Google Ads Search Campaign Tutorial - How to Create Successful Search Campaigns

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what's up everyone welcome to the Surfside PPC youtube channel today I'm going to be going over Google search ads and I'm gonna be creating a full campaign from start to finish in this video so it's gonna be a very long video and I'm gonna be using the Google Ads interface I'm gonna be using the Google Keyword planner and I'm also going to be using Google Ads editor so I'm gonna go through a little bit of each of these tools and show you how I build my own search campaigns so if you're looking for more of my Google ads tutorial you can find that I'll link this video in the description you're gonna see my Google ads tutorial for 2020 so this is how to create a basic campaign it goes over conversion tracking so everything you basically need to get started with Google Ads so if you do watch this video and you're looking for a little bit more information about building search campaigns that's why I'm gonna go through this video I'm gonna be creating a video for my website farmhouse goals com so essentially what I want is to send people to my website get them to come in here look at some of my products hopefully click on learn more and go off to some of my affiliates click on some of my advertisements for Amazon and other affiliates and hopefully get people to go to those websites and purchase products that's ultimately my goal it's gonna be hard to drive a positive return on adspend one of the main questions I get is how to run Google ads campaigns for affiliate marketing it can be really difficult to do so I'm gonna do my best to create a campaign that's gonna be profitable for me and I'm gonna run the campaign for a little bit and I'll go over optimization strategies as well so to get started what I would recommend always doing with any campaign on Google Ads is making sure that you have your conversion tracking completely setup and recording properly so what you want to do is go to tools and settings under measurement you're gonna see conversions so in conversions it's going to show any of the conversion actions that you've already imported and created in your account and you can also create conversion action sets if you're optimizing for multiple conversions that are happening on your website so for me personally I'm gonna be going with this D conversion fhd and also my outbound clicks conversion so what I've done is I've created a conversion action set and you're gonna see it's my F HD conversion set main so it's using these two conversion actions and they're going to be the two conversion actions that I'm optimizing for in the search campaign so the two main key performance indicators my website so when I get conversions it means there's value back to my website and ultimately drives revenue for my business so what we're gonna do is come back here we have our conversion tracking all set up so we're ready to build our search campaign now before you build a search campaign you need a goal so my goal is to send traffic to these different pages on my website I'm also going to be testing landing pages so go through that process in this video and I'm ultimately gonna take all these different pages so farmhouse TV stands farmhouse wood signs metal farmhouse signs farmhouse signs farmhouse curtains so all these different pages I'm gonna target relevant keywords drive traffic to these pages and create the best advertisements I possibly can and then try to see if I can drive conversions at a low enough cost to continue running this Google Ads campaign now for some businesses and especially affiliate businesses it can be very difficult to run Google ads campaigns or any paid advertising and get a positive return on adspend so that's ultimately gonna be my goal for this campaign now I might end up incorporating more goals over time but right now I just want to send people to these pages on my website so you're gonna see farmhouse TV stands most of my pages look pretty similar except they just list different products for sale so when someone comes in here they see farmhouse TV stands I want people to shop these farmhouse TV stands and go through to my affiliates and hopefully purchase some of these so if I can drive people here they buy a thousand dollar farmhouse TV stand off my website then I know that I can continue running this campaign so we're gonna see how this ends up performing so what we're gonna be doing is coming back over here to Google ads and we're gonna get right into creating our campaign so I'm gonna click on the plus sign here create a new campaign the goal for me is going to be leads so both of my conversion actions are lead conversion actions they both tie in to outbound clicks so I'm trying to drive traffic to my affiliates drive traffic to different advertisers on my website and those are gonna be leads for me so I'm gonna click on leads our campaign type is gonna be search and then what we're gonna be doing is using website visits to reach our goal and our website is gonna be farmhouse goals calm now this is gonna be a pretty long video it takes a while to create Google Ads search campaigns especially ones that are gonna be as intensive as this so if we come over here to blog post and we just look I have 94 blog posts well 93 published blog posts here so I'm gonna have probably at least 50 to 75 ad groups total and I might end up having over a hundred ad groups depending on the amount of keywords I start to target so as I'm creating this campaign it's gonna take some time so that's why I'm also going to be using Google Ads editor because it's much easier to make bulk changes and create a lot of ad groups at once but what I want to do is I want to start by building my campaign directly in the Google Ads interface now if you're not familiar with Google Ads editor you can come here to this page ads Google comm and you're gonna see it's under tools ads editor if you just search Google ads editor directly into Google it'll be the top result and you can download google ads editor so it's an actual software on your computer where you're allowed to make changes to your campaigns and you can see here it lets you work offline so essentially what I can do is make a ton of changes my campaigns and then once you're done making changes you post those changes to your Google Ads account you can also get recent changes so as I create this campaign I'm gonna get recent changes it'll pull my new campaign in here so for example I can come in here I can pause this campaign post it and in my Google Ads account it'll then be paused so it's a great way to manage your Google ads campaigns and especially create Google ads campaigns when you need to make bulk changes I highly recommend using ads editor I'm gonna create a new tutorial for ads editor in the coming weeks so people know how to use it for your search display and video campaigns okay so we're gonna start here we have our type as a search campaign or goal as leads so we're gonna name our campaign first we'll do farmhouse goals conversions search campaign 2020 okay so that's gonna be my main campaign for my farmhouse goals website I created a different campaign in my tutorial this is gonna be the main campaign that I'm running because it's gonna be really intensive in terms of ad creation ad extensions and the amount of keywords and AD groups that I'm using under networks you want to include the search Network Google search partners you do not want to include the Google Display Network your Google Display Network and Google Display ad should be in completely separate campaigns I never include the Display Network for my search campaign so we're gonna keep coming down show more settings so we can do start and end dates campaign URL options and dynamic search ads I'm not gonna be doing that for this campaign in locations I'm gonna be using United States under languages I'm gonna be choosing English keep coming down so audiences so you can add audiences to your campaign so what I'm gonna do is add a few audiences here essentially with audiences it allows you to bid higher or lower on these audiences when people let's come over here to browse let's say people in an in market audience search one of my keywords I can bid higher or lower on them based on the in market audience that they're in so what I'm gonna do is start with remarketing audiences and we're gonna come over here to website visitors I'm going to use this all users 540 days so anybody who's been to my website in the last 540 days if they start looking up farmhouse decor and they start searching some of my targeted keywords I want to make sure I'm bidding a little bit higher on them now the setting you want to use is observation so that means you're not narrowing the reach of your campaign it essentially just allows you to bid higher or lower on this audience if you choose targeting it means only people in this audience are gonna see your search ads when they search your keywords so it's really gonna narrow down your campaign I don't really ever use targeting here it would only make sense if you have a really small budget and you want to really focus on specific audiences but in this case I'm gonna use this website visitors audience and what we'll do is we'll come over here to ideas and I'll use home decor so I'm gonna use an in market audience for home decor this is gonna be a little bit more broad but at least I know that these people are currently in the market for home decorations so hopefully they're interested in farmhouse decor - and they should be if they search some of my keywords so we're gonna use these two audiences right now and we're gonna end up bidding a little bit higher for both of these audiences I'll show you how to do that in a little bit next is gonna be our budget so the average I want to spend each day so for my budget the average I want to spend each day is $15 I can always increase this later but for right now $15 is what I'm gonna run for a little while and we're gonna see how this ends up performing for me so next we're gonna come down to bidding so there's a lot of different strategies you can go with bidding here so if I just choose the default setting here it's gonna use the maximize conversions bid strategy which is essentially gonna try to get me the most conversions for my budget now the best thing to do here is test me personally what I'd like to do is come in here and use manual CPC and you and hand CPC so to optimize for conversions so this allows me to set my own bids on keywords so with this I can I can control costs much better and I can make sure I'm setting my bids really low since I'm gonna have a large campaign where I'm targeting all of these different keywords what I'm gonna be able to do is bid really low and hopefully drive a lot of traffic to my website and hopefully that turned into a lot of convergence now over time what I can do is change to target CPA or maximize conversions if you have actual revenue coming into your Google Ads account you want to use target return on adspend that allows you to actually optimize for revenue and value target CPA is gonna be optimizing for conversions at the lowest cost and maximize conversions you allow Google Ads to set bids automatically to hopefully get you the most conversions within your budget for me I like to have a little bit more control over the beginning of the campaign so I'm gonna use manual CPC if you don't want to set your own bids I would recommend using target CPA and then setting a target CPA here that's gonna be the best for your business so for me personally I would set a target CPA of $4 and hopefully I can get $4 conversions or less over time now I've worked with some clients where the target CPA is a hundred dollars but that's because the average customer is gonna be worth much more than a hundred dollars so paying a hundred dollars for a conversion is worth it for certain businesses so your target CPA is really dependent on how much revenue each conversion is going to end up driving to your business so the better you can track that the better it's comes when it for your bidding strategy so for target CPA I would set a four dollar target CPA with manual CPC I'm gonna create my own bids and I'm gonna bid very low in the beginning of this campaign so help increase conversions with enhanced CPC this allows Google Ads to bid higher or lower on specific keywords when they think a conversion is more likely or less likely to happen so that's gonna be bidding we can come down here to show more settings so with conversions I showed you before that I have a conversion action set so I'm gonna choose conversion actions for this campaign and select specific conversion actions up here you're going to see conversion action sets it's a little whited out so you can't really see it too well but over here is conversion actions up here is conversion action sets and I'm gonna be using my F HD conversion set main so we're gonna choose this one here click on save okay so now we have our conversion action set ad schedule will be all-day ad rotation will be optimized perfer the best performing ads next is going to be ad extensions so I always create ad extensions at the very end so I could use ad extensions at the campaign level right now but for right now I'm gonna do ad extensions at the end and we're gonna click on save and continue so we can get started with creating our ad group so for right now I'm just going to create one ad group and I'm gonna use the example I've been showing farmhouse TV stands so essentially the main keyword I want to bid on is farmhouse TV stands so I'm gonna keep it really simple in this campaign I'm not going to be targeting a ton of different keywords but one of the things you can do is if you're not sure which keywords to target you can either use the keyword planner or use keyword research tool that is built into Google Ads so it's gonna use my website enter my product or service I can type here farmhouse TV stand I don't find this to be the best way to look up keywords so if we look at it you're gonna see some things that aren't overly relevant to farmhouse TV stands so that's why what I like to do is just come over to the keyword planner if I'm not sure which keywords I want to target I'll go to the keyword planner discover new keywords and what I can do is just type in here farmhouse TV stand click on get results and if we scroll down here you're gonna see it's gonna give me the most relevant keywords so this is the keyword I entered farmhouse TV stand you can see eighteen thousand monthly searches the other thing I like is you can get bid ranges so the top of page bid in the low range is 33 cents in the high range is a dollar 27 I'm gonna end up bidding about 20 cents for all of these different keywords so my bids are gonna start very low I can always increase those bids over time so even if you see 33 cents here you can always bid even lower than that because you can increase your bids so what I'm gonna do is I can take some of these keywords here farm house TV stand maybe we'll do farmhouse TV console what I like to do is look at user intent someone who's looking up farmhouse TV console is looking at the same thing as farmhouse TV stands now people who are looking for modern farmhouse TV stands white farmhouse TV stand I could use this keyword farmhouse style TV stand farmhouse media console so I could use a few of these different keywords here but I wouldn't use white farmhouse TV stand or a farmhouse TV stand with fireplace unless I'm sending people specific to a landing page on my website that's only listing white farmhouse TV stands or that's only listing farmhouse TV stands with fireplace so I might end up targeting these keywords but for right now what I'll use is farmhouse Media Console farmhouse TV console farmhouse style TV stand and farmhouse TV stand so I'm gonna enter those keywords here we'll name our ad group firsts so farmhouse TV stands default bid I'll just use 20 cents for right now now we'll get rid of all these keywords they entered here you're gonna see down here some keyword match types so the keyword match types that I generally use our broad match modified so with that it's gonna look like farmhouse TV stands I'll use phrase match so with phrase match that's gonna be in quotes so with that it's farmhouse TV stands and then I can use the exact match so that's gonna be farmhouse TV stands now I don't generally target all three in the same ad group what I the way I look at it is if I really want to broaden my search if I have a larger budget if I want to reach people more people just based on synonyms and different types of keywords where Google ads is gonna expand my keyword and target more search queries that are gonna be related to the keyword that I'm targeting then I'll use this broad match modified now one thing you're gonna see down here is broad match I never use broad match keywords so with broad match keywords you're just coming in here and you're doing farmhouse TV stands with absolutely no modifiers at all there's no quotes no brackets no plus signs so if there's nothing this is gonna be really wide-ranging and a keyword like this farmhouse TV stands might match for something like rustic Media Console so it's a keyword that's a little bit different and it might have the same intent for users where people are looking at farmhouse TV stands but broad match keywords to me make things a little bit too broad it could be useful for advertisers with large budgets advertisers who are looking to test and find new keywords however what I want to do is just use phrase match keywords so with phrase match keywords what that means is Google Ads is going to only target search queries that use this phrase so someone might come in to Google and search something like white farmhouse TV stands in that case this would match this individual search query so if you want things to be really really targeted you can use exact match keyword but that ends up narrowing your campaign a little bit too much in my opinion so for me what I'd like to do is use phrase match keywords I think that gives you a good happy medium it allows you to target a lot of different keywords and if we come over here to the keyword planner you're gonna see there's different ways people are gonna look up TV farmhouse TV stands whether it's modern and you can see something like rustic farmhouse TV stand now over here you're going to see farmhouse corner TV stand since Corner is in the middle of this phrase this would actually not match for my targeted search term so what I'm gonna do is take the four keywords that I mentioned earlier and we're gonna use those as phrase match keywords so it's gonna be farmhouse TV stands okay so we have these four keywords here if you're looking over here at daily estimates it's showing that we're likely to get zero clicks per day so what you can always do is increase this default bid if you're seeing your forecast data too low let's see if I increase it to forty five cents there's a better chance of me getting a click per day now if I increase it to a dollar fifty then I'm probably gonna get a lot more clicks per day so it's gonna be four clicks per day but my average cost per click is gonna be at one dollar and two cents that's not going to be worthwhile for this campaign so my default bid what I'll do is since it looks so low I'll start at 25 cents so our ad group is farmhouse TV stands we're targeting for really relevant keywords here and we're gonna be sending traffic to our farmhouse TV stands page I'm also going to be testing landing pages I'll go through that in the ad creation process so we can click on save and continue and now the next thing is going to be creating an expanded text ad and you can also create responsive search ads as well usually what I'll do when I'm going through this is create expanded text ads first so I'll take our final URL we'll copy up here and we're gonna enter our farmhouse TV stands final URL we can enter our headline here so let's just do okay so we did best farmhouse TV stands in the first headline headline - farmhouse goals so just our brand name and headline 3 shop farmhouse furniture today now with display path we can adjust the way this URL looks so I'm gonna do is just come in here and do TV stands so we have farmhouse goals comm slash TV stands and next we can enter our two description lines okay so we have shop farmhouse goals today for the top-rated farmhouse TV stands and media consoles and then description - if you're looking for farmhouse TV stands you will find one at farmhouse goals so a couple descrip lines so that's pretty much it we can do done and create next ad and we can start to create our next advertisement here okay so we have our next advertisement it's pretty similar just farmhouse-style TV stands shop farmhouse goals and then headline three we'll do a beautiful rustic furniture we'll keep the display path the same we kept description line one the same and then in description line two we have discovered the best farmhouse TV stands and rustic style media consoles for your farm home so we can click on done and create next ad that's going to bring us to responsive search ads so with the responsive search ads you have the option to add a bunch of different headlines bunch of different description lines and what Google Ads is going to do is essentially show a lot of different ad combinations and the more headlines you add the more description lines you add and the more unique they are the better your ads are gonna perform over time so essentially what you want to do is fill out all these different headlines and you want them to be somewhat unique so you might have something like best farmhouse TV stands farmhouse style TV stands I can create one that's just farmhouse TV stands I could do farmhouse media consoles I can do okay so it's showing our ad strength is excellent here we have final URL set we have our display URL set we have all of our headline set here and we have four different description lines so what we're able to do now is click on done okay so we have three separate advertisements for this individual ad group so we're gonna end up doing this for all of our ad groups so we're targeting four keywords they're all phrase match keywords we're going to be sending traffic to our farmhouse TV Stan's landing page and you can see our advertisements all closely match the keywords that we're targeting and the landing page that we're sending traffic to so ultimately what you want to do is give people a very relevant experience and now we can do is click on save and continue and it's gonna create our campaign where we have our one ad group set up so what I can do is come down here and go to continue to campaign and now we can do since we have the campaign created we can come into Google ads editor we can come to get recent changes go to more data all campaigns and click on ok and what its gonna do is download that campaign directly into Google ads editor ok so any of the changes that were recently made its gonna show here if you have any warnings you're gonna see a little sign that looks like this so generally that just tells you to target audiences or tells you to make sure you're setting up ad extensions it usually just gives some tips for how to improve your campaign but right now we have this campaign downloaded so this is one we just created in Google Ads we can download it immediately into our Google ads editor click on done and now we have this campaign here so I can easily start to edit this campaign so what I like to do is just come over here on the left hand side we can click on our campaign if we click on ad groups you're gonna see will expand this a bit farmhouse TV stands if we click on keywords in targeting so we'll expand this again so farmhouse style TV stands you can see we have a phrase match keyword type if we come down to ads you can see we have one responsive search ad and then we have two expanded text ads so as we continue to build out this campaign we're gonna be able to see all the changes we made here you can see we just have one ad group right now so I want to continue to create more and more ad groups so I'm gonna go over how to create ad groups in Google Ads editor but for right now I want to come back to the Google Ads interface and I want to create a few more at groups directly in the interface okay so we're gonna go on and create our next ad group and I'm just gonna keep going down the list so these are all gonna be my landing pages and on every page there's relevant products for sale so we're just gonna get right into farmhouse wood signs farmhouse metal signs just farm house signs farmhouse curtains so we're gonna create some of these different ad groups now I'm gonna kind of fast forward to the ad creation process a little bit once you see me do it once or twice it kind of gets repetitive so I really want to focus on how I'm organizing the campaign more than anything so for ad group - it's gonna be wood farmhouse signs and again what we can do is use some of this keyword research over here just to see if there's any ideas that we can add so wood farmhouse science press Enter okay so these ones gave some relevant keywords but again these are a little bit different than what I would want to bid on now something I could do is wooden farm a farm signs one thing to keep in mind is if you are targeting a keyword let's just say wood farm house signs for example if someone goes to Google and types in wooden farmhouse sign this search term would still match this targeted keyword what Google ads is essentially doing is saying wood and wouldn't are synonyms they're the same exact word the same exact intent that someone's typing in and signs and sign you don't really need to worry about plurals so you don't need to bid on wood farmhouse signs wood farmhouse sign and then use the plurals and non plural version of all these keywords so wood farmhouse signs on its own would match all these different options because essentially what Google is gonna do is look at closed variants and say synonyms maybe misspellings maybe someone goes in and types in something like this so they know this is gonna be a misspelling and the person who types this into Google or wooden farmhouse signed wooden farm sign has the same intent as someone who's typing in wood farmhouse signs so it is gonna expand those different keywords you don't need to worry about plurals too much so even something like wooden farm signs I can add this over here but even this targeted keyword right here could potentially match this right here as long as they look at farmhouse and farm as synonyms then Google odds is gonna match it and you can really expand it if you're using broad match modifier so if you're using the plus signs in front of each word it's really gonna expand your keywords so something like farmhouse if someone types in wood and rustic signs if you're using this broad match modifier in front of your targeted keywords so let's just say you have something like wooden farmhouse signs this could potentially match something like wouldn't rustic sign the wooden country signs because it's gonna expand your keywords to other search terms so I like to use phrase match because it keeps it a little bit more targeted but you're still gonna match all these close variants so for me when I'm building campaigns I usually don't worry too much about adding all these different keywords in here I'll just add one keyword and if I start to see more ideas or if I'm not seeing enough search volume I'll come over to the keyword planner I'll go to discover new keywords and again just come in here and do wood farmhouse signs click on get results and it'll start automatically by giving me the most relevant results here so I can use some of these different ideas for some relevant results but just using wood farmhouse signs will match plenty of different search terms that people are typing into Google I can bid very low so we'll set our bids at 25 cents save and continue this is gonna bring us to create ads so for right now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna cancel and I'm just gonna come down here to the bottom and do save and continue' so that's gonna create the new ad group here and what I'm gonna start doing is creating my advertisements directly in Google ads editor I think it's much easier to create advertisements in Google eyes editor than it is to you do them in the Google ads interface so I'm gonna up creating a lot of my advertisements there for right now what I'm gonna do is add a few more ad groups so we'll click on the plus sign again create another ad group so for this one's gonna be metal farmhouse signs so again just keep in mind how important it is to make sure that you're creating different ad groups depending on the different landing pages where you're sending traffic you should have different ad groups and to make sure that your ads are really relevant to the keywords you're targeting and that your landing pages are really relevant to the keywords you're targeting because the more everything is relevant and everything flows seamlessly the better your quality scores are going to be and the better overall results you're gonna see from your campaign so we'll come here real quick make sure we dismiss this for right now so we have metal farmhouse signs again we'll use the 25 cent bid we've been using and then we'll come in here and we'll just do metal farmhouse signs and save and continue and again we're gonna click on cancel it's automatically gonna import our advertisement for farmhouse TV stance but for right now we're gonna click on cancel and save and continue so now we have three total ad groups click on the plus sign as you can see I ran this campaign for a little bit I'm starting to get some clicks for farmhouse TV stands so no conversions or anything yet but only spent ninety nine cents so not too big of a deal so click on the plus sign here and we're gonna come back over here to our posts our list of landing pages essentially so next to me farmhouse signs so I usually deal with these keywords a little bit differently since I'm already bidding on metal farmhouse signs and farmhouse wood signs with just farmhouse signs I'm just gonna target the exact match version of this keyword so I don't want there to be too much overlap between some of these different options if I start targeting the phrase match version of farmhouse signs then this could potentially match when someone types in metal farmhouse signs or wood for mount signs so I'm just gonna target the exact match keyword to make sure that that traffic is going into this ad group and when people are looking for wooden or metal specifically they're gonna find the other ad groups and eventually find these landing pages and more relevant advertisements instead so come back over to our ad group here and we'll do farmhouse signs and one of the things I'll do if I'm just targeting exact match keyword is just do exact so I know in the other ad groups that I'm targeting phrase match keywords but in this one I know that I'm gonna be targeting an exact match keyword so all I need to do is come in here and use brackets farmhouse signs so bracket brackets will signify that it's in act match keyword to fall paid we're just gonna set this at 25 cents as well you could bid slightly higher on your exact match keywords so that's one option you have but the way I'm targeting keywords I think it's fine just to use this as 25 cents click on save and continue and then what we can do click on cancel again and do save and continue okay so we have four total ad groups for right now so we're gonna click on the plus sign again and come back over to our post and you're going to see farmhouse curtains now some of these ones right here farmhouse bedroom ideas farmhouse pantry ideas farmhouse bathroom ideas I'm gonna test sending traffic to these pages but they're not really ones that I'm gonna focus on so I'm gonna skip them for now and I really want to focus on things like farmhouse curtains and as we scroll down here things like Rhea done bowls write-down canisters keep coming down bar stools salt and pepper shakers so things were that are more product base is what I'm really focused on instead of people who are looking for kitchen ideas or design ideas these types of posts do the best in terms of search engine optimization because more people are looking for ideas and design inspirations than actual products for sale for the most part and there's not as much competition so what I'm gonna do is just you two farmhouse curtains for now and we're gonna enter that here so farmhouse curtains and we're gonna set our default bid at 25 cents and again we're gonna keep this really simple farmhouse curtains and we'll do farmhouse style curtains okay so that's good for now save and continue we're gonna do cancel again when the advertisement automatically comes up cancel and then save and continue so now we have five total ad groups so I'm gonna keep creating ad groups but what I want to do is pull this data directly into Google ads editor so again what you want to do is get recent changes you could do basic I always click on more data it's just a natural habit that's gonna download all campaigns so any changes in my account one thing you can do is go to get recent changes and you can do more data or basic and then do specific campaigns so you can do campaigns I select and then just choose the campaigns that you're working on so this can be useful if you have a large account with a lot of campaigns I'll do this for right now I'm just gonna do all campaigns this accounts not too large mostly just tutorial campaigns I've made in previous videos okay so you can see our ad groups we just created our autumn we pulled in here if we click on wood farmhouse signs for example so we'll come over here click on wood farmhouse signs and we come down to ads you're gonna see we have zero advertisements for this individual a group for right now so we got to start creating our advertisements and when you're doing something like signs for example and I have three different ad groups it comes really easy to create multiple advertisements and just change them slightly so that you have different advertisements and you don't have to worry about creating each sing each one individually so what I could do is come over here to farmhouse TV stands I can just come to ads and take all the advertisements so we could start and expanded text ads take these copy them come over to any of these different ad groups here so maybe what I'll do is start in farmhouse science so we'll come in here we'll paste these and then what you can do is just adjust these advertisements now when you're creating ads and if you do copy and paste them like I did here I would always recommend setting your final URL first the last thing you want to do is forget to set your final URL and then you're ending up sending traffic to the wrong landing page so we're gonna come over here and we're gonna copy our final URL so we're doing farmhouse signs we'll take your copy link address now one of the things I'm gonna do so I've thought a little bit about this campaign is I'm only gonna run one expanded text ad so I'm gonna get rid of this first one here and I'm just gonna run one expanded text ad and one responsive search ad in each ad group and then I'm gonna end up duplicating them and adjusting the landing page so it's gonna be four total advertisements but it's really this gonna be two advertisements duplicated so we'll start with expanded tax status here we're in farmhouse signs so really simple any where it says TV stands I just want to change to signs one of the things you can do is take one of these advertisements here right click on it and do replace text so essentially you can find texts so I could do TV stands and replace it with signs now this isn't gonna work for this individual advertisement but I can do it for all of my furniture advertisements because I have so much about farmhouse furniture and the best types of furniture that people can purchase it's not going to be the best with signs they're really more wall decor wall decorations so it's not gonna work in this case but if you do need to replace a lot of text if you're creating a lot of advertisements at once this is something I use pretty often you can also use a pen and add text before or after existing text so for right now I'm gonna do is come in here and we're gonna adjust this advertisement so I'm gonna do best farmhouse signs will keep headline - as far mouse goals and then headline three we have shop farmhouse furniture today so I could use to shop farmhouse wall decor okay so description line one so within this case it might be a little bit more difficult to kind of adjust these things around because they are furniture advertisements so all I can do here in description line one it's all just completely replace both these description lines come down here to path and what we're gonna do is signs and then what we can do is make sure we change our final URL like I told you about kind of make sure I change that as well so we'll come here copy link address come back down make sure we adjust our final URL to farmhouse signs so right now we have our advertisement pretty much set we're just gonna do the description lines now as you're doing your description lines one way to make it a little bit easier is you can expand this section over here to the right so you can always move fields around in Google ads editor so they've made it a lot easier to kind of adjust your screen so generally what I'll do is when I'm making advertisements as I'll pull this all the way over so then when you're going through and you start creating advertisements becomes much easier to change your description lines and see how your advertising it's gonna look you also get a preview down here at the bottom so it's pretty easy to see how your ads are looking as you go through each individual ad group so right down here we have best farmhouse signs farmhouse goals shop farmhouse wall decor and then we adjusted the description lines as well so now this advertisements gonna be pretty easy for me to copy and paste into my other ad group but what I want to do first is make sure I create a responsive search ad in this ad group as well so we're gonna come over to our TV stands we'll just come over to responsive search ads we'll copy this right here and again come right over here and paste it so now we can do is pull this over now you're gonna see I'm gonna have to adjust all these different things but anything that can still stay SHOP farmhouse goals farmhouse goals I can do beautiful rustic wall decor so in this case I could just change furniture to wall decor and all these things by doing that find and replace however I'm just gonna do this manually so I'm gonna adjust some of these headlines now okay so I created my responsive search ad now for farmhouse signs so all these headlines should be pretty relevant it could always double check to make sure I didn't leave any TV stands or any they're from my previous ad that I just copy and pasted so all this looks good keep scrolling down I have my description lines so I was able to easily change those and then down at the bottom I change my path to signs and then my final URL I make sure I've said at farmhouse signs so right now if I come into my farmhouse signs ad group you're gonna see we have one expanded text ad and we have one responsive search ad so now since I have this it's really easy for me to take this copy it and paste it into metal signs paste it into wood signs and we're gonna do the same thing over here with farmhouse signs and the expanded text ad so we're gonna take this ad right here we're gonna copy it again go into metal and wood farmhouse signs now one of the things I want to show you is how to test landing pages so we're gonna come back over to farmhouse signs here and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna take the advertisements I've already created so I have this one responsive search ad I'm gonna copy it and I'm gonna paste it so we're just duplicating the advertisement so same thing with expanded text ads so I'm doing ctrl-c ctrl-v but again you just want to come here copy it and paste it so we're just copying and pasting this ad and duplicating it so now we can do is test landing pages now what I can do is if I come into the second advertisement you're gonna see the final URL here so we're not gonna change anything else about the advertisement we're just gonna be testing landing pages so all the ad copy is gonna look exactly the same so we're just gonna come over here to final URL and you're gonna see our final URL right now is this page right here farmhouse signs and what I want to test is the page on my website that goes to the product category in the shop portion of my website so we can see what's gonna end up performing better so we're gonna copy this right here and what we're gonna do is we're gonna come down and we're gonna paste this final URL now I know some people say that this might end up hurting my SEO but ultimately what I do is I use canonical URLs to tell Google that I want this page to rank because these pages have a lot of the same products on them they have more products on them and they have a lot more text and copy so these are the pages that I want to rank in Google and my blog posts tend to rank higher than my pages that are just have products on them so I don't really worry about keyword cannibalization with this website because I'm using my shop because people like to browse the shop portion and I use the blog post to essentially drive additional organic search traffic my website so what I can do is I can test these two pages against each other and see which one is gonna perform better in Google Ads and I can do this for all the different posts that I have here because you can see farmhouse wood signs right here so if we come over to the product category one of the product categories I have is wood signs one of them is metal signs so when all of these different ad groups I'm able to test my blog post style pages against these shop pages so these ones are just products for sale people can use filters they can find a lot of the other products that have my website and if these end up performing better then what's gonna happen is Google Ads is gonna continue to serve the top performing advertisements here so all I need to do is take this landing page adjust it for this second advertisement come over to our responsive search ad and do the same thing so we have our first advertisement here you can see our final URL we have our second advertisement here and we can take the final URL and we can copy and paste it right into there so now we have a different final URL same exact advertisement we're just sending traffic to a different place so I'm gonna end up doing that for all the advertisements in all of my ad groups so I can do it for a farmhouse TV stands I'm gonna do it for metal farmhouse signs and wood farm out signs what I always do is create my advertisements first once I'm finally done with them then I'll go through and I'm gonna duplicate them and just adjust the landing pages so one of the reasons I do use Google Ads editor is because I find the process of doing all that much easier in Google ads editor then using the actual Google ads interface so coming into the Google ads interface copying and pasting all my advertisements and adjusting the landing pages for them can be more time-consuming in my opinion than just doing it directly in Google ads editor so this is essentially how I create my advertisements and adjust them if I want to change the final URLs so right now I have five total ad groups so what I can do is keep creating these advertisements but while I'm working on farmhouse signs what I want to show you is the other thing that I recommend doing to make sure you're getting the most out of your campaign okay I fast forwarded a little bit you're gonna see I have a little bit more information here my optimization score has dropped since the last time you seen it for now as I'm working on the campaign I just dropped my budget to one dollar per day but what I did is I fast forwarded a little bit to create some advertisements so if we come into this farmhouse curtains ad group you're gonna see I have the same search keywords here but if we come over to ads and extensions you're gonna see I created my responsive search ad and my expanded text ad for this ad group so I just want to make sure that all my ads are set up first so usually the way my process works is as I'm creating each individual ad group I want to make sure I have my ads created when I'm targeting keywords so that when people do see my advertisements they're gonna see relevant advertisements and it's gonna bring them to the right landing pages so when someone clicks on one of my advertisements for farmhouse curtains for example they're gonna make go to the right landing page and see the products that I want them to see so this is my process is essentially as I'm creating my ad groups make sure I have all my keywords and ad set up first and foremost and then the main thing that I want to do is use ad group level ad extensions so with ad extensions if we click on the plus sign here there's a lot of options you can add to your campaigns so if you're accepting phone calls you want to use call extensions that's gonna allow people on mobile devices to click and call you directly and people on desktop devices are able to see your phone number so they can quickly call you lead form extensions can be really useful I think if you're not accepting calls and your goal is to drive leads then lead form extensions can be very useful I would still prefer a phone call over a lead form because if you get someone on the phone directly you can land them as a client much easier than if someone does fill out a lead form location extension so if you're using Google my business you have a physical location you want to make sure you set up location extensions the same goes for affiliate location extension so that means if you're selling your product at your own location and then you have other stores that carry that product as well you can use affiliate locations price extensions so these can be really useful for example for Surfside PPC I can say Google Ads services start at $1,000 a month so you can use price extensions so people know exactly how much things are gonna cost before they ever click your advertisement I think it's a great way to make sure that people are willing to pay your prices before they click on your advertisements app extension so if you have a mobile app you can add that directly to your campaign and then when people are mobile devices you can see it's going to encourage downloads of your app so if you do want people to use your app instead of your mobile website an app extension can be very useful here and promotion extension if you're running any special sales or offers as it shows here any promotion that you're currently running you can use directly in your advertisements now they're not all gonna apply to every single business there's a lot of businesses without apps a lot of businesses don't have set prices for the products on their website for example even if we look at farmhouse goals and we come over here to farmhouse curtains I'm not gonna use price extensions and lists individual product prices because prices can really vary for each individual curtain so it's really useful more if you have services or specific prices that people are gonna pay now the same thing with location extensions not every business has a physical location that they want to drive people to lead form and call extensions if you're not trying to drive leads or if you're just not accepting calls at this time then they're not going to be useful for you however the three extensions that should apply to pretty much every business our sitelink extensions call-out extensions and structured snippet extensions so site link is probably one of the best ways to increase the size of your advertisement and encourage people to visit other relevant pages on your website so if I'm adding sitelink extensions for farmhouse curtains what I can do is click on the cite link extension and you're gonna see I'm adding it directly to this ad group so we're gonna create new site links if you already have existing site links you can come here and go to use existing come down to the list of the ones you've already created so for example I can say you know I can send people directly to my shop as one of my sitelink extensions keeps going down if you see any other ideas that you've already created you can add them here I can use the home page but for right now I'm gonna click on save so now this is gonna add one extension to our ad group so you can see here where here we have our farmhouse Kohl's shop and it's added to our campaign it's at the ad group level it's already approved I would recommend adding at least four sitelink extensions for each individual ad group so for something like farmhouse curtains what I'm gonna do is click on the plus sign here we're gonna go site link extension and one thing you can do is you can set up a site link for the same exact landing page where you're already sending traffic so I can just do farmhouse curtains for sale use that as a site link so we'll do farmhouse curtains I'm just gonna keep it simple just do farmhouse curtains use my description lines here so you get 35 characters for description line 135 for description line two these are not required but they are recommended so I'm gonna fill out description lines at the very end what I'm gonna do now is just set my final URL so we'll come here here and we'll take the final URL and enter it here so we'll come down site link - so what I'm gonna do is use some of the product categories and the most relevant product categories on my website so if we come over here and we're looking at product categories you can see I have farmhouse curtains so this is a completely different page so if I come in here and we copy the link address I can use this page as well so if I'm a URL this would send people to the product category so the shop page on my website so I can use that as one of my site links and I can just do shop curtains and then number three what we can do is we'll come back over to product categories will do farmhouse drapes so we're gonna come here we're going to copy the link address come right over we'll paste it at final URL and we'll do farmhouse drapes and then first site lengths for what I'm gonna do is use valence is here so we'll do farmhouse balances so not quite curtains much smaller and go at the top of the window come here we'll copy the link address and we'll just come over enter this as our final URL and we'll do farmhouse valence --is so now I'm going to do is enter these description lines if you want to add more site links just click on add site link if you don't fill out anything here there's no problem but what I recommend doing is using at least four sitelink extensions so right now I'm gonna have five so it's gonna be the farmhouse goal shop we're gonna have farmhouse curtains we have shop curtains so I might end up changing that site link text but for now it's fine farmhouse drapes and farmhouse balances so I'm just trying to give people some relevant categories based on what they're searching if someone's searching for farmhouse curtains they might be looking for valances they might be looking for drapes so all these are gonna be relevant to that individual person this overall helps your add relevancy because the better that your ad extensions are and your advertisements are it's gonna help your overall quality score so what I'm gonna do now is enter these description lines okay so I have descriptions for each individual site link now so we're gonna be coming down here to the bottom and we're just gonna click on save so that's gonna add all these sitelink extensions to our ad group so you can see right now we have five total sitelink extensions in this ad group we have farmers cold Pharma's curtains Shoppe curtains farmhouse drapes and farmhouse balances so all these are gonna be relevant for our advertisement so the next thing that we can do is add call-out extensions so if we click here on add extension we can come here to call-out extension so call-out extensions are really good for highlighting specific promotions or specific benefits or anything that people are gonna get when they do visit your website so there's a lot of ways to use call-out text so for example I could just come in here under call-out text and do things like free shipping I can do free returns so you can use all these as call-out text so generally what I try to do is match it when I'm adding it to the ad group level things like this are gonna work better at the campaign level so things like free shipping free returns now you'll see a lot of different ideas when it comes to a call-out text I like to use it for promotions first and foremost but if I'm creating them for individual ad groups what I can do is use some of the different styles that people are gonna find but that could also be useful with structured snippets so for right now what I'm gonna do is come out and we're gonna do structured snippets instead so we're gonna click on cancel click on the plus sign and you structured snippet extensions so with structured snippets what you're able to do is select one of their headers so if you come here to header as you can see amenities will be vary for hotels brands would be great for stores who carry specific brands courses degree programs destinations featured hotels so for this the best thing for me would probably be styles so I could use styles and then go over some of the different styles of curtains that people can find on my website so one of the main styles here would be Buffalo check so that's just one of the main styles for farmhouse decor is Buffalo check and then if we come down here to the next style I can do something like modern and if we come down to the next style maybe I can do something like ruffled and if we do another style I can do something like blackout curtains so all these are popular styles some of them are more popular for farmhouse to core like ruffled and then I can add one more value and I could just do rustic so now you can see the way this advertisement is starting to look best farmhouse curtains farmhouse goals farmhouse window treatments you can see we have our structured snippet here so some of the different styles that people can find we have our sitelink extensions here so you're going to see our advertisement is improving with every ad group level ad extension that we're using so we can click on save and now we're set with our structured snippet extensions for our currents ad group so we're gonna click on the plus sign again let's come back to call-out extensions so what we can do here is something like top-rated curtains we can do curtains start at $13 for number three we can highlight some other relevant categories so we'll do drapes and valence is and then for call out text for we can do something like hundreds of we'll see if we get fit farm currents okay so this tells people we have some of the top rated products we have prices starting very low some different categories of curtains that people can find and then for qualitex for people know there's a huge variety of farmhouse curtains so pretty simple to use call-out extensions basically you just want to highlight some benefits give people some reason to click on your advertisement and shop your website so that's it we can click on save so now we have our ad extensions all set up for this individual ad group and what I'm gonna have to end up doing is if we come back over to our campaign and we look at our list of ad groups I'm gonna have to do this for each individual ad group now it becomes much easier as you start to add more ad groups and you start to add more ad extensions because I can use some of the same ad extensions for farmhouse signs wood farmhouse signs metal farmhouse signs when I eventually create an ad group for farmhouse wall decor so all those I'm able to create different types of ad extensions so I'm gonna keep creating this campaign now I'm gonna fast-forward through this video a little bit just because it's gonna end up boring you with all these little details but I'm gonna keep creating some different ad groups and some different advertisements the main thing for me though is just making sure for something like wood farmhouse signs we come into our search keyword you can see it's very simple if you see this below first page bid I wouldn't worry too much about it I would continue building out your campaign you can always increase bits later and we could also go back into our settings and change our bid strategy if we choose to change our bid strategy to one of the other options now right now I'm in the ad group level so you have to come back to the campaign level to go to your bidding and we can always try to change our bid strategy and see if something like maximize conversions or target CPA works better for us I like to just start with manual CPC we'll get some data and we could always switch over later to one of these other bid strategies so we'll click on cancel for now and what we're gonna do is come back to our ad groups and start creating some more ad groups so I'm gonna fast-forward to this portion a little bit okay so we're creating one of our next ad groups here and you can see I'm doing raid unbolts so if we come over to my posts you're gonna see I have a bunch of different posts here for radon there's even more that are listed below but I'm gonna target all of these different keywords here so one of the things you might find is what types of keywords should you target and if you don't want to use the keyword planner you want to make things a little bit easier one option you have and this is something that I do is I'll just go right to Google I search rate done bowls here and you can just come right to the bottom two searches related to radon bowls and you're gonna see there's a bunch of different options here so now I have much different options of keywords that I can target so what I did is I took some of these keywords and I use them right in my ad group so I'm targeting all these phrase match keywords radon bowls radon Bowl sets so radon bowls should match radon Bowl sets but I want to see how each keyword performs separately now one of the things that might happen is if someone types in radon soup bowls which I have a listing of soup pasta and cereal bowls all on the same page what it might not match this individual phrase match keyword because the soup is gonna break up this phrase so now I have five keywords in this ad group that I can target so we're using radon bowls and I can target all these different keywords so just come over to google enter the keyword that you're targeting and come down to the bottom and look at searches related to and you're gonna be able to find a lot of different keyword ideas so now I'm gonna keep creating these different ad groups so we're gonna save and continue and we can start creating our advertisements but what I like to do is when I'm when I am setting up ad groups I'd rather just create all of my ads at once so what I'm gonna do is add all these ad groups for radon bowls canisters Easter this is gonna be our exact match ad group are radon for sale so we're just gonna be targeting radon and radon pottery and some of those different keywords but we're gonna have radon mugs office Christmas Halloween so we're gonna target all these different keywords so I'm just gonna create each ad group first and then what we're gonna do is click on cancel create no ad group no ads for each ad group yet and we're just gonna do save and continue' so I think it makes it a little bit easier and I don't have to war about my keywords starting to run and not having the best advertisements in place so it's one option you have when you are building your campaigns it is why there is some benefit to building your campaigns directly in Google ads editor you're gonna see we have our ad groups here so if you're working on things offline then it allows you to publish them when you're ready and then it's only gonna publish once you have your campaign completely ready to go so for me I don't mind building it at the time and letting it run for a little bit like you're gonna see here so if that happens it's really not the end of the world so we're gonna get back to building some of these different ad groups now okay fast forwarded a bit so I created some new ad groups here so raidon office mugs Halloween Easter so essentially all the posts that I was showing you over here is where I'm gonna be sending traffic to so I added all these different ad groups now so right now I have 13 total ad groups I created eight new ones I had five existing ones so it does take a while to build Google Ads campaigns as you can see this is why usually my Google Ads tutorials are anywhere from 45 minutes to an hour about but to create a large campaign can take a lot of time so I said this individual campaign is gonna have over 50 ad groups total I've already been working on this campaign for over two hours so it does take almost a full day to build a large Google Ads campaign but it is worthwhile because the more ad groups you have the more you can test over time so I'm gonna keep adding ad groups to this campaign so we're just gonna keep moving right down the list so you're gonna see I have another Rea down here for salt and pepper shakers and then I'm gonna do bar stools and I'm still gonna be bidding on some of these Christmas keywords even though right now as I'm building this it's April so I'm still gonna bid on some of these keywords but I know that the search volume isn't gonna be as much as it is as we start getting more into the holiday season but if I could start getting some of that data in this campaign then hopefully during the holiday season I'll be able to see a lift for some of these different holiday keywords as I already have some data for them so we're just gonna keep going right down the list and keep trying to create more and more ad groups for all of these different blog posts and you're gonna see all these different keywords so tablecloths trunks ladders dining room decor sofas valence as pillows so it is gonna take a lot of time to build this campaign so I'm gonna fast forward this process a little bit just because I think if I spend 3 4 or 5 hours building a campaign most people are gonna check out at that point so I'm gonna add more ad groups at this point and then I'll come back to the video and show you essentially my final strategy as I'm getting ready to completely launch my campaign okay so you fast-forward a little bit at this point I'm up to 27 total ad groups that I've created and if we scroll down here you can see all the different ad groups in each ad groups or for looking at farmhouse trunks I'm targeting keywords related to farmhouse trunks I'm gonna be sending traffic to my farmhouse trunks page so if we come back over here you're gonna see this page right here so I'm going to be sending traffic to that page and the same thing for all these other ad groups so farmhouse tablecloths so what I like to do is create some of these ad groups directly in the Google Ads interface and this is where I like to use Google Ads editor so right now in my Google ads editor I only have five of the ad groups showing so what I can do is get recent changes more data all campaigns and click on okay so that will pull in all of those ad groups that I just created for this campaign okay so you'll see we have all these ad groups in here now and you're gonna see my ad groups contain no active ads so that's fine with me for right now so now what I can do is start creating my ads for all these individual ad groups the reason why I like using Google ads editor for my advertisements is what I can do is I've already created ads for farmhouse curtains so I'll come in here I'll take the responsive search ad and we're just gonna copy this responsive search ad and then what I can do is come over to drapes which is very similar to curtains so these advertisements will work very well in this ad group as well come over here to curtains come to the expanded text that and we'll do the same thing so we're gonna copy our expanded text ad and we're gonna come over your hair to farmhouse drapes and paste it so we have two of these advertisements in here now now again the first thing I like to do is we're gonna pull this over here and change our final URLs so we're gonna click on the advertisement we're in our drapes ad group right now so we're gonna come over to the final URL and change that first so we're gonna open this page and come over to our posts and you can see farmhouse drapes rustic drapes so come here copy link address and we're gonna come back over to our Google Ads editor and we're gonna change the final URL first we're in our expanded text ad now we can come over to our responsive search ad and we're gonna do the same exact thing expand this and come down to the bottom and change our final URL to farmhouse drapes so that's first and foremost and then you can work your way up or go back down so I'm just gonna come to the top here and it becomes much easier to change these advertisements when you already have a similar ad so farmhouse window treatments is a headline that's gonna work for drapes as well and I can do the same thing here so we'll come back over to curtains again we're gonna take our responsive search ad we're gonna copy it again and we're gonna come down to farmhouse surveillances so again another one that's gonna work well for curtains and drapes we're gonna paste the responsive search out in there come back up over here we're gonna come over to curtains take our expanded text ad we're gonna copy it and again we're gonna do the same thing come right back down here to farmhouse balances and paste it okay so one thing we can do to get rid of all these colors you're gonna see the review changes so the green means we just downloaded it purple means it's unposted and red means there's a conflict so if we click on done it'll get rid of those greens and purples so it makes it a little bit easier to see here so what we can do is we'll come over anything you see in bold means there's been some changes done to it so you're gonna see some of these are bold down here at the bottom and some of these ad groups are bold as well so that means we started creating our advertisements in these ad groups so essentially what I'm gonna do is just come over right to our farmhouse drapes ad group and we're just gonna change around some of these headlines and description lines to make sure they match the actual keywords that we're targeting so coming over to keywords you're gonna see we're just targeting the phrase match for farmhouse drapes I'm gonna end up adding more keywords to this campaign but for the time being farmhouse drapes the phrase match is gonna work just fine for me so we're gonna come over to our ads so come back over to our responsive search ad and we're gonna start here best farmhouse and we're gonna change this to drapes now one thing we can do is use Find and Replace so I went over that a little bit before so we can come here and we can just right-click and come down to replace text so we're gonna find text so we could find curtains and just replace it with drapes so we're gonna see how this ends up working out so we're gonna click on replace it's just gonna do it for this advertisement so we'll come over and you're gonna see we have farmhouse drapes window treatments farmhouse style drapes so we still have to kind of look here so you're gonna see here it was farmhouse curtains and drapes it changes to farmhouse drapes and drapes so you still need to double check everything and just make sure that all of your headlines and description lines look good so right now we'll go through each one okay so coming down here to description line one again we'll have to change a few things here but for the most part it looks pretty good so discover the best farmhouse drapes and rustic style window treatments you will love our farmhouse drapes and rustic drapes for sale at farmhouse goals our path one I like to just keep this all lowercase so I'll just do path one is drapes we have the right final URL so it makes it a little bit easier to create your advertisements once you start creating them for other ad groups for example if I come down to my farmhouse TV stands and we look at this if we're looking at farmhouse TV stands you can see there's a lot here just based around furniture so I can copy this and if we come over to our ad groups I can use it in something like bar stools it'll probably work in something like head boards and ladders so anything that's more furniture based these ads are gonna work well and it's the same for Rea done so as I start creating radon advertisements I'm gonna start with the exact ad group here and just do radon pottery for sale and then it's much easier to translate that advertisement for bowls canisters Christmas Easter Halloween so hopefully that all makes sense I mean I can sit here and create advertisements in each ad group but this video is just gonna end up being much longer than it really needs to be and you're not gonna really be learning anything new so that's why I like to use Google ads editor I think it's much easier to see the description lines here and changing around multiple advertisements becomes easier duplicating advertisements and changing landing pages which I'm gonna end up doing for all these ad groups is a lot easier in Google Ads editor so I want to go over kind of my campaign building process a little bit beyond my Google Ads tutorial so you can see exactly what I do when I'm creating advertisements and when I'm creating campaigns in general so we're just gonna come back over to drapes and make sure we finish that so we have our responsive search ad looks good we'll come over to our expanded text ad and again after I launch a campaign the last thing I do is I double check all of my advertisements so if I come in here to my drapes ad group and I'm seeing curtains and I don't see drapes featured in my headlines and my description lines then I want to make sure I change them I want to make sure all my final URLs are good that's one of the first things that I check because there's nothing worse than having an ad group for example if I had farmhouse coffee tables and I copy and paste that into drapes and then I'm sending traffic to the wrong landing page it's just gonna end up hurting my conversion rate and I'm gonna be driving traffic and spending money for clicks that really aren't worthwhile if I'm sending people to the wrong landing page so want to make sure we update all these ads here so for this it's a little bit easier when you're just doing expanding to expanded text ad to change from curtains to drapes so far Mouse window treatments discover the top rated farmhouse and will do drapes ok if you're looking for a farmhouse style of drapes you will find and I'll just leave them at farmhouse goals so our path one will do drapes and we have our final URL set so our advertisements look good for drapes so we'll just come down to valances and do the same thing so farmhouse valances valence --is and one more time and we'll change the path here and we want to make sure we change our final URL as well so again we're gonna come back over to our posts and find our farmhouse valence is page down here at the bottom copy link address and come back over and we're just gonna copy and paste our final URL in there for our expanded text ad we'll do our responsive search ad so for this I'll just do it manually be a little bit easier so I'll fast-forward to this a little bit okay so we have summarize creating now four valence is and for our other grad group here for drapes so what I'm able to do is post this now so we're gonna post it to our Google Ads account and all I need to do is keep going through each of these ad groups and creating my advertisements in them and again what I'm gonna be doing is running for advertisements in each ad group so I'm gonna take all of these advertisements and duplicate them send traffic to a different landing page I'm gonna do that at the very end now a couple more things I want to go through so if we come back over to Google ads and we're just gonna come into our valence is ad group you can see we have our keyword that we're targeting here if we come over to ads and extensions you're gonna see we have our advertisement here so it's saying this ad group does not have any ads but we do have advertisements in this ad group now and we're able to send traffic to the correct landing page and making sure that the keyword that we're targeting matches our ad as well okay now the last thing I want to go through is adding audiences to your search campaign so one of the things you can do is add audiences with the option to bid higher or lower on specific audiences now you either have the option to add audiences to your campaign level or you can add them individually to the ad group level now if you start adding audiences to the ad group level you're not gonna be able to add them to the campaign level so it really depends on what you want to try to do for example if we come back over to my ad groups and let's just say we'll look at farmhouse curtains for example so we'll come into farmhouse curtains one of the things I can do is come in here to audiences and I can add an audience to the ad group level and I can come to observation here and I can just search curtains and what you're gonna see is gonna pulp the in-market audience for curtains and window treatments so these are people that have are actively researching curtains window treatments balances drapes all of these different categories people are searching keywords related to that and they're also visiting websites that show that they're in the market for these products so I can add this to my ad group level click on save and I can bid higher specifically on this audience so we'll take the bid adjustment increase by 10% for example so a $10 bid will now become $11 you know it's not gonna be huge for a 25 cent bid but it if you are bidding higher it can increase it drastically or I can increase it by 100% so my 25 cent bid would now be 50 Cent's so what I'm gonna do as an example is increase this bid by 10% we're gonna click on save so now my $10 bid would become $11 it's not gonna be much again for a 25 cent bid however it is a way to bid slightly higher now one of the issues with doing it at the ad group level is let's just say I'd come back over here to the campaign level and I start to add an audience to the campaign level it's gonna say one or more at groups in this campaign already have audience targeting please remove the audience targeting from these ad groups before adding audiences to this campaign so the other option you have is just to add them directly to the campaign level really depends on your goals and what you're trying to do so if you want to add them to each individual ad group you do have that option so if I do want to add audiences to my campaign for example I would have to come to cancel here we're gonna have to remove this audience so permanently remove one audience and maybe four right now what I can do is just add a couple of audiences so I'll click here and we'll use observations so this just allows me to adjust bids higher or lower on this specific audience we'll say anybody who's visited my website in the past 540 days anybody who's in the market for home decor will just use these two audience as an example click on save and then what I can do is I can say if someone is in my remarketing audience then I'm gonna increase it by a hundred percent so we'll click on save if someone's in this home decor it market audience I'll increase by 25 percent so what I'm gonna be able to learn over time is how these specific audiences perform in my campaign that data is gonna be segmented here in the audiences so I can add these specific audiences in bid higher or lower on specific people who are searching my targeted keywords you could also find audiences and lower your bids if you want to if you think there's a specific audience that's gonna perform worse for you the other thing we can do is we can come down here to demographics so if we come to demographics we could actually remove individual demographics so I can say if people's ages are unknown I can remove them altogether if people's ages are 18 to 24 they tend to perform the worse on my website I can just come in here and exclude these ages from my ad group and you could do the same thing with age gender household income you can do combinations and exclusions so demographics might be worthwhile for you if you know there's specific age groups or genders that are gonna perform better on your website now if we come over to settings this is where we can adjust some of our settings if we just want to run on the Google search Network we can not include Google search partners but I would recommend including Google search partners and clicking on save now under bidding you're gonna see our bidding strategy is enhanced CPC I can change my bid strategy here if I wanted to coming down I can change the conversions that I want to drive you can change your ad rotational search ads on my website I would I have other tutorials about dynamic search ads on my channel if you're interested in learning more about them and I can adjust my budgets locations languages so all of these can be adjusted directly through the settings however I kind of wanted you to get a grasp on how I build campaigns and some of the best practices that I think you should implement in your own campaigns and essentially just to keep it simple make sure you're segmenting your ad groups and keeping them organized so for me if someone's searching would farm house signs I want to make sure I'm targeting that keyword I can add more keywords here and they're gonna start getting me keyword suggestions as well up here at the top and the notification it's going to tell me to add 130 keywords or whatever it is and I can start to add more keywords here over time but if I'm targeting this keyword I can make sure my ads are as relevant as possible I'm sending people to my farmhouse with wood signs landing pages so I know people are getting get a good seamless user experience so people who are actively searching for farmhouse wood signs or whatever they're searching for are gonna be able to find a huge list of products that are mean relevant for them so that's essentially how I build campaigns and I always always try to gear it towards driving conversions now the best way for me to keep teaching with this campaign is to run it for fifteen to thirty days and do some updates over time of how I optimize the campaigns and my overall results and what we can learn from them now the other thing we can do is come up here to recommendations and Google Ads is gonna start giving me some recommendations in here so if we come down you're gonna see it's gonna tell me to add site links to my campaign so that's something I need to do it's gonna tell me to add call-outs to my campaign that's another thing I need to do add structured snippets to my campaign and then you're gonna see download the Google Ads mobile app so over time they're gonna keep giving me recommendations so some of them might be to create different advertisements some of them might be you can see here raise my budgets you can see bid more efficiently with target CPA so I'm eventually gonna switch over to target CPA I'll do a video on that any of the changes that I'm making that are drastic for this specific campaign I'm gonna start doing that right now I'm showing my optimization score is forty four point six percent that's really not too out of the ordinary when you first launch a campaign because Google ads is gonna tell me to add a bunch of new keywords it's gonna tell me to change my bid strategy raise my budget add add extensions it might tell me to create different advertisements so all these recommendations are gonna show up here I like the recommendations because it essentially tells you these are things that could be dragging around your conversion rate and increasing your cost per conversion so if we come back over to our campaigns you can see we have our search campaign running I'm gonna increase this budget but I do want to keep improving this campaign right now we have 20 clicks we've spent $4.90 no conversions yet but I'm not really worried about that right now one of the things that might look low here is our interaction rate so if you're starting to see a low interaction rate or a click-through rate in the past what you can do is come here to segments and then you can go to network with search partners so one of the things you find is search partners are driving a lot of my impressions and only two clicks so this is a pretty low interaction rate but it all comes from search partners now Google search I still want to improve this interaction right here 994 impressions and only 18 clicks isn't the greatest interaction rate I try to get this above 3% if I can but a lot of times it just depends on overall competition and how much you're bidding so my interaction rate is probably pretty low because I'm not bidding very high yet and I haven't added all of my ad extensions to my advertisements so over time I think I can keep increasing this interaction rate which is gonna be really important because if we come into our search campaign we come over to our keywords and we're looking at our search keywords one of the things we can look at under columns is our quality score for each individual keyword so one of the big things takes into account is our click-through rate so don't worry if search partners are driving down your click-through rate it's not going to negatively impact your quality score you can see we have a low click-through rate here for this individual keyword and our quality score is still good at 8 out of 10 so I like to keep my quality score 7 out of 10 or above for all these targeted keywords so that's gonna be my goal for this campaign now last but not least is under keywords here you can always come to search terms and I always recommend coming to search terms and seeing which search terms are driving clicks and impressions so we have farmhouse TV stand these are all looking pretty good but one of the things I want to add is a negative keyword is DIY so I don't want people who are looking up DIY projects to find my website so I'm gonna take DIY and what we're gonna do is we're gonna take this keyword we're gonna add it as a negative keyword and all we need to do is take DIY just like this we're gonna add it to our campaign so now if anybody searches DIY farmhouse shelves DIY farmhouse TV stand any of these different projects that people are looking up I want to add them to my campaign as a negative keyword and click on save now the other thing you can do is if we come over here to negative keywords what I'd like to do sometimes is import a huge list of negative keywords and on my website on Surfside PPC comm slash Google Ads negative keywords I put together a guide in the list for how to use negative keywords I have a video tutorial here so if we keep scrolling down what I can do is take my negative keyword list for new campaigns that I created take all of these different keywords right here will copy them and you probably want to double-check these different keywords but a lot of them so tutorials training templates salary a lot of these keywords are people that are looking up something specific in terms of information if someone's looking for a template or someone's looking for quotes or someone's looking for prices I just want to exclude them for my campaign altogether I really just want to reach people who are actively researching farm-house products for sale so what I can do is come over here add a new negative keywords or create a new list or you can use an existing negative keyword list if you have one already so I have a negative keyword list already I can add this to my campaign but what I would prefer to do is we're just gonna add new negative keywords we're gonna add them to the campaign level and we're gonna copy and paste them so now we have all these different keywords added and right now they're added as broad match negative keywords mixed which means if anybody types in DIY definition Craigslist anywhere in their search query my ads will not show so you can take these ones with multiple words and use them as phrase match but I'm just gonna use them as broad match negative keywords and we're gonna take these add them directly to our campaign we're gonna click on save we could create a new list but that's fine for right now I'm just gonna add this directly to my campaign so now we have all these negative keywords added here you could change the match types if you want for these keywords however I'm just gonna keep it just like this and I think that'll help exclude a lot of keywords for my campaign so we have our search keywords that we're targeting I need to keep creating my ads here and I'm keep need to keep creating my ad group extensions but you can get the drift of exactly how I created this campaign how I use my ad groups and organize them based on the exact place where I'm sending traffic and the keywords that I'm targeting so we're gonna start getting some clicks and impressions in this campaign and over time I'll keep creating videos showing you how the campaigns going and whether or not I'm seeing it as a success or a failure so this is my Google ads campaign building tutorial how to create search campaigns and essentially from start to finish how I create search campaigns using Google Ads and also using Google Ads editor I would recommend testing Google ads editor see if you like using it some people just prefer to work directly in the interface I know times I work a lot in the interface and at times I work a lot in Google ads editor really depends on what I'm working on so if you have any questions about any of this please leave them in the comment section thanks for watching my video today and make sure you subscribe to the Surfside PPC youtube channel
Channel: Surfside PPC
Views: 25,788
Rating: 4.969419 out of 5
Keywords: google ads, google adwords, google search ads, google adwords search, google ads search, google ads tutorial, google ads tutorial 2019, google adwords tutorial 2019, google ads tutorial 2020, google adwords tutorial 2020, google ads search campaign, google adwords search campaign, google ads search tutorial, google search adwords, basics of google ads, google ads for beginners, google adwords for beginners, how to create google ads, how to create google ads campaign
Id: vU0VFcLfaBU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 42sec (4422 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 30 2020
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