Google Ads Conversion Tracking With Google Analytics - Track Forms, Clicks, and Transactions

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all right what's up everyone welcome to the Surfside PPC YouTube channel today I'm gonna be going over Google Ads conversion tracking so I'm gonna go over how to track conversions that are happening on your website we're gonna start with a really simple method for tracking conversions but I'm gonna go through a little bit of everything so you know how to track conversions when someone submits a form on your website when someone clicks a specific button on your website or when someone actually purchases something from your website I'm also gonna go through some engagement conversions as well in case you want to measure how engaged people are on your website after they click on one of your Google Ads so to get started the first thing you're going to need is a Google Ads account and you're also going to need a Google Analytics account so we want to make sure that our accounts are linked together so we're gonna start in our Google Analytics account here and what we're gonna do is we're gonna click on Google Ads linking you want to make sure that you have your Google Ads account linked here so what you do is you click on new link group and as long as you're using the same Google account and you have a Google Ads account it should come right up for you so you click on new link group you go through and you want to make sure you link your Google Ads account here now in Google Ads what you can do is if you come to tools here and you open up the linked accounts page you can see there's a lot of different accounts that you can link to your Google Ads account so with Google Analytics what we're gonna do is we're gonna click on details and we're gonna open the page so when you're in your linked accounts page you can see something like this so we have a bunch of client accounts here but what you can see is with our Surfside PPC linked so we have our account linked right here so now we know that our Google ads and our Google Analytics accounts are linked this allows us to create goals in Google Analytics and import them into Google Ads as conversions which I'll show you how to do so we're going to come back over to Google Analytics here now the other thing you need to make sure you have is your Google Analytics set up on your website so there's a lot of different ways to do that if you no matter what website provider using if you do a quick Google search will usually have how you can do that now one of the simplest ways to do it is when you're in your Google Analytics account you come right here to the admin screen so this is we're gonna be doing everything for your Google Ads linking and what you're going to do is you're going to click on tracking info right here and you're going to click on tracking code so that will give you your tracking ID and your global site tag so what you can do is you can take this global site tag copy it and if you're using a wordpress website you can use a plug-in called insert headers and footers so it's a completely free plugin it allows you to tap add scripts and tags to your website completely free so insert headers and footers you just download that plug-in and then all you need to do with your Google tag is come here copy and paste it in the header and come down to the bottom and click on save so once you click on save that's gonna make sure that your Google Analytics is connected to your website so then it's tracking everything that's happening on your website so now since your Google ads and Google Analytics accounts are linked and you have Google Analytics set up on your website you're able to start creating goals in Google Analytics that you can use as conversions so for the first example what I'm gonna be doing here is we're gonna come over to this page so we have our newsletter page right here so it's sign up for a newsletter for a free video and ebook so just some free things people can get when they do sign up for a newsletter in addition to all of our emails and all of our content so if you come here you can see first name and email address that's all I'm collecting here if you're wondering how to create a form like this that redirects to another page we created a video so you can find on our channel embedded MailChimp forms that redirect to a Thank You page and Google Ads conversion tracking so exactly how to do this process and what we're gonna do is we're going to come back over to this page and we're gonna show you here is when someone does fill out this form and they click on sign up now it's gonna redirect them to this confirmation page so it's gonna say please confirm your email address thank you for signing up so every time someone hits this page I know that they filled out my newsletter because there's no other way to find this page on my website so what we want to do is we want to track this page as a conversion into Google Ads so what we're gonna do is we're gonna come over to Google Analytics here and we're gonna come back under view over here we're gonna go to goals and then we're going to do is we're going to create a new goal so we have our goal set up what we're gonna do is we're gonna click on custom here and we're gonna click on continue and our goal will just be confirmation page and then the type is gonna be destination we're gonna click on continue and then what we can do is destination equals to and all we need to do here is select Caen so it's just gonna say just use the slash and then whichever page you're sending people to so it's just gonna be slash confirmed you can set a value for this goal if you want to we're not gonna set a value for this we can verify this goal to make sure that it is working so you can see a 2.3 percent conversion rate based on data from the past 7 days and we can click on save so that's gonna create that goal here confirmation page for every time someone does hit that page on our website now we want to do is we want to come back over to Google Ads and under tools here you want to click on conversions so when you're in your Google Ads account and click on Tools conversions and it will bring you to this page just right here and this is gonna have all of our conversions here so what we're gonna do under conversion actions we're gonna click on this plus sign we're gonna click on import to import our conversion from Google Analytics and click on continue so you're gonna see right here confirmation page so any of the goals that you haven't imported yet you can see we've imported eight goals mostly just from other tutorials that we've created so we can import this goal right here and click on import and continue so now we've imported this goal from Google Analytics so there's one more thing that we need to do to make sure that we're optimizing for this conversion specifically so there's two different options that you have you can optimize for an individual conversion action or you can optimize for conversion action sets so you can see here we just have an example conversion action what we can do is if we click on to create a new conversion action set we'll just do example conversion action set and we can just select a couple of different goals here so let's just say we want to optimize for this marketing page so every time someone hits our marketing page and we'll do our confirmation page so anytime someone does either these goals here we want to count that as a conversion and we click on save so this will allow us to optimize for multiple conversions in the same campaign so what we want to do next we want to come back to our campaign screen so we have our campaign here so we're gonna click on our newsletter and free ebook campaign and we're gonna go to settings and under additional settings here you can see we have conversions right here it's gonna say campaign level conversion setting so what we can do is it's gonna say use the account level include in conversion settings so what that means is any of the conversions that you have on your conversions page that say - including conversions will be optimized for in this campaign so to give you a quick example of that let's use our confirmation page here so if we click on that conversion right here it's gonna say include in conversions yes so any of the conversions here that say include in conversions you're gonna see them right here all of these would be counted right now so what that would do is say use the account level include in conversion settings so it would optimize for every single conversion that we have here that's not really a best practice you can do that if you have just a couple of different conversions imported here or added here that you want to optimize for in your campaign but really what you want to do is if you're optimizing for multiple conversions is you want to use conversion action sets so what we can do rather than doing that is click on choose conversion actions for this campaign we're gonna click here you're gonna see our example conversion action set that we just had so anytime someone hits this confirmation page or the marketing page we want to count it as a conversion and click on save then save and that's going to include that conversion action set for our conversions for this campaign that's all we're gonna be optimizing for is those two conversions and then otherwise what we can do is click here and click on this instead go to conversion actions and rather than optimizing for multiple conversions we can just use our confirmation page so it's right here confirmation page the one that we've just created click on save so now we're just optimizing for anytime someone hits on that confirmation page after they fill out our form for our newsletter so that's a really simple way to really optimize for conversions and make sure you're tracking every time someone hits a certain page on your website you can use any different page so let's just say for example you're selling something if people are redirected to a page on your website after they purchase something from you you can use that page as well and set a value on that page so if every time someone purchased something from you it costs $50 for example let's just say you're selling a marketing course they hit a confirmation page you can count that as a $50 conversion and then you can optimize your bidding for every single conversion so ideally what you want to do is use this target CPA or target return on adspend bidding strategies we have a little bit more about bidding on our channel if you're interested in learning more about some different bidding strategies that you can use through Google Ads but ultimately with target CPA and target return on adspend they will optimize for the conversions happening on your website now the next thing I want to go through is let's just say we come back over here to the confirmation page and I want to track every time someone clicks on this link right here so you can do this for any link or button on your website but let's just say for example I want to track every time someone clicks on this link right here so it's gonna say please confirm your email address thank you for signing up subscribe to the Surfside PPC youtube channel here so let's say I want to optimize for that so I know people are going to my youtube channel and either viewing the video or hopefully subscribing to our channel so what you can do next is we're gonna come back over to conversions here and we're gonna click to create a new conversion and what we're gonna do is we're gonna select a website conversion and we're gonna do category here so you can do purchase lead page view signup other so really whatever you want to do here so I'll just select this as other for right now conversion name what we're gonna do is YouTube link we'll just use the same value for each conversion we'll to say every single about conversion is worth $1 so we're gonna count every single conversion so every time someone clicks on that URL or you can just do one to count unique clicks but we'll just do every for this one the conversion window will do 30 days and then what we can do with view-through conversion is one day including conversion is yes and then attribution model so we've gone over attribution modeling in one of our previous videos but there's different attribution models you can use for search Network and shopping conversions if you see here they have last click so gives all credit to the last click to add first click gives all credit to the first click to add linear distributes credit equally across the entire conversion path time decay will give more credit to the clicks that happen closer to the conversion and then position base is gonna give the most credit to the first and last click and then it's going to distribute credit equally along all the middle clicks so this is useful if for example you're running a search campaign a shopping campaign a remarketing campaign you're driving traffic from organic search you're getting direct traffic so all of these things can be useful in her attribution modeling so you know if someone goes to your website directly first and then they click on a paid search ad and then they go click on an organic listing of your website in search engines and then they go maybe see your a remarketing ad click on that they click on it they end up converting you can understand how different conversions are happening on your website so we're just gonna do last click so the last click so when someone actually just clicks on this link we're gonna count it as a conversion so we're gonna click on create and continue here and the next gonna say select how you want to install your tag you can either use Google tag manager or install the tag yourself for this I'm just going to show you how to install a tag yourself make it really simple so we click here it's gonna say see code for HTML and what we're gonna do is we're gonna track this on the click so when someone actually clicks on a button or link we want to track for that click now you can see here what we're gonna do is you can see global site tag isn't installed in your HTML pages so that would be if you didn't install Google Analytics on your page already so we just put the global site tag on our page in that previous step so all we need to do is take this right here copy it we're gonna come back over to insert headers and footers so where we entered our global site tag here what we're gonna do is copy and paste this right here so you just want to copy and paste that code right here so right in your global site tag so if we come back over to conversion tracking you can see this is the piece of code that we need to put right there so we're gonna take this right here and put it right in this global site tag for Google Analytics so that's gonna allow us to track clicks on our website so now we're gonna come back over here now the next thing you do is under click it's gonna say event snippet for youtube link conversion page and then all you need to do is you can add this site-wide so we can take this right here copy it come back to insert headers and footers and enter it right below there so it's gonna be our event snippet for youtube link conversion page so now we're one step away from being will able to track every time someone clicks on specific links on our website so we have this site wide right here so we're gonna come back over here and what we're gonna do is we're gonna click on next ok so you can see here YouTube link right now it's unverified so there's one more step that we need to do before we can get started using this so we're going to come back over to our confirmation page where we can edit this page so what we want to do is we want to track this link right here so anytime someone clicks on this URL and the way you do that is you call the on tag conversion event and that's gonna track those clicks back into Google Ads okay so I've entered it here so what it is is a unclick equals and you're gonna put in quotes return G tag report conversion and then where you see these two pound symbols or hash tag symbols what you want to do is replace those with your URL so we have this right here so this is actually where we're sending the traffic to so we're gonna copy it we're gonna come here we're gonna paste it right here and then we're gonna paste it right here so you need to replace both of those with your URL and what this does is gonna report a conversion every time that someone clicks on this link right here on this page back into Google Ads so you're gonna see right here this one right here is unverified so we set up one right here for sample lead we have that on a separate page on our website so if you have multiple of these links on your website that you want to track separately you actually need to do this a little bit differently which I'll show you in a second but what we're gonna do is we're gonna come back over to our confirmation page we're gonna click on update here and what you're gonna see is it's gonna say subscribe to the Surfside PPC youtube channel here so this right here doesn't track for conversions at all if we come back over to the page that's gonna be this top link right here and then this bottom link where we have it what we would want to do is replace this right here with all this code down here so we're gonna come right here we would copy and paste this right here so then every time someone does click on that link we're able to track it so this one right here people do click on it it's gonna send them directly to our YouTube channel and it will actually track every time someone clicks through to that URL so it's the best way to really track clicks I think that are happening on your website but one thing to keep in mind is if you're using this for multiple different clicks you want to track click separately you need to actually only add that code to individual pages so to give you a quick example on our newsletter page right here we have the same exact thing so let's just say we open up our newsletter page so on our newsletter page if we scroll down here what you can see is there's a link at the bottom that says download now so someone clicks on it it's gonna open up our ebook so when you click on it some it's gonna open up our ebook so you can use this for anything you really want to when people click on a specific link on your website it's gonna track that as a conversion back into Google Ads so on our page here you can see if we scroll to the bottom we have the same thing a on click return G tag report conversion and you can see we're sending people to this URL here we have this URL and it says download now so that's exactly what it says on our newsletter page so it's the same thing now on our confirmation page you can see subscribe to the Surfside PPC youtube channel here we've replaced that link so we have it right here so anytime someone clicks on that it's gonna count it as a conversion now to make sure you can track multiple clicks separately as separate conversion events is you want to come over to conversions here you can see right here is our sample lead so that's actually where we set up the click conversion so you can see if we click on tag for sample lead what we want to do is go to install the tag yourself we have it set up as a click tag so what you can see here is rather than setting up this piece of code site-wide like we did here in insert headers and footers so you can see right here this is our event snippet for our youtube link conversion page rather than doing that for our sample lead what you want to do is get rid of this right here all you need to do is enter this right here in your global site tag so you enter this right here you can find that as you're setting up your conversion you can see right here the global site tag is already installed so it's the same piece of code for both of these conversions that you enter in your global site tag so we're gonna copy this right here we come over to insert headers and footers copy and paste that right here we click on save at the bottom and then what we want to do is in our page in our newsletter page we're gonna come back in our page at the very top we have this script right here so we just copy and pasted that script right here so we'll copy and paste and you're gonna see it's the events snippet for the sample lead conversion page so it's only gonna track on this page rather than tracking site-wide so we're where you see sendto it's gonna send this event as a conversion just for that sample lead conversion now what we would do on our confirmation page so you can see it's our huge to blink rather than people that are downloading our ebook we would come back over here to details so we're going to come back to our conversions page right here and what we can do is we can click on this youtube link and under tag setup we're gonna click on this again click on install to tag yourself so we have the global site tag so we already put this piece of code in our global site tag and then where it says click we're gonna copy this right here so we're gonna copy it we come back over to our confirmation page and just put this at the very top of our confirmation page so we're just putting this script on this individual page here and it's gonna send this conversion separately so if you look at these pieces of code right here these are both separate on each of these two individual pages so that's gonna allow Google Ads to track these clicks separately so I know every time someone does click on my ebook to download it or if someone's clicking on my youtube link so that's how you can track clicks you can track them site-wide so if you're tracking them site-wide you just have one so for example if I just want to track every time someone clicks through on my youtube channel I can count that as one type of click otherwise if I want to track every time someone clicks on my ebook every time someone clicks on my youtube channel or different types of links on my website you can track those separately so hopefully that all makes sense that's how you can track clicks here as a conversion in Google Ads and then you want optimize for them the same exact way as you would do for every time someone fills out a form you would just go to your campaign in the campaign settings and make sure you track those as conversions and optimize your campaign for those conversions so that's how that works now the last thing I go through is how to set up conversion tracking on a Shopify website specifically how to track conversions and transactions on your website so you can track every time someone actually goes through one of your Google Ads to your website and purchases something from you and then ultimately optimized for those conversions so that will be the last part of this video so how you can import really your Shopify transaction data right into Google Ads so that you can optimize for it in your campaigns so it's an important step you want to take really before you ever get started running any of your campaigns so when you go into your Google Ads account one of the things you want to do is come up to tools here in the top corner and under measurement you want to click conversions and you're gonna see a screen that you look just like this and this is where you can import all of your conversions that you're going to be optimizing for so the way I like to do it is if we come over to Google Analytics first so we come to our Google Analytics screen and where I want to start is the main admin screen so you want to take go into property settings here and you want to take the UA code that Google Analytics will give you so it should look like a string of numbers UA - and then 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 - 1 so something like that and what you want to do is under property settings you want to take your you a code and you want to come over to Shopify and you want to copy and paste it so you come in the online store here you go to preferences and your want to enter your Google Analytics account code right here so here's one UA - 6 6 and a string of more numbers and you can find that by going to Google Analytics and going right to your property settings so when you click on property settings you're gonna see it right there you just want to copy that and paste it directly into Google Analytics and then you also want to use enhanced e-commerce and you get to this page in Shopify by going to online store down the left-hand side so when you sign into your Shopify website you're in your admin screen and you can really just take your URL here my Shopify com slash admin slash online underscore store slash preferences so we go into online store and then preferences and then Google Analytics you want to enter that code and enhance the e-commerce so that's all you need to do first to get started that so that's gonna put Google Analytics on your Shopify website now the next thing you need to do is come over here to e-commerce settings and you want to make sure you enable e-commerce and enable enhanced e-commerce reporting and click on save so when you come in here if this says off just make sure you select on and on and you can do this underneath the view portion of your Google Analytics account in the admin screen so we're right in admin right now so you come over here to e-commerce settings and you click on on and click on save so that's the first two things you need to get started what that's going to allow you to do is come in here to conversions and if you go to e-commerce and overview you can actually track all of your Shopify conversions directly into Google Analytics so your transactions your average order value your revenue your conversion rate so that will be tracked right into Google Analytics and one of the main things you're going to see here is transactions so what we're going to do now is come back over to Google Ads so we're gonna come to Google Ads here and the next thing you want to do is make sure your Google ads and Google Analytics accounts are linked so you're gonna come here to tools and you're gonna linked accounts so when you click on linked accounts you're gonna see a page that looks like this and here you can just click on Google Analytics and click on details and make sure that your accounts are linked now the other way to do this as well is if you go into Google Analytics and you come back into your admin screen here so what you can do in Google Analytics is just go here and do Google Ads linking and just make sure that your account is linked right here so you can do it one way or the other and it's gonna allow your Google Analytics and Google Ads accounts to basically communicate and send data back and forth to each other so now that you have your accounts linked you have Google Analytics set up on your Shopify website what you can do now is import transactions directly into Google Ads so we're gonna come over here to conversion actions so you're gonna go to tools and conversions in your Google Ads account so that's gonna allow you to get to this page so what you can do now is click on the plus sign we can come over here to import so it's gonna say import conversions from another system including Google Analytics so you obviously need Google Analytics on your Shopify website so that you can record data on your website and then you obviously need your accounts linked so we click right here and click on continue so what it's going to show now is the transaction data right here so this is our transaction conversion so we can click on it and we can click on import and continue so now we've imported one transaction from Google Analytics so we can click on done now come over to conversion actions and what we can do is click on convert Ran's actions right here and it's going to have some details so we can click on edit settings and what we can say is conversion name transaction category is going to be purchase sale so we click on save value it's gonna use the value and currency from analytics and use the same currency as in analytics so we'll click on save source is going to be analytics so since we have our accounts linked so everything else looks good all website data transaction we're gonna count every single conversion our conversion window will be 30 days want to include it in conversions and then under attribution model so I recently did a video about attribution models you really want to use data-driven if you just really want to count last click conversions so it gives all the credit to the last click ad you can do that you can do linear so that's gonna distribute clicks equally so people make multiple clicks before they actually convert on your website and you can use linear or you can use time decay so that gives more credit to the clicks that happen closer in time to the conversion so just a few different options when it comes to attribution models and you can look at your attribution modeling reports if you want more information about this we also have a video on our channel that will be very helpful about attribution models and reports so you click on save now and we can click on done so now we have our transaction imported into Google Ads we're using the value and currency from analytics for this transaction and the last thing we want to do is we want to open up our campaign okay so we've opened up our search campaign here so you can see if you go into your all campaign screen under Google Ads you can open up one of your search campaigns and it's gonna you can come right into settings here so under settings here's kind of the settings i generally use especially when I'm first getting started so you can see I have my campaign name status right now is pause I'm still building the campaign my goal is sales so my goal for this campaign is to drive sales so networks I use Google search Network and search partners do not use the Google Display Network for search campaigns use that just for Display Network campaigns so you can do United States or whatever your locations are languages so budget whatever you're budgeting is per day bidding I like to start with a cost per click with the enhanced bidding strategy and ultimately what I want to do is get to target return on adspend particularly for Shopify campaigns so start and end dates if you want to do that now the last thing will be conversions so ad rotation I keep as optimized but under conversions what I want to do is choose conversion actions for this campaign and click on select conversion actions so what I want to do is use transactions so that means that my conversion actions for this campaign it's gonna optimize for transactions I can click on save and you can use multiple conversions at once I'll show you how to get in the future but this is really where you want to get started so you're trying to drive Tran actions with your campaign and we're going to click on save so now it's that simple we're all ready to go we can start optimizing for transactions in this campaign so if you have any questions leave them in the comment section thanks for watching my video today and make sure you subscribe to the Surfside PPC youtube channel
Channel: Surfside PPC
Views: 112,028
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: google ads conversion tracking, google ads conversion tracking wordpress, google ads conversion tracking shopify, google adwords conversion tracking, google ads conversion tracking google analytics, google adwords conversion tracking google analytics, google adwords conversion tracking wordpress, google ads conversions, google adwords conversions, google ads conversion, google adwords conversion, google ads conversion tracking 2019, google ads conversion tracking analytics
Id: rH6YQ2MbX30
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 58sec (1618 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 08 2019
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