Google Ads Tutorial 2020 - Step-By-Step Google AdWords Tutorial for Search Campaigns

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what's up everyone welcome to the Surfside PPC YouTube channel today will be my Google Ads tutorial so how to set up your first search campaign on Google Ads so I'm gonna be showing you how to create advertisements like this so when someone does this search for dance classes for example how to get your advertisement at the top of Google so a quick example if somebody goes to Google they type in marketing software you see for advertisements at the very top here so how to target keywords like marketing software or whatever keywords describes your products and services how to target them and run advertisements directly through Google so you can drive relevant traffic that can convert directly back to your website so we're gonna get started here directly in Google Ads so what you want to do is start by going to ads that Google comm and you want to create an account if you haven't created a Google account already if you're watching videos on YouTube there's a good chance you probably already have a Google account that you can use for your Google Ads account so if you haven't created an account yet what you want to do is you want to start at this page right here I'll put this a link for this URL in the video description but you can see here claim your Google Ads coupon will match the amount you spend up to $150 so essentially you spend $150 you're gonna get a $150 ad credit if you're creating your first Google Ads account so I highly recommend getting started there because you might as well have a little bit more money to test with so when we're in ads Google com you can either click on start now or sign in so when I click on sign in it's gonna open my overview page so this is an account I've used for some of my tutorials and I ran a campaign last year ran a couple of campaigns a search campaign in a display campaign this year what I'm gonna be doing is this is gonna be part one of my Google Ads tutorial I'm gonna actually have a part two in about 30 days where I go over the exact results for my campaign and some of the next steps that I'm gonna do to optimize my campaign so I'm not just gonna be creating a campaign I'm gonna actually be going through how I opted amaizing campaign as well but I want to make sure my campaign runs for at least 30 days before I release that video so what we're gonna do to get started to create our first campaign is you're gonna come into your Google Ads account and my getting started checklist looks like this you create your Google Ads account you set up billing so that's going to be either a credit card or you can connect your bank directly to your Google Ads account you want to link Google Ads and Google Analytics I think this is the easiest way to set up conversion tracking for your website if you're familiar with Google tag manager you can also use Google tag manager or you can use the Google ODS pixel directly but to me the easiest way is to install Google Analytics on your website if you haven't already and then just a link your analytics and ads account which is a very simple process I'll show you how to do that in a minute then after that what you want to do is set up conversion tracking so again I think that's really easy to do with Google Analytics and I'll show you how to do that as well so this is my getting started checklist so what we're gonna do is we've already done the first two steps so I've already created my Google Ads account I've already set up billing in my account so the next thing we want to do is link Google Ads and Google Analytics and then set up conversion tracking so if we come over here what we want to do is we're gonna come to tools and settings and then what you want to do under setup is come here to linked accounts this is where you're gonna set up your billing and then there's a lot of other links over here as well I'll try to go through some of these different things but I'm not gonna go through every single thing in this video now my plan for this year when I'm releasing my Google Ads tutorials is to create this main Google Ads tutorial hopefully it's about 30 minutes to an hour and I'm gonna go over how to set up a search campaign I'm gonna create a shorter version of this tutorial kind of going through it much quicker not as much detail just making sure I'm showing you how to create a campaign in about 20 to 30 minutes and then I'm also planning to a release a long course where I go through every little detail of planning shared library bulk actions measurement everything in this setup screen that's gonna be relevant for most people so that's gonna be more of a Google Ads type course we're gonna go through each individual portion of Google Ads and pretty much everything you need to know about setting up your first Google Ads account and all the different types of campaigns that you can run so what we're gonna do to get started is come up here to setup and then we're gonna go to linked accounts so what we want to do is we want to make sure that our Google Analytics and Google Ads accounts are linked so here with Google Analytics we're gonna click on details and what you're gonna see right here is my Analytics property farmhouse goals status linked views one view goals three I have some audiences here as well so what we can also do is we can open up our Google Analytics account for farmhouse Kohl's calm and what we can do is come over here to the admin screen so at the bottom there's admin on the bottom left and then under property you want to come over here to Google Ads linking under product linking so we're gonna click on Google Ads linking and you're going to see we have one linked account so if we click here on the link to account we can make sure that it's the right account that we have linked to our Google ads and Google Analytics accounts so everything is set up well this is how I'd like to get started just link my two accounts it will also allow you to track your campaigns directly into Google Analytics so I'll show you that process later in the video now here in Google Ads linking if you're not linked yet what you want to do is click on new link group here and you can get started with linking your Google Ads account to your Google Analytics account so once we're all set up there what we want to do is next is come to tools and settings and then our measurement who want to come to conversions so you're gonna see I have some different conversions here these are my conversion actions now if you want to combine multiple conversion actions you can create conversion action sets so if you're optimizing for multiple conversions in your campaigns this is a best practice again I'll show you that throughout the video but what we want to do first is I want to track a new page on my website so I created a giveaway on my website farmhouse this is the website that I'm gonna be using today to go over exactly how I'm gonna create a campaign for this website to drive relevant traffic to my website so this is my giveaway when someone comes here welcome to the farmhouse Kohl's monthly giveaway they enter their name their email address they click on submit what's gonna happen is they're gonna get redirected to this Thank You page so they're gonna get go right to this page after they fill out that form so what I want to do is track every time someone visits this Thank You page because you're not going to visit this Thank You page unless you probably filled out my farmhouse giveaway form people are not gonna be going directly to this page so we're gonna track this page as a conversion now there's different conversion pages you might use for example you might have order submitted maybe of someone add something to a cart you can track all these different pages that are key pages on your website that people visit after taking one of the main actions on your website like they fill out a lead form maybe they sign up for a newsletter maybe they actually purchase something directly from you and it's the order confirmation page so you can track all these different pages on your website and include them as conversions in your Google Ads campaigns so the way that we do that is we're going to come back over to Google ads and from the conversion screen here what we want to do is click on the blue plus sign so we're going to add a new conversion you can see there's website app phone calls and import so with website this is how you can track using Google tag manager if you're familiar with Google tag manager you can do this directly through there you can also add the Google ads pixel directly to your website but what I'd like to do is we're going to click on import here so we're gonna import conversions from Google Analytics so if we click on import you can see select what you want to import Google Analytics Google Analytics app plus web third-party app analytics Salesforce and then other data sources or crms so for this I'm gonna be using Google Analytics but what we need to do first is create the actual conversion in our Google Analytics account so that we can actually import it as a goal into Google Ads so if we come over here to analytics what we're gonna do is we're gonna come back we're still in the main admin screen and we're gonna click on goals so under the view portion you're gonna see goals here so this is where we can create goals that we can actually optimize for in our campaigns so you can see I have some different goals here right now I have six total goals that I'm tracking the main goal for me is outbound clicks so with farm-house goals com essentially what I want is for people to visit my website and then click on some of these links and go to some of my affiliates so this is an affiliate marketing website so that's the main conversion that I'm gonna be optimizing for in my Google ads campaigns is sending people to my website and getting them to click off on these products so they purchased them on other websites and I receive a commission so if we come over here to analytics we're gonna click on new goal under goal setup you can see there's some templates so they have revenue here acquisition inquiry and engagement so some different things here if you want to track some of these as goals so submit content submitted or upload a file for example see deal so someone who's viewing your current promotions what we're gonna be doing though is clicking on custom so we're gonna click on custom and continue and then for the name of the goal what we're gonna do is we're gonna do giveaway thank you so this is gonna be the name of our goal and essentially what we're doing is tracking every time someone hits this Thank You page so I'm gonna come up here and I'm gonna copy just the end of the URL after my domain name we're gonna come back over to analytics and our type is gonna be destination now some other options here are duration pages and screens per session and then there's also a vent here so one thing you can do is if you don't have a set goal on your website is to use duration or to use pages and screens per session to use that as a goal so for example I can say every time someone comes to my website for a duration and they're on my website fer and you can see here they have five minutes or more I can do every time someone's on my website for three minutes or more I want to count it as a conversion because that means they're visiting my website and they're engaging with my website you can do the same thing with pages and screens per session so every time someone goes to your website and visits multiple pages you can count that as a conversion as well now the easiest type of conversion to track is every time someone visits a key page on your website like a thank-you page or an order confirmation type page so for that it's going to be destination so we're creating a custom goal naming it and creating a destination type goal we're gonna click on continue and then the destination will equal to and we just need to include the end of the URL so for this it's gonna be thank you what we can do is set a value for this goal if we want to so for every time someone purchases a course from you or something like that and the value is let's just say 99 dollars you can set a value of 99 dollars here for this I'm not gonna set a value I could just set a value of 1 so we would just come in here and set a value of 1 so it would be one u.s. dollar every time someone joins my giveaway but I'm not gonna be doing that here so I don't need to track revenue for this individual goal we're not gonna have a value we're not gonna have a funnel here so you can use a funnel as well so this is really popular with e-commerce let's say someone visits a product page they add that product to their cart they end up submitting their information and then they end up going to the order confirmation page you can track that entire funnel and see where there's some drop-off maybe you're seeing people are dropping off on certain pages so you can make sure that you're improving those pages and finding why people might be dropping off but what we're gonna do is destination equals so thank you click on verify this goal so you can make sure that there is a conversion rate based on data from the past 7 days so you can see it's a really low conversion rate because I just set this up and I've only been to the page a couple of times I'm not really driving a lot of traffic to my giveaway yet so we can click on save here and now we have our new goal created so you can see it's go ID seven and it's giveaway thank you so now that we have our new goal created we can come back over here to our Google Ads account so we're in the conversion action we're gonna import from Google Analytics click on continue' and what you're gonna see is we have some two different goals here that we've created so any of the goals that you've created that you haven't imported yet are gonna show up here the only one that I want to import right now is giveaway thank you so we're gonna click on giveaway Thank You import and continue okay so we've imported one goal from Google Analytics click on done now one thing to keep in mind is after you do create a conversion there's gonna be an option over here include in conversions if you have yes here then that means that it will include any of the conversions for all these different conversions actions that we've created in our campaigns if we can tie them back to our Google Ads campaigns so for example if someone clicks to my website they end up submitting the form for the giveaway and then they hit that Thank You page that I showed you earlier then what its gonna do is it's gonna include that in the conversions for my Google Ads campaign so now that we have our conversion actions imported what we can do is I'm gonna create a conversion action set so the main conversions that I want to be tracking for this campaign or outbound clicks and my giveaway thank you so anytime someone joins my email list or anytime someone does a outbound click on my website I consider those valuable things on my website so I want to count them both as conversions so we're gonna come to conversion action sets here you can see I already have a conversion set we're gonna create a new one so I'm gonna do is farmhouse coal conversion 2020 so what we're gonna do is outbound clicks and giveaway thank you that's it we're just going to be using these two conversions and we're gonna click on save okay so now this is gonna be the conversion action set I use for my campaign so I know that my campaign is built to drive these conversions specifically so we're gonna come back and now we're in our overview screen here what we want to do is we want to create a new campaign if you're in the campaign screen the button might look like this or you might have the new campaign right here so what you want to do is just click on this plus sign to create a new campaign so when you're creating a camp here's the process I generally follow so creating a new search campaign you want to choose your campaign goal choose search choose website visits click continue and then you do not want to include the Google Display Network so if we come back over here what we're gonna do is we created our campaign the next thing we want to do is select a goal that would make this campaign successful to you so for me it's gonna be leads for an e-commerce website it would be sales so you just want to make sure that you set your goal depending on what you're trying to drive I highly recommend making sure that you're using conversion tracking and either driving for sales or leads for a specific search campaign you don't really just want to drive website traffic so even if you don't have a specific conversion on your website I would recommend setting up one of those duration conversions or page view conversions and then using leads as your main goal so we're gonna choose leads here and then we're gonna do is select the campaign type we're gonna use search we're gonna use website visits we're gonna enter our business website here so farmhouse goals com and then we're gonna scroll down click on continue and then the main thing you want to do is name your campaign first so we'll do farmhouse goals search campaign and we'll do 20 20 and then we're gonna use search Network include Google search partners and then Display Network we do not want to include the Google Display Network so coming back over here make sure you do not include the Google Display Network so what we're going to do is we're gonna keep scrolling down click on show more settings so you can set start and end dates if you want to campaign URL options I'm not gonna go over in this video and then dynamic search ads settings we're not going to be using dynamic search ads so you don't need to worry about this at this time I do have a dynamic search ads tutorial on my channel you can find it if you're looking for a lot of more Google ads tutorials you can check out my playlist so you've come over here to Google ads tutorials I'll link this in the video description you can see I have things keyword research tutorial for Google ads strategies so this is for 2019 a lot of them are still relevant today mistakes to avoid bid strategies how to create Google AdWords ads ad copy strategies keyword match types responsive search ads so all these different things I go over a lot of different portions of Google in a little bit more detail in some of my other videos so you can make sure you check those out if there's anything I haven't answered in this video or you can always leave a comment and I'll try to answer as many comments as possible so we keep scrolling down next is gonna be locations so I'm just gonna be using United States for this what you can do is if we come here to enter another location you can enter specific cities so we're gonna click on advanced search here what we can do is just come right here and we can enter a specific city so let's just say we do Boston you can see we can enter Boston Massachusetts the city we can do Boston the entire Nielsen DMA market you can do Boston England the United Kingdom New Boston Texas they have Boston College Massachusetts so there's a lot of different options here you also have locations that include Boston so Suffolk County and then we could just do United States as a whole so I'm just gonna be targeting the United States but there's a lot of different options cities States Nielsen DMA regions you could target universities you can target zip codes you can target radius so there's a lot of things that you can do if you're trying to target a specific location whether it's a local market or whether it's one country or multiple countries now when it comes to target I always select people in or regularly in my targeted locations the recommended option and the default option is people in or who show interest in your targeted locations so if someone is across the world for example let's say in France looking up pages about the United States they might see my advertisements if they're looking at the United States maybe they're just planning a trip or trying to learn more about a specific city in that in the United States and then they go back to their search bar and they start searching for farmhouse decor they might actually see my advertisements because they shown interest in the United States so I don't want people all over the world to see my advertisements just because they've showed interest in my targeted location so I just want people who are in or regularly in my targeted locations exclude it's just gonna be people in my excluded locations so we're gonna keep scrolling down here languages you want to select the languages your customers speak pretty self-explanatory for mine it's just going to be English if we click here you can see there's a lot of different languages you could target with your campaigns generally if I'm doing a foreign language campaign which I don't do often but if I ever do it I'll usually do a completely separate campaign and I won't target English and Spanish in the same exact campaign for example the next is gonna be audiences so this is a little bit more advanced but I want to go over in this video because I think it's important to know so I have some remarketing audiences already set up so if we come here you can see have an all visitors audience from my Google Analytics account so I can target that in my campaign and then you can see there's an in market audience here for home decor so that means people who are in the market to purchase home decor so that's another audience that I can target so we can target multiple audiences in our campaign and if we scroll down what you want to do is observation so targeting will narrow the reach of our campaign only to the selected audiences so only people who are visitors on my website or who are in this home decor in market audience will see my advertisements I don't want to limit it that much so what I want to do is use observation this allows me to bid higher or lower on specific audiences so I usually recommend using observation when you're targeting audiences for your search campaigns because targeting is gonna really narrow the reach of your campaign next is gonna be the budget how much you want to spend per day what I highly recommend doing with budget is essentially taking your budget multiplying it by 30 and looking at what your budget for the month would be the other option is to take your monthly budget and divide it by 30 so let's just say my monthly budget for example is 300 dollars per month then my budget here per day would be 10 dollars so that means over the course of 30 days I'm most likely gonna spend right around 300 dollars so for me what I want to do is spend about 15 dollars per day which would lead me to spend about $500 per month probably a little bit less so my budget is gonna be 15 dollars per day for this campaign I might end up increasing my budget I usually recommend starting with a lower budget even if I have a campaign with a high budget for a client for example let's just say they want to spend $500 per day usually I'll start it a little bit lower maybe I'll cut it in half to 250 per day as I do some testing and as I'm creating the campaign I want to make sure that I have a little bit of a learning options before I'm just spending all their money on things that aren't converting yet so for me I'm gonna stick with 15 dollars here and that's gonna be my budget per day for this campaign next is gonna be bidding so bidding is an important factor when it comes to your Google Ads campaign so I went over bidding strategies a little bit here so I usually start with manual CPC enhanced I'll set my own bids I'll show you how I do that you can test maximize conversions the downside with maximize conversions is I generally find that it makes my average cost-per-click really high at the start of the campaign so I might be spending $2 per click when I'm really just trying to spend maybe 50 cents per click and again that really depends on your industry how much you're spending per click someone who's insurance or a lawyer is gonna be spending a lot more than someone who's advertising farmhouse decor for example so what I generally do is set my own bids and I have conversion tracking enabled so I use manual CPC enhanced and then what I try to do is switch to a target CPA or target return on adspend bidding strategy once I have more conversion data so if we come over here the automatic setting is going to be conversions if you have conversion tracking enabled so it's gonna say what do you want to focus on conversions this campaign will use the maximize conversions bid strategy if we come over here to select a bid strategy directly you can see there is target CPA target return on adspend maximize clicks maximize conversions maximize conversion value target impression share and manual CPC I'll generally start with manual CPC and then I'll help increase conversions with enhanced CPC and optimized for conversions that's usually how I start my campaigns and then what I want to do is switch over to target CPA over time now if you're tracking for conversion value again in the example of e-commerce you can do target return on adspend so that's actually gonna take in the amount of revenue you're driving from your sales so you can actually drive more conversion value so maximize conversion value maximize conversions you can test these bid strategies if you want to the main thing that I would watch out for is that your average cost per click is way higher than some of the suggested bids that the Google Keyword planner will show you now maximize clicks I don't really use that often because I'm usual not trying to just drive traffic back to my website I'm trying to drive conversions so that usually helps with manual CPC and in hand CPC or using one of these target CPA target return on adspend type bidding strategies target impression chair I usually don't use that either that's only good for advertisers who are really trying to stay at the very top of the search results and trying to drive as much impression chair as possible so for really competitive industries it might work for you I again just like to focus on conversions so for bidding I'm going to be using manual CPC I'm gonna help increase conversions with enhance CPC so we can click on the show more settings here so conversions you're gonna see its account level include in conversion settings what I'm going to do is choose conversion actions for this campaign we're gonna click on select conversion actions and what we want to do is we want to select these two conversions at the bottom here give away thank you and outbound clicks it's gonna say name my conversion action set so I already have a conversion action set so what we can do is just come over up at the top here kind of hard to see but they have conversion action sets so we're gonna use our fhg conversion 20:20 click on save so now we have our conversion action set that we're optimizing for add schedule so we're gonna do all day you might want to run ads 9 to 5 you can easily set that up with an ad schedule so what you can do here is just do Monday through Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. or depending on whenever you want to run your ad schedule you can run that the best for your individual campaign ad rotation I usually just keep this as optimized prefer the best performing ads if you want to test a little bit you can do not optimize and rotate ads indefinitely it might hurt your campaign performance a little bit but if you want to start doing this for a week and then switch over to optimize once you get more data that's something you can try to do I'm just going to keep it at optimize so that Google is going to basically test my ads and then continue to run the ones that perform the best so ad extensions so there's a lot of different ad extensions that you can add to your campaigns so when you're creating your advertisements and they're running in Google Ads you might see things like this so native CRM integrations sugar market these are sitelink extensions that Sugar CRM has set up through their Google Ads account if we come down here Marketing 360 calm they have a phone number right here so that's a call extension this one has a call extension as well you might find some other ad extensions for different searches that you do so usually if we do a search for example of something like hotels in Myrtle Beach SC okay so you're gonna see hotels in Myrtle Beach SC and then you can see they have a rating here they have some reviews if we come down to the bottom here these are more sitelink extensions at the very bottom we have some a price extension right down here at the bottom over here with types this is a structured snippet so you can add a lot of these different ad extensions directly to your advertisements and they'll show up and make your advertisement much larger so depending on your industry you might see a lot of ad extensions the last search I did there really weren't many for hotels or anything travel you usually see a lot of different ad extensions like you're seeing here so if we come over to our ad extensions portion what we can do is we can set up sitelink extensions so sitelink extensions will allow you to highlight some different pages that are on your website usually what you want to do is set up at group level extensions so let's just say for example if we come over here to the example with farmhouse curtains when someone searches farmhouse curtains I can use ad extensions like farmhouse curtains for sale farmhouse drapes for sale farmhouse balances for sale and then top rated farmhouse window treatments so I can kind of use ad extensions that are going to be specific to what people are searching for it's much more difficult to set up your campaign that way but it will perform better in the long run so if we come over to add extensions we're setting campaign level extensions right now so what we want to do is all choose farmhouse furniture will do the farmhouse goals shop keep scrolling down we can do farmhouse sinks for sale and we'll keep coming down and maybe we'll just do our home page if you're creating a new site link extensions are gonna create a new one here set your site link text you have description line one description line two and then final URL so you just need to set up all these different properties here and that's gonna make up your sitelink extensions you can set up for at one time I usually recommend adding at least four to the campaign level like this so if we click on home you can see here I have home find all of our product categories and product blog categories on the homepage sending people directly to the homepage URL so now people see these different links on the advertisement so maybe if they're looking specifically for furniture they can just click on farmhouse furniture and go directly to that page so these are sitelink extensions if we keep scrolling down there's call-out extensions call extensions if we click here on add extension so structured snippet this allows you to show different types of products you have hotels can show different amenities that they have universities can show some of the different degree programs they have so how do you recommend checking out structured snippets you should be able to find something that fits your business app extension so if you have a mobile app than on mobile devices people can directly download your app directly from your advertisement lead form extension so this would be good for Surfside PPC if I'm looking for new clients I can say contact us today fill out your information and set up an actual lead form on my advertisement so someone can give me their name their email address their phone number and say can you get back to me with a quote here's my business so it allows people to contact me directly and essentially I can get leads from my advertisements without people ever happen to visit my website message extensions I can set it up so people can text message me directly you can receive text messages in your email or directly to your phone promotion extensions so any specific promotions that you're running for example you have a 25% off Black Friday deal you can set up that promotion extension really recommended for any type of e-commerce website or any type of business that's running a limited time promotion and running Google ads at the same time price extensions so let's just say you're a mechanic for example you can say your oil changes cost $60 $70 whatever it is you can say that may be changing tires cost three hundred dollars so whatever it is that the different services that you're offering maybe some of the products for sale that you have if you have fixed prices then you want to set up price extensions so people know how much it's gonna cost I can use price extensions and say my PPC services start at $1,000 per month and then they go up from there and then it will allow potential clients to understand how much they're gonna have to pay for my services before they even click on my Heisman location extensions this will pull in directly from your Google my business account so with location extensions you set up Google my business you link your Google my business to your Google Ads account and then you can have your location directly in your Google ads advertisement so people know where they can find your physical location for a store a property or anything like that so these are different ad extensions my recommendation is set up as many as possible that are going to be relevant for your business if we click up on call-out extensions here you can see I already have some called extensions created so I can do join our giveaway you can see I have a lot created for shelves so these would do well in an ad group that are specific about farmhouse shelves so I can do floating shelves shelf brackets shelves with hooks and then new farmhouse shelves for sale so what I'm gonna do is just join our giveaway shop farmhouse goals top rated farmhouse decor and maybe with a new call at extension what I can do is something like shop furniture and decor you can add multiple call a text at a time I'll just add this one right now we'll click on save so now I have four different call-out extensions that are gonna be added to the campaign level now keep in mind if you add something like floating shelves and shelf brackets to the ad group level the ad group level will take precedent over the campaign level so Google will actually pull from your ad group first if you don't have ad group level call extensions call-out extensions sitelink extensions then what it's going to do is it's gonna pull it from the campaign level so what we can do is we have our call-out extensions here we have some sitelink extensions a good place to get started I can also just come here and let's just add a structure and snip it so we'll click on add snippets you can see I already have some created if we create a new structured snippet some of the different values so header it's gonna be English some of the different header types so what you have amenities brands courses degree programs destinations featured hotels insurance coverage models neighborhoods service catalog shows styles and types so pretty much anything you can think of a structured snippet is great for adding just a little bit of additional information for your product or service offering to your advertisements so what we can do is we're gonna click on cancel come over here types and we have farmhouse furniture farmhouse decor design ideas farmhouse sinks so just some campaign level structured snippet extensions and we'll close this so we have three different ad extensions added to the campaign level now we can click on save and continue okay so next is gonna be ad groups so when we come here to ad group type you have standard and you have dynamic I kind of went over dynamic search ads a little bit earlier in the video we're just gonna be setting up standard ad groups here so with our ad groups what you do is you name your ad group you set a default bid and then we start by entering and pasting our keywords one word or phrase per line now before we get started with ad group so what I want to do is just go over how I kind of come up with the different ad groups that I'm creating I like to group together keywords by theme so you want to keep your ad groups as organized as possible and keep the themes really tight so for example if I'm targeting farmhouse shelves like I've gone over before and let's just say I have an ad group or farmhouse shelves I would create a completely separate ad group for farmhouse shelf brackets because I'm sending people to a different landing page with farmhouse shelf brackets for sale I would want to group together my keywords by theme someone who's looking for shelf brackets might already have the Shelf they purchase they just need brackets so they can hang it on the wall so what I would do is separate those out into two separate ad groups and it's the same thing for example with farmhouse sinks if someone's looking for a copper sink I'm gonna send them to a landing page filled with copper sinks I'm gonna have advertisements related to copper farmhouse sinks so I'm gonna group those keywords together by theme if I have stainless steel farmhouse sinks that will be a completely separate ad group so one popular concept is single keyword ad groups you don't have to use single keyword ad groups but what you want to do is just keep your keywords really tightly tied together so that your ads are as relevant as possible and your landing pages are as relevant as possible organized campaigns are vital for campaign success creating one ad group throwing all of your keywords in there is going to be a terrible idea if you're creating Google Ads campaigns this is one of the most important tips that I can give you is to make sure you keep your campaigns organized make sure your group and keywords together by theme create different ad groups for different landing pages unless you're testing two very similar landing pages against each other in the same ad group you want to separate them out into different ad groups so shelf brackets shelves maybe I want to do shelves with hooks maybe I have something like coat racks I would put them all in two separate ad groups and then target different keywords in each ad group to keep things as irrelevant and targeted as possible so coming back over here this campaign is probably gonna end up having around 50 total ad groups I would say that is a lot of a group for one campaign I've worked on campaigns that I have 5 to 10 ad groups and I've also worked on campaigns that have hundreds of ad groups it really depends on how you want to set up your campaigns and if you want to create separate campaigns my general rule of thumb is campaigns with different goals should be completely separate so for example for this campaign I have the same two goals I'm trying to drive people to click on some of my products go out to some of my affiliates and then I'm gonna have try to get people to sign up for my giveaway so this campaign has the same goal so I'm gonna put everything into the same campaign now if I had one campaign that was just focused on my brand keywords another campaign that was a little bit more focused on some broader keywords to helps customers find my business who might not already know it maybe I have a separate campaign for the types of keywords that I'm targeting you can do that for this I'm gonna keep everything in the same campaign and we're just gonna manage it all as one so with my ad groups I'm gonna just create 5 ad groups for this video if I created all 4 40 ad groups 50 ad groups right now that I'm gonna be end up creating for this campaign we would be here for hours so it does take a lot of time to set up your Google Ads campaigns but what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna be targeting for some of my blog posts I have products listed for sale so here's the example that I'm using farmhouse curtains so if we come here you can see I just have a ton of different farmhouse style curtains for sale I want people to visit this page see these curtains find the one they like click on learn more click on this product whatever it is I just want people to find the product that they want on the page and click on learn more so they visit some of my affiliates or click on some of the images that send them out to where they can purchase products and I would receive a commission so if we come over here to my blog posts any of my blog posts like farmhouse curtains farmhouse TV sans accent chairs I'm not gonna be doing anything Christmas right now in this campaign I'll add the Christmas keywords later but for right now accent chairs drapes so I have beautiful farmhouse bathroom decorations tablecloths trunks ladders blanket ladders dining room decor ideas sofas and couches valances all of these different pages on my website is where I want to drive traffic and I'm gonna create different ad groups for all these different pages so I can get people to my website and hopefully purchasing some of these products and what we're gonna find is maybe when people are visiting my farmhouse tablecloths page it converts at a really high rate and on the other hand something like farmhouse ladders maybe farmhouse sofas people don't find one that what they're looking for is easily so that's why I'm gonna be creating a lot of different ad groups see what's gonna perform best and then we're gonna continue to target those keywords so we can just drive the best possible value for our budget so we're gonna start here with farmhouse curtains sofa come up to the top a little bit you're gonna see we have farmhouse curtains for sale so we're gonna take this page we're gonna start here we're gonna come back over to our campaign screen and here under get keyword ideas what we can do is enter our page right here farmhouse curtains and then enter our product or service we can do farmhouse curtains here as well and we'll click on enter so this will give us some different keyword ideas that we can target so you're gonna see curtains primitive curtains kitchen curtains curtains and drapes these really aren't the greatest keywords to target but something like farmhouse kitchen curtains might be good something like rustic curtains might be good for this specific campaign I'm just gonna focus on farmhouse related keywords so let's name our ad group here farmhouse curtains setting bids what I would recommend doing is coming over to tools and settings and under planning we're gonna open the keyword planner so we're gonna use the keyword planner to find more keywords and to find suggested bids so under discover new keywords here with we're gonna do farmhouse curtains and we're gonna click on get results one thing you can do is if you're not sure what types of keywords to target at all you just come over here instead of entering a website what we can do is start or instead of entering keywords what we can do is start with a website enter our website here so we'll just do farmhouse goals calm use the entire website click on get results and the Google Keyword planner will return to us our most relevant keywords and our most popular keywords by average monthly searches so I can start here and do farmhouse bath rugs send people to my farmhouse bath rugs page farmhouse Christmas stockings Christmas ornament set so I had a really good Christmas season with farmhouse goals calm so I can start targeting some of these keywords now and then hopefully when Christmas does roll around I'll have my campaign all ready to go and people will be able to visit my website with ease and purchase their Christmas products so you can start this way and just enter a website what I'd like to do is start with my actual landing pages where I know I want to send traffic and then try to find the best keywords for those landing pages so we're gonna do farmhouse curtains again here and I'm not gonna enter my domain to use as a filter and we're going to click on get results so for me personally when I look at these key words here farmhouse kitchen curtains is something that I could include in here but I'm not going to because my page is not specific to kitchen curtains I'm gonna be using farmhouse curtains I would create a completely separate ad group for window treatments a completely separate ad group for curtain rods for valence is but for farmhouse style curtains I can target this keyword in the same ad group so we'll take farmhouse style curtains we'll copy it and we'll come back over to our search campaign and we'll just paste this keyword here so we're gonna come back over we're also going to target farmhouse curtains copy it and we're gonna paste the keyword here now you can build your campaign directly through the keyword planner I'll go over that in a separate video I want to go over the campaign building process directly from the Google Ads interface so we have farmhouse curtains here farmhouse style curtains and maybe what else I can do is modern farmhouse curtains so we have modern farmhouse curtains here too so we'll take that keyword and we'll copy and paste it now what you're gonna see over here in the keyword planner is the top of page bid the low range and the high range so what that means is it's the lowest and the highest that advertisers are bidding to get that top of the page position so if we come over here to farmhouse curtains you're gonna see it's 20 cents 46 if we come down modern farmhouse curtains 27 49 cents and then farmhouse style curtains 23 cents 78 cents so we can set bids at the ad group level here and then we can also set bids at the keyword level after we create our campaign for my default bid what I'm gonna be doing is keeping things on the low range and I'm gonna keep it as low as possible so I'm gonna take this farmhouse curtains the low range and just add five cents to it so we're gonna bid just 25 cents for this keyword so the reason why I'm bidding so low to start with is because I can always increase my bids later I think it's better to start lower so you're gonna see here my cost per day is a dollar for six clicks per day so obviously it's not a lot of clicks but if I'm creating 50 ad groups spending my 15 dollar per day daily budget should not be a problem at all targeting some of these different keywords now the next thing I want to go over is we added these keywords here and you're gonna see down here match types help control with switch searches can trigger your ads so you're gonna see here keyword broad match keyword phrase match so when it has quotes around it it's a phrase match when it has nothing it's a broad match these right now are broad match keywords I never target broad match keywords it's very very rare and I only do it for high budget clients who are looking for a lot of volume and if I can't find that volume I'll use broad match keywords for the most part I usually set up campaigns recently with phrase match keywords and then I'll use exact match keywords sometimes as well and then the other type of keyword is a broad match modifier keyword so what that means is I can come here and add a plus sign in front of individual words in the keyword so farmhouse-style Curtin's with a plus sign in front of these three words it means I want these three words or close variants or some close synonyms to appear in the search query when someone types it in so to go over keyword match types really quickly you're gonna see here I usually avoid broad match keywords I use broad match modifier keywords for large budgets or low search volume there shouldn't be a period here I added that there by accident so use broad match modifier keywords when you have larger budgets or low search volume same thing with broad match keywords but I tend to prefer broad match modifier keywords and then I usually use phrase match keywords when I'm getting started doing some testing and trying to keep things a little tight and narrow and then you can also use exact match keywords as well the one problem with the exact match keywords is it's gonna limit your overall volume because it's only gonna target those exact phrases that you have targeted so if we come back over here you can see here so let's just take farmhouse style curtains out or what we'll do is we'll take farmhouse curtain so let's just say we add the plus signs and some in front of those words farmhouse curtains and let's say this is the keyword that we're targeting someone can go to Google so their actual search in Google and let's say someone types in rustic curtains there's a chance that this will trigger this keyword so that my advertisement will show for rustic curtains also someone does rustic window treatments it might also show for farmhouse curtains with the broad match modifier now what I prefer to do is use phrase match so with phrase match I just have farmhouse curtains surrounded in quotes this is what I would recommend getting started with I think it's the best way for beginners to get started with their Google Ads campaigns use phrase match keywords you can always switch to broad match modifier keywords or use exact match if you want things that'll be a little tighter and narrower but you can always switch to broad match modifier keywords if someone has this phrase in here then this will match a search in Google like for example best farmhouse curtains because the phrase is right here now it might not match someone who comes in and does farmhouse kitchen curtains because the phrase has kitchen in the center of it and I'm not targeting the phrase farmhouse kitchen curtains anywhere so when it comes to the phrase it means that it would have to appear anywhere in the beginning or end so farmhouse curtains first sale would trigger for this keyword so if there's one main takeaway here it would be to avoid broad match keywords and if you're looking for things to be a little bit more broad then I would recommend putting the plus signs in front of the words of the keyword that you're targeting that would be broad match modifier keywords that's going to keep things more bra but not quite as broad as just the general broad match would and if you're trying to keep things a little bit more targeted then I would recommend using phrase match keywords like I'm gonna be doing for this campaign so with my $15 per day budget I can bid very low because I'm gonna be creating a lot of ad groups and I'm gonna be targeting these phrase match keywords so all I need to do is for every keyword in my ad group that I'm targeting so for modern farmhouse curtains we're gonna put the quotes around it we'll get rid of this keyword for right now cuz I have the phrase match version down here and then farmhouse style curtains we'll put the quotes around as well now you can target multiple match types in the same ad group so I could target the phrase match here and then I could say okay I also want to target the exact match of farmhouse curtains so this means I would target the exact match keyword here and the phrase match keyword you can do that you can also target just the broad match keyword what you're gonna find is the more broad you go that one is gonna get much more impressions much more clicks so if I had this broad match keyword here this would get the majority of my clicks and my impressions for this individual ad group so what I want to do is just keep them all as phrase match so this is I'm gonna be targeting phrase match keywords pretty much across my campaign and then gonna start with low bids so that we can see how many clicks I can drive per day so you can see right now this dropped a little bit since I switched from broad match keywords to phrase match keywords it's showing only two clicks per day 47 cent cost per day average cost per click of 19 cents now let's just say I take my default bid and I increase it to 75 cents you can see the forecast is gonna change to 10 clicks per day 58 cents average cost per click so I can always increase these bids if I'm not spending my daily budget so that's why I like to start with a lower bid here and then we're just going to use these phrase match keywords like I went over so this is gonna be the first start here and then what I'm gonna do is come here to new ad group new ad group new ad group new ad group so we're gonna create five total ad groups just to get started with this Google Ads tutorial so we're gonna come over here next we have ad group two and so I'm gonna do is come down to my blog posts and we're just gonna go one at a time so I have farmhouse curtains and rustic curtains I'm not gonna do Christmas decor here now one example I want to go over is let's just say I have an ad group for Ray done Christmas decor and then I have this ad group for Ray done a best practice for that would be in the ad group for Ray done target the exact match keyword and then for these ad groups that are about Ray done but a specific type of product target the phrase match keywords Ray done Christmas decor that would help me not have any overlap because if I'm targeting the phrase match keyword Ray done in this ad group it could trigger when someone's looking for Ray done Christmas decor so that's one thing to keep in mind when it comes to organized campaigns making sure you're understanding any of the overlap that could happen from one AD group to another you can use exact match keywords to kind of keep that from happening too often so if we come down the next is gonna be farmhouse TV stands so we're just gonna take this we can copy the link address I don't need to actually go to the individual page but I could take the copy link address and I can go back the keyword planner but what I'm gonna do is just do farmhouse TV stands and we'll see what comes up click on get results so we have farmhouse TV stand TV console white farmhouse TV stand modern farmhouse TV stand farmhouse style TV stand so we'll take some of these different key words here farmhouse style TV stand will do just standard farmhouse TV stand again we can come over here and enter our product or service farmhouse TV stand click on enter and giving us some keywords by relevance not exactly the best keywords that we want to target so I wouldn't recommend ever doing ad all ideas here unless you really see these ideas are closely related but I don't want to target farmhouse pillows in my farmhouse TV stand ad group so we'll come over here farmhouse TV stand and then I like using the keyword planner because it gives me some suggested bids so for farmhouse TV stand at sang twenty nine cents to a dollar thirty six so for this maybe I'll do 40 cents because I'm seeing that the top the high range is a little bit higher the low range is a little bit higher than curtains was but with 40 cents again I could always go back and increase it I might not get much traction for 40 cents but if I can drive someone to my website for let's just say 40 cents and the end up purchasing a TV stand that's a great commission for me and it's a great return on adspend so that's Alton the goal is to get as many people to my website as possible so hopefully they do purchase some of those products at a very low rate for me because it's gonna end up giving me a positive return on adspend so taking some of these different key words here farmhouse-style TV stand farmhouse TV stand will add a couple more so this is one where farmhouse TV console console in this case is just gonna be a synonym of TV stand so it's not always a console table is not always the same as a TV stand but when someone's looking for a TV console the products I have for sale my website will be really targeted so that's a keyword that I'm gonna target here in my ad group so we'll do farmhouse TV console keep coming down and we'll do modern farmhouse TV stand so I do have some modern farmhouse TV stands on the page again you just want to add any keywords they're gonna be as relevant as possible so we have farmhouse TV stand we have our four keywords here I want to surround them with quotes so we'll surround them with quotes okay we have our four different keywords here they're all phrase match keywords so what we can do is you can see our daily estimates for our second a group TV stand we'll click here so it's saying only one click per day at 28 cents per day so maybe what I want to do is increase this default bid to 50 cents we'll see if we get up to two three clicks so that's a good start two clicks per day that's fine with me so two clicks for TV stands two clicks for curtains so that's essentially where I can start my entire campaign when I'm setting these bids so I can always expand this keyword list later but I'm just gonna keep things pretty targeted for right now so we have TV stand TV console style TV stand and then modern so we'll keep scrolling down and now we have three more ad groups to set up I'm gonna go through this process a little bit quicker hopefully it's making more sense so for posts here we're gonna come over farmhouse accent chairs so I'm gonna click on View copy link address I can always take that link come over here and enter it right at the top so we have four mounts accent chairs I'm just gonna keep this simple we'll come over to ad group three farmhouse accent chairs okay so I entered farmhouse accent chairs here in the keyword planner you can see we have farmhouse accent chair style modern so with ottoman cheap rustic farmhouse so you can see some of the bid ranges here so for this I'm probably gonna to bid around forty to fifty cents as we get started so we'll come over here we'll enter our keywords so I'm gonna do this for the next couple of ad groups and then we'll move on to create ads in the third step so I'm gonna kind of fast-forward to this part a little bit okay so for right now we have our ad groups over here to the right farmhouse curtains farmhouse TV stand farmhouse accent chair farmhouse drapes farmhouse tablecloths so we have all of our ad groups set up so what we want to do is come over here to save and continue' okay so now it's time to create our advertisements so what you're gonna see here is for each ad group we recommend create at least three ads that closely relate to the theme of your keywords so creating advertisements can be one of the most lengthy process throughout your entire campaign creation for google ads because just creating one text ad you have to come up with three headlines you have a display path and then you have two description lines in addition to the final URL so usually what I'll do is I'll start by entering the final URLs for my different ad groups so we'll come over here just to make sure I have all my final URLs correct we'll start with curtains we'll copy the link address come over back to our campaign creation enter that as the final URL for our farmhouse curtains at group so we'll keep scrolling down do the same thing for our other guy ad groups here so we have TV stand copy this link address come back over and we're gonna paste it here so that's gonna do first and we'll fast forward through this process a little bit okay so we have our final URLs all set so now we can set up our headlines so usually with headline the headline one I always try to create it as closely as possible to the keywords that I'm targeting so for this I'm gonna do farmhouse curtains for sale headline two you can either do a brand name so maybe I just want to do farmhouse goals if you're running a specific promotion maybe you want to do free shipping over fifty dollars so depending on the promotion you're running you can always put that directly in the headline as well if you have free trials here you can do start your free trial so usually with the different headlines what you're trying to do is promote exactly what people are gonna find at that link so for this its farmhouse curtains for sale headline two you can use to kind of get people give people some incentive to actually click on your advertisement start your free trial you know 20% off your entire order $50 orders get free shipping so you can use the different headlines to not only show what you're promoting but some of the benefits that people are gonna get and some of the things that people can take advantage of if they take you up on your offer so some different ways to create your advertisements so for this what I'm gonna do is in headline 3 I'll always just put farmhouse goals so we have farmhouse curtains for sale and then in headline 2 what I'm going to do is just top-rated farmhouse decor so people know if they do visit my website they're gonna see some of the top options when it comes to farmhouse decorations for their home so you can also do best prices affordable great selection so different benefits that people are gonna get from clicking through to your advertisement so if we come over here and just use our hotels in Myrtle Beach SC you're gonna see they're showing fifty two hundred and eighty eight hotels from $34 per night so they're showing a lot of hotels at a low price up to half price on hotels and you can see just the first part here hotels on Myrtle Beach SC hotels in Myrtle Beach SC just pretty much exactly mimics what I typed in so that's one way to set up advertisements I'm just gonna come over here and do farmhouse curtains for sale top rated for our master Corps and then farmhouse goals so that's I'm gonna be doing for my first ad variation here and then we have display paths so usually what I'll do is you're gonna see it's farmhouse goals calm and I'll just do calm slash curtains so it's not the exact URL that people are gonna see I could do farmhouse slash curtains but I'm just gonna do curtains so people know if they do click on this link they're gonna visit a page filled with curtains for sale next thing I be description line one description line two okay so I've typed these both out discover beautiful farmhouse curtains for sale huge selection affordable pricing upgrade your farm style home with a brand new set of rustic curtains and window treatments so pretty simple for description line one description line two for curtains so what we can do now is click on done and you're gonna see we have our first advertisement creator for curtains so what we want to do is either duplicate this ad and update some of the fields so we can duplicate it and we can come over here to help bind one maybe I just want to do farmhouse-style curtains and we'll just come over to the front best farmhouse-style curtains and I could do top-rated window treatments and then we'll just keep head line three as farmhouse goals will keep our display path the same and then I can even keep my description line 1 and description line 2 the same as well click on done so now you can see we have two advertisements created here for farmhouse curtains so again I can duplicate this again and create another one but what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna move on to TV stand and usually what I'll do is if I'm creating a lot of different ad groups for a lot of different keywords I'll try to keep my ads as similar as possible so I'll click on my first advertisement and we'll just copy and paste it and then just update it so farmhouse curtains farmhouse TV stands okay so we have farmhouse TV stands for sale so we'll come back up and we'll do the same thing for the rest of the advertisement okay so we have our final URL set or headline one farmhouse TV stands for sale top rated farmhouse furniture farmhouse goals we have TV stands here in the display path and then we have description line one description line two and we just replaced curtains with TV stands we replaced decor with furniture so people know exactly what they're gonna find when they do visit our website so this is what you want to do with advertisements again we're gonna do the same thing for accent chairs for drapes and for tablecloths so I'm gonna go ahead and do that now and what I recommend with advertisements is you do want to set three per ad group what you could do is start with two per ad group and always create a new advertisement later sometimes what I'll do is if I'm testing different landing pages against each other I'll do two advertisements here and then I'll duplicate each of these advertisements and then just update the landing page so let's just say for example I had this advertisement here I want to duplicate it I would just say farmhouse curtains and let's just say it's page two that I want to test against page one that's just one example of what you can do is if you have multiple landing pages now I wouldn't set up my pages this way but this is just something you can do is if you want to test landing pages along with your advertisement is to create duplicate advertisements and then just update the final URL so we can click on done here we're pretty much good to go with curtains we just need to create one more advertisement we only have one TV stands advertisement so what we need to do is create our other advertisements here I'm gonna fast-forward to this part a little bit okay so we can go through each ad group and create one more advertisement here but for right now this campaign is ready to be launched we have our ad group set up I'm gonna continue to expand the ad groups for the campaign that I'm creating but for right now you have farmhouse curtains TV Stan accent chairs drapes and table cloths and I have two advertisements for each individual ad group you could go in and double check just to make sure that your final URLs are all correct and theirs to make sure that all your headlines and description lines don't have anything there that you don't want to be there but for right now I've gone through and done all that all my final URLs look good all my advertisements look good for right now so we can click on save and continue again the best part about Google Ads you can always go back you can update your budget you can update your bids you can see right now it's showing my daily forecast is only about 550 per day and 20 clicks per day so I need to continue to set up all my ad groups if I do want to spend my $15 per day daily budget but what we can do now is click on continue to our campaign and you can see we have our different ad groups here if we click on something like farmhouse accent chairs it's going to show the different keywords that we're targeting and then over on the left hand side here you can find a lot of different information like your audiences you can see negative keywords here search terms that are triggering your advertisements and then you can also come up here to ads you can see your advertisements for this ad group so you can see I have my advertisement set here you can click on them it'll bring you to your landing page just to make sure your landing pages are good these are expanded text ads so now that I have two expanded text ads in each ad group I could come here and I can create a responsive search at this allows you to set up a lot of different headlines here a lot of different description lines and then what Google Ads is gonna do is basically take your responsive search out here and continue to show different versions of it with different headlines that you have set up here and then whatever the top-performing responsive search out is is the one they're going to continue to serve so again this is something that's going to take some time to test but what you want to do after you your campaign is going and create responsive search ads and the different headlines you want to set up are things like rustic accent chairs you want to do farmhouse accent chairs and then you want to do things any type of promotions that you're running maybe free shipping over $50 so what they're gonna do is they're gonna take some of these different headlines here farmhouse accent chairs free shipping over $50 you're gonna see here headline three so it'll take your headlines and try to build the best popular possible advertisements and what you want to do is set up a lot of different things so I can do farmhouse furniture for sale maybe if I could fit farmhouse living room furniture I'm not sure if that will fit but you can try to find some of the best possible headlines and description lines you can put together so that you can create the best advertisements so responsive search ads allow you to do that I do have a specific video on my channel of responsive search ads best practices so if you're not familiar with how to create responsive search ads and different ways to create them you can watch that video for a little bit more information so we're just gonna leave this for now I'm gonna go through and create responsive search ads over time but we have our ads we have our extensions this is where you can add some different ad group level extensions so if you click here and click on site link you can add specific extensions directly to your ad group for accent chairs or for curtains or whatever it is the different things that you're trying to promote just to make sure your ads are as relevant as possible now the last thing I want to go over is if we come over here to settings what I like to do is after I create my campaign you come over to settings and right now I'm in the settings for this ad group so I want to come back to the campaign level so we'll click on our campaign at the top and these are our campaign settings we'll do additional settings here so the first thing I like to make sure is that I'm optimizing for the right conversions so you can see I'm using the conversion action set I created earlier which are the two conversions I want to optimize for for this campaign so this will allow me to use smart bidding strategies and eventually what I want to do is I want to get my bidding strategy if I click on change bid strategy here I eventually would like to get it to target CPA so what essentially what I'm doing is I'm targeting a specific amount money that I would like to pay for each acquisition for each conversion that my Google Ads campaign is driving so let's just say for example every conversion for me specifically is worth five dollars then what I would like to do is set my target CPA to something below five dollars so if I have a conversion it's five dollars for me if my target CPA is ten dollars that means every time i drive a conversion i'm losing five dollars so I would like my target CPA to probably be something around three dollars or less so we'll see how much it's gonna cost me per conversion this is why I set my bid so low because the way my conversions are set up is they don't drive me a ton of value someone coming into my website seeing a farmhouse Kurt and they like clicking on learn more and eventually purchasing something isn't worth a whole lot to me because I'm only getting a small Commission for every product that I sell so essentially what I need to do is drive as much relevant traffic to the pages on my website and get people to click out as much as possible so I can drive that value so essentially what I like to do is eventually get to this target CPA strategy where you can say I want to set my target CPA at three dollars because if I can drive conversions for three dollars and I can drive let's say 20 conversions per day that's driving me a value of 40 dollars per day because I'm earning $2 on every conversion because I said a conversion is worth five dollars for me if I set my target CPA at three dollars and I get my target CPA to three dollars so my cost per acquisition is three dollars then for every conversion I make two dollars so it would be plus two dollars per conversion for me if I have my target CPA set at three and a conversion is worth five so that's essentially how bidding works I'm gonna click on cancel for now we're gonna start at manual CPC set our own bids once you switch to target CPA Google is automatically gonna set bids for you so you can make sure that you get a little bit more data before you switch over to these automated bid strategies I can also do maximize conversions the thing is for the first couple weeks it might end up not driving as many conversions as I would like to and I think personally being in control with manual CPC and enhancing I can drive more conversions initially than maximize conversions well then once I get more data I can always switch to some of these other smart bidding strategies where I give the keys essentially to Google and say please driving more conversions for my budget so this is bidding I think bidding is a really important aspect of Google Ads and it's one of the most complicated aspects same with targeting keywords if you don't want to know too much about targeting keywords then just target phrase match keywords you can always expand your keyword list but you won't see a lot of things coming into your search terms that are unrelated if you're using these phrase match keywords so this is all we need to do for now if we come back over to our campaign screen and we come to campaigns you're gonna see we have an enabled search campaign $15 daily budget it's showing our all-time data here so all time I've only spent seven hundred twelve dollars in this account I've driven 146 conversions and my cost per conversion was four dollars and eighty-eight cents so I'm hoping to do better with this campaign I actually think I'll do a lot better with this campaign because my other campaigns were really just set up to show some different tutorials on this channel but for this one I'm gonna run it for 30 days try to get as much as possible out of it and then show you my results and show you how I optimize them in part two of my Google Ads tutorial so if you have any questions about this please leave them in the comments section this is a pretty intensive video I know I went over a lot in this video but there's a lot to learn about Google Ads when you are launching your first search campaign so thank you for watching my video today and make sure you subscribe to the Surfside PPC youtube channel
Channel: Surfside PPC
Views: 240,736
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: google ads tutorial, google adwords, google adwords tutorial, google ads, google ads tutorial 2020, google adwords tutorial 2020, google ads tutorial 2021, google adwords tutorial 2021, google ads campaign, google ads settings, google ads for beginners, google ads 2020, google adwords 2020, create google ads, ppc advertising, pay per click advertising, search engine marketing, ppc advertising tutorial, google ad, google ppc, adwords google, adwords, google ads tutorial 2019
Id: nLH8sIM6xVE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 1sec (3961 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 15 2020
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