Facebook Ads Tutorial For Beginners - Create Profitable Facebook Advertising Campaigns

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all right what's up everyone welcome to the Surfside PPC youtube channel today is gonna be our Facebook Ads tutorial so it's our Facebook advertising tutorial for 2019 I'm gonna go over how to set up a campaign and then pretty much all the steps I take before setting up a campaign and after setting up a campaign I'm gonna go through every little detail of Facebook advertising when it comes to creating a campaign that drives conversions for your business now we're gonna have a separate video basically a free facebook advertising course it's gonna be a much longer video than this one where I go through every little bit and piece of Facebook advertising this one is really gonna be geared more towards beginners who are just trying to create their first campaign and want to drive some conversions for their business so because there are so many advertising options in Facebook it can be kind of difficult to explain every little detail that you can do so if my tutorial what I want to do is just give you the main details for how I set up campaigns whether I'm setting up for clients whether I'm setting them up for my own business to drive conversions for my business so to get started in order to run Facebook advertising you're gonna need a page that you're going to be running advertising for so I have three pages right here I'm gonna be running advertisements for Surfside PPC for this example and you're also going to need an ad account my favorite way to manage Facebook advertisements is through business manager so all you need to do is go to business that facebook.com they have a guide here for how to create your business manager so you just go to business at facebook.com/ click on create account and then what you need to do is select the primary page for your business enter your name and work email address and then it says if you don't have a page yet for your business you can create one right here so you're gonna need a page for your business in order to run advertisements that's all you really need to get started is a page and then you're gonna need an ad account so there's easy guides for how to create new ad accounts and how to create new pages I will put this URL in the video description so you can easily follow these prompts for how to create a business manager so since I have a business manager already I'm not going to create a new one for this tutorial it's a really simple process just go to business Facebook calm and follow the prompts it's really easy to get set up I did it in less than an hour and then once you create your business manager you can add a page to your business manager so you just add your Facebook page to business manager and then you can add ad accounts in business manager as well you can either create them directly in business manager or you can add some existing ad accounts to your business manager so when I set up my own I had to create new ad accounts for these pages um I already had existing pages so I just connected them to my business manager again it's a very simple process so don't be kind of deterred from running your own Facebook advertisements I would highly recommend just setting up business manager and then every time I go to business tout facebook.com I see a page that looks just like this so all I need to do is click on my ad account and it's gonna open ads manager that looks something like this so here's my ads manager I have my old campaigns running down here that I've ran in the past and then I have my most recent campaign right here so my Surfside PPC newsletter campaign you can see in the last 14 days so I spent about fifty dollars for this campaign I ended up driving 360 link clicks to my website and 141 total conversions so I'm gonna show you exactly how to set up conversion tracking first because that's really where you need to start when you're running Facebook advertising so if you get done with this video and you feel like you still need more information or as you're watching this video if you want some additional information about Facebook advertising you can check out our Facebook Ads tutorials playlist so some of the ones at the bottom of the playlist here our Facebook Ads targeting for 2019 Facebook Ads how to install your pixel and create custom conversions I am gonna go through that in this video and then our Facebook Ads retargeting tutorial so how do you recommend using retargeting if you want to get started with a campaign first you might just want to get started with retargeting and then kind of move on to some of the other targeting options as well now as we come back over here to ads manager I'm gonna go through some of those things in that in this video that I went through in some of those other videos so we're gonna do first is click on create so when we click on create here it's how we create a new campaign and you can see there's a few different marketing objectives here there's awareness there's consideration and there's conversion so I generally run conversion campaigns so whether you're driving drive conversions for your website purchases leads anything like that you would just use this conversion option here if you're running an e-commerce store so a Shopify store or something like that for example you would click on catalog sales so what you would do is upload your catalog to Facebook advertising it's very easy to do that I'll show you how to do that in a little bit or you're gonna do store traffic so if you're trying to drive physical people to your store you would do that as well so if you just scroll over here you can see these for all these different options here so get more people to install your app engagement get more post engagement page likes event responses or offer claims so video views I'm gonna go through some of these other ones in follow up tutorials and then again we are gonna have a free facebook advertising course publish to youtube so you can kind of see a little bit of everything for how to run different campaigns for your business now for me if I'm gonna be spending money for my business and I'm trying to drive anything it's gonna be conversions I have run some page like campaigns as well so that would be under engagement here I'll go through some examples of that as well and you can find some examples on our Facebook Ads tutorials playlist as well on YouTube so what you want to do first is you want to create a conversions campaign but you need to set up conversions on your website so if we come up here and we click on the drop down menu you can see there's a ton of different options here so they have plan create and manage measure and report assets and settings so settings is where you would set up your building your business settings and any settings for your ads manager assets so I like to use assets to create audiences I will upload images so catalog so this is where you would actually upload your physical store catalog so if you're running a Shopify website this is where you would do it if you have a physical business location this is where you do that here they have brand safety block lists and they have videos and again one of the best things about Facebook advertising as you can see as I'm scrolling over everything here it'll give you cover to learn more about any link so even if you hover over brand safety to see create block list see where ads could appear and view delivery reports for audience Network instant article and in-stream video placements so if you're not familiar with any of these different options here you can just scroll over them and kind of learn a little bit more about it and then a lot of these links you might not even use so for example app dashboard app ads helper if you don't have a mobile app none of this will really apply to your business catalog so this doesn't apply to Surfside PPC at all cuz I don't really have inventory with Surfside PPC now if I was selling a bunch of different courses or anything's like that I would upload them here through catalogs and I would probably have a some type of e-commerce website that would sell my different courses or I would try to integrate a CRM where people could buy my courses from me and I can learn more about all the different people that are purchasing my courses I'm not doing any of that stuff I prefer to just create tutorials and give away this information for free because I like to just publish things directly to YouTube and just give you the information my whole goal is to educate people about marketing and advertising so there's nothing for me to sell here so for me the best way to grow my business for Surfside PPC is to increase the people on my email list so what I want to do here is first we're going to come over to events manager and we're gonna click on pixels so what you want to do first is install your Facebook pixel on your website and you want to make sure that you're able to measure custom conversions with your pixel so we're gonna click on pixels here we're gonna click on leave this page so we're gonna stop creating this campaign for now we're gonna come over to Facebook pixels so you definitely want to do this first and this is where you can either install your the pixel on your website again we have an entire tutorial about a little bit more about how to do this but I'm still gonna go over in this video this is where you want to install the pixel here otherwise what you want to do is click on partner integrations and I've recently used partner integrations for a WooCommerce website so you can see right here there's a green dot here so if I click on see details all you need to do is go through and go through all their different prompts here it's a very simple process to get any of these partners integrated with your website so what you can do let's just say you're running a big commerce website you click on see details here and if you click on connect account all it's going to do is give you the prompt step-by-step for how to connect your account to any of these different partners here so if we look at all the different partners it's basically all the main website providers and then some different platforms you could see CRM and marketing software tag management mobile platforms so there's a lot of different options here that makes it really easy to set up the Facebook pixel on your website so all you would do is go through any of these different partner integrations so even WordPress you could do it right here Google tag manager so you could just go through Google tag manager right here so it's a really simple process to get the pixel added to your website this is the first thing you want to do so once you set up partner integrations it allows you to set up events and you can set up custom conversions very easily for any of your businesses so what I'm going to do is show you how to install your Facebook pixel using Google tag manager so we can do is click on data sources over here you can see we have our search site PPC pixel already it is already installed on our website so we don't really need to do it but what we're gonna do is click on set up over here and we can click on install pixel now if you use one of the partner integrations you can do set up new events and it will automatically import any of the events that you can use so for example for an e-commerce provider you can import things like Add to Cart you can import things like anytime someone adds a payment method or you can import things like purchases and conversion value so all that's really important especially as you're running conversion campaigns but what I'm going to do here is click on install pixel and you can see you can connect a partner platform here so this is the preferred method way of doing it is just to connect a partner platform if you don't have a partner platform here the best way to do it is to use Google tag manager so you install Google tag manager on your website and that's the way to manage all the tags all the pixels for your website so we can click on manually install the pixel code yourself now the other option is to email instructions to a developer so a developer if they're working on your website you can just have them install it for you if you're just working on your own business what you want to do is manually install the pixel code yourself so if you don't have a partner platform that you can connect it to you can see right here locate the header code for your website so it's going to be in between these two head tags so the opening and closing head tags you want to insert your pixel code between those two tags so what we're gonna do is take this here we just copied the code so after we copy the code all we want to do is come over here to Google tag manager so we open up Google tag manager for Surfside PPC so it's really easy to create a tag manager account go to tag manager google.com and what it's gonna do is allow you to create a tag manager account just like you would Google Analytics just like you would Google search console any of these free tools that are offered by Google and tag manager allows you to manage every single tag and pixel on your website so whether you're trying to measure conversions for LinkedIn advertising for Google Ads whether it's for Facebook Ads any of these different options that you have here you can use Google tag manager and if we click on add a new tag here so the first thing you need to do is install Google tag manager on your website regardless of the website platform you're using they usually have integrations with tag manager even with Facebook you can easily install the Facebook pixel and just use the partner integration for tag manager but what I'm gonna do is show you how to do it manually so if we come over here to new tag we click on add a new tag you can click up here so we can just name it Facebook pixel next is gonna be tag configuration so for Facebook they don't actually have an option here so if you click on Facebook there's nothing there so what you want to do is scroll down a little bit and just click on custom HTML here so it's gonna be custom HTML tag and we're gonna copy and paste our Facebook pixel code right into custom HTML and what we're gonna do next is choose a trigger to make this tag fire so for the trigger it's gonna be all pages so for every single page view on our website we're gonna trigger the tag to fire to measure everything that's happening on our website so the tag is used to allow you to measure conversions on your website and also to help you create audiences through Facebook so you can create retargeting audiences we went over that a little bit more in one of our other tutorials but now that we have our tag added to our website we can click on save so if you have Google tag manager installed all you need to do is that click on custom HTML add your tag and it's that simple so now we're gonna do is come back over here to Facebook and we have our Facebook pixel now added to our website again use the partner integrations feature here it makes it a lot easier and the next thing you want to do is create a custom conversion so let's say for my conversion I want every time someone visits the confirm page on my website so if we come over to surf side PPC here I'm going to open the page where I'll be sending traffic to it so it's my Surfside PPC comm slash newsletter page whenever I do send traffic to this webpage I do remove the advertisement at the top of it for right now I'm not sending any traffic to this page so I'm just gonna leave it there for now so you can see here it says sign up for our newsletter for our free video and ebook so let's say someone signs up for our newsletter okay so they enter their first name so I'm just gonna put sample signup an email address so sample 1 2 3 at gmail.com when they click on sign up now what's gonna happen is they're gonna be redirected to a page that says confirm so you can see right at the top here Surfside PPC com slash confirm so it's gonna say please confirm your email address thank you for signing up we will send our ebook and video to you one for free once you confirm your email address so if I take this page right here confirm I copy this right here come back over I'm creating a custom conversion using my Surfside PPC pixels so what we just added to our website that's gonna be measuring the conversion on our website so it's gonna be the URL that contains confirm so that's all we need to put there you don't need to put any of the back slashes or anything like that you can also do URL equals and I can take this URL and copy it and come back over here and just paste it so I could just do URL equals Surfside PPC comm slash confirm and then you can do add another rule here if you want so you can do end also must match so if you want to do multiple things on your website you can do that as well now since confirm is only used on one page on my website and it's that slash confirmed page what I'm gonna do is URL contains and just put confirm so it's that simple so now anytime someone visits this page this means that they signed up for my newsletter so we come back over here to Facebook pixel and we can see anybody who visits this page we want to count as a conversion I'm gonna name it as a conversion here so I'm gonna do sample conversion for video category so you have a bunch of different categories here so like I said before Add to Cart add payment info you can use any of these different categories here so if you do purchase you can do a conversion value now if you're using one of the partner integrations they'll actually import all the purchase value for you so I wouldn't recommend setting up custom conversions this way if you're using something like Shopify so we're gonna do is come back over here I wanna count it as a lead so I can use a conversion value here let's say every lead is worth $10 for my business then that would allow me to track my return on adspend so I'm not gonna set a value here I just want every single lead to count basically as one single lead so anytime someone visits this confirm page I want it to count as a lead for my business I'm gonna click on create so now I have a custom conversion created so you can see I have sample conversion for video is the name of this conversion so we come over here if I click on custom conversions you can see I have a few different conversions here so this is one I created in a past tutorial you can create up to 100 custom conversions here and again don't worry if you're trying to import something for e-commerce and you're a little worried about doing it if you use partner integrations that will allow you to create any type of custom conversion you want and import that conversion value so it makes it very easy to use that if you're interested in using it for a different website platform so for this one specifically it's going to be any time someone visits that confirm page I want it to count as one conversion on my website so what we're going to do now is come back over here and you have two different options now you can either create your audiences through the audiences here which is what I recommend doing but what I'm going to do is just come over to ads manager and we're gonna go through a campaign so I can show you how to create a Facebook advertising campaign for your business so we click on ads manager so what I'm gonna do here is click on create and I'm gonna try to go through a bunch of different things so it's not just geared towards Surfside PPC so you can apply any of these different ideas to your own business so with our marketing objectives since we just installed the Facebook pixel and we added the conversion custom conversion in our Facebook Ads account we can click on conversion and we're gonna optimize for conversions here so for campaign name I'm gonna do sample campaign for video so you have two different options as you're setting it up you can either do a create split test so you a be test your creative placement audience and delivery optimization strategies personally I just like to use campaign budget optimization so I'll just click on that right here so what that's going to do is optimize budget across all the different ad sets I create so under campaign budget here you could either use a daily budget so let's just say you want to spend $10 a day $50 a day whatever your budget is or what you can do is use a lifetime budget so if I want to use a lifetime budget what I'll do is I'll say okay I want to spend $200 lifetime for this campaign and with my campaign bid strategy I'm going to be using the lowest cost so you could either do bid cap so control your bid in each individual auction lowest cost is gonna try to get you the most conversions within your budget or you could try to target a specific cost per result I like to just use lowest cost because what that means is Facebook is automatically gonna optimize my budget to drive the most conversions possible within my lifetime budget so that's kind of the ideal scenario for you I like to give Facebook just the opportunity to optimize my own campaigns because they have so much data about my campaigns as you start running them as you start driving conversions Facebook is going to understand what audiences are responding to your campaign and which people on Facebook are the most likely to convert through your campaign so I like to just use campaign budget use a lifetime budget if you want to I think that's the best way to kind of manage your budget across a period of time you can always increase your lifetime budget over time if you're seeing good results and then campaign bid strategy I just use lowest cost so Facebook can get me the most possible conversions within my lifetime budget so under Advanced Options here so you can set an ad schedule so I like to just run ads all the time you can run ads on a specific schedule so if you only receive phone calls during nine-to-five if you only really respond to different leads during 9:00 to 5:00 Monday through Friday you can run ads on a specific schedule and make sure you're just targeting people when you're actually active at your business if you just want to run ads all the time you can do that as well now delivery type there's either standard or accelerated I just always keep this as standard and I usually just use run ads all the time I've only ran them on a schedule if I'm running advertisements for a local business so we're gonna click run ads all the time here just keep it as is and click on continue so you can see over here to the left hand side we have our campaign starting to be set up the first thing we need to do is create our ad set so our ad set is where you set up your conversion if you have any offer you can set up your here we set up our targeting so here it's saying audience you can set up your placements so where you want to run your advertisements and then budget and schedule after that I'm gonna show you how to create advertisements as well so what we're gonna do now is set up our first ad set so we'll do sample ad set one under conversion so we just create a new conversion so we want to make sure we get rid of this one we want to do sample conversion for video so it's gonna show red because of no activity yet once you start getting some activity on your conversion that will change to green now if we come over here and we click on select a conversion event you can see there's some different options down here these are the standard events offered from Facebook so Add to Cart if someone searches on your website if someone views a specific piece of content if someone purchases something on your website you can use these as well I'm just gonna use my sample conversion for video so anytime someone visits a URL that contains confirm that means they've signed up for my newsletter and with this advertising campaign I just want to get more people to sign up for my newsletter so we're gonna keep scrolling down here a little bit so the next thing you want to do is set up dynamic creative so you can see provide individual assets like images and headlines and automatically generate optimized creative combinations for your audience so I'm gonna be using dynamic creative here and I'm going to show you how to do that when you're creating your advertisements I highly recommend just creating dynamic creative because when you upload individual assets Facebook is going to use dynamic ads for your advertisements to continue to serve the best variations of the advertisements that you upload so when I click on continue here you'll see that all makes sense as we continue to go and as we create our advertisements all you need to do is upload something like five headlines maybe five images and then you can use different descriptions and things like that and Facebook is going to serve the best possible variations based on the data that they have okay so next is gonna be audience so I prefer to actually create my audiences up here through assets and audiences so if you watch our Facebook ad targeting video that will make a little bit more sense for all the different types of audiences you can create for right now I'm going to go through interest targeting a little bit but if you create Saved audiences all you need to do is click on here use a saved audience and you can see some of the ones that we've created in the past under custom audiences so these are gonna be some of the audiences based on a customer file people who have visited your website people who have engaged with your page so if we click here it's gonna say at a previously created custom or look-alike audience so look-alike audience is I'm gonna create a separate video for but essentially what they are is you can reach people who look alike one of your customer audiences so they're also similar to what are known as similar audiences in Google Ads so if you create a custom audience like let's say page engagement for my Surfside PPC page over the last 90 days I can create a look-alike audience so Facebook is gonna go out and find people who are very similar to the people who have engaged with my page over the last 90 days so you use these source audiences and Facebook is a ver able to expand them and create what are known as look-alike audiences so it's gonna be people that are very similar to the people in your custom audiences based on all the data that Facebook has about people's interests locations devices they use all their Facebook activity and some of the different pages that are interested in some of the different web pages they visit they can create look-alike audiences so that's a really popular way to target again I'm gonna create a separate tutorial about that with custom audiences I went over that a little bit more in our targeting video and I also went over how to create some different custom audiences in our retargeting ads tutorial so for this specific tutorial what I'm gonna do is create a new interest audience right here and show you how to create some saved audiences as you're setting up your campaign now as we're setting up our audiences one of the best practices you can use is to create a custom audience for anybody who has actually converted on your website already so then you can actually exclude them in your campaign so you can either include people from a custom audience or you can exclude people so I use this example of Google Ads course purchase so I excluded anybody who purchased the Google Ads course from me now I'm not actually selling a Google Ads course but I just use this as an example in my retargeting video so what you can do is make sure that you're excluding people who are in this following category that have purchased your course from you already so what I can do is create a custom audience here so I'm gonna click on create new custom audience so you can see right here website traffic I'm gonna add people to my audience who have visited a specific web page and the URL contains confirm so the way the same way we set up a custom conversion we're gonna say anybody who has visited our confirmed page over the past 180 days we don't want to target them with our advertisements anymore so I'm gonna do excluded audience sample click on create audience here so now we have a new custom audience created so what we can do right here is rather than excluding this or including this for our campaign we're gonna exclude it so we're gonna exclude our excluded audience sample anybody who has visited the page confirm on our website over the past 180 days because once you've already subscribed to our newsletter we no longer want to target you in our audience so now we want to scroll down a little bit next is locations so a few different options everyone who'll it everyone who is in this location people who live in this location people recently in this location and people traveling in this location so you can change this depending on what your who you're trying to target if for example you're trying to target people who are traveling in a certain area maybe over the summer on their summer vacation and you have some type of attraction that you want them to visit you can choose people who are traveling in a location near you and try to target them with advertisements to bring their family to your family attraction or something along those lines people recently in this location so maybe you're trying to target business travelers so you're trying to say anybody who's recently been in a certain area you want to target them with a specific offer for your products or services people who live in this location so that's a very popular one as well so trying to reach people who are always in that local market so if you own a restaurant for example you want to target people and you want to build kind of your local customer base you could do people who live in this location otherwise you can just do everyone in this location so if I do everyone in the United States it's just gonna be anyone who is currently in the United States so that's what I'm gonna do for my audience for now now the other thing we can do is we if we click on browse you can see you can target by specific countries here you can target specific regions so you can see there's like euro area emerging markets apps or regions free trade areas and then you can also use saved locations so let's just say for example you usually target people in Boston so we'll search Boston and now you can see some of the different options you have so you can do Boston Massachusetts you can do Boston South Australia so this is Australia you can do a specific neighborhood that's named Boston there's Dorchester Massachusetts which is called the neighborhood as well so that's kind of a city but it might just be a specific neighborhood in Dorchester so if we scroll down you can see Commonwealth Charlestown we keep scrolling down you can also target the Boston Manchester designated marketing area so that's gonna be a larger portion around Boston so it's going to include Boston and up into New Hampshire it's gonna be the entire market so that's one of the more popular ways to target as well if you're trying to target a specific market of people you can actually match it with your television advertising so those are all some of the different options you have for targeting when it comes to Facebook advertising the other thing you can do is let's just say we scroll in here a little bit you can also drop a pin so what's the sale on the target Columbus Ohio rather than typing it in I can click on drop pin I can select right here and you can target a specific radius here from 0 or 1 mile 250 miles around Columbus Ohio so they're just a different option that you have when you are targeting so we're gonna get rid of this for now and we're just gonna do United States so again you can target by radius either 0 1 250 miles or you can target by city by neighborhood by market a lot of different options there you can also add locations in bulk I'll have a separate video with a little bit more detail about some of the different targeting that you can use in Facebook kind of some different strategies you can use even if you want to do geo fencing or if you're just trying to target people maybe in a specific 20 mile radius but we're gonna target United States for this video example for right now so next our age gender and languages all pretty straightforward so age is gonna you can go from 13 to 65 plus so you can't go actually above 65 Plus once it comes to targeting so you can't do a you know something like set to a tee it just all gets put into one category of 65-plus gender you can do all men or women I'm just gonna keep these as eighteen to sixty five-plus and gender I'm just gonna use all so for languages it's gonna be the languages that your customers speak so if for example you're trying to target people who speak English and Spanish you can enter them both here I generally just enter English because all my content and everything is in English so I just want to make sure that people who are seeing my content also speak English even if they speak other languages as well so right now I have 18 to 65 plus gender I'm using all and languages I'm just gonna use English and all so we scroll down here and this is where you start to include some different options when it comes to Facebook targeting now a few different things at the bottom here so they have expand interests when it may increase conversions at a lower cost per conversion I usually just click this to expand interests because it'll reach other people that might not be in my targeted audience that Facebook thinks might also increase your conversions now the other thing is connections so you can add a connection type you can do people who like your page friends of people who like your page or you could exclude people who like your page there's also apps and events here so same exact options there so apps it's gonna be friends of people who have used your app and events you can do people who responded to your event I've used a few of these in the past before so with Facebook pages I've targeted keep friends of people who like my page which can really expand your targeting as well now let's just say I don't want to reach anybody who already likes my page so I just want to exclude them I'm gonna add my page here so just put Surfside PBC so what that's gonna do is exclude anyone from my campaign that already likes the Surfside PPC page okay so now we get into detail targeting the first thing you can do is if you already have a little bit of data with Facebook it just click on suggestions and they're gonna pull some of the top interests and behaviors that are related to your business so for Surfside PPC I get passive income small business owners business opportunity home business small business so all pretty similar to the types of content I create the other thing I can do is I can start searching here so I can do something like Google Adwords click on enter and you can see AdWords it's gonna be one of the interests and then as I add ad I can click on suggestions here and you can see search engine marketing Google Analytics online advertising so I can start adding some of these different audiences to my campaign so since I'm targeting for my newsletter and I do create a lot of content around these topics I can target some of these different options here so I'm gonna use this for right now the other thing you can do is click on browse here and they have behaviors so you can see all these different options here for behaviors again I've gone over ad targeting a little bit in another video there's so many different options with Facebook that I could probably create a 5 hour video going all the different options you can target so behaviors you can do anniversary under consumer classification you can see there's different countries here so if you click on Turkey for example it's gonna say people who prefer high-value goods people who prefer mid and high value goods in Turkey so all these different options that you can use for behaviors there's digital activities so operating system canvas gaming console gamers Facebook payments users if we come down here a little bit more there's more categories so you can see interested in upcoming events marketing API developers so there's so many different options here when it comes to targeting the main thing I do is I'll make sure I search things in here so maybe for example I want to find some different audiences related to farmhouse decor so I have my website farmhouse goals com so I'm gonna reach people who have interested in farmhouse and farmhouse to core things like that so I can click on just search farmhouse here and see what comes up so you can see I have farmhouse and farmhouse kitchen so two different audiences that I can use so if I click on farmhouse here and then I start to click on suggestions it might give me some different options so Country Living you could see fixer-upper Southern Living obviously there's a miss a little bit of a mix of interests and behaviors here because of I have a lot of different additional interests you don't really want to mix and match them like this but I'm just giving you a few different examples that you have now as you start searching different things here if you can't find things related to your business what I would highly recommend doing is going through browse going through interests here and just trying to find the closest possible interest to your business you can also use demographics so some of these different options here so let's just say coming to fitness and wellness I want to target people who have some level of interest in yoga once you click on something like this even though the yoga audience is 313 million here what you can do is click on suggestions and you're gonna start seeing some different options now rather than targeting a huge audience so I'm gonna get rid of some of these for now I'm just gonna go through a little quick little yoga example so let's just say I want to target people who are interested in yoga but I kind of want to narrow my audience a little bit you can click on narrow audience here so if we click on suggestions it's gonna give me my surf side PPC suggestions so what I generally do is I'll type in whatever I'm targeting up at the top here so we do yoga and now we click on suggestions and it's gonna have some of these different options here so what I can do is I want to match people who are interested in yoga that also match at least one of these followings so let's just say I do mindfulness we can go down a little bit and see some of these different options here so you can see healing self healing so some of these different options you can use and then we can get rid of yoga here and now we can click on suggestions again and it's gonna start to narrow down our audience a little bit so we can come down narrow further and we can click on suggestions still getting my Surfside PPC ones but this is just one way to narrow down your audience so if you really want to reach people who have kind of more of a niche group audience rather than doing a huge you know 313 million in the yoga audience is a huge audience so you're gonna reach people that don't absolutely love yoga so you can make sure you're targeting people who like yoga who like mindfulness who likes self-healing so you can see self-healing right here is 1.8 million so you can start to come down here and kind of narrow down your audience a little bit over time so let's just say for example I used my Surfside PPC example so we'll do Google Adwords so I want to reach people who are interested in Adwords and then narrow the audience and click on suggestions and people that are also small business owners so people must be interested in Adwords and they must also be small business owners and I can even narrow further one more time click on suggestions and let's just say I want to do people with an interest in small business people with an interest in home business and we'll do people with self-employment as an interests so what it's saying now is people must be interested in Adwords they must be small business owners and they also must be interested in home business self-employment and small business so I'm making sure I'm really reaching people who probably either owned small businesses who are also self-employed who also maybe just work from home so now I can use this as my audience here and I'm gonna use this for right now again just go through all these different brows here and go through the interests go through the demographics go through the behaviors use the search feature and try to find the best interests behaviors and demographics for your business so we can scroll down here and as you start getting more data in facebook advertising and for your Facebook page in general you should start to see some suggestions here as well so if I open my beachfront decor page and click on suggestions it's gonna give me some options so if I just search Beach here you know one of my options that mainly comes up is beach house and then as I click that I can narrow down my audience a little bit more with interests and you want to target a variety of audiences so I can target an audience that looks like this I can target a separate local like audience so if I come over here to include I can create a new ad set which I'll show you how to do that after I publish the campaign and start targeting a look-alike audience usually I'll separate out my custom audiences so I'll create separate retargeting campaigns but you can include them in your campaign as well so you have a lot of different options when you're creating campaigns and the only way to know what to works when it comes to targeting is to test now one of the main questions I get is audience size here so right now it's saying my detailed targeting criteria is currently set to allow interest expansion and my potential reach is unavailable probably because I have this excluded sample audience that's still building so if I get rid of that sample audience real quick you can see my potential reach is actually fewer than 1000 people so one of the things I can do is come over here we'll get rid of this small business owner option so what we're gonna do is just target people who have an interest in Adwords and also match one of these so now we're up to 220 million people so our potential reach became much larger so maybe now when we click on narrow further we come over here we click on suggestions and we'll do small business owners here so now we're at 4.4 million so that's a good size audience for this campaign I generally try to reach in between one hundred thousand and up that's kind of the types of audience I'd create I have created audiences for beachfront accord that were between 50 and 100 thousand and what ends up happening is you don't actually have that many people to reach but it really depends on your budget if you have a huge budget then you want to create large audiences if let's say you're only spending $5 per day you can do a potential reach of fifty to a hundred thousand for your audience size and see how much you're getting for your campaign because you can always go back and expand your audience later so right now my potential Reach is 4.4 million people I have people that are interested in AdWords home business self-employment that are also small business owners and if we come up the top here we can come back and exclude our audience so we'll do our excluded audience sample here so now what I like to do is scroll down to the bottom a little bit and I want to click on save this audience so now I have my Surfside PPC audience United States people with these interests exclude people who have already converted and we can click on save okay so now we saved our audience here now we can use that in different campaigns as we continue to go so as we come down here a little bit more you can see we have our saved audience here it's just called Surfside PPC so I'll probably go back and rename that so I scroll down a little bit okay so if we come down here to placements you can see we're gonna choose automatic placements here but what I want to do is click on edit placements to show you all the different places that your ads can run so you can see right here there's feeds there's instant there's the Facebook feed Instagram feed Facebook marketplace Facebook's suggested videos Facebook right column if you scroll over all them you can see some example advertisements if you don't ever connect your Instagram feed to your actual campaign then it won't run on Instagram at all so I'm not gonna connect my Instagram feed but if you just want to run your advertisements on Facebook what you want to do is unselect some of these Instagram options here so Instagram stories Instagram feed I'm just gonna leave it I'm not gonna connect my Instagram page to this actual campaign which I'll show you in the next step but if we scroll down you can see all these different options that you can actually target so you can do specific mobile devices if you want to there's the audience Network here so you have Facebook instant articles here as well you have the messenger inbox messenger sponsored messages in-stream videos so there's these different options here I just prefer to use automatic placements but you can run your ads in just specific areas if you'd like to so I'm gonna click on automatic placements here and you can see it's just recommended so it says use automatic placements to maximize your budget and help show your ads to more people so Facebook's delivery system will allocate your ad sets budget across multiple placements based on where they're likely to perform best so Facebook is gonna put your advertisements out to the places where they're the most likely to perform the best so please if we keep scrolling down here we can see budget and schedule so it's gonna say automate optimization for ad delivery I want to choose conversions here you can do landing page views and then there's other options here so link clicks impressions and daily unique for each I just like to use conversions that's gonna give you the best possible results for your campaign if you're trying to drive conversions at the lowest cost if you're trying to reach unique people you could just do you daily unique reach try to reach some unique people with your advertisements that's kind of more popular with high budget campaigns and advertisers who are spending a ton on Facebook already so landing page ways you can do as well but I like to just use conversions so we're gonna keep scrolling down you can see it's gonna say right here my start date is in the past so if you ever see that just click on this little option here reset your start date to today so now it's gonna show this I might get an error one more time but we could always just change that conversion window I just leave as is you can do seven days click or one day view seven days click one day click so I'm just gonna do seven days click or one day view so ads spend limits to a specific ad set so if you're having it for a campaign let's say for example while you're creating for ad sets and you want to spend $100 for each individual ad set and $400 $400 total for your campaign you can add spend limits by clicking this right here and just doing $100 for this individual ad set I'm not gonna do that I'm not gonna do any ad set spend limits I'll show you why in a little bit when you get charged so we're gonna be charged for each individual impression and then we're gonna have our ad scheduling run ads all the time and delivery type will be standard so now we can click on continue and start creating our advertisements okay so you'll see here I'm not gonna select my Instagram account at all I'm just gonna be running it for my surf side PPC Facebook page all of a separate tutorial out for Instagram advertising so for our ad name here I'm just gonna do sample Facebook dynamic ad so format so you can see dynamic creative is enabled multiple ads will be automatically generated using your individual creative assets so what we can do is use one image or video or a slideshow with multiple images so if we scroll down hill here a little bit you can take a tour with dynamic creative how to create ads it's a very simple process so we're gonna do here is upload some images if you're not familiar with how to upload images with Facebook advertising or anything with facebook ads the main thing is you don't want to have overlay text on your image so you can see to maximize a delivery use an image that contains little or no overlaid text so it's gonna say image recommendation size is gonna be 1080 by 1080 crop one by one file type a JPEG or PNG so you can either browse library if you have images uploaded already or upload some new images what you can do is if you don't have images for your Facebook ads is go to a website like pixabay.com so I'll put this in the video description it's P IX a ba y comm search whatever your it is your advertising here so if you search advertising and or marketing or something like that or growth there's gonna they're gonna give you a lot of different images that you can use for your Facebook Ads there's other websites like this but this and my experience is the best one so if we come back over here to ads manager what I'm going to do is browse my library and look at some of the different images I've used in the past so you can see I have some different images here if we scroll down I have image right here I have a marketing strategy image so we'll use this image right here select a few more so I'll use that one right there we'll use this one right here and maybe we'll just use this one so now we're going to use four different images here click on continue so we have them all uploaded so now what I do next I always click here for crop to make sure it's all cropped correctly so you can see I have my square image just like that horizontal I'm just gonna leave like this click on apply changes if you want to change any of them you can I'm just gonna leave all of them as is cuz they should perform okay now this one right here since so little bit higher maybe with horizontal I want to scroll up a little bit so just simple like that and you just want to make sure you have them all crop properly for the different sizes that you're using so if you click horizontal if you click on square click on apply changes very simple process so if we click over here do the same exact thing so we'll do it and just like that okay so we'll scroll down a little bit here so now the next thing we need to do is start entering some of our text so for text you of five options so if you keep clicking on add you can see we have five options here for texts we keep scrolling down there's website URL I'm gonna show you how to do this in a second headline so you have five options as well so we're gonna click on this again so call to action you can see right now is learn more so what I'm gonna do is we're gonna change it so if we scroll down a little bit we could do subscribe or sign up so what I'll do is subscribe and then news feed link descriptions you also have five options here too but you need to enter your first one before you can continue to add those so now we'll scroll back to the top here real quick so now what I like to do first is enter my website URL here but what I'm gonna do is click on build a URL parameter so what you can see here is gonna show the website URL at the top so we're gonna send people directly to our newsletter page come back over here enter this URL right there for campaign source so what we're gonna do is Facebook for campaign medium what I'm gonna do is banner for campaign name so what I'll do is sample Facebook campaign and then campaign content so rather than naming it here what you can do is take it like that and just do campaign name so that's one option campaign content you can just do the ad set name you can also add some additional options there so if you click on add parameter you can track each individual advertisement I generally don't do that I usually just track source medium I'll do campaign name so this is gonna dynamically take whatever the name of our campaign is and it's gonna put it into Google Analytics so we can track it and then you could do campaign content here so for that I can do ad set name so I can do is click on apply it's gonna take that website URL just like that enter it here and now the reason I do that is if I come over to Google Analytics what you can do is you could see under Surfside PPC if I come to acquisition campaigns all campaigns you can see a previous campaign I ran so the Surfside PPC newsletter campaign 2019 and if we look at it you can see there's 297 users 188 goal completions so that was people signing up for my newsletter so if I click on this it'll show me the source Facebook the medium banner and if I click on secondary dimension here I can search content and you can see add content so if we click on that it's gonna show me which ad set was driving the results from my business so I have my home business audience and I have a business interest audience so two different audiences I used for my other campaign that I was just running so when I showed you in the beginning of the video and now as we set up our new campaign we can make sure we're tracking everything properly by just adding parameters to the end of our URL so now we need to do is enter text for our advertisement so just so you know where everything shows up so we'll do text example okay so for text I put text example here you can see that's gonna show up at the top of your advertisement next is gonna be headline so you can see headline example right here so headline example is gonna show right there so all your headlines will be right here your text will be right here and then last but not least your news feed link description so if we scroll down a little bit you can see news feed link description example it's cut off a little bit just so you know where all this text actually shows up on your advertisements now the next thing I'm gonna do is add all of my ad copy but I'm actually gonna fast forward to this part a little bit and then talk about it afterwards just because it's gonna take me a little while to import all this different ad copy okay so we've added all of our ad copy here now so you can see under here you can see our texts so we have five out of five options for text and the way these advertisements are gonna work is Facebook is gonna pick one of these images at the top here that we've selected so we have all these different images up here at the top scroll down they're gonna pick one of these texts they're gonna use our website URL for every advertisement so for headline you can see it has five different headline options and for newsfeed link description has five options there so Facebook is gonna mix and match all this different ad copy all of these images and whatever continues to perform best for our campaign Facebook is going to continue to serve two different customers so that's why you want to use dynamic advertisements with Facebook so if we just come up to the top here with text I like to just do something quick one sentence so sign up for the Surfside PPC newsletter and get your free e-books and videos so a call to action sign up for the Surfside PPC newsletter and what people get out of it when they do that now this is gonna vary it really depends on what you're advertising if you're promoting specific products you might have some type of promotion that you're doing if you are trying to sell something on an e-commerce website you might just want to be kind of putting out a message for all the different types of products that you have for sale so there's a lot of different options that you can use obviously if you're using e-commerce you want to make sure you have product images here so people can kind of get familiar with your product even if they don't purchase it right away you can always use a retargeting campaign to try to retarget them with your advertisements but for text for me this has worked pretty well for me so discover how to grow your business with our free business marketing strategy you never really know who you're gonna reach with your texts so if it's someone who is trying to grow their own business they see an advertisement like this they might think it's worth signing up for my newsletter because I'm gonna give them free marketing content for how to grow their business so get our free video in eBook so you can kind of mix things around a little bit so rather than doing get your free e-books and videos what you get what I can do is put it at the front grow your business drive results for your business now if we keep scrolling down you can see headlines so there's search side PPC newsletter free marketing video and ebook newsletter and free giveaway dominate your competitors and subscribe for free marketing content so a few different options there you can always kind of add another advertisement if you want so you can create multiple dynamic advertisements and use completely different headlines completely different descriptions and Facebook is going to continue to serve your best performing advertisements so by doing this you only really need to upload one single advertisement and just include all this different ad copy so newsfeed link description we have grow your business subscribe to the Surfside PPC newsletter sign up for our surface ID PPC newsletter so you have all these different options here as we scroll down you can see we're using our Surfside PPC pixel to track all of our conversions we can keep scrolling down and now next all we need to do is click on confirm and it's going to launch our campaign okay so you can see here multiple items published one campaign one ad set and one were published so you can see our campaign right here so sample campaign for video I'm just gonna pause it for right now I don't actually want this to run for now I'm gonna click on the campaign it's gonna open up our ad sets if you click on your ad sets it will open up your ads so you kind of understand a little bit about how all that works if we come back to our ad set here what we can do is add additional targeting to our campaign so if I take this ad set and I click on duplicate it's gonna duplicate this ad set into our original campaign we're gonna create one copy you can create two copies if you want and just continue to update the targeting in each individual ad set so that's how you can kind of test some different targeting options and see what works best for your business so if we take this we're gonna just create one duplicate you can do this as many times as you really want to sometimes you might have to increase your budget depending on how many ad sets you want to test but let's just say I use we'll scroll down here a little bit so I can use a separate saved audience that I've already created in the past so you could see I have a look-alike audience here so I'm an example audience for video so I can just take that one just update my targeting right here you could also just do create new and create a completely new targeting set here so you use different interests if you want so maybe I want to target people who have more of an interest in Facebook advertising rather than Google Ads or something along those lines maybe I want to target people who are more YouTube creators something like that you just want to make sure you're targeting the best possible audiences whatever your products and services are there's a lot of different options here so you can kind of mix and match different things if we come back over here to Saved audience what I'll do is I'll click on use the Saved audience I'll just use my look-alike for video example we're gonna be targeting people in a few different locations now so we can do our this is a look-alike audience for people who like Surfside PPC people who live in Canada India and the United States 18 to 65 so that's all we need to do we can change the name up here so I'll just do so I'll just change the name to sample look-alike so now you can see it changed over here we have our first original ad set our sample ad set one all we need to do is click on publish and now we're gonna have two separate ad sets for this campaign and what Facebook is going to do is test these two different audiences against each other these two different ads and if I come over to the campaign that I previously ran so we'll come over here to the campaign section and we click on our Surfside PPC newsletter campaign for 2019 you can see we got the best possible results from our home business audience and our business interest audience so the same thing I showed you if I come back over here to Google Analytics you could see home business audience and business interests so we come back over to ads manager so I also did a website traffic look-alike audience so people who were visiting our website what we did was we took that retargeting audience and we created a look-alike off of it so that one actually didn't perform as well but look-alike audiences usually perform pretty well but these ones probably were just performing better so Facebook would rather target these two audiences because they're gonna give us the lowest cost conversions for our campaign so now what you can see is if we scroll over here a little bit if you click on columns you can see performance so it's gonna show how much we spent what our results were so how many conversions we got for our Surfside PPC conversion are unique reach so how many people we actually reach with our campaign impressions so the total number of impressions with our campaign the schedule we are running on you can see the link clicks so how many times people actually click through to our website and then website purchases so if you actually have purchases set up on your website so what I could actually do is kind of optimize for something like my Surfside PPC conversion and then I can also track how many times people visited my website and maybe purchase the course for me or purchased an e-book or something like that if I had an additional conversion so you can track multiple conversions you can create different custom conversions and see which ones people actually take advantage of the most if you're running an e-commerce website you really just want to be focused on purchases so that's kind of what you want to do is focus on your purchases here so if we come over here we could see delivery so that's gonna show how many impressions our total frequency our cost per 1000 people reached so really what you want is the lowest possible CPM because that means you're able to reach a lot of people and get a lot of different impressions for a very low cost so if we keep coming down two columns we go to engagement you can see how many link clicks how many post shares how many times people saved a post total reactions to our post our cost per click there's affection over here so there's nothing for that one you can see video engagement app engagement if you're using carousel ads you can see engagement for that there's performance and clicks targeting and creative messaging engagement and then bidding an optimization so there's a lot of different options when you're kind of looking at all these different columns here and seeing what performs the best for your individual campaign so that's pretty much our Facebook Ads tutorial this is a pretty simple tutorial for how to set up a campaign and what you want to do is make sure you first come into your ads manage your account make sure you set up your Facebook pixel or offline events or app events and use partner integrations so if you're using an e-commerce provider you want to make sure you just use that partner integration for Facebook otherwise you add the pixel to your website like I showed you with Google tag manager and then you want to make sure you have custom conversion setup so you're able to track different conversions on your website or you can use some of the partner integrations here so you can actually track customer purchases things along those lines and make sure you're optimizing for those individual conversions based on whatever website you are targeting for and then what I generally do is all come to assets and audiences and create some different audiences sometimes I'll just upload images here and then what you can do is as you start creating your campaign optimized for conversions use some of that dynamic creative and just continue to optimize your campaign by adding new ads to your campaign testing different targeting and different ad sets so what I do first is all come here so I have my sample campaign for video I will come into my ad set like sample ad set one and I'll create a new advertisement here and then you'll have two different dynamic ads in your one ad set so you can come over here to ad sets and then duplicate that ad set and then they'll have both of those ads in each ad set that you duplicate just update the targeting a little bit try local like audiences try retargeting audiences try this basic interest or behavior or demographic audiences play around with all the different targeting that you can it's really gonna vary based on what products and services you're offering but if you have any questions leave them in the comment section this is our Facebook Ads tutorial for 2019 and beyond so thanks for watching our video today and make sure you subscribe to the Surfside PBC youtube channel
Channel: Surfside PPC
Views: 170,968
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: facebook ads 2019, facebook ads tutorial, facebook ads 2019 tutorial, facebook advertising, facebook ads, facebook advertising 2019, facebook advertising 2019 tutorial, facebook ads tutorial for beginners, facebook advertising tutorial, facebook ads for beginners, facebook ads guide, facebook ads manager, facebook advertising guide, facebook ad, facebook ad 2019, facebook ad tutorial, facebook ads campaigns, facebook advertising campaigns
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 1sec (3481 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2019
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