself my trainer because by the time there are like other tools available for us but i also made sure that my content is like um within the standards of what their what the applications are requiring yeah i think for for me personally the the uh the last thing i'd like to tell our teachers that uh we are all actually coach innovator and trainer at red at one point that's already been being mentioned over and over again by uh miss mary and miss bonnie and even teacher paul we are already doing the things that uh are required of all these um uh applications but what i really think what's this what these programs will do for you is going to focus your efforts because the traders program will teach you more strategies more more fluency in delivering training programs the innovators program will make sure that you actually know what you're solving and how you're going to solve it the coaching program will tell you a more definite model for coaching so whatever you're doing right now it's just going to like super streamline it uh to make it more efficient and more effective that's what actually what i think these programs will do for you but and again but again uh as far as i know all our teachers are at one point coach we have been coaching other teachers we have been training other teachers as well uh in a small scale or large scale um aspect and also as um as an innovator we have been solving i think the pandemic uh challenges in so many ways that we have to come up with so many solutions um so right there in your closet there are definitely the artifacts you're looking for but still encourage everyone to go through these programs because it's going to make sure that your efforts and your skills are more in line with what you're doing so with that um again uh miss me bonnie thank you again for uh gracing supports uh page and we always value your time we know how busy uh bonnie is from a different time zone and uh mary is always at work and again she's not also sleeping like a meiju she's the equivalent of major in the philippines right now in terms of what she's uh doing and just imagine what she's aiming for for the philippines and um the vision by miss mary and it's really uh really hard work and we always appreciate the value um i haven't got a no yet no from miss mary i will still have to wait for that time that miss mary will say [Applause] so we will wait for that but so far we're lucky to have always i guess for a miss mary uh but i always time my asked my questions for miss mary around um in the in the um late midnight so that she's a little bit confused and she would always say yes so that's a technique i always get so uh so if you want to ask paper from his fair message around like 1am 2 a.m and uh you'll get a positive response so anyway teachers thank you what kind of demo there's a question in the chat or you know what kind of demo or what specific app um and demo it's like two minutes you just have to show like a quick way of using a tool like i just use google keep with um docs and like how easy it is um and there is no specific app it just needs to be like a google tool you're showing why you're googly if you will yeah um so yeah that's correct that's what they have to show in their video for the trainers if i remember correctly how googly you are you have to use a google tool so again we've been using it already so just have to showcase how you're using it nothing crazy simple for innovators you'll have to uh show a project a project idea okay yes so i think that would be it i think um there are no more i think so all messes of things and um what they're trying to get into right now so again thank you so much um to all the viewers who have joined us today and hopefully we'll see you again for the updates for the trainer skills assessment vouchers please wait for that at our kagapai teacher support page and also google and educators groups on one page okay for the announcement for the distribution of the planar skills assessment and all other details some people are already asking on um if we're going to have um sort of like assistance as well for the trainers program yes but uh it will be announced in our both of our pages in google educators groups and one and also agape teacher support page so let's you wait for the updates in our pages okay so thank you again teachers and uh have a nice evening and thank you for joining us um it's always a pleasure to share with you this wonderful opportunities for professionalism thanks everybody thank you thank you thank you [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Franco Nicolo Addun
Views: 1,612
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: u5i-E1K4mDE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 15sec (6075 seconds)
Published: Mon May 31 2021
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