Google Ads Tutorial For Beginners - Google AdWords Tutorial For Search Campaigns

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all right what's up everyone welcome to the Surfside PPC youtube channel today is going to be our Google Ads tutorial so we're gonna be going through everything you need to know about Google Ads how to basically go from setting up your account to creating your first campaign measuring conversions everything you really need to know to create successful campaigns we're gonna have a follow up to this video of a more advanced tutorial so our ultimate goal is to put out an entire Google Ads course for free on YouTube so make sure you just stay tuned to our channel before we get started a couple of things one this video is brought to you by our Surfside PPC dot-com slash marketing page so these are our recommended marketing products these are products we actually use they are affiliate links if you come here and you click through and use any of these products so SEM rush is a great tool for Google Ads because you can get keyword research competitive analysis you can see what keywords your competitors are bidding on and really you can learn everything you need to know about your competitors Google Ads campaigns so make sure you go to Surfside PBC comm slash marketing if you're interested in any of these products in addition to that make sure you subscribe to our youtube channel so right now we're a little bit over 30,000 subscribers thank you to all of our subscribers already if you're not subscribed make sure you subscribe because we're gonna have a ton of new content coming out this year it's all gonna be for free without further ado let's get right into the video so we're gonna start here so we're at ads slash home we haven't set up our account or anything we're just signed into our Google account so what we're gonna do is click on start now so first we need to create a Google account and then we're gonna click on start now so this is gonna be the first screen you see so if you look at the top here it's gonna say add Google comm and right here is express so if you click on get more calls or any of these it's gonna start you with Google Ads Express so what you want to do is come to experienced with Google Ads I highly recommend just using Google ads and not using Google Ads Express because you just get more data and/or control over your campaigns so it's gonna say new campaign select a campaign type so this tutorial is gonna specifically go over search campaigns so we're also gonna have a follow up tutorial for display campaigns I need to purchase an app so I want to create an app campaign we have a ton of YouTube video campaigns about running YouTube and Google Display Network video ads really across the entire internet so with Google Ads you can run your YouTube ads and you can run ads on Google Display Network websites so we have a bunch of those videos on our Channel already if you want to check them out make sure you check out our YouTube ads tutorial and stay tuned we're gonna have other tutorials for all these different campaign types what we're gonna do here is click to create an account without a campaign so the next thing you need to do is confirm your business information so it's gonna say building country you need to set your country your timezone your currency so this is all correct for us so I'm gonna choose submit so now it's gonna say congrats you're all done now the main thing you're gonna have to do is set up building in your account in order to run campaigns so we're gonna do here is click on explore your account and this should be the screen you see to begin so it's your overview screen there's nothing there so what you're gonna have to do is come to tools here and under setup going to build building in payments in order to create campaigns and actually run them so you can create a campaign without setting up your billing but it's not gonna run until you actually have an active credit card there or some type of building method so we're gonna do is come in two campaigns here so now if you click here you can start to create a new campaign but before we do that the main thing you need to do is understand that with Google Ads you generally want to create campaigns with a goal in mind so what we're gonna be doing today is running ads for our website farmhouse goals com so our goal is to get people to come to this website and go to some of our pages so we're gonna be running a campaign with several different ad groups we want people to come to our pages and click through either one of our advertisements or one of these products so this is an affiliate marketing website so we don't actually have products on the website we don't have inventory we basically just send people out to our partner websites and we earn a commission for every sale that we drive so we don't have the same conversion tracking that other websites would have but what you want to do we're gonna come back to Google Ads here real quick what you want to do is make sure for your website you have a Google Analytics account setup on it very easy to get started with Google Analytics if you go to slash analytics create your Google Analytics account for your website it's very easy to set up so we have our Google Analytics account open here for farm house goals and at the bottom if you click on admin you're gonna see this screen right here so the main thing you want to do first is come to Google Ads linking because you want to link your Google Analytics in your Google Ads account so we click here and so I'm gonna do new link group and it's gonna say select link Google Ads account so we're going to click on this so you can see this 980 three two five five five four four so if we come to the top here this is the same thing that matches our Google Ads account up top here so it's nine eight eight three two five five five four four so it's the same Google account we just set up if you're setting them up under the same Google email address then they're gonna come up very easily we're gonna click on continue so it's gonna say link configuration so I'm gonna do farmhouse goals and it's gonna save you we're gonna do all website data it's gonna say creating this link enables auto tagging for all linked Google accounts that's absolutely what you want to do I'll show you why that's important later so we're gonna click on a link to count link accounts so now it's gonna say see analytics engagement metrics and Google Ads basically you're gonna be able to see a lot of data into your Google Analytics account by setting this up so we're gonna click on done down here at the bottom so now you can see here so we have our link group name farm house goals so this is a different Google Ads account you don't need to worry about that we have a new one right here farm house goals and we're completely set up okay so what we're gonna do now is come back to Google Ads and we want to make sure that auto-tagging is completely set up and enabled so what we're gonna do is come to tools here and you're gonna come to linked accounts under setup so this is where you can link different accounts so if you're running YouTube ads this is where you link your YouTube account we're gonna link or make sure our Google Analytics account is completely linked with auto tagging enabled so we click on details and what its gonna say is Analytics property farmhouse Kohl's that's good so that is linked perfect it's gonna say you've linked one Google Analytics property to Google Ads that's exactly we want to see an auto tagging is enabled so now we have it all set up how we want so basically our Google ads and Google Analytics accounts are able to basically communicate with each other and if we're sending conversions data as well they're able to track that so the next thing you want to do is set up conversions so when you're in Google Analytics we come back over here to the admin screen the main thing you want to do is set up goals here and you can either track ecommerce conversion so for example let's say you're running a Shopify website what you can do is come to the Shopify setup and there's a whole entire article here about setting up Google Analytics on your Shopify website so basically what you would do is go to ecommerce settings and what you can do is enable e-commerce and enable enhanced e-commerce reporting you can also do funnel steps for your checkout so what it is that you're running whether you're running a Shopify website maybe you're using another ecommerce provider they're all gonna have guides like this that you can set up goals and then once you set up goals I'm going to show you how to import them into Google Ads so we come back here we're gonna turn this off we don't have ecommerce enabled so we're gonna do is click on goals so when you click on goals it's gonna pull up any of the goals that you've created so one of our goals is Amazon clicks so we use Amazon as one of our affiliate marketing providers we're not recording that right now but we have a couple different goals set up so one is duration one is pageviews so basically the way we look at traffic is we're able to say okay we have this amount of traffic per month we've earned this amount of money so this is how much each person is worth to our business when they visit our website so that's basically how we track conversions and track overall revenue from this website so we're gonna be using these two goals duration and pageviews and we're gonna use them and import them into Google Ads so I'm gonna show you how to import those now if you want to create a new goal what you can do is click right here click on new goal so it's gonna say goal setup you can either use one of their templates so revenue is place an order create an account submit content so there's ways to create different goals like that otherwise you can come down to custom click continue and you can create goals like durations so when someone's on your website for a certain amount of time pages screens per session so when someone visits a certain amount of pages during that individual session an event so maybe someone goes to your website plays a video does something like that and completes a specific event that you have set up there's SMART goals smart goals aren't enabled on this account but we have another account with them enabled so with SMART goals you do need a certain level of traffic I don't know exactly how much it is but once you have a certain amount of traffic and Google is able to basically put a value on your traffic you can use SMART goals and actually import them into Google Ads as well otherwise you can use a destination type goal so we're gonna open surf side PPC real quick so we have a destination goal set up for our newsletter so if someone comes in to surf side PPC comm slash newsletter we highly recommend you set you join this as well we have a free ebook if you want to help grow your business online so you're into your name your email address click sign up now and people are gonna go to this page so Surfside PPC comm slash confirm it's gonna say please confirm your email address thank you for signing up so if we open the Google Analytics page for surf side PPC what we can do is if we click here for newsletter and giveaway it's gonna say goal setup is custom continue goal description is newsletter and giveaway we have a destination setup continue and goal detail so every time someone goes to that confirm page so you could see right up at the top here surf side PPC comm slash confirm every time someone goes to that page it's gonna count as a goal because that means they filled out this form really no one's gonna find this page and type it in directly how many people can do it from this video if they really want to but it's really gonna be able to confirm and track all the times people sign up through our newsletter and join our email list so very simple way to set up goal it's just basically every time someone visits a specific page and you can also set a value on all these different goals so just another way to track how much each goal is worth to you so we're coming back over to farmhouse goals here we're gonna click on cancel we're gonna come back into Google Ads so what we're gonna do now is come to tools and come to conversions so right now we have no conversion actions here so what we can do for if you're using Salesforce you can click down here we don't we're not using Salesforce so we're gonna do is click on add a new conversion so you can either track conversions from your website you can track conversions from an app you can track phone call conversions I plan on going through app and phone call conversions with website what you're gonna be able to do is add the Google Ads pixel to your website you don't need to do this if you're using Google Analytics like I just showed you so we're gonna do is click on import and it's gonna say select what you want to import Google Analytics firebase third-party app analytics Salesforce or other data sources or crms we're gonna click on Google Analytics continue now it's gonna show any goals and transactions that we have created that we can import into Google Ads so you can see the two goals that we have here duration and pageviews we're gonna enter them here and click import and continue so it's gonna say you've imported two goals from Google Analytics so now basically our Google Ads and Google Analytics account are completely linked we have two goals imported so we able to track conversions directly into Google Ads as I setup a campaign I'll show you why that's important we're gonna click on done for now okay so what I'm gonna be doing is I'm actually gonna be tracking page views and not duration so with third duration I'm just gonna either remove this goal or I can click on it come to edit settings and now under duration it's going to give you a category value I'm gonna go through this with the other goal what I can do is including conversions and I'm gonna do no so I don't want to include this in any of my conversion columns for Google Ads so I'm gonna click on save so basically I'm not gonna be optimizing for the duration goal I'm gonna be optimizing for the pageviews goal so if I click on pageviews now you're gonna see this real quick so conversion name is page views so every time someone visits a certain amount of pages on my website it's worth a certain amount of revenue for me so category what I'm gonna do is set this as purchase and sale so you can either set this as purchase and sale sign up lead view of a key page so I'm gonna do purchase and sale because paid views for me when someone visits a certain amount of pages it generally means that that person is worth a certain amount of revenue for my business and I'm gonna click on save now I have that value in currency all set up in Google Analytics so when you set up your goal you can set up okay when someone visits X amount of pages its worth X amount of dollars for me so I'm gonna say use the value from analytics and use the same currency in analytics so the way mine is set up is if someone visits six pages on my website in a single session it's worth five dollars to me so I know that that's the case because of the data that I have in the backend it's not exactly perfect but it's close enough that if I'm running Google Ads campaigns I can use smart bidding strategies which I'm gonna go over as we set up the campaign so that I understand how valuable each campaign is for my business so I click on save so the source is gonna be from Google Analytics here's the Google Analytics property Google Analytics view Google Analytics type is a goal so count so you can either set conversions to one or every so looking at the example on the side it says if someone clicks your ad then fills out your three sign of forms Google Ads will count it as one conversion so if someone joins my newsletter three different times I can really only count as one conversion because it's one person so to me that's worth one conversion so for me I'm gonna do every so every time someone visits a certain amount of pages on my website I want it to count as a conversion it doesn't matter if it's the same person over and over again because it's worth that amount to my business so we're gonna click on save so one is better for signups for sales I would count every single conversion conversion window so you could do 30 days you can do 4 weeks 3 weeks 2 weeks your conversion window depends on how quickly someone converts after they actually click through your ad so we're use you just keep this as 30 days you can do it as less if you want we're gonna click on save now include in conversions so that means when we're running a campaign saying if you're using smart bidding your bid strategies will optimize for these conversions I absolutely want to keep that as a yes so we did it as a no for the other conversion we're gonna click on save now attribution model this is one of the biggest things that really people don't always understand so there's different attribution models to go through them real quick so there's last click first click linear time decay and position based so personally I use time decay so it gives more credit to clicks that happen closer in time to the conversion so if someone clicks on the advertisement and then converts I feel like that's the most valuable click if someone clicks on the advertisement and converts two days down the road then it's gonna show over here so maybe someone goes to my website through a Google ad they don't convert that time and then they end up revisiting my website whether it's through social media whether it's through direct traffic whether it's through organic search and then they convert so I want to count this still as a conversion because I feel like it how'd it impact on them converting you can do linear so distributes the credit evil equally across all clicks on the path so let's say for example someone visits your website through organic search and then they go through Google Ads and then they go through social media then they go back through organic search and then they convert linear is gonna give each click on that path credit so that's why I like I think it's very important to use something other than last click or first click and you can learn more about attribution modeling in Google Analytics so if we open Google Analytics here and we come to conversions and we go to attribution and model comparison tool you can look at all the different attribution models and see how valuable each click is to your business and it'll kind of give you an example of each different attribution model so you can know which one is the best tease for your business so I like to use time decay sometimes I'll use linear or position based data driven is a good one but we don't have enough conversion data so as you get more conversion data you can use data driven as well I like to just use time decay so basically each click on the path is worth more so the last clique is worth more than the first clique but it ends up giving credit to each click along the path so I'm gonna click on save and we're gonna click on done okay so now we have our conversion imported our Google Ads and Google Analytics accounts are connected so we're ready to create a new campaign so that's a step a lot of people don't really know when you start creating Google Ads so the whole point of this tutorial is to get you started off on the right foot so that you can get the most out of your budget you absolutely want to be tracking your campaigns into Google Analytics and you absolutely want to be tracking for conversions okay so we're gonna do set up a new campaign now it's gonna say select a campaign type so we're gonna do search campaign and our goal is going to be sales so because we set up our conversion as a sale that's why our goal was gonna be set up as a sale so if we look at tools we come to conversions again so under category here so whatever category the conversion you're optimizing for says here so if it says leads then you want to set your campaign as leads here rather than sales so we're going to be doing sales I don't generally use website traffic I usually use sales or leads so for Surfside PPC I generally use leads because I'm trying to get people to sign up for my newsletter I'll show you that in a little bit so we're gonna click on sales here and it's gonna say select the ways you'd like to reach your goal we're gonna do that with website visits so basically our goal is to get website visits and get sales so the ultimate goal is to get sales and we're gonna do it by getting people to visit our website so we're gonna click on continue so first name your campaign so we're gonna do farm now very important here under networks do not include the Google Display Network just include the Google search Network and include Google search partners so the Display Network is completely different than the search Network I went over this on my last tutorial if you include the Google Display Network you're gonna waste your budget so with just keep the search Network and include Google search partners and that's it for search campaigns do not include the Google Display Network so we're gonna click on show more settings here so you can do start and end dates you can do campaign URL options you can also use dynamic search ads I'm not going to be using dynamic search ads for this campaign I'm gonna set up a different campaign used in a different tutorial about dynamic search ads so make sure you subscribe to our channel to see that so location so you can set up the location too on a target so I'm just gonna keep it as United States you can enter cific cities here you can enter specific markets so you can do something like New York City market you can just pick different markets that are available and there's markets really all across the country you can also target different countries so you could play around with location targeting you only really need to set it if you're only serving specific locations so for me United States is valuable I could do United States in Canada but I'm just gonna keep it as United States so languages select the language is that your customers speak so if your customers speak English and Spanish then you can add Spanish here as well I need languages that your customers speak you could enter here audiences I'm gonna go through on a different tutorial but one thing that you can do is target specific audiences when they search your keywords so I can say okay anybody who has visited my website farmhouse goals I want to make sure when they target my keywords I bid higher on that audience so a little bit more of an advanced tactic but it's becoming more commonplace now with search campaigns I'm gonna go through it with our advanced search tutorial this is just our beginner Search tutorial so we're gonna close this for now I'm not going to target any audiences now budget enter the average you want to spend each day now the best way to think of this is it's gonna end up spending over the course of 30 days so if you're only running your campaign for a week you might end up spending more that week then for example if I set a ten dollar daily budget you might end up spending a hundred dollars the first week but over the course of 30 days you're gonna spend 300 dollars so Google looks at your budget as a monthly budget so it's gonna say for the month you won't pay more than your daily budget times the average number of days in a month some days you might spend less than your daily budget other days you might spend more up to twice as much so I'm probably not gonna spend more than twenty dollars in a single day but don't be alarmed if you start your campaign and run it for a couple days and you end up spending more immediately then you really predicted so set your budget as a monthly budget because they're gonna average it over the course of a month so now delivery method you can set standard or accelerated with spun your budget much more quickly I like to just keep it as standard it'll spend your budget evenly over time now one of the biggest things is bidding so since we uploaded for conversions we're gonna be okay so I'm going to be doing is optimizing for conversion so if you click here it's not gonna let you click on it yet so what you're have to do is select a bid strategy directly I'm gonna be doing target CPA or you can use maximize conversions now if you use maximize conversions the one thing is you might end up bidding more for clicks and you really want to we're gonna do is under tools unshared library and bid strategies we're gonna create a bid strategy that we use for this campaign I'll show you that after the campaign is set up so for now you can set this up however you want maybe we'll just do maximize conversions for now that's fine now one of the biggest things is ad extensions so there's different ad extensions sitelink extensions call-out extensions call extensions i'm gonna show you a few examples of these real quick if you're not familiar with them okay so let's say I search them something like social media software up at the top you're gonna see some different ads show up so right here these are sitelink extensions so there are additional links that you can add to your advertisement underneath these are price extensions so you can actually add how much it costs to use whatever it is that you're advertising if there's a set price on it there's also different extensions down here so right here our call-out extension so it's saying marketing try it for free perfect for brands requests your demo has some features analyzing benchmark results optimize the performance so those are structured snippet extensions these right here again our sitelink extensions now if you search other types of brands you might see call extensions where you can actually see their phone number these right here are review extensions so it's gonna say the rating for this website and it also has reviews here so there's a lot of different extensions that you can set up and you definitely want to add as many as possible so if you get calls then you want to add a call extension create a new call extensions and you enter your phone number you can set call reporting I want to create separate videos for each extension because they're just so detailed but what we can do for now is set up some site linking call-out extensions but what you can also do is if you click here you can see all the different options you have so structured snippets so that allows you to add things like features if you were in a hotel you can add things like amenities so app extensions so if you have a mobile app you can add this here so generally like if you're on your mobile phone and you search something about travel you might get a TripAdvisor AB ad and they'll have an app extension added their message extension so again this is more so when someone clicks on your message extension that he they can actually send you a text message directly promotion extension so if we're running any specific promotions right now you can add that as an extension price extension so I just showed you that one so you can enter set prices for any of your products or services or location extensions so if you actually have a physical store location you can add that to your ad as well so any of these that you can use for your campaign you absolutely want to add to it Google is only gonna optimize your ad extensions to show the ones that help your ads perform the best over time so we're gonna do under sitelink extensions we're gonna add some additional links to our ad it's saying add at least two I generally add for when I'm getting started so what we can do is click add new site link extension so you could see site link one site link two description line one two and final URL so we're gonna come over to farmhouse goals here and I'm just gonna create one for right now just to show you how to do it so let's say I want to create one for the shop so I'm gonna take this URL come back over to Google will enter that as the final URL site link text we'll just do farmhouse goals shop okay so we just have farmhouse goal shop shop farmhouse the core and find unique farm home products so you you definitely want to set up more site links in this I don't want this tutorial to take two hours so I'm not gonna set up all these different extensions but what we can do is just click Save and we have one site link extension added to our campaign here so if we close it so now this is gonna show on our ads farmhouse cold shop I would add different ad extensions but we're just not going to do it for this tutorial right now so call-out extensions add more business information this one's very simple so you click on add a new call out extension and you just get text right here so you could just do shop farmhouse decor maybe you're running a deal you can do save 20% this month you want to make sure you keep these updated as well so if you're running a seasonal sale you don't always have the call out text here save 20% this month if people can't actually save that because they're gonna be looking for it maybe you do free shipping you know whatever it is that you can offer so I'm not gonna add these right now I'm gonna click on cancel but I would definitely start with that lease sitelink extensions and call it extensions and any other ones that you can add to your campaign you definitely should so we're just gonna click on save and continue okay so it's not actually letting us go through so what we can do is just say we want focus on clicks we'll set a maximum CPC bid limit of $1 for now I'm gonna change the bidding strategy so don't even worry about that for right now click on save and continue okay so now we're starting to get this your account isn't active to activate your account and start running your ads enter your billing information so we'll do that after we create the campaign so you don't need to do it until you create a campaign and start trying to run it so different ad group type there standard and there's dynamic we're just gonna set it up as standard you can get keyword ideas from your website right here if you haven't done any keyword research I'd highly recommend checking out our Google Keyword planner tutorial so we just put this out not too long ago I'll put this link in the video description so you can learn how to do keyword research for your business and find the best keywords to be bidding on after you create your Google Ads campaign if you click on tools up here and go to the keyword planner you can find which keywords people are most likely to type in for your business and it's all based on Google's data so you definitely want to use that but once you have done some keyword research you'll probably start creating content on your website so that will help drive the ad groups that you create you definitely want to separate out all your different ads into different ad groups and your keywords into different ad groups so you keep a very organized campaign and get the best possible performance from it so the ad groups I'm gonna be creating today is I'm gonna do one for stainless steel farmhouse sinks I'm gonna do one for farmhouse copper sinks I'm gonna do one for farmhouse sinks in general I'm gonna do one for farmhouse dining tables and I'm gonna do one for farmhouse cabinets now for any additional pages let's say for example I want to do one for farmhouse shelves I can add this as well I'm not gonna do that but you want to make sure that you separate out each of your pages that you want to advertise into different ad groups so that you're not targeting them all in the same ad group the more targeted you can make your advertisements the better your quality scores and ad ranks are gonna be and that helps you lower costs so creating organized campaigns is one of the best ways to have successful Google Ads performance and really get the most out of your budget so I'm gonna close this for now and I'm gonna show you how I'm gonna separate these out all into different ad groups so we come to stainless steel farmhouse sinks and we're gonna come back here okay so you click right here to create a new ad group we have our five ad groups here I'm gonna start naming them and go through that so it's not gonna be part of the video but I'll show you it okay so we have our five ad groups named here we have stainless steel farmhouse sinks farmhouse copper sinks farm the farmhouse dining tables and farmhouse cabinets so what you can do is when you're in your ad group you can enter products or services here so enter keywords so I could do something like stainless steel farmhouse sinks and you can find keyword ideas just based on Google's recommendations so any ideas they have here you can add to your campaign I'm not gonna be doing that I'm gonna be showing you some keyword match types and how I bid on keywords so if you enter a keyword just like this it's gonna be considered a broad match keyword so stainless steel farmhouse sinks will pretty much match any of these different keywords that they show down here so when you're using broad keywords it's gonna end up being very broad I never use broad match keywords I never ever use broad match keywords I only use phrase match keywords exact match keywords or the other option is modified broad match keywords so if you take a plus sign and put it in front of each word in the keyword so now stainless steel farmhouse sinks so now this is gonna match anytime someone types in they could type in best stainless steel farmhouse sinks and it's gonna match because each of these are showing their they could do stainless steel farmhouse apron sinks and that's gonna match as well because any time that you put a plus sign in front of one of these words it means that word must be in the search query since all four of them are in the search query it's gonna work now someone just does something like stainless steel sinks then it's not gonna match because farmhouse isn't an in it as well so I highly recommend using modified broad match keywords it's gonna help expand your reach a little bit you're gonna be able to get people when they do type in something like best stainless steel farmhouse sinks maybe they do start stainless steel farmhouse sayings for sale those are all gonna match the modified broad match keyword and then the other thing I'll do is take brackets and do stainless steel farmhouse sinks and do that in the same ad group as well so I generally keep my ad groups to five keywords or less a lot of times I'll only have two keywords in each ad group so if you have a ton of pages on your website you can see that this takes a while to set up a campaign with all your different ad groups with all the different keywords that you're targeting so I'm going to fill out all the different ad groups here and kind of go through each of them after I'm done okay so we have our keywords set up so stainless steel farmhouse sinks we the modified broad match keyword and the exact match keyword farmhouse copper sinks again same exact thing now for farmhouse sinks I just did the exact match keywords because if I do farmhouse farmhouse sinks then this will also match farmhouse copper sinks it'll also match stainless steel farmhouse sink so I can do this and just keep it as farmhouse sinks but it's gonna end up making it very broad and it's gonna show a lot of different keywords that maybe I don't want to show my ads for so I'd rather just keep this very organized and as targeted as possible so I'm just gonna do the exact match keyword farmhouse sinks because when someone types in one of these other keywords I want to make sure that they're going into the correct ad group and going to the correct landing page now farmhouse dining tables same exact thing and farmhouse cabinets same exact thing now something you can do is for example I know a popular keyword is something like farm home dining tables so you can do that as well in your ad group I generally just separate out everything and I keep each ad group is basically set up to target specific keywords you can do something like this if you'd rather just add more keywords into your ad groups but to get the best possible performance I just keep it just like farmhouse dining tables and I try to keep everything as relevant as possible so next we're gonna do is save and continue' if you want to add more ad groups you can but this is how I generally set them up is start adding them like this I've had campaigns with hundreds even thousands of ad groups so it can get pretty difficult to set up your campaigns and it can take a while but that's the best way to get really good results out of your Google Ads campaign so we're gonna click on save and continue so next we're gonna be creating ads so it's gonna go through each different ad group we're gonna create ads for each ad group so if you scroll down you're gonna see it has it set up for each different ad group so I'm gonna go through ads real quick okay so when you're creating your text ad the different fields you get you get a final URL you get headline one headline two headline three you can enter a display path you get description one description two you can set up tracking templates if you want these are a little bit more advanced you can set up custom parameters if you want final URL suffix if you want again a little bit more advanced you can also use a different final URL for mobile so maybe you have an accelerated mobile page that you want to try to use you can do that there maybe you have a separate sub domain for your ads you can do that as well I generally just my website is responsive right now I do have accelerated mobile pages set up but I'd rather people just go to my mobile page so it should work just as well as a desktop page so I'm gonna set up some different ads and I'm gonna show you exactly how I set them up and everything you need to know okay so we have some ads created and you're gonna see up here for each ad group prereq amend you create at least three ads that closely relate to the theme of your keywords so we have three ads cred for this top one up here we only create one for each the other ones just so we can go through with the campaign I'll go back later and add some advertisements there as we launch the campaign so what you want to do is make sure you have at least three ads created for each ad group so it can definitely be time-consuming but we're just gonna open up this example here so you want to use every field they give to you first off you want to make sure you're sending all traffic to the right final URL so stainless steel farmhouse sinks this is good use all three different headlines and you can create different types of headlines so stop stop stainless steel sinks stainless steel farm home sink I could do stainless steel farmhouse sink I had that in one of the other ads so display path so you can see here it says farmhouse coals com slash stainless steel slash farmhouse sinks you can see the way it looks over here right here is our site link extension that we set up two descriptions so you definitely want to use every single field create three ads for each ad group again we only created one just so the video doesn't take forever here but you want to make sure you set up all these different ads you can also just click here and create a copy of your ad and then just update little things about it so creating different ads really helps Google optimize your campaign and they're gonna serve the best performing ads over time so we're gonna click on save and continue so congratulations your campaign is ready so all we need to do is enter our billing information it's gonna start running now the main thing I want to do is go back and change the bid strategy so we're gonna click on continue to campaign here so it's gonna show our campaign to the side so right now we're in the ad group section so it's showing all these different ad groups if we come back over here go to the overview screen and we click on all campaigns at the top so now you can see right here you can click on campaigns it's gonna show your campaign you can get clicks impressions click-through rate average CPC cost if you click on columns right here and you go to modify columns you can click on conversions and add conversions cost per conversion conversion rate these things that can be very valuable so you see how many conversions your campaign is actually driving we're gonna do now is change the bid strategy so we're gonna come up to tools we're gonna go to bid strategies under shared library okay I want to go through bid strategies really quick so something I like to do is set up target return on adspend or target CPA bidding strategies so if we start with target CPA what you can do is set a target for how much you're willing to pay for each conversion for your business so let's just say for example a conversion for your business is worth 10 dollars then you really want to set a target CPA under ten dollars or at ten dollars so if it's worth it to if you can get returning customers or something like that then maybe it's worth breaking even for the first conversion but what you want to do is set up something here like a nine dollar target CPA under Advanced Options you can set maximum bid limits so that most of that you're willing to spend for a specific click but that's how target CPA works you really want to set this below how much a conversion is worth for your business I'm going to be using target return on adspend so we do have a specific revenue set up for our goal so what you can do is click to select the campaign here so it might not let us do this yet because we don't have enough data for our campaign so it might make us start with the maximize clicks bid strategy so what you can do is just set up your return on adspend bid strategy so we'll do okay so name your bid strategy and then target return on adspend so if you set it at 100% this means for every one dollar you spend you get $1 in revenue if you set it at 500% this means for every $1 you spend you get five dollars in revenue so basically you want it to be a positive return on adspend if you have something like ninety percent that means you're actually losing money technically so for every dollar you spend you're only returning 90 cents so I generally start this a little bit over 100 percent so we'll start at 110 percent so we can try to get to a profitable campaign and then we'll scale up from there under advanced option so maximum bid limits so I generally set maximum bid limits here because I don't want to spend 10 dollars per click I don't want to spend seven dollars per click I want to make sure I keep it a little bit low to start so for mine so this is using some data from the Google Keyword planner people are generally bidding anywhere $1 to $3 for the keywords that I'm targeting so what I'm gonna do is set this up at 2 dollars and 50 cents so your overall bid is really determined by what your quality score is and your overall ad rank as you enter the auction so Google Ads is actually set up as an auction so every time someone types in a keyword a bunch of advertisers are trying to enter the auction so they can get their advertisement placed onto Google the way they use the auction is it's based on your ad rank your ad rank is based on your quality score and your bid so if you have a high quality score you could actually bid less than some of your competitors and your quality score is determined by how organized your campaign is how relevant your landing page experience is and your overall click-through rate so if you have a very high click-through rate if you're a landing page experience it's above average everything like that you're gonna end up having a good quality score and you can actually bid less than some of your competitors so that's why you really want to create organized campaigns that drives people to the right pages when they're searching keywords and give people the best possible user experience so we're gonna set a maximum bid limit of $2.50 click on save okay so we actually got an error saying something went wrong adding to the campaign to the portfolio bid strategy so if we click on view it's gonna say that our error is to use the bid strategy you need more conversions so we're gonna have to start by setting up some conversion or start by driving some conversions first so we come back to Google Ads here so in the campaign settings it's gonna say bidding maximize clicks so that's probably why you're gonna have to start with so I wouldn't set your budget too high to start so you're gonna have to start with maximize clicks you still want your conversions imported into tools you still want to count conversions for your campaign because then over time you're going to be able to switch to one of the other bid strategies so set a maximum CPC bid limit for how much you're willing to pay per click to your website so since we're using the maximize clicks bid strategy I'm gonna keep this at $2 and I'm gonna click on save so now I'm gonna let my campaign run for a little bit maybe a couple days and come back and check and see when it lets me change to the other bidding strategy I know they used to have that you have to drive 15 conversions within a 30-day period to use one of the other bidding strategies but I don't think they have that as the threshold anymore so you don't need to follow that exactly now coming over to surf side PPC I'm gonna show you example of how we use target CPA for that account so we have two campaigns here one is a video campaign for newsletter leads one is a search campaign for our newsletter free ebook basically the same goal trying to drive people to our newsletter page get people to sign up and it's gonna count as a conversion each time so you can see this is from last month we didn't spend a ton but we ended up driving four conversions one from the search campaign at 3 dollars and 37 cents cost per conversion and then 3 from our video campaign at nine dollars and fifty one cents cost per conversion so if we scroll all the way over we can see our bid strategy is target CPA so if I just click on the search campaign and I go into campaign settings so you can see our budget very low but bidding so right now we have it a target CPA of ten dollars so if we click on change bid strategy you can see here you can use conversions you can use conversion value so that's gonna be more focused on return on adspend and you can set your target CPA so what I can do is lower this so maybe I want to set it to seven dollars so over time what you want to do is get your target CPA down or get your target return on adspend up because you want to drive conversions at the lowest possible cost we can click on save here and now it's gonna try to drive conversions at $7 per less at seven dollars or less and then we can adjust our budget as needed so if we're able to see the best results that we can get then we can kind of keep lowering our target CPA increasing our budget that's really the ultimate goal that you want to get to if we come back over to farmhouse goals here what we're gonna have to do is start with the maximize clicks bid strategy once we enter our building information our campaign is gonna start you want to make sure you have those three ads for ad group you want to make sure you fill out all the different ad extensions so some things that I kind of skipped over a little bit but you really want to use those in your campaign keep things as organized as possible as you're setting up campaigns it might take you a couple hours to set up your first campaign but hopefully this video really helps you so if you have any questions make sure you comment on our video and we'll try to answer them for you make sure you subscribe to our YouTube channel Surfside PPC we're gonna try to answer as many questions as possible we're gonna have a ton of Google Ads tutorials coming out we're gonna put together a completely free Google Ads course all on YouTube there are advertisements on our videos so that's what helps keep us afloat really so again if you have any questions leave them in the comments and thank you for watching our video today
Channel: Surfside PPC
Views: 238,000
Rating: 4.9021106 out of 5
Keywords: google ads, google adwords, google ads tutorial, google adwords tutorial, google ads tutorial 2019, google ads tutorial 2018, google adwords tutorial 2019, google adwords tutorial 2018, google ads tutorial for beginners, google adwords tutorial for beginners, google ad, google ads campaign, google adwords campaign, google ads settings, google ads conversion tracking, google ads search campaign, pay per click advertising, ppc advertising, google ppc, google search ads
Id: zLeduV-d7lc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 4sec (2404 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 07 2019
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