Google Ads Shopify Dropshipping Tutorial | How to Get Sales at 4x ROI (SUPER Easy | Step-by-Step)

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alright guys we're gonna do something very special in this video today we are gonna completely hack and crack the Google algorithm and make it to where it just spits money at us every single day and specifically we're gonna talk about what is the easiest way to start and pretty much get quick profitable sales with Google which route should you go and so basically what I'm actually gonna do is it's gonna be like a little tiny case study originally what I wanted to do is actually have it with my product that I was using for the Facebook ads you know day 1 day 2 that little series unfortunately one of those products that I wanted to use kind of for that case study it's out of stock until the 20th and so that's kind of gonna be annoying for a little while so I'm gonna walk you through step by step a campaign and actually even show you inside one of the other accounts I just clicked record and so if you look right here so it's Friday June 7th let's actually refresh this so we have already 25 transactions it's 2 p.m. and 1.5 K in revenue and this is all coming from paid search and if we actually go back a day we had one point four K in revenue and once again that's literally a majority of it paid search and even the day before 1.7 K paid search so I want to show you what I'm doing literally with just Google Ads in order for me to get a good return oh and of course the next most important thing is what is your actual row as so let's look at it actually wanted to look at the yesterday but ok last 7 days is over a four row as this is really good this is just very very profitable so like I said this is pretty much gonna be a step-by-step tutorial so let's just get into it alright guys we are inside the computer and I actually put my thinking cap on because this training is gonna take quite a bit of glycogen but on the rail though first things first this is the product we're gonna be kind of going over and going through the case study with because I actually mentioned this product as one of the hot products on my channel earlier because this is scaling really really well actually with Facebook and there's other sellers selling this and they're making an absolute killing and so this is a really good example because this can actually work with Google as well now I'm going to be going over really everything kind of step-by-step setting up the campaigns we're even gonna be going into my account but before I go over all of that I want to kind of go over the strategy and why this is working so well for me and then that way I'll kind of just tie this all in together so the first thing is that no not too many people are using Google right now and a large majority of them are not using it correctly and a lot of people don't understand really actually how to bid correctly on keywords and what we're gonna be doing is finding underground keywords and underground terms that no one has found and we are gonna be bidding on them showing up you know at the top spot and getting all that really good traffic and traffic from Google literally converts at least for me anywhere from five to ten percent and this is across all my accounts and so this is something that you know for a product like this where let's say you know we're getting it for $50 and we're selling it for 150 the conversion rate might be anywhere from three to five percent which is really good as long as we're targeting you know relevant searches and for something like this this has amazing margin so that's the strategy I'm gonna be walking you guys through and it'll make more sense as we kind of go through this training okay so step one of this training is finding the underground keywords that are hyper targeted and the best way to do that is actually by using a Chrome extension called keywords everywhere and by utilizing kind of the search recommendations that Google uses so the strategy is to get keywords that range anywhere from I'll show you some right here anywhere from 700 a month all the way up to 33,000 searches a month now we gotta be careful with these big ones right here because it might blow through the budget so I'm gonna show you how to structure and how to structure your campaign so that way you won't have the mistake same mistake as I did because when I first did this and I was setting this up I blew through 800 dollars in 15 minutes and it was like one of the scariest moments of my life and I almost quit so I'm gonna show you guys how to avoid that so if you look this has about what five words in it and it has 33,000 searches a month and there's literally no competition this is amazing this is great and this is how you can get very good traffic really quickly another thing I want you guys to kind of look at is the cost per click of 142 I wouldn't really worry about that too much it's not accurate whatsoever because the way we're gonna be doing it is very very different for example like these guys that are bidding right here they pretty much they're listing is really bad and we're I'm going to show you how to make a really good listing with a really high quality score and so I'll show you the other terms this is another good one laser hair removal home machine and the way I find it is by typing in different combinations of keywords of that are relevant of course and then I go down here and I'll scroll and I'll actually use this extension and I'll look at related keywords and I'll go through here and I'll try to find keywords that would pretty much that pretty much stand out to me that would be relevant now if I don't find anything down there I'll do a different combination or I'll use the recommendation by Google search and so I'll look through here and I'll be like oh 1900 professional laser hair removal machines so I'll look through and I'll find good keywords another keyword I found was home laser hair removal machine this is 720 another one is IPL laser hair removal device now this has 90 searches a month this is low yet I would still use it so I would still bid on it because the way we're gonna structure it I'm actually going to have looser targeting so we could find kind of related good keywords that have different words in it but that are still related to our device so I know it kind of sounds complicated but it's actually really simple we're just trying to find good hyper targeted keywords and so here's another keyword even though this is 30 searches a month what I do with ones that are a little bit low as I go and I use you know the recommendation search bar and I try to find anything else that might be related to this keyword now if there isn't I'll still bid on this because why not and if I can get a sale from it I'll get a sale and I'll probably find related keywords to this when I start running ads because I'll have a column of search terms so I'll actually go over that really soon later on in this training now also actually what I'm going to show you guys is two other niches and two other products that are also very untapped and the reason why I want to show you that is because I want to show you that there's a lot of possibilities and it's not just with you know hot products that you see there are a lot of underground niches that people are not taking advantage over and so the first one is actually this baby first walking shoes so you'll see this has six thousand searches a month for something I didn't even know was a thing so I guess mom's will come on here looking for a specific shoe for their baby when they take their first steps I had no idea that was a thing but if you click on this ad you'll actually see that there's a landing page literally showing the features of this shoe and shows how it's specifically formulated for the first steps and I thought that was absolutely hilarious but nonetheless this is actually a real thing and no one's bidding on it which is amazing another thing again first steps baby shoes you can see that you can type in different combinations another niche magnetic eyelashes something I mentioned in my previous video that is actually a really good niche sixty thousand searches a month you can break this up and find more hyper targeted keywords so I want to recap what we're doing we're finding keywords that meet our range of you know sometimes we could have keywords as ninety a month ninety searches a month but we want to find anywhere from 500 to 1,500 searches a month and we want to have enough keywords kind of stacked up on each other until it equals about 5,000 to 10,000 searches a month now if you can't reach you know the 10,000 searches a month with by doing your research that's fine just set up your ads and run them because as you run your ads you're gonna find more keywords to kind of target and you can build upon that so it's super important to do your research in the beginning and this is one really good strategy to find the best longtail keywords and so now we're gonna go into the next strategy and it's very very very important and it's how we set up our campaign so let's get into that all right so we are in a fresh ad account and this is pretty much what you'll see if you actually don't have any campaign setup and so I'm going to be walking you through literally the best way to set up your campaign the best settings what you want to do right from the beginning and so first you want to actually create it without a guide in school we're going to click search as our objective and we're gonna click continue now for a campaign name just do top the funnel and then we'll do s KAG for scag because we're gonna do single keyword ad groups is a very good strategy in order to get a really low cost per click and quite a bit of impression share and high conversions so search Network so this is really important the locations of where you're targeting if you're not spending a lot and if you don't have a big budget then you want to stick with at most the big five if you're shipping from China just stick with the Big Five United States Canada Australia right and the reason why is because when I was starting out and I was looking at my cost per conversion I might see like in the US my cost per conversion is like $6 $5 but in Canada or Australia it's like 25 30 and so it but it lumps all together in my one ad group and I wouldn't have really noticed that and I might be like oh this keyword is a dud and so you have to make sure that you're really targeting kind of the main countries that you want to start off with and then of course you can branch out as you start putting more budget into your campaign and so that's kind of just like a long overview but for now what I would actually just pick is the United States and Canada and that you can kind of also include Australia now location options is also very important just click this button right here exclude exclude the people in here excluded location so that way you don't have overlap sometimes I get overlap and it's skews the data a little bit now the budget we're gonna be putting at least at least fifty dollars a day it is not gonna sometimes it'll spend the $50 sometimes it won't in the beginning and most likely won't because what we're gonna be doing is doing really low we're gonna be bidding for kind of low cost per click and so it might not even spend our entire budget but this budget is going to be spent across all of our ad sets so it's kind of like a CBO campaign in Facebook so it's gonna be across you know we have 12 13 15 ad sets or ad groups inside of Google that we're gonna be targeting in our budget will be distributed not necessarily evenly but it'll be distributed across all of those and so $50 is minimum and actually the next thing is bidding so we need to select a bid strategy that is different from what it wants us to select and so we're gonna scroll down to here manual cost per click and the reason why is because in the beginning when we have no data in Google we have to go manual and try to it's just the best way to make sure that we do not spend a lot and we are really in control because sometimes Google likes to play around with the account and say like you know we're gonna bid high here bit low here but it doesn't have any data now there's actually a completely different strategy after we do have data once you have you know conversions in your account I mean there's a way to scale even further but that is a completely different campaign completely different everything but in the beginning you want to use manual CPC now down here you're gonna see sitelink extensions call out these are very important but in the beginning just a quick little overview I would actually just take the search terms that you found the good little keywords and you're gonna put it in your sitelink extensions if you have time just play around at these sitelink extensions see what it looks like and just beefed up your listing the reason why you want to put those relevant keywords in that second link extension and call it extension is because it'll increase your quality score and pretty much it'll take up more real estate inside the Google search so when you pop up your listing will be bigger and that increases click-through rate which helps your quality score so that's like a little overview but yeah this is not gonna be the video for that now alright so this is a very another important part is the ad group so how we are going to create this is going to determine our entire success of the campaign so the way we're going to do this is with single keyword ad groups so this is ad group one and all we have to do is actually take our little keyword right here and we're gonna name it the keyword we're bidding on so that way we can stay really organized so let's say we're bidding on at home laser hair removal our default bid I always pick just $0.50 and then we're gonna go to a website now we're gonna go to a website it's called Adwords wrapper just just type in Adwords Keyword wrapper no CAPTCHA and you'll find it it'll be the first search it is the ugliest looking site but they did a really good job because what we're gonna do is right over here gonna see modified broad match phrase and exact match we want all three of these and so this right here this these little plus signs what this is going to do is allow our ad to show up whether someone does different combinations of the main keywords that we so you know we're trying to find words anywhere from three to four words long and regardless of the combination that they typed in we're gonna show up for that and so this has been very profitable for me but we also want these two down here so this is phrase match right here phrase matches we want to say hey Google anyone that types in this exact phrase and if they add one word in front or behind that's fine I still want to show up this is very profitable as well and then this is exact match so then this is telling Google hey look if anyone just types in this exact word okay we want to show up now this is how you get very specific and hyper targeted so you might find you know maybe your phrase match and broad match maybe your broad match is converting not as well for your ad group you can exclude it and you'll just have these two profitable kind of targeting methods inside your ad groups so this is your way to kind of have different options to get more targeted or less targeted but stay profitable so hopefully hopefully that made sense okay so then we're going to take that and we're gonna go back into the AdWords thing and we're gonna paste that in there now we have to do this for five ten twenty keywords and you're literally gonna repeat the process over and over so it's very simple once you're done you just click Save and continue now this is like the third most important thing is your ad this is where you're gonna get your click-through rate this is how you're gonna get your quality score this is pretty much everything I think I said that before on the last step but the way we're gonna actually get this to where it's gonna be profitable is we have to make sure our ad has the keyword in it that way Google will say oh this is really relevant we're gonna give you a look of high quality score and a low cost per click and so in a little bit I'll actually show you inside my account and I'll show you kind of what it'll look like and how to scale at least from in the first five days but for your final URL you want to pick your landing page so you really want to choose at least your landing page that you know has the product you're bidding on unless you're bidding on a really random keyword that's really broad and you're trying to scale then you could slam them on your homepage make sure your homepage is really kind like a sales page so anyway all right so your headlines so your headline is Lily gonna be the ad group so the this is actually gonna get you the highest click-through rate and it's kind of crazy but you know it's it kind of makes sense because people want to click on what they're searching for so home laser hair removal now if you find a keyword let's say you know this was super long like let's say home laser hair removal at home obviously this is not a word we'd be bidding on but this doesn't fit right well then just remove one of the words and then you're gonna replace one of those words into your headline number two so I'll make that make sense real quick hang on okay so if you look and you see this ad I just filled it out because it's boring to watch but limited-time 50% off you actually want to avoid capitalization I think Google just doesn't like it for whatever reason I think it just thinks that you're screaming at the customers and it's a no-no so limited-time 50% off headline 3 now in headline 2 this is what I was trying to talk about painless hair removal device so if you have home laser hair removal and device didn't fit then put painless hair removal device and you also want to kind of put a unique selling proposition or at least something kind of unique in your headline to now the next thing is this display path you could put literally any keyword you want into your display path and it won't change the link or the URL at all so the final URL that you put up here will not be changed by what you put down here so hopefully that makes sense you want to put it with keywords because it'll bold when someone types that in everything will be bolded and they're like ah I want to click on that and it's really good and then your description your you're really gonna put in something catchy so I put get this incredible home laser hair removal device and zap those stubborn hairs I don't know if I'd actually use that but it's close it's quick painless and on sale today so this is really good this is just a nice simple ad and very similar to what I would actually run and what I've seen really good results with and so we're gonna go ahead and click done save and continue alright now it's time for step 3 and this is I think the step that a lot of people get stuck on and it's it's very very crucial so I'm gonna kind of take you through day 1 to day 5 just a very good overview of what you should do when you're managing your campaign so if we look inside here your best friend is actually going to be let me click on the campaign we're gonna go to keywords and when you launch your kind of campaign after a day you're gonna wait 24 hours and you're gonna see and you'll be seeing search terms literally throughout this column so I'm gonna be taking you inside my live account and we're gonna be basically going over how you're gonna structure a profitable campaign and get very laser targeted so you're not paying for clicks that would have never converted in the first place but before I take you into the campaign I want to show you the negative keyword list and right immediately what you should do is create a negative keyword list we'll just click this blue thing and you're just gonna type in things like Amazon free cheap Walmart now if we were selling let's just say that a laser hair removal device I would put it in clinic and the reason why I'm doing all this is because we're not advertising on Amazon we aren't on Amazon and so we don't want to show up for things like Amazon Walmart free so we're gonna have like a very general keyword list in the beginning and then we're gonna have a bigger and bigger negative keyword list so let me quickly take you into my other account all right guys so we are inside a live account up so you can see on the left side it is blurred because it's a live account but I wanted to show you kind of the data that you can look at so we're under the search terms column and the most important part is to look at your search terms every 24 hours when you launch a campaign so every 24 hours you want to go look inside your Google account Google account and you're gonna see what terms are you showing up for and which ones are completely irrelevant and the ones that are relevant that you maybe see right off the bat you're gonna immediately click and you're gonna add as a negative keyword it's super simple and you're gonna add it as a campaign level now real quick actually wanted to show you guys my average cost per click is 61 cents I'm getting 61 cent clicks for the absolute best hyper targeted traffic because this is literally people searching for exactly what I'm selling and when you structure your ads the the best way like what I showed you you can get really cheap clicks in the best traffic with the lowest cost per can version and so it's a really win-win and right now it's at a four point six six row ads which is really good and so some terms have an eleven row as some terms have a two some have a 3.3 and so you'll look through here and you'll find terms maybe there's some terms that you you're you're showing up for that is somewhat relevant but hasn't converted yet let it spin at least half the margin of your product so if you're selling you know if you have a forty dollar margin profit margin at least let us spend till twenty dollars in order for you to make any kind of adjustment I suggest at least spending the full margin because you'll get some sales here and there and like I kind of said in the beginning what we're doing from day one to day five is completely different than what we'll be doing from when you start scaling that the scaling strategy is a completely different strategy but to get started this is exactly how you do it so that is the general gist of actually just setting up launching and kind of going from one to five days of your kind of grind period making sure that you're setting this up correctly and you're getting sales you're kind of seeing you're kind of just tweaking and so that is how you do it now guys if you like this video give it a like so that way it tells YouTube that this video is not garbage and if you're new here please go ahead and subscribe because I release videos just like this quite frequently but yeah guys I really I just hope this helps you out and a little bonus tip is on your landing page add the keywords sprinkled through to get an actual high quality score so Google look for all your landing pages and see kind of kind of what what terms you have on your landing page and it'll actually affect your relevancy and Google will see whether this is relevant or not so go ahead and let me try out different campaigns for different products because this by far is something that's been the most profitable for me I've seen the best results and it's always been consistent I didn't really see too much fluctuation at least with maintaining profitability so this is literally just step one of getting started with Google but with that being said that is the end of this video thank you so much and I'll see you very soon [Music]
Channel: Charlie Brandt
Views: 80,984
Rating: 4.971035 out of 5
Keywords: Tristan Broughton, Ivy Zhu, samir chibane, ecom wizard, google ads for shopify, google ads dropshipping, google ads tutorial, google ads for shopify dropshipping, google shopping ads, google text ads, how to make sales with google ads, setting up google ads, google ads walkthrough, google ads set up, shopify dropshipping, text ads, google ads 2019, Charlie Brandt course, 100k academy, Charlie Brandt courses, 100k launch and scale Academy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 10sec (1330 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 09 2019
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